Results of Eystrain If stralnfed oyes aro not rollovod wltliin a short time by propor glasses ponnnnont Injury wll result und tho sllit win nevor after wards bo restored to what It slnuld ltnvo boen. Whllo tho eyes will stand a groat amount of mlsusa If misused too long thoro Is no way to niako them "aa good as now." Ono of tho most lnslduous and loast ofton recognized rosults of eyontraln is tho waato of nervous energy This drain, on tho norvos loads to undue fatlguo an,i may weaken tho mtlro syBtom, affect tho gonoral hoalth and bo tho Indirecti cnuwo of troubles In various other organs. " C. S. CLINTON, REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST, THE SIGN WITH THE IIIG KING. ROBERT H. WHITE Presbytorlnn Minister FRIEND TO THE TROUBLED Life Work Counsellor OIIIco ut Church 8:00 to 12:00 Phono Rod 112 Res. 010 W. Cth. Phono Blk. 003. CIT AND COUNTY NEWS. Judgo H. M. Grimes transacted bus Inoss In Sldnoy SaturUay. Dr. Morrill. Dentist. Mrs. John MullclMoft Saturday at tornoon for, Sidney to Kpond a few days. ( For Salo Several good Poland China Boars. Inquire of V. W. Birgo. J. O. MoTiliorsald, of Scotts Bluff, spent Sunday- in town visiting with friends Wantai ToVTradc Alfalfa seed for sweet clover. fiM. U. Magnixson, North Platte, Neb. Mr. anj Mrs. Floyd Rlcheson spent Sunday with .frlonds and relatives in Sutherland. Hi Headquarters for Window glass. STONE DItUO STORE, iii Mrs, James McEvoy and son loft Saturday mdrnlng for Choycnno to visit friends; Mrs. Jamls -Beeman, of Lowollen, spent tho week onli Malting with Mra. W. J. Tlloy. Mrs Cralgvt.of Grand Junction, la 111 at the home of hor. parentB Mr. and Mrs. unarios. wyman. , Charles Boguc returned Friday af- tornoon from a buBlnoss Visit in Om aha and othor eastern pointB. The Garllchs. rcsidenco on west 3d street will no occunieu uy mre, Lostor Walker Sr., and daughter, W. E. Klauss loft tho latter part of lastt wo&k for'-JKxcolFilor Sprlhgs to HASTINGS JIAN BUYS THE PAT THEATRE Attornf.y and Mrs. P. U. Halllgin will roslde In tho IlalllgaiV-GrlnHT apartment recently occupied by Mr. and Mr. Charlos Weir. Miss Cathorlno Sullivan, of Grand Island, Is expected hero this week to visit hor s4gtor Mrs. Herman Sleuthor for a week or longer. Tho Voluntoor flro department held a mooting tho lattelr part of last wook and made arrangements to hold tlioir annual Easter ball. v Mrs. Giry Coatee, of Maxwell, who visited tho Coatos family here tho lat tor part of last wook, went to Suth orland Saturday morning. Vorno Mann Is oxpocted to return this week from Rochester, Minn., whoro ho visited with Mrs. Mann who Is taking treatment there. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Amen, of Hast ings, who mado their homo horo for sovtiml months past, left for Hastings tho lattor part of last week. Tho L. 0. 0. M. lodge is making ar rangements for tholr third annual banquot which will bo held in tho lodgo rooms on tho evening of Feb. 20. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ellison return ed Friday afternoon from Callaway, whoro they woro called by tno sorious illness of tho former's grandfather. Francis Dunn, wlio planned to en gage in tho drug business In tho east ern part of this state, has decided to remain hero in the Nyal Drug store!. Dr. "ami Mrs. 0. H. Cresslcr and daughter will loavo noxt week for Omaha. Tho former will attend a dental meeting and tho lattor visit with friends. Loo Hart, of Brady, spent Sunday hero with local frlonds and loft that ovonlng for Omaha with his son who will tako treatment In a hospital thorc. Mr, and Mrs, E. B. Scott who woro recently married will ma'ko their homo on a farm near Horshey. Mr8 Scott was formerly Miss Keglnu Beel- oi of this city Miss Irono Frleburg, of Donvor, for merly of this city, camo tho lattor CLUKS AND SOCIETIES LOCAL AND PERSONAL spend scvornl weoke talcing treatment, part of last Week to. visit with hor i ' t . A TO 1 i .J Miss AilocnftGohtt will loavo Thurs day mornlngfor Lincoln to act as toastmistrosant tho Chi Omega ban quot. Mosdamos McMillan and Wagner, of Omaha, who" woro gitosta of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Roborts Inst wook, loft Sun day. jj Mrs. I.aughfln, of SuUioTlnndv who spent tho past wook visiting hor son Frank Luuglilln and family, loft Fri day oveningof , Hllmor Thompson was hold last week onroute to Omaha to purchase now' furnishings for his drug store nt Chupnoll. John B. Nelson, mnnagor of Tho Loader Morcnrttllo Co., was called to Hold r ego Sunday as a witness in a caso In court. Mrs. Josctihlno Mcfvcown loft last week. for .Onpiha whoro she entered St. Catherine's hospital to tako n courso- in nursrfug'. Julius Plzcr leaves noxt Saturday for Now Yotjkfl to purchase spring goods for Tho Leador Moroantllo Co. Ho will visit In Dottolt, Chicago and Omaha em onto homo rind will absent soveral weoks. mint Mi3a Margarot Frazlor for1 a couplo of weoka, Frod Hanlon has boen off duty as night watchman at tho Locust street crossing for a week past on account or iunc98. ins autioa nro uoing por formed by Da'Vid Shebdy. For Salo 80 acres; Lotto 3 and 4 Soc. BOTTowriBh'ip 11, Raiigo 30, Lin coln county. "Wnift otters, prompt at tention. Don Llnglo, owner, 927 Story Building, Los Angeles 3-5 A small lino of knit goods left, capa and scarfs to match, soparato scurfs sopanato cups, whloh aro to bo closed out at one-halt tho original prlco at Tho L&ador Morcantllo Co. Frlond3 havo received word from Mr. and Mrs. Ilarloy Bonham, who loft last month for Potter to tunko tholr homo that thoy aro getting along nlcoly. Tho former Is In charge of a liarqwaro store. VHm YOUH AUTO SEltVICE Call 125 for Taxi day or night. , Also flvo or seven passongcr cur for iiuierai botvicc. MQOENSEN-LOUDEN AUTO CO-, Cnandlor & Elcar Agency. Comer Eighth and Locust Sts J. T. Norton, luto of Hastings, has purchamd tho furnishings of tho Pat theatre and taken a lease on tho build ing. Yesterday workmon began ro modollng the room and ropalnting the wnlls and colling, and it is oxpocted that tho houso will opon for buslnoss In about two woeks. Mr. Norton and family arrived In town some time ago. P. H. Lonorgan Is supervising the ro modollng of tho room and getting things In shapo for the opening. : ;o; ; Will Erect Now Ico Piling As soon as tho weather will pormlt, the Artificial Ice Company will orccL' anothor building Just east oI Ata proa ont plant. This now building will bo 30x80 feet with full basement and will be supllod with individual or unit re Irigorating machinory, enabling the company to use ono plant independent ly of tho othor. This admits of heavy output when business so domands, and a lesser production when jirado Is slack, Tho now building will have soveral times greator storage capacity than tho proscnt plant. This featuro or tlie 1)Ub1iiob has increased as rapidly as ha tho demand for .artificial ice. A consldotablo portion of the cold stor ago space will probably bo used by the company in handling fruits and veg etables. ::o:: Organ Recllnl by 3IIss MncKny. Miss Florence MacKay will give an organ recital at tho Presbyterian church Friday ovonlng February 9th. Tho program follows: .Prelude and Fugo In D minor Bach (a) Gondollod Novln (b) At Twilight Fryslngcr KcJHuniorlakc Dvorak Solo Solected Trovolyn Doucet March Pontifical Lemmons Sunset - Dudley 'Buck Dorothy Hlnman Midsummer Caprice Johnston (a) Andantino In D Lemare (b) Tho Rosary. .Goss-Cuatard-Novin Thombono solo Selected Arthur Tramp Marchc Mllltalro Gounod ::o:: Circulation of Hooks Increases Report of tho public library shows that there are now three thousand threo hulndrod and seventy-nlno bor rowers, nlnoty-Boven more .than in 191G. During January there woro two thousand two liundrcd and fifty-one books In circulation, an increase of ono thousand ono hundred and eighteen compared with January, 1910. The library rooms aro visited daily by a largo number of adults and niany chlldron and on Sunday afternoons the rooms aro usually crowded. A mini ber of now books havo beon nlaced on tlio shelves; among them aro "A Pair of Bluo Eyes" and "Tho Return of tho Native" bv Hardy: "Chloo Ma lono," by Leo; "Rising Tido" by Dc land and books on pictures and oc cupation. -3 ::o:: Tho Music Shop 2 North Platte has long had agents ,for mimical instruments, but only.since last month can It boast of a music shop, a room devoted exclusively to tho salo of muBlcal Instruments land music ni&rchandlso. Quartered In a room In tho Keith theatre building, the Walkor Music Co. has a music shop worthy tho name: a largo room- well stocked with pianos and player pianos, talking machines and records, nnd an exceptionally largo lino of sheet mu sic. Handling a nuimbor of dlffcront ihakos of pianos, tho company is In n position to supply tho demands of tho peoplo of Lincoln and adjoining counties. :.o:: Mrs. George Garraryi will entertain . . . . the Eldeen club tomorrow aftornoon. ViarS Si Tho Club Novlta will meot Thursday trday afternoon, afternoon with Mra. Harry Samuolson. of Hnrry R Tho Mothers club will be entertain- nrown camp will be held nt tho Lloyd cd tomorrow aftornoon by Mrs. Fro- opera houso tomorrow ovenlng. mont Watts. J)r nnd JIrl Hoo,)er nro enj0ylng a The Uohekah Kensington will bo on. vlali. fmra th formor' niothor -who teirtalnetf at the Oikl Follows' hall Frl- arrived lost evoning from Rod Oak, day afternoon. Iowa, The Saturday afternoon brldgo club jirs Frank Sullivan will leave this was ontortalnoil on Februury 3d by Week for Fremont to visit hor daugh- Mrs. Horton Munger. tor Miss Ethel Loudon, who formerly Mr. York Hlnman will entortaln livcl horo- the AK Chapter P. E. O. at her homo Tho Dogroe of Honor "held a meeting tomorrow ftornoon. and social at tho K. P. hall Inst even- Mrs. W A. Buchflnck will entertain Ing at which the officers recently elect e Et-A-Viirp club on Wednesday af- ed were inatalled. the tornoon, February 14th. A number of ladlos gave a theatro party at the Crystal Saturday evening in honor of Mrs. Charles Woir. Mrs. P. A. Norton ontortalnod a number of girls Sunday afternoon nt n .. j t. HI1.I...1 .1 IJItn (uniier in noiiur ui iiumiou nu mm Weir, of Sterling. The Zottn Zotta club will bo onter talned Wodnosday aftornoon by Mrs. Harry Byboe .assisted by Mrs. S. M. Soudor and Mrs. Davis. Mrs. H. M. Grimes pleasantly eh tertalnod a numbor of ladles Friday aftornoon at bridge. Tho guests were Invito! to meet Mrs. P. R. HalHgan, a brldo of last month, The Travel and Study club met last ovonlng with Mrs. Geo. B. Dent Roll call was answered with current events; Miss Sylvia Watts read a mag azine article on Coal Tar and its uses, and Miss Grace Moonoy read a paper on the Wall of China. Tho M. M. M. club and tholr hus banlds woro entertained at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. F.. J. McGovom Friday evening. Progressive card' games were played and prizes awarded to Mrs. W. R. Maloney and J. II. Hegarty. Mr. and Mrs. "Perry Carson assisted In en tertaining. , Mrs. Edwin Barraclough, Mrs. F. C. Plclstlcker and Mrs. Edward Stoff reggan, three of the local teachers who wero recently marrieu were en tertained at a shower Friday evening at the home or Mrs. Jonn Jtiurke. The gu-ests were tho teaching staff of the ward schools). Many pretty gifts wero received by the guests of honor. Mesdames J. W. McGraw, E. H, Dickey and W. J. Tlloy entertained thirty young ladles and gentlemen at tho McGraw home last ovonlng in lion or of Miss Maudo Owens and Emmett Ennia who will be married tomorrow A mock wedding was held in which a number of tho guests In comic cos tumes took part. A number of gifts wero presented to the brido and groom- oloct. Tho Twentieth Century club met with Mrs. M. E. Scott yesterday after noon. Mrs. Frank Buchanan acted as loader and papers wore read on Corn and Corn Products by Wrs. Mary Ei- dor. Mrs. E. A. Garllchs touted on Peas and Bcans and the hostess dem onstrated burnt sugar cake. Roll call was answered by giving their favor- Ito vegetable. On behalf of tho club Mra. Elder presented Mrs. Garllchs who will soon leavo tho city, with a brooch. Mrs. Ralph Smith was elected treasuror, tho office formerly hold by Mrs. Garllchs. Guests of the club wero Mesdames Kelso, Plelstlcker and Mehlman. : :o: Lawrenco Herrod, of Columbus, for merly of this city, is visiting with tho Rcbhauson and Horrod famlllos this weok. Weather forecast for North Platto and vicinity: Partly cloudy and colder tonight; Wednesday fair. Highest tomporaturo yosterday 48, a year ago 10; lowost last night 28, a year ago G. In the Paramount foaturo "When Wo Woro Twenty-ono" showing at the Crystal Thursday nlgfit, William El liott, tho famous actor of Madam X stage fame, as tho wayward boy whom the threo friends of his dead father havo so much troublo in saving from the consdquonces of his folly, ho is admirably cast. His denouement of the reactionary emotions of youth ia olwnys convincing and ofton touching. JUdgo Itlxlcr Again Stricken. A lottor received yesterday by John E. EvanB from Mrs. J. W. Uixlor statea that tho Judgo suffered another paralytic stroke a few days ago. Ills ontlro right sldo Is now completely paralyzed. Judgo and MrB. Blxlor now llvo at Danloleon, Conn., to which placo thoy removed following the llrBt stroko suffored by tho Judgo. Tho North Platte friends of Uio Judgo win leurn with regret his latest af Miction. :::: Wanted .. Washing by a deserving woman Phono Rev. R. II. White, Black 003. To the Motoring Public. Wo wish to call to tho attention of tho Motoring Puhlic that we havo just Inatalled an Ambit Trouble Shooting Out lit. This is ono of tho most delicate and costly electrical instrument for locating Electrical Troubles in Autonio blloj that Is built in America today. t Wo have a competent electrical man who is thor oughly conversant with all tho details of tho electrical equipment, in charge of this, Outfit. , Wo guarantee any test mado with this outfit, and work turnud out by this department, to bo of tho highest degree , ui uccurucy uuu iu uu uunu in uuu-iiuu ui iuu uinu iu Binned by tho old method of "Guess Whoro tho Troublo Is." You will find our prices very cOnslderato with this high class olllcloncy and wo solicit your business Irrespect ive of what Name Plato your car carries' and guarantee the samo service will be rendored to all. This Is another example of our desire to secure for tho Car Ownors the no-vest and most valued Inventions in the Electrical World today. Wheiwill othora fail to locato your ulccrrlcil- trouble bring It to uVand wo will locate1 it nnd fix Ic This sclent ittc sorvlco 1b 'possible boqaiso we havo inside Information concerning tiho mlhaturo olectrlctal planis on your car und a complete knowledgo of its opera tion and wiring diagrams. Tho Auibu Sysloni'Tostor la tho . Troublo Finder. J. &' DAVIS. AUTO -CO. i "THAT'S SJBRVICE." Tho romalnd d! Vornon Connott. who was killed two years" ago by Roy iiouens, who nioati cumy to Bocontl dogreo murder yesterday, wore ship ped to Auburn, iobraska, last ovonlng uy undortakon Malonoy. who has hold, mo BKoioton m nis morgute Blnce It was found In th river. Tho skull was used as nn oxhlhlt In ths RobortB trial last year. A convontlon of tho Grand Island council of United Commercial Travel ers No. 134 was hold In this city at the Masonic mm Saturday nftonion. Twen ty now names were added to tho mom borshlp und othor business transact ed, in tho ovonlng tho society enter tallied tholr ladlc at a danolng party, :o: : THE HEX THAT LAYS Is tho hen that pays. If she does not lay. kill hor, but boforo you kill .nor give hor B. A. Thomas Poultry uonieiiy twico a uny for a wook, and then you will not kill her for ho I' will bo paying you a profit. Ii not only maues hens lay but it Is a ronv ody for Cholera, Roup, and Gapoa we gutfrantoo it to euro or v,P ro fund-your money. Sold'by Dorrybcrr & Forbos. . 128 II TIII4 imTHICT HOIIUT OI Till: r.MTlSII NTATKS KOIl TIIH I)IS THICl' Ol' NKIIIIASKA, NOUTIl I'J.ATm I1IVISU1N Ciettman In th Mutter of Jacob J linnkrimt. Cumo No. 61,, In IJunUrtiptcy, Voluntary i-euuon. .oll-i- r Vri 'Moctliinr of CrrilllorN. To ttio creditors of Jacob J. Ucitt niHii, of North l'latte, In the County of LOCAL AND PERSONAL You Cannot Start Too Early Banking laws make no discrimination as to age or sex. Anyone can open a savings account in the First National Bank; An account can be opened for as little as one dollar, and it is a very simple matter indeed. Just come in and say you want to open an account we will do the rest. We will do more than that: we will be glad to advise you on any financial matter you desire and we make no charge for this service. Four Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings. First National Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEBR., 8 Real Estate and Insurance COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. Will look after renting your property at reasonable rates. Phone Black 550 and we will call. Notary and Justice of the Peace. D. C. Wilson, of Sutherland, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson. Mrs. Charles Boguo went to Omaha yesterday aftornoon. Boforo return ing sho will visit frlonds in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Murphy lofft yesterday aftrnoon for Omaha to Bpend several days. A special meeting of .the I. O. 0. F. will bo held Thursday ovenlng nt Which ,tho first degreo will bo con ferred on twonty-sovon candidates. This Is the largest class to bo taken in -sluco tho lodgo was organized horo. L. B. Dick loft Sunday evening for Lincoln to uttond a mooting of tho b'oard of directors of tho stato lumber men's association of which ho Is one, and from thoro went to Omaha to at tend tho annual convontlon of tho association. Fifteen east bound passenger trains, several of which should have roaoli- od this terminal last Saturday, pusstid through yesterday after bolng hold west of Rock Rtvor on account of tho blockade. Thoso trains began ar riving at noon and closoly followed each other NUIiSE lUtoVVN MEMOItLVL HOMEOPATHIC HOSPITAL We Are Always Ready to Talk with you about your building plans, furnish estimates on your lumber and material bills, and to impart any information we may be able to give. . ' We don't expect an order every time ,you hove in sight,, and will just naturally ' be glad to see you at any time. ' Coates Lumber & Coal Co. North Platte, Nebr. Tho Ufo of this Institution comes through the successful uso of tho true and tried Homeopathic remedy; .noth ing healing moro quickly, more easily, moro permanently. Here Is a hospital that Is making It seft known by good romilts In Major and Minor Surgery, and which is tho Homo of Orlflclal Surgery with ac complishments that no other system can daro challenge In tho troatmont of acute and chronic dlsoascs. 1008 West j(h st. North Plnttc, Xeb. John S. Twlncm, M. I). Lincoln In thn Dlutrlct aforiHlil Notice 1m herohv riven that on tlx- duy of February A. 1). tai7, tlu Halit Guttmau was duly nrijuilurert mat tne unit nicoiini .In uoli J h tmnitrunt. ami that the umt nnotinv; of his oroilltoi-M will he held nt tho oitloa of the ltyforoe in liHnkruiitcy in Nottw IWtt, Lincoln County, NYbriiH U,Jn Ml1 DlHU-lct on the 17th tliiy of tfuurunry, A. D. 1917t at 11 o'clock A. fit which Unit) tho nlil creditors may ntteml, lirovi their clulmu. ap point a Ti-uifoft, oxHtnlno the bank rupt. Hiul trftiiiiHOt Jtuch other IhibIdhsh as mtiy properly oomo before sld nieot Ingv V W. V. IIOAOLAND. Uoferoo In nanHi-uptcy Keith Theatre Every Monday j Mutual Building & Loan Assn. OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. ASSETS $840,000.00 , To Prospective Building & Loan Borrowers; Non-resident Building & Loan Companies are adver tising 0ie fQCt th11 they lmv,i reduced the monthly payments of borrowers to $1.10 per month on each $100.00 borrowed, making the monthly payment the same as the Mutual Build ing & Loan Association of 'North Platte. They fail to state that of the 1.10 paid to the non-resident company, there is only thirty-five cents credited as a principal payment, the balance seventy-five cents being taken for interest. Of the SI. 10 monthly payment to this association on each $100.00 borrowed sixty cents is for interest and fifty cents is credited as a principal payment. This difference in the amount credited the borrower will result in the borrower in the non-resident company be ing compelled to pay not less than $25.00 more on each $100.00 borrowed in order to discharge the debt than they would if they were doing the business with this Association. Mutual Building & Loan Association OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. and Thursday