The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 06, 1917, Image 1

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No. 7
St, f
mi. . .
i 8.-
Old Hound House Is Dolnp fitted
up for Hoarding nnd Lodging
31en Who will lo Employed
on This Work.
Ono of the ImprovomontB which the
Union Pacific' will mako at this ter
minal this summer will bo the con
atVuxttion oC twonty-thlreo niitas of
additional trackage. Those tracks will
he laid principally from the Locust
street crossing west, and will pretty
well coyor tho ground which the
company ow'ns between tho present
tracks and tho south lino of Sovonth
street and running from Locust
streot to tho round house.
To accommodato tho laborers who
will' bo employed on this work tho
Union Pacific Is converting tho old
rounld house into a lodging and board,
ing house. The spaco is being divided
into rooms with accommodations for
cooking, eating and slooplng. It is in
tended to take caro of eighty men at
those quarters. It is expected that It
will require four to six months to
complcto the work of laying tho
tracks, anld will necesitato putting on
one, and probably two, work trains
to haul .the dirt for grading up the
tracks.- Thousands of cubic yards of
' dirt will bo required for this purpose.
Another Improvement that will bo
made and which rather puzzles local
employes is the purpose of the com
pany to install in the power house
at tho old shops boilers having
twelve hundred horso power capacity,
these to replace the 600 horso power
hollors now In use. Why this increas
ed boiler capacity at the old shops
When there is no apparent present
need of it, is what puzzles employes,
l,f If la fnlrnri in tnmn nrnnfnr all nn
capacity at North Platto, although the
generui uunui nus uuun uiut uuw hhuij!,
would be built at tho now round
house. Engineers were hero a few
days ago taking measurements of the
boiler room preparatory to Installing
the now battery of boilers.
North Platto will certainly faro
well at tho hands of tho Union Pa
cific during tho year 1017.
: :o: :
Arizona's Grand Canyon, one of
world's wonder spots, has been used
as tho setting for "God's Cru'clblo"
the Bluebird potoplay showing at the
Crystal Wednesday night with George
Hernandez, Val Paul and Myrtle Gon
zalez Interpreting tho leading roles.
To story roveals the change in char
actor that a touch of childish sym
pathy brought to old grouch of whom
it was said that "if five souls like
his were confined in a peanut shell,
they would rattle."
It is anticipated that the asphalt cov
ering in tho paved district is likoly
to cause tho good housowlfo some
trouble. When warm weather comes
this covering Is quite likely to stick
to the shoo soles and bo carried into
tho, houses. Already the rugs at the
Elks' home are spotted with tho ns-
r1io1f nwl If la vnrv Hfffpillf irt rr-
move It by washing or scrubbing the
rug. t I
Barnoy Bernard, who made the
theatrical world ring with his char
acterization of "Abo Potash" In
Potash and Perlmuttor, will bo seen
on tho screen at tho Keith Wednes
day night in "A Prince in a Pawn
shop," a story that Is vitally interest-
ing in Itself and made more so by
tls renowned Hebrew comedian, j
Dr. Richardson, of Horshoy, spent a
few days hero on business.
You earn money. You make
more than you need for neccsi
ties and legitimate pleasures. You
HAVE a surplus whether you
save it or spend fl.
Then Keep It
Bring that extra amount to the
McDonald State Bank each time
you get the money. Start right
We Help You
We give you the bank book.
We give you 4 per cent com
pound interest.
Then when you really NEED
the money it's here lor you.
1.00 starts an
9 Donald State Bank
North Platte, Nebr,
Miss Nollio Soil, of Cozad, enmo yes
terday afternoon to visit the Schatz
family for sovcral days.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Barber, of Low
ellen, tiro spoiuling this wook with rel
atives and frignds In town.,
Elmer Coatos will go to Omaha this
wook to attend tho annual convention
of tho state lumbermen's association.
Miss Villa Whlttaker leavos Thurs
day for Omaha and Chicago to pur
chase her millinery stock. Sho will
be gone about three weoks.
Tho high school gleo olub Is hold
ing rehearsals for a minstrel show
which they will hold In tho high school
auditorium in the near future.
Mrs. Ralph Sawyer, of Sidney, for
merly Miss Sophio Scliultz of this city,
camo yesterday afternoon to visit hor
mother for a week or longer.
Tho Presbyterian aid society will
meet In tho church parlors Thursday
afternoon, ontertalncd by Mosdames
Johnston, Chamborlain and Morrill.
J. W. Shane, of Lincoln, spent yes-
terday In town. Ho was formerly
chairman of tho state board of char
ities and corrections and camo horo to
attend thu Roberts trial.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Waltemath leave
tomorrow for Omaha, tho former to
attend tho lumbermen's convention and
tho latter to visit in that city and
with her parents at Blair.
W. S. Ackorman, who last fall pur
chased tho Roy Marovish half section
south of Sutherland, is in town today
making arrangements to movo to the
land. Mr. Marovish has rented a farm'
south of Sutherland. I
A farewell reception to Archdeacon
and Mrs. J. J. Bowker will bo held at
tho Odd Fellows' hall this ovenlng!
from eight to ten" by tho members of
tho Episcopal parish and their friends
and the frionds of the guests of hdhor.
Miss Charlotte Tompleton, state li
brarian, spent tho-week ond visiting
MiS3 Annio Kramph and inspecting the
library, which sho reports to bo in an
oxcollent condition. Sho was great
ly pleased with tho big Increase in tho
circulation of books.
Tho list of members of the proposed
Old Settlors association has now
nearly reached tho hundred mark. It
is tho desire to arrange for the ban
quet at as early a date as possible, and
thoso who have not sent in their
names will plcaso do so before tho
ond of next week.
Thirty farmers living in Garden
county hao formed a federal farm
loan association and will apply for
federal loans as soon as tho now loan
"bank at Omaha is in working condi
tion. A number of Arthur county
farmers have formed a similar associ
ation. Tho caqe of Guy Robbins, colored,
against W. C. Buckner for assaulting
him with a red hot iron, camo up in
tho county court Saturday and was
.dismissed. Tho men had beeft work
ing together in tho U. P. round houso
and had quarreled for sovcral days
prior to tho assault.
Tho dramatic lecturo given by Frank
Foucho in, tho high school auditorium
Friday evening was greatly enjoyed
by all present Mr. Foucho is a pleas
ing entertainer. Tho attendance was
not as largo as was oxpectod, owing
to tho weather, but tho proceeds ex
ceeded tho expenses by a few dollars.
A. F. Blankenburg wont to Kearney
today to roprosent tho Lincoln coun
ty fair association at tho meeting to
bo held for tho purpose of organizing a
racing circuit. At this moetlng Keith,
Lincoln, Dawson and Buffalo counties
will "bo represented, and theso coun
ties will Includo tho circuit.
1'ctmlty Attached v Is Imprisonment
for not Less Tlmii Ten lenrs or
For Life Sentence at Dis
cretion of Judge.
Entry mado by Jmlteo Grimes in
tho court Journal:
"Defendant appeared In open court
in person, accompanied by his counsel
Jamos T. Keofe, and asks leave of tho
court to withdraw tils plea of not
guilty of tho charge of murder In tho
first dogroo and enter a plea of guilty
of mundor In tho second degree. Tho
stato being represented by its counsol
Georgo Glbbs and P. R. HaUIgan, roc
ommend that tho couirt pormlt do
fondant to ontor tho plea of guilty
of murder in the second Uogrce, and
the court, on examination of tho de
fendant finds that defendant undOr
stand's tho penalty for murder In tho
second degrco, and defendant in per
son asking the court to grant his re
quest, tho court pormits the defondant
to withdraw his plea of not guilty of
murder In tho first degree and enter
tho plea of guilty of murder in tho
second degreo, Tho court hclng nil
vised In tho promises, accepts do-
fndant's plea of guilty of murder In
tho second degree as in tho lnrorma
tlon, and on that plea finds defendant
guilty of mulrdor In tho second degree
as In the Information charged."
Ju&eo Grimes will pronounce sen
tonco in a day or so. Tho ponalty Is
imprisonment in tho penitentiary for
not less than ton years or for life.
Thus ends tho Roberts caso, rcmov
Ing from the minds of some few doubt
ns to whether Roberts was gmuy as
charged, and nt the same time relloves
tho county an cxpansivo trial.
The ro-hearlng of tho caso was set
for yesterday. Roberts had boon
brought horo Saturday from the stato
penitentiary at Lincoln by SljjrinT
Salisbury, ,tho sovonty-flvo men who
had been notified to appear at tho
court room at ten o'clock yesterday
for Jury service had all arrived, Rob
erts' had been brought Into court, and
everything was in readiness to begin
tho selection of a Jury, when Roberts
suddenly concluded .'to withdraw his
plea of not guilty and chtor a plea of
guilty pf murder In the second de
gree. This action on tho part of
Robonts came as a surprise to all, for
ho had not In any manner intimated
that ho would chango his plea. Evi
dently ho had reached this conclusion
after ho entered tho court room.
:o: :
Celebration Committee to Meet.
Tho members of tho holding company
organized to promote North Platte's
se,ml-contbnnlali colobratloni, togeth
er with others who aro Interested, avIH
hold a meeting at tho Hotel McCabe
tomorrow ovenlng to hoar reports to
bo submitted by Secretary Mooney as
t o tho preparatory work that has been
accomplished. Committees will also
bo appointed for the various phases of
tho work. Secretary Mooney has re
ceived a numbor of contracts for
amusoment companlos, and thesft will
bo taken up and discussed by the mem
bors. So far excellent progress has
boen made in tho preliminary work.
' ::o::
Governor Pledges Support. 1
Governor Neville sent tho following
tolegrnm to President Wilsbn yesterday
"Nebraska will uphold you in any
contingency that may arlso."
Another tologram signed by ovory
momber of tho senate pledged tho
support of tho stato. in any action that
tho president dooms necessary to up
hold tho honor of tho United States
and tho rlghta of its citizens.
Flflh to Remain in Service.
Today's pnpors stato that tho Fifth
Nebraska regiment is now onrouto
from Llano Grando to Ft. Crook, Neb.,
and that Col. Paul, In comand of tho
troops, received, ordors at Houston
to cbntlnuo In mobilization at the fort
and awnll furthor ordors from tho war
For Sale Household furniture. E,
A. Garlichs, 118 west Third street.
The Ford Motor, Co.
This means your 'signed order at onee that we
' may order your
for future delivery;
Touring Car $395.05, Runabout $380.05
Cor. Fourtli & Dewey. 1 North Platte, Neb.
Superintendents' Contention
Tho Association of City Superintend
ents of Nebraska Schools, which mot
here Friday and Saturday of Inst wook,
was attended 'by a vory small number.
TolegrnniB and lottors havo boon ro
.nolved showing tho train aorvlco and
severe cold to havo keptmnny away.
Among those who wore horo wero
Supt, Brahnm of Sidney, Supt, Price
of Nollgh, Supt Cavlnoss of Kearney,
Supt. Smith of Suthorland, Su)pt. Math
ony of Scotts Bluff Supt. Poarco of Co
aad and Geo. Towne of Lincoln, odltor
of tho Nebraska Tcachor.
Tho big ovont of Friday wns tho din
ner given In tho manual training rooms
of the Franklin Bchool by tho ladles of
the domestic science department of
the Twontioth Century club. Tho la
(lIojjwero given mnny compllmontH on
tho preparation and serving of this
dinner, which was qulto elaborate In
every way. Supt. Tout introduced
MIsh Allcon Gantt, county superintend
ent of Lincoln county, as toastmistross
and she kept things humming for tho
next two hours. Tho theme of tho
evening wns Co-oporatton.
Miss Kramph talked on tho co-opora-tion
of tho banks with tho schools
through tho school savings system.
Rev. Hurmnn talked on tho co-opora-tion
of tho schools with tho churches
through accredited blblo schools. E.
S. Davis spoko of tho co-operation of
school and tho community. Chas. Mc
PonahF, Supt, Cavlnoss, Fred Wlllinms
and others responded to calls nnd
completed the evening's ontortaln
ment. On Saturday tho suporlntondonts
mot In session nnd had a very Interest
ing and profitable mooting.
:o: :-
Fifty Trains Freed
. A dispatch from Choycnno dated yes
terday says: T"ho blockado on tho
main lino of tho Union Pacific railroad
which has boen in offect stneo tho
heavy storm of January 31 closed tho
tracks, was lifted today, morp than fif
ty trains which had been hold up mov.
ing again this aftornoon."
Adnnison Caso Goes Over
The United States supremo court at
Washington took a recess yestorday
until March 5th without deciding tho
Adamson railroad law. This Is a dis
appointment, as it was expected lv de
cision would bo handed down this
Sovcral tracts of good bottom liny
lanWlloo II acres sugar beet land ad
joining city; one-half section of land
six miles from city 100 acres In culti
vation; other lauds storago room nnd
safe deposit boxes, houses nnd rooms,
: :c: :
William Beatty, of Brady, spent yes
terdayjn town.
Rev. Gleason of Ogalalla ,1s spending
a fow days hero with Rov. McDald.
A. W. Shilling will entertain tho
North Platto rifle club Thursday ov
enlng, A son was born yesterday morning
to Mr. and1 Mrs. F. R. Parks of tho
Fourth ward.
Tho flower drill mombors of tho
Eastern Star woro cntortained yesber.
day aftornoon by Mrs. Georgo Troxlor.
W. H. Tuckor a somowhat notorious
character in tho early days of North
Platto, writes from Sheridan Wyo.,
that' ho doslros liternturo concerning
North Platte,s seml-contonnila colo
bratlon. "Tuck" intimates that ho will
be hero to attend tho colebratlon.
Useful Attachment.
"I wonder how that rough looking
fellow with his terrlblo lnnguago keeps
his placo In a ladies' halrdrcsslng par
lor?" "I think it is because tho patrons of
tho placo heard his talk mado ono's hair
curl." Baltimore American.
Not Tender.
No, -Maude, donrj we very much
doubt that you could hurt a ennnlboat
by treading on Its tows. Philadelphia
Waste not fresh tears over old grlofsi
tJcrinun Official Kxpcct W'nr
Under dnto of Sunday this comes
from Borlln:
Peaceful .continuance of Gormnn
Amorlcnn rolatlons nftor tho doparturo
of tho respectlvo embassies nt Wash
ington and Berlin In tho sense Indi
cated1 by President Wilson in his nd
dross to congross appears to bo vory
slight, Judging by all tho information,
swiio of tho highest authenticity,
gathored by tho Associated Press.
It was stated positively in high po
litical circles that German ordors for
the conduot ofi aubmarlrj wwforo
could" not and would not bo modified;
that In Germany tho determination to
enforce tho prohibited zone ordor" was
absoluto and final, and that tho only
security for shipping wns avoidance
of tho ftrohlbltod zono.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Klslor, who
woro recently marrlod, will moyo to
Columbus this wook. The formbr had
boon employed In tho local round
houso nnd will nccopt a fdrmnnship
In tho round houso nt tho lattor place.
Mrs. Leonard Connott nnd brothor,
of Bayard, who camo, yestorday to tes
tify In tho Roborts trial, roturn'od
homo Inst evening .
Riley York crushed two flngors on
his right hand yestorday whllo raising
a window.
Money to loan on Iteal Kslntoj no
delay If clear title, see .
lutATT, noonarAx & iiuckley.
F The S
tandardYou Get
When you select a brand of Food Products
for your own consumption, you search for one
which will establish a standard worthy of your
recommendation. , 1
What are your specifications for a line of
Food Products worthy of your recommenda
tion? Have you given the ubject the careful
consideration it deserves?
You surely want a, line of Quality, ori'that
you know is at all times depandable.
You surely want a line of Value one that
you can consider being worth more than you
gave for it.
You surely want a line of Uniformity one
that shows the same high standard of excell
ence year in and year out.
You surely want a line that is known, one
that consumers everywhere have come to rec
ognize as being distinctively superior.
Measure our Richelieu, Grand Canyon and
Turtle Pure Food Products by the most rigid
standard you know study them from every
angle subject them to any test, and we are
confident you will agree with us that, as com
plete lines, comprising everything for the table,
they are better buying investments than any
of the similar assortments.
Lierk-Sandall Co.
Registered Bulls For Sale
At North Platte, Neb.
We will have for sale atfjjthe
old stock yards on
Saturday, February 10, 1917,
25 head of Registered Shorlhc-rn and
Plereford Bulls, from 18 months tQ 3 years
old. Part of these are of the Champion
first prize load shown at the Denver stock
show this year. We furnish pedigree and
an absolute guarantee with every bull. This
will be an exceptipnal opportunity to pro
cure high class animals right at home.
Bred and Raised by GEO. D. HARRAH.
Marguorlto Clark will bo soon at tho
Koith tonight in a ploturization of
Eleanor Ilnllowoll Abbott's colebmted
story, "Molly Mako Bollovo," tho story
that has ranked among tho "six host
sellors' evor slnco it appenrod In
print. Molly is ono of tho most lovable
creatures in fiction and Miss Clark
Is, admirably suited to vlsunllzo the
potlto boaror of goad tidings which
is described in tjvls dollghtful tV
manco. Tho dainty Miss Clark has a
rolo that Is sweetly sympathetic and
sho makes tho most of it.
Is your car Insured? If not get n
policy today from
Merlo Laws has severed his con
nection with tho Landgraf harbor
shop nnd has gono to Cozad to visit for
a few days. Upon his return ho will
accept a position In tho Gllbort shop.
Krnost Grlnnell, formerly? of thn Gll
bort barber Bhop, has takou chargo of
tho fourth chair which wns added to
tho Carton barber shop yestorday.
Misses Mildred and Ella Wclr, of
Sterling, who woro visiting local
friends, loft Sunday ovenlng.
For Salo
CC foot lot on wost Sixth streot. Side
walk In, sowor and gas In alloy. ?100
down, balance easy payments. O. R.
Robinson, .122 wost Second. G-4