The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 13, 1917, Image 4

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Results of Eystram
If strained eyes are not roll07ed within a short tlm by proper
gloesos pormnnont Injury wil result and Uio sight cn never after
wards be rostorod to what It should lmve been. While tho eytn will
stand a great amount of misuse If misused too long thers le no way
to mako them "aa good as now."
One of the most InBlduous and least often recognised results of
eyestrain Is tho waste of norvooe onorgy This drain on tho norvo
loads to undue fatlguo an,i may weakon the enttro system, affect
tho goneral lioalth and be tho ndlrect came of troubles In vnrloua
othor organs,
Presbyterian MlnUtor
Life Work Counsellor
OIIIco at Church 8;C0 to 12:00
Phone Red 112
Res. 018 W. 5th. Phone Hlk. 003.
Will Organize Jfcn's and Hoys' Club.
In roeponse to a call Issued about
forty men and boys met at the Baptist
church Friday evening and made plans
for tho organization of a non-sectarl-an
club for men and boys. A supper
(was served, and afterwards Rev. Hull
'suggested Ians for equipping the
basomont of tho church as a gymnasi.
,.um for tho uso of the community. Sov-
oral or thoso present followed itev.
Hull with short addroesee, and a mo
tion that such a proposed club bo or
ganized was unanimously carried. It
was the sense of the meeting that
whon 100 membors are secured and
$600 subscribed the club wiU be con
sidered as a going oganlzation. Those
present subscriber ?375 toward tho
equlpmont. Committees wore appoint
ed to solicit members nnd a perma
nent organization will be dffected to
morrow ovonlng at a mooting to be
held In tho church basement at 8:45.
The momborshlp fee was fixed at
five" dollars per yoar for men nnd one
dollar per year for boys under sev
Dr. Morrill. Dentist
A. P. Kelly returned Sunday from a
business visit in Omaha.
Albert Schatz returned Sunday from
Omaha whoreho spent several days.
Headquarters for Window glass.
William T?ost visited In Omaha last
weok and camo home Sunday evening.
Miss Mollio Burke loft Sunday oven.
Ing for Loxlngton to spond' somo time.
John Schram left Sunday for Colum
bus to visit 'relatives for a few days.
For Sale Sevoral good Poland
China Boars. Inqulro of W. W. Blrgo.
Mrs. William McIIugh returned Sun
day ovonlng' from u visit with relatives
In caatorn points. j
Attorney J. S. Hoagland wont to Lex
ington yesterday to address a mooting
of tho O. A, It;
Attorney W. V. Hoagland went to
York yesterday morning to spend sev
eral days on business. j
Mrs. Carl Bonner Is expected to re-'
turn todttytofrpm a visit of sevoral
wooks In Grooloy and Pueblo, Colo, i
When tired" or worn out send your
washing t6tho North Platte Laundry.,
Thono 113. 8tf I
Charles Templo camo homo from
Omaha Saturday evening after trans
acting business thero for aovernl days.
Miss Harriet Dixon, who is taking
vocal Instructions in Omaha, camo up
yestorilay morning to visit her par-'
Mrs. J. H. 'Mathlas, of Rapid City, S.
D, who recently visited hero with hor
nephew John HUlobrandt, died Sunday
morning. j
Omaha partlos havo purchasod a lot
on tho main street In Horshoy and will
oxect a DUX14U root garage Work
will begin ns soon ns tho woathor will
The spocinl features of tho now Dove
Undormuflllns aro tho ro-Inforced arm
holos and tho "New Art Stitch" om
broldorod designs. Special display and
salo .February 14th to 17th. Wilcox
Department Store.
Hondy & Oulor received turn mnrn
.cars of Fords tho lattor part of lasti
wook making four cars for tho wok,
and yet behind with their ordors. The
Wnlloco agents for tho Ford camo
over and drovo back six cars that'
had been shipped to North Platto. j
North platto Council No. 40 Loyal,
Mystic Legion of Amorican will moot1
this ovonlng at K. P. hall. Tho on-1
tortnlnment commlttoo. Hcglnn Fra-1
zlor, Efllo Bostwick, Charlos Perkins,1
Arthur Curtis and Gcorgo Scholl, havo
arranged for an Interesting social tlmo
nftor tho business session.
f i'j0ljj9ALB
Second hnnd household goods u(
tho storage rooms of
Miss Mary O'Connor is visiting hor
sister in Lincoln, having left a few
days ago.
Gcorgo Freed went to Grand Island
Saturday to attend tho U. C. T. dan
cing party.
for quick action nnd sntlsfnciosy
salo list jour land with Thoclecku. tf
Mrs. Will Klonk loft tho lattor part
of last week for a visit with rolativoe
in Winner, S. D.
Mrs. Frank Grim, of Ulyses, spent
Saturday and Sunday with her sisrtor
Mrs. J. C. Askwlg.
Mrs. Paul Scharman and baby left
yesterday morning for cities of Kan
sas to visit rolatlvcs.
Thomas Horn, of Alliance, formerly
of this city, was hero yesterday while
enroute to Omaha,
Or. Brock, Dentist, over Stone Drug
Tho Catholic ladles will hold an
exchangq of pies and cakes in the
Malonoy window Saturday, February
Tho domestic science club of the
Prnnlivtnrlnn rhutvOi Vinl1 n ontp PHnful
Tnootlng last evening In the church
basement. ,
Harry Dixon returned Sunday ov
onlng from Omaha where ho trans
acted bwiilcss and visited his daughter
last week.
Rov. John Tlnnoy, of Brooklyn, N.
Y.f is visiting with Rov. P. McDaid
this weok whllo onrouto to San Fran
cisco for tho benoflt of his health.
Tho C. L, Woods property on wosl
Third street was sold at roferco'B sale
at tho court hduso Saturday afternoon
and purchasod by Joseph Mprsch for
A numbor of tho Junior high Bchool
boys with Professors Oman and Davis
took a hiko to tho Points Saturday
morning, roturnlng to town about
elovon thirty.
Wm. Hnrcourt, who has (been In' Now
York for thrco weoks purchasing
coods and wnlklng along tho "great
wiuto way," is expected homo tonight
or tomorrow.
Miss Fern Wilson, who had boon
omployed at tho Oasis for sovcral
wocks, resigned a fow days ngo and
will Accept a position ns pianist at the
Platto theatre
Tho Dorcas Sowing club, composed
of tho youngor girls, of tho Presbyior
ian church will bo re-organized by
Mrs. Robert Whlto In tho church baso
mont tomorrow afternoon.
John. E Nelson, manager of the
Lcador Morcantllo Co., is oxpoctod
homo this ovonlng from Holdrego,
whore ho was summoned last weok us
a wltnoss in a cnso.lncourt.
Tho office rooms occupied by tho
Water Works Company and Postal
Tologrnph offlco havo beon romodolod
now coiling and flooring put In nnd
tho walls will bo further freshened
up with now paper and paint,
Dorothy Glsh and tho six Triangle
kiddies will, bo aecn at tho Keith
Thursday night jn tho G-part drama
"Grotchon, tho Greenhorn." In tho
closing scones of tho piny Grotchen
marries an Italian nolthor spoaks the
language of tho othor so thoro should
bo no family quarrels. With this
drama will bo shown tho comedy
"Puppots," with DoWoJf Hoppor.
::o: j
For Snlo
00 foot lot on woat Sixth street. Side
walk In, sower and gas In nljoy, J100
down, bulance easy payments, O. R.
nobtiiBon, 322 west Second. 0-4
To Be Saving is
Not to Be Stingy
Hint's tho wrong idea. To bo saving merely moans to
stop useless expenditures . You do not have to lie penurious
to save money . Just lay nside tho small nmoun'tsyou spend
rpr things you can dons well without and put that money in
tho First National Bank.
You will hideed be surprised at what these small sums will
amount to even in ono year's time.
A bank account will increaso your self-respect and will
also give you prestige;
Four Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings.
First National Bank,
A Surprise for Judgo Hoaglanil.
On tho occasion of his seventieth
birthday, Judge Hoagland was given a
complete surprise Saturday . evening
by fifty of his frionds. Tho Judgo and
Mrs. Hoagland hnj been invited, to
spond tho evening at th home of
his son W. V. Hoagland, and tho Judge
was contentedly seated in an easy
chair foadjng iwjien the invaders,
who had nssomblea at the A. B. Hoag
land home, unceremoniously marched
In upon him In a body It was indeed
a great aurprlso to tho Judgo, as well
as to Mrs. Hoagland, but thoy qulokly
rocovored their composure nnd bade
tho guests a hearty welcome. Features
of tho evening wore piano selections
by Miss Ottonsteln and songs by Paul
Harrington, readings by Miss Alma
Waltcmath, and tho serving of a nice
lunch by Mcsdamcs W. V. and A. B.
J.Iongland. During tho evening John
E. Evans, on behalf of tho nren and
ladles present, presented tho Judge
with a handsome leather upholstered
easy chair.
New German Clinch,
Tho Gorman Lutheran people In tho
Fred Huobner. neighborhood aro so
liciting funds for-a now church. They
havo three acres of ground across from
tho Huebnor school Iioubo where the
parsonage and cemetery are located
and it is an ideal building spot for a
church. They havo ibeon meeting with
very llboral donations from their
neighborhood and from tho Hershey
busines an,i professional men. It is
to bo hoped that they may bo able to
raise overy dollar they havo set out
to sccuro and' even exceed their ex
pectations. Rev. Otto Scbumncker,
their now pastor, is a liv0 wire and he
will not stop short of success in this
undertaking. HerBhey Times.
: 'n: ;
A Splendid Hccllnl. .
An audience that well filled the soat
lng capacity of tho Presbyterian churci,
was 'present at tho plpo organ recital
given by Miss Floronuo MacKay Friday
ovonlng. Tho program given by Miss
MacKay was varied, oxcellently ren
dered and appreciatively receive! by
tho audience. Taking part in the pro
gram were Miss Dorothy Hlnman'wlth
woll rendered vocal solos and Miss
Emna Boguo with piano selections,
tho lattor for ono so young proving
excootlonally talented. Membors of
tho Twontlpth Century club woro pat
ronesses of the recital.
: :o: :
Improvements on Ditch.
Tho Horshny Times snys that, nt a
mooting of tho board of directors of
,tho Paxton and. Horshey ditch last
weok tho company decided to snond in
tho neighborhood of $7,000 on improv
ing their ditch this yoar. The .jnnin
canal ls to bo enlarge and cleano'd for
a distance of six miles east from tho
hcadgato. Most of the old checks will
bd roplnccd by modern concrete
checks. Somo of tho laterals aro to bo
cleaned nnd fow now bridges built.
Splect "N'jinm for Theiilro
In rosponso to an advertisement In
viting a linmo for tho former Pat the
atre, 371 replies woro received, by the
ownor, J. T. Norton. From thoso
names "Platto Theatre" was selected.
Tho ton dollar prize offored was di
vided botweon Mrs, W. J. Landgraf.
Miss Josophlno O'Hnro, Mrs. Geo.
Tokulvo, Margaret O'Kocfo, Miss Tan
nahill, Mrs. Guy Granger, Donald Yoat.
Laura Barnell, Loonara Monroe and
J. D. Lonorgnn.
Mrs. Vornon Castle ls today tho best
known woman in America and sho al
so boars tho unlquo distinction of be
ing tho best drossed woman in Amerl
ca. When tho sorlal "Patria" wna
feown for Ub Initial performances it
was takon to flva of tho lnrgor cities
and shown to tho "400" in each In
stance, and thoso who know about
clothos ald It was tho last word In
togs. Its first allowing was nt the
RItz-Carlton hotel, Now York, to tho
"400" from Fifth avonuc. In Chicago
It was shown to a soloct showing at
tho Congress Jictol ball room. In San
Francisco It -was hown at tho Pnlaco
hotol to 2C00 of tho pooplo who woro
of tho most exclusive sot and in Don
vor it was shown in tho Brown Palace
hotol to nearly lOOfl of Donvor's socf
oty. It was thou glvon nt Spokane to
their social sot. In all these placos
tho stamp of approval was put on the
plcturo for sottlng8 and for theme as
woll. This sorlal will bo shown at the
Kolth Friday night
Tho J. S. Davis Auto Co. will uso
th0 south room In tho now Locke
building as a stock "room, keeping
therein their minnlv nf Hrn. nnnoarnf
Aea nivf ropalr parts. E. S. Davis AMI
iuvu cunrgo or mis ucparcmont and
will assumo his duties In a fow days A
carload of tires woro unloaded In the
room yesterday.
. A doed brought down from Hor
Bhoy yesterday to bo fllod nt tho clerk's
offlco convoyed tho lot In that village
on which tho hotol stande. This prop
erty has been bought by tho promoters
pt tho now bank nd as aoon ns a char
ter Irf grnntod tho erection of a build
ing wdll bo started, tt Is posslblo tho
chartor will bo for a national bank.
Dr. and Mrs. O. H. Cresslor und
daughter loft Saturday ovonlng for
Omaha whoro tho formor will trans
act buslnoss und tho lattor visit
Therefore we nave arranged
me an
Blue D
iamond, Whole Wheat,
iraham and Rye Flour
and Corn
Heretofore sold in 500 pound lots
In any quantity, at wholesale prices and with a
strict money back guarantee;
' Believing tlint tho little consumer is entitled to this reduc
tion in price ns well ns the big purchnser, we have adopted
this course. '
Shorts, hrnn, wheat, corn, oats, barley, chop, ground mix- h
ed feed, mixed chicken feed, alfalfa haled hay and tankage that
have previously been delivered in only 500 pound lots will here
after also be delivered in any quantity and at 'our usual low
prices.' -
Leypoldt & r
Phone S
Office, Elevator and Warehouse, Front and Silber Avenue.
Mrs. "Will Owens wil entertain the
Entro Nous club tomorrow afternoon.
Miss Alma Waltemath will entertain
tho Indian Card club tomorrow, after
noon. Mrs. W. A. Buchflnck will entertain
tho Kt-a-Virp club Wednesday after
noon. Mrs. J. II. Hegarty will entertain tho
M. M. M. club" Thursday afternoon,
February 15th.
Tho B. O, P. B. will hold one of
their regular dancing partlos at their
homo Thursday evening.
Tho Happy Hour club will meet Fri
day afternoon at tno noino 01 Mrs a
S. James, asisted by Mrs. Booth.
Tho Eastern Star Kensington will bt
ontertninod. Friday afternoon by Mrs
E. W. Mann, 311 South Locust.
atIhh T.Mia Basklns will entertain the
young lady oporators of the telephone
offlco nt a dinner at nor nome tomor
row evening.
Tho literary department of the
Twentieth Century club will hold guost
day at ho homo of Mrs. Yorit mnman
this afternoon. s
Mrs. E. Plummer entertained a num
bor of frionds at a movlo party at the
Kolth and a luncheon at tho Oasis Frl.
day ovonlng.
Mrs. J. J. Halllgan wilt entertain at
bridge tills afternoon complimentary to
Mrs. Kollogg, of Porclval, Iowa, who
Is hor guest.
. Mrs. F, W. Rinckor yesterday after
noon ontortaincd tho Monday Alter
noon Brldgo club ana In addition a
tablo of guests.
Mrs. J. T. Stuart ontortaincd a num.
bor of ladies yestorday aftornoon com
pllmentary to Mrs. J. J. Bowkor, who
ls soon to loavo town.
Mrs. Harry Q. Flolshman ontertnin
od a number of friends ut cards batur
day ovonlng In honor of Mrs. E. A.
Garllchs, who will leave shortly for
Mrs. Clyde Cook and Miss Josephine
O'Haro will entortaln tho Lady B'or
reatcrs, their husbands ana gontlemon
frionds nt tho homo of the formor to
morrow ovonlng. v
A K chapter P. E. 0. was ontortain
cd mat weok by Mrs. York Hlnman.
Papors woro read l5y Mrs. M. E. Scott
and Mrs. P. J. Barron. Mrs, L. E.
Mohlmann was added to the member
ship rok
Tho Catholic Girls' club mot last ov
onlng at ho homo of Miss Marie Lo
Dioyt. Tho hostoss was assisted In
entertaining by Missos Ireno Hubbard,
Mnrlo Stack, Mlnorva McWUllams and
Mrs. Will Friend. Tho prizes woro
won by Mrs, Oeorgo Vosolpka and Miss
'BcbbIo Oumborlatn.
Mrs, T. C. Patterson anj Mrs. Edith
Gontt and Misses Edith Patterson nnd
Eileen Qantt havo issued Invitations
to ono hundred and fifty ladles to a
card party Monday afternoon, Febru
ary 19th, and two luncheons on Tuoh
day afternoon, February 20th, at Uio
Patterson homo.
W. H. C. Woodhurst has returned
from a business visit in Lincoln and
Lost A cameo pin. Please return to
Rjexall dr,ug store. 9-1
Miss Morlan Lawson will leave tho
latter part of this month for Central
City to visit hor mother for a week.
1 F. H. Mumm, of Plattsmouth, for
morly bakor at tho Vienna Cafe, Is
, spending this week with local friends.
I Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, of.
1 Brady, who visited their daughter Mrs.
Helen Wingett, havo returned home.
j Mrs. Elizabeth Keono, who had beon
I visiting with Mrs, Ella I. Jenkins for
a month, will loavo -today for Florida.
Miss Abbio Foster, who was called
W. C. Turner, of Cedar Rapids,. Ia.,
a vice president of the O, R. C, and
J. A. Bergen, of Bonner Springs, Kan.,
a general chairman of tho same order,
are in town today and will address a
meeting of the local division to bo held
this afternoon. '
ThQ Bailey billiard hall, will be mov
ed about March first to tho room late
ly vacated by C. T. Wlielan. The room
occupied by Bailey hsa been leased
by a business firm who will use it
in conection with tho corner room
formerly occupied by J. C. Den.
Tho Methodist aid society will meet
next Thursday afternoon in tho Pres
byterian church basement; hostesses
aro Mesdamos Moonoy. Gilbert, Mc
Namarji, Throckmorton and Overman.
ii is requested tho ladles bring, their
to Omaha last week by tho serious 111-1 ! f , ""L00"1" varly 80 ns t0 he,p
ness or her tathor, returned Sunday i
morning '
Miss Lydla Amen, of Hastings, who
was employed hero two or three years
Arrangements are being made by
tho committees for tho district teach
ers' convention which will be held
ago in tho Gettman cigar factory, Isidore tho latter part of March. About
the guost of honor at several prenup- ono thousand dolegates are expected to
tlal showers which aro being held In! attend. Among the speakers who
herjiomo town this week. Miss Amenl kave been secured aro Ben Llndsoy, of
will 'bo married in the near future to tho Juvenile court of Denver and Mrs
Joseph G. Cole, who was employed in'jp. C. Bradford, stato superintendent
tho Gettman cigar store last year. of Colorado.
Friday, February 16th,
Real Estate and
ill,lonn0fter rentinS vour Property at reasonable rates. Phone
Black 550 and we will call. Notary and Justice of the Peace. f
Duroc - Jersey Sow Sale.
Wednesday, February 28L w
Will sell at Public Auction at 1;00 P. M., Central time, Wednes
day, Februory 28, on the Substation
XT it. Tl . '
norm naiie,
Farm, three miles south of
bred to farrow m March and April . These are a well bred lot of
good, straight gilts. They are immune, Registration certificates
will be furnished. For the out of town guests conveyances will
leave North Platte at 10;30 A, M.
W. P. SNYDER, Supt.
E. Z. Russell, of Omaha, Auctioneer.