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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1917)
Semi-Weekly Tribune LUA L. BARE, Editor and I'libUaher. 8UUSCRIPTION RATES; Que Year by J nil In Adrancii. . . M&! One Ycur by CnrrJcr In Adrnucc. MM Entered at North Platte, NobrHska, Postolllco as Second Class Matter. CITY AM) COUNTY NEWS FRIDAY 1EHRUARY 10, 1917. Wants' Kinkiild'H I'lnci;. Secretary of State Charley l'oolo hu nbout deolded that ho will content wiui Congressman KInkald In 1018 the right to represent the Sixth district in con gress. Mr. Pool has boon looking ovor 1th e returns of the last election and lis covers that ho carried tlilrty of the thirty-six counties of that district, winning out over his ropubiioan op ponent by ovor 7,000- votos. Ho polled 11,212 moro votes than did the demo crat who run against Congressman KInkald, although the latter polled mora votos than did Mr. Pool. This far In advanco The Tribune would advlso Charley to snvo his time and money necessary to niako the campaign for Congressman KInkald can represent tho district so long as he like. Provident WuiiIh Moro Authority Tho accumulation of lucldonts in volvlng violations of American rights since tho diplomatic break with tier many is generally believed by admin istratlon officials to be hastening the approach of tho hour whan the pre idont again will go before congress and ask for additional authority for tho protection of American ships and lives. To dotontlon of the seventy-two Americans brought In on the prizo ship Yarrowdalo Is rogardod as an othor acuta Indication of Germany's dlsrogartl for Amorlcan rights. If, In fact, ti vigorous protest has not al ready gono forward, It will bo sent In tho ' near futuro unloss aormnny promptly releases tho men. I'lntlo Thcntro OpeiiH Tomorrow. Thq Platto thoatro under tho owner ship and mauagomont of J. T. Norton, will opon tomorrow. SInco Mr. Norton purchased tho former Pat theatro and changed tho namo to Platto, many Im provements havo bon made. Tho lntor- ior .has been flnninwhnt rnnini1lnl nii.l redecorated, as has also tho ontranco, mo oxtorior ot tiio building front re painted, a 'nifty sign placed, and tho wholo placo takes on nit Improved ap- Mr. Norton, who i8 an oxporlenccd plcturo show man, promises tho public a show house that will at all times meet their approval. :o:r American Schooner to llottoni. Tho Amorlcan Schoonor Lyman fti. ., onrouto from Stockton, amino, to ' rnlonno, -wns sent to tho bottom by a Gorman Buumnrino Wednesday. The captain and nlno of tho crew, woro landed. Tho main points to bo dotorniincd by tho Washington officials aro whoth or tho ship was attacked without warning, wnetnor it cnrrlcl contra band nnd whothor any Amorlcan lives Miss Katlo Miles spent the first of nis wpok in sutnennnii. Ear Corn Kor Sale 1002 North Lo- .. . . - . - . .. . Til. ;.:.' inn' LUBl SlIUUl. IJIUIIU iUUi MIm Florence Stack hats returned from a visit with rolatlvos in Lexing ton. ATra M V. Mttnlmll will lnnv nnrf week for ICoarnoy to spond several days. ' Dr. IJrock, Dentist, aver Stone DriiK ,uro. Miss Mario Fojott, of Spauldlng, visited this weak with Miss Ellen Mc Carthy. Miss Dolly KIdwell, of Wallace, is spending this wcok In town with friends. Mrs J. Chonnoy left thR first o this wcok for Omaha to visit for sev oral days. Mnrln Tjiw.. rnlmTninl Tinwailtiv from Gothenburg whoro ho spent a weok ni n . i.. YViUI I UIUUVUB. I ATra. Tlnrmnn fllnnflint wlirt linw tmnn '" - - ....... m.vmw.w., . T . I- ....El IfUUII visiting in Orand Island, for a uaek, ii . . -1 i . win ruxurii louay, Mrs. John Mnllck rnhirned Tnnmlnv ovonlng from Sidnoy whoro she visitor mo nrBi oi tins wook. MIsh fllnilVH Wliltn linn rntiimiul from an oxtondod visit In Wolnnobago, iviinii., wun roiativoe. Miss Irono Schott who visited in Omaha the first of this wcok, returned homo Tuesday afornoon. Jack Foster, of Omaha, formerly of this city, who wrts operated upon re cently la getting along nicoly. Dr. Mario AmoB returned from Om aha tho first of this weok after visit Ing her son for sovoral days. Mrs. Groeloy Bundy and son George Nayos returned Wednesday morning from a fow days visit In Omaha. Rov. John Linnoy, of Brooklyn, N. Y who visited Rov, FY. McDald this wcok has gono to Lou Angelos. t;o::- Ilcclnro Wilson Kc-Elccfcd. Prosldont Wilson was formally nnd otttWy. dcWod ro-olctod Wednosdny whon congress in Joint sosslon. as pro vided by thf constitution, canvassed tho olectornl Voto of tho states. A list 'Win 9 submitted to tho chair, showing that Wilson and Marshall had received a total of 277 votos and Hughes and Fairbanks 254 votos. 7t,Vn,!U)AT NOTES Arthur D. Wimborly of tho local shops sustained an Injury to his right hand a fow dayB ago while nt work. O. ,11. Gardner, government Inspector of Union -Pacific cars, loft Wcdneoday afternoon for Washington, D. C nftor spending sovoral days horo on busi ness, Gllbort Pctora. who had been om Ploycd In Lnramlo for sovoral months with tho Amorlcan Expross Co., re- Sunday11181 a"d VoturneJ hon' Oeorgo Snoll, of Omaha, managor of tho Barkalow Nowa Co., on tho Union PaoJflc stations, spent tho foro part of this week hor on business vihilo enrouU homo from tho west. Eighteen cnr of poUitoos formod part of a train passing through' Uio early part of tho woek. Thoy'woro from Twin Falls, Idaho, onrouto to Chicago, whoro they will cost tho re tail buyer ubout throe dollars per bushol. Tho Union Paciflo doos not proposo to bo troublol with futuro snow block daeo In tho immediate neighborhood ot Rock Springs Wyo., tho ncono of the recent trouble Arrungomcnt8 uro being mado to build two and ono half milos of stool snow sheds at n cost of many thousands of dollnrs. Trnlnmastr John Mullek wont to Gnuid Island Wednesday to attend tho B. of R. T. ami O. R. C. ball. Supposo you Avoro a woman longing for lovo and synipaty and woro mar ried to a hard heartqd vllllan; would you tako tho uamo course as did Madgo n gypsy maid In Zangwlll's "Tho Mo nioni IJaforo." showing nt tho KoUh Saturday night. Perhaps you would but OVOn tllf'Il. (Ill vnil minnnan unii nmil.l crtduro tho .trials 'UiIb unfoifunatfc llttlo woman undergoes? Puullno Fred erick, as Madgo, nddu ft now typo of uiiuniciorizauon to tier scroon ropor torlo. For Salo Sovoral good Poland China BoarB. Inquire of W. W. Blrgo. THE HEN THAT LAYS Is tho hen that n.iVR Tf aim ilna. not lay. kill hor, but boforo you kill nor givo nor u. A. Thomas' Poultry Remedy twlco a day for a week, nnd then you will not kill hor for sho will bo paying you a profit. It not only makes lionajay but It Is a rem edy for Cliolpra, Roup, and Gapes' Wo guarantee It 'to euro or wo ro fund your money. ' Sold by Dorryborry ft Forbos. tvs Edwnrd Robhauson, who spent sov oral weeks visiting his family, return ed Laramlo th0 first of this week. Mrs. Harry Williams returned homo Tuesday afternoon nftor visiting with rolatlvos In Omaha, for sovoral days. MIsb Gortrudo Robhauson began work as book kcopor In tho Hub de partment storo tho first of this wook. Mrs. E. R. Bundeck, of Kenesaw, who was visiting hor paronts Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Bluo, has roturned to hor homo. W. W. Koith submitted to an opera tion in tho North Plntto Gonoral Iiob pltal tho first of this week and Is doing nicoly. MAX FOUND DEAD IN A REFRIGERATOR CAR The deadly fumos of a charcoal burnor In a rofrlgorntor car war- re sponsible for another death TawJny night, tho fourth victim at this tor- minai witnin a year from th0 same cause. The stiffened ody of tho man -' as iuuiiu uuoui ono ociock by the en ployos at tho Icing plant and tho nit thorltlcs notified. ShnHtT Knlld.Mrv and Undertaker Malonoy woro call"!, took charge of tho body and brought it u mo iiaionoy morgiio. Tho following morning tho clothing oi uio man waB searcnod ror Identi fication bv Donutv Cnnn Halllgan and Mr. Maloney, and letters found addressed to both Lox Lallcy and Joo Wilson, at Coltovlllo, Wyo., evldonco that ho had been using one or tho othor as an alias, A letter irom l Mrs. I. Innnv nf P.l llonn Okl.. mxa addrossod to Joo Wilson and in us conionts sue rerorred to him as brother. In a lottor tn Snnn lino. buck & Co., ordoring goods lie had signeu mo namo or L,ox Jnlloy. Tho dead man Is about twenty-eight years of acn and wnnrs tlm ninthna of a bowboy. Not a cent of monoy was iounn in ni8 ciotnos. ni.lrpnPA Mnvori nf Hon trior, nn.l George Bostwlck loft Thursday for a business visit through Wyoming and Colorado. . i m i n. ' leaclier or omging Elizabeth Kaar-Langsion . 'n- KOOHEVEl.T APPROVES OF . Ul'FFALO MMi MONUMENT Now York. Thcodoro Roosovelt ac copted an honorary vice presidency In ino uoi. v. i'v uouy memorial as sociation of Donver, which will pay the late Buffalo Bill tho tribute of Amer ica by orectlng a ninusoleum on top oi a uoiorauo mountain peak, Lookout Mountain to bo ro-christoned Mount Codv. Colonol TlonRnvnIl. wna flio of a commlttco reprosontlng tho mem orial oouy anu me united Sfntes boy scouts, working Jointly with it In his speech of accoptanco the for mer prosident caned Colonol Cody nn "American of Americans," whoso mom. ory should bo dear in nil Amorlnnna "Ho ombodlod those trnlts of courage! sirengtn and self-reliant hardih6od which aro vnlunbln tn Mm won iminr of tho nation," ho said, "I trust that mo nest sculptors In Amorlcan will bo consulted ns to the monument." ::: Two federal courts iinvn lilnnirod tho moves of Cuyahoga county, Ohio, to pinch John D. Rockofoller for taxes on $311,000,000 worth of proporty. Tho county noeds the money. But John D. known tho touch of Cleveland. Ho lived there in the wayback days and still has a summer residence- there. His steady homo, the courts find, is among tho Pocantico hills where Hud son scenory discounts tho dreary reach es of Lake Erie. Farm nnd Ranch loans nt lowest rntos nnd best terms. Money on linnd to close loans promptly. 43tf BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. mi. JOHN S. TWINEM Special At(.ontlon to Surgery, .Gynecology nnd Obstetrics. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Nurse Brown Memorial Hospital. .Studio 122 West Front. MEN WANTED! THAT are earning monthly salaries, professional and businoss men, mar ried and single men, In fact all men In various vocations or lire Who have MORTGAGED HniwiOH nn TTHwn BORROWED MONEY to conduct their uusiness' who will replace that monthly salary or llnanclal earning nllllltV nf Vntirfi Mint vnlln ilanonilunl V ----- . . . . . I. v ... . Ill.l-ltl, ones and backers arc looking to you ior Miiuuiu vein ihk TnvrniiT nn TU.MUUUOW7 Have you mado the nroner nrnvlnlnim? THESE! Ann among tho MEN WANTED. Our Old uuie ijuo Jt'oncios protect, creato a SaVlnilR for old irt. Dnlnvu nrn ilnn. gorous. You can't carry the risk, wnen you can get ono oi.tnese policies UiN i tXVJ MUiSTHLiY PAY PLAN. For further information P.nll. nlinno nr n1lrnt.a J. E. mSElJASTLN. State Mirr. me via Jiino JjHo Jinn. NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA J. B. JIEDFIELD. PHVSICUN & SUItGEON Successor to PHYSICIAN&SUnGEONS HOSPITAL Dra. Redfleld & Redflold Office Phone 642 Res. Phone 6761 Success! Our Torrlngton Vacuum sweopor is meeting with such success, we feel it our duty in the name of friendship to cal your attention to this cleaner It has not only a stronger suction but also a revolving brush. Combined as th ev nrn n this cleaner, they spell sue cess. We are so pleased with t3 work that it is a pleasure to show it. Allow us to call and make a demonstration. Each demonstration helps to spread its fame. It positively does pick up threads. North Platte Light and Power Co. We Are Always Ready to Talk with, you about your building plans, furnish estimates on your lumber and material bills, and to impart any information we may be able to give. Wo don't expect an order every time you hove in sight, and will just naturally be glad to see you at any time. Coates Lumber & Coal Co. North Platte, Nebr. Clean Up Sale Lower Prices than ever on Furniture and Stoves. Spend your cash where it goes farthest, we need the money, you need the goods. Come in and look them over, top price paid tor Furs and Hides. Mutual Building & Loan Assn. OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. ASSETS $840,000.00 To Prospective Building & Loan Borrowers; Non-resident Building & Loan Companies are adver tising the fact that they have reduced the monthly payments of borrowers to $1.10 per month on each 8100.00 borrowed, making the monthly payment the snmo as tho Mutual Build ing & Loan Association of North Platte. They fail to state that of tho SI. 10 paid to the non-resident company, there is only thirty-livo cents credited as a principal payment, the balance scventy-fivc cents being taken for interest. Of the $1.10 monthly payment to this association on each S100.00 borrowed sixty cents is for interest and fifty cents is credited as a principal payment. This difference in the amount credited the borrower will result in the borrower in the non-resident company be ing compelled to pay not less than 25.00 more on each $100.00 borrowed in order to dischargo the debt than they would if they were doing tho business with this Association. Mutual Building & Loan Association. OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. 6th and Locust. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ol Postoftice. Phone 58 A -modern Institution for the scientific treatment of medical; surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray nnd diajjnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J. B. Redfield, M. D. J. S. Simms, H.D Miss M. Sieraan, SnpL XOT1CU. DKCIIKI2 OV HUIIISIIU' InnM.0"V.0?''L"."bo. Deceased. ty. NeiiroHlCB. ' 1 l "nce-m uoun- "J't l't on the 8th day of Kebrun? nlTm-Inn. .iw.V'.i ,u" 1,0"110II lioro 111, mmiK itVLuV?.1 11,0 snld Job Chambors it, , --r uoinio oi innor- & '.VMy" ."ni' 5 0). in Add.tjon to thV'o y 'of "No?th Pla??e Lti"? 1 ?8 ,,oon . mn,,e ' o Bald state for tho appointment of nn nd i nlstrator. That he loft survlvtiur nL IPl'Wu- Chambers, his widow! wS,X2,rri0Hlllntr nt NorU Platto, Neb. f ''u',nli?,rB.'.a ?." nB8 BO.'rosIdi ',nK "torth Platto, Neb.; Lcona Tift, n I'latte, Npu.; Alox Chambors, a son. ayzo 4R. res dlpB at North Platte. Neb.; Mary?JUttman. a dauKhter. age 42, ro aldlnfr at North Platte, Nob. Hixld real cBtate Is wholly osompt from attachment, execution or other mesne procoss and not liable for tho payment of the dobts of said deceased, and pray Ini? that regular administration bo crertltora nnd Axlnip the date of UU deiUU nml the doKreo of kinship of hla a m tnu iihui ui uonuoill 10 BU1U real estate. i Rfllll tlfttltlnn Will 1lA ll.n.r1 Tn 4n7 ,n.".-.";".: ......... ...u.wi "iii ni ociock a. m.. at tne or. flee of tho county Judge tn said county Office phone 241. R,es. phone 217 L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. Phono 308 . ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building North Platte, Nebraska, Phones Office 333 Res Black 1542 3lt. JIAIIOLD A. EEJTN'EIi Osteopath. fi Itoynold Building Office hoitrs 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. UOCTOK I). T. QUIGLEI Practlco Limited to Surgery nnd Itndlum TJierapj '28 City Nntlonul Bnnk Building. Omuhm Ncbruskn. T. II. WALTHEN, Auctlouoor. Satisfac'tlon Guaranteed Address Bonfe 2, North Plntto. Nh. Pliono No. 702F011 Offico Phono 70 Res. nd RM mi. LATIIAN Sulpho Vapor IJntJis "WITH REGULAR TREATMENTS Belton Building v. . ., iieu., Jan. 30. 1917 At a roRular mcottn? C, .aVi '.: rm.nVvUty. Co'?"PlsslonorS of Lincoln oxnin7nr ti . .."''"".!." oaumato of lllrdwood brldKo bonds', "prinl 1,uou- South" Platto" bridge ' bonds.' 150 TI rl II I1 1 TI I n l rl f ti I m a r. ft d ... Pin r ;..t., i i.ftuo.oo .. . "','T, ""HUB, iuilici- pal and Interest i nnn nn Bostwiok brldBo bonds prlncN 1,D0000 xiu.omc. miUKI) UUnUS, prinCI- i.ii unii iiiieroHl 700.00 111....... . , y. ...... III IlflllUH Jo. I, principal and Interost J10.G00.00 No. 23, pr nc pal and Interest 350.00 oi, iirincipai anil interest 2,000.00 0.' Principal and lntorost 100.00 No. 55, principal and Intrust GOO.OO XT n, ' -..wj'... ..Ill, UHVltJHl OUU.UU O. I'riiiciiiai anil interest 200.00 No. 105, principal and Intorcst 200.00 Nn 111. lirlnolnfil nn.1 l . HR I'rlnc pal and lntorost 200.00 No. 120, pr nc pal nnd lntorest 100.00 rtu. n-., principal nni interest 200.00 No. 126, principal and Interest 200.00 No. 137, principal and Interest 300,00 No. 37, Judgment 2.000.00 No. 3, npcclal building' 300.00 sso. 2ti, special uuikiuik' 300,00 No. 33, special building..... 2,000.00 Np. 60, special bulldlnf? 300. 0Q iU. H. HJ'IlINGIiK. F. AV. HKUMINGHAUSHN, S. ,J. KOQ1I, o.0 x-iiiiuiioaiuiiuia. . M . M U . Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon- Special Attention given lo Surgery and UDstetncs. Office: Buildinir and Loan Buildino . ... " r Phones fmH9i3U 11R Residence 115 TTstnt.. Wn una . . . HO II. lnnvi (m,1 I,. . 1,.. ...... . r. Lincoln County, Nebraskn. xno oiRie oi JNeurasKa, to all persons interested In said Kstnte take notice that tho administrator has lllod a Anal tlon and a petition for final settlement and dlsoharpe as such administrator, which havo boon set for h&arlnsr before said court on March 2nd, 1917, at 10 contest the same. uated February Bth, 1917. Hospital Phone Black 633. House Phone Black 633. W. T. PJUTCHABD, Gradnatu Vetorlnariun Bight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218-south Locust SL, one-half block southwest of the Court Housb. DEBRYBEERY & FORBES, Licensed Emb&lmurs Undertakers and Funoml Directors Day Phono 234. .Nlght Phono Black 688. W. J. nOLDERNESS Eectrlcal Supplies Wiring Storage Batteries Morsch Bldg Phone 175. tJ1.1. P-'W10 22nd day of January, 1917 Si5S2,ll.4.C2P.nt3J! Nebraska. Issued an ..tuuiiiiieiii ior 1110 sum of LrV$ A" P'JLB before him. Jackson A. Smith Is defendant, that property of the dofondant consisting nr wntvna .... .1 .... . . v ' "y m n me service VnSni in ,th0, hantls of th0 Union Pacific Railroad Company, a Corpora- V ' V. . uimcucu uuuer saiu or- V?fu ?ald Sa,H? was continued to the ICth day of March, 1917, at 10 o'clock a. m. phas r wnnf.- Plaintiff. K1IIltTlI?U u t r Tlv vlrtll.. nf nn n .. .1 m . . frnm tfo o TTii a. i A. .. ... aiu J.asu?a nni ntv m", " 1 . Ul, '"coin .,vu,anti, uijuu u uecree or foreclosure rendered in said Court and Robert S. Hopper- is defendant, and r ; uluu' 1 w,u on lno xtn aay u f ourunry, ivu, at 2 o'clock P. M., at the east front door of the Court jtjuuhu in norm i'latte, Lincoln County, (If OPfifl Intnenaf nn,1 tu. n t described property, to-wit: Southeast S""' '' SLSv' ul oecuon i ivo (i). Tli'rty (30), west of the 6th P. M., in " 00 1917 North PIatte Neb January A T C1AT OT3TTT1V J23-5w " ' Sheriff. , 5S.O0 Per Ton. DRY BONES $10 Per Ton. Highest Price for Hides and rurs. WE BUY RAGS. L. LIPSHITZ, CORNER FRONT AND LOCUST NOTICE FOR l'UIIMCATION' serial no. o&7nc i.n... ...... . i. .. , U. S. Land Olllce at North Platte, Nebr., IvntlnA la 1 . n t . r . 1. . . 1 II. Hamm, of North Platte, Nebr., who, ?n Nov. 20, 1913, made Homestead eii- , r. . . ' " l- " - 74 . Willi illt4 SliJU, Soctlon 20. Townshii) IS. N.. KanBe 29, Y 6th Principal Meridian, 1. . iiuiiuh ul iniiuiuii io maKo (Itlnl 1 1 n . i vrtxnw I") . .. . . . . i claim to the land above doscribed, be i,ore., tU? Register and Receiver, at North Platte, Nebr., on the 7th day ot March, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Robert Tin 1 1 o n f Q t n .i 1 t n X . .. i.r in.. , " . ........ ,inui,, t III. L I L l - man of North Platto Neb.. Garrteld Gutherless, of North Platte, Nebr., Hoffs anuijatto NnMinti Qnff t C3n 1 xr. i J23-GW E. J. EAMES. Register. Bought and highest market prices paid PHflMRR Residence Red 636 Ofilce 459 C. H. WALTERS. . , wuiini "tn iuku notice t hilt nn tVtn 11thlnif a TnnH.. tntn 1?. TT. lllllvnn n liiof nn n ..V 1 North Platto Precinct No. 1, Lincoln Y"ulll'i tiouiawiu, iBnuea an uruor ot Attachment for the sum of 1.7G, which said sum wns amended on Jan. 19th,. I"", i" ronu ?u.v&, in an action now pending before him, wherein Tho Star, bu,,uiuuuji, Id flfilllllllL UI1U JnCKSOR A. Smith Is defendant; that property consisting of money in the sum of tr.O In .La V.n.l.. . I. T t I clflc Railroad Company, a corporation, line Ml 1. n...t... .1 I .1 . ' ", .ikitiuncii ujiuui miiu uruer, Raid cause was continued to tho 5th day of March, 1917. at ten o'clock a. m. .IVtllCU UUIIUULY faU. lUll LET US INTRODUCE J26-fl6 E. J. VANDERHOOP, ' Pres. for Plaintiff. QUALITY TO YOU Quality ln Cigars has has been our aim slnco two began making cigars In North Platto ovor thirty years ajro. Wo put quality in tho first cigars wo mado, and that samo quality la in tho cigars wo mako today. Schmalzriod'H Cigars havo stood tho test of those moro than thirty years. What uroator ovidenco of quality could you desire? If you havo not boon smoking Sshmalz- dlod's cigars, try them thoy aro cor tain to please. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. IlnfArnft'H Main. . .Notlcn la hornhv irlvAn thnt w vlr. tuo of an order Issued to mo by the District Court nf T.lnnnln rnnntv 7v! braska, in an action wherein Wesloy T. Wilcox and John J. Halllgan are plaintiffs and Herman Einstein, Ma tilda Einstein. I.orinnl.l P.tnut Elnstoin, Holen Einstein, Daniel Thcodoro Elnstoin and Gretchen Ein stein, and tho unknown owners and tho unknowwn h North Half of tllo North Half of Sec tion iwoniy-six (2B), Township Six toon (10). North nf T?n nino (29), West and being the heirs, dovisees and legatees and personal rm.pnonn4nH.,n. .f v .. .. .v,mvov,uiuiivbS ol ioma josepn n;in Stoln. HCrman 'Rlnsi-Aln -mtn. stoin, Leopold Einstoln, Max Elnstoin, Helon Elnstoin, Daniel Thcodoro Eln stoin and Orotchon Clara EJnstein aro dofenjlnnfn. t win n im r ..... v... wiu x 1 1.14 day of February, 1917, at tho hour of two o'clock P. M. at Uio east front dOOr Of thn f!nnrt TTnn North Platto, Nobraska, soli at public uuuuou u tuo nigncst bidder for cash, tho followln doscribed real estate- eit- UatO ln LinCOltl Cniintv Hahrnolrn - " -J I .vwfMum, vv- wit: North Half of North Half of Sec uon i-wonty-six (2a), Township Six teen (16), North of Rango Twonty nino (29). West, of tho tho Cth P. M. Dltrwl tlila IKHi ilnu P Tn n h iait j O. E. ELDER, Roforoo. flCm2 County Judge