The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 20, 1917, Image 3

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Restored to Health by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Aurora. 111. "For seven lone months
I Buffered from a female trouble, with
severe pains in my
back and sides until
I beenmo so weak I
could hardly walk
from chair to chair,
and got so nervouo
I would jum at tho
slightest noise. I
was entirely unfit
to do my house-
ork, I was giving
up hope of over be
ing well, when my
sister asked mo to
try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound. I took six bottles and today I
am n healthy woman ablo to do my own
housework. I wish every suffering
woman would try Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, and find out for
themselves how good It is." Mrs. CARL
A. Kieso, 596 North Avo., Aurora, 111.
The great number of unsolicited tes
timonials on file at tho Pinkham Lab
oratory, many of which are from timo
to timo published by permission, are
proof of tho value of Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetablo Compound, in the
treatment of female ills.
Every ailing woman in the United
States is cordially invited to write to
tho Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co.
(confidential), Lynn, Mass., for special
advice. It is free, will bring you health
and may save your life.
Her Own Way.
A. F. Thorn, the representative of 83
per cent of America's railroads be
fore tho Newlauds committee, said at
a dinner:
"The railroads nre not Utopian.
They know the kind of world It Is, nnd
they don't ask Impossibilities.
"In fact, the railroads of late years
have come to have the rather
Brim outlook of tho chap whoso girl
" 'Oh, no, George, I don't sco how I
could possibly marry you. You know
I always want my own way In every
thing. "'You could keep on wanting It,'
said George, 'nftor we were married.' "
It is cruel to force nauseating,
harsh physic into a
sick child.
Look back at your childhood days.
Remember tho "doso" mother Insisted
on castor oil, calomel, cathartics.
How you hated them, how you fought
against taking them.
With our children It's different.
Mothers who cling to tho old form of
physic simply don't realize what they
do. The children's revolt Is well-founded.
Their tender Httlo "Insldos" are
Injured by them.
If your child's stomach, liver and
bowels need cleansing, give only doll
clous "California Syrup of Figs." Its
action is positive, but gentle. Millions
of mothers keep this harmless "fruit
Iaxatlvo" handy; they know children
lovo to tako it; that it never fails to
clean tho liver and bowels and sweet
en tho stomach, and that a teaspoonful
given today saves a sick child tomor
row. Ask at tho store for a EO-cent bottle
of "California Syrup of Figs," which
has full directions for babies, children
of all ages and for grown-ups plainly
on each bottle. , Adv.
Meant All Right.
Musical Instrument Dealer (to new
boy) Now, If while I am out a custo
mer wants to look at a mandolin, flute
or piccolo, you know what to show
Boy Yes, sir.
Dealer And suppose he should want
to seo a lyre?
Boy I'd ask him to wnlt until you
enmo In, sir. Boston Evening Tran
script. Meat Eaters9 Backache
Meat lovers are apt to have back
aches and rheumatia attacks. Unless
you do heavy work and get lots of fresh
air, don't eat too much meat. It's rich
In nitrogen and helps to form uric acid
a solid poison that irritates the
nerves, damages the kidneys and often
causes dropsy, gravel and urinary dis
orders. Doan'e Kidney Pills help
weak kidneys to throw off uric acid.
Thousands recommend them.
A Nebraska Case
N. M. Duchtol, Clay
Coater, Neb., says:
"My back pained so
badly that 1 couldn't
tnovo around. I
didn't rest well nnd
mornings was mora
tlrod than wlion I
went to bed. My
kldnoya wero too
frequent In action,
Tho doctor's inedt
clno didn't help me
nnd Anally I took
Doan'a Kldnev Pills.
Inn Picture
Mil a Story"
Slnco using flvo boxes I havo never
had a symptom or Kidney complaint,"
Gat Doan'e at Any Store, 60 o a Box
"rough on nnsMgp.jOu,&n,a0aa
If tou hT ben tnrrateoed or Jute G A I.L8TONKH,
INUIQKSTION.UAB or palm In the right, CD Eg
We write (or valuable Book of Information rntC
u . sonKki, uwr. w-n, i . miuboki kT.,uuuM
White House Is a Most Desirable Residence
WASHINGTON. The White House Is far nnd nwny the most desirable
residence in the national capital. (This In spite of tho nobility of vice
presidents, which, of course, obliges them to tho generous tradition of Fill
more, who snld, when ho was called
to thejOxecutlve mansion, "This Is my
first 'misfortune.") It Is tho most per
sonal, most picturesque of the govern
ment's possessions. Its history Is tho
history of many of our American
Ideals, says Harrison Ithodcs in Har
per's Magazine.
The White House, as is natural,
Is the constant theater of the conflict
to bo observed everywhere In Anil-rl
can life between oitr wish to have an
aristocracy and our wish not to. But,
on tho whole, the disinterested observer must adjudge victory to our deep
seated democracy which makes It really unsuitable that tho White House
should ever be exactly fnshlonnblc.
We never forget not only Hint tho presidential residence Is our home, but
Hint tho president in It is our mnn. The almost Utopian democracy of public
receptions at tho White House Is both engaging nnd picturesque. In the
early days congressmen used to come to them with bowlc knives In their high,
cowhide boots, and In Jackson's time, gunrds with stout sticks beat back the
guests while the food was being fetched from the kitchens. Then an .eve
ning party had all the charm of a riot. A diplomat complained not so long
ago that even at tho exclusive receptions for the corps, the American young
ladles surreptitiously cut all the buttons off his clothes for souvenirs.
Another diplomat, new to these democratic shores, arriving lato for n
New Year's receptlou, was astonished to find that the negro hackninn who
had driven him to the White House had slipped In ahead of him and was tho
first to grasp the presidential hand I
Funny Letters Received by Members of Congress
MEMBERS of congress continue to receive letters in which the writers dis
play unconscious humor. Here Is one that reached Representative Italnej
of Illinois: "All tho old wlmniln' I know aro getting a pension, but I don't
gressman by a country doctor, whe
examined a third pension npplicnnt: "The soldier, as a result of his active
service in tho Civil war, has contracted valvular heart disease, nnd there Is
a very bad regurgitation of the mitral vnlve, giving a loud murmur on oscu
lation." A West Virginia congressman hns a constituent of venerable age who
Is not In sympathy with modern progress. Recently the congressman received
a letter from the old mnn and dictated a courteous reply to his stenographer.
The lawmaker's surprise may bo imagined when ho got this answer:
"You don't need to print your letters to me; I can read wrltlng.'i
One-Legged Men to Convene in National Capital
FIFTY one-legged men will arrive In this city next June, will be welcomed
by a one-legged hotel man, and will settle down to n three-day organization
convention of tho most extraordinary character ever started In the Capital
City. The one-legged men will be
mostly snlesmen for artificial limb
firms In tho United States. They pro
pose to organize socially nnd to dis
cuss ways and means of Increasing
their firms' business with European
Gustnv Gumpert will bid them
welcome. Gumpert Is prominently
counted on to become president of
tho One-Legged Men's Association of
America." Ho lost his limb ten years
ago In the service of his country,
when he was gunner's mnto nboard one of Uncle Sam's battleships. A bland
smile curled the Hps of Mr. Gumpert when he told of plans for this odd con
"You bet we'll havo a bully time, tho bunch of us," he snld. "Ever notlco
that one-legged men aro tho best fellows In the world?
"We're going to organize nn association that every mother's son of us
will he proud to be a member of. And you can see we're going to be 'some'
"Anybody that's a good fellow enn bo n member, but they've got to
measure up to pretty rigid standards. No ordinary bipeds can belong to our
Valuable Government Maps Offered at Low Price
TnE project of covering the 3,000,000 square miles of the United States
with accurate land surveys was adopted by the government as far hack as
1882, but the work Is even now less than half completed, according to exports
veying tho area It represents. The
federnl government itself Is making a largo and Increasing use of these
topographic maps, but tho expenditure of public funds for theso surveys Is
otherwise fully warranted, tho ofllclals of the geological sbrvey think, only
ns tho public uses the maps. To promote this use, the survey has recently
given more attention to tho wider distribution of tho mnps.
According to those who havo been at work on this plan nnd aro most In
terested In Its success the distribution of a government mup Is largely a
problem of publicity, though the necessity of adopting commercial business
methods In handling orders for the maps when onco a demand Is created Is
not overlooked. In Informing the public of tho existence of authoritative
maps published by tho government a special effort Is now made to reach tho
communities In each areu covered by the map, and to this end every map, as
Issued, is brought to the attention of the local and state pross, as well hh to
postmasters und schoolteachers.
Other methods of promoting wldor distribution Involve tho co-nporntlon
Df Boy Scout musters, schoolboys and hotel managers, as woll as of a largo
lumber of book stores as local agents.
get none. I hnve raised live Idiot
children, and think I oughtter have a
pension. I'lease send one at once.'
And here Is another, which Rep
resentative Jacoway of Arknnsas
found in his mall:
"I'lez send me a pensun by return
mnll. I wuzent In the army, but my
father wuz. And 1 could prove It,
but the etiptaln lost the mustard role.''
This Is an extract from an alll
davit submitted to n Missouri con
of the geological survey. It Is said
that the standards of accuracy und
refinement In this work hnve been
constantly raised by tho engineers
cnrrylng It on, with tho view of meet
ing adequately every use to which the
resulting mnps can be put. Tho law
provides for tho sale of theso maps by
the survey at the cost of printing,
which Is Interesting when It Is taken
Into account that this cost Is only a
small percentage of tho cost of sur
Feeding Should Be Governed by Ani
mal's Capacity to Produce Milk
Good Rules for Winter.
The feeding of the dairy cow should
lie governed by the cow's capacity to
produce milk. By keeping n dally
record of each cow's production, tho
skillful feeder soon llnds that some
cows in the herd respond to an In
creased allowance of feed and return
n good profit on It, while others are
limited In milk capacity and overfeed
ing them Is unprofitable. Profitable
feeding requires a thorough knowl
edge of the Individual cows as well as
of the values of feeds.
The following general rules will be
found Invaluable us a guide for win-
Mature Ayrshire Cow With Record of
11,708 Pounds of Milk and 536
Pounds of Butter.
tor feeding by tho Inexperienced
feeder :
1. Under most circumstances tho'
cow should bo fed all tho roughage
that she will eat up clean, adjusting
the grain ration to the milk produc
tion. Only when the cow tends to be
come overfat should tho quantity of
roughage bo restricted.
2. A grain mixture should be fed
In the proportion of 1 pound to each
:$ pints or pounds of" milk pro
duced by the cow, except in tho
easo of tho cow producing a How of
10 pounds or more, when tho ration
can be 1 pound to each 11
or 4 pounds of milk. An even
better rule Is 1 pound of grain lach
day for every pound of butterfat pro
duced hy the cow during tho week.
:i. Feed all the cow will respond to
in milk production. When she begins
to put on flesh, cut down the grain.
Don't Walt Until Animals Commence
to Die of Blackleg Before Ad
ministering Treatment.
(By Q. H. GLOVEIt, Colorado Agricul
tural College, Kort Collins.)
Calves should bo vncclnated for
blackleg twice a year, making It u
regular chore, and do not wait until
they begin to die before getting ready.
Tho period of ordinary susceptibility
ranges from three months to two and
one-half years. Most of the vaccine
on the market Is reliable and the un
satisfactory results are usually due
to carelessness on tho part of the
farmer In not following directions In
using It.
The agricultural college distributes
the government blackleg vaccine free
to farmers of Colorado. Orders for
vaccine will not bo filled promptly,
however, unless the applicant states
that ho has a vaccinating outfit, which
s very necessary to administer vac
cine In tills form. A pellet Injector
will not do, neither will n hypodermic
syringe, without the remainder of tho
outfit, for placing the vaccine In solu
Article Made by Farmer Should Top
the Market Creamery Has Lit
tle Control of Cream.
There is no renson In tho world why
the farmer cannot make butter of high
er quality than that made at the
creamery, according to N. E. Olson, In
structor In dnlry husbandry in tho
Kansas sato agricultura. college.
"Tho farmer cuti keep his cream In
excellent condition," says Mr. Olson,
"while the creamery man has little
control over the cream he buys hence
tho farmers' butter should top the
"Tho first step In tho making of good
butter Is the production of clean milk.
If milk contains no putrefactive and
gas-forming bacteria, butter can bo
produced which will bo free from odors
and which will not putrefy, If proper
precautions aro taken with the cream
and with the butter after It Is churned
and packed."
Keystone of Herd Improvement Is In
Swatting Scrub Sires Speciali
zation Is Basis.
The keystone of herd Improvement
Is In swatting the scrub and using u
purebred sire. The bull Is more than
half tho herd, for with good Judgment
In mating and culling, all his progeny
will "tako after father" In n few gen
erations. The purebred makes better gains for
tho amount of feed consumed becauso
It has been developed along Hues of
specialization. Specialization Is the
basis of profit In every Industry. Tho
inoro highly specialized a machine or
nn animal, the more efficient It Is and
tho easier It meets competition and
success rests upon the ublllty to compete.
Break a quarter package of Skin
ner's Macaroni Into boiling water, boll
on or twelve minutes, drain and
blnnch. Take equal parts of cold
chicken, boiled Macaroni and tomato
sauce; put In layers In a shallow
dish and cover with buttered crumbs.
Bake until brown. Just try this once.
Skinners Macaroni can bo secured at
any good grocery store. Adv.
Ecstatic Moments.
Sninle Had a most enjoyable time
at tho dcntlst!s this afternoon.
Dale Kb ? EnJoynble?
Smnle Yes. When I went In, an
other dentist was filling my dentist's
teeth. London Answers.
SK For
Tlio Gardon In Ilnlf tlio
right kind of a n-rJm. And you caa't ri'iM
tart with Iowa grown trrai are the wit in the wocU and ara the kind lot you'
to cleat, and Flela'e la ilia rjlaca to act thorn.
Write For Garden nnd Seed Book and Seed Sense, Free
Our Seed Bock tflli you tht real truth about the imlt and ftivn you common
ItrtM foitiuMonl about atdrninf . And Seed Sente It the diKli-t little BtrJu
paper you em mw. We tend it free to our euitomert. . Get ihrte book, and raita
I bin atravo end beat the I liali txt of
Frog Hide In Skin Grafting.
A successful method of skin graft
ing, in which frog sldn is lined Instead
of human skin, ns a covering for slow
healing wounds, Is described In tho
nrltlsh Medical Journal by Cnpt. H.
W. M. Kendall. Wounds In which tho
skin hns been destroyed heal natural
ly with a contracting scar, which Is
often unsightly and Inconvenient, but
this method leaves a neat and supple
scar. Frog sldn can be obtained In
abundance at tho front. Tho -loose
skin on tho Inner side of tho frog's
leg is snipped off with scissors, spread
out nnd applied by Its undor surface to
the wound, which hns been Cleansed
without antiseptics. It Is then fixed In
placo by a covering of guttapercha tis
sue nnd n dry dressing. In three days
tho slto of tho graft appears as a spot
branching outward toward tho edges
of tho wound. After tho fifth day the
wound Is dressed with boric ointment
until healing Is completed, nil contrac
tion being avoided.
Save Your Halrl Get a 25 Cent Bottle
of Danderlne Right Now Also
Stops Itching Scalp.
Thin, brittle, colorless nnd scrnggy
hair Is muto evidence of a neglected
scnlp; of dandruff that awful scurf.
There Is nothing so destructive to
tho hnlr as dandruff. It robs tho hair
of Its lustor, Its strength and its very
life; ovcntunlly producing n feverish
ncss nnd Itching of tho scalp, which
If not remedied cnuscs tho hair roots
to shrink, loosen nnd die Ihen tho
hnlr falls out fast A llttlo Dnndcrlno
tonight now any time will, surely
save your hair.
Get a 25 cent bottlo of Knowlton's
Dnndcrlno from any store, and nftcr
tho first application your hair will
tako on that life, luster and luxuriance
which is so beautiful. It will become
wnvy nnd fluffy and havo tho appear
anco of nbundanco; nn incomparable'
glosa nnd softness, but what will
please you most will bo after just a
few weeks' use, when you will actual
ly sco n lot of fine, downy hnlr now
hnlr growing nil over tho scalp.'Adv.
Her' Ladyship.
"So Peggy's grown up and got mar
ried? What a romantic child she was,
nnd how sho used to tnlk about marry
ing n title."
" "Well," sho did."
"You don't mean it? What Ib sho
now, a countess or a duchess?"
"Neither; she's a coal baroness."
Boston lJvenlng Transcript.
Important to Mothers
Examlno carefully ovory bottlo of
OASTOItIA, that famous old remedy
for Infants und children, and sco that it
Henrii thn
Signature of QMJ&!A
In Uso for Ovor 30 Years.
Children Cry for Flotchor'B Caatoria
Where Farmer's Interest Lies.
Tho farmer Is especially Interested
In seeing workmen employed regularly
and at good living wages.
Is tho experlenco you havo acquired
worth what Is cost?
In splto of tho best care ono takes
of oneself, any part of tho human machino
is liablo to becomo out of, order. Tho
most important organs aro tho stomach,
heart and kidneys.
Tho kidneys aro tho scavengers nnd thoy
work day and night in separating tho
poisons from tho blood. Their signals of
distress nro cosily recognized and in
clude such symptoms as backache, de
pressions, drowsiness, irritability, head
aches, dizziness, rhcumatio twinges,
dropsy, gout.
"The very best way to restore tho
kidneys to their normal state of health,"
says Dr. Pierce, of Uuffalo, N. Y., "is to
drink plenty of pure water and obtain
from your favorite pharmacy a small
amount of Anurio, which is dispensed by
almost every drupgist." Anurio is incx-
pensive nnd should be taken beforo meals.
You will find Anuric moro potent than
llthia, dissolves urio acid as water docs
Safety First.
At the first sign
of a cold take
Tho old family rcmcdy-ln tablet
form-safe, euro, cosy to tnktv No
opiates no unpleasant after effects.
Cures colds in 24 hours-Grip in 3
Jnys. Money back if ft t al s. Get
tho Ronulno box with Red 1 op nnd
Mr. 1 fill's picture on it 25 cents.
At Anr Druf Store
Cures tho sick and nets ns a preventative for others.
Liquid Klvcn on tho tongue. Bare tor brood mares and
nil others. Hest kidney remedy. 60 cents a bottle, $5 a
dozen. Sold by nil druggists nnd turf goods houses, or sent,
exprens paid, by tho manufacturers. Uooklot, ''Distem
per, Causo and Cure," free.
Sl'OIIN MEDICAL CO., Chemists, Goshen, InJ., V. S. A.
Llvlnir Out not unlt-i vou h-v th-
good ir-rdfn without cool ttrdt to
Urine. W w.11 ernd them Irre.
Evident Importance.
"Doso your wifo attach much Im
portance to you?" Inquired tho Intru
sive relative.
"Oh, yes," replied Mr. Meckton.
"Henrietta realizes that n man shoi
would consent to marry must noccs
snrlly be Important."
Vigorous Action.
"If people In New England aro going
to stop caterwauling at night by law,
how nro they going to do It?"
"Well, not by nny pussy-foot meth
ods." Firmer "Thtm city tollk want to know If tbert'i
a tuth in the home. Whtt'U IttU'em?"
flit Wi(V-"Tll,cm if they need t bath, thti
better ttke ir before they come"
Take a bath of course, and every three
hours while awake toko a dose of
German Syrup
It will quiet your cough, soothe the
Inflammation of a sore throat and
lungs,stpp the Irritation In the bron
chial tubes, Insuring a good night's
rest, free and easy expectoration In
the mornlncr. That old time-tested
remedy which for moro than half
a century has brought relief and
comfort to countless thousands all
over the civilized world, 25c and 75a
at druggists and dealers everywhere;
I l 'ly
rvn . . !U-
leer. !
. M. -l j
gf-.. li 5SSS5
! j
For "Backward" Cows (
If you have inch a cow, buy s pucViilo of Kowa
Kure from your feed dealer or drulut and Dial
accordlntf to direction-. You'll bo 'jrnriied at Hi
difference! It tnakca In her irncral health and mllH
yield. KowKuro li especial!-' recommended ai M
preventive and cure for Abortion, llarrenncit. Mills
l'ever. Scouring1. Lost Appetite, uuachet and other
common ailment.
Wrlla tor (rta Trntlia, "The Hem Cow Deetir.'
Your Liver
Is Clogged Up
That's Why You'ro Tired Out of Sort
Have No Appetite.
will put you rii
In a few days.
They d
tneir uuty..
Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headacht
Genuine must bear Signature
Ington.U U. llooki f roe. Man
eat reference! neat retail.'
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 7-1917.
plmplos, blotches, sores.
iiumors, ana eruptions,
Mi hy Dr. Plorco's Golden ,
S Modlcal Discovery. For
for tho poor blood that)'
causes It, this is tho best
of all known remedies.
In ovory dlsoaso 6r dis
order of tuoskln or scalp,
In ovory troublo that'
comes from Impuro blood,
tho "Discovery" Is thn
only mediclno sold thai
does what It promises.
Scrofula In all its varl-
nlia fn-ma I?j-nmn rVr -
tor, Salt-rheum, Erysipelas, Bolls, Car
bunclos, Enlarged Glands, and Swell
Ings, and ovory kindred ailment, aro
bonodtod and cured by It.
Cut this out and mall to us with tho
namo of tho papor -wo will mall you
free a modlcal troatleo on above dis
eases. Address Dr. Pleroo'a Invallda
Hotel, Buflolo, N. Y.
Or. Pieroe'ci Pleasant Pellets regulate
and Invigorate tomaob, liver aad bowel.
Sugar-coated, tiny granule-, aaay to taka
as candy,
?ht JMIUK hKh
jrfMlstfFl V II.1J-E
am "111 I H Pius. ,