The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 20, 1917, Image 2
THE 8EMLWEEKLY TRIDUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Th Qua rter 'or ' An Indian Reservation Tale by ROBERT AMES BENNET tx FOLLOWING the killing of Agent Nogen tun throats of an outbreak uinong the Indians, Cnpt. Kloyd Hardy, U. S. A., goes to Lakotah reservation as acting agent to (uell the trouble. He Is wounded from ambush, and falls in love with .Marie Dupont, who nurses hint. She neither accepts nor refuses his proposal of marriage, because she and Vandervyn are Intimates. Hardy learns tho Indians are disaf fected because Mario's father, Jacques Dupont, a wily post trader, and Reginald Vandervyn, agency clerk and nephew of Senator Clem mo r, have cheated them In nn Illegal tribal mine deal, and purposes to right the wrong. He makes friends witty the tribesmen nndcnlls a council at the mine. What occurs there how desperate conspirators work against the captain Is told In this Installment. CHAPTER XIV Continued. rock, nor did ho hear tho smooth ex planation that tho agent wnntcd the Hardy was greeted with n murmur chiefs to sign two copies of the memo- of welcome and admiration, and tho randum. This statement was unhcsl- crowd made n path through their tntlngly interpreted by Redbenr, and midst to tho Inner ring of tho chiefs, tho chiefs, who knew by cxperlcuco Followed by Redbenr, Vandervyn and that most agency papers wero signed OInna, ho walked along the passago In duplicate, maJo their crosses and between the living walls of silent, thumb-prints as fast as Vandervyn furtlve-cyed Indians, and seated him- wrote their nnmos on tho two papers, aelf on tho blanket that had been OInna ventured to whisper to her spread for him beside old Tl-owa- brother that tho papers did not look konza. Shortly beforo tho start down nllke. Ho hastily repeated tho remark Into the valley Vundervyn had again to Vandervyn. Tho girl cringed closo borrowed his superior's writing pad to her grandfather, lint Vandervyn nnd fountnln pen. llo now sat down showed no anger. Ho smiled at her at Hardy's shoulder, with the pad and in n manner that brought a blissful pen rcudy. glow Into her soft eyes, and explained After n ceremonious sllenco the that one paper gave tho proceedings head chief's crier announced tho pur.- of tho council In full, while tho other poBO of tho council. This was fol lowed by declamations from threo or- conslsted of brief notes. IIo then inur mured to her something that at llrst ators, whose main purposo seemed to brought a shadow Into her Joyous fnee, bo to glvo an exhibition of their abll- but In tho end left her radiant with lty In pointing word pictures. When happiness.- they had finished, Tl-owu-konza arose, When tho leading men of tho tribe nnd warmed tho hearts of his peoplo had signed tho papers and Redbear with an Impassioned eulogy of their and 01mm had attested us witnesses, new friend, tho chief of tho Long- Vandervyn thrust the documents Into knives, who had como to be n father his pocket and went to rejoin Hardy, to tho tribe. As ho handed over tho paper that Hardy then explnlncd tho good that 1 Hardy had signed, ho remarked that, had resulted on other reservations If thero was no objection, Redbear from the taking 'of laud In eovcrnlty, and his sister would remain In tho nnd advised that tho council namo a mountains with their grandfather un- uclcgutlon of chiefs to go at onco to til word should bo received from tho Washington nnd ask for tho conllr- government for tho trlbnl delegation nintlon of tho nov treaty. More than to como on to Washington, onco during Hedbonr's Interpretation "You aro rendy to return to tho of tho acting agent's statements OInna agency with me?" asked Ilurdy. betrayed surprise. TI-own-kouzu no- "Wo can start at onco, If you wish," tlccd this sooner than Hardy. IIo assented Vandervyn. epoko to his granddaughter. Tho girl "Very well." suld Hardy. "Tho clrl cast a timid look at Vandervyn and shall remain here, and you will como hesitated. with me." Her brother smiled cunningly and Vandervyn shrugged, smiled good old: "It's all right. Tell him." "What's that?" queried Hardy. "Nothing nothing, sir," quavered humorcdly, nnd vaulted Into his sad dle. Still doubtful of his companion, the girl. "Only, Charlie ho added Hardy took tho ponies of Redbear and something to what you said." OInna in lead, and rodo over to whero "I put In that you ana Mr. Vun tho brother and sister' stood In tho would try to get them big pay for ,nldst of their grandfuthcr's lnnncdl- tho mineral lands," boldly explained ntu family. When tho girl confirmed Xlcdbcnr. Vnndorvyn's statement that sho wished "Suroly you'vo no objection to that, to remain In tho mountalus,' ho took captain," remarked Vandervyn. ceremonious lcavo of tho noblo old "Was that all?" Hardy asked tho eJMef, and rodo off to rojoln his party. B'J- () During tho brief lntervnl Vander- "Ycs, sir. Ho only " , vyn's gay humor had disappeared. Ho -very wen. i nave no omccuou to the statement. Rut I now must de cidedly Insist upon an exact inter- mot Ilnrdy with a frown, and held out ono of tho letters that ho had written that morning. Seeing tlint It was ad I "Every little thing counts on promo tlon- like merit marks at scnooi." "You seel" agreed Hardy. "I can't nretend to nltrulsm. I am ambitious to stand well In my profession. If I mnke n good showing when given a detail, I put merit marks on my rec ord, as Mr. Vandervyn has so aptly expressed it." Marie's challenging gnzo softened, nnd sho looked thoughtfully down at her white hands. "Isn't even self-sacrifice a form of selfishness?" sho murmured. The nppearance of tho Indian boy in tho dining room doorway checked Hardy's reply, During supper the girl rcmnlncd can show-cards and spades to the an- unusually thoughtful and silent, uar gelsl I'm out for the good things of dy discussed with Dupont plans for life, nnd I mnke no bones over It. But the instruction of the tribe in ngricm that doesn't prevent mo from being u turc. The idea had occurred to him bloomltn: benefactor as well. If you that tho government might permit him wish to know tho renl reason why I'm to build an irrigation system for tho reslcnlnir. It's becauso I hnvo planned farming lnnds of tho tribe, using In to go on to Washington with tho dele- dlan lnborers, and pnylng for tho gutlon, and pull wires to' get tho trlbo work out of money appropriated for a big slice of graft for their mineral the sale of tho mineral lands. When lands." Vandervyn choso to listen, It was Hardy miw thn frnnk sincerity In his with a half-amused smile that did not companion's eyes, and responded to nlwnys cover the underlying cynical t in assertion with nn Instant uno ocv : irony, Aiost or mo timo no uevuieu "Mr. Vandervyn, I beg your purdon himself to nn attempt to rally Mario for inlnltiflclnp vnit At tlmnH vntir OUt Of her UlOUglltf UlllCSS. Instead v .... y1.0..p wu " - W " 1 . . conduct lins been Ill-advised, but I of responding, site became more pen no longer doubt your good intentions." "It tukes an officer and gentleman to cat crow as If it wero quail I" rallied Vundervyn with seemingly gonlnl sar casm. "Do I understand that my res ignation Is accepted?" "If you Insist." "I do. Now that Is settled. Wo mnko tho return trip ns equals," said Vandervyn, and, ns If freed from all rancor by tho thought, ho fell into n mood of sunvo gnyety. a Just price for their mineral lands. "Hum 1" grunted Dupont. Don't look so shocked, Miss Cunnda. "Mine and all I" repeated Vander- It's tho regular way such things aro 1 vyn. "I've told you why. I'll fix It CHAPTER XV. A Lover's Promise. When, mldaf ternoon of tho next dny. tho two white men nnd tho pair of In dian police emerged from tho canyon of Sloux creek Into tho agency valley, Vandervyn was still as gay and good humored as at tho start of tho Jour ney. Ho even volunteered to Inter vene for Hardy with Marie. "It Is very kind of you to mnko tho handled in nil representative govern mentsours, tho Cnnndlan and Eng lish parliaments, the German, the French all the same." The girl's eyes clouded. "I do not like to hear you speak In that cynical tone." "Oh, It's not because I don't be lieve In democratic government. In despotic countries the regular proce dure would bo for tho officials to tnke tho bulk of tho appropriation, and glvo tho trlbo tho percentage or nothing." "I cannot bcllcvo thnt even your government will permit Its ofllclnls to rob either tho trlbo or tho people of tho country," dcclured Marie. "There cannot bo a mnjorlty of dishonest con gressmen." "No; tho big majority are honest fools. They arc rannnged by means of committees and the plea of party loy alty and log-rolling. But that's not my fault, sweetheart. You know I " "I know you've yet to receive per mission to call mo that 1" broko In tho girl. Vandervyn bit his Hp. "You forget I am going away." "Back to Washington and your flar.ccc !" ' Quite true. And I'm going to stay, unless thero Is some inducement for mo to return here," ho rejoined. It was Marie's turn to bito her Up, "How can you say that, when you know that I that I "I told you how It was, nnd why I cannot break off with her until IIo stepped nearer, his eye3 nglow with passionate allurement. "You know I lovo you, only you, Muriel nd you lovo me, sweetheart !" Under tho enticement of his soft 'eyes and pleading voice, all her re serve melted. Instead of eluding ills advance, sho swayed forward, nnd per mitted him to take her in his arms. IIo crushed her to him, nnd showered kisses on her lips and blushing checks upon her dusky hair when, over come, sho pressed her face against his shoulder. no quivered with the Joy of mas tery and possession. "You aro mini. mine! Sny It 1" "I I will marry you I" sho whis pored. Submissive nnd loving ns was tho reply, it struck tho ardent smile from Vandcrvyn's face. His embrace re laxed, nnd for a moment he stood offer." rnnllfrl TTnrilv In rntlior n stiff ' I U.l. t.f- M. tlf.l. 11-111 . . A mm tone. "If Dupont Is nt home, may I " VO mu" uni" u" ",u ask you to send him to tho office?" rreca rrom t ourcousin. . . . . - "Certnlnly," replied Vandervyn, nnd sivo. nnrav attributed tho clrl's half- all tho way down to tho nuency ho tmtnltnn milnfnnaa fn nrosonPf. Aft chatted genially. When they enmo to tll0y left tho supper table, ho asked stnr,nS over tho girl's head, his lip tno level bcmnu tne wnrcnouse, no Dunont to como to tho office. uuucu' "10 "-uu'- waved his hand in friendly parting. Mnrln nnd Vnndorvvn followed them 'I love you 1 sho murmured "S'long. Seo you later. Bo sure to ng f,ir ns tho parlor, whero tho young quick to senso tho change that had chop off your whiskers in tlmo for ,mm drnnnod Into tho easiest chair. como upon hlm- supper. You'll need to look your wjth n disgusted, "Lord 1 ho makes me At tno candid confession Ills eyes best." wonrv nil thnt benevolent blatter 1" "8lln glowed, and again ho crushed . v - I . . . Dupont soon clumped Into tho "Of course he Is doing It merely ,,tr 10 mm necnev office, fairly oozlntt with lovlal to heln himself In his career." raur- "lou love me I lou own It I" ho friendliness. mured Mnrle, "llowdyi Howdy, Cap I" ho greet- "Or to get the handling of tho tri ed. "Marie, she says she'll look to bnl funds," suggested Vandervyn, seo you nt supper. Mr. Van says you "There'll bo a fat slice of graft for wanted to seo me. Anything I enn somebody out of all thoso millions." do, Cap, Just call on me. I'm rendy "You really think that?" to call quits now, If you arc." "What else can you expect govern- pretaUon of what I say. Miss Red- dressed to himself, Hardy toro open bear, you will tell mo nt onco If your tho cnVclopo and read tho brief noto womer cuncr iuus to interpret wnnt within. i ion mm or mnues nny ntmitions " "So." ho snld. flxintr tho vouncor 1 "Yc-s, sir, If" faltered OInna. Her mm wth n lovcl clnnC0i ..your res. covert glance of appeal mot with a ignatlon to tnko effect at once. It Is reassuring smiio ironi vandervyn. ano dated yesterday." wtutureu to iooic up ut imriiy, anu nor ..It wouid imvo boon Jfttoa nn,i prc. toico ueenmo stenmer: -les, sir, oi Hontcd a week ago If yd had tho -snurso. Only Chnrllo was Just trying 8uKhtcst Idea you wero going to Insult ?K iicip, ana no won t uo it agnin." I Hardy resumed his explanations nnd jrlvlcc. When ho had finished, soveral oro orators hnd to exhibit their elo quence. Tho council then proceeded V accept tho acting agent's ndvlco and mmo a delegation. As Tl-own-konzu insisted that ho was too old to von t&ro so long n Jouruoy among the vhlto men, flvo of tho younger sub chiefs and headmen wero chosen to ffSproscnt tho trlbo. 1 During tho closing ceremonies of to council Vandervyn leaned forward 'trvsldo Hardy, nnd showed him an nb fcfcvlutcd hut accurate memorandum tlx tho proceedings. "It's OB well to hnvo those things fc bltfck and white," ho suggested, '"We could got tho chiefs to sign this tesforo tho council breaks up." "very good. A record may bo valu fcblo for future reference," agreed Ilwdy. Ho rapidly read tho writing, Inter polated n few words, added a line, nd gavo It to Rcdbcnr to Interpret. Wlicn the council acknowledged tho 'vo Hnd Enough of Your Dullylng." Vrr-nrnpv it ttin mnmnrnndtim. lllirdv I cncd it, and naked tho chiefs to add "H you did yesterday," Vandervyn their mnrks, with Redbear and OInna burst out ungrlly. "You'd hnvo had It Hnf nn wltnosROR. At this Vntlder- iul"i ii i eouiu niivu uruuKiiiinj -Vn volunteered to servo as penman, 8-'lf to borrow, your pen and paper." .rftad nniPimiai nnlnrpil Itmlbear to "I see," Bald Hardy. IIo reflected n '.Mn th. rt.iofn nr tn n nearbv moment, nnd remarked : "Thero seems Wvhinr. whero thov could more con- to bo no renson why I should not nc- enlcnUy mnko their murks on tho your resignation, If you Insist BnnpP upon my nctlng on It." rrnr,w nffwi nn nliloetinn to this. "I o," said Vandorvyn. "I'vo had Tho council had finished its work, and enough of your bullying. I'm n f rcu. two was nothing suspicious about now iim jour vier. Yandcrvyn'e suggestion that tho "You will change your tone, sir, If fcowldcr would afford an easy place you wish to rldo In my company," said lor tho chiefs to sign. Ho roso and Hardy, with a cool self-control that wstiirnod tortilB tnnro. whllo tho crowd checked tho other's auger. Mocked off to tho bowlder after their "Gad I If only you weren't such n hlefs. Ho did not seo Vundervyn solf-rlghtcous prlgl" exclaimed tho 'lity ont t-'B pnpera on tho top of tho I youngur man. "You'ro so suro you cried. "You aro mine I" "No 1" With a sudden, violent thrust for which he was all unprepared, sho burst from his clasp and sprang clear of him. "What is It?" ho muttered, starln Hardy accepted tho proffered hand, ment on ono side nnd Poor Lo on the at her, half bewildered. and exchanged a cordial grip. other? It's tho usual thing. I ex- "Oh!" she cried. "It was tho way This pleases mo very much, Du- pect to get my share." you Ohl how could you?" Sho pont," ho responded. "Wo will ull "You?" exclaimed tho girl, her eyes put up her hands, like a child, to hide now work together for tho tribe. I widening with a iook or astonisnmcut the scarlet that flamed In her cheeks Klvo vou my best wishes that you and repronch. "Go, please go I You have mado me muy win tho mine." Vandervyn Inughed amusedly, tell And I hnvo promised to marry "Wo got a fair show to, seeing ns "Walt a bit before you dig up your you when you come back." how you uin't going to let on about it tomahawk, Miss Sitting Bull. If I "if i do como back," qualified Van- iu your report. Now, Just tell mo succeed in getting tne tribe nrtecn dervyn in n nn9h 0f chagrin. what 1 can do for you." or twenty millions, instead or tno live Marie drew herself up to her full "Morolv n few words ns Intcrnrc- tlint was talked about, it strnccs me helcht. the color ebblnc from her face, tor." snld Hardv. "I wish ono of tho they could nfford to allow yours truly ner voico wns as cold as her eyes, pollco at onco to rldo over to tho n mco ntiio percentago as comims- Do you wish to free mo from my railroad with theso telegrams and let- sion. promise?" tors. Tho sooner I rcccivo lnstroc- "on, neggie, paruon mo i ur course "Never I" ho burst out. "You'd glvo tlons to send tho delegation to Wash- you should havo good pay for proving yourself to Hardy. Ho shan't have lngton, tho better." yoijrseir sucn a menu to tno trine.- you. You'vo promised you said It.' 'That's no llo. Mr. Van says tho "Anu to eacn moinDer oi uio tnoui ..Not nownot yet not until you mm.nv nnn'f .n nrmrnnrlntofl till rnn- 10 UUUCU, 1118 U1U0 eyes glUWlUK Bom rna mnnta t,t tt,n trontv in ni nn cn with ardor. -"I don't want all my so's tho amount can bo settled on nnd Py money. How about an advance tlin rnoorvntlnn nr.loroil rllvliln.1 im lV royalty in SOmClUing CISC s tho treaty commission." " ,ll,ad rLS,en', , nn,d ,WaS, C.mlDf mi. in ..i..i..,,i TTnww ir ,W toward her. Sho blushed und rotrcat- irnt tho nerlciilturnl lnnds allotted In tHl around tho tea table, tlmo for tho nlantliiL' of winter wheat. o, no," sue remonsirnieu. x torn Como; wo will send off theso telo- you wo must wait until until you are Rt th(J foot o her be grams and letters." ire(-' ir0U1 your cousin. Slnnn t.n rntiirn nf U.n nnrtv frnm IC 110 rojOUlUU. "XOUro iry tho mountains, hot ono of tho pollco J"B to Plny IU,0. anst that tinfoil but was moro Uinn willing to servo "J"'u The Fighting Chance, llm nnw nxitnf Tiim nf tin. vnnnirnr lur Uiuu x i imvu lu feu ua uu um-i., I Vnnilorvvn wns nn liofnro ilnwn men wero soon cantering away down ,ud flx 1,lln8s so that tho delegation 1ut Mnr,u Wftg up nu hour carHcr,( UI1(1 the valley on their best ponies, proud n,ot ,,,atvo , luuls rouna tUo c"1)l' sent her father over to make suro that of tho fact Hint they had been chosen 1 "u , ' . , . . ., her lover camo for tho breakfast she rv .nnlrn nIM.f rl.ln tn ihn mllrnnil. LUU "u,u l" l"u lin.1 nmnnroil for tilin V illn tin nto. Hardy returned to tho office IUi ""7"" stocked his saddlebags for tho upont, nnd became deeply absorbed """J unexpectedness of tho trlp an(l g(lV0 tho p,nto a B00(1 feetl como bncli to me, free from your cousin. Leave me, I asked you to go.' When ho perceived tho look In her eyes, ho picked up his hat and left the houso without attempting to argue, Sho closed the door, and hastened Into her dainty little bedroom, sink on her knees beforo tho crucifix CHAPTER XVI. so we'll gct tho mine nnd maybe some thing else and I'll flx Hardy I" "Didn't know you wns still so down on htm. Wasn't it ull smoothed ovcrY You been acting that way." 'Walt and see me rub his fur tho ther way! I'll put over n game on him that " Vandervyn checked tho disclosure, and began asking ques tions about the traits of tho flvo chiefs chosen us trlbnl delegates. Half an hour nfter sunrise Dupont enme Jogging hack home, his heavy face set In a satisfied grin. The com placency of his look lessened when ha entered, nnd saw the Indian boy ro movlng the evidences of somoane'e solitary meal. Ho knocked at his daughter's door. After quite a delay sho called to him that he might enter. He found her seated at the foot of tho bed, with a little leather-bound book In her lap. Though her eyelids were swollen, she met him with her usual look of quiet self-possession. "You let Cap eat alone," ho re marked. "Don't call thnt being hos plt'le, do you?" "If ho hnd been more considerate, Reggie could have remained until tho delegation leaves," coldly replied the girl. "Well, wo got to keep In with him till Mr. Van gits things fixed. You see, If ho gits ma'd and reports on us to Washington, we'll git kicked oft the reservation nnd bnrrcd from nny chance of tho mine." Did Reggie say that?" Yep. It's why, he says, ho leavoa It to you to keep quiet about tho en gagement. If you let on nbout It to Hardy, he's likely to git jealous and put Senntor Clemmer next. .That would queer the whole deal at this stage of the game." "I do not believe that Captain Hardy would do such a thing," declared the girl. "All right. Mr. Van leaves it to you to tell him, If you want to. I ain't saying Cap mayn't be a straight- laced In everything else. But when It comes to being dead gone on a girl like you, and nt his age, too needn't tell me he won't do his level best to put Mr. Van out of the running any way ho can." The girl sprang up, her eyes afire with a flare of unreasoning anger. "no shall not I" sho cried. "Reggla is coming back I" Ho won't have no chance to if It leaks out about you nnd hlin going to git married." Married 1" The angry scarlet ol the girl's cheeks deepened to a rose. Notes of Indignation and Joy mingled oddly In her half-murmured predic tion : "IIo will come back 1 That med dler shall not prevent I" "You won't go and git Cap down on us, will you?" remonstrated Dupont "Walt and1 see," she replied. When, at the usual supper hour, Hardy presented himself nt the Du pont door, his bearing was reserved and somewhat diffident. Dupont, who was alone in the pnrlor, genially bade him enter. But Hardy lingered In the doorway until Mnrlo appeared. "Pardon me, Miss Dupont," ho said, ns ho met her look of surprise. "I came to say that if you do not con sider it worth whllo to board me, 1 can muko shift for myself." "Indeed, but you shall not!" ex claimed tho girl with a graclousness that brought a glow into his grave face. "What should we do without youf compnny nt table?" "You nro very kind to say it" She smiled. "Whero havo you been keeping yocrself all day?" "I rodo up Wolf river to the falls. A canal to Irrlgnto a large area could bo led down from there, nnd later on T-. UllllUlll. UIIU UVUllUU UUUIUJ 1IUDU4UVU 1 . . in discussing wnys nnd means for tho ., ,,., ,. nt,i o oats- development of tho Indians as farm- Vlinilnrvvn fr ",nP. ..T thought nf 110 trlcd t0 sco her nIonc- .nua When Dupont noted tho hour, ' . " " ... ,., V... failed. Sho was too clever for him. i I'linrNn iiii niiiiiii iinvii liiiii hut utTiiiiii ors. thero seemed senrccly tlmo for even sending his messages. I could have But when ho went out to mount, sho ono of tho captain's qulclc-chat.go tol- j "m -- - ; permitted him a single parting kiss In lets. Yet ho appeared at tho door of f "T Z T itrfo n,V 1 1 , the presence of her father. tho Dupont house, spick and span and hltc,u As u ,g. ho ha8 Inessc( Ullngs Dupont had saddled ouo of his own his beard clean shaven, without hnv Ing required his hostess to wult sup per half n minute. As ho entered In responso to Du pout's hospitable bellow, thero was a 0 I I A !!. Aft ltl. 11. X up in n way thnt will requlro the P,0UlL'V" , , , , nLnm nf n frond lnhhvlst tn null oler. As they Jogged down tho road Jiff ,nm In nnv 1.1ml nf sl.nnn tn lU tllO dilll Starlight llO bit Off n suit us " "chnw" of plug tobacco, squinted nt t ,tn nnt ufcn tho wnv vnit snnnk tho vague form of his companion, and perceptible hesitancy in his manner. nf ltn . lohbvlntr." murmured chuckled. Matlo wns seated ut tho far end of tho Mario "What's tho Joko?" Irritably queried room near Vandervyn. Sho roso, nnd vimilorwn smiled condescendlncly. Vandervyn. came forward to greet Hardy, her chin rv .icur ciri a crooked deul can " 'Tulu't no Joko, Mr. Van. Just tho proudly uptllted. twlst throuch tho devious ways of same, It tickles mo to know you nnd "There seems to hnvo been n gen- pniwross nml the departments without Marie has agreed to hitch up. eral misunderstanding of motives, trouble. An honest, stralchtforward Who said anything nbout an ngree- enptnln." sho remarked with frnnk dl- mnttor. such ns this treaty, needs ment?" snapped tho young man. rectness. "I still consider tlint you Utrnntr nulllnc to cot as far ns the "Now, now, keep on your shirt I" wero unduly harsh, but I now under- president's signature." stand that you meant well aud per- But you will uso only honest meth haps had somo excuse. Reggie says 0ii8 jn your lobbying?" . that wo aro all to worn togetber ror "What else?" queried Vandervyn, the gtjpd of tho tribe." his eyes wldo nnd guileless. "I wish soothed Dupont. "Mario wouldn't never havo let you kiss her If sho didn't Intend to tnko you." Vundervyn suddenly changed his tone: "I'm glad to hear you say it, "It pleases movcry much to hear to earn my commission nil free and Jake. You see, sho does not nlto you sny It." above-board. You need not bo sur- "What interest havo you In 'helping prised, however, If n big sllco of graft them?" sho queried, evidently roluc- lis deducted from tho nmouut nppropri tunt to bollcvo his motives unselfish, uted to pay tho tribe." 'It moans u good '.nark on his of- "How dishonest 1" flclal record," buutered Vundervyn. I "It's tho only way to get tho trlbo gether llko tho Idea of keeping quiet about our engagement our betrothal, you would say In Canndu. Bat If Hardy should hcarrof It, he, probably would notify my uncle. Then goodby inluo and all." '" , The Girl Sprang Up, Her Eyes Afire With Unreasoning Anger. I believe n dam could be constructed nbovo tho falls at a comparatively small cost It would convert the val ley abovo Into a largo storage reser voir, to hold tho winter floods." "You must show mo your plans nt tho falls themselves l" declared Mario with nn enthusiasm more gratifying to him than would havo been a per sonal compliment. They went In to supper, earnestly discussing his plans for tho betterment of tho tribe. Do you believe that Marie is as crooked as her father and lover? Will Hardy eventually be able to get a square deal for the Indians? (TO iiii CONTINUED.