No. 10
Elmer Cnso nnd Rert Roycr Are (lie
Latest IVlio will Answer to the
Chnrgo of Selling and
Huying Liquor.
Tho determination to stamp out as
Jar as possible tho illegal galo of In
toxicating liquors is stronger today
than it as been any thno since North
Platto wont dry. This desire has boon
accentuated by an ovont of the past
week, and tho fellow who I dealing in
tho stuff will need uso more tare than
ho has heretofore or olso he certainly
will net into the meshes of tho law.
That -liquor is being unlawfully sold
in rather liberal quantities must bo
admitted, but a a rulo It is impossible
to get tho buyer to tell of whom he
purchased It, and also the Bellor Knows ,
his man boforo ho sells It to hlm.
However, not only the ponce, out
citizens who are well known in busi
ness circles, are determined that a3
many as possible of these violators
shall bd forretcd out.
"Wednesday afternoon Elmer Chnso
was arrested for having liquor on 'his
person, and it was charged that ho ob
tained it from a boot-legger. Ho was
arraigned in tho county court yester
day, pleaded not guilty and tho hear
Intr will bo hold in a few days.
Tho same afternoon Bert Boyer, who 5
has been under suspicion for some
time, was arrested for selling liquor
to Elmor and Hugo Case. This hear
ing will also come up in tho county
court in a short time.
Pending the hearing, both Chaso and
Boyer are in Jail.
Tho lower house of tha Nebraska
legislature went on record Wednesday
as favoring tho sale of millions
of acres of school lands In tho western
part of this state. No action has yet
been taken by tho senate. The sale of
theso lands wpuld not' only put thous
ands of dollars Into tho school funds,
but would result in placing the lands,
when sold, on tho ossesmcnt rolls, and
thus become producers of money for
tho counties in whch they are located.
Monday's triangto program at tho
Keith will present JJTank Keenan us
a Southern Gontleman In a story of the
race track, "Tho Thordughbred," and
tho Keystone comedy " Tho Danger
Girl." with Gloria Swanson and Bob
bie Vernon.
Richard Duggan, of Dickens, Is
spending a few days here on business.-
Saturday, 1 7th
2 P.
All Girls of North Platte
'Saving is just as important for
girls and women as for boys and
men. Your mother knows this,
ask her.
The new baving Plan is intend
ed for you and you should use it.
It has led thousands of girls
to start, life on the principles
that have led to sure success
and happiness.
You can have money when it
will do you the most good if you
start saving NOW.
M? Donald
North Platte, NEwt
A now spring showing of Suits and
Coats at E. T, Tramp & Sons'.
Jrtlss Allco Fltzpatrlck spent tho first
of this week visiting friends in Brady.
Jack Thornburg loft Wednosday
ovonlng for Kensas City to accept a
Glenn Huddart loft tls morning by
auto for Auburn to apond a couplo of
weeks with rolatlvos.
Josoph Huddart, of Kansas City,
camo hero a fow days ago to visit his
broter Glon Huddart.
JosodIi Weeks, of Grand Island.
camo hero tho first of this week to visit!
his sons Edward and Robert Weoks.
Miss Helen Adair Is expected hore
frrmi Tfnni.nnv In n olinrf HnlA in vlnlf I
A. - l . ..V .... IV L W k v.u.w VW '.
with her brother1 William Adair for
sovernl woeks.
FOR RATjE A verv nnoolal fmriraln
In a slightly used piano for cash on
easy payments. Write or phono nt
once. A. Hospo Co., Omaha, Nob. I
Miss Mabol Lumm, of tho local telo
phono office, will leave In a few days
for Omaha to accept a position In the
telephone offlco there.
Our watch repair department, effic
ient in every particular, Is at your
DIXON, Tho Jeweler.
Mrs. Anna S. White has returned
from Winnebago, Minn., whoro she
was called by tho death of her mothor,
who died January 25th, at tho ago of
Balrd McMullen, of Omaha, has filed
suit against Ethel McMullen for de
sertion. Tho McMulleiis formerly re
sided hero and Mrs. McMullon was
forraorly Miss Ethel Foster.
Frank Strolberg returned Wednes
day from Gothenburg where ho attend
ed tho Golken salo of Duroo Joraoy
hogs. Ho purchased two ipaying $122.50
for one and ?90 for tho other.
The district court Jury brought In
a ycrdlct for tho defendants Wednes
day in tho suit of Mary Folkol against
Knox & Walter, wherein tho plain
tiff sought to recover on a $1200 note.
Landgraf '& Hoga, palntors, decor
ators and' paper hangers, havo re
ceive their sample books of 1917 wall
papers. Call Black G92 or Black 570
and tho samples, will bo shown you
at your homo. ' j 7-4
ITho yeoman drill .team will hold
their second annual masquorado ball at
,tho Woyd ,.opera house this, evening.
Tickets wll bo sold at tho door and tho
number of maskers will exceed that
of lust yoar. . Prizes will bo offered
for both ldlaes and gentlemen and
many unique fancy and comic cos
'tumes will ho seen.
State Bank
Engagement Announcement
Mr; and Mrs. Harry Dixon of this'
city announce tho engagement of tholr .
daughtor Hnrrletto Beocher to Dr.i
Frank Matthew Conlln of Omaha, Ne
braska. Tho wedding will tako placo
early In April.
Dieter Case In Progress
Tho Dieter damage suit was oallod In
district court Wednesday morning and
is still in progress this forenoon. Dlo
tor sues for over nlno thousand dollars
for Injuries recolvod when a boiler in
tho Doollttle bakory, In which ho was
employed, exploded. Dieter was burn
ed and lacerated and was 'under treat
ment at a hospital for some time fol
lowing tho oxploslon.
Lady Forresters Hall.
Tlinon wlin rnilnv Hntiplntr nrn InnW
ing forward to a pleasant ovonlng next
Monday w-hon tho Lady Forrostors will
glvo tholr.flfth annual ball at tho Lloyd
onora house. This social yoarly func
tlon has proven decidedly oujoyablo
In tho past, ulways calling forth prac
tically all tho best dancers of tho city
and tho music is always satisfactory.
Indications aro that thero will bo a
largo attendnnco of both dancer and
Mexican Is Held.
A Mexican who gavo his name as En
rlquo Navarro was picked up by tho
pollco Wednosday and Is being hold nR
ono of the mon who attempted to as
sault AHco Hamilton, tho cloven year
old daughter of W. H. Hamilton, near
tho Fourth ward school building Sun
day evening. Navarro donlcs tho
chargo, but tho girl Is qulto certain
that ho Is ono of tho two mon, and he
will probably be glvon a preliminary
hearing In tho county court. .The at
tempted attack on tho little girl has
aroused great Indignation among ,Uiq
Fourth ward residents, and thero is
a strong feeling against the Moxlcan
colony in North Tlatto.
! :o : :
Organize Trlanglo Club
Tho Triangle Cluib Is tho name glv
on at itho organization meeting on Wed
nesday night to tho now club for men
and boys to bo housed In the. basemont
of the Ba'ptlst church.
Tho triangle, as a symbol of tho
symmetrical development of body,
mind and spirit, Is an emblem common
to tho Y. M. C. A. .and other organiza
tions. It was provided that a board of di
rectors consisting of five representa
tive citizens should bo chosen to de
termine, the policy of tljo ;cjub, and
hold Iho property In trust for tho club.
Any ,mnn or bpy of honorable char-
actor Is eligible for membership. Tho
olectlon of officers and board of di
rectors was 'postponed until Tuesday,
March 18th, .when It Is oxpocted thnt
tho club will bo In operation with a
full quota of mombers.
Much interest Is being tnkon in tills?
now organization and ninny mon and
boys aro taking out applications for
membership. Some $200 Is'sttll need
ed to mako a modest equipment to be
gin with. This It Is believed will bo
speedily subscribed.
Knptlst Church
9:45 Sunday school.
11:00, mbnhlng worship nnd ser
mon, "Tlio Unrecognized Christ."
3:00 p. m., North side Sunday school.
0:30 p. m., B. Y. P. U. Leaders will
bo Mlssos Esslof Wcsaburg and Laura
7:30, ovonlng worship and sormon,
"Tho God Vlow, tho World vlow and
tho Man VIew of the Largo Choir."
A trio will bo sung by Mrs. Toolo,
Mrs. Gregory and Mr. Lolnlngor.
Wednesday ovonlng prayer moetlng
at 7:30 j theme, "Tho Efficient Sunday
school. ' '
Vnrnicrs' Union Meets
Tho south sldo farmers union,
which has a membership of about
thirty, hold a very onjoyablo social
and business meeting at tho Osgood
school houno last ovonlng. Sixty woro
presont nnd following a short business
session, a pleasing program was ren
dered by tho young peoplo, Including
dialogues and rocitntlons, a 1olo by
Miss Armstrong, a duet by tho Misses
Faulk and a short talk y Mr. Hlgglnr.
of tho stato union. This local unkn
meets twice a month.
Mr. and Mrs. Alhort Brown, of Don-
vpr. formerly of this city, came horo
yesterday with the remains of tholr
two yoar old daughtor Elalno. Inter
ment -was made In tho North Platte
pomoinry. mr. ana Mrs. Brown re
turned home this mornlncr. Mrs.
Brown is a sister of Jako Manir of this
Friends In town received word this
morning of tho death of Mrs. Louis
Hublltz, of Dickens, a formor rosldont
of this city. Tlio deceased loavos n
husband, two sons and threo daugh
ters. Death camo at ho ago of slxty
nvo years after a llngorlng Illness.
The M. M. M. club was entertained
yostorday afternoon at tho homo of
Mrs. J. H Hogarty. In the card
games Mrs. Will Frlond won first
prize and Mrs, Buchannn guost "prize.
Mrs. AllwJne, of Omaha, was an out of
town guest
Woathori foreenst for North Platto
and vicinity: Party cloudy and warm
er tonight; Saturday unottlod and
colder. Highest tomeprnturo yesterday
47, a year nro 59; lowest last night 28.
a yoar ago 30. 'P
Dr. J. S. Twlnero was a profoslonal
visitor In Brady Wednesday.
: :o: :
Call 125 for Taxi day or night.
Also fivo or novon passongor car for
funeral service.
Chandlor & Elcar Agoncy,
Cornpr Eighth and Locust StB.
Five Thousand Dollars to tie Expend
ed la Placing the Dillon Irrigation
Ditch In Proper Condition to
Cnrry Water.
Messrs. Gains and Bnum, who, re
cently purchased tho formor Cody
ranch, spent tho early part of this
weok In town and In company with O.
:,il. Tholecko, who is tho local roprte-
sontntlvo of tho purchasers, wont over
ho land and mapped out a plan of sub-
dividing 1G00 acres Into forty and
eighty aero tracts. One thousand acres
of td land, together with tho' home
buildings, will for th0 prosont at least
bo rosorvod by tho owners and may
possibly bo convorted Into a dairy
Tho forty and eighty acre" tracts will
at onco bo survoyed and platted and
placod on the market. Theso will bo
offored purchasers at prices ranging
from ?30 to ?12G por ncro, tho pried
varying with to location of tho tract
and tho quality of tho soli. Purchasers
will bo given very liberal terms 'under
n sale contract, probably one-fourth
cash and .tho romalndor on long time.
Mr. Thoolecko snys that many Inquir
ies have bean mado as to when tho
land would bo placed on tho market,
an indication thnt salos can be readi
ly made.
About $5,000 will bo expended In ro
pairing tho Dillon ditch and placing It
in carrying condition. Tho doslro of
tho owhorj to-eoll thls land to thoso
who will Improve it and mako tholr
homes nnd with this" object In vlow will
treat all purchasers very generously.
Jap Roy Puts Ono Oicr
S. Yamnkl, tho Jap rontor on ono of
R. A. Frnmo's places, has broken the
record for hauling tho largest load of
alfalfa ever weighed over tho Loy'poldt
t wicKstrom scales,
For sovoral days- past ho has been
getting up real close to tho cnnacltv
of tho scales and has boon taunted by
tho boys in the office. Thoro has boon
a standing offer of a box of clears to
tho ono bringing In a load that tholr
scales iwould not weigh, and yostcrdny
ho lackod a few bales of having
onouga. to turn tho 4nck. He left
saying, ."tomorrow I bring htm." And
ho did. Tho capcalty of tho scales Is
ia,7UU pounds-, and it was necessarv
to unload six bales to wielgh his load.
Tho not weight of his load was 11,070
pounus, ana tlio gross weight was
13.070 pounds', tiio load containing
lbo oalos. He will now nroceed to
moko 100 Charles Donbys. Horshey
Dedication Anniversary
Tho celebration of tho ninth nnni
vorsary of tho dedication of tho Ma
sonic building will be" held at 8 p m
Thursday, February 22nd. All masons
ana uiolr families aro Invited to at
tend. By ordor of tho committee,
::o:: .
Enlsconnl Church
Sunday February 18th, Sunday school
'J:4E;- morning prayer nnd sermon 11
o'clock; vesper service 4 o'clock. Tho
officiating clergyman will be II. R. Van
Horn, of Bridgeport. Ash Wednosday,
rooruary ziat, noiy communion will
bo celebrated at 10 a. m.
Tho city council met Mondny ovon
lng 10 asseS8 tlio COflt Of tlio strrvnt
paving according to the front footago
aim oononts aorivou, out as not
property owner was present, an ad
journment was taken until tho folow-
mg ovonlng. At this meeting Saml. Goo
.zoo was tho only property holdor nros-
tmi, nnu lie was satlsl ed with the nlan
of assessment proposed. Tlio system of
nssasBlngt o cost was turned over to
vny isnglneor McNnmnra who will
mako tho apportionment.
Frank Shoppard, a former rfos!d?nt
or this city, dkd a fow days ngo In St
Joe, Mo., nt tho ago of seventy years
Mr. Shoppard conducted a confection
ery storo whllo In this city nnd was
succoedod In tho business by Claudo
wemgnna. Tlio ramlly moved to Coun
ell. Bluffs whoro thov resided for i
number of years and Intor located In
ht, Joe. He Is survived by ono boh.
Tho Et-A-VIrp club mot Wednesday
auornoon witli sirs. W. A Buchflnck
Contests were hold and prizes won by
Mesdnmes Leonard Dick, aoorngc Vo
solpka, Arthur Fink and John Vosolp
ka. Swedish Luthoran sorvlcos with
morning prayer nnd sormon nt 11
o'clock and Sunday school at 10 o'clock
wll ho hold at tho church Sunday,
February 18th.
Miss TIUIo Kosbanr, of Sidney, wns
rallod hero this week by tho death
r " her uncle, tho lato Horman Kos
b;:u. Mr. and Mrs. Claudo Delanoy loft
this morning for Northport to visit for
a "evr days,
w J, TUoy loft this morning for
Brulo. -i&l&M
Ileal Estate wad Insurance
Coma and see us for town lota In
different parts of tho city, Good in
vestments on easy terms. Houses for
ale and rent. We havo also good bar
rain's in farm aad ranches.
Cor. Front and Dewey Sta upstairs,
Clydo Frlsto lof t tls morning for
Dickons to visit his paronts for a wook.
Dr. und Mrs. A. J.. Amos, of Potter,
visited horo yostordny while onroute
homo from Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Horman Till, of Lin
coln, havo returned homo, having been
called horo by the death of tho lato
Horman Kosbau.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph North who wore
marriod In Grand Rapids, Mich., Inst
wook, aro expected to nrrlvo hero to
day. A son wns born Wednesday to Mr.
nnd Mrs. Josso Kunkln who live a fow
vmllo3 south of town but died two hours
nitor mrtn.
Miss Hazol Preston, of tho Wilcox
dopartmont storo will lcavo In a fow
days for Chicago to take a coursn as
corsotloro for two woekB.
For sixteen years tho Union Pacific
Ry. Co., havo show tholr contldonco
In our ability to care for their high
grado watch sorvlce. Wo will glvo your
watcn tno same carotin attontlon.
DIXON. Tho Jowolor.
Union Paclflo Watch Inspector,
in the first episode of
The greatest Motion Picture of the year. A story
whose therrte is the defense
a star who is the best dressed woman in America and
a. romance that will give you a new angle at life.
H TJ Htm II ?
iatisfied Brunswick Owners
The satisfied customer is
wants when he wants
which means that he is able
matter what the record may be, an the BRUN5 WICK,
plays all disc records. That MEANS a Satisfied cus
tomer and we want you to belong to that class.
A BRUNSWICK in your HOME means a real
sweet, pure tone and realistic reproduction. Come in
and hear it and let us send one HOME for you.
Other makes of Machines taken in exchange.
$30.00 to $175.00
The Music Shop,
A Piano in Every Home. Sheet Music a Specialty
Govornor hnd Mrs. Novlllo gavo a xo
coptlon last ovonlng at tho oxocutivo
mansion In Lincoln to tho members
of tho loglslaturo nnd nowspnpor men
nnd tholr wlvs.o j
Not tho least of tho onuses delaying
American ships In homo ports la tho
ocnrcl'.y of vlrolcss operators. The
BUbmnrlno scaro prevails In tho ranHs
of tho radio men.
Tho D. O. T. club hold Us semi
monthly dancing party Wednosday ev
ening at Masonic hall with music by
tho Stamp- orchestra. As It was St.
Valontlno'a day tho ladles were pre
sented with appropriate souvenirs.
Following tho danco rofroshmonts
-woro servod the mombors nt tho Oasis.
Tlio ovonlng throughout was very on
joyablo. Next Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Wal
lonhnirpt, of this city, will havo boon
married sixty years. Not having chil
dren nearer than Chicago and thoso
unable to como horo ito assist In cele
brating this ovont, tho Reboknh and
Odd Fellow lodgos, of which Mr. nnd
Mrs. Wallonhapt aro members, havo
planned to give this worthy couplo
n dtnnor and rocoptlon at Odd Follow
hall tomorrow aftornoon from four to
six o'clock.
of the American home;.
the one that has what he
it. He owns a Brunswick.
to play any selection no