The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 09, 1917, Image 8

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    Semi-Weekly Tribune
ISA L. BAKE, Editor nnd Publisher.
Ouo l'car bj Mall In AdTnnce. . . .$1.25
One Ycnr by Currier In AdTiuico..$lJ0
Entered nt North I'latte, Nebrnska,
FoBtofllce aa Second Class Matter.
TUESDAY, .1ANUARV , 11)17.
Whcnt ScIIh WrIi.
Meven thousand bushflls of wlioat
vva nmrktod at the Loypoldt & Pon
ninglon elevator last week, evidence
tlmt tho fannors are Htlll holding n
considerable portion of their crop.
Tho hlgost prlco paid during tho week
wan on Friday when the bulk Bold at
$1.72. Instances arc known whore
farmers living Jn tho aoctlon tributary
to North Platte are holding wliat wheat
they hare left for a two dollar market.
This, of course, Is aomewhut of a
gambling proposition. If the present
talk of peace between the warring .na
tion becomes stronger with tho pos
sibility 6f reaching a uccesful cli
max, the "price of wheat will no doubt
tumble, and tumble rapidly; but if
nr 'ontlnues unabated, two dollar
wheat 1 r possibility.
: :o: :
Poultry Association Electa Officers
At the close of the poultry show last
Friday, di association held an election
of officers and re-elected M. 0. Rog
i presWent for two year term, F. W.
Hansen Vlco president; J. A.- McDon
ald ro-olectedl ifiorotnry nnd J. II.
Van Oleavo ro-eleeted treasurer.
Tho, nfsoclntlon will sond a big dol
cgitlon to the state (poultry show
which will be hold at Koarnoy noxt
work nnd Will malco a strong bid to
sci ure tho sUfle show for North Platto
nr t yoar.
T n pahs of chlcktns will bo shipped
from North I'latte to tho Kurnoy
-: :o; :-
Mabel Patterson .Slurried.
Cards received In town this morning
nnnounco tho marriage of MIbs Mnbol
Patterson, ft formor North Platto girl,
to JaniOB Stavort Elliott, tho cero
ui uy occurring fit Moeteotsc, Wyo.,
Sunday, Docmbtr 24th, iwhoro the
bride had been teaching school. It
was intended that tho wedding should
be bold at n later date, but Mr. Elliott
lind a business call to Canada and It
ns then concluded to bo married and
make tho Canadian trfp as brldo and
groom, .
They will mako tholr homo at Sunshine-,
Sclls Farm for $1(5,000.
Julius Plzor yostorday sold his No.
2 farm located north o; Iiorshoy, con
taining 100 acres to Geo. F. Sanders,
living In Blrdwood product, for a con
sldoratlon of $100 por aero or $10,000
for the tract. This farm Is consid
ered ono of tho best In tho Iiorshoy
scctlou, and wan purchased by Mr.
Plzor two or three years ago at a price
much leas than ho rocolved for It.
Since his purchaso howovor, ho baa.
made a numbor of intprovomontn. Pos
sosalon will bo given March first.
::o: f
Money to loan on real estate, either
out of our building' and loan associa
tion returnable same as rent or long
tlnio straight loan. No wait for money
If you hgvo clear abstract.
They will ma htokolohmuarynaobJ
Mrs. Jacob Plzer, or Grand Island,
who vailtod Mr. and Mrs. Julius Plzor
last week, loft for homo Sunday even
ing. Mathaw Kochum,. formorly day dork
nt tho Hotel McCabo, has accepted a
postlon In J. II. Hogarty'a lnsurnnco
Mrs. W. II. MoDonnld hns roturned
from Omaha, liavlng accompanied Miss
Janet that far on her return to Vassar
Mrs. M. V. Mitchell loft liiRt nvnnlnir
-for Sterling to attend tho funoral of
nor sisior, mo into Mrs. uiiarios
Mrs Georgo Wolnbarg, of Goring
who vlnltril hnr nnrnntn Mr nml Mru
Frank Frodorlcl for two wooka, loft
yostornay morning.
This mist year has been a satisfac
tory business year for the Platto
Vnlloy State Hank.
Wlillo not a period of great business
expansion, our customers have found
us over ready to meet their banking
requirements, promptly and consider. '
Wo havo hero an organization well
qualllled to Nerve your llnaurlal needs
in tho year ahead. You aro cordially
Invited to participate In this service,
with tho many peoplo whom wo al
ready servo.
Platte Valley State Bank
North Platte, Nebraska.
Turner (lots $lfif) Fine and
John Shaffer !!( Days All
Defendants to Pay Cost..
John Shaffer, Ohas. Tumor, Myrtle
McClollan and Jim firskln, convicted
In the district court of tho illegal sale
of liquor, wore summonod before Judge
Grimes Saturday forenoon nnd given
their sontoncos.
Sharfcr, who plead guilty, drow
thirty days jail sentence, and assessed
the con it costs.
Turnor was fined $150 and to pay
costs amounting to $64.80.
Myrtlo McClollan and Jim Ersklne,
who were convicted on four counts,
wore aentonced to pay a flno of one
thousand dollars each and tho court
costs, the latter amounting to $883.20.
The Judge gave Turner a rather
emphatic leprlmand by reason of Infor
mation reaching tho Judge that Turner
had been dealing In Huuor since his
trial. He warned him to desist.
Sentence ns It related to Myrtlo Mc
Clollan was suspended on part of tho
counts, nnd by making a cash 'pay
ment of $600 flno and tho costs a
mounting to $342.40, a total of $842.40
sho was reloased from custody Sat
urday evening, after upe'ndillg tho
afternoon In Jail. Ersklne Is In Jail
and 'will probably remain thoro and lay
out the $1,000 line. This will require
333 days. But while Jim Is there ho
will not ha selling booze and getting
into troublo.
Bnrrels of fun nt the Kratzenjammor
. James Shaw who visited in Gothen
burg last week has returned homo.
Dr. Fennor loft Sunday ovenlng for
Gothenburg to spond . fow days.
For Farm Loans see or write Gone
Crook, room 3, Waltemath building,
North Platto. 41ti v
Tho banquet to be held by tho Moose
pool club "Will bo hold In tho lodgo
rooms on Thursday ovenlng, January'
Mr. Jas. McEvoy returned tho lat
ter pait ot last wook from Kansas
City and Omaha who'ro she visited
Lost From flro oscapo of Tlmmor
maii hotol, gentleman's red and bliiro
bath robo. Return to Tlmmorman hotol
and recelvo roward.
Miss Meadows, of Omaha, who had
boon visiting her brother Brook!)
Meadowo nnd family for two woeks, re
turned homo Sunday afternoon.
Miss Pearl Pattorson, of tho Gothen
burg high school who submitted to an
operation for nppondlclts, recently at
a local hospital, roturned homo tho
latter part of last woek.
Van Lnwronco nnd T. L. Green have
leased the Henry Apploford ranch
ntar Maxwell for a porlod of il'o years
and win tuito possesion next march.
The cattle .which havo been kopt on tho
formor Cody ranch will bo moved
Sheriffs Sale
By vlrtuo of an ordor of Bnlo Issued
from tho District Court of Lincoln
County, NObruska, u'pon a decroo ol
lonolosul o rondo..d In saldi Court
iwheroln F, M. Shrader Is plaintiff, nnd
Chnrlos Judd ot al are defondnnts, and
to xno directed, I will on tho 10th day
of Fohi'diry, 1017, at 2 oclock p. m
at the east front door of tho Court
Houso In North Platto, Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska, soil at Public Auction to
tho highest blddor for cash, to satisfy
said docreo, lntorest and costs, tho
following doscrlbed property, to-wlt:
Southeast quarter of tho southeast
quartor (SB' of SEVi) of Section
twonty- throo (23) and tho north half
of tho northeast quarter (NVj of NE4)
and the northeast quartor of tho north
west quartor (NEW of of sec
tion Twoty-slx (26) all In townshln
nlno (9), north of rnngo twonty-nlno
(29), west ot tho 0th P. M., Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
Dated North Platto, Nob., January
8, 1917.
A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff.
Mrs. Kpenccr, Regent of (ho Local
Tells of the Alms mid Objc.cte of
this Patriotic Association.
So many Inquiries nre made con
cerning the National Society Daugh
ters of tho American Rovorutlon that
n short skitch of the organization may
bo of Interest.
Tho national Society D. A. R. was
organized by eighteen women Octobor
11, 1890, at Washington, D. C, follow
ing tho inspiration ot a newspaper
article In tho Washington Post by Mrs.
Mary Smith Lockwood, (who by way,
lsan aunt of Gov.-eloct Nevlllo). Mrs.
Lockwood Is called the "Pen Founder"
of the society. Mrs, Benjamin . Har
Tison waa first Proident
followod by Mrs. Adlai StevenBon, Mrs.
Jno. W. Foster, Mrs. Dan'I Manning,
Mrs. Donald MoLoan, Mrs. Chaa. Falr
bauka, Mrs. JIntthew T. Scott, and
Mrs. Wm. dimming Story.
The Society wan incorporated under
the laws of congress and a charter
granted imder which the annual re
port is made to congress each year
and prlntod as a senate document.
Tho object of the Society is to per
petuato the memory of the men and
womon who achieved American indo-
pentlonco, by acquisition and protec
tion of historical spots and tho oroction
of monuments; by oncouragoment of
historical research, preservation of
docuinonts and rollcij and the record
of Individual sorvico of tho Revolu
tionary soldiers and "patriots; to foB
tor trine patriotism nnd love of coun--
try. Tho headquarters of tho society
a,iyk at Memorial ponynontnl Iltall,
Washington, D. C, a beautiful white
marble building erocted nt a cost of
$500,000. Horo tho annual meetings
called tho Continental Congress aro
hold during tho week of tho 18th of
April; to which one or moro daughtors
from oalgh chapter in tho Society Is
a dologato.
Any woman who Is 18 yeans of ago
Is ellglblo to momborshli) provided
sho is doscondpd from a man or wom
nn who tendered material aid to tho
cause of Amorlcan independence; pro
vided, also, eho Is nccoptable to tho
National Society and to tho local
chn'ptor. This requires tho name, dato
ot birth, marrlago, and death of par
ents, grand-parents, great grand-par
cuts bnck tb the Revolutionary an
ceotor a record of his service and
proof of such record. Usually ' three,
four or five generations aro required,
althotlgh wo havo many '''Real
Daughtors," those whoso father
sorved In tho Revolutionary war, and
aro pensioned by tho Society. Ne
braska has one "Real Daughter," a
Mrs. Towksbury, who llvos at Fair-
bury. Evory assistance Is given by
local and national officers free of
charge to secure this data.
Contrary to tho prevailing opinion
tho ox'ponso of D. A. R. membership Is
nominal, $1 for Initiation, $2.25 for lo
cal, stato and. national dues in other
words $3.25 to Join and $2.25 per year
after becoming a mombor. This on
titles tho mombor to the parchment
cortlflcato of membership and tho D. A,
R. monthly magazine --n!ch Is n de
light to every reador.
Tho work bf tho chapter is ontlroly
within its own control. W hopo for
North Platto tho establishment of a
goncalogicnl department in our pub
lie library, and tho collecting of tho
enrly history of Nrtu Platto.
Tho chief work in tho stat has boon
the marking of tho old trails, tho res
toratlon nnd preservation of historic
spots and of public documents;, tho
writing ot local hlstorios; patriotic
education and honor and respect for
our Flag. Tho soclotj' has published
tho first volumo of "Personal Rem
Inisconcos of the Early Pioneer,'
which gives In their own lnnguago tho
exporloncos and observations of thoao
who "blazed tho trail" for us all. North
Platto and many of its early settlors
nro promlnontly mentioned in this
book, ono chapter of late history being
furnished by the lato Major "Walker,
A copy of this book may bo soon at
Rlnckor's Drug Store. It is planned
to Isbuo aiiQtlior volumo as soon aa
this edition is disposed of and'ovory
ono is urged to nsslst In this book by
accumulating data. Ono by ono those
old peoplo nro passing nway and It is
our duty to prosorvo tho rocordA of
early days that thoy nlono can gh"
Our historian, Mrs. Anna Church, has
chnrgo of this important work nnd will
gladly icompllo nil records.
Whllo tho social prestlgo of tha U
A. R. ia second to nono, numborln;
among Its leaders tho wlvos of prosl
donts, senators, In fact, Official Wash
ingion, una tno icnumg womon
throughout tho union In Its 120,000
membership, yot tho purpose of tho
socloty Is not society, nor Is It in. any
sonso ancestry worship. Through the
intluonco, enthusiasm and accomplish
monts of tho Daughters of tho Amerl
can Revolution thoro has resulted an
Intenso Intorest In history and hlstor
leal research In tho United Stato that
'will result not only in a propor nn
preclatlon and. respoct for nil who
havo helped mako our country groat,
bat will also rosult In higher stand
ard of citizenship and nn oxaltcd pa
Rogonl Sioux Lookout Chap. D. A. R.
Real Estate and Insurnnce
Come and see ua for- town lots In
different parts of tho city. Good in
vestments on easy terms. Houses for
sale and rnt. Wn have aluo good bar
gains In farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dewov Hts.. upstairs
The Urgent Cal! for
Cow Brand Flour.
speaks well for its superior qual
ities. Go'od housekeepers swear
by and not at it. For it alone
bakes belter bread, biscuits, cakes
etc., but makes more to the
lound than any other llour. Ask
"or Con Brand flour next time
and be sure you get it. It is the
Quality First" Flour.
Lierk-Sandal! Co.
Ecctrlcnl Supplies
Wiring Storage Batteries
Morsch Bldg
Phono 175.
Referee's Sale.
Notico io hereby given that tho un
dersigned, O. E. Elder, will sell at
public auction at tho east front door
of the Court Houso in North Platte,
Lincoln County, Nebraska, at 2 p. m.
on February 10th, 1917, to the highest
uluuer for cash, tho following dos
rlbed lands situate in Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska, to-wlt: Lot Eight (8),
mock One Hundred fortv-e cht (148)
and Lot Ten (10), of Wash Hlnman's
Subdivision of the South half of Block
Onn Hundred two (102) all of tho ori
ginal town of the city of North Platto,
Said sale having been ordered. by the
District Court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, In an action in partition in
which Joanna F. wood is plaintiff and
Kato Wood Bakor et al, are defendants.
Said sale to romaln open one hoUr.
O. E. ELDER, Roferoe.
Referee's Sale.
I, O. E. Elder, tho undersigned, ref
oroo in partition proceedings, pending
in tno uistrict Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska, in which Blanche
Smallwood is plaintiff and Irene Crane
et al, are defendants, will, In pur
nuance of nn order therein, sell at pub
lic auction, to tho highest bidder, for
cash, nt tho east front door of tho
Court House, In North Platte, Nebras
ka, at tho hour of 3 o'clock n. m. on
February 10th, 1917, tho following des
cribed real estate, situate in Lincoln
County, Nebraska, to-wlt:
Lot Three (3) Block One Hundred
Soventy-soven (177);
Lot Three (3) Block Ono Hundred
Eighty-two (182);
Lot Three (3) Block Ono Hundred
Elghty-flvo (185); all in tho oriulnal
town, and Lot Two (2), Block 5, of
aouiii rnrK Addition, all In tho City
oi isortn natte.
Said sale to remain open ono hour,
O. E. ELDER, Roforeo.
Notice of Iiicornorntlnn.
To Whom it Mnv Concern!
Notico is horobv clvon that nnrlor
date of December 13. 191fi. th
filed in tho offlco of tho County Clork
ot Lincoln County. Nebraska, and
under dato of Decembor1 14. mm in
tho offlco ot tho Secretary of Stato, of
tno btato ot Nebraska. ArtlelM of Tn
corporation ot tho "Lincoln County
Agricultural society."
Til a natilrn of thn lniHinoRtr in
transacted bv said eornnrnMnn nlinll
oo tno bottormont ana improvement
of agricultural and livo stock con
ditions m Lincoln County. Stato of No
urasKa. and ior tno hoidinir nf ntr
cultural nnd llvo stock oxhlhiu n.mi
fairs; and to ncquiro by purchase or
lonso such real estato, or personal
proporly, as may bo necessary for tho
transaction of such business, "and the
principal plnco of business of said cor
poration shall bo In tho city of North
Platto. Lincoln Countv. NnlirnaUrL Tli.
amount ot tho capital stock is tho sum
or t'lvo Tliousnnd ($5,000.00) Dollars
Twonty-nvo Hundred ($2500.00) Dol
lars of which shall bo fully paid up at
tho Umo of tho commencement of bus
moss; said corporation shall com
monco its business under dato of Jan
Unri' 1. 1917. and shall cnntlnnn fnr
period Of twlontv-flvo vearn. Thn liltrh
ost amount of indebtedness for which
snid corporation shall at any time
subjoct itself shall not oxcecd two-
thirds of Its capital stack.
Thft affaire nf until fnmnrnH
bo conducted by a board of directors
or uiioon in numnor, to bo olectod
annually by tho Btock holdors of said
Dated this 26th day of Decombor
129-J26 Incorporators
..General Hospital..
One Hall Block North ol Postoflice.
Phone 58
A modern , institution for the
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement casos.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. I). V. Lucas, M. D.
J.B. Redfield,M.D. J. S. Simms, M.D
Miss M. Sicman, Supt.
of Lexington, Neb., will mako your
Public Auction Sales. 3N'o extra chnrgo
for trasportatlon. References, the
tanners and stockmen In Dawson and
adjoining counties, for whom I have
conducted unction sales for the past
M years. Charges reasonable, lor
saio dates, phono or write,
Lexington, Nebraska,
or make date ut this office.
founded 1880.
It's tho household word in, Western
Nebraska. It's Old Lino, the bcst iron-
ey can buy. It's what you need, for a
savings bank and Insurance that In
sures. They -all buy it. '
"There is n Reason"
For further information
Phone, call or address
J. E. SEBASTIAN, State Agent,
The Old Lino Man
Quality in Cigars has has been our
aim since iwo began making cigars in
North Platto over thirty years ago.
Wo put quality in tho first cigars we
made, and that same quality is in the
cigars wo make today. Schmalzrled's
Cigars have stood tho test of those
moro than 'thirty years. What greater
ovldenco of quality could you desire?
If you have not been smoking Sshmalz
dicd's cigars, try them they are cer
tain to plcaso.
Hospital Phone Black 633..
House Phone Black 633.
Graduate Veterinarian
Eight years a Government Veter'lnar
lan. Hospital 218 south Locust St,
one-half 'block southwest ot the
Court House.
Office 333 Res Block 642
C Reynold Building
Offlco hours 9 a. m. to G p. m.
7 p. m. io 8 p. m.
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residance Red G3G Office 459
Notice to flreillinrR.
Estato -No. 1440 of Claus Gmenau,
aoccaBoa, m tho county Court of Lin
coin Countv. Nohmnkii.
The Stnto of Nobraska, ss. Creditors
of said estato will tako notico Wiat tho
tlmo limited for nrranntntinn nml filing
of claims against Baid Estato is July
20, ivu, anu tor seitiomont or saiu Es
tato is Decombor 21. 1017: that. T win
sit at ho county court room in said
county on January 26, 1917, nt 9
o'clock a. m., and on July 26, 1917, at
ociocic a. m. to rccolvo, examine,
hear, allow, or adjust all claimB and
oojocuons amy niea.
d26J23 County Judge.
I n
Elizabeth Kaar-Langston
Teacher of Singing
Studio 122 West Front.
Phono 308
Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building
North Platto, Nebraska.
AuctiouoorV f
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Address Route 2, North Platte, Nob.
Phone No. 702F011
Successor to
Drs. Redfleld & Redfleld
Office Phone 642 Res. Phone 676
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
L. C. DROSt,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Office Phone 70 Res. Red 087
Sulpha Vapor Baths
Bolton Building
Practice Limited to
Surgery and Radium Therapy
728 City National Rank Building.
Omaha, Nebraska.
I have pleased others, I can please you.
Col. F. J. D
Special Attention to
Surgery, Gynecology nnd Obstetrics.'
Nurse Bncwn Memorial Hospital.
Geo. B. 'Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building and Loan Building
PLnnilo Oilice 180
Phones Residence 115
$5.00 Per Ton.
$10 Per Ton.
Highest Price for Hides and
Makes a Specialty of Farm Sales, Puro
Bred Live Stock and Real Estate.
Terms Reasonable.
Up-to-Dato Auctioneer.
Phono Makwell State Bank
at My Expenso for Dates.
Licensed Emhalmcrs
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phone 234.
.Night Phono Black 688.
Hides Tanned
Wo mako hors0 and cattlo
hides into Fur Coats, Robes,
Mittens, Etc. Wo mako Caps,
Ladles' Coats and Furs. Old
Coats repaired. Cosh paid for
hides. Wrlto for Catalogue and
tags. '
Notico of Petition.
Estaito No. 1452 of Mary J. Applegate,
deceased. In thb County Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska, To all per
sons interested in said Estato take
notico that a petition has been filled
for the probato of tho last will and
testament of Mary J. Applogato, de
ceased and for tho appointment of U.
Grant Applegate as Executor of said
will which has boon sot for hearing
heroin on January 12, 1917; at' DAo;lock
a. m.
Dated Dec. 13, 191C. . .
dl9-J9 GEO. E. FRENCH, '
County Judge.