The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 02, 1917, Image 4

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Next to life itself Sight is the most valuable thing you
To do the most cilicient work, to get the most enjoyment out
of life, you need your eyes in the best possible condition.
The first indications of eye trouble should have your immedi
ate attention . Such troubles often come on so gradually that
they are not realized at first, but as soon as recognized they
should be attended to, as eye defects continue to grow worse if
The most common troubles are the results of eyestrain, which
is'exccedingjy prevalent. Unless thestrnin is promptly relieved
permanent injury to the eycs'is likely to result, and merely be
cause of neglect for a time a person may suffer a life-long handicap
of poor sight.
Prosbytorlnn Minister
Life Work Counsellor
Oltlco at Church 8:00 to 12:00
Phone Red 112
Res. 013 W. Oth. Phono Dlk. 003.
Attorney doorgo Qlbb's transacted
business in Paxton Wednesday.
For quick action and saSIsfilctosy
sale list your land with Thoelecke. tf
0, II Thoulccko spent tho foro puit
ot this w;r.k in Staplcton on buslujHa.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
Dr. Marie Amos went io Kearnoy
Wednosday to attqnd the "aarden of
Allah." '
Miss Ruey Slimier is expected hero
tomorrow to visit" with local friends
for a fow;dayfl.
J. K. ..oinoll roturnod yodncday
morning irom uonver wnero-no vmv
cd for a few days. -
, Tho Eastern Star Kensington will parot8 Mr. and Mrs. dcorgo E. Wins
moot this aftornoon at th honio of, 0Vl
Mrs. York Hlnman. ' v ' (
, mm, Jldward Speck has rotu-nod
-from a v'alt with TOlntlvea In tho oast-
urn pari ci ;uis siuio.
WMIL.., tln.,.1,.., ...l. l.n.l
1 ; . , 7.' T
vC.y ... mu ruuu..uuBm lor sov-jra,
weeks past, is convalescing,
For, Sajo Modern ilvo ' room cot
tage, 6G foot lot, reasonable Call
008 east Fifth, phono" Red 581. C-2
n,a m wiiiin, nitnn '
nounco tho birth of a daughter, born 0tad10r M"ano Go's . store and got, pleased to receive suggestions of por
ta them Wednesday morninir ntto(l out for loaf tlmn yott can b"?) mnnl favorites for his program this
Mrs. Homer Hnndloy, of Chuppall,
who !iad'bcon visiting her , mother
Mrs. Tarkington, loft Wednesday.
t , . .
Mft tarl-y Sale, of Paxton, nine
Vlown the J.rst of tho week to visit
with her fW tor Mrs. (Hon Ferguson.
Vlcu. 1 T ti,.lltl, M,l,r l.n.l ......
flnud lo tho' house by Illness for W
..r7 ... wi.i.v.t, .ITIIV ft.HU MUUJ1 VIU
........... 1. 1
erdav ' '
. Mr. John Grant 'returned Wcdnes-
dUy aftornoon from a visit of sovoral
months with rolatlvos in Iowa and
Illinois. 1
" . , Mi. -"' '
, au: u..u mra. rrcu iliniKOll, 01
Fuxu'i., who wore guests 'of tors. Joi
onh T Murnhv thla wo&k Imvn ra
Utoica homo
titriica homo,
Mrs. John Skow ad baby, who had
boon visiting relatives and frlonds in
Kearnoy and Ravaiina roturnod home
Wednesday ovoning,
' Mrs. J. H. Hogurty returned Tuoo
day evening from Denvor whoro she
was called by hor mother's Illness,
Tho lattor Is much improved.
.,, , , ,
4 r Bui Inrj and daughter Vir.
glnln w ll leave todXy for Tampa, Flu.
to apond Bovofrnl wooks before making
tholr h-mio near Wllow Springs. Mo
, wanieu uousoKoopor. luniuy 01
four; must bo competent nnd ot good
character. Homo prlyllegos. R. L.
Douglas, 207 oast Eloventh streot. G-2
A successful soulul was hold yos
torday aftornoon at tho homo ot Mrs.
William Stack, Sr. Assisting In enter
taining woro Mcsdnmea Dan Roberts,
Tim O'Keefe, Wllllum Hubbard and
Julius Hahlor.
Miss Mary Ellas, who has been at
tending a business collogo in Grand
Island for sovoral months, will com
"plKte hor course In stenography this
month and probably accept a position
in Grand Island.
Misses' school aboca In vlci leather,
blutcher stylo, low heel, and very
serviceable, , values up to $3.00, ro
iHslBg offered , at $1.97 a pair at tho
Leader Mercantile .Co'u storo. In.iyll halo and) hearty, and tho company
!m from 2& to 5ft. Good school lss cohsldorod ono of tho most efflc-
Jiontly drilled In tho camp.
0. E. Elder returned yesterday from,
a buslnoso trip to .Omaha and Lincoln.
Mr9. John Woithloy, who has boon
very ill for several days, is improv
ing. 1 E. F. Soborger is off duty at tho
First National bank on account of
Mrs, Charles (Jerkins, of AVellfloet,
camo hero yesterday to visit relatives
for a woofo . . -
For Rent Five room house on Lin
coln avenue, modern oxcopt heat.
Phono Black 229.
Arthur Curtis accepted a position
in tho Tho Leader shoo department
tho first of this week.
Mro. A. W'McKeowh roturned yes
terday morning from a visit In tho
east part of tho state.
Tho M. M. M. club will bo tho guests
of Mrs. W. R. Malonoy, Jr., on Wed
nesday aftornoon, February 7th.
Miss Erma Johnston will acopt a
position in tho Block ladies' outfitting
storo tho lattor ,part of thla month
Frank Wlnslow, of Council Dluffs,
camo a few days ago to visit with his
Mrs. S. A. Cook and children left
Wodncsdny morning for the eastern
part cf thIfl stnto to Boml a W0Qk or
Wedonsday and yestorday mornings
worQ BOmowhat ,rostyi Um tom,)0ra.
turo dropping- to teirbolow Wcdnes
day and clghtoon below yostorday.
If not supplied with wlntor ovor-
8lloc for thlB c0'(1 8IlllP so to tho
; tho snmo goods olsowhore.
' Monday night's Trfanglo program nt
tho KelUl will bo "Homo," a live part
drama with' UeiMo Barrlscnlo and
c'lmH. Uttyt nnal0 InImltftblo Wm.
Collier in the two part comply "Never
I i,V .
Jfon!VV haV TlVd W!bUt 26 Cnt8'
1 loft for Omnliu-to take medical treat-
'nieuto, that ho Is greatly Improved
and Is now able to walk sovtVal blocks'
win tf&vtitllio, v liu lULUllLiy
dally. j st in stylo ana fabric. In sizes to
' I fit a 32 fluro nnd nil sizes including
Aiunvenlng party will bo hqld by tho' nlzo 42. All to bo sold now nt pack
mcuibors of the M. M. M. club Frldny'aWny nrlcen that arc novcV made un-
ovoiltnc. KohninVv nli. H,n !,, f'
- 'Mp ttl" Mrs w-' l iftrnvV. Tiin
" i . P McGovorn. lho
Hnshnto of tho mo.nbera wll bo
guosts of tho club,
W, Jj Bqll, of tho Birdwood country,
J"? ' ft" f?V (ln? m&
hv mm juuu. j.ii.suuu marKOiiiig uie
com hu ial3ca, Inst yonr somo 'lvo
thousand bushels. This year Mr. Boll
will plantHwo htindrod ana fifty-five
aeroH to corn;
I ' ,
Tho county 'commissioners adjourn-
0ll Wednesday-ovcnliig,uiitil next Mon.
'aajr At tho 8tv88,on u , y
lMa the' co.nml8slo;,..-s will call an
olootlon t0 voto lM)nil8 for t,
K!SL "uLM aCr th S0UtU
Ituvv lliut DUIILll IJL IUWI1,
A man named Horn, xmiployod nt tho
nlfaira mill at Birdwood, was caught
in tho-lly wheel or tho engine nnd tos
sod up in tho nlr llko a feather. Ho
was .rondorod- unconscious, and sus
tained lacoratlons on tho faco and
bond, which woro attended to by Dr.
Arthur W., Dullard arrived homo
Wednesday afternoon from tho Moxl
enn border, having socurcd & twon-ty-day
furlough. When ho loft Camp
Llano Grando It had not boen defin
itely Bottlod when tdo Fifth Nobraska.
would loavo. tho frallroods reporting
a scarcity of cars In which to movo
tho troops orderol homo. Mr. Dullard
says tho momborn ot tho Co. E are
Xnnio Dale for Hnll. "
Tho Lady Forresters hnvo telocted
Monday evening, February 19th, as the
date for their annual ball. Tho hnll
latt' yoar was a auacem socially and
financially and the coining one prom
lit to beas good or better. It will
be held at the Lloyd opera house.
Penally for J'lnln Drunk
Under tho now liquor law intro
duced in the Nobrnska legislature by
tho joint commltteo of both houses,
public intoxication appoaring on the
atraat "Jaggod'' is niado a nilsd,e
moanor to which is fixed a penalty of
a flno of from ?10 to $50 and costs or
Imprisonment of flfteon to thirty days
for the firat offonso. For tho second
offense tho penalty is Imprisonment for
not loss than thirty nor more than six
ty days. Tho Judge may remit tho
penalty If tho accused will disclose
tho source of his supply of, liquor.
Will Hngagc in Commercial Gaidenlnij
II. A. McComb, who had charge of
the horticultural work at tho experi
mental substation during the past two
years, resigned that position February
1st to go into commercial work at
North Plattp. During the remaining
winter months ho will take ordors for
nursoy stock and when sping opens ho
will begin commercial gardening on
one of tho valloy farms of J. C. Wilson.
During tho time Mr, McComb has been
with tho substation ho has- shown
much ability as a landscape gardncr
and in truck gardening. Supt. Snyder
finds It very difficult to find a man
whom he thinks may fill tho place
vacated by Mr. McComb.
: :o: :
Tight Work In Wyoming
Tho Union Paclic succeeded in
clearing one main Hue track in the
snow bound section of WyomIngvTueo
day aftornoon and sixtoenast bound
passenger trains passod Through over
tho single track. HoWcver, during
Tuesday night it again began to snow
and drift and tho cuts that had been
cleared were again filled. Tho storm,
however, only continued a few hours
and tho track, through tho uso of-four
rotary plows and SOO Bhovplors, was
again opened Wednesday noon, and is
being uscj1 for passongor trains.
Work of opening tho second track
of tho main line is progressslng slowly.
Tho snow, mixed with sand and dirt,
has become as hard, as rock and can
not bo ifloved by tho rotarles. Tho
workmen have resorted to dynamjto
and it is being used in removing tho
blockade. j
J, Frank Foiichho to Itciul nt the Hh4.l1
School Tonight. .
Tho high school cadets fool very
fortunate 'In securing tho tainted
dramatic nrtlst, J. Frank Fourche. for
a program at tho Senior High School
tonight. Ho is a reader of National
reputation and his proas cbmmcnta
carry words of commendation from tho
most important cltjus of our land, lo
Is snld to have as largo a roportolro
ns any reader on tho stngo and will be
ovonlng. Ills work hero will bo a mis
cellaneous program. Thoso having
tho entertainment in 'chargo bcllovo
that It Is dtssorvlng of tho patronago
'of all North Platto people who ore an
xious for a clean, uplifting lycoum
course. Thq. "program will begin at
8:30 p. m., and tho admission will bo
:o: :
w 1o a fowvory fine high
Krncl coatB for women that camo In
luto ,n Decombor, only, tho vory lat-
. . T . , ,
ftWay all winter coats unsold next woelc
on account of our spring lino coming
so much oarllor than over before. If
Interested visit our coat department
and hnvo tho saleslady show you those
wonderful women's wlntor high,
grndo coats.
Mra. Thomas Fngg, who was rrcont.
ly mnrclod and will leave In n Tow
days for Arlington to rosldo, was ton
dorod a package shower last ovoning
nt the1 homo of Mr, ami Mrs. Edward
Wright. Sixteen ladies woro prosont
and spont a pleasant ovoning In gamos
and social conversation. The guest
of honor rcol a pretty collection of
housohold gifts. . .
Mr. nnd Mrs. Homc'r Handloy, for
uiorly of this city, camo tho first of
thin weok to visit at tho Tarkington
homo whllo onrouto to Chnpppll where
Mr. Hnndloy will opon a now drug
storo. Thoy had resided at Poolo,
Nob., for u number ot years.
Tho llro department was called to
tho homo of Arthur Howard, on east
Fourth street Wednosday morning
whdro the floor of tho Kitchen had
caught ilro fnom burning papers
usod to thaw out tho pipes whigh had
frdicn during tho night, Tho dnmogo
was slight,
Miss Florence McKay will glvo di
organ rocltal at tho Presbytorlan
church Tuesday evening, Feb. 9th.
MIbs McKay will bo assisted by Miss
Dorothy Hlnman, Trevolyn Doucet and
Arthur Tramp.
crrr and count; news
MIhs Anna Toland, who had been
atiperlntondant at the Nurso Brown
hospital for apmo time, was obliged to
resign a fow dyaa ago on account ot
l;or health. She left Wednosday to
visit her sister Mrs. Bnnta, who re
ldaa ten miles from this city.
All the winter Underwear la being
closed out at the Londor Mercantile
Co's Htoro. All going at big lificounts.
Somo lota wo are closing we are giv
ing you two suits for the price of one.
Tho now stoel and concroto 'bridge
across Fremont Plough was complet
ed this weok. Slowly, but surely thb
costly and unsafo wooden culverts anj
bridges aro being replaced with
s'tucturos that aro permanent, inex
pensive anj, lo not readily roach an
unsafo condition.
N. A. Davis and J, J. Crawford have
boon spending this week In Chicago
attending tho auto show. They wont
to Omaha Sunday and Joined a party
of Buick and Hudson agents who
mado tho trip to Chicago in a special
Pullman caV, tho two companies pay
ing halt the exponsea of the agontH.
Cash Austin has placed a photo
graph of North Platto forty-two years
ago In tho display window of his Jew
elry store. Tho picture was taken
from tho top of tho court house. Many
of tho residences now In uso can be
distinguished, but tho majority of the
business houses have been trfrn'down
or remodeled.
Tho mombers of Lonesomohurst club
have begun a checker tournament
with Victor Anderson and Abnor Wess
burg as captains. A series ot thirty
two games will bo played at the con
clusion of which the losers will ban
quet tho winners. Six games have
boon played and tho Wessbirrg team
Ih two games ahead.
"The Garden of Allah" thentrical
company went through this city Wed
nesday morning onrouto from Denver
to Omaha In a special train. Tho
compariy is a large one and a number
of tho Turks ot the cast attracted at
tention by.walklng around the streets
in half sox while the train was de
layed hero, and tho temperature was
twelve with a strong cold
This morning wo have put on sale
an additional lot of shoes at bar
gains such as you will grab at. Llttlo
shoes In vicl leather, blucher stylo,
in sizes G to 8 on salo at 98 cents.
Tho same shoo in sizes 8 to 11 ot
$1.23, and the same shoe in sizes from
11 to 2 on sale at $1.G7. All tlieso
shoes arc solid and very serviceable
for school wear. Send in tho little
ories to The Leader Mercantile Co's
stoiro and havo tho youngsters fitted
After May first there will bo somo
doprcssod disconsolate and 0ccv2d
men in North Platte. Take for In
stance tho man who has always kept
a caso of bcor in his cellar and con
sumes two quart bottles a day. After
tho above date, under the now liquor
law, ho can only receive twelve
quart bottles a month Just one-fifth
tho amount to which ho has been ac
customed. And further"only ono mom.
bor of a family occupying tho same
houso can receive tho above amount.
Tio Crystal's Saturday aftornoon
and evening feature will bo "All Man,"
with Robert Warwick. "All Man" is a
strong dramatic story about a bevy of
girls and a handsome hero; two espe
cially pretty heroines, a dear old
father, a railroad prosldent and some
thing olso worth seeing. Thero is a
tremendous railroad- wreck a canoo
goos ovor a pVeelpIco sovcral hundred
foot high.. In tho words of tho-critic,
"All Man ls a mighty film picture with
out a blush." Robert Warwick is as
sisted In tho , production by Molllo
King, Qorda Holmes and Johnny
Coll 125 for Taxi day or night.
Also flvo or soven passenger car for
funeral sorvlcq.
Cnaildlor &: Elnnr Airnnntf
Corner Hlghth and Locust Sts.
HSTl.MATi: (! li.MM'.NSI'.S
North Platto, Nu., Jnn. 30. 1917
ti, tr.,A..!'e.BUl!.u' held thlH clay
..""i1', o'l"loner8 of Lincoln
r. V'WV obrnskii. lrooeiletl to make
ninl illd nmko the followliiK estimate of
xikii8,h for tho yenr 1917;
County sentmil fund J60.00Q.09
County IjrldKe fund .40 000.00
t'nunty 1-onjl flu,,i 40 000.00
Agricultural Hoclety 1,000.00
Wrdwood bridge bonds, prln-
clmil and Intorest 1.500.00
South Platte bridge bonds,
lirlnolnal iuuI Interest .... 1,500.00
.Plutti- brldifo bonds, prlncl-
' pal and Interent l.BOO.OO
Uostwlck bridge bondB, princi
pal and latere: t fiOO.OO
IUrsltev brldire bonds, princi
pal and Interest 700.00
School DlMtrlcl IlondH
No. 1, principal and Interest J10.fi00.00
iv'- Jl j'riuciimi ami interest, j.tou.uu
No. 23, principal and Interest 360.00
wo. sjt, principal nnd Interest
No. 47, principal nnd Interest
No. fin, principal and Introst
No. 87, principal and Intercut
No,, 98 principal and Interest
No. 105, prlnolpnl and interest
No, 111, principal and Interest
Nn. Ill) tlrlimltint t ml l)i(m.ii
No. ISO, principal and Interest
No. 122, prMiclpal and Interest
No. 126, principal and Interest
X7fl 197 t.. in 1 ui..l l.i.nAn
No. 37, Judgment 2,00o'.00
No. 26, Bpoolnl bullitlnK
Na. S3, special building. ...
Vn na 1 Kltll.lltwr
No. 60, special building
Start Too E
Blinking laws make no discrimination as to ago or sex.
Anyone can open a savings account in the First NatiSria"'.'",
An account can bef opened for as little as one dollar, 'and,', -it
is a very simple matter indeed. Just come in and say
you want to open an account we will do the rest.
We more than that: we will be glad to advise you
on any financial matter you desire nnd we riinke no charge
for this service.
Four Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings.
First National Bank,
Registered Duroc
Will he hold at the Box Elder Farm, 6 miles northwest of Co
zad and 7 miles east of Gothenburg, Neb., on Monday,
FEBRUARY 12, '17
Beginning at Ono O'clock P. M.,
Salo will he held under cover. No postponement on account of
weather. Offering consists of
An uxtra high hacked hunch of sows and gilts, good size with
plcntj- of hone, very uniform in color. By such sires ns Broud
Chief, Models Wonder, Crimson Critic 2nd, Big King tho Col.
All are Immune, l)ouhlo Treatment. Send for Catalogue.
Bids may bo sent by mall oir wire to Auctioneers, Clerk pr Fieldman, care
of H- D. Gclken, Routo 4, Cozad, Nebraska. Patties from a distance wilt
find free entertainment at Cozad and Gothenburg hotels. Free transporta
tion from both points to Box Blderfai'm.
H. D.
COL. EI). SNELL, COL. 1L E. ASH, Auctioneers.
,T. K. KELLY, JOHN ARON, Clerks.
II. C. McKELVIE, Nebraska Farmer, Eiehlman.
Mr. and M"rs. Grover Willorton left
yestorday afternoon ftfr Cheyenne to
spend a week. Mr. Willorton recent
ly returned from Omaha whore he
took treatment for blood poisoning in
his arm and Is much improved.
Tho life of this institution come?
through the successful use of the true
and tried Homeopathic remedy; noth
ing healing moro quickly, moro easily,
moro permanently.
Horo is a hospital that Is making it
self known by good Tesnilts in Majbr
and Minor Surgery and which is the
Homo of Orlflcial Surgery with ac
complishments that no other system
can dare challenge in tho treatment of
' acuto and chronic diseases.
1003 West 1th St. Norlh l'lntto, Neb.
John S. Twinem, M. 1).
South Park Poultry Yard
R. C. Rho'de Island Reds
It Is with no llttlo ploasure that
I mako my offerings of tills stock of
rich reds this year. My 1D1G business
exceeded any previous year and a host
of satisfied custoinors has brought
no little satisfaction to mysolf I am
only sorry that I was unablo to fill
all orders for stock and eggs received.
I havo 30 splendid cocks and cockorelB
ready for Bale which I am proud to
show, oven bettor than I expected.
In answer to tho pointed, questions
put to Judgo Sraily In the, presence
of the association officers as o 'which
iwaa the most popular of all breeds,
replied vory promptly Tho Itfds by
Far. I will havo eggs for hatching
after Fob. 15th.
7 .
- Jersey Bred Sows
Keith Theatre
Every Monday
The Specialist,
of Omaha, Neb.,
Late of New York Hospital will be in
February 9th and 10th,
Consullntloii nnd Examination Free.
Lady nurso in attendance for assist
ance with womtfn and children. Mod
ern equipment in every respect for ex.
amlnation and treatment. Best elec
trical appliances known for treatment
with modern Appliances.
Wo carry our oyn X-Ray Machine
for Examination and treatment.
Chronic Catarrli,'Hoadacbes, Inflam
ed Eyes, Enlarged Tonsils, Adenoids
of Children, Nose Throat and Ear
trouble, all Chronic Troubles Peculiar
to Women, Ulcer of tho Stomach,
Chronic Dyspepsia, Indigestion, In
testinal Catarrh, Bowel Inflammation,
all Nervous Disorders, Neuorltis,
Paralysis, etc., Chronic Kidnoy and
Bladder Troubles. Wo havo tho most
up to dato treatment of Rheumatism
known. Massaco and SwedlAh move
ments, combined with electrical tlm-
We Guarantee Satisfaction.
"No 'incurable diseases taken: It' you
or yours aro Buffering consult us. It
costs you nothing1 for a thorough
scientific examination and opinion,