Mm1 8 i.t tf it if it tf it it if if if if if i.t it t.t tf if t.t t.t if if it if it if if if tf if tf tf tf tt if if WlWWi mi 7A i 1 Your Boy Should Save! The saving hnbit formed in early youth is lasting. Induce your son to start saving now. The McDonald State Bank will help you. Brin& him here end have a talk with Mr. McDonald. It is easy to make this start now and it means so much for future success that it demands your immediate action. $1.00 starts an account. M9BM&L State Bassk WonTHPLATTC, NESR, minium C1T A2fl) flOUNTY NEWS. Don't miss tho Katzonjammcr picnic January lGth and 17th at tho Keith. Fred Tobaa loft laBt night for Cedar Raplda, In., to visit friends and trans act, business. Dr. Morrill. Dentist. Mrs. M. A. Bonham loft Wednesday evening for Sutherland to visit with relatives for a fow days. Louis Brodbcck sustained a frac tured urm Wednesday afternoon whllo roller skating on tho sidewalks Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Richards loft Wednesday afternoon fort ho castorn part of this utato to visit relatives. Miss Draco Hlgglns, who had boon teaching In tho rural school in Dis trict No, 5 roslgncd a fow days ago. Soft Water Shampoo and Electric MaBsago., Coatoa' Beauty Parlors. Phono Red GG5. tf ' died Portor, Frank Bongo and Louis Sponcor ,ot Wallace, were among tho out of town visitors hero Wednesday. Ono big lot of Vollo and Flannol Waists, beautifully trimmed, all this season's waists on galo now at 70c, at BLOCK'S. . Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Rodllold aro en- Joying a visit from tho lattor's mothor; Obituary Mrs. Ellzaboth Thomas was born in Flshklll, DuchosB County, New York, February 25, 1838. Sho departed this llfo Jan. 2d, 1017, having lived 78 years, 11 months, and aoven days. Sho was married to Sheldon David Thomas In Tomklns county, Now York, In 1855. To this union three children were born. Hor husband and two children, William Thomas and Mrs. two children, Wm. Thomas and Mrs. Sara Ulckloy survlvo hep. Tho family moved to North Platto in 1874, nnd sottlcd on tho prairie six mllos from tho town. They havo roslded In this vicinity slnco that tlmo. Tho funeral service -was held in tho Presbyterian church Jan. 7th, Interment In the North Platto comotory. Mir, Thomas was a member of tho Prosbytorian church In North Platto, Sho was an ldoal loving mothor and wlfo, devoted to her homo llfo, making a companion of, hor children, always roady to glvo wIbo counsol In all tholr llttlo troubles. xx YIlnfsiaUstlcK. Charles Temple, city reglBter of vl tal statistics, reports tho following births and deaths during tho year 101G, not all of which, howovor, occur red in North Platto. Deaths January cloven, Fobruary soven, March fourteen, April oloven, May soven, Juaio thirteen, July ton, August nlno, Soptombor ton, Octobor Mrs, Harrin who arrived hero f rom ' olov,&n' November nine, December Lincoln tho first of this woolc, For Farm LoanB see or wrlto Qeno Crook, roo-si 3, Waltemath building, North Platto. 41tt MISb Sndlo Trovlllo who has boon taking vocal Instructions In Oinnha , twill nrrlvo horo today to sing at tho 1 opening o tho Poulos Bros. Oasis. For Salo Puro bred Barrod Ply mouth Rook Cockorols. Inqulro of or address Blankonburg Bros., 1305 No. Locust St., North Platto, Nobr. 104-4 Mrs. Fred Miller and daughter Win ifred of Sioux City who spout several wooks With hor mothor Mrs. R. V. Cox, roturncd homo Wednesday ovon-ing. H. S, Johnston arrived horo a fow day ago to nccopt a position In thof McDonald Stato bank. Mrs. JohnBton is oxpoctod from Pawneo City In tho near future T T . . . . I uuiiih uuiKuiien unit miss margaret twelve Total ono hundred nnd twenty four. Births January twonty-nlno, Februl ary six, March eight, April thlrtoon, May nlnoteon, Juno oloven, July nlno, August five, September nlnoteon, Oc tobor twontV-ono. -Novombor live, Do comber twelve. Total ono hundred and llfty-sovon. Tift Plcntls Not Utility. In the county court .Tuesday Allen Tift plondcd not guilty to tho charge of assaulting William Dorrum. Ho was relonsod on his own recognizance to appear in court when summoned. Tift Is charged with having knockd Dor- ram into tho waters, of tho Union Pacific lake east' of town when tho two beenmo Involved In an altercation over inonoy claimed duo Dorram's brother. Slnco tho alleged assault Dorrnm has boon In a hospital suitor lug from pneumonia. :o: : Furs J Furs! Wo havo a big stock of Furs left M. Rlchmann, of Paxton, woro grant- and If tho price can movo thorn, wo are ctl a marriage Hcoiibo horo Wednesday going to sell them at one-fourth and nnu weco jator married by County , ono-tmru or p". ui.uuh's, -Judge French. iiosi David Brott was olrostod by Shorlff Boutou Monday morning and taken to Lexington, charged with tho thoft of a horso, saddlo and brldlo from Al fred Soil's place, north of tho city. During Tuesday night ho managed to got a steol bar loose from a railing, and with thlu cut IiIb way out through tho root. Sheriff Benton was on his trail In a short tlmo, caught him nnd roturncd him to Jail Qothonburg In dependent. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell roturncd Wod nosday evening from Sterling. Col.. whefro aho attended' the funoral of hor tutor, tho lato Mrs. Cliarloa O.Rourko, which wr lield from the Cathol c a bank! church of that city. Mrs. O'Rourke leaves to mourn hor domlBo tho bus .i band, two daughters and a Bister, Mrs, IIIIVDIWI M v M tnl.MI A .... it ,iiii,viiuu, ui wun Uilj. 4II1UIIK thoBo from Brady who nttondod Uio Joaoph Schats, F. J. McUovom, ChaB. Pobb. J. J. llorrlgnn, W. J. O'Connor, Edward Sohntz will Joavo Sunday morning for Sidney to tittond tho in stitution of u Knight or Columbus council. Monday's foaturo at tho Kolth "The Marriago of Molly" with Mao Marsh and Bobby Ilarron, la an Irish char, actor Btory and tho comedy number Will bo "Laundry Liz," with Fay Tlnohor. Official announcement has boon made- of tho appolntmont of Charles White, of Sutherland, us state bank examlnor. For a number of years Mr. wiiuq has boon employed In in that town. Joseph GohiioU. who was December 22d for Hhnnttnp .Tnlm mm iioannK in mo county court ro1, Mr Mpn Vl, ..... ra Tusiiay aucrnoon and bound over to tho district court. Dologntos to tho annual convention of Voluntoor Ftroman who will loavo today for Auburn nro Fred Peterson, Charles Sundall, Cy RusboII, Hurry Shlnn, Louis Johnston, Frod Dick, Raymond Tlgho, Cheator Mncombor and Joaopli Basklns. JLju c3 ci WARNING! When the tjoors close Saturday night at 9:30 o'clock, our remarkable January Clearance Sale will be a thing of the past. Your chance for possessing needed merchandise at excep tionally low prices will be gone. Quick Action is Necessary Wise, shrewd buyers will accept this advertisement as a timely warning and act promptly providing lor months to come at these unusually low prices. t.t tf tf tt tf tf tt i.t i.t u tf if it it i.t it i.t n if i.t it i.t if i.t i.t i.t n tf i.t i.t i.t i.t it i.t it i.t i.t t.t i.t i.t tf i.t t.t i.t it t.t i.t it i.t i.t i.t t.t t.t i.t $ :.: :.: ft t.t t.t t.t t.t t.t t.t t.t t.t t.t n t.t t.t j.t i.t i.t t.t i.t i.t .: t.t t.t t.t t.t t.t t.t t.t t.t it t.t t.t tf if if .t it t.t t.t :.: tt t.t t.t if i.t t.t tf tf :.: tf if t.t if if tf tf if t.t t.t tf t.t tf tf if t.t tf COATS $4.95 Tlie low prices on our Coafs mako it most profitnlilo to buy now. Nolo the prico reductions, that we are giving on the balance of this season's stock. Lot 1 Ladies' Cloth Coats, some of this year's styles, also some carried over from last year, all $7.50 to $9.00 quality Lot 2 Ladies' Cloth Coats in plain and fancy mix-$7 QC tures that have. sold up to $12, your choice, .ip! iJu Lot 3 Finer Cloth Coats, all have been priced Of QK at $15.00, now $diJU Lot 4 and 5 includes all of our finer Cloth Coats in Velour, Bolivia Cloths, etc., worth from $18 to flip flC to $25; some beautiful coats in this lot at. IdiOu Fur Fabric Coats in Plushes and Velours, have all been put in four different lots at $18.95, $15.95, 030 OP $17.95 and 4i3sJii Children's Coats, only a few left, but good ones 01 ft at$.95and qfaiZrt Cano Granulated Sugar, 13 pounds for (Only one dollar's worth to a customer) Tomatoes, large can Grocery Prices for Balance of Sale Siuu 11c Diamond C Soap, S bars for 25 G Lye, 3 cans for 2 Large Oranges, per dozen SHOES . , Children's Gun Metal button Shoes, made on good 01 CO lasts, sizes 8y2 to 11, $1.49; 11 to 2 ipltUU Children's High Cut Boots, mostly in kid stock, M C10 sizes Sio to 11 $1.48; llio to 2 ijHiilU Growing Girls' Shoes made in lace from good (M 70 plump kid, sizes iy to 5 $ I il J Growing Girls' Shoes made from fine gun metal. .00 OQ stock, Neolin soles, latest styles pidU Ladies' Shoes made from heavy kid stock, a good (M QD shoe for rougher wear tpiiuO Ladies' Shoes, small sizes, narrow lasts, regular $3 (M QQ and $4 shoes, a bargain if you can-wear them tj) i i JU Ladies' Fancy Boots; we have grouped all our latest style fancy boots selling up to $7.50 a pair in one (M 00 lot, your choice for fnriUU Men's Shoes, gun metal calf stock, English lasts, 00 00 rubber heels, strictly up to date ij)iuu Men's Work Shoes, made from Milwaukee manure proof stock, extra well made, only a few pairs in . . .00 OQ this lot PiaD it if i.t it if t.t t.t if if if t.t if if if tt ... J.t it if t.t it :.: :.: :.: if t'f 'if tt :.: t.t t.t :.t if mm w w j -jntr.-- Wileox Department . Store. j.t if LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. B. A. QarllchB wont to Grand Island Wednesday to Bpond a fow days! For Rent Two largo front rooins for light housekeeping. 514 cast Third; 0. J Haaso purchased a now Ford car at tho Ilcndy-Ogler garage yestor day, F. C. PlelBtiekor and M. E. Scott transacted business In Sutherland this week. Katzonjammor picnic (reserved seat salo Saturday from 2 to 5 and at night, County Judgo French left Wedneo day fojr Omaha to romaln several days. Wliatovor few Wlntor Suits wo havo loft you can buy them at almost your onvn prico. BLOCK'S. Richard Ralph Chaloupka, Infant son of Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Chaloupka, of Lincoln, died at the homo of Mrs. Chnloupkai's .parents, Mr. and Mtb. J. T. Murphy, yestorday morning. In terment was made yestorday after npon in tho North Platto comotory. M. Tho Washington school was closed for sovoral days this week on account of a leakage In tho hoatlug plant which 1b uolng repaired. A Hag will hq, raised on the building to announce uio opening or ocuooi. "Ambition," tho Fox feature, Bhowlug at tho crystal tonlgnt, Is an oxamplo of what a woman's lnlluonco can do for a man whon ho lacks ability or nmbl tlon to got what ho wants politically. In tills caso tho precious husband wanted to bo district attorney and when you know that tho woman 1b Hmo Uortha Kallch you will know that tho feature will bo interesting. son, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Murphy, Mrs Kato Sullivan and 10. II. Springer. Misses Vena and Volmn Mogonson, of Loxlngton, will arrlvo this wook to vlBlt Miss Olga. Sandall for a week or longor. ' - Hogs for Salo. "Inquire of W. W. Illrgo. Mrs. John Shoftlold, formerly of nan croft, la., will mako hor homo horo with hor paronts, Mr. ami Mrs. Con Walker. Tho Rawena Clrclo will moot with Mth. Will Ulanar Tuo&day afternoon. All Voomnn Indies aro asked to como and brim; a friend. George Shaffer, formorly mall clork on tho branch road, has resigned his position. A number or nuio roues woto on- torluinod yoatorday afternoon by WU m a Francos Stack at a birthday party. Kntzoujammer ptcnlo resorved soat salo Saturday from 2 to C and at night. Special Certain Sale January 15 to 20. Beginning on above date we are mak ing greatly reduced prices on our entire stock of lace curtains. Half pairs and a few slightly soiled curtains will sell less than cost. Odd pieces of yard goods t at less than half price. Gome early and get some of these bargains for spring house cleaning. Curtains selling regular at $1.50 to $6.50 per pair will sell at 79c to $4.25. W. R. Maloney Co. CURTAIN DEPT. Pile Files Dunkrnptc)- Petition. John E. Pile, who for a number of years has been engaged as a contract or In North Platto, lias filed his peti tion for voluntary 'bankruptc'.t He places his liabilities at $3,424.8G and schedules his assets at $48G.25, claim ing vxemption on the latter. i jo J t First National Hank Ite-KIects Officers Tho stockholders of tho First Na tional Bank held their annual meeting Tuesday forenoon and re-elected the directors and officers of tho past year. The report submitted to the directors of tho business transactions of the past year were highly satisfactory. At this meeting matters pertaning to tho oc cupation of the new bank building wero considered. It will probably bo well toward March drst before this Bplendld homo of the bank twill be ready for occupancy. 1UKGAIN IN ' itKSIDENTE LOT An extra nice residence lot in the 1200 block on west Sixth with side walk 4iii(l sewer In nnd paid for. Prieo $100.00. 103-4 BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. NURSE 1JIIOWN aiEMOIilAL HOMEOPATHIC IIOSITPAL William Daldock has returned from Excelsior Springs where he spent two weeks. C, M. Trotter who had been devot ing all his time for a month past to tho Brady end of his business, camo up Tuesday to spend tho remainder of tho week. Ho roports splendid busi ness, having sold seven cars last week, and since coming here has 3old two, Farm and Ranch loans nt lowest rates nnd host terms. Money on hand to close loans promptly. 13tf I1DCIIANAN & PATTERSON. At the recont annual meeting of tho Baptist congregation a llcenso to preach wao granted to Ray McCann who 'will occupy the pulpit at tho Sun day services Jan. 14th. Mr. McCann will leave In a fow days for Grand Islanu to take a courso In tho Grand Island Baptist college for the ministry. Tho police mado a raid on tho Char ley Tamer residence Tuesdny and un earthed a half dozen bottles of whis key which ho had concealed In a trunk. Information has bjn illeu against him. Tumor's homo Is Buspoctod of be ing tho supply house for certain In dlviduals who havo been peddling andi selling liqupr. vrmla TUo 1,f0 ofth,s taiutuUon comes SawmVmoroMfss Dawn 'w.l j "Vrrn8!",!. U f, the 'T tomembor that when sho played on the1 f? "m? Pthlc remedy; noth stngo in "Tho Pink Lady" her violin II.1 f J111111 more easUy was an unforgotablo part of her per-jmoro P"nnmmUy. fomanco. In this photoplay hor violin Is I Horo la a hospital that 1b making lt ngaln brought to tho attention of her' self known by good resfults In Major frlonds for tho way It brings hor Into tho way of helping another girl. Mr. "V, Francis Wlllglng, a graduato optometrist, is now with us, nnd will be found hero in tho future. Ho Is competent to diagnose and correct errors of refracatlon, loss of accommo dation and muscular asthenopia Eyes fitted hero will bo properly fitted and satisfaction insured. Corner Front and Dewey. C. M. AUSTIN, 103-2 Jeweler. ::o:: FOR YOUR AUTO SERVICE Call 125 for taxi day or night Also flvo or sovon passenger car for funeral service. MOGENSEN-LOBDRV AUTO CO. Ch &ndler & Elear Agumcy, Corner 8th and Locust Sts. Headquarters for Window glass. STONE DRUO STORE. and Minor Surgory, and which Is tho Homo or Orlflclal Surgory with ac complishments that no other system can daro challongo In tho treatmont of acute and chronic diseases. 1003 West 4th St. North Pintle, Neb. John S. Twliusm, M.J). COMEDY Keith Theatre Every Monday and Thursday , m . 1- - :- - aaBL- n i .... . . . mmmamm