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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1917)
THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. S, M for and Get THE HIGHEST QUALITY SPAGHETTI 36 Jgf Redpe Book Fne 5KINNER MFG.C0., OMAHA, U.SA IMCUT MACMIONI lACTOSY IN AMttICA NEBRffSftR NSTIONSL INSURANCE COMPANY LINCOLN. NEBRASKA Fire, tornado and hall insurance, farm and town property, automobile and threshing ma ohlnery. Policyholders and agents partlolpate In the profits of this company. Arrcnts wanted In open territory. lSli rt. lacaraanUJ Jin. 4, IMS Automobile School Learn a bualneita In six weeks. No books. Easy to learn. Good salary. Free catalog. Kauai! Ait ScLmI, ZS14 N. 2ta it, Onaaa, NtVr. PATENTS Watson to Coleman, latnt Lawyer, Washington, I) O. Adrlce and books ire. Bate reasonable. Highest retorenoet Ueitterrloes. "ROUGHonS'ontt One out of four Australians has a substantial bank account FOR SICK CHILD "California Syrup of Figs" can't harm tender stomach, liver and bowels. Every mother roallzes, after giving her children "California Syrup of Figs" that this is their ideal laxative, because they love its pleasant tasto and it thoroughly 'cleanses tho tender little stomach, liver and bowels with out griping. When cross, irritable, feverish, or breath is bad, stomach sour, look at the tongue, mother! It coated, givo a teaspoonful of this harmless "fruit laxatlvo," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passes out of the bow els, and you have a well, playful child again. Whon its little system is full of cold, throat sore, has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, indigestion, colic remem ber, a good "inside cleaning" should always bo tho first treatment given. Millions of mothers keep "California Syrup of Figs" handy; they know a teaspoonful today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask at the store for a 50 cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups printed on the bottle. Adv. All Records Shattered. The coal and coke output of the United States broko all records in 1016. The total coke production, ac cording to estimates prepared by O. B. Lesher of tho United States geological survey, department of the interior, was 54,300,000 tons, an increase over 1015 of 12,700,000 tons, or .30 per cent, and over 1913 of 8,000.000 tons. Coal production records were smash- erd by an output of 597,500,000 tons, compared with 570,000,000 tons, tho previous high record established in 1913. The quantity of bituminous coal nnned was 509.000.000 tons, an In crease compared with 1915 of 0G.500,- 000 tons, or 15 per cent, according to estimates by O. B. Lesher of the Unit ed Stntcs geological survey, depart ment of the Interior. The quantity of Pennsylvania anthracite was about 88,- aifllOOO net tons, a decrease of 000,000 tons. Might Get His. "Guess Flubdub won't apply country board next summer." "Why not?" for "Ho was too prominent In the egg boycott to take chances on getting Into tile clutches of a farmer on tho lntter's native heath." Louisville Courier- Journu. All Rich. "I understand Mr. Gnnerby has a great many wealthy patients." "Yes, indeed. Why he thinks noth ing of ordering ten or fifteen to Palm Ucnch In the course of a slnglo dny.K . c There has been No Increase In the price of GrapeNuts Nor Any Decrease In the Size of Package Ffiiiii mm Or Quality Of the Food. INSECTS INFEST GRAIN ellow Meal Worm Found in Stored Flour, Bran, Etc. Easier to Keep Pests Out Than Put Them Out All Granaries Should Be Thoroughly Cleaned How to Prevent Infestation. The yellow menl worm Is often found In stored Hour, incal, bran, nnd other similar miitcrlul. The ndult be- longs to the family known ire the dark ling beetles, because they avoid the light. They do not Infest crops, and are economically Important only ns they occur In stored products Intended for consumption by man or beast. The grubs commonly get their growth by fall or early winter, remain more or less active during the winter .season, Yellow Meal Worm Beetle. and pupate In early spring to emerge several weeks later In tho beetle stage. The meal worm fet'ds on Hour, meal, and even dust and refuse of mills and granaries. Insects of the srnnnry are much more easily kept oat than put out. All places where grain or any of Its prod' ucts are stored should, above all things be kept clean not merely ap patently clcan,.bul actually so. Cracks in the walls nnd floor, for example, may seem to be clean when swept over, but may really be filled with the dust of grain and tlmllar debris nnd thus become n breeding place for a number of grannry insects. Rooms and blnn should, In fact, bo so constructed its to be free from cracks, the walls, floor, and celling smooth, and everything solid nnd snug, No rubbish of any kind should be al lowed to accumulate, either in the building or on adjacent premises. Ev erything should also be done to keep Insects out of tho storehouse. The more Important special meas ures which, used alone or in comblnn- tion niny prevent Infestation by gran ary pests, may be described as fol lows : 1. Small grain slwuld be threshed ind stored as soon after ripening as possible. Wheat should be harvested and threshed directly from the shock If practicable, but if stacked, should not stand in the field longer than Is absolutely necessary. 2. The place Intended for the re eptlon of a crop should be thoroughly cleaned out some time In advance, and If there Is reason to suppose that It has contained granary pests, it should bo fumigated with sulphur. Complete protection against weevils requires that rooms for grain should be made tight, with windows screened nnd doors close-fitting, nnd also that they Bhould be cool and dry. With proper care and some additional expense, any such structure can bo made gas-tight and suitable for the fumigation of its contents with carbon bisulfide, but the need of thorough ventilation should not be left out of account. 3. If it were possible to dry grain from the field artificially at a tem perature of 125 degrees F. for four or five hours, all Insects would be killed and tho grain could then be stored in a thoroughly clean nnd tight place, and safely left until needed for shipment or use. Corn which hnt been shelled dry nnd sacked Is much safer than that left on the enr, whether with or without the husks, Grain stored for seed should bo dried artificially, since It not only keeps better nnd germinates more generally. but It is also less liable to bo eaten by such Insects ns devour the kernel 4. Farmers, seedsmen, and millers should, in buying grain, mnke sure that It is free from insects. FACTS FOR USERS OF LIME Best Applied Just Ahead of Tilled Crop, Such as Corn Needed on Wet and Clay Soils. These are facts for lime users : Lime 1 is best applied Just ahead of a tilled ! crop such as corn. Clay soli needs larger applications j of lime than does sandy soli. ( Wet soil needs larger applications I of lime thnn does well-drained soil. Soils rich In organic matter need more lime than do sandy soils. PATCHY STANDS OF ALFAL7A Thin Crops Result From Poor Seed, Winter Freezing or From 8ome Fungous Dlsvase. Very thin or patchy stands of alfalfa sometimes result from poor seed, win ter freezing or pulling, or from fun gous diseases. Attempts to thicken aud Improve such stands by any meth od of rcseedlnp hnve usually proved unsuccessful. It Is best In such enjes to plow and prepare the seedbed mow, after which the alfalfa should be sown aga's SUCCESS IN FEEDING SHEEP More Use of Bralna Required In Han dling Animals Than In Any Other Line of Agriculture. Mr. C. G. Starr, who buys nnd feeds several thousand lambs each year, in a tnlk to tho Missouri sheep feeders recently, said: To be a successful feeder requires more uso of brains than any other Hue of ngrlculture. "Tho successful feeder must be on tho watch for things to happen In the pons. "Care In being punctual with break fast for lambs will do wonders. ."The greatest troublo we hnve In feeding is to Induce our partners and customers to feed plenty. No ono ever made sheep fat by stunting them. "Lambs really do best in dry lots when the feeding begins too late to use green blades of corn and grass. They have n disposition to wander nnd will not stay with the feed unless more or less closely confined. "Enough troughs should be provided for grain feeding so that all can feet nil the grain they desire. "The water should always be fresh and clean ; have plenty of It in troughs so that sheep can easily drink. "Plenty of corn Is nlways needed. Cottonseed menl is very useful, espe cially when silage Is used. A pound of sllago per head per day Is about enough." STRETCHER FOR WOVEN WIRE Problem That Average Fence Builder Has Trouble In Solving Pat ent of Indiana Man. Stretching woven wire so that It will remain tight for yenrs Is a problem, nnd one that the average fence bvjlder has trouble In solving. Hero is. the patent of nn Evnnsvllle, Ind., invontor, Parallel side flanges of 2 by 4 are chan neled on their Inner faces to receive the end of the fence to be stretched, A horizontal screw passes through the rectangular nut between the two pnrnllel uprights. A crank handle nl lows the operator to rotate the screw, and the block on the end of It presses Wire Stretcher. against a post and forces the stretch er away from the post, tightening tho fence in the act. Thus, tho entire height of the woven wire receives a steady and even pull, so that it tight ens uniformly. Farming Business. REPAIRS WILL SAVE MONEY On Average Farm There Is No Well Equipped Shop for Making Necessary Alterations. (By W. W. CARLSON, Kansas Aurlcul tural Collctro.) On the average American farm thero is no satisfactory place to make tho necessary repairs and Improvements to the machinery and buildings which are so vital to the success and comfort of tho people. During the winter months when there usually is considerable idle time, the needed repnlrs can bo made and many dollars saved. Besides, there is probably nothing that will be of greater Interest to the Ingenious boy and boys, are all more or less Ingenious than to be provided with a nent, well-equipped shop where he will be free to a certain extent to develop his constructive talents. The development may be rather crude at first, but with good tools und suitable surroundings It will not be long until he will be .constructing many useful articles aud making vnl uable repairs. Moreover, he will be developing the industrial side of his nature, a point that must not be over looked." MAKING GRAIN SACK HOLDER Old Milk Can, With Bottom Knocked Out and Tipped Upside Down Is Handy Farm Device. Knock the bottom from an old milk can nnd tip It upside down. Take n piece of pine bonrd 1 by 2 by 3 and drive a two-Inch nnll through the middle. Lay this on the flnring rim of the can X 1 - - HUM CAH 1 I irgxaiona P""t I 1 ' x N Grain Sack Holder. with nail pointing up and insert two three-fourths Inch Bcrews from under side. This holds the sack, says a writ er in Tho Farmer Nail tho can to n 2 by 4 and hang or nail up anywhero right height for n sack and you can till your sacks brimful alone. FARM TREAT TURKEX FOR CHOLERA Isolate Affected Birds In House Re- mote From Other Poultry Build Ings Give Creolln. Tho word Is used to cover n num ber of Intestinal disorders, but chol- crn Is n contagious germ disease and Is practically Incurable. Plnco all birds which show any symptoms ol tho disease In n house rcmoto from other poultry buildings and ono which can bo ensily and thoroughly disin fected. Givo tho birds n few drops ol creolln or sulpho-nnpthol In thclt drinking water, Just enough to turn It faintly milky. Givo tho birds a ono- thousandth of a grain tnblet of cor rosive sublimate every threo hours. .Feed spnrlngly on soft easily digested food. All badly affected birds should bo killed by a blow on tho head with out drawing blood nnd then burned. Bake up nnd burn nil litter used In tho houso and runs occupied by In fected birds. Spray the runs nnd all parts of tho building with n creolln or sulpho-nnpthol solution, ono table spoonful to two gallons of wnter. Tho runs should nlso bo plowed frequently. PICK FEATHERS FROM GEESE Best Time Is When Operation Does Not Draw Blood Dry Feathers Before Marketing. Tho best tlmo to pick geeso Is when picking tho feathers will not draw tho blood ; this Is usually Just before molt ing time. Some mnke a practice of picking tho geese twice n year, but this is not a Just Geese. good practice, as it depletes tho vitality of the geese, and unfits them for good service ns breeders. After the feathers havo been picked, they should bo spread out to dry, after which they aro ready for tho market. FEEDING MILK TO CHICKENS According to Nebraska Experiment Station Practice Will Double Production of Eggs. Tho use of milk in feeding chickens will double egg production, according to tho poultry section of tho Nebraska experiment station at Lincoln. "The hen never lays an egg until all tho In grcdlcnts necessary for tho complcto development of n chick uro present," the station announced. 'Since tho egg contnlns protein ns well as carbohydrates, any amount of carbohydrates fed In the form of grain will not offset tho necessity of protein, Milk given to tho birds, either as a drink, or In tho form of wet mash, will double egg yields. Commercial moat scrap is of equal -value, and may be substituted when milk cannot be ob talnod." OYSTER SHELL IS VALUABLE It Is Not Fed to Poultry for Purpose of Supplying Grit, but as Material for Egg Shell. Oyster shell in fed to chickens for tho production of cgj; shells nnd not for grit ns somo persons think, ac cording to R. M. Sherwood, acting head of tho department of poultry bus bnndry In tho Knnsns State Agricul tural college. Approximately 00 per cent of tho oyster shell fed laying hens Is con verted Into egg shell, which has n zhcmlcnl composition almost Identical with that of the original shell. Clam shells nnd lime, nlthough of practically tho samo composition, are not as ap petizing to tho chickens and no arc not as valuable as tho oyster shells. RIGHT MALES FOR BREEDING 8ave Those of Large, Vigorous Type, Showing Well-Developed Breast and Strong Bone. Cull out the buJo roosters. Males of large, vigorous type, showing well duveloped breast, strong bone, largo comb and wattles and bright cyeu Bhould bo held for breeding purposes, Crow heads, long bunks and weak legs Indicate a lack of constitutional vigor nnd aro usually found in poor pro ducers. Hold tho late-molting hen. Sell tho early-molting hen, the persistent or all nummer sitter, nnd tho ovcrfnt hen. Sell the Immature pullets, or runts, anil,:ivt' only tin- best Never bieod uSSBaM Fallen In His Estimation. Mrs. FlaMmsh Didn't you sny your husband sod to llko tho Ico nnd snow? Mrs. Uensonhurst Oh, yes. "Well, I s,nw him today, nnd he seemed to be down on It." One lighted gas Jet consumes as much oxygon ns five ndult persons. TO MVE LONG! A recipe given by a famous physician for long lifo was: "Keep tho kidnoys in good order I Try to eliminate tnru tno skin nnd intestines tho poisons that othcrwiBo clog tho kidneys. Avoid eat ing meat ns much as posslblo ; avoid too much salt, niconoi, tea. Try a mine nnu vegctnblo diet. Drink plenty of water, and exercise so you sweat tho skin helps to eliminate tho toxlo poisons and urio acid." For those past mlddlo lifo, for thoso easily recognised symptoms of inflam mation, as backache, scalding "water," or if uric acid in tho blood has caused rheumatism, "rusty" joints, stiffness, get Anuria nt the drug storo. This is a wonderful eliminator ot urio acid nnd was discovered by Dr.Picrcoof Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. If your druggist docs not keen it send 10 cento to Dr. Pierce for trial package and you will Una that it is many times moro potent than lithia and ttint it dissolves urio acid as hot wnter docs sugar. For restaurant uso cups and saucers that can be stacked for Bafc carrying Have been designed. Important to Mothers Examine carefully ovory bottle of OASTOItIA that famous old remedy for Infants and children, nnd see that It Bears tho Signature In Uso for Ovor SO Tears, Children Cry for Flotchcr'B Castoria Getting Her Own Back. "So the lawyers got about nil of tho estate. Did Edith get anything?" "Oh, yes j she got one of tho law yers." ACTRESS TELLS SECRET. A well known actress .gives tho follow ing reclpo for gray hair: To half pint of water add 1 02. Day num. a small box or Barbo Compound, and VI or. of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at nomo at vory utiio cost, directions for making and uso como In each box of Dnrbo Compound. It will gradually darken stroakid, faded gray lmlr, nnd make It soft and glossy. It will not color the scalp, is not sticky or greasy, and does not rub off. Adv. Didn't Need It. Tho farm hands wero taking turns nt tho pump for their morning wnsh, All scrubbed off except tho new man. "Joe," said tho boss, "aren't you go ing to wnsh up this morning?" "Shucks I" wns tho reply. "It don't make me dirty to sleep." Pathfinder. The Quinine That Does Not Cause Nervousness or Ringing in Head Because of its Tonic and Laxative effect, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE can bo taken by anyone without causing nervousness or ringing in the head. It removes tho cause of Colds, Grip and Headache. Used whenever Quinine is needed. hut remember there is OnSy Onm "Bromo Quinine" That is the Original Laxative Bromo This Signature Canadian Farmers Profit From Wheat Yon, can get a Homestead of 1GO acres FREE and other lands at remarkably low prices. During many years Canadian wheat fields havo avtraRed 20 bushels to the aero many yielda wonaertui crops also 01 uais, naney ana riax. Mixed f armlnff as nrofltabla an Industry as Brain rals. Ing The excellent food required for beef churches, markets an exira demand for (arm labor to replaoethu many roup man who taaro volunteered for the war. The (lorurntutir Miiitarr tames is or farm 1 liintori Is urging farmers to for literature and rartlcnlara as to rmtuceU rallnar rates to Suiu of Immigration, has three members you should know if you desire to enjoy life 1. Tho popular liquid form of Pcrunn the reliable tonleoftho American household, vrlth a lonfl history of success in treatlntf all catarrhal difficulties. 2. Tho tablet form, which is mado after the same formulary and Is more convenient for many. 3. Manolln. tho Ideal laxative, by tho regular use of which constipation rosy bo overcome nut natural action restored, Mnlln has no habit forming drug, but Is an aid to nature. Your drult has all three. So many thousands have received benefit from tho uso of one or both these remedies that they are n recoftnlzrd port of the equipment of every careful household. TIIE PERUNA COMPANY WraVw, Oils An Unsettled Question. Llttlo Lemuel Say, paw, does "lion." In front of a man's nnmo mean that ho Is honest? Paw Sometimes it does, son, nnd then again sometimes It doesn't. Coal miners In Georgln have ro celved 10 per cent Ipcronso In pay. NOTHINQ STANDS AS 111011, as a remedy for every womanly allmont, as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It's tho only raodlclno for women certain In Its effects. "Favorite Proscription" la an Invigorating, restorative tonic, a soothing and strengthening nervine, and a complcto euro for all tho functional derangements, painful dlsordors, ana chronic weaknesses peculiar to tho sex. For young girls Jus entering womanhood ; for women at tho critical time; nursing mothors; and every woman who is run-down," tired or overworked -It Is a special, safe, and certain holp. Dr. Plorco's Pleasant Pellets rcgulata nnd Invlgorato stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to tuko as candy. How to prcsorvo hnnlth and beauty la told In Doctor Plorco's Common Sense Medical Advisor. It Is free. Send Dr. Plorco, Buffalo, N. Y., four dimes, of stamps, to cover wrapping nnd mailing. In Dress. "You .sny your wife Is economical? Gcot Look nt tho clothes sho wears 1" "Yes, but look at tho clothes she. doesn't wear." GAVE HIS CANE AWAY! Mr. S. P. Benton, Kerrvlllo, Texas, writes: "For several years prior to 1000 I suffered from kidney nnd rheu mntlc troubles. Was bent over nnd forced to uso si enno. For these disorders I am glad to say I used Dodd's Kidney Pills, which proved to bo tho proper remedy. I am 04 yenrs old, feel fl n 0 nnd once again stand as straight as an arrow. Dodd'a Kld noy Pills deservo great credit." B suro nnd get "DODD'8," tho name with tho threo D's for diseased, disor dered, deranged kidneys; Just as Mr, Benton did. No similarly named article; will do. Adv. Not Long Enough to Reach Here. Bill I seo by this paper that China has the longest Nntlonul hymn. Jill Ever hear It? "Oh, no. I'vo never been over there." "Well, It can't bo so awful long If I It hasn't reached hero yet." limine on Every Box Vmad ih World Ovatp to Oura m Oeef o r In Onm Dmy. mOOm ft The war's devastation of European crops has caused an unusual demand forgrain from the American Conti nent The people of the world must be fed and wheat near $2 a bushel offers great profits to the farmer. Canada's invitation is therefore especially attractive. She wants settlers to make money and happy, prosperous homes for themselves by helping her rsite immense wheat crops. as high as 45 bushel to the acre. I. "-I Blv A.ft grasses full of nutrition aro the .only or dairy purposes. Good schools. convenient, climate excellent. . notonupui (arm labor itwir-il for j nut intra noi compulsory mcanoaa, cut morula put ultra aeroa Into grain. Write Ottawa, 0oua4a, or W. V. BENNETT Room 4, Moo Dld(j., Omaha. Neb, Canadian lovernmcnt A cut from Jlsrnveil Mori;.