The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 23, 1917, Image 5

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    "The Me
Story of what the . Nebraska
Boys did, told in a lecture by
Major Robert G. Doiiglas
4th. Nebraska Regiment,
Monday Might, Js
Illustrated bv 250 exes
4 (
iews showing the Border
Service in all its details.
Dontis Checks for Employes.
Tho ton per cent bonus checks for
omployes who receive loss than. $1800
por year, wero mailed out of tho Om
aha hendnuait ters yesterday and will
bo Tcolvod by North Plntte employos
today or tomorrow. Those chocks rep
resent ten por cent of tho lltlG snlnry
rocolvcd by thoso employes who drew
fleas tlmn $1S00. Mow than 200 om
ployes .in North Platte will rocolve
theso checks.
Loonard Robinson, who resigned his
work with the Union Pacific, has ac
cepted a position in tho Onsla.
General Manager W. M. Joffers nnd
Sup. of Transportation Whitney,
came Sunday morning to attond Uio
funrnl of tho late Charlos Dili.
Frjulght brakemon Graham resigned
his pontlon the latter part of last
week and accompanied by 'Mm. Gra
ham loft for Omaha Sunday morning.
John 12. Hennessey, of Oskaloosa,
In., formerly operator in the Wostarn
Presbytorlon Minister
Life Work Counsellor
Olflco pt Church 8:00 to 12;00
Phono Rod 112
Res. U15 W. Gth. Phono Blk. 003.
Dunn Kcslgiis uk JIuimgor
Frank J. Dunn, who has been as
sociate with tho North Piatt Drug
Co. us manngor of the Nynt storo, bun
resigned and will ongugo in business
in the oust part of tho state about Feb
ruary first, llo is a splendid young
man who has boon Justly popular in
NouUli Plntte,. nnd his friends will
wish htm well In his new venture.
: :o: :
3Iuko Presentations lo Officers. -
At the closo of tho luternoon session
of th Odd Fellows' district grand
lotlgo Thursday J. S. Houglnnd, In bo
half of tho Walla Walla lodge, pro-
Union office here, was In town last sentod Grand SIro Goudy with a hand
week while enrouto to California to
visit for two weeks.
Charles James, formerly of the Un
Ion Pacific bngagge room, who had
aomo loving cup. and Dean liowker, on
behalf of tho Rrtookuh Degroc and tho
Odd Follows, presented Grand Master
Iloagland nnd Pteeidont Mrs. W. V.
been on the Mexican bordo'r with tho! HonBlaml a bemitlfut picture that had
Fourth Nebraska roglmont, roturned
hero Satunlny evening.
Alfred Cochran, of Omaha, formerly
operator in tho Wostexn Union office
hero, visited his brother John V.
Cochran for several days whllu en
route home from California.
A. W. Hrown loft Sunday morning
for Los Angeles to aipend threo weeks.
hPon purchased by those two organi
: :o: :
Woman Adjudged Insane
Mrs. Clara Favlngor, whoso homo
Is south of Wallace, was brought to
town by relatives Friday suffering
from mental derangement. In a hoax
ing befor e the board of insanity she
wKs adjudged Insane, and was taken to
liawil bo aconiiinnied home by Mrs. the state institution at Hastings Friday
Blown who has been taking niaOlcal night by her brothor J. W. Morgan, of
treatment there for several wookst Cnmnbrlt and her sister Mm. Sunday.
Favlngor -is lorty-
Will Blalock. tormeHy of the train Bantings. Mrs. Favlngor-8 forty
nntPl,Pr' nmrn ,ul u-.h 1,. I.. 1 V UlO lHOthW O
dispatchers' offico and who has been
in Ill-health for Homo tlmo, has been
thirteen children, eleven of whom are
appointed station gt at Melbela. a J
position that will not so closely con
fine him to Indoor work.
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
State Bunk.
Hear Major Douglas toll tho story
of what tho Nebraska boys did on the
Mexican border, at tho Crystal theatre
Monday evening, Jan. 2!)tb.
To assist in raising funds for tho
banquet to bo tendered the Senior
class at tho end of tho school year,
tho Junior class held an exchange
Saturday that was well patronized.
Farm and Ranch loans at lowest
rates nnd best terms. Money on hand
to close loans promptly.
Harry Lamplugh last i.veek com
pleted filling the ice houses at Lamp
laugh's lake, tho capacity of which
Is threo thousand tons. Mr. Lamplaugh
secured a very good quality of Ice.
For Sale Cheap, on account of
leaving the city, my new 0 room bung
alow, all modern except heat, full
basement. W. C. McDormott, Phone
Black 850. v 1-4.
County Treasurer Soudor spent Sun
day with friends in Sidney. He roturn
ed yesterday accompanied by Mrs. Sou-
dor who spent a week with Sldnoy
Dr. Brock, Dentl3t, over Stouo Drug
J. A Doucet, Artistic Piano Tuner,
all work guaranteed. Factory exper
ience. Residence 1011 East 4th street.
Phono Black 578. Headquarters at the
W. It.' Maloney piano add' furnituro
store. o-4
Mrs. H . S.' Fuller, of Oxford, who
has frequently visited hero with her
hister Mr3. Wilson Tout, went through
Sahuday enrouto to California. She
will spend a few days horo on her re
turn home.
To Owners of Talking Machines:
Our sitock of records Is tho most com
pleto In woatorn Nebraska Columbln
records may be played on any ma
chine exeunt IBduson. EIXJ3.N. 'the
James ICellker, of Council Bluffs,
fnvmnrlv a.' thki nltv. who haH heon
the nast few day in town with bar atiimmiv in for nevera.1 weoks.. is lni-
pnrents Mr., and Mrs. Greeley Dundy, proving. His fathar, John Kofiher, ol
Tho ladles of the Catholic church Omaha, who has been a sureerer trom
n wll nntroniziwl oxcllBJMSe at pneumonia, iia jHumeu mo iiuBui
the W. R. Maloney Co. storo Saturday, point and io nov convalescing.
Perry Sttton came from Omaha Sat-' Engineers of tho Great Wasteni
....j... ,...(.. -cittn,i th funeral 8ui.:ar Co. were in Iterahey last week
of his hrother-ln-law, the late Chas. surveying the tracts suitable lor the
Aiii , sita of a factory. This work was done
' .... lin order to ascertain the drainage,
For quick action and Mi.lsmctosy watcr 8UDhj.iy and other da ihldh
old. She became 111 about a weok ago
and since then has spout her time lu
alnainu relliclous eonas and weens un-
rno pnoumatic gates at tne Locust til she becomes hyswncyu.
street crossing iero placed In sor-' ;;o::
vie Saturday. They are operated by Meet District officers,
a signalman in un elevated box on the' Th.t, foUoNirlns district officers of
noith sldo of the tracks. Similar gates; Ul0 0nrt FoliOW8 ,were eleotod at the
w6ro in servlco a numbor or years , ,lieetng lipid In this city Thursday:
ago, but for some reason were abun-, Pfeajdent. J. S. Hoagland, North
aon(!U ' i Platte ; vioe-prealdent, C. W. Bloom,
Union Pacific engineers RUoy War-' Lexington L. I). Root, Horshoy; treas
ren. James McNeil. Kirke Sturdovant. urer. Geo. W. Hill, Gandy.
W. R. Osborne, Walter Johnston and1- The district officers elected for the
Cauffinnn wero transferred the lattor Rehekah Dogreo wore: President, Mrs
part of last weok to tho O. S. L. with I Anna Walker, Coznd; vlce-prosidout,
headquarters at Pocatollo, Ida. Thoy, Mrs. ' ISsthcr Large, Sutherland; sec
left Sunday evenine to take un their! rotary. Miss Anna McClain, Cozad;
duties. I treasurer, Mrs. Louisa Peterson, North
:;. Platte,
out in a western lumber camn. Pat- s.o
Dr. R. J. Jefforles. of Wallace, was
horo last week on professional -business.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
j. G. Beeler has returned from Lin
coln whoro ho' transqtod legal; business.
Mrs. W. II. O'Conncll left Friday
ovening for Denver to visit for a week
Or longer
For Sale A fresh milch, cow. A. S.
Gregg. Box G7. Jack Morrow Flat3.
Phono 794F21. 1-4
MIsb Anna Bostwlck has accepted a
position In the dental, Offico of Dr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Raucho leftFrl
day evening for Omaha to romaln for
a week or longer.
. For Sale White Leghorn roosters.
Mr3. Doolitt'le, Phone 782FQ22. 101-4
Miss Florence StoffreSgan, of Goth
onburg, spont tho week end in town
with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stoffreggan.
Mrs. Ernest Owlngs has been the
guest of hor parents in Gothenburg
for several days "past.
Mrs. Frank Elliott nnd son Lnvome,
who spent several weeks In California,
returned homo' Saturday aftcruoon.
Mrs. John Show and baby left the
latter 'nart of larft week for Kearney
to visit friends for a week or longer.
Mrs. Dee Raney, of Wallace,- spent
... , i tii.,i...
bWO lBl JOlir 111(1 WIUI inui-nunv..
Albert LeDioyt, Of Paxton, vlsiied
friends in town the laitter prt of lat
week .wiille eoronte to Illinois to visit
ue, mo Hioi or mo vniago, prayeu tnat Km or Four-Year Terms
moment the lumbermen accepted him 1V.
as their "sky pilot." How Falnnead-' " V :, . "
ow bocamo known for miles around 111 u" l" f Ul u,u y1"1"
no fhn "r.H.H,,,, ',,rm" 0,i i,!hont. Tho action wis taken upon mo
won a victory ovor himself and the on-i u.' 0I. ulQ.?1 J0n-. 4 " wlls, ux"
omlps he hud lilmsnlf mnknn n piamou nuai u was uouo io .uiu vn
. P 1 v 1 . 1 . , I ,i I r. mini, nllTnnll
irr nn ne n ntnrm Ktnn' T Wnrrnn mo iiuiuo ui luuujrwia duui n
Kerrigan aiu Loulso Lovely act tho
leading parts In this story entitled
"The Measure of a Man" nt the Crys
tal Wednesday night.
It's cortalnly unheard of to glvo
away dros goods absolute free, but
ed down unon tho legislature two
years ngo to secure a four-year term
law to bocamo effective nt onco.
: :o: :
Stock nnd Dairy Farm for Sale.
(M0 acres located 7 miles north of
Maxwell, well nnd windmill, .'1 miles
rPlw, I.finrlr.i. iVlni.nnn,ltn fn ..rill
i u , v "' ""l"u v , ,uof fencing, ( acres in cuiuvnunn,
nlAnyfreetoronehouronlyonThurs-!,m,Iulco ,lliy und asturc. Prlco the
2?y ai,u ,i'rI,:1oy.oyhi3 wcek' Ja"u,arv I dollars per acre. Terms flfiOILOl) cash
-5 and 26 at 2 to 2 n. m. on each day. , i.,,,' .... r1B. uiv ,,or
would figure in the, needs of a sugar
Tho 'Mexican border story is of 1m
mense interest to every American
heme, nor has the .importance of the
question ' been diminished by rocent
F.-ands X. Buahman and' Beverly 1 1-(rents. Two regiment of Nebraska
Eane, recognised as the foremost ater-; boys have been doing jttity cm ilie
ling combination of .the silent drama, bonder and the atory.of lhair aarrtce
wUl be seen on the screen at the Cys- in all Uo details will be told by Major
ta! tonight in a distinctive Metro. won- tttbeit O.' Douglas, of the Fourth
,;. ,;Hy A" Million a Minute." Tliet- fiment, at the ("ryatal Uere in
.( luctlon presents a storjr of intrl-' Xorth Platte on Monday evening, Jafl
! romance, adventure-an-J rays- uasy 8th. Evtry feature "fth per-l-
, v ith a cotnedv rtllet. which makos , vce platnod aud deacrlbed. Uear
; .oifc patlsfactory entertairunani. tne major ei Kinauay :hBiw
n orr I OB
I!:tvingurcbafied Hitrstock of increfiacdia at 718 North
Locust street, we Intend to coutinue the hoKlnes at the
ame place and ould like to meet alt the old customer!
ind many new ones. Wo will sell strictly for cash and
j5ve our natrons the benefit of a ash 'business. We havo
some llnryalns in LADIES' AND MISSUS' COATS which
we Intend to close out in the next 80 days regardless of eost.
" Voiirs for Business,
Rend .the announcement in this Issue
of Tho Tiibuno on another page for
full particulars.
Muney to loan on real estate, either
out of our linillliiiir and loan associ
ation I'oturnablo tho name lis rent, or
straight loan for a term of years. Mon.
ey nlways on linnd. No dOlily If you
have clear abstract.
Mrs. McDonald Pnsscs Away.
Nancy J. McDonald, wjfo of Lemuol
A. McDonald, died of paralysis at five
o'clock yesterday morning after a lin
gering lllnoss, at her home on north
Dewey street. Sho was sevonty-slx
years at age and for some time her
condition had boon critical. Mrs. Mc-
Dojiald wbb a highly respected ploneor
woman who lived a quiet christian
Ufo and boro her sufferings patiently.
The- b?rcaveu relatives are hor hus
band, three daughters. Mrs. Frod Don
aldson, Mrs. William Rose and Mrs.
Peter Hayes, or this city, ami a son
Arthur McDonald, !lio resides south
of towu
The fuuoral services, twill be beta at
tn resmenco wwnonor atternoon at
two-thirty oonducted by. Rev.
is. a. cram.
:;o;:- ?
I'unUUir Halt
Deal Bowkewffers his household
good for sale. All in excellent condl
Won. Price! reasonably. Ca.ll morn
ings or,evenligs after 7:30. 3-2
1000 miv Columbia record now on
sale, in our Grafanotla Department.
HJAONi the Jewair.
r:ttf .
Card of Thanks
We thus publicly tb&nlt our friends
BfiA neighbors for thelp kindly aota
flurtnr ti: sickness and at the funeral
of our beloved wlfa and motheV; Srs.
p. 8. Thomas, and fiftr the beautKul
floral ttibutos. Signed : D: S. Thomas
and. Mrs. W, J". Dlcbiey and. W. J
The life of this instltu'.lon come
through the successful use of the true
and tried FloraeopatMc remedy: noth-
wng peaiing more quvcKiy, more easily,
more permanently
Hero Is a hospital that Is malrtn It
elf known by good results in Maior
and Minor Surgery, and which ta the
Howe of Orlncial Surgery vlth. ac
compllrjhmcnts that no otiier system
can dare challenge In th treatment of
acute nnd chronic diseases
IMS West 4th St. North PlaMe, Xeh
John S. Intra, M. D
Hen i '0.1' 1 1 tf rs lor Winc'ov.' glasH.
: ro," H'Tu .-rnifv
Order a Ford for bpring delivery nt once. Cars of other
makes have increased an average of 87. Ford Reduced
his price $80. Also cost of repairs. Tires, for other
cms have increased in price 15 to 20 per cent; Ford Tires
only 10 to 12 per cent.
Cor. Fourth & Dcwev. North Platte, Neb.
TnJ? i ITh 1 ! O IT
usiraas Miissg & j
Ass 1. 1
ASSETS $840,000.00
To Prospective liuilding & Loan Borrowers;
Non-resident Building & Loan Companies are adver
tising the fact that they have reduced the monthly payments
of borrowers to $1.10 per month on each $100.00 borrowed,
making the monthly payment the same as the Mutual Build
ing & Loan Association of North Platte. They fnil to state
that of the SI. 10 paid to the non-resjdent company, there is
only thirty-live cents credited as a 'principal payment, the'
balance seventy-five cants being taken for interest, Of the .
t$1.10 monthly payment to this association on each $100.00
borrowed sixty cents is for interest and fifty cents is credited
as a principal payment.
This difference in the amount credited the borrower
will result in the borrower in the non-resident company be
ing compelled to pay not less than $25.00 more on each
$100.00 borrowed in order to discharge the debt than they
would if they were doing the business with this Association.
Misttia! Building & Loan Association
rent Interest. There Is a Mg Imrsiiln
In (Ids nronertv.
2-1 Agents.
: :o: :
Tlml Farmers' Nou-I'iirtlsnn Li'iifruc.
Editor Trlbuno: In tho Trlbuno of
tho lfith, In speaking of tho prospec
tive organization of the farmers' non
partisan league In Nebraska, which
causrd such a political upheaval In
North Dakota at tho htto olectlon, wo
read "Its objects are to recast eco
nomic conditions entirely for the bon-
oflt of tho farmor." Tlisit is wiuuy
jumping at conclusions, hasty and in
a spirit that Is vory likely to be mls-
undfrstood. All cinsscs 01 uio common
pooplo were engaged In that revolt.
Tlmt leagU3 will olther be a mlgiuy
political uplift or a dismal failure,
i nnculent unon is onjccis ana nor-
osty and its pilomotors, hiiouiu u iu
velop luto a class politically or party
of classes, It will bo short lived. Class
nartns aro undemocratic, un-Amorl-
can and can no more conic to fruition
on Nebraska soil than could a banana
In Greenland.
SuDoab that before we pa-s
trflenent. we wait until such I
time ue 'e 1 can Judge from
roitnits. Under present economic
conditlona no changes can 'be hfd
without Somebody getting hurt. That
lovo't la Worth Dakota ousted thtf old
gajiK of free-liooters and put the
people In possession of their own, and
croi.ted another surprise by auptport-
ing the people's president. With all
pon ible ' oppo'dtlon such things '1U
hato',! Rometlmes, and It Is to bo
kop d .more often In toe future.
vorta Fiawe, Neur.
i '
Vi ilHaoT Rice, ' of Grand" tfttafed,
ppi't !'4iw week end yfeitlng Allan
t:lilSMn. ' ', '
Way do rout cowa give lest milk in
wiiiini; than they do in summer? Just
betuae' nature does not cuppty them
ttltn afasaw! and greeu food. But we
!av" cptte to the aotstanco of Datno
Nature Wttb B, A. t Thomaef Stock
Remedy which contains tho vory lo
irrr lienta that the green feed supplies
in Htifteos: only, of course, In a move
hlKnly concentrated form. w guar
ant. it that this remedy will make your
covs give more mJlk. and better milk,
win the same reea. sola oy nerry.
berry ft Forbes. ' JBI
Polishing Coral.
Although Venice Is a center for tour
ist trndo In coral and .shell cameos,
coral Itself Is neither gathered nor
worked there Tho manul'iicture Is con-
lined to Torre del Clreco. Polishing j
coral in quantities Is an Interesting
featuro of the work. It Is placed iin
small bag of strong, raw linen together
with crushed puinlco stone, and tho bag
Is shaken In a special tube with a hole
for drainage under a small column of '
water. When the coral Is well puml-,
catcd It Is washed and paused Into a
30 caik'il 'pullmento" (red or white) Is
used, and the former operation la re
peated, first without water, then with
a llltlo and dually with much' water,
when tho coral has become brilliant.
What tile "pullmento" Is the Inhabit
ants of Terro del Oreco, whllo so proud
and Jealous of their Industry, huvo
never taken the trouble lo llnd out, as,
Indeed, what the "auuu osslgcnnta"
(hydrogen peroxide) Is, which Is used
to change the color of tho coral, black
when extracted from tho sea, to red.
As for the "Jiullmento," It Is not differ
ent from that which tho Jewelers use
to iiollsh precious stones. Exchange.
Keith Theatre
South Park Poultry Yard
Whoro wo raise the Uonl Worn Comb
Hods. Now Is tho time for you to got
birds mated up for the onrly spring
hatching. I havo a lot of splendid
Cockerels and Cock Ulrd Hint I know
without doubt will please you, no
matter how particular you may bo,
and at ono-half thoiirlco you could got
tho same finality by ordering away
from home. You aho soo what you aro
buying. Come early nnd got your pick.
of more than thirty that I am .pftarliig
for sale. ... .
J. H. VANCLErWE,1 Prop.
and Thursday
Oflfoa phone 241. Re, phone 217
Osteopathic Phyeielon.
North PlatU-. N'. hrnskh
Mclliir.ild P.-1..1, Kufldmjf.
Our Torriugton Vacuum
weeper 1e meeting with such
Buccegs, we feel It ouruty Ij
the -name of friendship to call
your fttteation to this cleaner.
It has not only a stronger
Miction hut also a revolving
briwh. Combtped as, they are
In this cl6an,r, they Bpell sut
ce. We , are so. nleaaed - with
its worii that ft' is a pleaaw to
Bhow it. Allow ub to call and
majte a demonstration. Each
tlpmoiiBtratien helps to spread
Its fame. It positively does pick
up threads. fi
North Platte Light and
Power Co.
Conrespondeiice School
of Dressmaking
Wo will Bond you out PRttK HOOK
on Dressmaking if you ar interu-d.
Do not ask us far piuCK Bog;
you are not interested, as they coW us
lots of money to prepare thefo w&
we are only aiming-to send out'a'lha
Ited number. r
We teach you Dressmaking at hom ,
iu shorter time and Cor less money
than the Eastern Schools. Send n
few nntnee of your frten'os wWo you
think would he Interested, for th )
t'atronlae .hbmo Brhbbls WtiftrAV
can glvo you individual 6tmti0.'i
Correspondence . School
of Dressmaking
J. L. Mitchell
of Le:lngon, NebH will wake your
Public AHcUeu Salts. No extra ehif
fm .IrHHperJaiiun. Itofereneet, ihe
farwers ana steekmoN 1h nnwson t int
adjoining connttei, far whn; I hate
conducted auction sab ir t) v ist
i years. Chnrgtis reaM.iubi, i'yr
sale dntoH, pliune or iw.h,
Lexington, KebrnNka,
or inal.0 dute ut this office.