THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. rT0 OBTAIN THE -i HIGHEST DEGREE OF EFFICIENCY Special attention must be paid to the diet, and regularity must be promoted in the Stomach, Liver and Bowels You can help Nature wonderfully by trying H OSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters PREFER TALKING TO READING Writer Asserts That Southerners Excel In One of the Most Charming of Accomplishments. Fifteen years ago, of thereabouts, I heard a publisher describe the South as "the home of the paper-covered novel and the ten-cent magazine." Since the demise of Poo's Southern Literary Messenger, no magazine of any largo significance or popularity has been edited In Dixie. Today, there Is no great publishing house In the South. But the aristocrats of Dixie, the fine, cultured, delightful Southerners one knows how comes It that they confess to an utter and absolute In difference toward reading? Come here and live and you. will soon see. It Is because of talk. They arc the most charming talkers on earth. In stead of burying their noses In books when the sun goes down, they sit about and chat. Match them at that if you can. A subject will last from dinner to bedtime. They turn It over and over and inside out and illumine it with the quaintest observations, tho most comical stories. By comparison, reading becomes odious because at onco tollsomo and solitary. Itoilin Lynde Hartt In Boston Transcript. There are no chorus men in Lon don musical shows this season. Is Work Too Hard? Many kinds of work wear out the kidneys, and kidney trouble makes any kind of work hard. It brings mornlqs lameness, backache, head ache, nervousness, rheumatism and urinary troubles. If your work is confining, strains the back, or ex poses you to extreme heat or cold or damp, it's well to keep the kid neys active. Doan's Kidney Pills are reliable and safe. Thousands recommend them. A Nebraska Case J. Fuehrer, Thirteenth. St.. Central City, Neb., says: "I had to go around half bent ver with each hand Across my back as every step I took was painful. I no ticed the trouble worse at night and I couldn't sleep well. The kidney secretions didn't pass regularly and I was miserable and run down. Finally I used Doan's Kidney Pills and tboy greatly rolleved all .-cm. these ailments." Get Doan's at Store, 60c a. Dex DOAN'S VftS.". FOSTER-MIUJURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. Hv. . T??i--!vr; m. Net r.nntnntsl5FluidDraolma "l t nntinx -n PER CENT. (J AAi?,tnfM,lftnnrationforAs : j i k;trtmArfi and Bawls a y Ullij rnoW.f int ana ucsuwuiu , neither OpIum,Morphor. Jaipun " "jlftariaattSin h'ant JW l&timnnUnr j k ,f.,f(.l Remedy for m nam .( iwctehncss ana seas tOSS OF SLEEP .j ihu: tern mm Exact Copy of Wrapper. 'To A ills ?LjlB5By HIGH COST OF LIVING This Is n serious matter with house keepers as food Icos nro constantly going up. To uwrcomo this, cut out the high priced ment dishes and servo your family more Skinner's Macaroni and Spaghetti, the cheapest, most de licious and most nutritious ofnll foods. 'Write the Skinner Mfg. Co., Omaha, Nebr., for beautiful cook book, telling how to prepare It In n hundred different ways. It's free to every woman. Adv, Reason Enough. "Do you thljak she loves him?" "Desperately." "Why desperately?" "Because he Is her last chance." Boston Transcript. ' No Denial. "You spend money like wnterl" "My friend," replied Mr. Dustln Stax, "If you will look over tho rec ords of my big corporations, you will llnd that most of It really Is water." Natural Tendency. "I suppose the majority of women who vote scratch their tickets." "What makes you think so?" "Because not one woman In ten could cast a ballot straight." TAKES OFF DANDRUFF HAIR STOPS FALLING Glrlsl Try Thlsl Makes Hair Thick, Glossy, Fluffy, Beautiful No More Itching Scalp. VIthin ten minutes after an appli cation of Danderine you cannot find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not Itch, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use, when ,you see new hulr, fine and downy at first yes but really new hair growing nil over the scalp. A Ilttlo Danderine Immediately dou bles the beauty of your' hair. No dif ference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, Just moisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw It through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect t'J nmnz lug your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; an Incomparable luster, softness and luxuriance. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any store, and prove that your hair Is as pretty and soft as any that It has been neglected or Injured b,y careless treatment that's all you surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will Just try a lit tie Danderine. Adv. The Trouble. "What do you think of this won derful work of art?"' she asked as proudly led him to where was hang ing In state the Impressionist land scape she had purchased. "I think," ho replied, after care- ful Investigation, "that the man who did It must have had painter's colic' Must Be Spared. First Mother Isn't it a nuisance to have to slow up so often on account of these fool pedestrians? Second Mother Indeed, It is, but everybody says we've got to have a bigger standing army!' Estimating the Breakage. "You won't have to take the pledge any more, when prohibition prevails." "That's right. And I have no doubt It is rather more dllllcult to break a law than It Is to break a pledge" His Chance. Snarks This Is a world of chance. Sponger Yes; and, by tho way, have you got nny with you? For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Bears In Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THt OHTAUH COMPANY, NIW VON. OfTV. Always Signature If. W For NEW5H. 0. Capitol Traditions Will Be WASHINGTON. Since tho election of Montana ofllclaldora here has come In tho nation's history the epoch to upset everything, Including all tra dition, this advent of the woman law maker. For . everyone realizes that this Is just tho breaking of tho "lco" that more will come in lncroaslng num bers In tho years to come until woman lawmakers will becomo a matter of course. To begin with, tho tradition bar ring women from tho floor of the house after congress Is In session Is shat tered beyond repair. Always before, there were "galleries" for tho wotnen. r W ftifmlf Til 1 Now Miss Itankln will have n seat of honor down under the speaker s eye. Then the cloakrooms those choice meeting places for swapping stories, "quiet puffs" and sly "nips" while the dry nnd tedious speeches go on Inside. There Is no woman's "cloakroom." There have been only Republican find Democratic. "When a Socialist strayed Into congress, ho could tnko his pick of tho crowds he desired to lounge the time away with. They'll have to do some ripping and tearing away and rebuilding lu tho old house chamber. For now Undo Sam must provldo tho woman's "cloak room," where women's politics of the future will bo mado and unmade as they havo been In the historic G. O. I nnd Democratic gathering places. Officials Try Meals From Traveling Army Kitchen THE possibilities of providing hot and palatable foods to the marching armies of tho Unltcfl States were demonstrated to officials and employees of the war department tho other day, when n free lunch was served to them coffee, soups and stews, nnd ovens for cooking meats and- vegetables and baking bread. It Is so fitted that no matter how rough the country tho in gredients will not spill out while traveling. And when a halt Is called tho meal will be ready as soon as the troops lay off their marching equipment nnd stack their guns. Tho kitchen is being used abroad, and by certain United States organi zations on tho border nnd In Mexico. One of them for several weeks cooked tho food for Battery B, Field Artillery, N. G. D. 0., whop, that organization was at Fort Mycr. Tho difficulty of meals to patients when considerable distances have to be traversed for each patient bus offered a serious problem nboard naval hospital ships for many years. This difficulty, however, will bo over come when the new hospltul vessel now planned by the navy department Is launched. Dr. It. 0. Holcomb of tho bureau of medicine and surgery of tho navy department has invented a steam table on wheels which will bo Installed aboard the ship. The steam table will bo filled with hot food In tho diet kitchen on tho lower deck, rolled down tho hall and into the elevator, and brought out on tho upper deck, thence it will be wheeled into the ward and down the aisle of beds, the plate of each patient being taken from tho steaming vats. Tho unique devlco first was installed by Doctor Holcomb In a hospital In Norfolk, making tho feeding of several hundred patients a relatively easy matter. Vardaman's Big Slouch Hat and Long Black Cloak IT WAS a crowded Mt. Pleasant cur, capitol-bound.' At Seventeenth and 1 streets It stopped. An Impressive figure stepped aboard, with a great black slouch hat partly covering flowing, Irou-groy looks that rolled over his collar, and enveloped In a long black cloak reaching almost to his ankles. The crowd In the car watched with Interest ns he strode dowu the aisle. Everybody knew who he was. He was Senator Vardaman. That Is Everybody but one. She was a wee bit of a golden haired chick, cuddled up In her moth er's lap. She gaped as the senator ap proached. Then she gasped. And giggled. "Oh, mammal" she chortled. "Does ho have to wear those?" And she gazed wonderlngly at his locks, The senator halted in his tracl:s, it seemed, while the crowd held Its breath. Then ho moved ponderously on down the aisle. Silent Sentinels Got Congressman Kent's Arctics MRS KENT, wife of the congressman from California, bus been supremely interested from the Sturt In the work of tho "silent sentinels," tho suf fragists who have been picketing tho White House. Every day she takes them something to contribute to their MtPREJIDEflT WHAT WILL YOU 00 FOR WOMAM SUFFRAGE ? THF ARCTIC "Oh," she hastened to tell hlui enthusiastically, "I took those over to tho silent sentinels this morning. They 'ire doing such wonderful work and it vus so cold." . Now tho congressman Is on ardent ally of the HiiffraglHts and likewise a good fellow. But after he had thought the matter over u while he half rose from tho position in whLh he was looking under the sofa nnd spoke thus: "My dear, I w 'at .to ask you, please, to leave to mt and not take to tho silent sentinels my leather hunting coat, my fur-lined gloves, and tho woolen stockings which my mother knitted for me." Tho Incident Is typical. It has a bearing on the situation In hand. It shows the extent to which the suffragists' activity enters Into many a house hold beside the Kcnts' today. Everybody In AVushlngton Is talking about tho sentinels cither for or against everybody Is currying to them or hold ing on to Ills possessions to keep them from being curried to them. Enemies aro lined up side by side at tho White House gntcs. A German woman cumo along and volunteered "to hold a banner. Scarcely tub she In her place when an English woman happened by. The suffrnglstH let no ono escape unsolicited for aid. On request, she, too, cons'lnted to take a bnnnor. The next Instant tho representatives of England nnd of aormuny found thcmscVitiB In a common cuuho lined up side by side. Upset by Miss Rankin to congress of Miss Jcancttc Rankin been roallr.lng that a new epoch has of woman lawmakers. It's Just going In tho south court of tho state, war and navy building, where a two-seated traveling kitchen was Bet up. It took Just ono hour to prepare a menl of roast pork, potatoes, bread, soup and coffee, which was served to those who witnessed tho .demonstra tion. Tho fire was started at 11:30 o'clock, and the meal was ready Just as tho employees wcro going out for their noonday meal. Tho "kitchen" is a two-wheeled vehicle having two 20-gallon tanks for comfort. Tho first day shu went mound to the White House she whipped off her fur coat and her gaiters for a girl who was not warmly clad. Since then she bus been around with sweaters, hot bricks, and dent knows what all. Well, the other night Congressman Kent wunted his arctics. After lie had looked tho "house over ho began to wonder, orally, where, 0 wherw, could they be? Mrs. .Kent helird him. ACTRE88 TELLO SECRET. A well known actress gives tho follow ing roclpo for Bray hair: To half pint of wntor una l or. liny num. a small dox or liarbo Compound, and U ob. of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix It at homo at very ltttlo cost. Full directions for making and use Cat In each box of liarbo Compound. It will gradunlly darken streaked, fadod gray nnir, and make It soft and glossy, it will not color the scalp, Is not sticky or greasy, and does not rub off. Adv. Explanation. She I wonder why men lie so. He Because their wives iiro so blamed Inquisitive. There aro 203,316 girl stenographers and typewriters employed In this country. Missouri Druggists Stand Back of Reliable Kidney Medicine We commenced selling Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root ten years ago and since that time we havo known of canes of catarrh or inflammation of the bladder and rheu matism that were cured through its cura tive action. It is well spoken of by its patrons and is held alongside tho best on tho market. Very truly yours, CARTER'S PHARMACY. Oct. 3, 1010. Burlington Junction, Mo. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You Send ten cent to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a samplo site bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar site bottlas for sslo at all drug stores. Puts a ... Stop to all Millions Spent on Music. If cxpendlturo of money is nny test, America can certainly claim the credit of being n musical country. Accord ing to nu cstlmato complied somo tlmo ago by an expert, tho United States spends no less than 120,000,000 on music overy year. This is threo times as much ns the same country spends on its army and imvy; whllo "musical Germany," It Is pointed mt, spends ten times as much on Its army and navy as on Its music. In tho American total, church music accounts for 10,000,000 n yenr. Tho salo of pianos reaches 27,000,000, of organs 2,000,000, of gramophones and records 13,000,000, nnd of sheot music and music books 2,100,000. GhSJUON 'Tape's Diapepsin" fixes sick, sour, gassy stomachs in five minutes. Tlmo ltl In llvo minutes all stomach distress will go. No Indigestion, heart burn, sournoss or belching of gas, acid, or oructationB of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, or foul breath. Papo'a Dlapopsin Is notod for its spoed In regulating upsot stomachs. It Is tho surest, quickest and moat cer tain Indigestion romody In. tho wliolo world, and besides It is harmless. PJeaso for your sako, got a largo llfty-cont caso of Papo'a Dlapopsin from any storo and put your stomach right. Don't koop on being mlsorablo llfo Is too Bhort you nro not horo long, so mako your stay agrooablo. Eat what you llko and digest It; en joy It, without dread of robolllon In tho ntomach. Papo'a Dlapopsin bolongEj In your homo anyway. Should ono of tho fam ily oat something which doosn't agroo with thorn, or In caso of an attack of indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis or stomach dorangoment at daytime or during tho night, It Is handy to gtvo tho quickest relief known. Adv. Not a Learner. "Do you think you will leurn any thing from this stock market Investi gation?" "No," replied Mr. Dustln Stnx, "I don't believe there aro any kinks In the stock market game that I don't al ready know." The Reason. A rich ruBcnl writes: "1 hnvo flyo brothers nnd only four of them say unkind tilings about ma. I never lutvo lent any money to the fifth." Claudo Culiun In. tho Fort Worth Star-Telo-grum. It' Is reported that a largo number of RussliiiiH are about to colonlzo In South America. STOMACH 1 Why Rheumatism Gomes BY VALENTINE A cIobo connection oxists between I these two cold weather nnd rheu matism. Prof. Alex, llnig, of Loudon, lias the most followers in tho medical t profession hi tho belief that the pres ence in tho Ryetein of urio acid, or its BaltB in excess, is tho real cnuso of rheu matism. Everyone has recognized the,' uufercncQ In the appearance ot their wator us soon as it gets cold : there Ib often n copious sediment of brickdust. Several causes may lead up to an accumulation of uric acid in tho By stein, which, in turn, cauBcs rheumatism or gout, or creaky joints, or swollen lingers, or painful joints. For ono reason tliu skin does not throw off the uric acid, by profuso sweating, as in the hot weather, and tho kidneys aro unable to tuko fcnro of tho double burden, Another reason Neglected Colds bring Pneumonia. Look but. cascaraBqijnine The old family remedy In tablet form safe, sure, easy to take. No opiate no unpleasant niter effects. Cures colds In 24 hours-Grip In 3 days. Money back If It nils. Get the genuine box with Red Top and hit. Hill's picture on It 25 cents. At Any Drus Stor Your Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot has been tho means of producing many satisfied cus tomers in our trado for every person who has tested your medicine lifts been grati fied at the results obtained, and fifteen years in selling Swamp-Root has not yield ed n singlo dissatisfied user. I havo used it in my family and they derived very good results. Very truly yours, W. R. JAMES, Druggist. Oct. 3, 1010. Salisbury. Mo. Distemper CURES THE SICK And prevents othors having tho disease no matter how exposed, no cents nud 91 m bottle, S3 and 910 n doaca bottles. All good druggists and turf goods houses. SPOIIN MRDICAt. CO., Chrmlsts and Bacteriologists, Goalies, Ind., V. S. A. HE CANT BE FOOLED AGAIN Next Person Who Goes Into This Gro cery Storo With Pot Will Bo Looking for Trouble. Into tho grocery storo walked no ancient lady with a Blow and halting tread, and carrying on her arm a bus kct containing a largo earthenware pot with a lid. Placing tho basket on tho counter. she made various purchases, which she put curofully In the pot and had hec bill made out. "By tho way," sho said, "do yon mind keeping this pot with tho pur chases In It until I como back nnd pay; for them, as I havo to buy other things somo distance off, nnd It will bo more, convenient for me to lenvo tho things hero till lutor?" This request was willingly acceded to, nnd, lifting the pot carefully out of tho basket, tho old dame placed It, with an effort, In u corner; then, putting her banket on her arm, left tho shop. Hours went by, day ripened Into evening, nnd evening gave way to night, but tho old woman did not re turn. At last tho proprietor thought of examining tho earthenware pot to seo If by any chance it hnd Its owner's nddress upon it, and great wns his astonishment, not untlnged with ili may, to llnd that It possessed no bot tom I Nowadays that shopkeeper Is very; suspicious of pots In baskets. And to Bora Editors. j "Pa, what Is poetic Ilccnso?" "It's tho tacit permission given to poets to live, my son." Boston Evo nlng TrniiRcrlpt. There n a young lijy ntmtil Duiker, oho tlept hil the ihip tiy at mcWi She acke in ditmiy when the heard the mart my. Now lioitt up the lop ahcet and ipukcr." It's enough to frighten anybody to a'wakt un covered out ot a lound ileep with the first (ymptomf of a cold clutching at the throat and lungi, with that chilly creepy feeling all over. Quick action It neceaaary at auch timet to nip II In the bud and Ihua prevent bronchllli or terloua lung troublea. If you will alwaya keep a belli of old reliable Boschee's German Syrup handy there Is no need to worry. It gently soothe Inflammation, eases the cough, Insures a good night's sleep, with free expectoration In the morning. This old remedy has been Successfully used all over the civil zed world for the last 51 years. 25c. and 75c. sizes at all drucelsts nnd dealers everywhere. Try It and sea,r ,,ROUGHenRATS"r,toia W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 5-1917. GoBd Weather! MOTT PIEttOK, M. D. is that people do not drink as much water in cold weattier as in summer, which helps to flush tho kidneys. Again, they eat moru meat in. cold weather, ana eomo people aro so BUBceptlblo that they soon develop rheumatism after eating incut. At all such times persons should drink cypiouBly of hot water, any, a pint morning npd night, and take Anurio three or four times a day. This An urio -comes in tablet form and can be bad at almost any drug store. It dis solves the urio acid in the system and carries it outward. I would advise everyone to take Anuria occasionally, and continue for three or four weeks, and in that way avoid rheumatism, gout and many of tho painful disorders du to uric ucid. Adv,