The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 16, 1917, Image 1

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No. 1
Enthusiastic Meeting of Growers Held
at Hershey Saturday nnd I)e.
elsion aimle to (Jive Western
Co. l'nrt of Territory.
The (Jreat Western Sugar Company,
the owner of thirteen sugar factories
In Colorado, Montana and Nebraska,
haB become interested in tho Lincoln
-county beet growing district;, 1111
contract for beets this season, has
located a Hold agent at Hershey nnd
with tho possible view of orecting a
factory at some future time has takon
option on Ave different tracts of land
near tho village of Hershey.
Those developments took form Sal-,
urdny at a very enthusiastic and large
ly attended meeting of beet growers
at Hershey, at -which several North
Platte business men woro in attend
ance. This meeting was hold through
tho efforts of tho Platto Valley Beet
Growers' Association, n organiza
tion though but recently formed has
ehown commendable energy In its
move toward securing tho location of
a sugar factory. . Tho Tribune
which for fifteen years has united with
others in working for a factory con
siders that tho prospects for securing
ono for the valley is now ten-fold
-greater than at any previous time, and
if the farmers of tho beet growing sec
tion becomo sufficiently interested in
beet culture as to Insure the required
acreage there is absolutely no ques
tion but that a factory will bo erected
in the Hershey district in 1919. Dut
whether this factory is built depends
upon tho farmers. It is absolutely up
to them to furnish tho acreage but if
the enthusiasm at tho Saturday meet
ing permeates the entire district, that
acreage twill be forthcoming.
Present at the Hershey meeting
woro Manager Denman, of the Grand
Island factory, to which the Lincoln
county beets for a dozen or more
years have been shipped, and Manager
Simmons of Scotts Bluff, who has su
pervision of tho factories at Goring
and Scotts Bluff and will also bo in
charge of the one to bo erected at
Bayard this year. Manager Denman
was first called upon and briefly stat
ed that tho output of the Lincoln
county territory was greatejr jthan
tho Grand Island factory could take
care of In conjunction with tho terri
tory east of North Platte, and that he
had no objection to, in fact advised,
a division of tho Lincoln county beet
territory. He sugegsted that tho ter-;
ritory bo divided on a north and south
lino two miles west of Hershey; that
all beets grown east of that line be
Bhipped to Grand Island, and all
grown west to Scotts Bluff.
Manager Simmons then addressed
tho meeting at some length and ans
WTed many questions asked. Ho
stated that the division of territory
Final Clearance of
Ladies' and Children's Coats
We have a limited number of Ladies' and Children's
Coats left from our January Clearance Sale that we
have re-priced to clean out of stock quickly and com
pletely. We offer these as follows:
Lotl, Children's Coats, nice stylish garments
veil made from good cloths
Lot 2, All our higher grade Chil- t k A
drcn's Coats that sold up to $10,J4.43
Lot 1, Ladies' Coats, a fair assortment of pat
terns and styles, that have sold
up to $12.00, your choice . . . . j)0 7t)
Wilcox Department Store
as suggested by Manager Donmnn was
satisfactory to tho Great Western Co.;
that under tho system of bonuses of
fered tho price paid for beots'would bo
ho sanio as paid by tho Grand Island
factory; thnt If a sufficient acreage
of beets aro grown and tho required
conditions are found to be satisfac
tory, his company would oroct a fac
tory, and that with a viow of erecting
a factory options had boon taken on
flvo tracts of land as a site. Ho pre
sented tho Groat Wostorn contracts,
which in tho main woro satisfactory,
and tho growers residing in the Groat
Western district who woro proslent
signed tho acreage contracts.
Tho torrltory assigned tho Groat
Western include tho torrltory at
Sarben nnd Koystone on the North
river branch', and it is probable that
tho contracts between tho rivers and
at Sarben and Koystono will aggre
gate in tho neighborhood of two
thousand aores.
G. II. Cady, ono of tho host field men1
In the omploy of the Great Wostorn
, r 1. I - .1 .. i i ... r t i I
vju., una uutuuy ju i i veil ui nursnu
and will remain permanently looking
' after the interests of that company.
Paving Case Decided.
Tho Nebraska supreme court has
handed down a decision In tho Kearney,
paving case upholding the. constltu-1
tionality of tho law. This is ctnlnly
good news for Gerald Stack, tho con-'
tractor for tho North Platto paving,
for it means that the bonds-issued for'
tho paving can now bo sold and that'
ho uill receive his money ninety- i
Ave thousand dollars. Pending tho j
outcomo of tills case in the supremo
court, a buyer for ,tlie North Platte
bonds could not be found, and as a 're- j
suit Contractor Stack has 'not re-1
coived his monoy, although his con
tract has been completed.
: :o: :
Aiifl-Iinllroad Feeling.
Thore appears to bo an. antl rail
road feeling around tho legislature
and it is evident that the corpora
tions will faro badly at the hands of
tho members if some of tho sentiments
expressed aro to bo carried out whrfrj
tho laws aro made. The car short-.
ago is probably responsible for tho
sentiment, though there are qulto a
number of members, as usual, who
can see nothing good In. the corpora
tions and aro ready to swat them at
every opportunity.
: :o: :
All membors of Bradford Division
No. 200 Ladies' Auxiliary to tho B. of
L. E. are requested to bo present at a
special meeting at the K: P. 'hall Sat
urday afternoon, January 20th, at 3
o'clock. Installation of officers. Mrs.
W. B. Brown, president.
Can tliero bo anything moro humili
ating, moro crushing, than for an in
nocent girl to be made tho subject of a
public denunciation? In "Audrley."
Mary Johnston's story, with Pauline
Frederick at tho Crystal tonight this
occurs. Tho story of "Audrey" is a
thrilling and dramatic ono as all who
have read it know, and Its popularity
as a story -will also make tho photo
play ono of Immeasurable Interest.
Lot 2, Ladies' Coats, only a few in this lot,
hut garments worth up to $15,
your choice J,"3
Lot 3, High Grade Coats, (I 4 e (f
worth $30 and $35 $ y.V )
Lot 4, Plush Coats', only a limited stock ot
these, worth as high as $25, t 4 i f g
ji j.yj)
Cornniltlee Holds Meeting1 Saturday
and Arranges fur the Iluslncss
Sessions nnd the Kritortiilu
Ing Features.
Prof. E. J. O'Brien, president of tho
Nebraska Pharmacuotlcal Associa
tion, spent Saturday in town and in
a conference with the local commit
tee of druggists nssiatod in formulating
a program for tho stato convention of
the association which will bo hold in
North Platto Juno 19th, 20th nnd 21st.
This committee consists of J. II. Stono
chairman, F. J. Dunn secretary and
Goo. H. Frnter troasuror, and tho pro
gram as outlined Is as follows:
June 19th 8 p. m., address of wol
como by Mayor; response by presi
dent of tho association, 9 fl. in.,
dance for delegates And their Indies.
Juno 20th 9 a. m. Opening ses
sion; reports of comirilttooB, nddross
os. At the same hour tho ladles will
bo entertained by an auto ride to tho
national cemetery, Sioux Lookout and
Scout's Rest ranch. Dlnnor .will bp
served at tho state experimental Jarm
by committee. 2 p. m. Reading of
papers In the convention hall. 8 p.
m. Banquot at ho Lloyd opera houso
dance to follow banquot. t
June 21st 9 a. m. Election of of
ficers, business address. I p. m,mWlW
West ontertalnmont at tho fair ground.
It is expected that at least 200 del-,
ogatos -will bo present at tho conVen
tlon, nnd that tho larger number will
be accompanied by tholr ladles.
If you havo girls that may need? a
coat for tho balanco of this winter,
or if you intend buying one next sea
son, better take advantage of tlifs pale
'.vhero your dollar will do the work
of two, and oven three dollars In some
instances, now during the sale at Tho
Loader Mercantile Co., which salo
closes Saturday, January 20th.
Tho women's petticoats that Tgo
Leador Mercantile Co. is selling "at
$1.39 and ?2.4G are certainly won
ders. On display in tho wlndows and
in tho ready-to-wear section on tho
second floor.
Just as soon as spring opens tho
Lincoln highway between North Platto
and Maxwell will bo put In good shapo.
Part of this road iwlll need be surfac
ed with gravol, and Commissioner
Springer, in whoso district tho road Is
located, is already planning tho work
ncoded- t t .
ICO Coats, 150.
For Ladies, MIbsos and small Girls,
in Wool Velours, Plushes, Zlbollnes,
plain and fancy wool materials, every
one of them a stunner, and now ro
dnced to tho very limit. Just dlrop in
and convince yourself what a beauti
ful Coat you can buy at tho prices of
fered. BLOCK'S.
Tho Et-u-Vtrp will moot with Mrs.
Timinorman tomorrow nftbrnoon.
Tho Happy Hour club will nicofwith
Mrs. Jerry Purdy Friday nftornoon.
Tho Alpha Mu. Sigma society spoilt
an enjoynblo nftornoon with Mrs. H. C.
Brock yesterday.
Tho Ivanhoo club will h61d a dnnco,
nnd card party at the Lloyd opera
houte this evening.
Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Johnston will on
tortnln the Entro Nous club and their
husbands Friday evening of this week.
Tho music nnd art department of tho
Twontleth Century club will moot with
Mrs. G. T. Field Tueadny evening,
January 23.
Mrs. T. C. Pnttorson will ontortnln
the members of tho domestic sclonco
department of tho Twontleth Contury
club Monday afternoon, Jnnunry 22.
Tho literature dopartmont of tho
Twentieth Contury olub will meet tills
afternoon with Miss Irene Stuart in
stead ot with Mrs. Chnrlos Adnms.
Mise Ruth Davidson cntoi tnlucd a
dozon young ladles Friday ovenlng in
honor of Miss Mnmio Hamilton who
loft Sntutday morning for Ogdon
to rcttlde.
Miss Mnudo Owens was tendered
a surprise party Inst evening by a
number of -friends nnd neighbors who
Bpont tho ovenlng vory pleasantly.
Jijlss Owens who will bo a February
bride, was presented with a pretty
collection of household nrtlclos.
- The niombers of Sioux Lookout chap
ter D. A. R. woro the guests of Miss
Elizabeth Hlnnian, Mrs. J. II. Heg
arty and Mrs. H. M. Grimes Friday
evening. A number of pnpors were
read by tho. "ladles on "Historical
iSpots of Nobr'aska" and papora on
"Tho Early Days In, North Platto"
were sent by Messrs. John Bratt and
Mlltonbergor. It was 'agreed to have
an appropriate monument erected on
Sioux Lookout in the near future.
Tho Lady Foresters hold a "niceting
at tho homo ot Mrs. Clydo Cook Sun
day afternoon at which tho following
bfficors woro elected. Chief ranger,
Mrs. W. II, LoDioyt; vice-chief ranger,
Mrs. P. H. Lonergnn; recording bcc-
"retary, Miss Ethol Donegnn; financial
secretary, Mrs. Clydo Cook; treasuror,
Mrs. James Hart; dologato to tho con
vention in Milwnukeo In September,
Mrs. Clydo Cook; altcrnnto, Miss EUiel
Donegnn. Mrs. LoDioyt will entertain
tho ladles January 25th.
Tho World-Herald of Sunday states
that Mrs. D. 11 Qulgloy, formerly
of this city, is taking a prominent part
in tho work of the Women's clubs In
Omaha and In regard to Jior work
says; "Mrs. D. T. Quigloy, although a
newcomer in Omaha and a recent mem
ber of tho Society of Fino Arts, is tak
ing an active part in promoting tho
showing of tho society's otorcoptlcon
slides of tho world's famous paint
ings froo to tho children Saturday af
ternoon at Monroo theatre."'
Daniel Lcary, of Crolghton collego,
who recently spent soveral weokH vis
iting his aunt Mrs. F. J. Doran, is ono
of tho six speakers of that college
who qualified to participate In tho
ilnal oratorical contest at tho uni
versity auditorium tomorrow evening.
Tho winner Iwlll bo awarded a gold
medal and will speak for hlo school In
tho stato contest at Doano collego.
Mr, Learyfs subject is "Tho Drug
Tho life of this institution comos
through the successful uso of tho truo
and tried Homeopathic remedy; noth
ing healing' moro quickly, moro easily,
moro permanently.
Hero Is a hospital that Is making it-
golf known by good results In Major
and Minor Surgery, and which Is tho
Homo of Orldclal Surgery with ac
complishments that no othor system
can dare challenge In tho treatment of
acuto and chronic diseases.
1003 West 4th St, North Platto, Neb.
.Toll n S. Twlnoin, M. D.
Keith Theatre
Every Monday
and Thursday
For Salo Several good Poland
China Boars. Inqulro of W. W. llirgo.
) ' Advniico shbwlng of Spring, 1917,
Skirts. Como In and soo thorn at
. hlocics.
Mr. and Mrs. PorTlno, who visited
In Omaha last wok, returned homo
Sunday ovenlng.
Tho Sarah Hoboknh lodge and tho
delegates to tho convention hvill bo on-!
tortalnod at a luncheon at tho Oasis!
Mrs. P.lnrlr Thinlinnim r T.u Av
. . . . - - " "Mini .nti : . .yT ..11 i
golos, left tho latter part Wf last woekt
for Chicago, nttor visiting Qioro fori
sovoral woeks with tolativos, 1
All wlntor garments must bo 'Bold at
any old .price that will movo them.!
Come In and tnko thorn away.
Weather forecast far North Platto
and vicinity: Gonorally fair tonight
nnd Wodnosdny; rising tomporaturo
Wednesday. Highest Uunporaturo
yostorday 13, a yonr ago U lowest last
night 2, a year ago 0 bolow.
With this Isbuo'tIiq Trlbuno enters
its thirty-second yqnr, and yet to tho
publlshor It seem but liko yostorday
when on January 17th, 1885, ho set tho
first lino of typo for tho Initial number.
Timo has flown rapidly,
causo there has boon to Baro many
times moro sunshlno than clouds-
nnd that sunshlno has been largely
duo to looking on tho bright Bldo of
llfo living todayi not yesterday or
Sheriff Salisbury has traced E. E.
Smoot, who passed a worthless chock ,
ta tho Hotol McCabo last month for
Bovontcon dollars land olghty-flvo
conts. Smoot travolB with ia Kero
Wator and Oil burner nnd glvos dom-1
onstratlons In different cities. Whllo
li6ro (ho presented tho check at the '
McCabo payable at. Q.DcerJwnk and
It was later discovered' that ho did not
havo monoy thero. Messages had
boon sent dut by Sheriff Salisbury and
ho received word yostorday from tho
chiof of polico at Torrlngton, Wyo.,
that JSmoot was thoro.
It Will Read
Like A Story Book v
A short, concise story of your success may he writ
ten in your bank book and it will read like a story
book. You, as the author, can make it as interesting
as you like.
It will be a story in which figures speak louder
than words.
JfCome in to the First National Bank and we wil,l
furnish you the book to start. Then come in regu
larly and increase the first deposit even though it only
be a dollar at a time.
Four Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings.
First National Bank,
Gasoline is the highest it has ever been and may go higher;
tires have advanced 15 to 20 per cent; nearly all automobile
manufacturers have increased their prices on cars 10 per
cent, if not their parts.
Ford will Not Increase His Price and His
Repair Pnrt3 have Been Reduced in Price '
And now he will build his own iron mills, which is another
advantage lor the Ford owner.
Give us your order at once else you will not get a FORD, as
tho production will be taken up early principally on account
of the facts here stated.
Cor. Fourth & Dewey. North Platte, Neb.
The Pathfinder Sunday school clnsa
taught by Mrs. N. E. Loudon onjoyod
a skating party Saturday afternoon -aftor
wlilah thoy woro entertained' ni
tho homo of Miss Gladys Fostor and
Borved with n chicken supper.
In tho McVIckor mllllnory dopart
mont nt Tho Leador Morcnntllo Co.'n
Btoro thoy aro showing hats extra
ordinary at two prices $1.50 Specials
and $3.75 Specials. In tho1 $1.50 lot
you wilt And hats that early in tho aoa
son cost up to $5.50; In tho $3.75 lot
you will find hats that sold at and up
to $12. All othor hats at close out
quick prlcos.
Tho preliminary arrangements for
calling an oloctlon to vote bonds for
a now brldgo across tho South Platto.
rlvor eouth of town have, been com
pleted. Tho estimated cost of tho ,
brldgo Is $10,000, ono-hnlf tho cost to
bo bbruo by tho stato. It Is proposed
to havo a nil on ouch sldo of tho rlvor,
cutting down the longth of Uio brldgo
to 700 or 800 foot. Tho matorlal to
bo used will be olthor stool or con
crete. Harry I. Block will leavo next week
for Now York to purchase goods for
his Indies furnishing store. In this
connection Mr. Block suggests that
If ladles who have In mind any particu
lar garment made In somo cortnln
stylo or of certain shado Mill coni
munlcuto with him ho will ondonvor
to socuro for them the desired gar
mont Whllo they will not bo undor v
obligation to purchase what ho buys,
tho suggestions of tho ladles would en
able him to purchase moro nearly the
class of rooiIb that will best satisfy
Opponch Sale of School Lnnds
Laud Commissioner Shumwny takeg
a position ngnlnst tho fialo ot Uio
etato's school lands nt this time, as
unfair to the children to Iwhoso edu
cation tho proceeds from theso lands
aro to bo dovotcd In tho future, in tho
faco of tho steady lncreaso In tho val-
uo of all farms and farming lands. Jfo
argues moro wisely, that bottor leasr
mg jaws wiica wm oncourngo uouory ,
iiiiprortxnuiUB, is wiw uunur jioiii;. , -
Kcarnoy tiuu.