The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 13, 1917, Image 7

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-The mom
Is often needed in cases of
and you will make no mis
take in trying
Stomach Bitters
It is an excellent tonic and
appetizer. Get the genuine
The Best Plan.
There la no better plnn for us to fol
low In our cverydny life than the one
which the Golden Itulo mnrks out. The
Savior himself gave It: "Do unto oth
ers ns yo would they should do unto
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully ovory bottlo ol
GASTOItIA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and children, and seo that It
Signature of uSiAwMeM
In Use for Oyer 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Caatori
Soldiers In Good Physical Condition
Despite Hardships Which They
Are Compelled to Undergo.
Notwttltstnndlng nil that has been
said nbout the squalor and discom
fort of life at the battle front, the re
markable fact uppcars, according to
nil medical testimony, that the health
conditions of the men average far bet
ter than Is the case with those at home
and ovoir better than umong men of
the same class and the same physical
equipment In the days of pence.
A French army surgeon has recently
written nbout experiences nt the front
during 1915, with the troops under his
Immediate observation. He shows that
notwithstanding the fatigue, the over
crowding, the exposure and tho unfav
orable climate conditions, the total ol
contagious diseases nmong this array
was less than two-fifths the peace
average. In 1015 there were 1 853 cases
of ' contagious disease, as compared
with 2,157 cases In a small force be
fore the war.
In spite of tho extremo contagious
ness of measles and scarlet fever, he
writes, they did not spread among
troops bivouacked or ca,mplng In the
war zone In makeshift shelters, where
there was at times the utmost over
crowding. He attributes this entirely
to tho life In the open air and to the
hypcr-oxygenntlon. Jt seemed to him
that repented contnet did not possess
the Importance previously attributed
tw It in the communication of con
tagious diseases.
Radiating Love.
If you come Into a room on a win
ter's day, you do not need to see the
stove or the radiator to know there Is
heat there. Kvery nerve In your body
tells you that, before you have
chance to use your eyes. And there
nro some people you cannot approach
without feeling the radiating wnrmtli
of syranathy nnd kindness. Fill the
heart so full of lovo that It can be felt
by alt who come near you.
What you wish to be, that you are
Johnnn Puul Klchter.
A Pleasant
Healthful Habit
A daily ration of
Grape-Nuts and cream
is a splendid food for
those who want vigor
and energy.
is a concentrated
health-food made from
choice whole wheat
. and malted barley. It
retains the vital min
eral elements of the
grain so essential to
thorough nourishment
of body and brain, but
lacking in many other
cereal foods.
Every table should
have its daily ration
of Grape-Nuts.
"There's a Reason"
fio change in price, quality
or size of pacKflJe.
What wo call Luck,
Is simply Pluck,
And doing things over and over;
Courngo and will
Porsovornnco nnd skill
Aro tho four leaves of Luck's Clovor.
There nro so many delicious dishes
which may bo prepared from chestnuts
that where they
are plentiful they
should be used
more often.
Chestnut Pud
ding. Make n
sirup of a pint of
water and n pound
of sugar; add 50
s he 1 1 c d and
blanched chestnuts, and stow tender.
Itemovc the nuts from the sirup nnd
add n fourth of a . pound each of
seeded raisins and currants, and stew
unui tenner, to tne silted nuts add a
pint of sweetened cream In which tho
oIks of eight eggs have beeu cooked
until smooth; cool, put Into n freezer,
flavor with vuullla and freeze. When
thoroughly frozen add tho fruit and a
pint of whipped cream; cover closely
and let stand for several hours to
ripen. '
Chestnut and Apple Dessert. Roll
ono pound of large chestnuts for 15
minutes, remove the shells nnd skins,
boll In a cupful of milk until soft
enough to press through a sieve. But
ter n mold well nd lino It thickly
with sifted nuts, thbn add a layer of
thick, sifted apple sauce, sweetened and
colored pink with current Jelly; then
add another layer of nuts, and one of
apple and squeeze on a little lemon
Juice. Bake In a moderate oven and
serve with whipped cream.
Chestnut Fritters. Cook nuts, peel
and mash them; add to n pound of
nuts n seasoning of butter, n benten
egg and flour to make a soft dough;
roll Into smnll balls or lint cakes, dip
In egg and fry in olive oil.
Chestnuts cooked and used In vari
ous combinations make most dainty
salads. With apple and celery nnd
mayonnaise served In lettuce nests, or
with pineapple or uny other fruit
chestnuts combine well.
Preserved Chestnuts. These make
a most delicious conserve to use
throughout the year for various gar
nishes or desserts. Roast or boll tho
nuts, blanch them ami drop them Into
n sirup mifde by using n pint of water,
a pound of sugar, the Juice of two
lemons and the gntfed rind of one.
Simmer gently for half an hour or
more, then bottle nfifl seal.
Chestnut Soup. This Is one of tho
Most dollclous of soups and with al
monds In place of the chestnuts will
add a pleasing variety. Boll a pound
of chestnuts until tho Inner husk will
rub off easily, then placo tho blaitched
chestnuts or almonds In n saucepan In
which two tablespoonfuls of butter
has been browned with four table
spoonfulB of chopped onion, cooked
without browning; then add three cup
fuls of water, some celery, salt, maco,
and peppor to tasto. Cook gently ono
hour. Beat an egg yolk and add to a
cupful of milk. Strain and rub tho
soup through a slevo and add to tho
milk. Sprlnklo with a teaspoonful of
chopped parsley, reheat and servo
with croutons.
Good fortune attend each merry
Who doeth tho best he may,
Forgetting old wrongs with carols and
To drive the cold weather nway.
Coffee as n flavor may bo used In
many dishes nnd gives u most plens
lng change from the
regulation flavors.
Coffee Cream Pudding.
Tuko flvo tablespoon
fuls of strong coffee, one
nnd a half tablespoon
fuls of powdered gela
tin nnd while the gela
tin Is dissolving cook
together the yolks of three eggs,
pinch of snlt, four tablespoonfuls of
sugar and one nnd a half cupfuls of
milk; -vhen smooth add the coffee
and gelntln mixture, cool and fold In
one cupful of whipped crenm ; stir oc
casionally until It begins to stiffen,
then pour Into a wet mold. Garnish
with grated coconut and pistachio
Coffeo ns n flavor for fondunt or
panocho with nuts Is a combination
well liked.
Coffee Bavarian Cream. Dissolve
two large tablespoonfuls of gelatin
In hnlf n cupful of boiling wutcr; add
two-thirds of a cupful of sugur and
two cupfuls of good hot coffee. Strain
and cool. Stir, until tho mixture be
gins to thicken, then fold in two cup
fuls of whipped cream. Pour Into a
wet mold and when stiff serve with
Bponge cake.
Coffee Flummery. Dissolve ono
neaping tahlespoonful of gelatin In two
pints of boiling wnter; when cool, ndd
ono cupful of strong coffee, then
sweeten to tnste. When the Jelly be
gins to sot, beat tho whites of two
eggs until stiff, then ndd n half cupful
of sugar; beat all together until firm.
Serve cold.
Coffee Charlotte Russe. Take a half
jupful of strong, clear, hot coffee, add
two heaping tablespoonfuls of pow-
dercd gelatin. Scald a cupful of milk,
with half a cupful of sugar, a quartet
of a teaspoonful of salt, and tho yolkt
of two eggs; gradually add two table
spoonfuls of powdered sugar,) and
when the custurd Is thick stir In tlx
gelatin mixture. Strain nnd stir ovei
a dish of chopped Ice until It begins
to thicken, then fold In three table
spoonfuls of cream, whipped. Turn
into n largo mold lined with lady lin
Dates aro not expensive nnd thej
may bo used In combination with oth
er fruit, making a mosl
wholesomo salad.
Steamed Date Pudding.
Cream half a cupful ol
butter, add ono cupful
each of molasses and
milk, ono pound of stoned
and chopped dates, mixed
with two cupfuls of stale
bread crumbs, one teaspoonful of soda,
und half a teaspoonful each of cloves,
salt, cinnamon nnd nutmeg; mixed und
sifted with one cupful of entlro wheat
flour. Turn Into u buttered pudding
dish nnd steam three hours. Serve
with creamy sauco.
Creamy Sauce. To the beaten
whites of two eggs add one cupful ot
powdered sugar and ono cupful si
whipped cream, blend lightly; add n
teaspoonful each of vlnegnr and vnnll
la extract
not vegetablo oup mnde of any
small nmount of leftover vegetables.
with the addition of n binding of but
ter and flour and n little milk, will
mnkc a most appetizing dish of soup
for a chilly night.
Rhubarb Sponge. Clenn nnd cut In
half-Inch pieces ono pound of rose rhu
barb. Do not remove the skin. Stew
until tender in one-fourth of a cupful
of boiling wnter, or Just enough to cook
without scorching. Soften ono ounce
of grnnulnted gelntln In one-third of a
cupful of cold water. Strain the
cooked rhubarb, pressing out ull the
Juice und add enough boiling wutcr
to make three cupfuls. Mix three'
fourths of a cupful of sugar and a half
teaspoonful of ground ginger. Stir In
the rliubarb Juice and add tho gelatin,
stirring until the gelatin is dissolved
tVdd the grated rind und strained julco
of one lemon nnd set the mixture to
chill. When It begins to thicken add
the sttflly beaten whites of three eggs
and beat until stiff. Mold. Serve with
beaten and sweetened whipped cream.
Pumpkin Pie. Take a cupful ot
well-cooked, sifted pumpkin, add a pint
of rich milk, n lmlf cupful of sugar,
two eggs, a teaspoonful of ginger, n
dash of elunnmon and u half teaspoon
ful of lemon extract. Fill the crust
and bake slowly.
Friendship is helpful not so much
becauso it helps you as becauso It
compels you to help your friend. Self
ishness la tho foundation of sin, nnd
friendship Is tlio destruction of solflsh
ncss. Amos It. Wells.
Rice Is such a good old standby thnt
tho following dish is quite a surprise,
because of Its ele
Rice Pudding
Glace Wash a
fourth of a cupful
qf rice. Let It boll
five minutes In snlt
ed water and drain
carefully; then put
It Into a doublo boil
er with u fourth of n teaspoonful of
suit nnd two cupfuls of milk and cook
until tho grains are tender. Add three
fourths of n cupful of powdered sugar
and let cool slightly. Sonk one-fourth
of n box of gelatin In two tablespoon
fuls of wnter, then ndd three table
spoonfuls of boiling water und let
stand In u warm place until well dis
solved. Set It Into a pan of Ico wu
tcr and stir until It begins to set, then
flavor with vanilla und fold In u cupful
of double cream whipped stiff. Put
the mixture Into a quart mold and fill
tho corners well, press on tho cover
over paper. Let stand packed In equal
parts of Ice and salt for two hours.
Tho mixture should not be frozen,
pimply "well chilled. Serve on n plat
ter wiui cuues oi icmon or orange
Jelly around It. Preserves of any kind
may no used instead of the Jelly If
so desired.
Prune Ice Cream. Cover a cunful
of well washed prunes with cold wn
ter and let stand overnight. Cook
In the same water until soft, remove
tho stones and put the pulp through a
sieve. Add a cupful of sugar, four tu
blespoonfuls of lemon Juice, a pinch
of snlt, and one nnd u fourth cupfuls
oi ncavy cream beaten until stiff.
Freeze ns usual.
Rico cooked In salted water and
served with n cheese sauco makes n
most nourishing dish.
Cheese Sauce. Put three table
spoonfuls of butter In u saucepan, add
thrco tablespoonfuls of flour, and stir
until well blended, then pour on grailu
ully, stirring constantly, ono nnd u
hnlf cupfuls of milk. Bring to tho
boiling point and ndd n cupful of good
flavored cheese, cut In small bits; sea
son with salt and plenty of pnprlka
with u dash of cayenne.
"Papc's Diapepsin" settles sour,
gassy stomachs in five
minutes Time itl
You don't wnnt a slow romody whon
your stomach la bnd or nn uncortnln
ono or n harmful or.o your stomach
Is too valuable; you mustn't InJUro 1L
Pnpo'a Diapepsin Is noted for Its
speed In giving rcltof; its harmloss-
ness; Its certain unfailing nctton In
regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs.
Its millions of cures in Indigestion,
dyspepsia, gastritis nnd othor stomach
trouble has mado It famous tho world
Keep this perfect stomach doctor in
your homo koop It handy get a largo
fifty-cent enso from ony dealer and
thon it nnyono should cat something
which doesn't agreo with them; It
what thoy eat lays llko load, ferments
and sours and forma gas; causes head
acho, dizziness and nausea; eructa
tions of acid and undigested food
romcmbor ns Boon as Pnpo's Diapepsin
comes In contnet with tho stomach nil
such dlstross vanishes. Its prompt
ness, cortalnty and case In overcoming
tho worst stomach disorders Is a rovo-
latlou to thoso who try It. Adv.
Free Speech.
did euro for
"I never
rink skat-
"You prefer tho fresh air, I sup
pose?" "Yes, nnd I like to bo able to get
far enough nwny from tho crowd bo
that I can sny what Is really In my
mind when I fnll down."
And Keep It Clear by Dally Use of
Cutlcura Trial Free.
A hot bnth with Cutlcura Soap fol
lowed by a gentle anointing with Cutl
cura Ointment clears tho skin or scalp
In most cases of eczemas, rashes and
Itching of children nnd adults. Make
Cutlcura your overy-day toilet prepara
tions and prevent such troubles.
Free sample each by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dcpt L,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
New York's Bridges.
Irrespective of the elovuted railroad
system comprising tho Second, Third,
Sixth nnd Ninth nvenue lines, nnd the
elevated portions of tho Broadway and
Lenox nvenue sections of the subway,
New York city hns 42 bridges span
ning tho East and Harlem rivers, New
town creek, and other waterways.
These roads over rivers, Including tho
Brooklyn, Manhattan, Delancey street
and Queensboro spans, nmong the
greatest In tho world, represent, with
the real estate requisite for their ap
proaches, an Investment by the munici
pality of more than $135,000,000.
You say to tho drug Btoro man
"Give mo a small bottlo of frcczonc
This will cost very Httlo but will
positively remove every hnrd or sof
corn or callus from one's feet.
A fotv drops of this new ether com
pound npplled directly upon a tender,
aching corn relieves the soreness In
stantly, and soon tho entire corn or
callus, root and all, dries up and can
bo lifted off with the fingers.
This new way to rid one's feet of
corns wns Introduced by n Cincinnati
man, who says that freczonc dries In
n moment, nnd simply shrivels up tho
corn or cnllus without Irritating the
surrounding skin.
If your druggist hasn't any frcczone
tell him to order a small bottle from
his wholesale, drug house for you. ndv,
Four Mlleo a Day.
"In Denver on a clear, glorious .fun-
uary day, about thlrty-flvo above zero,
they will tell you It's much too rough
to bo out In Minneapolis they would
be wheeling nil the babies up and down
for tho mild nlrl If you must have
winter habits, have tho right ones, Ah
a foundation there Is nothing better
than four miles a day In tho open idr,
and take the weather ns -It' conies.
Yourfumlty, ycdlr work nnd your life-
Insurnnco company will all appreciate
(ho benefits derived, nnd your face will
Hhow tho difference by next March 81."
-Collier's Weekly.
Probably Not
Will tho smoko Inspector please ex
plain why so much of tho soft coal
soot settles on tho whlte-hulrcd dog?
Sudden Cold.
Look out it's
The old family remedy In tablet
form safe, euro, easy to, take. No
opialcs-no unpleasant otter-euects.
jures colds in 24 hours Grin In 3
days. Money back if it falls. Get
I ho genuine box with Ited Top and
dr. Ultra picture on It 23 cents.
At Any Drag Storo
More Objectionable as Matter of Ap
pearance Than as Menace to
Health Various Causes.
Bloody milk Is more objectionable
perhaps ns a matter of appearance
than us a menace to health. Hemor
rhages may occur within tho udder ns
a direct result of a bruise caused by
rapid motion, by a bad position while
the cow Is lying down, by tho trend of
u cow In an adjoining stall, or because
of tho breaking of n tiny blood vessel
or the escape of red corpuscles through
thin vessel walls. Heavy feeding may
also produce bloody milk.
Tho remedy Is careful milking nnd
light feeding with laxative foods nnd
repented small doses of mild physic.
When tho trouhlo occurs with cows
giving n heavy flow of milk nnd under
heavy feed, Improvement follows a
marked reduction of tho rntlon. A
change of stnll may give good results,
If It allows a cow to obtain n better
position nnd avoid uneven pressure on
tho udder while lying down. Cows with
long, heavy udders should be driven
slowly and should not bo driven over
high sills.
Modern Experiments Show That Good
Fleah la Desirable Feature Mix
ture for Grain Feed.
Tho lmportanco of feeding und car
ing for dairy calves is emphasized by
,T. B. Fitch, associate professor of
dairy husbandry In the Kansas State
Agricultural college.
"Calves should be fed whole milk
until they aro one month old, whon
they should be changed to skim milk."
snld Professor Fitch. "They should
bo fed skim milk until they nro six
months old. While thoy nro on milk
they should bo given grain nnd alfalfa
VA good mlxturo for grain feed Is
four parts of corn or corn chop, ono
part of oil meal, and two parts ot
wheat bran. After taking tho calf off
tho milk Increase tho grain gradually
to two pounds a day In addition to
silage and nlfnlfa hay.
"It used to bo considered that good
flesh was undesirable In dairy calves,
but experiments show that this Is not
Guernsey Is Desirable Type.
tho case and
that qulto tho
trury is the case
cspeclhlly before
"Tho heifer should bo bred so ns to
calve when from twenty-four to thirty
months of age, depending upon tho
breed nnd growth of tho animal. The
Guernsey nnd tho Jersey should bo
bred so as to calve when from twenty-
four to twenty-six months old, while
tho Ilolsteln und Ayrshire breeds
should bo bred so as to culvo when
Udrty months of age. If bred so as
to calve earlier than this, their growth
Is upt to bo Injured."
Should Be In Some Building Other
Than Barn Northeastern Expos
ure Is Favored.
Tho milk room should bo In n build
ing other thnu tho barn. It should be
located It possible with a northeastern
exposure. Immediately after being
"drawn tho milk should bo strained and
put In shallow pans to cool quickly.
This applies to conditions whero a
milk cooler cannot bo used.
Where no separator Is avnllnblo It Is
necessary to cool tho milk as soon as
possible to cnablo tho cream to rise.
Whero flvo or more cows nro milked
It Is advlsablo to Invest In n cream
separator, becauso running tho milk
through a separator Immediately af
ter milking Is tho best way known for
getting absolutely clean milk, even if
tho wholo milk Is to bo used.
Plenty of Feed and Balanced Ration
Essential Grain Should Be Sup
plied In Winter.
To bo successful with cows ono must
bo n good feeder. This takes plenty
of feed and n balanced ration. To got
milk In winter, grain should bo fed.
With butterfut nt 5 cents It enn bo
fed with profit. If sllugo with fair
corn In It is fed uso enough bran and
cottonseed mcnl or ollmcul to balance
tho ration. Whero alfalfa is fed tho
brand ration may bo largely reduced.
Every woman in chartlo of
a household realizes that it is
a largo part of her duty to
keep that household well.
In th s task slio must Know
tho slmplo homo remedies to bo ap
plied at tho first symptom of Illness.
Coughs and colds nro two
of the foes oho roust constantly
combat, and dlgcstlvo disturbances
need immcdlato attention. Thous
ands of American housekeepers have
found tho most help to como tram-over-rendy-to-take
Because Poruna has estab
lished Itself as the rellsblo family medietas
of America, la the 4S years It has been be
fore the public, tne lorenonuea notueaeepers
keep It ready tor tmtnnt tnlnlstrodon In tho
period of depreiilon that precedes scold. or
Uoth of these disorders are caused by
Inflammation of the delicate membranes
lining- the blent Ulna apparatus and tne dues
tiro tract. 1'eruna clear away the waste,
aids the membranes In recovering1 from In
flammatory conditions and tones up the sys
tem, its eaectireness is tne reason mat so
many depend upon it, ana its
long record ot merit main.
Jains It aa the dependable
noma tome.
' Tabfet or liquid form
Our frea honilet tnav
hslpyou. At your drug
Slits or write us.
CtlmVat, 0.
Must Be Profane.
Yeast I bco a Massachusetts man
has n parrot which has n vocabulary
of soventy-llvo words.
Crlmsoubeuk I didn't know there
wcro that many swear words In exist
ence. Yonkcrs Stntesmnn,
If cross, feverish, constipated,
give "California Syrup
of Figs."
A luxatlvo today saves a sick child
tomorrow Children simply will not
take tho tlmo from piny to empty their
bowels, which become clogged up with
waste, liver gets sluggish; stomach
Look at tho tongue, mother I If coat
ed, or your child is listless, cross, fov-
erlsh, breath bad, restless, doesn't eat
heartily, full of cold or has soro throat
or any other children's ailment, glvo n
teaspoonful of "California Syrup of
Figs," then don't worry, becauso It la
perfectly harmless, and In n fow hours
all this constipation poison, sour bllo
nnd fermenting wnsto will gently
movo out of tho bowols,- and you hnvo
n well, pjnyful child again. A thor
ough "Inside cleansing" Is ofttlmcs all
that Is necessary. It ohould bo tho
first treatment given In any sickness.
Bowaro of counterfeit fig syrupsj
Ask nt tho storo for n C0-ccnt bottlo of
"California Syrup of Figs," which has
full directions for babies, children of
all ages and for grown-ups plainly
printed on tho bottle. Adv.
Neurly every fathor of n marriage-
nble daughter Is willing to allow his
homo to bo used as a courthouse.
Thcro Is n movement under way to
make Mammoth cave a national park.
Nerves All On Edge?
Just as ncrvo wear is a oauso of kid
ney weakness, so la kidney trouble a
cause of nervousness. Anyone who has
backache, nervousness, 'blues," head
aches, dizzy spells, urinary ills nnd a
tired, worn feeling, would do well to try
Doon's Kidney Pills. This safe, relia
ble remedy Is recommended by thou
sands who have had relief from just
such troubles.
A Nebraska Cats
Mrs. Wessbertr.
708 W, Fourth St.,
Norm I'latte, nod.,
says: "For four
years i aurterea
terribly from kld
noy complaint and
backache. The doc
tor said I h a d
floating kidney. At
times, I aould
hardly stand the
pains. The kldnoy
Mocrotlons woro In
bad shape, too.
Hnnn nftnr T iiHflll
Doan'a Kldnoy Pllla, I got relief and In
n little ovor a month. I wan cured.
When I have talcon Doan's Kldnoy
Pills since, they have always liolpod
Get DmV at Aay Stun, SOe a, Bos
Vanishes Forever
Prompt Relief Permanent Cure
fall. Purely vegeta
we act Burejy
but gently on
the liver.
Stop nfttr
dinner dis
Improve the complexion, brighten the oyea.
Genuine must bear Signature
Ache in Btomith. llut. Bids or Bhonldam I.lrei
nn ot
Troubles, Storo&on MUnry, Dmpepala, Oollo, Uu,
hllloutoeti, ltfsadaebe,0)tutli)f(lon, rUeg.Cttatrh,
NerroiMnc, UIum, Jaandloe, Appndlcltl. Thus
ara common UallitoiM 7tniitom OANllUCUltllU.
rtand fur home treatment. iriMhaHrDrr
Unr, Slum. UtU TraOlM a4 ana4iltU. T JCaEa
taUiUu KmW; c., , til B. Diukk St, CaUif
4BSSSSSSSBJI f ' nrrripi
wniii inv