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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1917)
THE 8EMI.WEEKLV TRIBUNP, NORTH PI ATTP, NFF1RARKA TRAIN KILLS 2 GUARDS MOTOR CAR CARRYING MEMBERS OF OHIO REGIMENT DEMOL ISHED ON BORDER. TWELVE SOLDIERS ARE HURT More Militiamen Are Released From Border Service by the War De partment Wisconsin and lo(wa Soldiers Ordered Home. El Paso, Tex., Fob. 12. Frlvnto Charles Euton of Company L. Flflli Olilo Infantry, unci Sergt. Karl Klsou hart of Company K, Fifth Ohio Infan try, wcro killed when tho Golden State Limited train of tho Bock Island lino from Chicago struck a motor truck In which they wore riding downtown from Camp Pershing. I'rlvato Rudolph J. Smith of Com pany K, Fifth Ohio Infantry, and Pri vate Dan T. Tooiney of Company L, Fifth Ohio Infantry, wore so haUly In jured that they were reported to be In a dying condition. Ton other mem bers of the Fifth Ohio Infantry wore seriously Injured. Among those wore: Private A. J. llochl, Cleveland; Pri vate II. J. Clark, Cleveland; Private Daniel DIukwoII, Clevoland; Private Dan Ray, Conneaut; Private Floyd Rugnr, Conneaut ; Private Grant Itood, Conneaut, 131 Pnso, Tex., Fob. 12. It was an nounced nt military headquarters here on Friday that orders had been re ceived from tho southern department for tho quartermaster's department to prepare for the movement -of National Guard troops to their home stntcs. , San Antonln, Tex., Fob. 12. Tho Second Wisconsin Infnntry left hero today (Saturday) for Fort Sheri dan, to ho mustered out of the federal service. It will be the first regiment to on train under a war department order for resumption of the homeward move ment of slate troops. Additional schedules for departure from tho border arranged to dato are: Second Virginia Infantry, from Brownsville, February 11; squadron Iowa cavalry, Llano Grande, and Iown field hospital and ambulance company, Drowusvlllc, February IB; Fifth Mary land Infnntry, Eagle Pass, February 14. Detroit, Mich., Feb. 12. MaJ. Frank L. Wells received orders on Friday to continue mustering out members of tho Thlrty-secqnd regiment nt Fort Wayne. WILSON WANTS NATION UNIT Only "Overt Act" of Clear-Cut Hostll. Ity by Germany Will Cause War. Washington, Feb. 8. President Wil son wunts a perfectly unjtcd country behind him when ho Buys tho word that will causo congress to declare war. It Is for this reaBon that tho Insist ence of tho administration Is that the overt net which brings war shall be ono of clear-cut hostility und of un questioned violation of our rights. It can bo said that tho accumula tion of proof is that no cabinet ofllcer or other high olllclal of tho govern ment believes that Germany la to exer cise n restraining hand on her subma rine commanders. ISOLATION ENDED, SAYS TAFT Declares Policy of Washington and of Jefferson Is Not Applicable to Present Conditions. Philadelphia. Feb. 8. Tho policy of Washington and Jefferson with refer ence to entangling alliances and tho theory that America "has been favored by fortune with splendid Isolation," were declared to be utterly Inappli cable to prosont conditions by former President William II. Taft, at n dinner hero under the auspices of tho League to Enforce Peace. INDIANA DRY BILL IS SIGNED v Prohibition Measure Will Take Effect In the Hoosler State In April, 1918. Indianapolis, Feb. 12. Governor Goodrich on Friday signed tho Wright prohibition bill, which will make In diana dry In April, 1018. In the pres ence of many prohibition workers tho governor attached his signature to tha measure. DENIES DEUTSCHLAND SAILED Merchant Submarine Is In German Port, According to Bremen Report. Bremen, Feb. 85 Tho merchant sub marine Deutschland has not started on Its third voyago to America, ana re mains In n German port. Nw Life In Leak Inquiry. Washington, Feb. 12. New life sud denly was Injected Into tho 'leak" In quiry by the testimony of George B. Chlpmnn, a hroKer, that certain mem Iters of tin house of representatives dealt In stocks with him. i - i Gees on Shipping Board. Washington, Feb. 12. President Wil son nonilunted' Raymond 11. Stovens of Handolph. N. II., to bo n member of the (pdernl shipping board for a term of five years. Stevens succeeds Ber nard N, linker of Baltimore. GOOD RIDDANCE GOME TO AGREEMENT! SWITCHMEN GET , EIGHT-HOUR DAY AND OVERTIME. All Danger of Great Rail Strike Over Considerable Bitterness Shown at Conference. Chicago, Feb, 10. Tho switchmen connected with the Brotherhood of ltallroad Trainmen will not strike. After n conference which lasted late Into tho night, representatives of both sides announced (hat all differences had been settled and tho railroad managers had conceded the points de manded by tho switchmen. The four grlovnnces presented by tho union men were adjusted In the first hour of tho conference, but the union olll cials ndded the eight-hour day and the tlmo and a half for overtime demands to the claims already submitted. The committee from the Managers' association protested that they had no formal notice of tho wage and time demands and (lie union oillclals with drew their demands Just before the meeting adjourned, "Everything bus been adjusted," said James Murdock, vice president of the Brotherhood of ltallroad Train men. "We toltl the mauagers how much we desired the eight-hour day and time and a half for overtime, hut we did not forco our demands. Tho strike vote is now nullified. Ask Mr. Hannauer for tho details." "We have reached a satisfactory agreement with tho men," said George llannauer, chairman of tho managers committee. "The danger of a strike is passed." Dispatches from New York stnted that in case of a general strlko the government was ready to take over the management of all the railroads Involved. This plan would not. have been opposed by tho rail chiefs, ac cording to New York and Washington messages. Considerable bitterness was mani fest In tho conforonco, the railroad managers charging tho yardmen with seizing on the International polltlcul crisis as an ndded leverage In their de mands. BANK L'AYSOFF"iGERMANS New York Institution Continues Their Pay in Neutrality Plan Dur ing Break. New York, Feb. 8. Fifteen Get mans employed In tho foreign depart ment of the Guaranty Trust company, one of the largest banking organiza tions In tho country, havo been given link-Unit o leave of absence with pay, It was announced, pending tho outcome or tho break between the United. States nnd Germany. An olllcor explained that this action was taken "for reasons of neutrality," and that no reflection on the character of the men wns meant. TELEGR1APHIC NOTES New York, Feb. .). A private cable gram received here reported the safe arrival of the French liner Touralne nt Bordeaux. Berlin, Feb. 0. All Dutch norts have been closed by the Dutch ministry of murine, says a dispatch to the Over seas News agency from Tho Hague. London. Fob. 0. The Amsterdam HaudeUhlnd announces that a nnwur- ful bomb loaded with nails and brok en glass, exploded on the steps of the stock exchange there at eleven o'clock at night. No damage was done and no casualties resulted, the newspaper reports. Loudon. Fob. 0. Addressing li moot. lug In London, John Hodge, minister or labor, said he thought he was giving away no secret In saying that at the rocont conference between representa tives of tho entente allies the determi nation had been arrived at lo tennlnuto tho war by the end of summer. Fulton to Box Willard. Albany, N. Y., Feb. 12. An agree ment for a ten-round IioxIiik bout be tween Jess WIHnrd, world's heavy weight champion, and Fred Fulton, at Madison Squaro garden, Now York, March 20, wns announced here. Wilson Adds to National Forest Washington. Feb. 12. President Wllsou has signed a proclamation add Ing to tho Whitman national forest In Oregon 50,000 acres on tho divide be tween tho John Day, Powder and Burut rivers. KING REMOVES POMP BRITISH RULER OPENS PARLIA MENT IN KHAKI. Declares "Threats Only Serve to Steel Determination" Germany's Peace Offer Impossible. London, Feb. S. King Gcorgo In opening parliament said that tho re sponse of tho nllles to tho Invitation of tho president of tho United States outlined their alms as far as could he done nt present. The king ndded: "Threats of further outrages upon public order and the common right of humanity servo to steel our determina tion." The opening of parliament, always picturesque, was shorn of much of Its color and pomp. The peers wore none of tho customary robes and regalln. Tho king was clad In a khaki uniform and all tho lords and members of tho house of commons who are entitled to wear either khaki or navy blue fol lowed tho example of tho monarch. Thero were other Innovations In keeping with the time of war. Tho Imperial escort consisted of olllcers of tho overseas fighting force. Tho royal gallery In tho house of lords was set apart for wounded soldiers. For tho first time In tho history of parliament the Importance of tho for eign press wns recognized by tho al lotment of seats In tho press gallery to correspondents from allied and neu tral countries. The weather was clear and crisp and ns the roynl procession pnssed from Buckingham palace to tho houso of parliament crowds lined the streets. NEW CHICAGO POSTMASTER William B. Carllle, Weil-Known Insur ance Man, Named by the President. Chicago, Feb. 12. William B. Car lllo, a well-known Insurance man, wns appointed postmaster of Chicago by President Wilson. Mr. Cnrllle's name was suggested to President Wilson by Senntor James Hamilton Lewis. Sen ator Lewis had blocked tho confirma tion by the senate of President Wil son's first nominee for tho place, Dixon G. Williams. Mr. Carllle was born In Lebanon, Ky., January 21, 1870. When ho was twenty-three years old Mr. Carlllo married a. prominent society girl of Memphis, Tcnn., Miss Virginia Fon taine, lie has had a spectacular rlso In the Insurance field. In 1S00 ho was made Inspector of agencies for tho Mutual company In tho United States and Canada. In 1911 President Wil liam A. Day of the Equitable Life As surance cbmpnny announced tho ap pointment of Mr. Carllslo to an ad-' mlnlstrntlvo ollico of Ills concern. He acted after that In a supervisory ca pacity for tho Equitable company agencies throughout the United Stntcs. BLAST KILLS 200 WORKERS Victims of Dynamite Factory Explo sion In Germany Mostly Women Blast at Louvaln. Amsterdam, Feb. S. A dynamite factory at Schlchusch, near Cologne, wns blown up on January 27, causing tho death of 200 persons, mostly wom en. An explosion last Thursday on tho railway between Alx-La-Chapello and Louvaln caused tho death or Injury of 2G Belgian workmen. BRITISH WARSHIP IS SUNK Only Five Saved When British De stroyer Hits Mine In the English Channel. London, Feb. 12. A British torpedo boat destroyer of an older type, the British admiralty announced on Fri day struck a mine In tho English chan nel on Thursday night and sank. All of the olllcers and crew except flvo were lost. More Guards for CapltoL Washington, Feb. 12. Tho senate rules commltteo decided to recommend the employment of r0 additional po licemen to gunrd tho capltol against bomb plots, feared as a result of tho German crisis. To Raise Newspaper Postage. Washington, Feb. 12. An Immediate increase from 1 to 1 cents a pound In tho postage rates On newspapers and periodicals for this year and to 2 cents n pound next year Is provided In tho post-oltlce appropriation bill.. LEWIS' PHONE BILL PLAN FOR GOVERNMENT OWNER 8HIP IN DISTRICT NOT LIKE LY TO CARRY. MEASURE DESIGNED AS TEST Efforts to Put City of Washington In the Prohibition Column Rouses the Residents to Bitter Battle Lower Houso Must Decide. By GEORGE CLINTON. Washington. For many days hear lugs have been conducted before the house committee of the District' of Columbia on the Lewis bill for gov eminent ownership of the telephone system In tho District. Tho intention of the promoters of tho bill was to test government ownership of tho tele phone system In the city of Washing ton, which Is coincident with the Dis trict of Columbia, with a view pos sibly to more extensive territorial ac tion In the future. Representative Lewis of Maryland, who Is tho father of this government 'ownership proposition, will leave congress on March 4. It has been his desire to secure affirmative congres sional action during his term of of fice. This specific government owner ship proposition probably will come be fore congress again, but the word Is that It has little chance of enactment Into law. at tho present session. The hearings therefore are held by the proponents of tho measure to be at present valuable merely from the edu cational point of view. The opponents of the measure say that there will bo no chance to pass It at the next con gress becnuse opposition to It will be strengthened In tho new body. The country must take Its choice between tho two sets of opinions on the sub ject. ThO District of Columbia which, as has been said, means the city of Wash ington, has been deeply Interested ever since congress came together In two propositions, either ono of which If en acted Into luw would affect material ly the business Interests und the resi dents of the district generally. Wheth er they would affect them beneficially or detrimentally Is, of course, entirely according to tho viewpoint. Senate Passes Dry Bill. Tho Lewis hill for government own ership of the telephone lines In the district held the center of Interest In tho house, while prohibition for the district held the center of Interest in tho senate. The upper house has pnssed the measure forbidding the sale and manufacture of intoxicating liquors In the capital city of the coun try. The house commltteo now Is con sidering tho same measure. Tho sonutors cither have cleared their skirts or besmirched them, ac cording ns men view the thing, by their action on prohibition for tho dis trict. Today tho upper house men say, "It Is up to tho lower houso men," and so tho prohibition bill has been sent over to tho mercies of the repre sentatives. It perhaps may go without saying that this prohibition bill has stirred tho city of Washington as few other things hnve stirred It for a good many years. Prohibition In Washington Is u war like subject. The advocates of dry legislation are as militant ns any sol diers In Europe. The same word can be snld concerning tho ndvocntes of a continued wet season In this city of legislation. Words wcro not minced In tho hearings which the senate com mittee gave on thls subject nor are they being minced In the discussion In tho corridors nnd committee rooms of tho house. It is a hattlo royal, as someone has put It, between the black bottlo and the water wagon. Debatmg Grayson's Promotion. Tho scenes of tho other days havo Just been re-enacted In tho United States senate, although this tlmo thero has been more red fire, to say nothing of thunder and Hashes of lightning. The senators have been discussing, with more thnn usual of theatrical accompaniments, the nom ination by President Wilson of Gary T. Grayson, United States navy, to bo n medical director and n rear admiral. As everybody knows, Doctor Gray son has been tho naval aid and per sonal physician to tho president ever slnco Mr. Wilson came Into office. More than this, he was for a tlmo a medical adviser of President Taft. Doctor Grayson Is, comparatively speaking, a Junior ofllcer of tho medi cal corps of the sea service. Tho prosldent promoted him over the heads of 115 navy doctors to the post of medical director and rear admiral. It is not the Intention to enter Into questions affecting Doctor Grayson's fitness for the rank to which he has been promoted, nor tho policy which would Jump ono mnn over tho heads of others of much longer service, but only to say that whenever promotion by selection occurs there always Is trouble for tho nominee, the nominator and the senators who must confirm the nomination. Roosevelt Didn't Promote Wood. Thero Is ono curious thing which has accompanied this case of Doctor Grayson Into tho limelight. The In stant that the young surgeon was named for high promotion, not only Washington, but tho entire country said: "Well, didn't Theodore Roose vclt do the Bnino thing to Leonard Wood, who was n Junior doctor in tho medical corps of tho army?" Yoars of service ns a Washington correspondent tenches men tho truth cf tho old saying that it Is hard to Mtch up with a falsehood. It Is prob able that nine-tenths of tho people or tho United States who know anything nbout the ease nt all bellovo Implicit ly that Roosevelt, when he wns presl dent, made his personal friend. Cap tain-Doctor Leonard Wood, a brigadier general of the lino in the American urmy. Captain-Doctor Wood of the regulnr army, who nlso at the time wns n colonel of volunteers, wns pro moted from his captaincy to n brlgn dler generalship of the regulars by William McKlnloy, In February. 1001 Theodore Roosevelt, when ho was president, did tnke two captnlns of the army and make brigadier generals out or them. One of them was the present MaJ. Gen. Jofin J. Pershing. who commanded tho expedition Into Mexico, and who bus Just been or dered hack Into tho United States, Thero wns something of nn uproar when tho then president promoted Pershing because of the fact that the cavalry captain wns Jumped over the bends of some hundreds of superior officers. There was a I'cason, however, for Pershing's promotion. Speculation About 1920. President Wilson hns not yet taken tho oath of office for his second term ns president of the United States and yet already busy speculations are circling round, like tho busy whisper In the schoolroom of tho "Tho Deserted Village," concern ing who's to bo who in the noxt presl dimtlal campnlgn. Perhaps It seems Incredible that tongues already nro wagging concern ing tho prospects of this man or that mnn for high preferment nt the con ventions which will meet three years from next June, but such Is the fact, and there Is n reasou for It. In nor mal clrcumstunces, of course, It Is not to ho expected that Woodrow Wilson will ho a candidate to succeed him self and therefore and thus early It Is that the "busy whisper" concern Itself with the candidate or tho candidates for tho next Democratic nomination. So far as the Republicans are con cerned, they feel an Interest nlready,' and a talking one, In the possible can didate who, three years from next summer may be expected to lead the assault against a Democracy en trenched for eight years. Tho new Congressional Dictionary has Just been issued. It will be the last directory to contain nil the names of the mem bers of the present senate and house. With the coming of March 4 there will be a new directory carrying tho bur den of n good many nnmes. Are They In the Directory? Now the Congressional Directory Is lugged Into the presidential gossip matter because history shows that In most cases this book has carried the names of the two candidates to be pitted against each other in the presi dential race. Some may say that Woodrow Wil son's name was not In the Congres sional Directory at the tlmo that ho was talked of for the presidency more than four yenrs ago. It was. The names of thn governors of the stntcs appear In tho Congressional Directory, nnd it does not tnke much of a mem ory to retain the fact that Mr. Wilson wns once governor of New Jersey. The nnme of Charles E. Hughes was In the Congressional Directory during all the time that ho was being nnmed as a probable Republican cnndldate and during nil tho time that he re fused to break silence on the subject of his desire or lack of desire to enter the contest. Tho Congressional Direc tory carries the nnmes of the chief Justice and the ns' slate Justices of tho Supreme court. Some studious person who has looked over tho new directory Just ns It has come from the press has discov ered that only two men have seen fit to put In their nutoblographles fur nished for the book the fact that they were candidates for the nomination of their parties for tho presidency of the United States Speaker Champ Clark (Dem.) and John W. Weeks (Hep.). Some of the Possibilities. In tho new Congressional Directory, however, are to be found the names of a good many men who hnve received votes In either the Democratic or tho Republican nntlonnl conventions for the nomination for the presidency. Thomas R. Marshall, vice president of the United Stntes. was n favorite son of Hooslerdoni In tho days of tho con tinuance of the Baltimore convention of 1012. Oscnr W. Underwood, Dem ocrat, of Alabama, not only wns his stato's favorite son, but he received n large, number of votes In tho conven tion. There nre other Democrats In the book who likewise received sup port for the nomination for the highest ollico In tho land. Now we turn to the Republicans and we find Senator Lawrence Y. Sher man, who received the great majority of the votes of Illinois on the first bal lot at the Chicago convention last summer. And there Is Senntor Rob ert M. La Follette of Wisconsin, who has figured In natlonnl conventions ns a candidate several times. With them are Senntor Borah of Idaho and Cum mins of Iowa and some others. A momber of congress the other day called tho congressional directory tho "Book of Fate." He said that somewhere within It, In all human probability, wan the name of the next president of the United States. This may not he, of course, because some mnn may spring Into prominence nnd power In the next three yenrs nnd car ry away the banner. But the chances are, perhaps, that the name of the president of tho United States who shall succeed Woodrow Wilson Is con tained In this book of fate and book of tho future. Dally Thought. He travels safe and not unpleasant ly who Is guarded by poverty and guid ed by love. Sir Philip Sidney. HOPE TO AVERT MR GERMANS HAVE NO DESIRE TO TAKE ON UNITED STATES. PILOTS TO EXERCISE GARE Neutral Crafts to Be Warned Enemy. Merchantmen Ordered to Be Sunk On Sight Copenhagen, Denmark. Little hopo or expectation prevails In Boriim that war with tho United States la avoid able or that a modus Vivendi recon ciling tho.policlos of Uio two govern ments can bo found. There now is a deslro on tho part ot tho authorities aud a vast bulk of tho people to avoid actual hostility la any way consistent with the general lines of the present submarine policy, but only in such a way. Accordingly Instructions were given, so The As sociated Press has been reliably ln formed, to submarlno commanders be fore they started on their February mission, to take tho safe side when neutral vessels, particularly Ameri can, were in question, whenever pos sible. Enemy merchantmen when recog njzed as such, were ordered to bo sunk at sight, but neutral merchant men were to bo warned when such action In their Judgment was consist ent with tho object of tho campaign and the safety of tholr Bhlps. It Is realized, however, after ther prompt and resolute stand taken by President Wilson, that theso orders could only be pallatlvo and only de fer, not avoid, an ultimate break. Also that If President Wilson stood by his announcement that tho destruc tion of American lives or ships would bo regarded as an act of hostility, a casus belli must como sooner or lat probably sooner on account of tho numbers of Americans on enemy ships. Moreover thero was the discre tionary naturo of the instructions to submarine commanders who wcro in formed that while the careful course toward neutrals was recommended and desired, they would not longer be subjected to punishment for departing from their former procedure of warn ing, if they found this advisable. It Is considered that the only possibility of tho avoidance of hostilities would result from a modification of Its stand point by ono or the other side and so far as could be judged from the posi tive declarations of Alfred Zimmer man, the German minister of foreign affairs, and other officials before Urn Associated Press correspondent's de parture from Berlin, thero was no probability that Germany -would give way this time or abandon the ruth less campaign now started. Gorman-American relations again and again havo passed through crises apparently almost hopeless, but thl3 time the crisis Is more difficult than the former ones and even the optimist can scarcely see any peaceful egress out of tho Impasse. Will Arm Merchantmen. Washington. American ship own ers who havo been holding their ves sels In port becauso of Inability to ob tain guns for defense against sub marines probably will have tholr dif ficulty solved In a few days. Strong Intimations were given in official quarters that, while tho government will not actually arm merchant craft or even formally advise arming, a way will be found to put weapons nt tho disposal of owners who desire la prepare for defense against illegal at tack. . Tho German proposal delivered to the state department a few days ngo that means bo discussed of pre venting tho break In relations from resulting In war apparently has struck no responsive .cord here. Austria Would Avert Break. London. Reports from Vienna re ceived at Tho Hague and transmit ted by tho Exchange Telegraph Co. say that tho Austrd'-Hungarlan gov ernment Is negotiating with Ameri can Ambassador Penfleld over tho question of allowing Americans to travel unhindered In tho Mediterra nean, hoping thereby to avert a sev erance of relations between Austria Hungary and tho United States. Liners Won't Sail Without Warships. Now York. Unless tho Unitocl States government provides convoys or guns and gunnors to protect its ships, tho American lino, owners of tho steamships St. Louis, St Paul and other liners, will not send, them across tho Atlantic. Sweden to Look After Prisoners. Petrograd. David IL Francis, tha American ambassador, has been in formed that Sweden is to take over tho Inspection of the Gorman prison ers of war In Russia. Offers to Guard Border. Salt Lako City. C. L. Christonsen of Monticollo, Utah, who says that ho has been an Interpreter among the Indians for forty years, wrote tn finv. ernor Bamberger that ho would enlist 10,000 Navajo Indians to protect tho Mexican border in case of war, Bids for 500,000 Uniforms. Philadelphia. BldB for taxtlln terlals to provldo armv unlformq tnr more than 500,000 men wcro asked by tho Schuylkill arsenal. Total ex- ponaituro is estimated at $15,000,000.