The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 30, 1917, Image 4

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Next to life itself Sight is the most valuable thing you
To do the most cOicient work, to get the moit enjoyment out
of life, you need your eyes in the best posaiblo condition.
The first indications of cyo trouble should have your immedi
ate attention. Such troubles often come on so gradually that
they are not realized at first, but as soon as recognized thoy
should bo attended to, as eye defects .continue to grow worse if
neglected .
The most common troubles ore the results of eyestrain, which
is exceedingly prevalent. Unless the strain is promptly relieved
permanent injury to the eyes is likely to result, and merely be
cause of neglect for a time a person may suffer a life-long handicap
of poor sight.
c. s. clinton;
Presbyterian Minister
Life Work Counsellor
Olllco at Chgrch 8:00 to 12;00
Phono Rod 112
Res. 015 W. Bib, Phone Mk. 003.
Attnrnnv Pnrl TTnllmnn lina crnnn to
Omaha to spend soveral days on busi
ness. Miss Fern Doiph has been visiting
friends In Gothenburg for several
Edmund Brccso will appear at the
Crystal tonight In the fcaturo "The
Spdll of the Yukon."
A baby girl was born Friday. to Mr.
and Mrs. M. E. Hall. AH concerned aro
doing nicely-
h. 1 Walker has roturnod from Chi
cagb'whero ho spont two weoks trans
Fred Ilector, who has boon visiting
relatives In Lomaa for a week, will ro-1
turn this 'ovonlng. -
Julius Conull loft this morning forj
Denver to transact business and vtelt
with friends for a "wc-ck. ' -.' j
Mrs. V, McFarland, of Lexington,
came . Saturday morning to visit with
Mri'and1 Mrs. Goorgo Fratcr.
I now havo funds at GV6 per cent on
choice, bottom nnd tnblo land. Gone
Crook, Rooms 3-4, Wultomath Bldg.
Van Lawronco, who wont to Omaha
last woolc to attend tho funeral of tho
lute Earl Hamilton, has returned home.
Mr. mud Mrs. E. A. GarllcliB oxpect
to Hoavo shortly for Missouri whore
thoy will nwko their home on n farm.
Judga II. M. Gflnioa returned Friday
ovonlng from Oshkosh, where ho spont
last weok holding court for Jutlgo Ho
bart. Miss Ellon McCarthy, 'who 1ms boon
visiting In Florida with rolntlvos for
sovoral weoks, Is expected to return
jioxt week.
Flvo your old bay Porchoron Btal
Uon, weight 1,850 and sound In ovory
particular, Address V. II, Wafer,
Brady,, Nob., "phono 9803. 3-4
W. A. Skinner roturnod Friday af
ternoon from Omaha whoro ho ylsltod
Mrs, Skinner who had an operation
poi'formed In n hospital thoro laBt
wook, Flvo largo tumors woro removed-
vuiuiucnir a. u. uuwura is nui omyi
ontltled to momljorHhlp In tho old sot-
tiers' association, but ho has tho, dis
ltnctlon of having been tho first whlto
child hoax In North Platto. This oc
curred In 1800.
South Park Poultry Yard
R. C. Rhode Island Reds
It. Is' with no little plcosuro that
I make my offerings of this stook of
rloh.rcds Jthls your. My 1910 buslnoss
oxcoedod nny provious year and a host
of satisfied customors lias brought
no llttlo satisfaction to mysolf I am
only sorry that I was unable to 1111
all orders for stock and eggs roceived.
I have 30 splendid cocks and cockorols
ready for salo which I am proud to
Bhow, oven bettor than 1 expected,
In answor-to tho pointed Question?
put to Judgo Smlly In tho prcsonce
of tho association officers as to which
was tho most popular of all breeds,
replied very promptly The, Hods by
Far, j will have eggs for hatching
,nftor 'Fob'. ICth. t
Miss Graco Carmlchol vlsltod with
friends in Paxton for sovoral days
For Rent 4 room house at 315 Sor
Chestnut. Inquire of T. Slmants, 303
So. Chestnut. Ctf
Mrs- Joseph Quinn has returned
from Omnha whoro sho took medical
treatment for a weok.
Headquarters for Window glass.
Roprcsontntivo Scott Reynolds camo
up from Lincoln Friday night and re
mained until Sunday night.
Fred Ginnap, of Gaslln precinct, ono
of tho old timers of that section,
transacted business in town Saturday.
Misses Elva Day and Esthor
Schwalgor, of tho Kearney 'Normal,
spent tho wook ond with their parents.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
Mr. and Mrs 'V. E. McFarland, of
Lexington, woro guests at tho George
I'Tatcr homo tho later part of last
Attornoy hn Mrs. R. P. Ilallgan re
turned Saturday evening from eastern
points whoro they Bpcnt their honeymoon.
Mrs. John N. Boycr. who had beon
taking medical treatment' in an Omaha
hospital since Soptembor, roturnod
sunuay evening.
Juck Hartor, who has heen associat
ed with tho Marshall Oil Co. for somo
time, will lenvo February 1st for Bill
ings, Mont., to nccopt a, position.
For Salo 80 acres; Lots 3 -and 4,
sec. au, Township 11, Ilango 30, Lin
coin couiltv. Want nrfnra. nrntnnt fit
tcntlon. Don Linglo, owner, D27 Story
Uullding.iLoa Angulcs Cal. 3-5
Mlas Mnrlo Rudat. who had boon at
tending Midland college, at Atchison.
Kansas, roturnod homo tho latter part
oi iast weoic on account of Illness. Sho
will probably submit to an oporatlon
lor apponaioitis.
GeoriTO Stnilltt. nf T.ns Anirn1nu nml
Mrs. Frank Stamp, of Roasvlllo, 111.,
spent uio wcck onu visiting with tho
lurmora uiouior unnrios is tamp and
family while enroute to Culifornln.
Mrs. Nnwtnn wlm i,n,i ltv,i
in Omnha for sovoral weoks taking
modlcnl treatment, roturnod tho lattor
part of last woolc and will visit hor
mnthor Mrs. John N. Bakor for eomo
umo noioro returning to hor homo in
Mrs. Earl Hamilton, accompanied by
jiur Bisiur, miss iiizgoraiil, roturnod
from Omaha yesterday artd will re
main for a wook supervising tho pack
ing of tho housohold effects and clos
ing up business ntTairs preparatory
to going to Omnha to rosldo.
, Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Zook, of tho Her
shoy section, celebrated tholr scvonty-
uuru uiruumy inst Thursday, tholr
birth nnntvBrMarlnA fnin
- "0 VtlU f?tlJ
day. Mr. Zook is an old settlor of
uiu.cuumy, navmg uoen stationed t
Ft. McPherson as a soldier In the ear
ly daya.
A nntlHmi wna until In rw.n.1 t.'im.
, ....... ,,,. , i, i, i,u, JYUIlll
county last wook asking Reprosontn
tlVO Ilmitl nf Hint rnnnlv r
- - ...... -"V"J IIIHUUUliU
a bill providing for.n closed soason on
prolrlo chickens and quail for a porlod
Ul jwis. mo petitioners gay tho
only way to save tholr ulfalfa holds
from destruction by grasshoppers 1b
w tf, van, ,w n, u (uillU 1)11 US.
If you woro to purchnso a piano,
VlOlIll Or lllirn. nun nf tlm .,..l.,i.,i..
lequlsltos with you would be tone.
This Is very important in the selection
i muuiiium, Tiioso maciunos have
boon awarded tho hlghost honors by
six International expositions. This l
cortainly a wonderful tribute for th
t?invftx?f., tho, C?1"1"" Grafanolo.
DIXON, tho Jewolor.
Tho funeral of tho Into Carollno
Schick was hold from tho Lutheran
church Saturday uftornoon. Rev. 0. B.
llarman conducting tho services. Mrs
Schick formerly roslded at Gannott
.m urougni to a local hospital
somo tlmo ago to tako troutmont for a
uboubb. ano tiled
Iriday morning at the ago of fifty-
iHjJxfI,BC """a Heal Reason.
i. I. tho-pooplo are buying tholr
Old Lino Liro Policies of tho SEBAS
TIAN AGENCY on tho ihonthly pa;
1st Old reliable established Company-
2nd $5,232,000 assots bohiud It.
3rd $248,00Q, appropriated to policy
ll0l(lnr.a t0 rotluco tholr annual cost
for 1017, t
4th 1410,000 unasslgnod aurplUB
whlcli policy boldora own.
5th This Company is ready to ihako
farm Loans in Lincoln County AND
$23,000,000 THIS YEAR
OrJglnnl JtmlKot of $11,000,000 U
leiiriy i'hiiihlii ii) tin; ituuiu
of Dlrccfors nl n Recent
During the yar 1917 the Union Pa
cific will spend 123,000,000 in curry
ing on new work and bettering the
traffic conditions, and in tho new
work North Platte is to share hand
somely. While It has not baon of
ficially announced by President Calvin
or Oenoral Manager .Toffors, it has
has been stated by lesser officials
that tho improvements contemplated
at North Platto aggregate $400,000,
oxcluslvo of the new depot now In
course of construction. In this expen
diture are figured new machine shops
and oqulpment, and yard Improve
ments that wero originally included
In the plans made when the round
house was constructed. It is under
stood that the new shops will be
erected near the site of the round
Tho original liudget as prepared by
President Calvert called for an ex
penditure) of 514,000,000 but, when
tho board of directors met to consider
and make tho appropriations thicy
increased the amount to $23,000,000.
Tho amount to be expended in Ne
braska wil bo $2,710,000 Kansas and
Wyoming receiving tho largest por
tion of tho sum. Besides tho $23,000,-
000, tho expenses of tho Union Pacific
normally are about $35,000,000 an
nually. This money Is expondod for
the regular conduct of its business,
ou3rating expenses, maintenance,
wagos, fuel, supplies nnd taxes.
: f: ;
Buy a Bank at Paxton
Tho Commofrclal Stato Bank at Pax
ton, changed ownership yesterday
when F. C. Plelstlckor, M. E. Scott and
J. G. Beoler, of thin city became stock
holders. Tho capital stock of $7,500
was Increased to $10,000. Tho bank
has a surplus of $1,500 and has un
divided profits of a Hko amount. Do
posits aro $138,000 and loans and dis
counts of $100,000. Tho newly elected
officers aro F. C. Plelstlckor, preBl
dent; M E. Scott, vico president; J. T.
Shields, cashier; and tho directors
aro Messrs. Plolstlcker, Scott "ana
Beolor of this city, O. M. Gunnpll, of
Kaxton, and j. T. Shields or Maxwell
C. F. Coy, former cashier, will remain
with tho bank for a short tlmo.
Hardin Secures Pnicnt
. J. II. Hardin who lives southeast of
town returned yesterday frgm Wash
ington, u. v., wnero lie was granted a
patent on an automobile wheel, wo aro
hot advised as to tho construction of
tho wheel, but it Is said that it will
result in a great saving to the tires.
Houses I I acres hect land joins this
city. Rare chance for the right nnr
ty. Severn! pieces of Rood liny Iiuid
within n icw miles of this city.
: :o:
M,lss Gdiftrudo Ro"bhnus'tn loft a
tew da'3 ago for Omaha to take troat
mont for throat trouble.
Tho Golden Rule blblo class of th
Prosbyte-rlan church will moot with
Mrs. StL-ahorn Friday aftornoon.
The lndlos' aid society of the Chris
tian church will meet Thursday af
ternoon In tho church basomont. A
lunch will bo served-and program rpn
dored. Tho public is invited.
Frank Hoxlo. who had been spend
ing ton days at home on account of
an Injured knee, loft this morning for
his rnnch north of Ogalalla. Th
knoe ls somowhnt Improved, though
ho still noous tho aid ,of a cane. ,
Sovonty-olght names have beon
handed In as mombors of tho old et-
tlors association. Othora who wish
to become members will plcaso sond
or phono tholr names and dates of
settlement pridr to Fobrunry 15th.
AftOr nlnotoen yoairB' sorvlcvs with
tho Cudnhy Packing Co. In Chicago.
Fred Bakor, a former North Platto boy
has organized a packing company In
that city and will probablj' become tht
head of tho organization as president
Field Mnnngor Bryan Informs the
tho Hershoy Times that It Is posslblo
for him to socuro a thousand acres of
boets In what is now tho Horshoy dis
trict or tho Grand Island factory. Lust
yonr In this same, district tho factory
contracted 484 ncreB. Mr- Bryan la
of tho opinion that If tho-proper effort
Is put forth 2,500 ncros of beets can b
secured In tho torrltory botweon this
city and tho dividing lino two miles
wost of Hershoy.
If you woro a U. S. A. officer and
foil in love with a Spanish sonorlta
would you risk your life to visit hor
in Maxico? Wllllnm Dosmonnd did
in the photoplay "Lieut. Danny, V. S.
A.," shown at the Keith theatre
Thursday night, when ho visited Enid
Mnrkoy in hor beautiful Mexican
home. If you want to see a plcturo
that will mako you sit up and tnko
notice hotter see this ono. Tho com
dy part of Uio program will bo
"Pills of Porll" with Charles Murray.
Call 125 for Taxi day or night.
Also flvo or Bovon pnssongor car for
funornl service.
Chandler & Elcar Agency,
Cornor Eighth and Locust Sts.
Mrs. William Hawloy will entertain
the Indian crd club tomorow aftor
The Entre Noos club will meet to
morrow afternoon with Mrs. A. W.
Mrs. J- W. MUG raw will entertain n
number of yollrig people at a pre-
nuptial snower Monday ereulng, Feb
ruary 6th, in honor of Miss Maud
Mrs. B. A. Cram eivtortainml a num
ber of friends Saturday evening in
honor of Miss Luolla Richards who
recently resigned from the local
toachlng staff,
Miss Dulcle Frater entortalitod six
young ladles at dlnnor Sunday even
ing in favor of Miss Maud Owens. The
table decorations were in pink and
white and at the end of each streamer
attached to the chandelier wsf & gift
for each guest.
Saturday evening Miss Maud
Oweng wart tho guost of honor
at a pro-nuptial, miscellaneous
shower given at the Mlnshull home by
Misses Holon Minshall, Elaine Bandy
and Margarot Cralgle. Tho evening
was spent in music and games nnd
tho guost of honor was presented with
a number of housohold articles and
hand embroidered pieces.
At tho hamo of hor grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hartmnn, Elma
Mao Crano entertained olghteen of hor
young frlonds at a party Saturday af
ternoon In honor of hor eighth birth
day. A dainty lunch was served and
a largo birthday cake decorated with
candles occu'pled tho center of the
tnblc- Tho llttlo hostess was pre
sented with many pretty gifts.
Tho Travel and Study club met last
ovonlng with Mrs. E. R. Goodmon.
Roll call was answered with current
ovonts. Mrs. Brock read a papek orJ
"i'orsia's uapitai," and urientai Lit
erature" was the subject of a paper
by Mrs. Dent At the next meeting
tho chtb will take up a collection for
tho children of Belgium. Mrs. Fred'k.
Bakor, of Omaha, was a guest of tun
Arch Doacon Udwker delivered his
farcwoll sermon at the Episcopal
church Sunday morning to a congre
gation that filled tljo nudltorlum. The
Arch Doacon and Mrs. Bowkor will
leve In a few days for Hosting',
which wil be their future place of
Mr. and Mrs. Frod Thnlkon, of Tnx
ton, are visiting this weok with Mr.
nnd Mrs. Joseph Murphy-
The woman's missionary society of
the Prosbytorkan church-'wlll hold a
praise meeting in tho church base
ment at. 3 o'clock Tuesday aftornoon,
after which a luncheon will be sorvod.
You Cannot
Notlco is horehy given that tho May
or and Council of Uio City of North
Platto will moot on Monday, tho
twolfth day of February, 1917, at tho
hour of olght o'clock p. in. in tho Lec
turo Room of tho Llbrnry Building
to sit as a Board of Equalization for
tho purpose of equalizing assessments
in paving district numbor ono of said
City, and tn lnvv nil nannaamnnta
ngnlnBt tho proporty of said district
iur uiu cogi or paving snmo.
Dated this. 27th day of January, 1917.
,, O. E. ELDER,
J2' City Clerk.
Banking laws moke no discrimination as to ago or sex.
Anyone can open a savings account in the First National
Bank.. t
An account can be opened for as little as one dollar, and
it is a very simple matter indeed. Just come in and say
you want to open an account we will do the rest.
We will do more than that: we will be glad to advise you
on any financial matter you desire and we make no charge
for this service.
Four Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings.
First National Bank,
Traveling Engineer Roy Bunnell re
turned Saturday morning from a bus
iness visit in Omaha-
Assistant Supt. V. E. Anderson re
turned Saturday from a trip to Grand
Island on company business.
II. N. Getty returned Saturday morn
ing from Omaha and Grand iBlahd
whero he transacted Union Pacific
Ralph L. Norton, Union Pacific spo
clal agent, will leaVo tomorrow for
cities of Ohio to visit relatives and
frlonds for two weeks.
Cody Boal, of Foreman Norton's of.
flee, has been assisting in district fore
man McGraw's office for a week dur
ing the rush of work caused by Is
suing tho annual passes and bonus
Wilbor Kyle, of Blanco, Col., who
was burned In a wreck at Gothenburg
a month ago and has since been a pa
tient at a local hospital, was taken
to umaiia Saturday morning-. Mr.
Kylo was one of the stockmen who
wore onrouto to Omaha with a car of
cattlo when tho wreck occurred. He
was burned to tho waist when tho ca
booso caught fire and has suffered in
tonsoly. It may bo necessary to am
putate both limbs. Mrs. Kylo accom
panied him to Omaha.
: :o: :
A son was born yesterday morning
to Mr. and Mrs- Mark McCake of 320
south Walnut street.
Registered Deroc-Jersey Bred Sows
Will 1)0 held nt the Box Elder Farm, 6 miles northwest of Co
zad and 7 miles east of Gothenburg, Neb., on Monday,
FEBRUARY 12, '17
Beginning at One O'clock P. M.,
Sale will be held under cover. No postponement on account of
weather! Offering consists of
An extra high backed bunch of sows and gilts, good sizo with
plenty of bone, very uniform in color. By such sires as Proud
Chief, Models Wonder, Crimson Critic 2nd, Big King tho Col.
All are Immune, Double Treatment. Send for Catalogue.
Bids may be sent by mail cir wlro to Auctioneers, Clerk or Fieldman, care
of H- D. Gelken, Route 4, Cozad, Nebraska. Parties from a distance will
find free entertainment at Cozad ard Gothenburg hotels. Free transporta
tion from both points to Box Elderfarm.
COL. ED. SNELL, COL. H. E. ASH, Auctioneers'.
.T. K. KELLY, JOHN AROX, Clerks.
H. C. McKELVIE, Nebraska Tanner, Fieldman.
Tim TEep!i&ie prafr Caitsiof
TelS Who Oalied Ysir Number
Perhaps today your telephone ,
bell rang, and when you answer-'
ed the operator asked, "Number,
'Why. my bell raner!" vou
probably replied.
You were answered courteous
ly, "Will you excuse it, please?"
The operator knew some sub-'
scriber had asked for vour. tele
phone number, then remembered
it was not the number he wanted
and had hung- up his receiver, or
that you wero a bit slow in an
swering and the party calling
you had tired of waiting and had
hung up his -receiver.
If tho operator had rung you on account of her own error, she
would have answered,'"! beg your pardon, you were "called by
Most wrong numbers are called because of persons asking for tho
wrong number, or to their giving the number they want so quickly
orso indistinctly that the operator does not understand correctly.
The modern Bell Ttlelphono switchboard, as well
as our operating methods, represent many years of
study and Investigation, and we are confident that
our service, when properly used, responds to every
reasonable requirement.