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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1917)
I DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Oflice over the McDonuld State Bunk. CITY A$T) COUNTY NEWS. HdWard Brown nceapted a position yeat4rda5r, -rith the Oasis. . rock, Dentist, ovor Stono Drug Paul Nolan spent the woek end with relatlvos In Grand Island. C. 0- Sbuaer who vlsltod his family last week, left for Omaha Sunday. For quick action mid sntlsfnctosy salo list your land nllli Thoclecko. if Allan Atchison visited with frionda In Grand Iui&njl the lattor part of last weok. Dr. Marie Ames returned last evon ing from Omaha .liore she spent last week. Mrs. Bllzaboth Young was called to Wallace Saturday morning by the Ill ness of a friend. Miss Elizabeth Weir returned the . latter' part of last week from a visit In Grand Island Mrs. Hull, wife of Rev. Hull, who has beon vory ill for two weeks, 13 much improved. For Sale Several good Poland , China Boars. Inquire of W. W. Birge. William Stack, Jr., who visited his family last week, returned to Hastings Sunday aftornoon. M. E. Scott left yesterday morning for the. western part of the state to transact business. Jack Thornburg returned Sunday evening from Grand Island where lie spent the past week. Joseph' Plelstlcker, of Dickens, spent the week end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Plelstlcker. Mr. ani Mrs. C. Johnston are - moving Into the Fowles apartment re. cently vacated "by J. W. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ellison have been called to Callaway by the Ill ness pf Mr. Ellison's grandfather. For Farm Loans see or write Gene Crook, room 3, Waltemath building, North Platte. ' 41tf Mr. and Mrs- Georgo Schaffer left yesterday morning for Ogalalla to at tend the funeral of tho latter's sis ter. Mr- and Mrs. Elmer Owens and chil dren, who were visiting in Grand Is land with relatives, havp returned home. Miss Anna McLane, of Cozad, who was, .visiting her- brother Charles Mc Lane and fmaily, left yesterday af ternoon. Joseph Stackhouse returned to Wal lace Sunday evening after viiiiting Mrs. Stackhouse, who is ill in a local hospital. Mrs. Ralph Smith and children re turned Sunday afternoon from Kear ney whero they visited with relatives last week. Charles Weir came up from Grand Island Sunday evening and will make arrangements to move to that city this weok. William Hallem, of Paxton, came down tho latter part of last weok to visit local friends and will probably locate here. Mrs. Martin Cowc, of Atwood, Col. formerly of this city, came-a few days ago to visit her mother Mrs. A. S. Chamberjaln for ten days. W. H. "Sowle, of the county treas urer's offico is enjoying a visit from his mother Mrs- George Sowle, who ar rived last week from Buffalo, N. Y. Fiirra and Itanch lonns ni lowest rates arid best terms. Money on hand to close loans promptly. 43tf BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. Methodist aid meeits next "Friday afternoon in tho Prosbyturian base ment. Mesdamt!s Scott Kelso, Red .rnond, Reynolds and Bangs will as sist. In serving- A good attendance is desired. Arthur Bullard, vho' has beon on the Mexican border with Co. E, Fifth Ne braska, Is now enrau to homo and will nrrivo tomorrow night or Thursday. Hq secured a furlough and started hoino in advance of the regiment. J. A Doucet, Artistic Piano Tuner, all work guaranteed. Factory exper ience. Rosldenco 1011 East 4th street. Phono Black 578. Headquarters at tho W. R. Maloney piano and furnlturo store. 3-4 Mrs. L. P. Stono, of Lexington, who visited ' her sistor Mrs. Robert High for several days, left yesterday aftor ynoon. She was onrouto homo from Den. vor whero she rocelvod a silver trophy for tho bent exhibit of bronzo turkeys at the stock show held. there last w&ck- Mrs- F. E. Bullard and daughtor MlsS Virginia will leave tho lattor part of this week tor Tampa whore they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Fred War ren for tho remainder of tho winter. In April they will join Mr. Bullard and tho boys on the farm at Willow Springs, Mo. In tho "Eternal Grind," tho Para mount feature showing at tho Keith tnniiht. in nrnsonted a story of an indomitablo will battling against any nthis. Marv P ckforu appears as a victim of circumstances, as an Imma- . ... ..... . 1. nn.s.nnrV lUrO CnilU WUOUI UUU u uiniuuuu upon as a football to be kicked about at will. Mrs. Loatha Armstrong, ago twenty six wifo of Richard H. Armstrong, of Ogalalla, died at a local hospital Sat urday evening after a month's Illness. Tho remains were taken to Ogalalla for Interment Sunday morning. She loaves to mourn her a husband, four children, parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ArmBtrnnir. of Roscoo. brother Fred Armstrong and sister Mrs. Georgo Schaffer or this city. city A$n coip: nktts Mr. George R. Smltlf returned Sun day morning from Denver. Miis Paullnp Baldoclfl vlslwd frUmls In Paxton Saturday anjl Sunday. ur. Aiorrm, Dontist. Dr. J. B. Rwlflold vftii called to Pax ton on professional buslnoss Sunday. Deputy Sheriff George F. Helsor, of Ogalalla, spnt yesterday hero on bus- in 088. Dick Baker returned' lo Stanl&ton Friday evening after vljsltlng horo for several days. Harry Cramor wts onllod to Crnig, Col., last week by tho serious Illness of his sistor. Shorlff A. J. Salisbury returned Sunday evening from a buslnoss visit In Hastings. For Rent Five room house on Lin coln avenue, raoilorn except heut. Phone Black 220. Mrs. Royal Ericsson, of Brady, vis ited the Burkp family and other rela tives hera this weok. Georgo Hatfield oamo down from his Keith county ranch yost-erday to visit friends and rolatlvos. The stato convention of city super intendents will bo held . here on Fri day and Saturday of this woek. For Sals Modern five room cot tage, GG foot lot, reasonable. Call 908 oast Fifth, phono Rcd,G81. 5-2 Mrs. Brtrt Naporsteck. who spent several Weeks visiting (relatives In Salt Lake City, returned home lust evening, A vory neat and attractive sanitary drinking fountain was installed yes terday at the cormj: of Dewey and Fifth streets. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Deats are re joicing oveh the arrival of a baby boy of regulation weight at their home yes terday intVrnlng. A warrant was sworn out by John Fay Saturday for tho arrest of Wil liam Nunn for assault and battery. Nunn left town that evening. Miss Alleon Gantt has returned from Omaha and Lincoln where sho attend ed the convention of county superin tendents and visited relatives- Emmett 'Ennls, of Williams, Ariz., who will bo married hero on February 7th to Miss Maud Owens, will irrlv,J in this city Saturday aftornoon. Mrs- M. P. Munslnger of Wayne, who spent a week in town visiting at tho homo of hor slstjr Mrs. R. A. Gar- man, returned homo Friday evening. Last Friday wheat sold for $1.7G In tho local market,, hogs for $10.50 and corn around ninety cents. On tho same day twenty years ago hogs sold for ?2.G0. A small Arc In the barn nt the Met tln home on west Fourth street was extinguished by tho flro department Sunday afternoon before any serious damage resulted. A letter received In town yesterday stated that Rev. J. C. Christie, late of this city, had sustained two frac tured ribs Saturday when he fell near his homo In Edgiir. Tyrone Frazldr entertained a num ber of Jier young playmates yesterday afternoon in honor of her tenth birth day. The little folks spent a pleasant afternoon in games. Mr. and Mrs- Martin Jung and chil dren, of .Palmer,' who have been visit ing Mrs. Jung's sisters Mrs. Harry York and Mrs. Oscar Sandall, will leave the lattor part of this week. Peter Ericsson, of Cottonwood, who has bee'n suffering with oxzema came to town yesterday to take treatment1 for a week dr ton drlys- , Ho was, brought up by his nephow Royal Er- lesson. I Saturday, Sunday and yesterday were certainly fine winter days, tho temperature poirmltflng opon doors In business houses. We aro not haz arding a prediction as to how long tho dollhtful weathor will continue. Mr. and Mrs. Spltzer, of Sterling, visited fclr several days past with Mrs. Zella Van Brocklin and Mrs. Jake Mang while enroute home from their wedding trip to eastern points. Mrs- Spltzer was formerly Miss Jessie Van Brocklin of this city. Tho six-yea old son of Sam Filbert, of Medicine proclnot, was brought to town yesterday to havo an operation performed for appendicitis. The con dition of tho boy is such that the op oration may be delayed for sovoral days. ' All tho music of nil the world, and most df tho fun of It, too, is yours the moment you 'own a Columbia Crafa nola. HARRY DIXON,, tho Jeweler. No ono thing -gives so much ploas i re to so many people for so long a time, at so, little cost, as a Columbia Grafanola. HARRY DIXON, the Jow elar. He bought his wife as a painting, for tho ornament sho would bo to his houso. Sho didn't know It until ono night in a pique, he called her his chattel. Thon to clear her name and the name of hor father she pawned her jewols and bought her froedom. Touched by this display of Independ ence ho sees his wife's sterling qual ities, slashos tho priceless painting, "Tho Chattel," and replaces it with a -aiming of his wife. Truo lovo had forged his will. Dramatic, only an E- II. Sothorn can make, "Tho Chattel" is dynamically charged with compel ling Interest. Poggy Hyland, tho Eng lish actress, appears as tho wife. This feature will be shown at tho Keith Wednesday night. U MILK IN WINTER. Why 'do your cows give less milk In winter than they do In summer? Just becauso nature does not eupply them with grasses nnd green food. But wo havo come to tho assistance of Dame Naturo with B. A. ThoniaV Stock Remedy which contains tho vory In gredients that tho greon feed supplies in season, only, of course, In a more highly concentrated form. Wo guar antee that this romody will make your cows glvo moro milk, and bettor milk, with tho samo feed. Sold by Dorry berry & Forbos. J31 . WftMa-SK. ,vSt The doien floats, which will bo a feature of North Platte's wml-eenten- niul celebration, will represent Uie At velopment of the wost. The first will 'be tjho -.fepresenitayon df tho nrltl plains, with the Indians and buffalo, thon tho plonaers and1 gold sobkor crossing the plains, followed in turn by tho rancher and his cattle, the homesteader and his sod house, then 'tlie fields of corn and wheat, and the" the improved fnjnus and farm houses. a serial picture of from tho beginning to tho present Those float will be aloe. trlnlly lighted and will 'provo qulto a feature; in fact th floats promise to, comparo favorably with the Ak-Snr- Bon floats in Omaha. . i ;o. . l - I I. A It. Jlectliiir. I Owing to tho dlnnor to bo glvon by tho Twonti&th Century club for the Btnte meeting of city superintendents, tho meeting of Sioux Lookout chap ter of th D. A. , will bo held at the homo of Mrs. T. C. Patt6rson Thurs day evening, Februnry 1st, nt 7:30. lnapt-lntr f 7? IB UmlMibii Meedamee T- C. Pntorson, 6. II. Plum j or, L. L. Walker and Miss Edith Pat terson. Program: Roll -call, suggestions for futuro work of Sioux Lookout Chapter; Mary S. Lockwood's story of Hannah Arnott, Miss Edith Patter son; review of D A. R. magazine, EllE abeth Hinmnn; society of the Cincin nati, Mrs. hidings; ton questions on stato bv-laws; lines from an old scrap book, Mrs. Nettle Reynolds. : :o::- Wc Lend, Others Follow. Tho Sebastian old lino life agoncy has w ritten $42,500 up to dntosfor Jan uary. Get your policy now on the monthly pay plan. -::o:: Itccord Price Mr Feeders. Native iNebraska feeders sold on tho South Omaha mairkot yesterday for $10 por hundred, tho highest price over paid on that market. H. L. Wil liams of Gothenburg wns in yestorday with flvo loads, which averaged a l!t tlo over 1,100 pounds, rom white faced bulls and short. horn cows, nil raised on Mr. Williams' 9G ranch at Gothen burg. : :o: : Frank Mnxcy Dies. Frank Maxey, of Sterling, Colo., who wsa catcher on tho local base ball team last season, died suddenly a few days ago- Fdr somo time ho had been omployed as Union Pacific brakemnn west of Sterling and was found dead In the caboose of tho train on which he was working. Death was duo to haart disease. liritxkin Two automobiles, and Braft, Good' man ,Ss Buckley pay the losses. Is your car Insured by tlicmi CITY AND COUNTY NEWS Hogs sold In tho South Omaha mar ket yestorday at $11.50. Not strange that you must 'pay thirty cents for. a couplo thin slices of bacon.- John F. Favinger and Ethel Eliza beth Detty, of Wallace, ware manrled at the court house by County Judge French Satui'day afternoon. Contractor Flfzgorald, who -wilt orect tho Twlnem building, Is losing no timo in getting the work started- A sang oi men and teams began exca vating for the basement and founda tion yo3torday. W. C. Roso was injured Sunday ov oning at midnight while passing over tho Locust street crossing in his car. Tho gates struck tho wind shield oi his auto, splintering tho glass. Mr. Rose vas Injured on tho aco and sev eral stitches were required In his Hps. Mrs. M- II. Douglas returned yester. day from Rochester, Minn., whero sho had tukeh ilttlo Dorothy Armstrong for examination at the Mayo Bros, hospital. The examining physicians proscribed local treatment that they predicted would eventually result In Dorothy regaining her normal condi tion. No, Clarice, It Is not tho Intention, when admitting Indies Into membership of they old settlors' nssocltloan, to re quire thenr to stato tho date when they located in town, as in tho case of an unmarried lady who has long been here, It might provo embarrassing as to age So far as we aro personally concornod wo will evor defend tho fair oven with our lif-a'3 blood. ; President Wllaon yesterday ap 'foved the senate resolution which places every postmaster in tho coun try under civil service. This means that if tho measure passes those hold ing offico can romain in office indefi nitely unless removed for viilatlon of the rules or inepmpotoncy, regardless of changes In political administra tions. , ' ? ::o:: DOUBLY PROVEN. North LlatoHeadfrs Can no Longer Doubt tho Evidence. This North Platto cltlzon testified long ago. Told of quick rollef of undoubted benefit. Tho facts are now confirmed. 6uch tostlmony Is complete tho ovldenco conclusive. It forms convincing proof of morlt. Thomas McGovorn, farmer; 409 E. Tenth St., North Platto, says: "I havo used Doan's Kldnoy Pills off and on for a good many years, whonevor I havo become afflicted with kldnoy trouble from ovor-exertlon and pains and aches have come In my kidneys and back. At times I folt so bad with stiffness of my back that I couldn't straighten up in the morning. Donris Kldnoy Pills, procured from Rcxall Drug Store, havo always given mo re lief." Tho abovo statement was given Au gust 2, 1910", and on June 2, 191G, Mr. McGovorn added: "I still uso Doan's Kidney Pills 'whenever I fool my kid neys nro not in good condition. They novor fall to dtrivo off .any troublo and keep mo In good health. 50c. at all dealers. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y, COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS January 24, 1917. Board of county commtMlonors met. present Springer and Hormlnghuuten till Mntuitlf rt'Arr ' ' v mm mux, utui rw Tho following claims were allowed: Jane Keller, euro of county noor. $10, J. Ifi. Jeffers, repairs. at cdunty Jail, J. M. Ballard, agent freight, $S.37. Poter Qually, daningoe Road No. 11, $860.00- Yieonisu rent of hall for oloetlon, $5. School Dlst. 39. ront of house for lection. $1.00. School Diet No. 81, ront or house for oloetlon, $4.00. S. A. Thomas, rant of house for election. $6.00. School Dlst. No. 2. ront ot house for election, $4 00. 15. R. ComBock rent of house for eloctloli $4.00. Howe & Maloney casket for poor, $80.00. IIowo & Maloney mer'chandlso nnd ensket for poor, $04.9G. v Otto Ryan, wltnoss fees, $10.10. W. R. Mnlonoy services ns coroner, $10.00. Simon Bros-, ropnlrs to tractor, $G.30. W. R. Maloney, services ns coronor, $30.50. School Dlst No. 9, house for olec tlon, $8.00. School Dlst No. 20, house for elec tion, $4.00. School Dlst. No- 31, houso for oloe tlon $4.00. E. E. Brownell, houso for election, $5.00. W, R. Maloney, services as coronor, $20.00. Howe & Maloney, casket for poor, $35.00- M. W. A. lodge, hall for election, $10.00. C. W- Thomas, houso for election, $4. Howe & Maloney, mdso., $12.42. W R. Maloney, sorvlcos ns coroner, $10.50. W R. Maloney, services ns coronor. 310.00. Merchant Adding Mnchlno Co., $250. Baptist church, hall rent for olec tlon, $4.00. Yeomen, hall rent for election, $5. School Dlst- No. 15, hall rent for election, $8.00. Howe & Maloney, ensket for poor $30.00. Howe & Maloney, mdse. for poor, $3Sl.G0. -Adjourned to January 25 1917. A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk January 25, 1917 Board of county commissioners met, present Springer and Ilormlnghausen and county clerk, Tho following claims .wore nllowod: J. C- Wilson, brldgo work, $7,50. Dlenor & Fleishman, mdse for poor, $17.25. Wallace Winner, printing, $10.00. R jRasmusson, mdse. for county poor. $42.00. Adjourned -to Jnnuary 29, 1917. A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk : :o: : For Salo Cheap An electric bath robo 3G5 Silver Gorman wire in good condition. Call 70. 4-2 Specialist Coming. The Specialist, . . of Omaha, Neb., Late of New York Hospital will be in NORTH PLATTE, NEB., February 9th and 10th, at the Timmerman Hotel. Consultation nnd Kxiinilnnf Ion Free. Lady nurse In attendance for assist ance with women and children. Mod orn equipment In ovory respect for ex. aminatlon and treatment. Best elec trical appliances known for treatment with modorn appliances. Wo carry our own X-Ray Mnchlno for Examination and troatmont. SPECIALTIES; Chronic Catarrh, Hoadachofl, Inflam ed Eyes, Enlarged Tonsils, Adonolds of Children, Noso Throat and Ear trouble, all Chronic Troubles Peculiar to Womon, Ulcor of tho Stomach, Chlronlc Dyspopsin, Iiidlgoa.tion, In tostinal Catarrh, Bowel Inflammation, all Nervous Disorders, Nouorltis, Paralysis, etc., Chronic Kidney and Bladder 'Troubles. Wo havo tho most up to date treatment of Rheumatism known. Massago and Swedish move merits, combined with oloctrlcal stirn ulatlon. , AVo (iiinrtiiitco Satisfaction. No incurablo diseases takon. If you or yours aro suffering consult us. It costw you nothing1 for a thorough scientific examination and opinion. COMEDY Keith Theatre Every Monday and Thursday Auxiliary Elects Officers. At a special meotlng of tho G. I. A. to the B. ot L. IS. held Fridny nfter noon tho following officers were elect ed and Instnllod: Presldirtit Mrs P. A. Norton; vice presdent, JlW. C Paulson; secretary, Mm. H. A. Uw hend; treasure, Mrs- John Strahorn; insu-mnco secrolhry, Mrs. Ida Tnrk Ington; guide. Mm. W. L. Rlehards; sontlnel. Mro. M. Hoelier; marshal. Mrs. Troxler; pillars. Mendfuues Jos. Muf.phy, John Welnbergor, F Bret leriuid R, Bunnell. We Are Always Ready to Talk with you about your building plans, furnish estimates on your lumber and material bills, and to impart any information we may be able tb give. We don't expect an order every time you hove in sight, and will just naturally be glad to see you at any time. ' Coates Lumber & Coal Co. North Platte, Nebr. , LISTEN! Mu Just arrived, 2,000 copies of the Century Edition of Music. Also a lot of popular music. Pianos Pianos Pianos Pianos Kimballs, Smith & Barnes, McPhail, Etc. Phonographs Phonographs Phonographs THE BRUNSWICKI The Phonograph .that plays all makes of disc records, Flime WALKER Keith Theatre Building. frlt.iJtflil'H 1 1 ill C3 MILTONBERGER & LEININGER, Real Estate and Insurance. Collections a Specialty. Will look after renting your property at reasonable rates. Phone Black 550 and we will call and see you.' We are after yoyr business. Notary and Justice of the Electee I. L. Miltonberger & C. H. Leininger Mutual Building OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. ASSETS $840,000.00- To Prospective Building & Loan Borrowers; Non-resident Building & Loan Companies are adver tising the fact that they have rcducqd the monthly payments of borrowers to $1.10 per month on each $100.00 borroVed, making the monthly payment the same as the Mutual Build; tag & Loan Association of North Platte. They fail to state that of the $1.10 paid to the non-resident company, there is only thirty-five cents credited as a principal payment, the, balance seventy-five cents being taken fpr interest. Of the $1.10 monthly payment to this association on each $100.00 borrowed sixty cents is for interest and fifty cents is credited as a principal payment. This difference in the amount credited the borrower will result in the borrower in the non-resident company be ing compelled to pay not less than $25.00 more on each $100.00 borrowed in order to discharge the debt than they would if they were dTing the business with this Association. Mutual Building & Loan Association OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Miss Jnnot McDonald hns.woit On of tho two music scholarships oftorud for proficiency by Vnssar college, of which sho is a student- In view of the Imnions registration at Vassnr, tho honor won by Mias McDonald l cortninly vory complimentary. ::o.: Furnlturo Salo Dmn Bowkor offers his household good for salo. All In excellent condi tion. Trlco reasonable. Call morn ings or evenings nfter 7:30. 3-2 usic I Music M hop I MUSIC CO. & Loan Ass n. v