The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 13, 1917, Image 2

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A Tale of Adventures on
An Indian Reservation
ON IIIS way to tnko the agency nt Lnkotnh Indian reservation following the murder of Agent Nogen, Capt
Floyd Hardy, U. S. A., rescues n tiunrterbreed girl nnd two men from attacking Indians. They aro Jacques '
Dupont, post-trader, his daughter Marie, and Reginald Vundervyn, agency clerk nnd nephew 6f Senator
CIcmmcr. Hardy learns Vundervyn had been promised tho ngency by his politician uncle, discovers the Indians
aro disaffected becauso they havo been cheated In a tribal mine which Dupont and Vundervyn aro Illegally work
ing, Is puzzled when his friendly speech to tribesmen, Interpreted by Vandervyn's halfbrecd tool, angers tho
Indians, nnd he determines to find out what's wrong all around und right It Ho proposes marrlago to Marie,
whom Vnndervyn also Is courting, nnd Is held off, but nursed tenderly by her when shot and wounded from um
bush. Lost In tho mountnlns after a second ambush attempt on his life, Hardy wanders Into tho Indlnn enmp,
learns they havo misunderstood his motives through misinterpretation, makes friends with them nnd uccuses Du-
r pont and Vnndervyn of rascality to their
Srarmy officer, ntiacKtng oui um uiuituuus
army officer, attacking notn nis aiicctions nnu ins nouor ns you win co
CHAPTER XII Continued. I
"Yon add to my regret Yot as net-
Ing agent it Is -jr uuty to censuro
yur father and Mr. Vnndervyn for do-
raving mo. Had they told mo about
Wogen'B malfcnsancc his blocking of
tho now treaty and compelling tho In-
Mlans to work the rolno without pay"
"Ho did that?" Mario questioned her
"Well, mo and Mr. Van dono nil wo
fcould-to Kit him to nay 'cm." mumbled
"Of courso! But ho I did not think
Urn so mennl" Tho girl's eyes blazed
tad her nostrils dilated. "So that was
why ho was shot? I don't blnmo tho
Pan who did It I could havo dono It
ysclf t Tho thief! Boggle, if only
rou had let tho killer escnpo 1"
'''Couldn't" tersely replied Vander
trm. "Ho wns blood-mad would havo
tot Cliarllo nnd mc, too, If wo hadn't
U&f him
"That was oelf-defcnso," snld Har
Ijr. "It has been greed and dishonesty,
tltougu, that havo prompted you to
eenceal from mo tho facts that led up
m the killing. Aside from tho danger
to mc, you havo permitted tho tribe to
rerge upea nn uprising that would
av compelled their pacification by
the wnr department All this that you
Might steal the oro of this mine."
"Steal our own oro?" bellowed Du
Bunt "You'ro plumb locoed I"
"Not so loud, If you pleaso," quietly
replied Hardy. "Tho oro Is not
"That's all you ksow about It," blus-
Ked the trader. "Ain't I ono of tho
cover ors and loeato;s of, tho locjo?"
"The lodo is not subject to locution.
H Is on Indian land."
"What if It Is? Ain't I a member of
Ikko trlbo?"
"Tho tribal land has not yet been
Allotted In severalty. Every squnro
root of ground on tho reservation be
pangs to tho trlbo as n wholo. No one
Member can hold Individual tltlo to
(any of it"
"Well, what of U?" demanded Du
peat, far from sllonccd. "If tho trlbo
pants to work tho mlno, and thoy want
tae and Mr. Van to manage It for them
and buy tho ore, what In holl have you
Btt to say about It?"
"Nothing at present," answered
Hardy.. "If tho tribe consents, I shall
nako no objection. You will bo ablo
to cheat them of only a few thousand
dollars boforo tho uow treaty Is con
nummatod and all this mlnornl land
opened to location and ontry under tho
mining laws,"
i The velus on Vandorvyn's crimsoned
forehead were swollon and pulsating
(with his furious anger. Ho spoko in
The Whote Tribe Hatea You and
I'm One of the Tribe."
high, airy tone: "So you aro going
he pull wire to get our mine takou
way from ua?"
"I shall sob that Justlco Is dono to
ward the tribe," said Hardy, aud ho
Sxed tho younger man wltli a glnnco
ktat compelled him to blink and look
But bow Mario's swlft-mountlug
ueern and augur burst out In u storm
k passion:
"You hypocritol you solf -righteous
Krtlnetl You would reprimand my
her and Mr, Van, would you? And
kadi a thousand times bettor man than
yeul Who has made all tho troublo
iere since you camo? Tho wholo trlbo
mtiw you and I'm ono of tho trlbo!
you straight-laced prig I You say
Jfttre and Reggie are dishonest, whea
Ml they wish to do is to glvo tho tribe
kooa work ana gooa pay. uui you
faces. Out of this situation springs a
you want to take away tho mine from
tho tribe and from us too 1"
nnrdy winced under tho scornful
rcpronches, yet did not yield n hair. "I
have dono my duty, Miss Dupont I
shnll contlnuo to do It I havo no in-
tcntlon of robbing nnyone of what Is
rigntruiiy nis."
"Yet when tho reservation Is thrown
open for entry, someone else who
novcr saw the mine may slip In ahead
of us and Jump It," said Vnndervyn.
"That Is somothlng I cunnot pro-
vent," said Hardy.
You can!" contradicted Marie.
"Tho chiefs will not Insist on tho new
treaty they will do what Pero thinks
best for them and us, if you lenvo the
matter to him and Reggie."
"I must do my duty ns acting
agent," insisted Hardy.
Tho girl turned her back upon him
In open disdain. Ho raised his hat to
and started for tho cabin, his fuco
white, but his shoulders squared back
and his head very erect
Another Card or Two.
A few minutes later Hardy camo out
of tho cabin. Though grave, ho was
cool and alert Ho ot onco walked up
to Dupont, who sat puffing at his pipe
on tho top of tho mine-dump.
"Itodbcnr seems to bo quiet," ho
said. "Whore is your daughter?"
Dupont pointed vngucly down tho
mountuln-Bldo. "Sho went off with Mr.
Van, to try to smooth down his fur.
You riled him considerable, Cap."
"I regret that It was necessary to
reprimand you."
"All right, Cap. I don't bear no
grudgo. Mcbbo now you'd Hko to tnko
n look at the mine."
"Yes," crisply ugrced Hardy.
Dupont roso und led him into tho
mouth of tho tunnel. Thcro ho un
locked a heavy tool chest and took
out two candles. Thoso wero needed,
for though tho tunnel ran Into tho
mountain side less than thrco hundred
feet its twisting courso along tho ore-
vclu soon shut out tho daylight. Du
pont noticed his companion's dubious
look at tho soft ore-body that formed
tho roof and ono wall of tho tunnel.
"Walk-quiet, and don't talk loud,"
ho said. "Wo ain't dono no timbering
yet Drovo In this drift to tho foot of
the shaft fast as wo could git tho luzy
cusses to work, so's wo could flguro
what wo hud to count on."
Hardy mado no reply uutll they
camo to tho end of tho tunnel and
stepped out Into tho dim daylight ot
tho shaft bottom. Ho looked up tho
big, square, timbered well, and re
marked: "You sunk this first, then
drovo In to meet it"
"Yep. Wanted to mako sure tho
vein didn't pinch out nowhere. Nogen
und Mr. Van both figured wo got thrco
hundred thousand dollars of oro as
good ns blocked out"
"Ah," Buld Hardy, and ho signed to
Dupont to lead the 'way back.
They had gono twenty-flvo or thirty
paces when a llttlo slither of oro foil
on tho lloor of tho tunnel in front ot
Dupont. Instuutly he sprung forwurd,
with a whispered cry: "Jump-
quick 1"
Hardy leaped aftor him, barely In
time to clear tho ton or moro of oro
Hint dropped from tho roof In a mass,
Without stopping to look behind them,
tho two men hustened stealthily down
tho slight slopo of tho tunnel, their
caudles upraised nnd oyes fixed on tho
soft, rnw ore-body abova them. At any
moment tho cutiro roof might cavo In
and bury them. Tho shock of tho first
full loosened small quantities of oro
nil ulong tho passage. Fragments drib
bled down behind and In front of tho
fugitives and even on their heads.
Panic-stricken, they broko Into n run.
It was none too soou. As they dashed
around tho turn that brought them to
tho outlot, tho entlro roof behind them
cumo thudding down.
Sufa outsldo, Dupont shook tho
fragments from his hat and clothes,
and pulled out his baudauua to wipe
off the sweat that was gathering In
bends on his forehead.
"Ugh 1" ho grunted. "Don't never
seo mo in thcro ug'ln till it's timbered."
"Rather closo call," remarked
"You'ro a cool one," muttered tho
trader, and ho scowled.
"Nom d'un
If I hadn't
chlen I Just my luck I
eung out, you'd 'a' got smashed under
that first drop."
"I shull not forgot it, Dupont"
"Me, neither. 'Stead of being rid of
you, hero you aro ready as ever to
j clean us out nnu i uono itr
Robert Ames
much moro serious dilemma for the
in una installment.
You do not regret saving my life,"
asserted Hardy.
"Well, mebbe not Just the same,
It's mighty hurd luck on us. Here wo
went and blocked out nil that thero
oro three hundred thousand dollars
as good as in our pockets not to
spenk of nil that's down under nnd
t'other sido tho shaft For all wo know,
It runs clean through tho mountain
and down to China I" ,
"That does not niter tho sltuntlon,"
said Hardy.
"Mcbbo It don't, nnd then ng'in "
Dupont began to scratch his head.
"Yes, mcbbo It don't, nnd then, ag'ln,
mcbbo It does. Just you take a look
at It this way, Cap. Suppose that new
treaty goes through, tho trlbo don't
git nothing out of this mine, and wo
don't, neither. Just somo lucky bum
beats us to It, nnd tho government says
It's htsn. Is thnt fulr and square?"
"You havo acted outsldo, tho law,"
said Hardy, "xou must tako your
chances with other locators."
"How about tho trlbo?" queried Du
.pont "Don't you euro nothing about
their Interests? Just supposing you
nnd mo nnd Mr. Van took hold of this
hero proposition for tho trlbo nnd split
even with them on tho proceeds. I call
that a squaro deal to them and us, too
nnd I know Mario would think tho
same. Sho likes you, Cap. Just show
her you want to do what's best for all
concerned, nnd Tin dead sure she
"Stopl" commanded Hardy. "Leavo
your daughter out 'of this."
"You've got to tell mo how I'm
going to do It." replied Dupont In nn
lujurcd tono. "If I don't git my sharo
In tho mine, Mr. Van can't afford tt
tako her; and you won't havo no
show. But you git in right with Mario,
und she'd wdrk her hands to tho bono
for you. Sho hln't no common breed
girl, neither. You know that She'd
bo n real lady, if sho had money
only you ain't going to glvo her no
chance." . v
"Sho knowB thnt I wish to marry
her," Bald Hardy.
"Think sho believes that when
you'ro going to rob mo and her of a
Hardy looked directly at tho temp
tcr, his oyes clear and resolute, though
his fnco was white and drawn. "It la
of no uso, Dupont I shall do what
consider my duty."
Dupont's fnco darkened. "So that's
what I git for saving your life. You
ain't got n partlclo of gratitude, and
you don't caro a banc about her."
"I must beg to differ with you," snld
Hardy. "But 1 cannot expect you to
understand my position."
Dupont drew out his plpo nnd re
turned to his scat on tho mine-dump,
to brood on his wrongs in morose si
leuce. Hurdy thoughtfully walked
back to tho cabin, drew out a writing
pad. from ono of his saddlebags and
begnn to draft n semiofficial lcttor to
tho most Influential of his fow ac-
qtiulntances In Washington.
Ho soon became so intent thnt ho
did not notlco tho half-dozen figures
In dnric bluo uniform thnt camo swing
ing down tho precipitous mountain
side nbovo tho terrace. When nt last
ho finished tho letter and looked up,
ho saw all tho members of tho pollco
escort drawn up iu lino beforo him,
their swarthy faces alight with re
spectful friendliness. Their sergennt
uttered n guttural word of salutation,
and began making signs.
Hardy smiled, shook his head, and
looked around for nn interpreter. DU
pont still snt sulking on tho nilno
dump, but Mnrlo nnd Vnndervyn
wero coming bnck up tho mountain
side. They appeared only n few
yards away, as Hardy glanced about
Ills Hps drew touso when ho per
eclved tho girl's hnppy blushes nnd
tho look with which Vnndervyn was
regarding her half-averted face.
At sight of nardy Bho straightened
with proud disdain, nnd would havo
Immediately gono around into tho
cabin had ho not spoken.
"Pardon me, Miss Dupont Thcso
men wish to report to mc. May I ask
you to Interpret for them?"
Tho girl turned coldly to tho ser
geant, who at onco poured out un Im
passioned declamation, emphasized
with swift-formed signs. Ho was still
talking, when Dupont sullenly Bham
bled over from tho nilno-dump. His
discontented face darkened still moro
when ho cumo within hearing qf tho
At last tho sorgcant flnlshod his Im
promptu orntlou. Without looking at
Hardy, Marie gave tho substanco of
the speech with contemptuous curt-ness:
"He suys they think you wero very
bravo to follow th shooter Into the
broken mountain. They nro very
sorry that they could not ngaln find
tho trail of tho bad Indian after los
ing it on the bare rocks from which
ho must havo shot Charlie."
"Tell them that Is all right Tho
fellow thought I was the enemy of
his tribe. Ho will soon learn bet
ter. Neither ho nor any other will
ntmln attack me."
"Yes, you havo talked Thunderbolt
Into believing you tho tribe's dear
est friend," Ironically replied Marie.
These silly fellows trailed you to
tho chief s cump, nnd havo swallowed
whole tho account of tho wonderful
good things you aro going to do for
tho tribe. All this gush and fuss was
over thnt and your big heart"
Regardless of tho mockery In the
girl's eyes, Unrdy turned to Btnlle and
nod at the policemen In acknowledg
ment of their kindly feeling.
Dupont muttered a curse, and ven
tured an Ill-humored remark loud
nough to reach Hardy's ears: "The
wholo bunch'd sing a different tune
If I told them how ho turned down
tho cbanco to glvo tho trlbo half
What's In our mine."
"Chuck It, Jake I" interposed Vnn
dervyn, with a good-humored smile
that surprised Hardy no less than the
trader. "It's up to us to tako our
medicine. Wo know it will not bo to
tho best Interests of tho tribe. The
responsibility, however, is his."
"You ain't going to throw down, nro
you?" exclaimed Dupont ,
"What else can wo do?" mildly
asked Vandcrvyn. "Tho gamo is up."
"What if tho government don't
mako it no rush, but has tho entry-
men draw lots?" objected Dupont "I
been fool enough to show Cnp through
tho diggings and tell him what wo
got blocked out If ho nln'ti squnro
enough to keep Ills head shut, wo
won't stand no chanco nt all of buying
out tho entrymnn what draws first
cholco in tho lottery."
"You see, cnptaln," said Vundervyn,
As wo discovered and developed tho
lode, do you not think tho honorable
thing would bo to mako no mention
of tho mlno In your report?"
"Tho trlbo should recelvo n largo
payment for their mineral lands," re
plied Hardy.
"Quito true," agreed Vundervyn, his
voice ringing clear and strong with
sincerity. "Thcro was talk of pay
lng them fifteen millions. I think it
should bo fifteen or twenty. Wo have
found Indications of other lodes. I
am sure you will seo thnt it would bo
perfectly honorable to report that
fnct, but leavo out all mention of our
mine, anat wouiu protect us, nuu uu
no narm to tno tnoc. ix you seo u
tnac way, i win pun an tno wires x
can to convlnco tho government that
this part of tho reservation is rich ln
minerals. My undo Is chairman of
tho treaty commission. If his report
favors n payment of fifteen or twenty
millions to tho trlbo, congress will up
propriato thnt amount"
"If thero are indications of other
lodes us ridi as this one, fifteen mil
lions Is nono too largo n price," said
Hardy. "You ogreo to help obtain
fair compensation to tho trlbo?"
"Provided you do tho fair nnd lion
ornblo thing by us," replied Vnnder
Hardy considered, nnd nodded.
"Very well. As between you und tho
other cntrymcu, It seems to mo right
to withhold your secret. You found
nnd developed this mine, nnd It Is not
tho fnult of yourself nnd Dupont that
Nogen had tho work dono nt the ex-
penso of tho tribe."
"Pero nnd Mr. Van will pay them
for all tho work," proudly stated Ma
Dupont gaped ln. blank amuzemcnt
at this unwclcomo prediction. Not so
"Of courso wo shall pay them, cap
tain," ho confirmed. "I Intend to list
Uio claimants nnd tho nmount due
them nt tho council tomorrow. Ncl
thcr Jako nor I can afford to settle
with them out of hand. But Jake
will allow them part payment In trndo
goods, und wo shull mako other puy
ments as fast as wo get returns from
our next oro shipments."
"Very good," ngrced nardy. "You
nro to understand, however, that the
trlbo must voluntarily bring tho ore
to tho reservation boundary and thcro
Bell it to you. Havo you considered
tho risk of tho public surmising tho
exlstcnco of tho mlno from tho oro
"No chanco of that," explained Du
pont "Nogen let it out that ho got
tho oro from n prospect lu tho nioun
tains clcau back ucross tho other
boundary of tho reservation, and ho
showed around n smelter report of a
shipment of oro that we'd doctored
with barren rock so's it Just paid out
Hardy did not smile. Ho returned
gravely to Mario. "In vlow of tho
genornl agreement Miss Dupont may
I hope that you"
"You may not, Captain nardy," sho
ungraciously Interrupted. "You In-
Riiltod niv father. Ho nnd I shall nt
onco leavo for home,"
Dupont looked to Vondervyn, nnd
received a sign to acquiesce.
"Don t want to leavo you In the
lurch, Cap," ho said, "but If Mario's
set on going, guess I'll have to."
"Tell four of tho pollco they aro
detailed to escort yourself and Miss
Dupont bnck to tho agency," ordered
nardy. He raised his hat to Marie.
"Permit mc to wish you a pleasant
The girl turned nwny without reply
ing. Hardy stood for a moment cool
and still under Vandervyn's exultant
smllo: then faced about and steadily
walked off along tho mountain ter
race. Ho did not return to ino cubln un
til the grcuter number of tho saddle
and pack ponies had bven brought up
from tho volley and the returning
party had mounted and ridden nway
on the bnck trail. Vundervyn started
oft with them, and Hnrdy's keen, hazel
eyes dimmed as, leaning against n
gnarled plno on tho slope above, In;
watched tho lovers rtdo nway, sido
by side.
Angered nt himself for his momen
tary weakness, ho sprang down the
ledges to tho terrace, and hastened
back1 to talk with Rcdbcar. Ho was
met nt the cabin door by Olnnn, who
placed n finger on her lips and whis
pered thnt her brother had nt Inst
fallen nslcep.
Hurdy withdrew to tho shady sido
of the cabin, where he sat down on his
saddlo and began drafting n list of in
structions for tho tribnl delegates to
Washington. Ho wns still writing
them when, shortly before nightfall,
"You Insulted My Father!"
Vnndervyn camo Jogging bagk to the
mine. He had had a delightful ride
with Marie, and ho complacently lntl
mated tho fact to Hurdy.
In the midst of this subtlo torment
ing of his rival, Olnna camo out to
serve tho supper that sho had cooked
In tho cabin. Vnndervyn abruptly
changed the subject, and begnn to talk
about tho council next day. Hardy
gave no sign that he observed this
sudden break or tho furtive, ndorlrig
glances that tho girl bestowed on Vun
dervyn as sho glided softly to and fro,
Tho night camo on, clear and still
As they puffed nt their after-supper
pipes. Vandervvn succostcd that, out
0f consideration for tho young woman,
tney rou up ln thclr blankets autsido
'the cabin. To this Hardy made no oh
Jectlon. They nicked out n soft snot
matted with fallen pine needles, under
a low-growing tree, and soon 'both
wero seemingly fast nsleep.
After several minutes Vnndervyn
spoko to his companion ln n low tone,
Unrdy did not unswer. Vundervyn
drew out his plpo nnd struck n match.
Ho held tho flamo abovo nardy's face.
Tho eyes wero closed, and tho severe,
hulf-raelancholy expression of tho
harsh features was relaxed as if in
heavy slumber.
Vandcrvyn extinguished tho mntdi,
and slipped out of his blankets. Noise
lessly he crept down to tho cnbln
nnd around to the door. It wns barred
on tho inside. Ho tupped on it
Thcro was a sliding sound within
tho cnbln, and tho heavy door began
to swing inwurd. Vnndervyn put his
foot on .the threshold to enter. At
tho samo moment n sinewy hand
gripped his shoulder "and Jerked him
away. Ho cursed, nhd clapped his
hand to his holster as ho whirled
about. It was empty. Ho bent for-
wurd to spring at tho dark form in
tho half-open doorway.
"Stand back I" camo tho stern com
mand. "I havo your revolver. Olnna,
closo tho door."
Tho door swung shut. In tho tense
sllcnco tho rattle of the bar as It shot
buck Into its socket was distinct. Van
dervyn's teeth ground together.
"You stralght-luccd prig I" ho
choked out "Got nwny from hero I
I'm going ln."
"Suppose I do not chooso to glvo It?"
"Then I will protect her by ordering
you to leavo tho reservation a3 fast
ns you can travel."
"I sec," taunted Vnndervyn. "You
want to get rid of mc, so you can have
clear sailing with Marie. You'ro a
great ono to spout about honor!
You'll go nnd blat to her about this.1
"You know very well I cannot do
that Yet if you refuse to glvo mo
your word, I shall feel Justified In
telling Dupont my reason for ordering
you off tho reservation."
Vnndervyn burst into a cynical
laugh. "Do you think Jake's tho sort
to care.
"When tho happiness of his daugh
tcr la nt stake 1
"Precisely. Ho thinks Ym her one
best diance.
"Very well," replied Hardy. "Slnco,
like this .poor girl's, her natural
I imnrdlim id imflh mv nnslHun nnnriin
I agent requires mo to tako his place. I
My appeal to you ns a gentlcmnn hav
ing failed. I must conclude that you
are i not n gentlcmnn. I shall be com
pelled to disclose this Incident to Miss
Dupont. You shall bo escorted off the
reservation under urrest"
"You'll order me " cried Vnndervyn,
nnd ngaln ho bent forward ns If to
leap at his rival. Hardy stood cold
and motionless ln the dim starlight
The younger mnn checked himself.
His voice shook with suppressed an
ger: "You've got tho drop on mo now.
Walt till wo hear from Washington."
"Until I um relieved from my pres
ent detail, I shall consider myself the
guardian of overyono nnd everything
belonging to the tribe," stntcd Hardy.
There followed n silence of several
moments' duration, ln which Vandcr
vyn must have found time to reflect.
Ho drew back a step or two, lit his
pipe, and nt last remarked ln a some
what forced tone of conciliation: "1
seo you'ro Hko nn nrmy mule no use
trying to budgo you when you balk. 1
glvo you my word to net as a gentle
man ln tills nffnlr."
"Very well," replied Hardy.
Vandcrvyn started off, sudilng at
his pipe. Hardy turned about nnd
locked the door on tho outsldo with
the heavy padlock that hung loose ln
the Jamb staple. Ho put tho key ln his
pocket, and walked around tho cabin
to mako certain that thero wero no
other openings larger than tho narrow
crevices of tho loopholes.
When ho returned to tho tree, he
found Vnndervyn nlready outstretched.
Ho picked up his blankets and moved
down the slope, to spend , tho night ln
tho more congenial company of the
two remaining Indian policemen.
In White and Black.
In the morning Olnna did not show
herself outsldo tho cnbln, though
Hardy called a kindly good morning
to her. Her brother, with ono nrm
carefully bandaged and in n sling,
brought out tho breakfast that sir
cooked. Ho looked so weak and un
steady that Hardy at onco nssentec
when he mumbled that ho wished to
go back to bed and rest until the
"You must have your wits about
you this time," added Hardy. "What
ever the cuuso of tho misunderstand
ing at tho first council, it must not
recur. You ore too careless ln'youi
Interpretations. Inform "your sister
that she' Is to bo present I shall re;
quire her to check you."
"Would you mako a girl ns shy ns
she Is stand up In n tribal council
and Interpret?" remonstrated Vunder
vyn, ns Itedbear slunk around tho end
of the cabin. .
"The presence of her grandfather
will glvo her courage," replied Hardy.
"It is necessary that sho should be
present Ir do not trust cither the
ability or tho honesty of her brother."
Vundervyn shrugged, nnd said no
moro. Half an hour or so later he
asked permission to uso Hardy's pen
and pad to write somo letters.. The
cnptaln handed them to him, nnd
stnrtcd up tho mountainside nbove
the tunnel mouth. A steep pnth led up
to tho top of tho spur ridge from
which tho shaft had been sunk from
tho npex of tho outcrop of the vein.
As soon as ho had gono beyond ear
shot Vandervyn roso to stretch him
self nnd call softly through tho near;
est loophole. Ho then seated hlmseli
on his saddlo and begnn to write. A
listener would havo had need to be
near nt hand to have heard tho low
murmur of Itedbear's nnd Olnnn'a
voices through tho loophole above
Vundervyn's head.
When Hardy returned from his ex-
umlnntlon of the upper works of the
mine, Vandervyn sealed In his pres
ence the two letters that he had writ)
ten. Thoy nppenred decidedly thin, in
view of tho time that Vnndervyn had
spent ln his writing nnd tho numbei
of sheets of paper gono from tho pad,
But Hardy did not observe this. Hie
attention had been diverted by a large
party of Indians that had appeared
on the velvety green meadows of the
valley bottom.
The tribal council had begun to as
semble. This tlmo tho chiefs and
headmen did not como nlone. From
far camps as well as near, tho men
of the tribe wero bringing their fami
lies to seo the Longknlfo dilcf whom
they had first hated but now believed
to bo their friend nnd father. By
noon their numbers had grown from
scores to hundreds.
Shortly nftcr the midday meal one
of tho Indian policemen brought word
up to the CHDln that tho head chief
hud arrived and tho council was
ready to talk with the ngent Hardy
at onco gavo command to mount As
soon ns Hardy and Vandervyn etnrted
to rldo down the slope, Olnna slipped
out and held her brother's pony for
him. Sho then mounted her own, and
rodo after him.
At tho foot of tho slopo the riders
camo out through n grove of young,
quaking asps into sudden view of the
picturcsquo and imposing tribal coun
cil. Fully half tho trlbo had gathered
together for tho occasion. All up nnd
down tho vnlley tho meadows wero
dotted with their ponies. Tho Indians
wero nssembled ln n denso crowd
tho men ln n deep band around tho
chiefs, the women nnd children out
side. Do you believe that Vandervyn
can persuade Olnna to do so or
scare her Into misinterpreting
Captain Hardy's statements to
the tribesmen? Will Hardy
catch Vandervyn at his dirty
work this lime and punish him
for It?
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