The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 09, 1917, Image 3

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Each "Pape's Dlapepstn" digests 3000
grains food,- ending all stomach
misery In five minutes.
Timo It I In flvo minutes nil stom
ach distress will go. No Indigestion,
heartburn, sourness or belching of
gas, add, or eructations of undigested
food, no dizziness, bloating, foul
breath or headache.
Pape's Dlapepsln Is noted for Its
speed In regulating upset stomachs.
It is the surest, quickest stomach rem
edy In tho whole world and besides It
Is harmless. Put nn end to stomach
trouble forever by getting a large
flfty-cent case of Pape's Dlapepsln
from any drug store. You realize In
flvo minutes how needless It Is to suf
fer from Indigestion, dyspepsia or any
stomach disorder. It's tho quickest,
surest and most harmless stomach
doctor In the world. Adv.
Missive Traveled Far Over United
States Before It Finally Reached
Proper Destination.
A certain publishing house In Lon
don, England, has discovered that there
Is more than one Madison In the Unit
ed States of America. The discovery
cost a University of Wisconsin pro
fessor a largo amount of nnxlcty, for
It Involved a valuable manuscript on
which ho had spent months of labor.
Tho munuscrlpt Is a translation of
Lucretius' works prepnred by Prof.
William Ellery Leonard of tho English
department and visiting professor this
year of Now York university, sent to
London for publication In tho Every
man Library. When tho munuscrlpt
was sent back to him with tho first
proof sheets, it was nddressed "Madi
son. U. S. A." How many of tho oth
er Madlsons It visited Is not recorded,
but nfter weeks of search the postal
authorities found It and returned It to
the anxious author.
Disappear With Use of Cutlcura Soap
and Ointment Trial Free.
Tho first thing In restoring dry, fall
ing hair Is to get rid of dandruff and
Itching. Rub Cutlcura Ointment Into
scalp, next morning shampoo with
Cutlcura Soap and hot water. Prevent
skin and scalp troubles by making Cutl
cura your everyday toilet preparation.
Free sample each by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept L,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Papa Failed at First to Give the Prop
er Interrogation When Bobby
Sprang It.
Bobby came home from school, full
of information, as usual. Each day
since his entrance two months ago ho
brings some choice bit of knowledge.
His father, with much parental pride,
Is nover-.ttfo busy to give attention.
"Do you know, daddy, Clarence
James told me todny that his father 1b
an automobile dealer and ho says his
father says tho new don't makq
nenrly so much nolso as the old ones,"
said the youngster.
"Well, sonny, that nil depends on tho
condition of the car. I saw a new
today that chugged like a threshing
machine," commented the father.
Bobby's face fell.
"That Isn't the answer," he replied.
"You should say, 'Why?'"
"All right, sonny. Why?"
"Because they haven't a brass band
In front," explained Bobby, proudly.
Indianapolis News.
To set the rnalne, call for full namo LAXA1TVH
linOMO QU1N1NH. Look for iljrnature of II. W.
UUOVH. Uaru I Cold In On Oar. 25c
But She'd Heard of Them.
Humors of a piano studio are re
lated to us by Clarice Balas, the Cleve
land pianist, who writes: "Ono young
girl who chnrged all she forgot to tho
neglect of her former teacher In tho
few words. "Ho never told mo any
thing about that," was provoking mo
by her poor reading and bad time.
'What kind of notes have you In tho
right hand herc?'-I nsked.
"Sho guessed wrong Immediately.
'I suppose you never heard of such a
thing us triplets?' I nsked, In thorough
" 'Why, yes, Miss Bains, I hnve heard
of triplets,' said she with offended
dignity, 'but not In music.' "
For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach,
Sluggish Liver and Bowels They
,work while you sleep.
Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges
tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head
aches como from a torpid liver and
clogged bowels, which cnuso your
stomach to becomo filled with undl
gestcd food, which sours and ferments
llko garbage In a swill barrel. That's
tho first step to untold misery Indl
gestlon, foul gases, bad breath, yellow
skin, mental fears, everything that Is
horrible and nauseating. A Cascarot
to-night will give your constipated
bowels a thorough cleansing and
straighten you out by morning. Thoy
work while you sleep a 10-cent box
from your druggist will keep you feel
ing good for months. Adv.
At the Source.
Farmer These nro tho cows.
City Child Which ono does tho Janl
tor muko you take from?
What Is Known as the Dressmakers' Dress Has Won Immediato
Favor by Its Originality and B2anty Smart Pepium Blouse .
of Satin Has Hat Bordered With a Fringe of Ostrich.
The "dressmnkers' dress." which Is
heralded as the Incoming mode, cnuiiot
full to win over ndmlrcrs when It Is
presented in models ns chic as that
pictured. Nothing less than genius
over succeeded In making n onc-pleco
dress of such orlglnnllty and bounty,
that Is equal tq doing tho duty of n
suit. Note that thcro Is a double
skirt, with tho ovcrskirt full and that
tho bodice opens over nn embroidered
vest Tho vest and oversklrt provldo
as much warmth as thocont In a cont
In the picture, the underskirt seems
nnrrowcr than It really Is. This effect
Is nioro a matter of strnlghter Hues
than scant material. It Is full enough
for comfortable walking. Tho over-
Skirt is Inid .in four plaits nt each
Bide of the front and In box plaits.
across the back. It Is bordered at tho
front with six narrow folds of silk,
and they give It n very slight flnre at
the bottoin.
Tho bodice Is nn affair for an ex
pert dressmnkcr to describe, and the
uninitiated fashion reporter can only
marvel at It. It is draped away from
tho vest nt the waistline and ornn
mented with folds of silk thnt extend
themselves to the skirt. A tub of em
broidery lends n lino of bright color lo
tho scdnte tones of the cloth and silk
folds and repeats the design (of
which thero Is a glimpse) thnt covers
tho vest. Tho bodice appears to be In
ono piece, with tho skirt nt the back.
Full straight sleeves nre shirred in
at tho wrists and bordered with fur,
and u soft fnufller collur of fur pro
tects tho throat. Any of the soft wool
fabrics might bo used In a dress of
this kind, and It is more than likely
thnt wo shall see It made in sntln.
The hat worn with It Is n Russian
Inspiration of satin embroidered with
colored silks. This Is the lust word In
Ilnta have been matched up with
muff and neckpieces, with bags nnd
frocks, nnd now It remains for them
only to bo matched up with blouses.
For early spring, and between sea
sons, or for tho Journey South the
oman s rxeaim
woman of fashion must havo some
thing that Is not too wnrm, but warm
enough, to meet tho most unexpected
wind thnt blows, and It Is llnbto to bo
a "Northern" In Florida or a "Sou'west
er" In colder climes.
Hero Is n new pepium blousn of sntln
with a smart hat of tho snino mntc-'
rial to'kecp It compnny. Tho pepium.
really deserves Its name, with Its skirt,
reaching almost to tho thigh. It fas
tons at ono side, along the shoulder and
under tho arm, and like other now gar
ments Its first Impression makes ono
wonder how tho lndy got Into it. Tho
wido vclvet-hued collar is n remnant
of winter fashions and tho short
sleeves nro harbingers of a new or
der of things in sleeves for tho com
ing spring. Both of them arc finished
with small satin-covered buttons.
Soutncho braid, which has already,
had a great vogue, decorates the lower
part of tho blouse and the pepium with
a simple scroll pattern. Tho brnld Is
sowed along ono edgo In tho manner;
Introduced by Paris milliners In the
present senson. It docs not He flat,
to the garment and It makes an alto
gether satisfactory decoration for tail
ored hats as well as other things. Tho
short sleeves promise long gloves or
some other covering for the forearms.
Tho hnt Is bordered with a fringe of
ostrich and is untrlmmed. It might bo
embellished with a pattern in soutncho,
brnld with very good effect.
Bags In Bright Colors,
'flit! n rm bnir. n corneous thine of
silk, metal brnld, laces and bend cm-!
broideries, is an nbsoluto necessity to
brighten up tho sober tailored cos
tumes of broadcloth and velvet. Thcso
arm bags nro nil sizes and shapes.
A Bit of Velvet
Nnrrow black velvet edges many ot,
tho flounces Introduced on tho skirts of
There Is no truo work ever done
without enthusiasm. Tho artist whoso
heart Is co'ri In a mere nrtlsnn. With
no wido reaching affection nnd no up
lifting tdcnl wo muko tlfo n treadmill
nnd of our duty nn unwolcomo tlrudfe
ery, Philip Moxom.
For economy lot us uso moro milk,
It Is n vnluablo food and one quart
oven nt 15 cents has ns
much nutrition ns three
quarters of a pound of
beefsteak which has a
largo amount of waste.
Milk Is without waste,
therefore n most econom
ical food. If skim milk
Is used largely, when set
ting the Rpongo for brend, the prod
uct will be more highly nutritious, less
shortening Is used nnd a tasty loaf
will .result.
Potato Soup. Cook nnd mnsh threo
medium-sized potatoes. In n quart of
milk, skim "milk may bo used, ndd n
slice of onion nnd n stnlk of celery;
scald and remove the vegetables, pour
over the mashed potato. In a snuco
pnn put two tablespoonfuls of butter,
If the milk Is skimmed, ono If whole
milk is used; add. two tablespoonfuls
of Hour, n tcnspoonful of salt, nnd
when well blended ndd a llttlo cold
milk and pour It Into tho soup. Boll
up nnd serve piping hot with toasted
Cream of Tomato Soup. In n sauce
pan melt threo tablespoonfuls of but
ter, ndd three nnd n half tablespoon
fuls of Hour nnd stir until smooth, ndd
a tcnspoonful of salt, a tcnspoonful
of chopped onion, then add a pint of
canned tomatoes, mixing well. Add
soda nnd onjon, return to the lire nfter
straining and pour this mixture, sjlght
ly cooled Into n cupful nnd u hnlf
of milk. Itchcat and serve hot. Do
not boll or tho soup wllf curdle.
Cheese Soup. Scald a quart of
milk, ndd n slice of onion, u blndo of
mucc, and n pepper pod. Melt two
tnblcspoonfuls of butter In a sauce
jmu, add the snmo amount of flour,
when well blended ndd tho milk, re
moving tho sensonlngs, nnd cook until
creamy. Just before serving ndd u
hnlf cupful of grated cheese, two egg
yolks, well beaten, salt and pepper
to taste, stir until the cheese Is melt
ed. Servo nt once.
Tho cream soups which -nro so
nourishing and which nro made of
various vegetables mny all bo nmdo
with skim milk, nddlng n llttlo moro
butter to tho flour for tho binding,
thus giving the food Its right bnlunco
of fnt.
Tho homo-maker must fill mnny
niches In hor homo nnd nt tho samo
tlmo havo tho ability to direct with
forco and inltlatlvo nil the business
of tho household.
Bnnnnas nro like tho poor, always
with us, and tho mnny wnys that this
wholesomo fruit may bo
served Is legion.
Banana Pie. Itlcc
enough peeled bnnnnas to
fill a cup. To this add
half u cupful of sugar,
two tablespoonfuls of mo
lasses or tho grated rind
nnd Julco of half a
lemon, half u tcnspoon
ful of salt, ono beuten
egg, one-third of a ten-
spoonful of cinnamon, half a cupful
of milk, and n third of n cupful of
crenm. Mix nil together thoroughly
and bake until linn In a pie plate
Jlned with pastry.
Nougatlne Cake. Make u flno, light
butter cake and bake In a shallow
pan about three-quarters of an Inch
thick when done. Cut this Into squares
and cover both, top and. sides with
u creamy thick chocolate frosting,
filled with minced and browned al
monds, The nuts nro ground line nnd
then browned and sprinkled thick in
to tho frosting.
Mexican Rabbit. Melt u tnblcspoon
ful of butter In n saucepan, add half a
pound of American cheese, cut up In
Hue bits; stir until tho cheese melts,
add three-fourths of a cupful of corn
meal and n Inrgu rcd pepper, cut In
squares or shreds ; then add the yolks
or two eggs, benlifii, nnd mixed with
half n cupful of thick tomato puree,
hnlf n tcnspoouful of salt, and half
a teaspoouful of pnprJku; stir con
stantly until the mixture Is thick and
smooth. Havo ready four slices of
toasted brend, toasted on one sldo only.
Cut n clove of garlic In halves and
(ouch tho untonstod side of the hot
hrciid here nnd there with (ho garlic;
pour over tho rabbit nnd servo ut
once. A carefully poached egg may be
Bet above each slice, which will fur
nish a hearty meal.
Graham Bread. Make a soft spongo
of one cupful of warm milk, one tea
spoonful of sugar, ono tcaspoonful of
salt, a tablespoonful of butter, one
third of u yeast cake, dissolved In a
fourth of a cupful of wnrm wutor, and
whlto flour to make n thick batter.
Cut tho dough with a knlfo after
beating It well and letting It stand
overnight, then add thrcc-fourthH of a
cupful of milk, threo tablespoonfuls of
molasses, a half tcnspoonful of sodn
and graham flour to make a thick but
ter. Knead with white flour; let rise,
nnd when doublo Its bulk, bake 45
Peas In Potato Cups. Make small
cups or mnsncu potnto, nrusn witn egg
nnd brown, fill with rrcamcd pens nnd
onri'ft nf rwrt
It Is n good nnd safo rulo to sojourn
In every place as It you tnoant to spond
your llfo thcro, never omitting nn op
portunity of doing a kindness, or
speaking a truo word, or making a
frlond. John Ruskln.
Peanut butter mixed with whipped
cream Is a filling well liked by those
who enjoy peanut butter.
Ripe Olive Sandwiches.
Chop n half-cupful of
rlpo olives with ono
sweet, green pepper
comblno with cream
cheese which has been
moistened with French
Sweet Sandwiches. i
Chop n half-cupful Tf
ammmmmm rnislns, one cupful of
walnuts, a fourth of a cupful of grated
coconut nnd n tnblespoonfulof grated
chocolate; mix wltli thick, Hwccf
Green olives chopped flno nnd mixed
with mayonnaise. Figs nnd nut3 or
nuts nnd dates, finely chopped nnd
mixed. Nuts'nnd raisins, chopped fine.
Orango marmalade, Jelly, grated
maple sugar with browned almonds,
finely chopped. Equal parts of grated
Swiss cheese nnd nuts, chopped.
Dutch cheese mixed with chopped
Finely-chopped celery with mayon
naise. 11am mixed with chopped plcklo nnd
celery. Iiqual parts of ham, celery
and mayonnaise. Cold roast chicken,
roast beef, or cooked oysters, chopped
Lettuce leaves and mayonnaise,
Cream cheese, French dressing, nnd
Ono cupful of cqld roast chicken,
threo olives, ono pickle, n tablespoon-;
ful of capers, nil minced flue nnd
mixed with mayonnaise.
Hard-cooked eggs and wntcrcrcss,
finely chopped, mixed with softened
Maraschino cherries nnd'-nut meats;
chopped line. Cottngo cheeso nnd
Cream cheeso and bnr-lc-duc mixed
to n cream. Qulnco Jelly nnd walnut
meats, chopped. Cream cheese, chives
and chopped green peppers.
Grated cheeso, seasoned with salt,'
pepper, mustard and nnchovy paste,
Cheeso- with chopped olives and
pickles ndded.
A homo based on right principles will
bo simple. No ostentutlon or living be
yond ono's means; simplicity In enter
tainment, In offering frooly ot what one
has to friends, without apology or ex
A few tablespoonfuls or half a cupful
of sour crenm Is vnluablo theso days,
and should bo used with
Sour Cream 8alad
Dressing. Whip n cup-.
ful of sour cream with a
little lemon Juice or pine
npple Juice for flnvorlng,
senson with salt, a llttlo,
sugar and uso on fruit or
When vegetables nro used
for the snlad a bit of red pepper, mus
tnrd.or Worcestershire sauce may bo
added. Sour cream may be substituted
for sweet cream In nny snlnd dressing.
Cottage Cheese. Pour boiling wnter
over u dish of thick sour milk, which
will cook the milk enough so thnt It,
tuny ho drained In n slevo, Senson
with plenty of cream, salt, a dash of,
red pepper and sonio molted butter,,
If there's not enough crenm to glvo It
'Wchnuss. If plenty of boiling wnter
Is used, this method makes a tender
curd nnd Is quickly made.
Sour Cream Cookies. Crenm n half.
cupful of butter, add ono and n hnlfi
cupfuls of sugar, a half cupful of
sour cream, two eggs, a tcaspoonful of
sodn dissolved In tho crenm ; mix well,,
ndd flour lo roll, sprfnklo tho top with
Sour Cream Pie. Thin pio Is baked
with two crusts and is delicious. Tnko
cupful each of SMir cream, sugar,
raisins nnd ono egg, a tahlcspoonful
of vinegar, a half tcaspoonful each
of salt, cinnamon anil nutmeg, a fourth
of a teaspoouful of cloves.
Codfish With 8our-Cream White
Sauco. A white sauce, using sour
crenm ; a cupful and a half for a snuco
to servo threo or four peoplo is sum
dent. Melt a tahlcspoonful of butter
and when bubbling hot stir In two
tnblcspoonfuls of flour nnd n cupful
nnd u hnlf of sour cream; cook until
heated through; add shredded codfish
nnd serve. Delicious with baked potn
An cscnllopcd dish, using codfish
whlto snuco, made with sour crenm
nnd sliced potntocs, Is very nppotlz-
Ing. Butter tho dish, put In a layer
of the potatoes, then ono of whlto.
sauce, then a layer of fish, finish with
tho potntocs nnd whlto snucc, with
buttered crumbs on top. Tho potntocs
nro previously cooked.
Why That Lame Back ?
Morning lameness, sharp twinges
when bending, or nn nil-day back
ncho; ench Is cnuso enough to sus
pect kidney trouble. Get after tho
causo. Help tho kidneys. Wo
Americans go It too hard. Wo
overdo, overeat nnd ucglcct our
sleep nnd exerclso nnd so wo are
fast becoming a nation of kidney
sufferers. 72 moro deaths than
In 1800 Is tho 1010 census story.
Uso Donn's Kidney Pills. Thou
sands recommend them.
An Iowa Gate
Frank 3. Itooney,
grocer, 153 Jullen Ave.,
Dubuque, Iowa, naydi
"I had rhoumatio
pains in my left hip,
often extending into
my shoulder, i felt
nervous and had llttlo
ambition. I knew my
kidneys weren't acting
properly and I began
using Doan's Kidney
Pills. They soon cured
mo and toned up my
svstom. I am nlad to
say that tho euro has bcou perma
nent" Get Doan'e at Any Store, 83o a Box
Good Coal From Refuse.
Various devices for economizing
fuel havo been brought to notice In
nolland slnco tho wnr cnuscd a dif
ficulty In procuring coal. It has
been found thnt 20 .to 75 per cent of
combustlblo material remains In fur
nnco rcfuso'and n device has been
constructed which preserves n lnrgo
pnrt of It. Tho refuse Is finely ground
nnd placed In n liquid with n specific
gravity n llttlo greater than that of
water. This Is said to bo very cheap,
generally a refuse from factories. The
mass Is ngltatcd, tho heavier particles
sink to tho bottom, whllo tho combus
tlblo material floats nnd can bo scooped
off to bo used In tho furnnco. It Is
stated that 200 tons of refuse will yield
88 tons of good fuel.
Tho cost of food today Is n serious
matter to nil of you. To cut down
your food bills and nt tho samo time
lmprovo tho hcnlth of your family,
servo them Skinners Macaroni and
Spaghetti two or threo times per week.
Children lovo It and thrive on It It
Is tho best possible food for adults.
Write tho Skinner Mfg. Co., Omaha,
Nebr., for beautiful cook book telling
how to servo It in a hundred ways.
It's froo to ovcry mother. Adv.
8ausage Skins of Slllc
The packing of snusngc meat In the
old way has long been nn objectionable
proceeding to fastidious persons. u
also has been declared Insanitary, so
thnt many families havo tabooed tho
link sausage. Now thin silk cases uro
being provided, which can bo sterilized
to tho Inst degreo of sanltntlon. Being
of chlffoullkc texture, they would hard
ly bo noticed If taken Into tho mouth,
although they can be easily removed
nt tho table. Thcso thin silk cases can
bo supplied at a cost llttlo greater than
tho sausage skins now In uso nnd are
proof against tho attack of vermin.
Delicious "Fruit Laxative" san't harm;
tender little Stomach, liver
and bowela.
Look at tho tongue, mothorl If
coated, your llttlo ono's stomach, lives
and bowels need cleansing at once.
When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't
sleep, cat or net naturally, or Is fever
lsh, stomach sour, breath bad, has
soro throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, glva
a tcaspoonful of "California Byrup ot
Figs," and In a fow hours all the foul,
constipated waste, undigested food
nnd, sour bllo gently moves out of ItH
llttlo bowels without griping, and you
havo a well, playful child again. Ask
your druggist for a 50-cent bottle at,
"California Syrup of Figs," which coni
tains full directions for babies, chili
dren of all ages and for grown-ups.-H
Adv. W.
Merely Weary Them.
Tell peoplo how good you feel, but
don't bother them with a recital of
your aches and pains; thoy won't be
Interested, anyhow.
Or LIfc-8avlng.
Modern military Inventions, wonder
ful as they nre, cannot bo classified
as cither timo saving or labor saving.
Threo Chlneso girls who recently ar
rived nt Vancouver aro tho first woman
stowaways to land in Canada.
Grippy weather
this. Better get a
box of
The old family remedy In tablet
form safe, sure, Msy to take. No
opiates no unpleasant after effects.
Cures colds In 24 hours Grip In 3
days. Money back If it falls. Get
the' genuine box with Red Top and
Mr. Hill's picture on It 25 cents.
At Any Dru Siora
lniiton. O.O. nook tree, fllf U
eit reference!. Ileal reiBHS.
1 ' ROU GH on R ATS''lHoaouJw'.MAc0V-ii
Aroia operation!, 1'oalttre lAiet X Stomach reaiMy
(No Oil) lleaulu turei borne remedy. Writ today.
(UUtMi RtatJ; C.D.ptW.l. ZllS.DtatWnSt.aUt U
W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 1-1117,