Semi-Weekly Tribune IHA L. BARE, Editor And Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: , One Year by Mali In Adrnnce. .,.1.2 One Year by Carrier In AdTfttice. MM (Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Postolllco as Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, FEIIKUAJIY , 11)17. UNITKH STATES BREAKS RELATIONS WITH (JKIUIANY. ' Whnt was gonorally oxpocted ha happened. Lout Saturday Prosldant Wilson hroko off frtendly relations with Gonnany; passports were haud- , oil von BerniAorff, German alnbaiwador to tho United States, and Ambassador Gorard, Amorlcan ambas sador to Gormany was dlroctod to ask for him pwwports. This does not moan -a declaration of war, but It .Will probably rosult In such; at loa'st history 1ia provon that war follows such stops. All neutral no, Uons havo boon invltoa to Join the United States In dissolving diplomatic relations with Gormany, and this may ' finally result In . War In which prac tically all nations of tho world may bftcoms Involved). At the outset at letut people of this country will not become hysterical ov r conditions, for co fa-t as now can bo son d decla.ntlan of war only moans Bonding out ur wnrehlpa to patrol the acM'and probably convoy ships Hying tliu American Hag. This country will not soni troops to Gor many, nor will Germany -send troops liero'. Our" factories will, howavor, b,vnd Uiollf onwtslot) to making muni-1 lions of war, for oursolvos Instead of for tha Allies, wlilcli will bo some what fnvrablo to Gormany. It Is cxpoctoil that our exports will bo de creased ami this mny flatten out busl ndBs In tills country nnd cause a de cline In prices. In tho moantimo tho patrols or guards n)t. all tho harbors of this country havo beon largely Increased and especially Is this truo at Now York, Boston, Philadelphia and Baltl moro. All Interned Gorman yossols at American ports are closoly gunTdad. "'' WON K BUS VANTEU TO TA K K PART IN HISTOItlCAL PA HADE In tho historical parado, to bo glvon In connection with North Platto's eoml-contonnlal colebratlon, a feature which Is oxpocted to be ono of tho greatest apcetnclos over witnessed In tho west, will be lloats represent ing tho development of tho west, and tUs,o trail ' wagons, . Indians, trnppara, Tho corrtmlttoo lu charKO of tho eel obration is particularily desirous of getting In touch with old tlmo trappora and hunters of tho wost, as well as stngo drivers, 'and pony ox pross riders: They are wantod to tako part In tho tiarado. and those who will ; thus glvo1 their assistance aro ro qit&stoa to communicate with tho scc rotary, Qeorgo Moonoy, by letter or porsonally. ( Tho aswocIaUon Is also arranging fortt hlstotlc exhibit of 'ploneor curl oH.jPjd. jliOt,ogmpliB, of plonoora nnd pi,onoer poonos. inuian rones, old man usrlpt, liv fact everything of his toric intercut, and thoso who havo such and' will lonn thorn will plcnso notify tho, secretary. Articles so loan ed -wlH bo carefully handled and kopt anit roturnqd to ;ho owner In as' pood snaps as .rWjoIvod. ' lllw;liis Wnnis to Know FUUor Trlbtin Has tho Btnto of N'btnsL'n. father than county roatla,? IlnH tho stvt loglslatoro cither the moral or coilftltutlonal right to levy and collect 'taxes on Lincoln county . property o construct paved Bpood- waya In other parts of tho stato? JONATHAN IIIGQINS. Tho Englo roonilnc hou8o on north ' Locust street was sold the lattor part ' ot-iast wooic to w. u. Bills, who will - initQ poRsosHlon on tho 16th of Fob ruary. Mr. .Englo will leavo for Al- llMinuorauo. N. M. to nnond weokti after vhleh ho will mako his nnuquartorfl in Goring. Tho Hendy-Ogler Co. recolvpd1 two oars- of frFords yesterday Just a e'prlnkllng of whnt they noed to nil oruors. t.i . ;?Jr. and.Mra. K. A. QarllQlis, will leave about Fehruarj' lCth for Mls al6uirl whoro thoy wU rosldo In tho mttiip. V.. P, Special Agnt Nortlt, who haa boon vlBltlnc In eastorti nalnts for two weeks, Is expected to rotum In n ivyr uuys. ; o i 1 F. J, PIENkV. CO. Reni RntAto and Insurance uome and see us for town lota In uinevent parts of the city. Good In. vostineuts on easy terniB. Houaos for sale and rent "Wo havo nloo good bar- vcaiun tn rarma and ranches. 4 "Cor Front nnd Dwy fits- npnutm ' Notice f Klnul Itvport Ketate No. 1401) of Nnnoy A. Donald Bon, dqeonued, In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nohrnekn. , Thp' State of Nolirnslca, to all pqrsons Intnrosted In Htjld Kstat take notice i tlinL the adinlnlstrntor 1hh tiled a llnal nccoipif and repqrt of his ndnilnistra tlon and a petition for final settlument and, iHacharKO a such administrator, Whlo) have beon sot for huarlnw hoforo saliFcourt on Maroh 2nd, 1917, at 10 o'clock a. in., when you may appear and cgntt&t tho tmmo. i)uXtA February Dth, 1917. ' oiso. ic. lmioNcir, fC-ay County Judgo. No II Of. Jnokson A. Smith will tako notice, that, on tho .22nd day of January, l'J17, f latil tl. Meyer, a Justlao of the Peace of Lincoln County, Nobrnaka, IdhuoiI nn , ordtir of nttnphtncnt for th Hum of Jlfl.OO In nn notion puiultmj hoforo hlni wherein Chasrc, Hu uor ih Dlnintlrf nm Jackson A. piith mltli is tier defendant, that proporty of the dofendnnt conslstlnK ofwaLTCH. earned bv lilm In the Hervlca' ofjnnd now In .the hands of tho Union Pacltlo llntlrokn Company, a Corpora ' tlon, hna boenKattaohed under natil or ; ,ilcr ( Huld cause wuh continued to tho ' 16th duy of March, 1917, tit 10 o'clock aifm. CI I AH. C. Hupfer, . .i Plaintiff. pioneers. COWOOys,. emigrant Wagons! ".: r-i," ";.T.i :..,".r" " : " : " ! THAT nrn nnrnlntr mnnthlv nnlnrW , mill Rnldlm- flin wlmln nnvnrlnn. !, I "' JIUBHlOIlHrira pro- " ""V "T. "V "P VftJ'JL.V. ;ri"' "" ' -rr'"""". momr t in work of Mm Anmrlrnn i proiuiwioimi ami uusiness men, mar V ''ol 3 sinca tno wwt, ns sinil " ,"- . ; , v-rled and single men. In fact all men ,u, .,I0""Jon'y ,no l,omo countrv. K ll M rtVr , nr HnP: various .vocations of life who hav rm. ...iit i . . . 1 ... I TO ALL WHO USE SHEET MUSIC nnd who, along with millions of families, are now being told of the merits of "CENTURY EDITION" 10c we wish to announce that We Carry the Complete Line and will be very glad to show you this edition now being advesrtiscd In all the leading home publications and women's magazines in the country and reaching over sixty million readers. Here are a few instrumental pieces taken at random from "CENTURY" Cataloe. PIANO Butterfly droltf Chapel In Woods Liuie FrIIIiik Waters Trunx drain Concert Mar oh. Wolleuhaiipt IIuiiKiU'lHn UliRROdy(No.2) . . I.lHtz Love anil FlowerH Alilrlcli Martlm KantMla Dorn On the Meadow Llolmer I'oet and J'tasant Supna TrKumurol'iuKl Roinftnze.8aliuniH.un PIANO Poet and 1'oasnnt Suppo Shepherd Hoy ., Wilson VrIho Wane MariftH Hllver Stars IJohm VIOLIN AND Uunioresriue Dvorak Truutnerol ' Schumiuin Hlmpto Confession Thomo We can offer you in "COMFORT'' edition the best value, bar none, and a range of 2,000 selections, vocal and Instrumental, comprising classics and fuVoritics at 10 Cents a Copy. COME IN AND GST A COMPLETE CATALOG FREE. THE MUSIC SHOP WALKER MUSIC CO. ONE 'HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY OF SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION Tho Amorclan Sunday school union announces preparations for the cele bration of Its ono hundredth anniver sary tho coming year. It has had a re markablo orccord of roaults and Is now widely known as a. powerful factor In, tho roltgious and Boclal devolop- man 4 it tn ri 1 Atnarlin A unfnvtm n i nl tr Ann r i s n i i . I izu.uuw ctunuay ocnoois nave uoan founded, or an nvorngo of about four a day. Thus, literally, millions of chil dren havo been taught the principles of Christianity nad the advantagen of upright living. And In addition to these millions of children, many thous ands of paronts havo become convert ed to Christian lives as a direct re sult of tho socloty's work. theso missionaries to osUibllsh and onuin Sunilav sclmnlH In rnnimimltlB which are without religious develop-! mont. Mtieb of tholr work Is In un- dovolopod sections of tho country! and Vllfflcult of accesD. Many of tliem liavn nxnni-lf,nf.nd Mm mna hanlHhlnq I A I Al. A 11 11. Tho woslnrn Mi,TM inni,in M,'Propor 'provisions? THESE ARE states of Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota. In thoso states aro located 40 Sunday school missionaries, -whose work Is to nnd m-nr,,!' Riifnilnv uIim1. I ,ili ..i ! Stimday bcIiooIb In noridy districts, yls It the peoplo iri tholr homes, dlstrlh ute blbloy and othor christian llter aturo, hold wangallstlc mootlngs wjth tholr schools In tho; whjtoc- montlA, and onconrngo nnd build up tho schools in tho summer, months by visits, rnUtos, and grout) gatherings. In a word theso mon aro cronoral tiaators over tholr schools nnd. sook to movoiop thorn In gonoral Sundny flchoql efficiency. 0.). Wood, of North Platto, Is local missionary for nine counties. ::t:: FnrmorH Average $1121 a Year. In a farm management survey Just completed by the farm manngomont department of tho Nobraskn unlvorslty collcgo of ngrlculturo on 63 farms covering 13.60S acres In Soward coun ty, It was found Mint Mm llVnrn trn farmer thoro 8 getting $1121 a year iui inn itiiiur. Tho 15 farms that innhl hoof rnd,,. ed an nvorago of $2,377 for tho farm ors labor and the in farms that paid tho lowost $112, Intorost and dopro olatlon charges bolng deductod In com piling theso llguros. Tho avorngo number of crop acres handled per man was 1)1, and tho nvorugo oron ncroago per horse was 2C, ::o:: M,$? Do';ot,hJ' daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Robort Wolr, of GorlnK for merly of Uils city, camo down tlio lat tor part of last wook to visit local rrionds. Cyril Cool loft yestorday morning i,.,"i.,!'.?5'.J?1.1. 3.o.. 1017. nxpeiiHOH ror the yenr 1917; Wi ? .?"ori nii ;" !'; uriime runtl 40.000.00 vumivy roan runil 40 000 00 AKrloiilturnl society .... 1 OOOOO UUdwood l.rldKO hondB, j.rin: l,uuu o Clnnl and Intnrniit 1.6QQ.00 houtn Platte brldBo honds, m iiiuiuiLi nun niinrnur 1.S0O.00 iiuiio uriuuo uonuu. iipinni.. ini mm uiiurvHi , , , llostwlclc brldKo bonds, princi pal and Interest Hershev brldKo bonds, prlnol- 1,500.00 EDO 00 700.00 iiiii iiiui iniereni Sl.llll.ll llltirln 11.....! No. 1, principal and Intorost tlO.BOO oo No. 7, prlpeipal and IntoroHt. 1,7S0."0 No principal nnd Inturost No. 37, prlnclpnl nnd Intorest No. 47, principal and Intereet 2,000.10 100,00 boo no 300.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 no. on, prinoiimi ami introat No. 07. nrlnoliml mul Inlnmni No. 98 principal nnd IntoroRt No. 1015, principal and Interest No. Ill, principal and Intorost No. 119, prlnclpnl and Intoroat No. 120, prlnolpal and Intoroat No. 122, principal and Intoroat No. 12(1, principal and Intoroat No. 137. nrlnoliml mul IntoroHt 300.00 No. 37, Judgment 2,000.00 No, 3. apoclnl building . 300.00 No. 20, apqclnl bulldlntr. . . . . . 300.00 No. 33, apodal bulldlntr 2,000.00 No, 59, apoclnl building 300,00 No. CO, apoclnl building. 300.00 K. it. HPniNaion, l' W. HnUMINOHAUSEN, s. j. icocir. County Commissioners. f2f2C. At l a'lnlnSrtlVnV,?- SOLOS Miserere . , MOonllsriit Sonata -kVurdl , ...IItVovn Return of Jlprtnfr .AiaNMlhe ltuNtlc Den oe llou-fiU Scarf Ounce ' Cll&mlnftdo Second Vnlse 3o dhrd Hhrpherd'M Dream Iteln Sextette Lucia liohin Bonatu I'fitliol Jrtio Uootlioviin Twilight Reverie Guy DUOS XuinpR Overture Harold Pure as Snow ...Lhngo Qui Vlve.Oalop Oanz anuuldlllrf , , Holnn' PIANO Sprint Souk Mendelssohn Serenade ...Soliuburt Flower Honjf Latino 4-- Public Sale. II. S. Hasktns, who lives three mllos east of Nershey, ten mllos wost of North Platte and ono mile south of Nichols gchool house will sell at pub lic auction on Thursday, February 8th, thirteen head of horses, sevonteen head of cattle, olghteon hogs, eight dozen unite Leghorn chickens and a j0t 0f farm machinery. G-2 ' Shorlff Salisbury yesterday sub po.'aed a venlro of ' jurymen who will sit on cases that wljl como before tho February term, of court now in session. It is probable that tho Jury and equity cases will occu py tho attention of tho court for nbout throo weeks. MEN IV ANTED ! in e KViXwnn t. , u? , BORROWED MONEY to conduct their busi"c?8' ,Who w,u rPaCQ' that n?,J?Ah,y ,Ba,nry ?,r "n111101 earning abll,ty ,f ,yo"ra thnt y,our dopendont " " .,biic mVv& 'or SHOULD YOU DIE TONIGHT OR TOMORROW? Havo you made tho among tho MEN WANTED. Our Old Lino LIfo Policies protoct, create a Bavlngs for old ago. Dolnys aro dan- U9rous- ou enn't carry tho risk, WllOn J you can net ono of theso nollcles UN THIS MONTHLY PAY FLAN. For furthor Information call, phono or addross J. E. SE11ASTLVN. Stntc Mirr. XUO Uld IjUIO LllC illllll, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Success! Our Torrlngton Vacuum sweeper is meeting with such success, we feel it. our duty in the name of friendship to call your attention to this cleaner. It has not only a stronger suction but also a revolving brush. Combined as they aro in this cleaner, they spell suc cess, wo aro so meased with its work that it is a pleasure to show it. Allow us to call and make a demonstration. Each demonstration helps to spread its fame. It positively does pick up threads. North Platte Light and Power Co. ' NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Halt Block North ot Postoflice. Phone 58 A modern institution for the scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped' XfRay and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo, B. Denl, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.B.Re4fe!d,M.D. J.iSinim, H.D Miss M. Skman, SapL Elizabeth Kaar-iangston Teacher of Singing Studio 122 West Front. J. B. JIEDFIELI). PHYSICIAN & SUKGEON Successor to PHYSICIAN&SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Hedfield & Kedlleld Office Phone 642 Res. Phone 676 Oflico phone 241, Ron. phone 21 Y I. . C . D R OS T , Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebrnsku. Mcrfonulri Bank BuildhiK. Phono SOS ALBEItT A. LAKE, Doirtlst Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building North Platte, Nebraska. Hospital Pbone niacK 833. "House Phone Black 633. W. T. 1MUTCHA.RD, GradiiHte Vutc.ritmriun Bight years a Govorument Veterlnnr- Inn. Hospital 2l8 joutL Locust St., one-half block southwest of the Court Houhi- DERItYBERRY & FOBBES, Licensed Embnlmers Unilertnkers and Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. .Night Phono Black 588. W. J. IIOLDEKNESS EectrJcnl Supplies Wiring Storage nntlcrles Morsch Bldg Phono 175. iMakes a Specialty of Farm Sales, Pure urea Live Stock and Real Estate. Torms Reasonable. E . li . JONES, Up-o-I)ato Auctioneer. Phono Maxwell Stato Bank at My Expense for Dates. MAXWELL, NEB. Hides Tanned We make hors0 and cattlo hides into Fur Coats, Robes, Mittens, Etc. Wo make Caps, Ladies' Coats and Furs. Old Coats repaired. Cash paid for hides. Wrlto for Catalogue and tags. SIOUX CITY BOBE ANT) TANNING CO. SIOUX CITY, IOWA. 95.00 Per Ton. DRY BONES $10 Per Ton. Highest Price for Hides and Furs. WE BUY RAGS. L. LIPSHITZ, CORNER FRONT AND LOCUST. Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red 636 Office 455 C. H. WALTERS. LET US INTRODUCE QUALITY TO TOU Quality in Cigars has has been our aim slnco two bogan making cigars In North Platto over thirty years ago. Wo put quality In tho first cigars wo niado, and that sanio quality Is In tho cigars wo'rSako today, Schmalzrlod's Cigars havo stood tho test of those mora than thirty years. What greater ovldonco of quality could you doslra? If you havo not beon smoking Sshmalz diod'a cigars, try them they aro con tain to please. I J. F. SCHMALZR1ED. HoffsaniiCattki mi. JOHN S. TWINEM Special Attention to 1 Surgery, Gynecology nnd Obstetrics. NOItTII PLATTE, NEB. Nurse Brawn Memprlal Hospital. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Lonn Bufldinp Phones t OIIlco 130 t nones Regi(lonCfl U6 Phones Office 333 Res Black 542 DB. HABOLB'A. FENNEB Osteopath. 0 Reynold Building Ollloe hours 9 n. m. to 5 p. ni. 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. T. II. WALTIIEN, Auctiouoor. Satisfaction Guaranteed Vddress Itoutc 2, North Platte, Neb. Phono No. 702F011 Office Phono 70 Res. Rod 687 DB. LATIIAN Sulpho Vapor Baths WITH REGULAR TREATMENTS Bolton Building DOCTOR D. T.'QUIGLEY Practice Limited to Surfry and Badiuin Therapy 728 City National Bnnk Building. Omaha, Nebraska. Notice Notice Is hereby given that the May or and Council of tho City of North Platto will meet on Monday, tho twelfth day of February. 1917. at the hour of eight o'clock p. m. in the Lec ture Room of the Library Building to( sit aB a Board of Equalization for the purpose of equalizing assessments in paving district number ono of said city, and to levy all assessments against tho proporty of said district for the cost of paving same. Dated this 27th day of January, 1917. O. E- ELDER. J29f9 City Clerk. Notlco Notico is hereby civen to Mrs. M. Bailey that Bratt, Ooodirian & Buck ley, warehousemen, Uill on tho 10th day of February, 1917, at 3 p. m., sell at p'ubllc auction, certain goods for storage charges which you left with said Bratt, Goodman & Buckley for storage, to-wit: 1 range, 3 iron bed steds, two brass bedsteds, 6 dress ers, 4 parts of dressers, 7 commodes, 1 box, 3 open boxes. 1 kitchen cud- board, 1 refrigerator, 6 mattresses, 1 pai mattress, 4 rugs, 2 wooden porch seats, 1 squaro table down. 16 com mon chairs, 1 lounge, 1 settee, 3 arm chairs, 1 ironing board, 1 small square table, 2 table leaves, 3 wire mattresses, 2 special wlro mattresses, 1 bucket, dishes, 1 wash tub and contents, 5 gallon cans, 1 tin bucket, 1 slop pail, 1 gas stove, and wo now claim that there Is duo as storago charges the sum of ifl()4.00 and cost of sale. Sale to bo had nt 114 east Front street, North Platte, Nebraska. BRATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. notick Fon rum.iCATiox Serlnl No. 05756 T ..A .. -I . . "v-imi tun-ill t,i sue mieriDr, V. S. I,and OIIlco at North Platte, NoTjr., II. Hiurnn, of North Platto, Netm, who, v.., iy.v. -u, iiiio, juuiic iiomesieau en try. No. O57C0, for NEU, and NEU V, 711 V?vv.." iu Auwjiunip -16. -Ni, has filed notlco of Intntlon to make iiuii inruo your I'rooi, to establish claim to tho lnnd nbovo described, be fore Mln TYnrrlutnr nn.K D.n.t.... . North Platte, Nebr., on tho 7th day of Claimant names as wltneBBes: Robort Batlc, of Staploton, Nobr., Wm. Pitt man of North Platto Neb.. Gnrnold Guthorless, of North Plntto. Nebr., Nathan Scott, of Staploton, Nobr. J23-Cw E. J. EAMES. Resistor. NOTICI2. Jackson A. Smith will talco notice $t on tho 11th day of January, 1917, P. II. Sullivan, a Justice of the pence of North Platto Precinct No. 1, Lincoln County, Nobrnskn, Issued nn Order of Attachment for tho sum of J1.7D, which said sum was amended on Jan. loth, 1917, to rend $5.75, In nn action now pending before him, wheroln Tho Star, a corporation. 1b nlalntlfr nnd .Tnrirunn A. -Smith Is defendant: thnt property wuiuTiouiiu ui inuiiuy m mo Bum or $52.85 In the haitds of tho Union Pa cino Railroad Cdmpany, a corporation, has boon nttnehed under said order. Said cau so was continued to tho Cth day of March, 1917, at ten o'clock a. m. l)ntoa January 22d, 1917. E. J. VANDERIIOOF. J2-flG Pres. for Plaintiff. KHKitiPK's ham; By virtue of nn order of sale Issued from the District Court of Lincoln County, Nohroslca, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said Court wnerom Frances a. Uennott lu plnlntiff, and Robort S. Hopper is defendant, and to mo directed, I will on tho 24th day of Fobruary, 1917, nt 2 o'clock 1. St., at tho oast front door of tho Court llouso In North PJatte, tjncoln County, Nobraskn. sell at Public auction to Hit, highest bidder for cash, to mt xfy said decree, Intorost and costs, tho following described property, to-wlt: .Southeast quarter tssis) or section Five (5), Township Fifteen (15). North of Range Thirty (30), west of tlioj Cth P. M., In Lincoln County, Nebrnska. Dnted North Platte, Nob., January li, 1917. A T OlTQlHTftV J23-5w Shorlff. Notlco Notice s horeby glvon to Mrs. Nona Moyors that Bratt, Goodman & Buck ley, warohousomon, will on tho 10th day of Fobruary, 1017, at 3 p. m., sell at public nuctlpn, certain goods for storage charges which you loft with snld Bratt, Goodman & Buckloy for storago, to-wlt: t boxes, 1 commode, 1 wash tub and contonts, 1 wash bollor, l bundle sliauos, l- whito Iron bed stead and rails, 1 old. mattress. 2 chairs, nnd we now claim that thero Is duo as Btorago charges tho Bum of $79,50, and costs of sale. Salo to be liacUat 114 cast Front street, North Platto, Nebraska. 4f2 BRATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. Notice of, Incorporation. Notice is heroby given that tho un dersigned havo formed a corporation Under the name and stylo of "The Artificial Ico & Cold Storago Com pany," with tho principal placo for tho transaction of Its buslnos3 In tho city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, for tho purpose of manu facturing of artificial Ice, and to con duct' a cold storago, fuel, feed, fruit and poultTy 'plant, and tho buying and selling of such matorlals and tho erec tion of such buildings nnd structures as may bo necessary, and. to purchase such real estate as a site therefore, with tho authorized capital stock of $30,000,00 $18,000.00 of 'which shall be fully paid up for In ensh before tho commencement of any business. The time of tho commencement of said corporation shall be tho first day of January, 1917, and tho termination thereof in 20 years from that date. Tho largest amount of Indebtedness to which the corporation shall qubject itsolf Is tho sum of $20,000.00. The affairs of said corporation shall bo conducted by a president, secretary, treasurer, and manager. The of flcos of secretary, treasurer and man agor may be hold by the same person. Dated this 10th day of January,1917. GEORGE C. WHITE, THEODORE LOWE, JR., jl6-4v. LENA LOWE. Itoforco's Sale. ..Notlco Is heroby glvon that by vir tuoso? an order Issued to mo by tho District Court of Lincoln county, Ne braska, in an action wherein "Wesley T. Wilcox: and John J. Halllgnn are plnlntiffa and Herman Einstein, Ma tilda Einstein, Leopold Einstein, Max Einstein, Helen Einstein, .Daniel Theodore Einstein and Gretchen Ein stein, nnd tho unknown owners and tho -unknowWn claimants to the North Half of the North Half of Sec tion Twenty-six (2G), Township. Slx teon (10), North of Range Twonty nino (29), West and being the heirs, dovlsees and legatees and personal representatives of Louis Joseph Ein stein, Herman Einstein, Matilda Ein stein, Leopold Einstein, Max Einstein, Helen Einstein, Daniel Theodore Ein stein and Gretchen Clara Ejinstoln aro defendants, I will on the 17th day of Fobruary, 1917, at tho hour of two o'clock P. M. at the' east front door of tho Court Houeo In the city of North Platte, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, tho followin described; real estate sit uate in Lincoln County, Nebraska, to wlt: North Half of North Half of Sec tlon Twenty-silc (2G), Township Six teen (1G), North of Range Twenty nine (29), West, of the the Gth P. M. Dated this 16th day of January. 1917. O. E. ELDER, Referee. Notico to Creditors. Estate of Mary J. A'pplegate, deceas ed, in the the County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. The Stato of Nebraska, ss : Creditors of said estate will tako notlco that the time limited for presentation and fil ing claims against said estate is Aug ust 16, 1917, and for settlement of said ostato Is February 12, 1918; that I will sit at ho county court room in said county, on February 10, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m. and on August 1G, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. in., to receive, exam ine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. GEO. E. FRENCH, flG-4w County Judge. Itoferee's Sale. I, O. E. Elder,- tho undersigned, ref eree in partition proceedings, pending in tho district Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, in which Blanche Smallwood is plaintiff and Irene Crane et al, are defendants, will, in pur suance of an order thoreln, sell at pub lic auction, to tho highest bidder, for cash, at the east front door of the Court House, in North Platte, Nebras ka, nt tho hour of 3 o'clock p. m. on February 10th, 1917, the following des cribed real estate, situate In Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-wit: Lot Three (3) Block One Hundred Seventy-seven (177) ; Lot Three (3) Bloclc Ono Hundred Eighty-two (182); Lot Three (3) Block Ono Hundred Eighty-five (185); all In the original town, and Lot Two (2), Block 5, of South Park Addition, all In tho City of North Platto. Said salo to remain open one hour. O. E. ELDER, Referee. Shorlffs Sulo By vlrtuo of an order of salo Issued from tho District Court of Llnsjoln County, Nebraska, u'pon a decreo ot foreclnsutra rfindnriid in tinll fVmri wherein F. M. Shrador is plaintiff, and Charles Judd ot al aro defendants, and to mo directed, I will on tho 10th day of February, 1917, at 2 o'clock p. m. at the east front door of tho Court House In North Platte, Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, soil at Public Auction to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, Interest and 'costs, tho following described property, to-wlt: Southeast quarter of tho southeast quarter (SE4 of SE) of Section twenty- three (23) and thQ north half of the northeast quarter (NV6 of NE4) and the northeast quarter of tho nortlw west quarter (NEU of NW) of sec tion Twety-slx (26) all in township nlno (9), north of rango twenty-nine (29), west of the 6th P. M., Lincoln County, Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Neb., January 8, 1917. A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff. Itcfcree's Sale. Notico is hereby given that tho un dorsigned, O. E. Eldor, will sell at public auction at tho east front door of tho Court House In North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, at 2 p. m. on Fobruary 10th, 1917, to tho highest bidder for cash, tho following des cribed Innds sltunto in Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, to-wlt: Lot Eight (8), Block Ono Hundred forty-eight (148) and Lot Ten (10), ot Wash Hlnmua's Subdivision ot tho South half of Block Onn Hundred two (102) all of tho ori ginal town of tho city of North Platto. Said sale having been ordored by the District Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska, In an action Jn partition in which Joanna F. Wood Is plaintiff and Kato Wood Baker et al, aro defendants. Said salo to remain opdn one hour. O. E. ELDER, Referee.