The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 20, 1917, Image 4

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    Jltc ,
I "HI Zn v J
"JQrJcction wwo oust
The originator of the bifocal
idea wns Ben Franklin. His
glasses showed a heavy seam
across the face of them. Then
followed the cement and past
ed bifocals which were not
much of an improvement over
Ben's crude spectacles.
The lntest development in
bifocals is
Thoy aro tlic perfect glasses
for neat unl far vision, without
lino, scam or hump.
KRYPTOKB .(pronounced
Crlp.tockN) aro ono solid crystal
cloar Ions with smooth even surv
fuces, Thoy aro slnglo vision
In appearance,
Registered Optometrist.
The sign with the Hlg JUiiff
F. E. Bcullrd returned Saturday ev
ening from a short visit In Oninha.
Wanted Plain sewing. 203 south
Dawey. Mrs. Ida Wlngnrt. 8-4
Uet tho habit, and always go to Tho
Loader Mercantile Co.'s stors.
Attorney MoorohoUBo of Omaha.
.transacted htiRinoM here for several
days past and loft Sunday ovonlng
for Sldnoy.
Perry. SHton left Sunday ovonlng
for Omana after vjsiting his daughter
Mrs. Clark lluchunan who is the guont
of loaal relatives.
Tho I. O. .0. P. will hold a mooting
Thursday evonlug at which the lnitla
tory dogroo will.b0 conferred upon a
class of twolm
. iflHlhHiUlll MJ
Mrs. W. A. Sklnnor who had beon
taking medical troatmont In nn Om
aha hospital for sovoral wooks, re
turned home Sunday waning.
You must soo tho new lot of beau
tiful collars just opened up this morn
lng at The Ltndor Mercantile Co.'s
store, Georgottp cropo, organdlos and
a lot or others.
Mrs. John Hublltz, of Shorldan, for
merly Miss Mnbol Workman of this
city, was called hero recently by the
deatli of rolaltlvo and will visit horo
for somo time.
Mrs. Wm. Englo left yostorday
morning for Goring to spond sovoral
Miss Elva Day, of tho Kearney Nor
mal spent the week end with tho
liom0 folks.
Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stono Drug
Art W .Plummor, who spent last
week In penvcr returned homo Satur
day ovonlng.
All the now spring stylo women's
waists aro to bo found at Tito Lend
er McrcantHo Co. 'a store.
Mrs. J. B. Jetor mtaa called to Wash
ington Sunday ovonlng by tho serious
Illness of. a relative. . ;
Miss Elizabeth Wqir returned to
Grand Island Sunday evening aftor
visiting friends for a fow days.
Charles Dixon loft last ovonlng for
Omaha ko spond this week attending
tho Joft'olors' convention.
LeoDaly, architect of Omaha, 8Pont
Sunday horo on business pertaining
to luo Catholic school building.
Headquarters for Window glass.
iJ. L. Englohart who has boon em
ployed on the now Catholic school
building, loft Sunday ovonlng for Sid
ney Mr. anu Sam Soudor and baby re
' turned Sunday from Marysvlllo, Mo.,
where they visited relatives for two
Mrs. Frank Hatch roturned Sunday
ovonlng from Iowa whoro sho was
called recontly by tho death of a rol
atlve. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks MeadowB wore
called to Omaha Sunday ovonlng by
tho serious Illness or th lnttljh'Bt
father. 1
W J. O'Connor returned Sunday ov
onlng from nn oxtonded business visit
in Now York and otlior eastorn
Tho Triangle program nt the Keith
Thursday night presonts "Tho Little
Liar," a tory of an imnginatlvo little.
girl whoao dreams lead hor through
varied advonturos to ft thoroughly con
sistent end. With thi8 will bo shown
tho comedy, "Tho Lying Heart," with
Ford Sterling.
Mrs. G. PItzpatrick wlio has beon
catereflB at tho Oasis for sovoral
weeks was called to Denvor Saturday
morning by tho serious condition of
her husband who waa injured in an
nutomobllo accident Tho Injured man
was chauffer for Dennis Sheedy and
tho car which ho was driving struck
a tolephono post throwing him several
foot and fracturing his skull.
Tho checkor tournament hold by
Lonesomehurst club terminated Sat
urday evening nnd tho winners were
tendored a banquet at tho club rooms
by tho losers. Tho tournament wns
won by Ca'ptain Abncr Wessburg's
team who ' hod a majority of thrco
games. Sixteen young men took part
and thirty-two games wore played.
Paul Nolan won th0 greatest number
of gnmos played. Victor Anderson was
captain of tho losers.
John E. Nelson, who returned from
Holdrego tho latter part of last 'week,
says business In that town is excel
lent Ono thing Hint surprised him
very much mtis tho amount of monoy
which had been subscribed to the
publicity fund of tho commercial club,
tho subscriptions totaling nine thous
and dollars or nearly doublo tho ffiim
subscribed last year by the business
A bullotfn Just issued "by the state
board of health glvoa the following
vital statistic for Lincoln county for
tho year ondlng December 1, 1918: .
Births 2(!8, of which 137 ware malm
and LIS females.
Mnrrlagas 182.
Divorce granted twenty-six and
one dlamhtsed. The onuses for (heo
divorces wero: Nine crueJty on part
of husband ami four cruelty on part
of wife drunkenness of husband four,
non-support on part of husband four,
desertions by husband throe, destir
tions by wHe throe, adultery by wife
Por every seven marrlagos perform
ed-tlioro was ono divorco, a percent
ngn that is really appalling. The nor
centage In Lincoln county Is higher
than tho average for the stato.. the
state avorage being about five and
one-half to ono. In Douglas county
tho porcontago is loos than four to
ono, tha marrlagos for the year total
lng 2479 and the dfvorcos 739.
IN THE swr OF $1,300
Edwtard Dolter was given a var
diet of ?1,300 by the tho district court
Jury Saturday in his suit against tho
Doolittlo Produce Co. Delter sueii for
over $9,000 for injuries received in
1913 when a boiler in tho Doolittlo
bakery, in which ho was employed, ex.
.1 . 1 . . . ...
piuucu ami sonousiy injured him. Ho
wa9 given $200 by the Doolittle Co. to
help pay his hospital expenses, and
was also offered $1,000 to repay him
for tho injuries sustained, but he re
fused to accept the proffer.
Tho Jury roturned tho verdict after
being out nbout twenty-two hours. It
Is said. tho defendants will appeal to
tho supromo court
of morchnndlso nro still advancing,
and not only Is tho buyer confronted
with hlghor prices,' but It Is Impos
sible to got tho 'quality of goods ho
desires, Hulxstltutos only In many lines
being obtainable. Tho demand for
goods Is licnvy, and the Jobbers have
troublo in gdtting tho stocks from
tho monufactmrora and tho Inttor ex
porionco difficulty in getting tho raw
material thoy nood.
Call 125 for Taxi day or night.
Also flvo or sovon passongor (Tar for
funeral sorvlco.
Chandler & Elcar Agency,
Corner Eighth and Locust Sts.
The Ford Motor Co.
This moans your signed order at onee that wo
may order your
for future delivery.
Touring Car $395.05, Runabout $380.05
Cor, Fourth & Dewey. North Platte, Neb.
Real Estate and
ii insurance
Will look after renting your property at reosonnblo rates. Phono
B'acK 550 and we will call. Notary and Justice of tho Peace
David Garrlck's greatest ambition
Is to uplift the stage. All his wonder
ful talents aro directed toward that
end. Ho becomes tho Idol of many but
advances, particularly from women.
arouso no interest In him, until one
night whll0 Playing Romeo ho sees
Ada Ingot In tho audience. An offer
from Simon Ingot to Garrick to cure
his daughter of an infatuation of
which ho does not approve In order
to leave a clear field for Squiro Chevy
puts a most trying bond on Garrick as
ho was tho favored) suitor. The evolu
tion of tho otory holds ono breathless'
with interest in its masterly combina
tion of humor, pathog and tenderness.
Dustln Farnum is cast as David Gar
rick and In it doos somo of thei boat
work of his career.
:o: :
Tho initial work' of layimr twontv-
tliroo miles of additional tracks
J MMU.I.UdUl ..... V. ltV!W (I,
men Of North Plflltn far 1in oniiia .mi I tll6 local VriMlq una ctnrtr.,1 Mm
- . j m.....v.' i . i. - u.u. IVlt II1U llllLUl
loso. Much of tills fund at Holdrogo Pnrt of miit wcok when an extra gang
will bo used in bettering roads load- of slx'y '"on was put to work. This
lng into town. gang is working in th0 vicinity of tho
Wm. Harcourt. recontly homo from IT"'' ,I0fU80' nnd ,l9 co'Posed prin-
Now York and Chicago, whoro ho pur- 1 tU1 ,f, "ntlvo Vborn mcn- Anotllor
chased stock for his store, says prices f ,f abUt lB,lly Inon W,U bo ut
of morchandlRo mi n,iv to work "8 800,1 ns 'roat gets out
of tho ground. It Is tho intention to
rush this work as fast ns possible and
It is probable that all told 200 men
will bo employed when tho spring
days come.
Tho Platto theatre undaf tho man
agement of J. T. Norton .opened Sat
urday with a largo attendance at tho
matineo and a crowded houso in tho
ovonlng. Tho progrnm offered proved
vory: satisfactory to tho patrons. Both
tho '..interior nnd tho exterior of tho
thcatro havo beon ro-palntodv chnnges
mndo In the seating nrrangemonts and
tho playhouse as a whole much im
proved. Al Tift, who recontly "purchased tho
Waldo grading oittllt including Moon
head of horsos, has ordorod cars for
shipmont to Minnesota' whoro ho has
a contract for grndlng a state high
way. Ho will run tliroo outfits and
expects to do n hundred housand dol
lars' worth of work this year.
The case of Harvoy Godfroy against
H. L. Douglns was postponed Friday
until tho latter part of this wook.
Godfroy sues for $224 damages for In
Jurlos rocelvod by his son when tho
horse upon which ho wns riding was
struck by tho Douglas car.
Mrs Johnson roturned to Ft. Dodge
yostorday after visiting for sovoral
wooks with hor daughter Mrs. Fred
Hegistorod Porchoron Stnlllon for
salo choap. Thomas B. Doolittlo.
North Plntto. Nob. s-8
: :o: : --
nuhsi: imowx memorial
Tho llfo of this Institution come?
through tho successful uso of tho truo
and tried Homeopnthio romedy; noth
ing hoaling moro quickly, nioro easily,
moro permanently.
Horo is a hospital that is making it
self known by good results in Major
and Minor Surgery, and which Is the
IlOniO Of Orlflnlnl Sllrcnrv m.III. o
complishmonts that no other system
rst Jbmemy
Therefore we have arraiiged for the
Sale and Delivery of
Blue Diamond, Whole Wheat,
Graham and Rye Flour
and Corn Meal
Heretofore sold in 500 pound lots
In any quantity, at wholesale prices and with a
strict money back guarantee
Believing that the little consumer is entitled to this reduc
tion in price ns well as tho big purchaser, we have adopted
tiiis course.
Shorts, bran, whent, corn, onts, barley, chop, ground mix
ed feed, mixed chicken feed, alfalfa baled hay and tankage that,
have previously been delivered in only 500 pound lots will here
after also be delivered in any quantity nnd nt our usual low
Leypoldt &
Phone 99
Office, Elevator and Warehouse, Front and Silber Avenue."
A Good Shot.
The town boaster was In n romlnls-
,ceut mood and for the beneilt of the
crowu or young loaicrs gathered at
the village store had been recalllntr tho
stirring times on tho first election day
arter the war in the southern town
uvere lie had lived.
"i'es-sir-ee, that was a hot time." ho
concluded. "Thoy was n lot of shoot
lti' took place, and I done my share of
it, I tell you. Why. fellers. I shot and
shot until my old revolver just felt hot
to my nanus."
Turning to another old man who hud
come from tho sumo southern town, ho
said rather condescendingly: "Why.
,nui, you must a- been tliere that dav.
How many times did you shoot?"
.urn spat with deliberation, rolled his
eyes reflectively and answered: "Jest
onco. 1 was right in the thick of it
when tho fight begun, and I shot round
tho corner and down Into a cellar."
Vouth's Companion.
acute and chronic dlseaBos.
1008 West llli St. North lMutte. Neb.
No Black on Nature's Palette.
Nnturo uses no black In any pnrt of
hor work. I will not except tho black
berry and the so called black pansy.
On a bright, clonr day shndows on the
snow are imlo ultramarine blue; under
a blue sky In midsummer tho color of
tho placid lnko is cobalt blue and the
shadows on tho grass are lilac; on n
wentheied gray board walk they are
nearly as blue as tho sky Itself. The
palpitating ntmosphore of a warm July
day lifts tho coloring of tho landscape
to a higher but softer key lnsteud of
reducing it with gray, and In tho au
tumn, when tho sugar mnple's leaves
aro turned to gold, tho shadows on
tho trunk and every gray rock In tho
vklnlty nro tinged with strong lilac.
In line, when tho sun shines every
thing, even tho shadow, which wo are
prono to believe Is gray, is repleto
with color. V. Schuyler MathowB.
Hitting at tho Ball.
Jim used to play hi So. Ills game
was fairly good could putt, upproach
and cut tho ball, was steady with his
wood. Then Jim read all Uio golfer's
books, absorbed each written lino und
found his game wns going bad. Ho
played in 89. Kind frionds essnypd
to help Jim out instructed what to do.
Ho followed all their kindly tips nnd
played In 02. And then ho cut out theo
rics-Just practiced day by day, with
different clubs a-hitUng at tho ball
whero'cr it lay. So Jim now llnds un
SO Is no trick to play nt all If ho prac
tices Plain hlttliiK Just nlnlu "blttlnc
at tho ball." Golfers' Magazine. j
"Tho DovN'a Pajany" rfill bo shown'
at tho Crystal Wednesday night with'
Joseph Knapp returned Saturday
morning from a business visit in Ogal-alla.
Charles A. Dorsoy, Harry C. Dorsey,
Minnie Dorsey, and. the unknown own
ers and unknown claimants of the
North Kast quarter (NB4) of Section
twenty-nine (29), township nine (!),
rnnKe thirty-three, (33), West of the
6th 1. M., in Lincoln county, Nobras.
ka, will hereby take notice that on the
16th day of February, 1917, Stanley
Constantino, plaintiff herein, nied his
petition in the District Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska, against tihe
following named defendants, to-wit:
Charles A. Dorsey, Harry C. Dorsoy,
Minnie Dorsoy, J. A- MasseiiKale (llrst
and ronl name unknown) nnd tho un
known owners and tho unknown claim
ants of the North East quarter (N!34)
of Section twenty-nine (29), township
nine (!)), range thirty-three (33),
West of the 0th 1'. M. in Lincoln coun
ty .Nobraskn. the object nnd prnyer of
which aro to quiet Uio title to tho
North Kast quarter (NI3V4 ) of Section
twenty-nine (29), township nine (9),
North of range thirty-three (33), West
of tho Cth I'. SI., in Lincoln county, Ne
braska, as against tho defendants and
each of them. Plaintiff further prays in
his petition, that a certain deed to said
premises from tho plaintiff to tho said
Charles A. Dorsey, be decreed and de
clared to havo been a mortgage, nnd
that said mortgage be decreed to have
been wholly paid and satisfied, and the
lien of said mortgage thereby wholly
extinguished, nnd that tho said de
fendant Charles A. Dorsey, be ordered
aZCiV court t0 execute to plan
tl(T a re-conveyance of Bald nremlspi
and In default thereof that the said
decree stand as such conveyance, an
r wi--0610'?. lleetl from tho defendant
Til?8r.AA Dorsy to the defendant
Harry C. Dorsey purporting to convev
an undivided one-half intorest in said
cTrWhe, 8n,(1 defendant Hwrr
l. Dorsey, bo decreed to have passed
tPVeineI,rtllen',1tlt,e' Interest or es
tate in and to said real estate. In tho
said Harry C. Dorsoy, and that the
Plaintiff s title be quieted as against
tho said Charles A. Dorsey Harry C
kale, and the unknown owners, nnd
unknown claimants of tho North East
f"nrt?n XE,'if Sectio,Wwety-n"ne
tv tf,rnt?i5Vsl,lpn,no (9)' range thir-ty-threo
(33), west of th Gth I'. SI., in
I',,nmcou"t'- Nebraska, and that
Plaintiffs title in nnd to 'said real es
tate bo forever connrmed, and quieted
In him as against said defondnnts clalm
M,nUM1er B,?V1 ;leels or otherwise, nnd
that tho said defendants nnd each of
them be forevor enjoined from setting
, i.i al,n'n5 any, interest in, or to
sa d real estate, under or by virtue of
said deeds or otherwise, and for such
nuire further re"ef as equity may
You are required to answor said pe-
Aprn. l917r r 11,6 2lUl ,,ny of
Dated February 19, 1917.
f-'Uv His Attorneys.
. , " I
illij D0LLAR i l l
In the iMcDonald State Bank. If I!
j That will give you the support I
and encouragement of this Bank. l
1 1 ! Brin8 t,ie dollar today brine I 19
ue- 11 r
i, I ,IU
can dnro clmllongo in tho treatment of Franklin Farnum nnd Leah Balrd in
URlltn nml ohpnnln illonn.n. I .
tho lending roles. It Is another ox
nmplo of Uio truth in the procopf'Tho
John S. Twlnoill, M. I).1 Wngos of Sin is Death
That will give you the support
and encouragement of this Bank.
Bring the dollar today brine
more it you can. Why?
cause your money earns money
in a Savings Account here at 4
per cent compound interest, and
you will soon get the desire to
come here with your deposits on
regular days.
This is the bank for
girls, men and women who will
save small or large amounts
Make your start now.
M? Don ald State Ban k