The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 13, 1917, Image 5

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    The Ford Motor Co. -
This means your signed order at onee that wo
may order your
for future delivery.
Touring Car '$395.05, Runabout $380.05
Cor. Fourth & Dewey.
North Platte, Neb.
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
Stnta Bunk.
Tho Royal Neighbors will meet Wed.
nesday aftornoon at tho K. P. hall.
Miss Ellon McGovern spent Sunday
with friends' in Ogalalla,
Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
John Shields, cashier of the Paxton
bank, spent thn week end here" on bus
iness. Miss Maybolle Burke left Saturday
afternoon for Grand Island to visit
Registered Perchoron Stallion for
salo cheap. Thomas E. Doolittlo,
North Platte, Nob. ' 8-8
George Huntington, of Paxton. vlsl-
IUU Willi 111Q imitTUU 111 IUWU LllU UUld
part of last week.
Cadet Joo Pizer won the Dent medal
at the competitive drill held tho latter
part of last week.
Miss Vaunita Hayes left Sunday af
ternoon for Victor, Ia to attend the
wedding of her cousin. '
Miss Blancho Fonda left the latter
part of last week for a visit with
frionds In Grand Island.
Nealo Turple returned Saturday
from Omaha where he had been trans
acting business for several days.
' Mrs. Ralph Sawyer, of Sidney, who
visited for two weeks with her moth
er, Mrs. Schiltz, left Sunday evening.
Mrs. Charles McNamara and son re
turned Saturday morning from. Omaha
where they had been visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Distel began
housekeeping In the Tift house on
south Dewey street Saturday morning.
Raymond Tighe will return today
from Cheyenne, where he has been
visiting friends for several days.
C. S. Clinton will go to Omaha tho
latter part of this week to attend the
state convention of Jewelers.
Mrs. O. M. Brauer returned to Goth
burg tho latter part of last week after
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Purdy.
C. E, Koine, of Chicago, sperft the
week end hero transacting business
and visiting his sister Mra Julius
Miss Dorothy Hubbard, of thft Kear
ney normal, spent tho week end with
tho home folks and left Sunday even
ing. Ethel Matson, who was thrown from
n horse six weeks ago and had since
been taking treatment In the North
Platte General hospital, was able to
bo out Saturday. - In the fall her hand
was injured In such a manner that
blood poisoning set in.
Mrs. John Mulick, wlfo of Train
inastor Miilick, returned Saturday ev-'
ening from a visit with friends In Co
lumbus and Grand Island.
Mrs. Greeley Dundy left Saturday
ovoning for Omaha to visit her son-in-law
Harold Wright, who is at Fort
Crook with Company E.
Miss Florence Stack left Sunday af
ternoon for Lexington where sha will
visit her cousin Mrs. Wilfred Stuart
this week.
Peter Nordln, of Gothenburg, was
brought to tho North Platte genoral
hospital tho latter part of last week
for treatment
Efficient and reliable light draying
of any kind, taxicab scrvlco and coun
try livery. Splcer's Pnrcct Delivery.
Call Huffman's Cigar Store. Phono 975.
Mrs; Kate George, of Twin Falls,
Idaho, loft Saturday morning after
visiting her sister Mrs. Clnronco Bow.
man for some time.
Miss Gertrude Robhausen returned
tho latter part of last week from Om
aha whore she had an operation per
formed on her throat.
Miss Mallei Lumm has resigned her
position In tho local telephone office
and will lcavo shortly for Omaha to
accept employment.
Mrs. H. I. Block will leave shortly
for Omaha to meet Mr. Block who" is
enrouta homo from a three weoks'
business visit in Now York.
Tho rooming houso on Sixth street
east of tho Lloyd opora house, will
bo conducted in the future by Mr. and
Mrs. R. D. Thomson tho owners.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dolany re
turned Saturday morning from a visit
with tho Warren family at Tampa
Florida, and with relatives In Ohio.
"Tho Price of Silenco" a five part
Bluebird photoplay will be tho attrac
tion at tho Crystal Wednesday night.
Dorothy Phillips appears in tho stellar
Miss Dora Glenn, who has boon In
phargo of the Thomson rooming
house for several months, leaves this
week for Arnold to tako charge of a
hotel. v
Marston Cummlngs, of Chicago, who
has visited in North Platte and is a
brother of Miss Lenore Cummlngs,
well known In town, was married Sat
urday to a young Chicago lady.
Lost Between tho Presbyterian
church and tho Williams residence
on west Fourth street, a gold watch
chain with pearl in slide. Return
to 021 west Fourth street and receive
At a meeting of tho North Platto Ri
fle Club, hold tho latter nart of Mast
week at tho home of A. W. Shilling,
tho following officers ' were olocted:
Dr. T. J. Kerr president A. W. Shill
ing vice-president, A. W. Brown sec
retary. E. E. Moody treasurer and Ju-
Jiug Hoga, executive officer.
:u: :
Hay mi oi grazing lands. 1 1 acres of
sugar bect land, can bo Irrigated. Joins
this city. See
We Are Always leady to Talk
with you about your building plans, furnish
estimates on your lumber and material bills,
and to impart any information we maybe able
to give.
'We don't expect an order every time you
hove in sight, and will just naturally be glad
'to 'see you at any time.
Coates Lumber & Coal Co.
North Platte, Nebr.
Night Gowbs,
Under-Skirts, "
Envelope Chemise, " ; :,
Combinations, ' , 1:;;;
Corset Covers, : V.
Princess Slips, and all
low rmcES
f J
Underaraslks for Women, Misses and Children.
Group A, 25c per garment
Consisting of Goivno, Corset
Covers, Drawers, Etc.
Group B, 48c per garment
This group contains Combi
nations, Underwear, Gowns,
Corset Covers and Drawers.
Group C, 78c per garment
Included in this lot are many
fine Gowns, Petticoats, Princess
Slips and Combinations.
Group D, 98c per garment
You will marvel at the pretty Envelope Che
mise, Princess Slips, Petticoats and Gowns in this
Group E, $129 per garment
Our very finest group. The Combinations, En
velope Chemise, Princess Slips and other Gar-,
ments in this lot will appeal to the taste of the
most particular.
on February 14, IS, 16 'and 17.
Wilcox -Departm t
i n
Charleg E. Syphor, of Somerset, una
John II. Tetterton. of Wallace, have
filed suits In tho district court fori
damages on account of personal In-.
Juries received In the Burlington
rlalroad wreck near Smlthflelcl last
Octohor. Syphor sues for $10,000 nnd
Tetterton for $15,000. The formor al-'
leges that as a result of tho lnJurlo3(
received that ho Is unablo to work, and;
that previous to tho accldont ho had
an Income of ?1,500 a year. As evi
dence of the seriousness of his Injur
ies ho clalnig that his hospital bill ex.
Tetterton alleges that h0 was plnhtal
In tho wreckngo for two or threo hours
and tho horrors of tho wreck and the
uncertainty as to whethor he would or
could bo rescued so preyed on his mind
.that hj has slneo beon somowhat of a
physical wreck, and his condition, to
gether with tho injuries received, has
unfitted him for labor and that it is
probablo that bis disabilities will bo
::o:: r-
Spcclnl Agent North Slurried.
Card wero received In town last
week announcing tho marrlago of
Miss Rosa Donnls daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Churles W. Dennis, of Gran
Rapids, Mich., to Ralph LeDIot North
of .this city. Tho wedding took plnco
on Friday February 1st and tho honey
moon was spont in eastern cities. Mr.
and Mrs. North arn expected here
.Thursday to make their homo. The
brldo was a teacher In tho Michigan
schools and tho groom camo hero tho
latter part of April, 1910, to act as
special agent for tho Union Pacific.
; :o: :
The supremo artlBt of tho screen,
Mario Dorp, will bo eon at tho Kolth
tonight supported by tho child' nctor,
llttlo Billy Jacobs In a photoplay of
heart interest, "Tho Heart of Nora
Flynn," revealing glimpses .of uweot-
nes and pathos with strong dramatic
momont and a powerful but happy
climax. Miss Doro's rolo Is ojio of
charm and the admirers of Billy
JncobB know that h0 can do more self
oxprosslon with his fists than many
an nctor can get from Jus facial mus
Tho ladles of tho Methodist aid fo
clety will again make an effort to sc
euro tho ?100 offored by Today's Mag
azln0 for subscriptions. Tho ladles
have earned this sum twlco before
and aro anxious to succeed again as It
will assist them in raising their sharo
of tho expenso of the now church
building. If those who deslro to re
now their subscriptions will pleaso
give tho renewal to any or tho Motho
dlst ladles It will bo greatly nppreel
atcd. Tho ladles deslro to securo tho
required number boforo April 1st, as
after that date the prlc0 will bo raise,
from CO cents to 75 cents a year. 8-2
Por Snlo
fiC foot lot on west Sixth stroet. Side
walk In, sower and gas In alloy. $100
down, balanco easy paymonts. O. R.
RoblnBon, 322 west Second. 0-4
A Day's Work for Hose.
Roso, tho prldo of th0 Expolmental
Substation, Is an efficient worker of the
highest order. During one day sho
ate 30 pounds of grain, 40 pounds of
silago and 10 pounds of alfalfa hay,
and produced 100 pounds of milk. At
present market' prices Rose's day's
feed cost GG conts, and her day's milk
would have brought on tho local ro
tall' market $4.00 to $5.00 or at whole
sale price of 25 conts por gallon $3.12.
But It Is when wo calculato tho human
food value of tho day's production,
not In the ma'rkot value of tho milk,
but In tho homo market prlco of otheT
common foods having tho samo amount
of food nutrients as tho 100 pounds of
milk, thnt wo seo the romarkablo of-!
flclcncy of tho dairy cow as represented
by Rose, under tho skillful manage
ment of Mr. Sarrah. According to the
United Stntos Department of Agricul
ture, 50 quarts or 100 pounds of milk,
representing in this instanco GG conts
worth of grain and forngo, contain
tho cam0 amount of food nutrients na
nny one of tho following items. If
whon looking down this list It should
occur to tho housekeeper that the high
cost of living could bo reduced by us
ing more milk and less meat, sho would
bo arriving at a conclusion supported
by eclenco.
Following aro tho food equivalent
and present retail valuos of Roso's onoj
day's production of 100 pounds or milk:
Dried boef, 44.5 lbs. nt 40c. $17.80,
Eggs, doz.. 33.3 at 40c, $13.32.
Beef, sirloin steak, 39.5 lbs. at 25c,
Beef, chuck, 44 lbs., at 20c, $8.80.
Mutton, hind log, 38.5 lbs., at 20c,
Pork, loin, 27.5 lbs., at 25c. $0.87.
Sweot potatoes, 7G lbs,, nt 0c, $4.50.
Irish potatoes, 112.5 lbs., at 3c, $3.37.
Wolnorwurst, 23.5 lbs., at 18c, $4.23
W. P. S.
Wnntod Plain sowing. 203 south
Dawoy. Mrs. Ida WIngart. 8-4
J, B. Plolstlckor, of DlckonB, .visited
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Plolstlckor Sun
day. Mrs. Ilorman Schloutor loft Sundny
ovoning for Grand iBlnnd to visit tho
homo Colics thlB wook
I now havo funds at 5 por cont
on cholco bottom tnblo land. Gene
Crook, Rooms 3 & 4, Wnltomnth Bldg.
Mrs. W. E. Chennoy returned Sun
day evening from a visit with rela
tives 1 castom points.
Miss Hnzol Clark, of Gothenburg,
camo Saturday morning ,to vlBlt hor
slBtor Mrs. Charles McNamara for n
few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schott and son
Porcy loft Saturday evening for Omaha
to visit Bryan Schott who Is with, Com
pany E at Ft. Crook.
J. Q. Wilcox loft Saturday ovoning
for Chicago and other oastom mnrk
kots on a purchasing trip for tho Wil
cox Dopartemont Store.
Farm and Ranch loans ni lowest
rates and host terms. Money on hand
to close loans promptly.
-: :o: :-
Ileni UlNlato and Tnsnrnncf
COmo and see us for town lots In
different partB of tho city Good In
vestments on eaHy terms. Houses for
hhIh and rnt. We have also Brood bar
galnn in farms and rnnchoa.
Cor. Front and Dower Sts.. upstairs
Clean Up Sale
Lower Prices than ever on
Furniture and Stoves.
Spend your cash where it goes
farthest, we need the money, you
need the goods. Come in and
look them over, top price paid
lor Furs and Hides.
6th anil Locust.
Wo wish to announce that' tho Fnrm.
ors' Exchnngo of Grand Island, Neb.,
will olthor buy, soil or exchnngo on
commission any kind of Hvo stock,
farm seeds, or produce No mattor
what you want, ask us for it. Wo will
sorvo you as best wo can.
Call 125 for Taxi day or night.
Also flvo or sovon pnssongor car for
funornl scrvlco. -
Chandler & Elcar Agonoy.
uornor Eighth and Locust Sts.
NuiiSE imoSvN mJMOItTATi
Tho llfo of this Institution cotnos
through tho successful jiso of tho.truo
and tried HomcopaUiIc remedy; noth
ing healing more quickly, more easily,
moro permanently.
Hero Is a hospitnl that Is making It
self known by good results in Major
and Minor Surgery, and which is tho
Homo of Orlflclal Surgory with ac
complishments that no other systam
can daro challcngo in tho treatment of
acute and chronic dtBcnsoo.
100S West 1th St. North I'lnlto, Neb.
John S. Twlncm, M". 1).
M...i. 1 O ! .01 a
MIIIM DUUOffig & Loan A
ASSETS $840,000.00
To Prospective Building & Loan Borrowers;
Non-resident Building & Loan Companies arc adver
tising the fact that they hav5 reduced the monthly payments
of borrowers to SI. 10 per month on each $100.00 borrowed,
making tho monthly payment the same as the Mutual Build
ing & Loan Association of North Platte. They fail to state
that of the $1.10 paid to the non-resident company, there is
only thirty-five cents credited as a principal payment, the
balance seventy-five cents being taken for interest. Of the
$1.10 monthly payment to this'associalion on each $100.00
'borrowed sixty cents is for interest and fifty cents is credited
as a principal payment.
This difference in the amount credited the borrower
will result in the borrower in the non-resident company be
ing compelled to pay not less than $25.00 rnqre-on each
$100.00 borrowed in order to discharge the debt than they
would if they were doing the business with this Association.
Mutual Building & Loan Association