1 o H THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB,, l-EHRUARY 9, 1917. No. 8 mkt STATE FIRE INSPECTOR SAYS PROTECTION LAME LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Graco O'Neill has resigned her! .nosltlon at the O'Conor store. Jack Foster, formorly of thin' city, Is reported to bo vory 111 In Omaha. ! J. V. Romlgh, tho auto man, Is transacting business In Gothenburg today. iui Rev Gleaaon, of Ogalalla. who irpont 'jack of Interest on Putt of Citizens; gOVOral days hero returned homo Wcd 1s Responsible for tho Present 'noedny ovenlng. PLANS FOR CELEBRATION ARE BEING MATURED MAKES KECOJDIUNDATHtt'S FOR MORE EQUIPMENT IOR THE LOCAL REPARTMENT. Demoralized Condition of our Flro Fighting Force. I Miss Abblo Foster was 1 called to , Omaha tho first of this weok by tho HOLDING COMPANY HEAltS REPORTS MADE Y SECRETARY MOONEY. I Veterans' 1,n!1 m'11 Attended. Tno' third annual ball of th0 Span ' lsh "War Votornna was held Weunowlay I ovonlng at tho Lloyd opora house and tho attondnnco was one of the largost of this soason. BuntlnK In tho nation. j nl colors was drapoa on the balcony MEETS AND and walls nnd at Intervals a large Mark Atchison and wlfo will lcavo this wook for Rochoster, Minn., to spend a couplo of wcoks. Thje girls' domestic science club will hold an oxchnngn in Derryborry ! flhlold In tho red white nnd bluo wis & Foruos window Saturday. I used. Tho Stamp orchostra furnished nn onioyablo program of popular LOCAL AND VEKSONAL. Authority Given to Assemblo the Flonts, Closo Contract With tho Amusement Company nnd At. for Indian Rattle. dances and ono o'clock. danoing continued until Tho usual concert which rnngo nronnrwlml ihn rmntitmr of tlin linll nn . . t - iormor occasions was omriieu, ,nu thn tlmo dovotod to dancing. Large Hags were loworod from tho gallory across tho hall whllo the orchestra Thn stato flro Insncctor has called illness of her father. thn attention of tho mayor and council iov. Ives of Ocalalla camo yostsr to thn condition of tho North Platto juy niomlng to spond a few days with iq hnnklnc tho North Platto Soml-Cen flro department, which ho suggests is Archdeacon Bowkor, i tonnlal celebration hold a meeting at Inadequate to properly protect a city, Mfmdav nrocram at Uio Keith tho Hotel McCabo Wednesday evening of this size. Ho recommends ni had submitted to them reports of equipment and tho origan zation ( pcn , screen story of a vital tho progress that has been mads by three companies, ono of which, with "nXrlnc W S Hart and tho President J. 13. McDonald and Socre nronor equipment, should bo located' Uiomo, featuring W. S. Hart, an tno irm Mooney. Thu secretary 1 XXnrm'nlv directs atton- Nest," with Chas Murray and Louise had with him ai 1 mu enao at I flnanclal success and those In charge Tho Inspector simply directs atton F d correspondence which li0 hns had with . comnii.non.0(i tlon to a condition that Is known to azonua. (amusement companies, with promot-jaro 10 ue complimented. 1111 VUU U1U tUUTUiiauuw v. Wtfcjio - iU6 WJV wiv D QTS Hill UQBlBntirB UL (Jlt'UlilUU UUUIO fairs, namely that tho flro department i stoin heifor at the Substation on tho w!H. nriirlnntors of pyrotechnic ills- -k . . .1 It rtn 1 1 !-. I.. 1 OA .1 - A . " " " . . . . . ... Tho twenty-five business fho "s ar SngNe. UannerV' fm& "i?. JNSSS? v ZLi:lt A Shilling, Leonard Rab.n.on, A. E. Bell, Arthur Hammond and thplr assistants left nothing un doo which would add to tho ploasuro of tho attendants. Tho advance slo of tlckota was vory gratifying aiui this amount was doubled by tickets sold i hi uiouoor. uio uau was a social anil I Marrk'il Fifty-Six Yenrs. i.. i u iir. iiiin iirs. .mini wnrmiv. ni is at present in a moro uumuiaimuu i zau. nay ol nor tmiuuu ou-uuj iubl, ijiu-,- ni,lvR nn,i -tvitli tlioao wno voiuntcor, r it t , , , i t condition than it has boon for years J duced in one official day of 24 hours, Sggesfisrio pS "J: This Is not tho fault of tho present; 0n February 4, 100 pounds or approx- batti0 of Summit Springs. This Indian jf??" chlof nor tho hnndfu.1 of men who arei mmtoly 12.5 gallons of milk. At 10 batt which was to have formed on J " 14,. wl! L a- ; members, but rather to tho lak. cents per quart her day's production i f"nt,,ro8 0f tho show to have r?nCf?T n?nnm3 a' of interest on tho part of citizens gen- would amount to a total value of SB. ! Si " .,i L Polnnnl fin.lv. had been! .woro : ppld..at okfIold. Mo., Fob- city, by their votes, refused to Issue bonds for a city hall In which it was! propostfd to provide quarters for the men and tho apparatus. It was only natural that this refusal should dis courago thoso who had provlously tak en a wlde-awako interest in the do .partment. They argued, and .reason ably so, that If tho citizens generally did not appreciate the department suf ficiently to provido quarters for it, they had no right to expect the mem bers to devote without pay, their time to an organization that was hardly no ticed by tho people Hence the loss in membership and tho lack of interest Not as an alarmist, but as one In- v v " T , : ucen swsuu uy y u. uuo . v, ruary 7Ui, 1801, and camo to this city wun Tii,K iinnnrtmoiit otnro formnriv worked out In detail, ana tniougn uio , 10 , . ... .. ... uv-i-u.. v...v... ...... - , , . i " loin, mill i uiii) -uyu voura liva.1 conducted by W. T. Banks, who ro- kindness of John Baker tho complete I Qn R nnch northonat ot town , ccntly left for Calif fornla, has been scenario has hogn forwaidod to Jaonnto tho city about a dozen years ago. avciuuvi;. i ma ft, ..... .-.r an opportunity to work up the scones numoer ou aiupruvuiuuuia umu i- J"k , . . x.,. V" latter nttnminu tlintr nco erallv and tho disinclination on the part of the younger clement to associ ate themselves with tho department. mi.- .Unlmlnnt nil rf iUn 111 nnl linra 11 1T1 J . ' . . . mx. I . 1 If- 1t.Knii UUL1UIU11H.IUU v.. ..iv. ."" """f , l...m1.,1 1... T7r.tr nnnra -oiirl KVnlllr OOprprn.TV. -1 illl. iUUUUV.Y. . t 11. ...... . ..... . Uv .. r-- -- - : I mm, j(r OC :lninrOVOniOniS UOUa JJi- 1 JUUI, tl IIIUI nim IU HIV.C uvui.ii.. n . ,,Hnlnlim t llr, nirn vnoUr.lm, iorlor and interior are boing mado ed by tho lato Col. Cody. This b and the amount of stock carried will which several hundred Indians ana of wcoka aml thls prcoluuei tho p0B. bo greatly Increased. i soldiers will engage, and which will sU)Ult nf a colflbrnUon of the wd,lln! -vi -v rr i in rnnnivna ni Tint (Miinnr;!-1 . . ... Tho Junior class of tho high school "X ,U v anniversary, nut during tno tiny many has in preparation a lulnstrol show laid at U' 8XtB COnBn,t",tt- tnat win do given rnw 'b cltv nark and vlowed from tho grand noxt wook February lutn, in tne m, rni,tr. win nnnnhvif. with senior high school auditorium. The pyrotechnic display each evening tions. i'O.'i' lloims ChrckH Arrive last tlmo wo attended a minsiroisy j800 havlnc been nnnronrlatcd for the' , x " " given by tho students we thought It I,S?S ,)eon nPPrPttieu lor 11,0 ; on Pacific to omp oyos who received very ciever, uio leuiurua uuuig uusumi and thn characters well taken. It Is probable Uio show next week will bo ... I lnHn thnn S1S00 lnot vnni nrrlvnrl Mila and tho characters "well taken. It I. t7 USeiont & IZ'T ,aW, bD,"B to" ...1.1. n. i., vt .0v win Un lno 1 arricr muauiitni iv "l ; dav. Each chock ronreaonts ten ner- It. D. Blrgo has been In Omaha for Bovoral days past attending tho con vention ot tho stato lumber doulors' association. Mrs. Owon O'Nell and family will movo this wook to Green Itlvor. Mr. O'Noll hna boon omployod thero for sovoral months. Victor F. Bock, who had boen 'em ployed as nn urchitoct In Omaha for nlno years, arrived In North Platte this week to locato permanently. At a mooting of tho Nobraska as sociation of abstractors, held in Lin coin thts wook, O. B. Eldor, of this olty. was olectod ono ot tho five vlco prosldonts. Mr. and Mrs. Alox Fonwlck went to Omaha this morning whero Mr. Fon wlck will bo "looked over" by Dr. Joiiob preparatory to being placed on tho pension list. Mrs. J. D. Cox, of thts city, was In Grand Island) Tuoadny attondlng tho marrlogo of hor slater, Miss Eva Mulr, of Sutherland, to Chas. E. Wallnco, of Filloy, Nob. Tho couplo will reeido In tho lattor placo. Tho ladles of tho Mothodlst aid so ciety will again mnko nn offort to so curo tho $100 offered by Today's Mag azln0 for subscriptions. Tho ladles havo earned this sum twlco boforo and aro anxious to succeed ngnln as It will assist thom In raising their shnro of tho expenso of tho now church building. If those who doslro to ro now their subscriptions will please glvo tho renewal to any of tho Motho dlst ladles It will bo greatly appreci ated. Tho ladlos doslro to secure the required number boforo April 1st. na aftor that dato tho prlc0 will bo raiso,i from 50 cents to 75 conts a year. 8-2 ii rnn rn nn nrnoimin iiv i nm ti ii 1 1 ii i in v . .. fully as amuslngrand enjoyable. . t or tori In number am high class J 01 1110 sn,nry earnca uur,n mst Superintendent Snyder returned not hooche coochlo girls, plantation i Th'0 total numb0P of clicclta recotVod from Omaha Wednesday wheVo Wo , singers, snnko caters and other cheap! at th,8 tcmlnll WB U r hundred mado arrangements with Dr. B. B. acts usually furnished by carnival i thov aVQraird above S7f. each makes T hsta ement that under nreT- Davis' Omaha's chief surgeon to mate companles-but novelties tnat are real mnk, t t , &- -$25 000 makes the statement tnat under prea- f Ho ste n-Fresian heifers of tho ly interesting and worth while. Tlie This ironorositv on tho nart of tho Z lJ&J'St; Substation with Rag Apple Korndyko paraphemalla for .one aU alone weighs' v 5' 'pUyould T ,er- - ' Zr 'nr, r ; Boon, a. 3500 pounu uu. n is i u oioyon ions. , wueiaii oi u.uS0 talnly ,bo-and undoubtedly la r " , r' ."""Tii bull that Dr. uavis uougut ior zouu win ne given inter. 1 clnted bv tlio omnloveq lack of eff clency and equipment thous- "n rn ln ,,., tha Fri03iand Tho ronroductlon of two blocks ofi cintco oy uio employes. o hmq r f Ari In rn xim-rfli nAnnrtir lo . . . . . . ,i ' i t 1 ' i. .ii K.i'-y Dairy Farm liord. Tins neru is con- iront street na it appeareu in tne verv liable to completf, loss any day or any; sldere(1 by many breeders as tho best early days will prove highly IntoresU niSht. uorA Hniatiilii-'PrpnInn rjittlo In the insr This scene has boon verv accur- It Is tlmo that citizens generally, es. ofrit. ,,. sorvIr.n fpn nf Rair Annie atolv drnwi an,i the. buildlnc fronts Korndyko Boon Is $100.00. I will bo an exact duplicate of tho orlg- I Innl rpiiln nlfttA nnstvm mill Iia Bombs to the right of hhto ei toomCrt peclally tho larger, holders of city property, wake up to real conditions as It relates to flro protection -appre- fc... Frank "Winn Injured. - Frank' D. " "Winn, of Kearney, fori many years a North Platte- railroad man, was seriously Injured Wednes day when ho was run Into by an nuto whllo riding his wheel. Winn suffered th loft of him. bombs in his pocket. ""Mu ""i " "vu ia broken collar bono, a wrenched Tiinsdnv last wns snm. hltr flnv In i i, i.ic Uml. lmmha In hla hnt. w."11-!1 -o.uuu topieH win do primed iur hnRi. nd manv cuts nn j ' ' ... uuuiua in mo iu...u w ... a -j ... - - r .lietrlliiitfnri in r nml ivlrlfi Omaha, as on that particular day tho bomba everywhere and John Barry-. d""6"tI0" nlarf or fhB twelve elortrloal stockyards of that city led every other m0ro nearly expires with fright and dwfg8 ;0,r.. t thf do placo In the world on tho receipts of terror when ho finds himself elected J'J livestock fbr one day, with over 51,000 by a band of nihilists to assassinate ffinncl work on them win .tul,uihi iiin iivnnn vjil i tiiiiii. iiihmmi i ii m im i hi? iiiicuiunL iiiiui - . . i --nil,, lamo win uo in ii u puKuiiiiL ox loame Mrs. C. F. Spencer, of this city, car. king tormIna or,wh C,n''V , emigrant wagons. Towbnvs and Jv tate president of the P. E. O., was he Is "nB Jn wo rid but a terrl J d,anB rcrrcsontIn thp pIonoor (lfU.r back nnd many cuts and brulsos. For several hours following tho accident ho was In a semi-conscious condition MctlnMlIst-l'msbylehin Sunday schools 10 a. m. Morning worship 11 n. m, Mr. Cram state presmenr. oi tne r. n. u., vas , ... -r. - . - mans representing tno woncr uavt tho guest of tho Gothenburg chapter ? u, c0,0, B10? .u'", ' " "i lV,V,'.7 , and then In contrast will bo tho auto Tuesday evc-nlng. as was also Mrs. gni 3.1tuu" ;' hTonv ilmdl110 w'"1 occupants arravod ln Kill an, of Kearney, stato organizer. ,'TT7 i i T thn A four course dinner was served at Raymond Hitchcock who played the n. 1 , m.. t t t.i Dart of Hannibal Butts ln tho play on II1U 11U1MU Wl 1,11 O. 3 U. U Ulllllllr,. - . . . . .! , l,nl XI The Fifth Nebraska regiment of which tho North Platto company Is a. the- making of tho film was hard onlV""8', ? 'r " Ja, "T.V Tl. r ,. U .nolJia rrnn.l ntltor. nifau uimi, nil, . " 7, " I ' r't,,.u I in a tent 80x120 feet in nrra. T'if l.lllllliciil. lui mu luai. u. uo : :o: : more win oo in tno pageant ox teams.. Jvm Bnnk ml .Mnrnsnlnm Flrt. Patriotic sorvlco In tho evening. Mr, White will speak on "Likenesses be tween Abraham Lincoln and Josus Christ." evening clothes, and other evldoncci of advanced civilization of tho neopl" Tho uindnrnna,.'lau and tho Quoon'a part, arrived at Fort Crook yesterday from Llano Grande, just seven months to a dav from tho tlmo It left Lincoln July 9th for border service. Tho reg iment comprises 597 mon and fifty of ficers. It Is unoertaln how lone the regiment will remain at Fort Crook boforo being mustered out Piano nt n Bargain. Customer near North Platte, Nebr., Is unable to finish payments' on piano contract. Wo will turn piano over to 'first satisfactory party who will pay Mrs. Deo Ranoy, of Wallaco, spent! balance either cash or five dollars per tho firBt of tho week visiting hor par-; month. Wrlto Schmollor & Mueller onts, Mr. and Mrs. Greeley Bundy. piano Co., Omaha, ..eb. "-"V.ii.11 BOYS OF NORTH PLATTE How much success can you ever expect in this life unless you learn to save NOW? Your future can he as great as you make it, hut the right start means everything. Do not pass our new Saving Plan lightly hy. It is a wise plan devised hy thoughttul and successful men. It has led thousands of hoys to start life on the principles that have led to sure husiness success and happiness. Bring your savings to the McDonald Slate Bank on atur- queon will be selected by a voto of tho pooplo, each vote cast costlfie tho de positor ono cont. nnd the BUccesBful contestant will bo awarded a $200 dia mond ring. Thoro will be ladlos-in-waltlng ns well as matrons to the quoon. Thoro will also bo a king, whoso Idontlty will not bo disclosed uufll tho coronntlon ceremony, which will precede tho ball. Tho North Platto hand, tho Parker Co. handi and two others to bo en gaged will give concerts at Intervals during tho days nnd evenings. Mnnv minor features aro bolng workod out and thorn Is no question tlmt tV lat weok of June will prove ono of tho greatest wooks westorn No braska has evor known. To handle tho different phases of the work, nlno committees will bo solected, and tho chairman of each of these committees will form the execu tlvo board. who ; was arrested jonii ray, morning. You are welcome here. $1? Donald State Bank NortTHPLATTE, NEBR, m Submarines nro Busy. Washington, Fob. 8. Lloyd's roport ior tno tnirdi day or Germany's now submarlnn campaign shows that the undorsoa boats aro maintaining the average or destruction sot by tho Ber lin naval exports an nccossary to success. Tho third day's renorted Iossos totaled 27,985 tons and tho Tiro- coding two days' totallod CC.C00. At such a rate the destruction of, 1,000,000 tons a month, which Is the Gorman aim, t would seom about to be accomplished. Gorman naval exports contend that sucji an avorago would cut England off from the world and end tho war by Its starvation. It Is realized hero, however, that tho British government Is not lack ing In measuros to koop the sea lanes opon and thnt -thoso will becomn ap parent as tho campaign progresses. It Is pointed that whllo Uio world knows of tho losses of merchant shins. It knows little, If anything at all, about tno iossos or tho submarine HotlllaB. : :o: : Stock and Dnlry Farm for Sale. 010 acres lornted 7 nillns north of SFnxwcIl, well and windmill, tnllos of fencing, C." ncros In cultivation, balance liny and pasture. I'rlco six dollars per ncrc. Tonus S1G00.00 cash nnd balance on easy terms, six per rout interest. There is n big bnrpaln In this property. M.TIIANAW & PATTERSON, 5-4 Mrs. Georgo White, of Sutherland, Is visiting this wook with Mrs. Htigh Bird. Sheriff A. J. Salisbury hns returned 'from Lincoln whore ho accompanied jloy Rbborts to tho penitentiary William Nunn, recently for assaulting plead guilty ln tho county court yos- torday. Ho was fined five dollars and costs and bolng unnblo to pay was tak en back to Jail to servo his sentence. Undertaker W. R. Maloney was call ed to Paxton yostorday to tako charge -of tho body of James Burns who died or nioou poisoning at tno ago oi sjxiy- feven. Ho wag a larmor in tnat vicin ity. Jack Hartor was granted a divorce ln tho district court Tuosdoy a ftor noon from Porla- Ramsey Harter to whom ho was married August 13 1913 ln Allianco. Tho deXendant Iuib resided in Denvor for several yentra past nnd refused to locntp hore. Tho grounds for tho ulvorco wore aimn donmont. County Attorney Halllgan and Mrs, Hantaan loft Wednesday olftornoon for Omaha and Lincoln. Tho former had been called to take charge of Com pany B at Ft. Crook and tho latter will visit hor parents. Attorney J. J. Hal- llgan has been appointed as deputy county attorney to act during tno an sence of Ills son Now that Wo have a paved section tho noxt move is to purchase a sweep Ing machlno The Htroot commissioner has boon directed to ascertain tho coat ; of a suitably swoopor. It was ovor thus; ono Investment calls for anothor. We ropapor tho rooms of our homos 'hen concludo that the bright cloan v.-alls mnko our furnlturo look shab ':v and wo buy now furnlturo. So with t iQ Improvements ot a city. Tho ordlnnnco which provldos for r arrowing residential streets to thlr t- six feet ln proposed paving dls f cts wns road for tho firBt tlmo at t; council mooting Tuesday and will b furthor considered at tho noxt rog ul ' mooting. By making tho streets tlr ly-slx foot Instead of allowing thom to n'mnln forty-six foot, will sav abf.'it olghty dollars to each owner o J. F. French, colored porter on train .No. 13 was arrosted hero this morning for assaulting tho natws agent on tho train. Ho will bo glvon a hoarlng In tho county court this aftoruoon. Tho I. O. O. F. lodgo hold n meet ing last ovonlng at which they took ln a olaBS ot forty-one. Twonty-sov-oh of thoso woro local pooplo and tho remainder woro residents of Dickens nnd Wallace. It Is announced that tho co-opora-tlvo grocery In tho Bratt building on Locust Btroet will opon next weok. A momborshlp of 400 is claimed, each of whom pny n dollar a month with tho promise that goods will bo sold to thom nt actual cost, tho $400 per month rocolvcd from tho momborshlp sup posedly paying tho oporntlug ox ponsos. Each purchasor must deliv er tho goods ho buys. At a meeting tho foro part of this week hold by tho Suburban Irrigation District offlcors for tho current year wor0 doctwl in tho first district as follows: Director, Charles MoDonnld; trensuror, J. G. Beolor; assessor, Charles Wymnn. Two other districts nro to bo heard from boforo tho votes can bo canvassed, which will bo Mon day aftoruoon. Tho dlstrlpt Is com posed of eight thousand acres. Tho officers of tho North Platto band stato that unless some arrange monts nro mado ln tho jionr future to glvo thom financial support that tho regular summer band concorts will bo discontinued. It Is not tholr Inten tion to disband, howovor, but will c6n tlnuo to practlco in order to play on public occasions and It tho necessary funds for music Is glvon thom they will bo pleased to hold tho concerts ovcry week. ::o:: F. j. PIENUn & CO. . f Keni KBtato and Insurance Como and see us for town lota In different parts of the city. Good In vestments on easy terms. Housed for sale and ront. Wo havo also good bar gains ln farms and ranchos. Cor. Front and Dowev StB.. upnUlrs. Tfe 1ft HTo By ii an a s":ty-slx foot lot, and leavo tho strcot plenty wldo for all purposos. ::ov. For Snlo CC foot lot on west Sixth streot. Sldo walk in, sowor and gas In alloy. $100 down, balanco easy payments. O. It. Airents Robinson, 322 west Second. G-4j ecital ss riorence lnacnay. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, v - This Friday Evening, 8 o'clok. PROGRAM: Prelude and Fuge in D minor Bach (a) Gondolied Nevin (b) At Twilight Fryshujer (c) Humoriskc- 1 Dvorak MISS MacKAY ' 11th Hungarian Rhapsody Liszt MISS EMMA BOGUE March Poptificnle ..... . Lcmmens MISS MacKAY Sunset ' Dudley Buck DOROTHY HINMAN Midsummer Caprice. Johnston (a) Andantino in D , Lemure (b) The Rosary ... . '. . . Goss-Custord-Nevin MISS MacKAY Trombone solo Selected ARTHUR TRAMP Marche Militairo ; ; Gounod MISS MacKAY ADMISSION 35 CENTS. H, .,,-,, ..X,.-. .,, juiZ'.-y. . ; TO ALL OIF WHO USE and who, along with millions of families, are now being told of tho merits of "CENTURY EDITION" 10c we wish to announce that We Carry the Complete' Line and will bo very Rind to fihow you this edition now beirifc advosrtised In all tho Icadingliomc publications nnd women's magazines in tho country nnd reaching over sixty million readers. Hore nra a few instrumental pieces taken at random from "CENTURY" CntaloR, PIANO SOLOS Iiuttorlly QrclR Clmpol in Woods Luno FalllnK Wators Truax Clriind Concert March. Wollenlmupt Ilunitiirlan Hliupsody(No.S) . .I.lHtz ljova and FlowerB Alilrloli Martha Pantaslo Dorn On tho Moudow , Llolmur I'oat and I'onHnrft Huppo Traumorol nnd Homanzo.. Schumann MlMororo Vordl AIoonllKht Honutu Ueotliovon iioturn or Hprlnt; Alouiiintf HilMtlo Danco llowoll Hoarf Da nco Chamlnudo Second valse uodnrd Hhopliord'H Droam llolns Soxtotto Lucia Ilohm Sonata Pathellquo Roothoven Twilight Uevorlo Ouy. PIANO DUOS l'oot and I'oHMant .Suiuo Hhnnlwiril llnv WllHOn Vulu Uloui) , MiirKls Qui Vivo Qalop ,...Qanz Hllvr fitniH liohin Bequldllla Hoiim Zfimpa Ovorturo , ....Herold l'uro as Snow .LanBo VIOLIN AND PIANO Humorouquo Dvorak Traumorol Hchumanir Sliuiilo ConfesHlon Thoino Spring Rontr Mendelssohn Hroiiado , Schubort Flowor Sontr '. ..Lange We can otTer you in "COMFORT" edition the best vnluo, bar none, nnd a range of 2,000 selections, vocal and instrumental, comprising classics and fuvorltles at 10 Conts a Copy. COME IN AND GET A COMPLETE CATALOG FREE. THE MUSIC SHOP WALKER MUSIC CO.