The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 26, 1917, Image 1
JJtortlt jctm- THIRTY-SECOND YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NED., JANUARY 26, L917. No. 4 Crib une. OLD SETTLERS HEARTILY FAVOR ORGANIZING 0 Villi .FOIITY .1IATK . ALHKADY skt ix tiieik xahijs and atk of skttlkmlnt Finn for rcrinnncnt Organization Hcnrtlly Endorsed by Knch One, nnd All uro llcndy to Olve Their Assistance. The suggestion that an old settlers' association bo formed In Lincoln coun ty seems to have struck a responsive chord, for already forty or more have handod In their names and date of settlement to Tho Tribune, This association is not limited to residents of North Platte, but to coun try rosidonts aB well; all that Is neces sary for membership is that you have resided continuously in tho county slnco January 1st, 1882. Ono enthusiastic man who sent in his name suggested1 that after the as sociation is formed, that relics of pio neer days bo solicited from raombors and that these relics be kept In a per manent building to bo orected in tho city park. This is an excollont idea, for as tho years pass theso relics would become more quaint and. valuable. Tho plan to hold an annual associa tion picnic, to which tho families of tho members aire to take part, is also heartily endorsed, for it will bring to gether tho old-timers in larger num bers than ,In any other way, and Just think of tho fun thoy will have re calling tales and incidents of tho early days. There aro a number of old timers down In Cottonwood, Peckham and Gaslln precincts, also at Maxwell and Brady, aiii sovernl nl other parts of tho county. Wo want them all as mem bers, so send in your namesl old scouts. John S. Pitt and Mary E. Bohanah, both.of ihlB..clty, (wore granted-a-mar-riago license Wednesday afternoon- Xow School Hours. ,For tho Senior High School to take offect Monday morning, January 29, 1917. With tho opening of tho second se mester, the Senior High School will bogln morning sessions at 8:30 and run until 12:1(1 noon. Tho afternoon ses sion will begin at 1:15 and run until 3:15 or 4:00. Thoro will be four por lods of ilfty-flvo mlirutcs each In the morning. In tho afternoon thero will bo two periods of sixty minutes each, and ono period from 3:15 until 4:00 which wil be used for military drill, gloo clubs, making up back work, etc. Tho chango of hours was necessary In ordor to Introduco the now systom of supervised study. Tho longer por lods wil mako It aossiblo to both study and recite a subject under tho direction of tho toacher of that subject. Judg ing from the results gained in othor achools tho "new schedule should bo a means of bottorlng tho scholarship in tho North Platto high school- Sup ervised study as adopted hero Is not intondod to supplant homo study en tirely but rathor by teaching how to study to interest tho students in ' a more thoroug'h study of all subjects. ( W. P. Snydor returned this morning from Denver whoro he attended the live stock show. Ho pronounced it a groat show and said more Lincoln county farmers and stockmen should attend. j Episcopal church, Sunday, January 28th; Holy comnrunion at 8 o'clock;) limr-nlnc CflrvJnn nf 11 nnlnnlr' voannr' scrvlco, without sermon, 4:30. A union service of tho different biblo study classes of hto city 'will be hold at 'tho Baptist church Wednesday, January 31st, at 2:30 p- m. Mrs. Mike McFaddon and children, of Paxton, came down this morning to visit for a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs; John Horrod. ' ' Tho music and art department of i tho .Twentioth-Century club will mficti with Mrs. G- T. Field January 30th. ' LOCAL AND 1'EHSONAL Mr- and Mrs. John Hull of Oshkosh, camo Wodnosdny evonlng to visit local frlonds for several days. Manager Von Dollan. of tho local tol ophono offico, spent yesterday In Oga lalla and other points in tho woetern pnrt of tho state. W. L. Carey, of Omaha, enmo yes terday morning to transact business for several days While horo he Is tho guost of Charles Wholan. Miss Josephine O'Haro and Mrs. Clyde Cook wil entortaln the Lady Forrosters, their husbands and gontlo mon friends at tho homo of tho lattor on tho ovenlng of February 14th. A marriage license was granted Wednosday to Edmund Scott, of Suth. rland, and Miss Roglna Bcolor, of this city. Tho lattor is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bcolor. N. J. Nollson and' Miss Mary E. Broslus, both of St'nploton, applied at County Judge French's offico for a marriage Hconso yestorday, but as tho coromony was to bo porformcd In an other county, It could not bo granted. Mrs. Josepli Herrod, of Columbus, formerly of this city, who has been a patient at tho Mayo Bros, hospital in Rochester, Minn., for sovoral wooks, is slowly recovering. While thero she submitted to operations fpr.goitor and appondlcitis. Many of our people romombor Anita King, as sho spoko at the Keith tho atro when sho passed through North Platto on her drlvo originally Intend ed from the Pacific coast to Chicago but which sho extended to Now York Tills trip established a standard, as Miss King was tho first Iperson, either man or woman, to cross the continent entirely alone. Tho Praamount feat ure, "Tho. Race," showing at tho Keith Saturday night is founded on inci dents of this trip and tho principal iroles aro acted by Anita King and Vlctor'Moore. It is "a great automo- bilo comedy and will bo well worth your seeing.- J: The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company- carry tho kind of insurance that tho rate gets less every year you carry it, or do you carry tho kind that your rate Increases in your old age? THE PENN" MUTUAL LIFE WRITES THE KIND OF INSURANCE THAT THE RATE BECOjHES LESS EVERY YEAR YOU CARRY IT. The following aro tho rates of an Ordinary Life Policy in tho Penn Mutual Life from 1G to 05 years years inclusive, per $1,000, first and second years. 18 $17.29 Second Year $13.79 Age 42 $33.18 Second Year $27.84 19 17.64 Second Year 14.10 Age 43 34.40 Second Year..'.. 28.92 20 18.01 Second Year 14.43 Age 44 35.70 Second Year 30.04 21 18.40 Second Year 14.78 Age 45 37.08 Second Year 31.24 22 18.80 Second Year 15.13 Age 4G 38.55 Second Year 32.50 23 19.23 Second Year 15.51 Age 47 40.12 Second Year 33.81 24 19.67 Second Year 15.92 Age 48 41.78 Second Year 35.23 25 20.14 Second Year 16.33 Age 49 43.56 Second Year 36.70 26 20.63 Second Year 16.78 Age 50 45.45 Second Year..... 38.25 27 21.15 Second Year 17.25 Age 51 47.46 Second Year 39.91 28 21.69 Second Year 17.74 Age 52 49.60 Second Year 41.65 29 22.26 Second Year 18.24 Age 53.... 51.89 Second Year 43.52 30 22.85 Second Year 18.77 Age 54 54.33 Second Year 45.47 31 23.48 i Second Year 19.33 Age "55 56.93 Second Year 47.66 32 24.14 Second Year 19.91 Age 56 59.70 Second Year 49.95 33 24.84 Second Year 20.52 Age 57.-... 62.66 Second Year 52.42 34 25.58 Second Year 21.18 Age 58 65.83 Second Year 55.03 35 26.35 Second Year 21.88 Age 59 69.21 Second Year 57.83 36 .. 27.17 Second Year 22.59 Age 60 72.83 Second Year 60.81 37 28.04 Second Year 23.35 Age 61 76.70 Second Year 63.90 38 28.95 Second Year 24.17 Age 62 80.85 Second Year 66.12 39".. . 29.92 Second Year 25.01 Age 63 85.29 Second Year 69.92 40 30.94 Second Year 25.89 Age 64.... 90.04 Second Year 73.48 41 32.03 Second Year 26.85 Age 65.... 95.14 Second Year 77.07 CUT THESE FIGURES OUT AND KEEP THEM FOR FUTURE USE. The policy contains many valuable features besides just life Insurance. One of them is you do not have to die to win. There are no restrictions as to "Residence, Travel or Occupation from the time you leave the Examiner, and the policy is in force for the full amount as soon as the Doctor passes you. The Company has been in business seventy years and has over 175 millions of assets behind its policies, of which several millions are loaned in the State of Nebraska. New business issued in 1916 was over 130 Millions. Call at the office and I will tell you some more of the good points in a Penn Mutual policy. We have a system whereby you can pay your premiums Annually, Semi-annually or quarterly tho first year and monthly every year thereafter. When YOU THINK INSURANCE, THINK PENN MUTUAL. J. H. HEGARTY, District Manager, McCaho llulidlng, North Platte, Nobr. Phono 1)1 or RIack 490 for Appointment. Other forms of policies written 'at equally liberal rates. t PLACE EMPLOYES ON PROFIT FARING BASIS DKlUtYHKllltY Si FOIUIKS AHOl'T PLAN Of DIVIDING NKT KAHX INKS WITH TJIEIlt MEN. CITV SUPKD1NTKNDKNTS WILL 3IUKT II BUG NEXT WEEK Finn Unwinds Employes at lUcl'nbo Lnst Night Followed by Social Hour at tho Dorryborry Homo nnd Plan Explained. Derrybcrry & Forbes nro tho llrst merchants of North Platto to place tholr omployos on a prollt sharing basis. Tho plan which goes Into offoct Fobrunry first, 1 to regard ouch employe's salary as his capital and that in Invostlng It with tho firm he Is ontltlod to boiuo remuneration, and ouch omployo who ramnlng, with the firm tho cntlro fiscal yoar will receive, In addition to his salary, tho samo percentage of dividends ns the members of the firm rocalvo. This Is not an altogether philanthropic not on the part of the firm; for It Is bo- lioved that it (will not only stop a number of lonks that go with ovory business but that It will havo a tend ency to result In bettor sorvieo of omployos to tho ustomor ns woll aa to the firm, nnd theso are tho big things It la hopod will result from tho Inauguration of the profit sharing plan. rrho plan was outlined to tho om ployos at tho Dorryberry homo lnst evonlng at a social gathering which followed a banquet, .at .tho Hotol Mc- Cabo, at which woro present tho Dorry borry and Fo'rbos families and tho omployes and their famlllos. Tho activities of the firm woro outlined, tho part tho omployos nro expected to take and tho reward thoy aro to ocelvo was fully explained. Tho business now owned by Dorry borry & Forbes was established Jan uary 20,1005, under tho name of Work man & Dorryberry In tho center room of tho Hlnman building on Front strooL- In' 190G tho oast room of tho building was added antf in 1008 the west room. Mr- Forbes succeeded Mr. Workman In tho firm Docembor 1st, 1009, and tho business has since been conducted "undor tho firm nnmo of Derroborry & Forbos. In 1911 a wnrehouso was built and tho firm took on tho International Harvestor transfer agency. In 1912 tho under taking department of Ginn, Whito & Schatz was purchased and In 1915 tho -business of North Platto' Hardware and Furniture Co. was taken over. Tho business was then reorganized and tho implement business separa ted from tho othor linos, taking In Harry York and Robert Dean nnd giv ing them tho active management of the implement business. This latter department is nolw being moved' Into the now Lock building which was erected especially for tho firm. Tho firm started with 1760 squaro feet of iloor space, they now occupy 25.53G feet just sixteen times tho original space. ::o:: It is certainly to any woman's poc ket book interest to know how much money can bo saved on this season's Fine Tailored Suits, the way thoy are bolng sold out nt Tho Leader Mor cantllo Co.'s storo. Tho Dutch Auc tion Sale of all the suits in the house starts Friday, January2Cth, sale to continuo every day 'until nil suits arc sold. Tho sale starts today, Friday, at your pick of all suits vnlued up to $45, your choice all day at $20. Tho prico drops $2.50 each day so that on Saturday your unrestricted cholco for $17 50, and so on every day, all day until Saturday, Fobrunry 3d, up to 3 p- m., your choico for $2.50 of what is left. After 3 p. m., Saturday, Fob 3, all will bo given awax to womon who can woar tho sizes that aro loft Head tho advertisement in this papor for particulars. ::o:: Iluptlst Church Services 9:45 Sunday school; 11:00, morning worship, thomo "Tho Biblo nnd Public Education;" 3:00, North SIdo Sunday school; 0:30, B. Y. P. U; 7:30, ovenlng warship, thomo "Forgive us our debts as two forglvo our debtors," tho fifth scries on tho Lord's prayer. Tho stato association of city school superintendents will hold Its annual meeting In North Platto Friday and Saturday of next week. In tho mem bership nro tho superintendents of schools of fifty of Nebraska's Inrgost towns and cltlos, and while nil may not bo prosont, It-is oxpocted that nt leuat forty will bo here. Friday Iwil bo dovoted largoly to n personal inetfgctlon of tlwc tvarlouo schools followed by a suppor In tho Junior high sphool which will bo pre pared and sorvod by tho domoetlc scl once department of tho Twentieth Cen tury club. Sessions of tho association will bo hold Friday evening, Saturday foronoon nnd aftornoon. At thoso sessions school mattors will bo discussed. Do Without Ono cigar per day nnd buy $1,000 Old Lino Llfo Insurnnco of tho SE BASTIAN AGENCY on tho MONTHLY PAY PLAN for your FAMILY or ES TATE. 4-2 Frod Ericsson, of Cottonwood, was In town yostorday onrouto to Denvor to attend tho stock Bhow- to: :- T.Irs. John States, who had boon 111 for somo tlmo, is able to bo out this iwctk- l'OIt YOUlt ADTO SEItVICE Call 125 for taxi day or night. Also fivo or sevon passenger car for funeral bctvIco. MO GENSEN-LiOUDEN AUTO CO. Chandler & Blear ApmTt . V , Church of Our Saviour Tho wnidons and vestrymen heroby oxtond an earnest Invitation to tho inombors and frlonds of tho church to attend Uio sfcrvicos In tho church 'Sunday, January 2Sth, thnt being tho last sorvieo to bo conducted by Rev. J. J. Bowker as roctor of this church, ho having received the appointment of Arch Deacon of tho District or West ern Nobraska, beginning Fobrunry 1st Wo urgo a full nttondnnco to show our appreciation of tho good work dono by Dean Bowkor In this parish. Wo hopp to sccuro tho services of n now roctor for this parish at an early dato. In tho moantlmo arrangements will bo mndo for tho continunnco of at least tho 11 o'clock sorvlcoa each Sun. day, nnd tho othor sorvlcos when pos-' slblo. WARDENS AND VESTRYMEN. ::o:: Xcthoritat-Prcsbylcrliiu Sunday schools 10 n. m. Morning worship 11 a. m., Rev. B. A Cram will preach. Epworth Lcaguo 6:30 p. m. Evonlng worship 7:30. Special music by tho orchostra. Robt. White (will speak, subject, "Tho Washing of Foot." Frank Murray returned Thursday from a business trip to Omaha. , Sharpening done SHARPEN- This is " mmencing Co UP-WEEK" January 29th, FOR ONE WEEK. We havo mude arrangements with the largest company in the world, making grinders exclusively, to send to our store for ONE ENTIRE WEEK, AN EXPERT SHARP ENER. He will sharpen for you, ABSOLUTELY FREE and with NO OBLIGATIONS, any knife or pair of shears," no matter how dull. This will he done on a LUTHER D,M0 GR,T GRINDER Made by the Luther'Gnnder Mfg. Co. of Milwaukee, Wis., D IMO - GRIT THE WHEEL FOR STEEL 1 Is a new substance discovered in Edison's shops while trying to make DIAMONDS artificially. It is made of the same material as diamond, is next to diamond in hardness and will cut steel about ten times faster than emery WITHOUT DRAWING THE TEMPER or otherwise spoiling the tool. IT LASTS A LIFETIME Bring your Dullest Knife and Shears with you so you can see how amazingly quick they will ho put in perfect condition. DERRYBERRY & FORBES. Gas Is Increasing In Price Fast MOTOR AGE SAYS FORD WILL SOON PLACE A A KEROSENE CARBURATOR ON THE MAR KET FOR FORDS, WHICH WILL MAKE AN OTHER SAVING TO FORD OWNERS. Order a Ford for bpring delivery today. The lowest priced dependahle Motor Car on the market with the least cost tor service to the owner. Cars of other makes have increased an average of $87. Ford Reduced his price $80. Also cost of repairs. Tires for other cars have increased in price 15 to 20 per cent; Ford Tires only 10 to 12 per cent. FORD TOURING CAR NOW $395.05 AT NORTH PLATTE HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO., Cor. Fourth & Dewey. North Platte, Neh. Corner 8th and Locust Sto