The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 16, 1917, Image 5

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Your Most Important Duty
to Yourself is the
We are specialists in the fitting and mak
ing o Spectacles and Eyeglasses. We have
. our own grinding plant and can replace a
broken lense same day order is given.
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
State Bunk.
.Tnlinsnn returned Wed
ne'sday evening from a visit In Omaha,
in to nnkor left Thursday for
"Wallace to spend a week -visiting her
pint) wiiitA inft vesterdav morning
, for Omaha and other eastern points
. to spend a low days.
Armur iiummur iuit iiwumu;
fnr Denver to sDond sev
eral days on business.
Miss Lesta Wilcox, of Grand Island,
camo hero yesterday morning to ac
cept a position at tno uasis.
Miss Alleen Gantt returned "Wtdnes
i day ovenlng from Omaha and Lincoln
.whore sho visited her sister.
' Mrs. James McEvoy returned yes
terday morning from Hershoy where
she) spent some time.
nnimrtfl. of Maxwell.
was a guest at the Clinton home a
day or-two tins weeic.
MlVs "Helen Springer, of Gothenburg,
spent thtr week end visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Stronreggan
Charles Trembly, of Maxwell, spent
' yesterday In town visiting friends and
transacting ousiness
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McMullen went
' to Grand Island Wednesday evening
to attend the trainmen's uau.
Roy Bunnell visited the first of this
week in Grand Island and attended 'the
trainmen's ball Wednesday evening
tra vmnU Cox of Sutherland, who
was taking medical treatment Here, re
tu'rned home Wednesday evening.
William Calupka, of Gerlng, wo
spent a few days hero at tuo j. t. xiur-i
phy homo left yesterday morning, j
Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Smith returned
Wodnosday ovenlng from Kearney
whei'e they attenueu uio iuneriw ui u
Tho Hendy-Ogier Co., received eigh
teen Ford cars this week and ar0 "hol
lerln" for more to fill their signed or
ders. Local dealers of autos predict
thafsales this year wil greatly exceed
those of last year.
ATrn iiv rviates. of Maxwell, for
merly of this ctly spent a few. days
hero with Mr, and Mrs. uimor uoaies
this week.
TVTV nnrl Mrn AT. V. MeCullOUCll Of
111 A VfcilNk - w
Maxwell, camo hero Wednesday to at
tend tho Lady Forresters party at me
Cook homo.
nvirnrvMiinir in ilnlntv Under Gar
ments and Night Gowns at extremely
low prices.
ia w n AToDermott and son left
yesterday morning for Los Angeles
and Pamona, Ual., no spend sevenu
weeks with relatives.
Tiia n.nHinilp. Girls' club have de
cided to discontinue meetings during
the Lentea season Wlilcli Begins weu
nesday, February 21st
Mrs. Frederick Baker, of Omaha,
who had boqn tho guest of Mr.., and
Mrs. C. S. Clinton for some time, left
last evening for Maxwell to visit the
Roberts family.
Tinw nnnim nnil Mrs. Frank Elliott
returned Wednesday 'evening from
Chicago, St. Joe and Kansas uity wnero
they purchased stocK ror tno nun ue
partmont store.
mi. cTiwTL'fii nf tiin mitomoblle bus
iness is creating a demand for larger
Tf la nrntlv certain that one.
and perhaps two now buildings will
bo ercted this year lor garage ym-
Tho. nnnntv nnnimlsslonors devoted
yesterday to appraising school land,
dno tract fifteen miles northwest of
town, tho other twelvo miles woit.
In both instances the land now under
lease will be purchased by the lioiuera
of the leases';
Unsusual longevity of Uftris enjoyed
by tho father and mottior oi Airs,
vininr AndrrRnn of this cltv. The fath
er has reached ninety-two and th?
mother eighty-seven. If this aged
couple llvo until next October they will
iinir qnventioth weddlmr an
niversary, which indeed .will be a rare
occurrence. Tho fathor and mother
make their homo in Grand Islami
Mr. nnd Mrs. Chorion MeMuray left
Uio first of this week for Canada.
Mrs. W. T. Borry has roturneil to
Grand Island tiRor vtaiting with loenl
Rev. B. A. Crnm has returned from
SIdnoy whoro ho visited the first of
this wcok.
Mrs. Harry Dixon and daughter
Harrlst will leavo shortly lor unmnu
anil Chicago.
Aroli-deacon J. J. IJowkor returned
Wednosuay morning uum
visit In Donver.
t n rn rntiin down from Sidney
Wednesday to visit his family for a
counlo of days.
w v. Hnncland roturnod
Wcdnosday from York whoro he spoilt
sovoral days on uusinwss.
im- ivtra au Fonwlck return
od Wtlno8lay ovonlng from Omaha
whoro they visitou a wcok.
im. l,u1 rr wnrn nllt BOlld YOUr
washing to tho North l'latto Laundry.
Phono 113. "
rotnpiioii from Om-
nha whoro ho visited rolatlves and
frlonds the first of this wcok.
Mrs. Mray Pattee, of Kansas City,
camo a few days ago for an extondod
visit at tho Fred Hanlon home.
Remember tho sale of cake3 and pies
to bo held by tho Catholic lmllos at
Maloncy furniture storo tomorrow.
Now Spring Dress Materials arriving
daily, showing all new novel dos gns.
nirls' Club will hold
nvnimnriv nt tho Derrvborry &
Ck 11 . fc Vyll" ri " , . . ,
Forbes store Saturday, February 17th.
FOR SALE For llttlo money, just
lika now, piano, cash or time. Writo
at once. A. Hospo Co., Omaha, Nob.
Tvroiirtnn Tinnlnir. who was operated
upon recently at tho City Hospital
for appendicitis, is gotting along nlco-
Mrs. Andy McGovorn, of Brady, whq
visited her fathor Fred Marti for a
week returned liome Wednesday even
TTr. coin -An nrtrnn. a sanitary
couch and a now carpot sweeper and
vacuum cleaner combined. Phono Black
Tlin tlpnilV-Onlor Allto Co.. loetll
agent for tho Ford Motor Cars, haa
recolvoxt tho following letter from the
Ford Motor Co:
On nneiiimi nf (ln ilmnnilil for Piirs
nt tlila time, it will lie necessnry for
yon to sccuro omers iiouiro uemcnes
can be made. yn win riMinesi umi you
illniiOv ln-ilin itrriiniroiiipntN to
prctcure hIkmA nrders, fonviirdlntr
snmv to Jills onicp nnu c win no nuie
to delhpr pract lenity as fast s yu
cim ipiul In tlio orders. This docs not
niciin a delay of from sixty to ninety
.itiru ii li ii tu Intt uinMir ui nronor.
ly (ilstrthutliip the cars to nftvnis who
ran iniikp iiiniKMiiiue iioinenes.
: ro: :
Tho funoral of the late Herman
KoBlmu and son who were killed t
an nutomobllo ocldont Saturday ev
ening was held from tho Proebyterlan
church Wodensday afternoon, Rev. a
B. Harinan was In chargo of tho ser
vices which wero attend by r large
Tinmlinr. nf frlnmld mill mpllthorft of the
difforent fratomal ordors to which tho
deceased bolongftd. Mr. Kosbau was
born In Germany In 1874 and camo to
tho United Statoa at the ago of four
teen years Ho was married in Iowa
tu 1905 to Miss Dolla Grant who sur
vives him. Othor surviving rolatlves
aro his eon Harry, slstors Mrs. Wm.
Anderson and Mrs. Bostwick and bro
thor Fred Kosbau. Interment was
mado in tho North Platte comotory.
Man since his creation has been a
victim of clrcunisttuu'oa. Few there
aro who do not fool their part in the
great drama tho ovolution of things.
Thd code of llfo Is but a condensation
nf ii'lcili,,i rrlnnrioil frnni OYtvprlnilons
and establishc! In laws to guard frail
humanity. These lacts1 aro piainiy
mmnhnslzed In " Tho Rlso of Susan."
with Clara Kimball Young, at the
Crystal Saturday night. "Tho. Itiao of
Susan" Is a story of every day peoplo
with pionty oi action.
t mul Mm V .T tlnll. nf Blnlwood I
nrnlnpf wnrn In Imvn WndllOadnV I
visiting frlonds and transacting bunl-
nos. Mr. lion who recently ioi nisi
onp liv Urn Ihir iimdn sntttlMtient With I
1m Inmirnnnn poninnnv. receiving
twolvo hundrod dollnrs, a mm lc8
than Uio policy but satisfactory to
Mr. Boll.
Porsons aro prohlbltod from smok
ing clgarotoa In church and other
public places Including poetoitloae, ac
cording to a bill which wu MJin
monded for 'passage by tho Nwbraeka
loglslaturo. It appliog to person over
elghteon years of age otliprs are not
pormlttcd to use cigarottos nt any
The Ford Motor Co
This means your signed order at once that we
may order your :J
F 0 R D
for future delivery.
Touring Car $395.05, Runabout $380.05
Cor. Fourth & Dewey.
Worth Platte, Neb.
Mary L. Nickorson was granted a
divorco from Reynoius Lorenzo men
oatnnlnv mornlnc in the (lis
tho eroundB of cruolty
and non-sTipport. They wore married
April 24th, 1898, at Stmtton, Nebr..
and t'ho plaintiff has resided in this
state for nino years. Threo children
iimrti) lrvrn in tills union, liitliel UOmei-
ia born Jan. 29th, 1899 and since mar
Mr. T.nthnrtz. Flovd Leslie
hnrn AncriiHt 23d. 1900 and Anthony
diction of this court. Floyd Leslie
born in 1902 who is out oi uio juns
was given into tho custody of the
Tf Tsi,n ifniiihnr nf Bradv. camo
hero WeflnosVlay ovenlng to attend
tho Lady Foresters party ai uio mun
Mloa nnntu Tfrniiso. of Wost Point,
arrived hero today to visit at tne noma
of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tramp ior u:
week. i
I.. lUninrv 99, Mm Mnsnillc lodcO
W 1 1 A VM. ..... J " v w
In lini.i oirvlpfl3 sinnrnnriate to tho 1
iinniversary of tho dedication of their
ait-o t t k'ofc will entertain the
Itowena circle Tuesday afternoon. All,
Yeoman ladlos ar flsuea to come ami
bring a friend.
Mrn wiuinm Baldock. who recently i
movo to Molberta, visited her liarentsj
Mr. . and Mrs. James MCMicnaei me
first of this week. i
Alfrnil Mnnnnn. nf Etna, and Miss
rnl.- Snlllvnn nf fJntliPTlhliri?. worn
married Wednesday afternoon by
County Judge French. 1
THnrl Tt Rnrlntpr nf T.iwvellnn. nnd'
nnrnthv AT. McT.nv. nf' Bradv. wer"
married Wednesday aftornoon in thl-i
city by County Judge French.
Tnn't tnlsn tho. flrat. Instnllinmnt nf
"Patria" tonight and thon havo pcopk
toll you what you' havo missed. Start
with tho first of tho loveotory that is.
Mm nivnn (TfJnll dnnrrhlftr Orlaco
and son Jamos, left last evening for
Green River whoro Mr. o noii ami two
anna mrn In thn fimnlnv nf thn. Union
Pacific, and whoro tho family will
make their homo. Miss Frances O'Ncil
wfin la n njiplinr In tlin (inlhoiililirir I
schools will also go to Greon River
at tho closo or tho school year. air.
mill Mrs. nVnil maided In the P.nuntv
for fourteen years and hove mi.ny
rrionds .who Tegret tuoir removal.
Two Important nddltlona wwro mado
this wcok to Captain Barron's com
Innnv In tlin nnrsnns nf J. C. lion lllld
Elmor. Coates, lioth of whom will act
scout and will probobly bo stationed
on Sioux Lookout watching for tho ap.
pearhnce of German aeroplanes which
some official is quoted as saying will
'bo. soaring over tno unitou. ejiaios
within tho next thirty days.
I Charlc3 Turner, charged with hoop
ing nnd selling boozo will havo a pre
liminary hearing in tho county court
IUIm fnrnnnnn. Tlin ease had been set
for Wodnosday but was postponed
' until touay.
Notice to Public.
In no other country in the world
has tho use of banks beconio so uni
versal as In America. Yet with a popn
fiit'lon of slightly over 100,000,000 wo
have hut, Home 10,000,000 bank lie
counts or about one to cnery threo
Are you oiio f the "Ones" who
have n bank account; or one of tho
"Twos" who havo mi l
Tho "Ones" nro millions of dollars
iihead of tho "Twos."
Better got on the right side by open.
Ing your account here, now, with n
dollar or more.
Platte Valley State Bank
North Platte, Nebraska.
WmB Millions of Dollars i
rs"j nuau Ris tu
ill Ifj f
Vlrirlnln Pnnrann 111 "Ilnrpilnvll
T"i" will ln tlin Wnv fnntiir'n nt til f
Crystal tonight. Tho story Is a" west
ern one mint nrounti a munition piant
Grafanolas aro tho acmo of perfec
tion in tho talking machine, world nc
lelninml so by six international ox
positions. Lot us depionstrabe.
DIXON, Tho Jeweler"
fllla Pnanntrntnr nf -Urnilv fnilln In
town Tuesday evening to have treated
a nana mat nan occn nauiy poisoned
vliile, ho was skinning v. calf that had
died of black leg.
As1.' Saturday night and pay day
novcr como ror some peopio l nayo ue
cidcjl that In order1 to glvo overy one n
squaro deal to do an absolutely cash
business. So don't ask for tiredlt and
you won't bo rofused.
irnir Xli'frmifMlf spoilt IllllO IICIIVV.
C. II. Waltor, tho hog buyer, has
shipped out n few moro than flvo
hundred hogs tills wook. iiiey woro
bought nt prices ranging around $11.B0(
and tho total paid out wuB in tho
neighborhood of $15,000. Tho hogs that
uto being marKotou aro souwwmu
light in -weight duo to tho high price
of corn and tho fact that growora
desire to ship beforo a posslblo decline
in prlco might occur.
llaro Hargiiln in High Grade Piano.
Wo havo aknow, liigh-grnue piano
Inntnil nt Nnrlh Platte, which for llli-
medlato sale, no reasonablo offer will
hn (inclined. Lilwral terms . to a ro-
Hponslble party, If you act quick you
will find this nn onnortunity to pur
chase a piano tremondously cheap.
If interested write tho Denvor Music
Comanv. Donver. Colorado, at once
fnr -nnrtlfMilnrs. 0-0 1
Pay the Peddler or Canvasser
Twice These Prices?
You can sine good deal of money by
buying your stock tonic at this store,
Instead of paying tho peddler big, fan.
cy prices for goods of unknown quali
ty. Look ut these prices for thai old
reliable and guaranteed stock condi
tioner and worm expcller.
Dr. Hess Stock Tonic
25-lb. Pail Costs S2.00
Remember, we have no peddler's wagon and horae8,
expenses to pay. That's why we can sell you Dr.
Hess Stock Tonic at these Rock-bottom Prices.
Horo 1b another nolnt. Mr. Farmer, we want to emphasize that Is: Dr.
Hesa Stock Tonic la hlchlv concentrated:. It goes farther, as tho
small doso quantity proves. t
Dr Hess Stock Tonic Is to put your animals in a thriving condition,
m'ako tho ailing ones healthy and expol tho worms otherwise you get
your money back right here ut our store, wo also handle
Dr. Hess Dip and Disinfectant
Dr. Hess Poultry Pan-a-ce-a
Dr. Hess Instant Louse Killer
Real Estate and
rnt T.rrTtriNS A RPRriAI.TY.
Will lookCnftcr renting your property at reasonable rates. Phone
Black 550 and we will call. Notary and Justice of the Peace.
Duroc - Jersey Sow Sale.
Wednesday, February 28.
Will Sell nl Public Auction at 1;00 P. M Central time,' Wednes
day, Februaryl28, on the Substation Farm, three miles south of
North Platte,
bred to farrow in March nnd April. These. are a well bred lot of
liood, straight gilts. They are immune, Registration certificates
will be furnished. For the out of town guests conveyances will
leave North Platte at 10;30 A, M.
W. P. SNYDER, Supt.
Col. E. Z. Russell, of Omaha, Auctioneer. " '
tereci b
mis ior oaie
5 Shorthorns. ; ,,
1 Double Standard Polled Durham
7 Herefords. Two and three years" old.
These are large, heavy boned type, .livery
one a'gbod individual. Now at the old
stock yards, North Platte. Phone me at
Timmerman Hotel or come in.
The undersigned will offer at public sale at the
FEBRUARY 23 and 24
Commencing at 12:30 p. m. each day, the following:
15 Thoroughbred Poland China Sows with pig, and 2 young thor
oughbred Poland Cnintr Boars.
1 black mare 6 years old weight 1G0O, 1 black gelding 4 years old
weight 1050, 1 brown mare 6 years old weight 1500, 1 roan mare
4 years old weight 1500, 1 bay driving mare 6 years old weight
1200, 1 Percheron stallion 5 year3 old weight 1G50. In addition
to these a number of other horses will be offered for sale.
MILCH COWS A number of milch cows will be on sale that
cannot here be described.
IMPLEMENTS 22 wngons of the Old Hickory and Bain makes
complete with boxes and seats, 2 new buggies, 2 spring wagons, 1
carriage, a number of listers, cultivators, two rows, plows, discs,
harrows, gasoline engine, fanning mill, corn sheller, breaking and
stirring plows. All these implements are new. Also n set of
work harness.
AUTOMOBILES 1 new Chandler Automobile, 1 new Elcar
Automobile nnd a number of second hand cars.
TERMS All sums under $20 cash, above that sum 10 months'
time at 10 per cent interest. 2 per cent discount for cash.
L. M. MoCLARA, Auctioneer. F. C. PIELSTICKER, Clerk.