I THE 8EMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. A Modem Indian Recreation Story by Robert Ames Beneet f The Ouarterbraadl m IN tills serial you aro given a picture of present-day Amer ican Indiana on government reservations. Tho author depicts, too, tho manner In which tho original Americans have been exploited In the past by unscru pulous men with strong political Influence. On the oilier hand, assuming that you hnvo n tnsto for wholesome romance, you will enjoy tho powerful love clement In "Tho Quarterbrced." And Mr. Bennct's portrayal of tho principal characters Is as much n study as an entertainment. Wo feel sure our readers can look forward with plcasuro to tho perusal of each Installment of tho story. THE EDITOlt. CHAPTER I. Under Flro. In Its spring freshness tho usual dreary brown of tho Montana rango wns tempered with a pleasant green. But tho midday sun was bllsterlngly hot, and tho rider turned his eyes to tho snowy crests of tho Llttlo Paw mountains. Tho nearest of tho rugged, pine-clad spurs were now only four or flvo miles away. Ho had almost reached tho reservation. Wolf river marked tho boundary. Tho rangy strldo of his thoroughbred maro was us easy and unfaltering as when slio hnd borno him away from tho half-dozen shacks of the nearest "town" on tho railroad, fifty miles back over tho open range. But as they began to top the rise, ho drew her down to her rapid walk, and took out his flcldglasscs. Hardly had ho focused tho powerful llttlo binoculars when from ncross tho coulee, a short dlstanco downstream, como the crack of a high-power rifle. A moment later the shot was followed by thrco deeper reports from up stream. Tho first shot was smokeless. Not so tho others. Tho bluish smoko puffs of their charges of black powder directed tho gazo of tho rider to tho dozen or moro swarthy, half-nuked In dlnns crouching near tho top of tho couleo bank, across from tho nearby butte. All wero warily peering down tho coulee. Tho rond ran obliquely across tho narrow valley to a sldo gullcy that gashed tho far bank a hundred ynrds er so downstream. Back In tho shelter of this gullcy four or llvo ponies stood grouped boforo a buckbonrd. Abovo them n man was crouched under tho edge ot tho bank. Another man lay behind u small bush, just outsldo tho entrance of tho gullcy. A woman In fclvlllzed drcsa was coming around from tho rear of tho buckboard. Tho erect figure of tho rider tensed with quick decision. Ho wheeled his maro out of tha road, to cut down tho sharp slopo directly towards tho Indians. Ills voice rang across tho couleo-with tho clearness of n bugle call : "Ho, there Cease firing 1" At his command, tho Indians twisted about to glaro at him In a half panic, Three or four started to slink away, ' .i "Ho, Therel Cease Flrlnal" Bu' ono swung his rlflo around nnd fired. Tho bullet grazed tho rider's ct- it collar. Ho flung up his right hand, ptiira outward. Tho reply to tho peace sign was a second bullet, that cut tho crown of his campaign hat. Two bullets wero enough to chungo the tactics of tho rider. At a word from him and a touch of tho rein, his maro swerved and plunged obliquely down tho sldo of tho coulee. Tho In dluns burst Into exultant yells, and Ycral opened flro on tho fugltlvo ns tho mnro leaped down to tho couleo and dnshed across tho bottom toward Alio gulloy. Urged on by volco and spurless heel, tho maro sprinted over tho sandy level Tvltb tho rush of a rucehorso on tho Jiomo stretch. Coming to tho narrowed tream, sho covered it in n slnglo tro- nendoun lean, ana uaslicu on, un checked, up into y, safe out of reach of those wb den hornet. As they swept past tho low bush at tho entranco of tho gullcy, tho rider looked down at tho man behind It Ho saw a blond, florid young fellow, whoso blue eyes and small rcd-llpped mouth wero ugly with hate. A glimpse, and ho was past tho outlier. Tho woman, crouched just beyond, under tho edge of tho bnnk, wns blaz ing nwny toward tho Indians with an automatic revolver. An Instant later ho pulled up his maro alongside the buck bonrd and looked up with cool alert ness at tho third member of tho party, under tho brink ot tho bank. Tho roan ceased firing and twisted his thickset body hnlf about so that ho could stare down at the newcomer. Tho fuslllndo of tho Indians hnd ceased tho Instant their view of tho fugltlvo wns cut off. Yet, after a sin gle hard look, tho man on tho bank turned awny to thrust his rlflo up over the edgo and shoot Tho rider wheeled his mnro and rodo bock past tho skit tish ponies. The woman had crept In from tho entranco of tho gulley to whero she could stand upright without exposing herself to tho flro of the Indians. She camo up tho slopo with nn easy, springing step that told of youthful buoyancy. From under tho hem of her neat gingham dress peeped tho toes of small, blue-beaded moccasins. Having reloaded her pistol, sho raised her head to look up at tho rider. Ho was lifting his hand to touch his hat with perfunctory courtesy. Then ho saw her face calm, proud, vividly beauti ful. Ho removed his hat, with a sudden chango in his manner that brought a gleam Into tha girl's bluo-black eyes. A trlflo disconcerted by tho girl's cool scrutiny, ho brusquely demanded: 'What Is tho trouble hero?" Sho looked from his cavalry puttees to his army saddle and tho butt of his rlflo. "I guess you needn't worry about your scalp," sho assured him, her rich contralto volco as soft as It was sweet ly mocking. "You camo near getting a hair brand, I sec. But you're snfo enough now if you keep close." Tho raillery brought a slight flush In to his willow checks. Yet his guzo did not flinch boforo her look of disdain. Ho asked another question: "Have they taken tho agency?" "No. Wo saw this bunch ud tho bank. Itegglo cut looso nt them before Pero could stop hlra." "l'oro7' Ah your father. Tho other man flrcd nt them first, you say?" 1 J - ... I juh you uinmo mm no was ulong when tho agent was shot down, last week. You may hnvo heard of tho murder." "Yes. Still It was wrong for him to Invito nn attack, with a woman In his party." "Oh, I'm only a qunrterbreed. you know," replied tho girl with ironical lightness. "Besides, Rcgglo thought the party wus trying to head us off. Don't worry. Charlie Itedbcar crawled up tho rond hulf an hour ago. The chances nro wo can hold out until ho fotches tho police" A rlflo shot punc- tuatcd tho remark. Tho ruler looked over tho couleo bnnk across nt tho jagged crest of tho butte. "If they slip over there," ho suld, "this position will becomo untcn nblc. Tho butto Is tho key to tho situ- ntlon." Ho looked at tho girl, between con corn and swiftly growing admiration ot her remnrkahlo beauty. Her eyes wero llko blue-black diamonds. An nlmost Imperceptible film of old-gold enriched tho cream nnd roso of hor checks. Her Jet-blnck hair wus of French fineness. Tho curvo of hor rather largo mouth wns perfect. But tho red lips wero ngoln parting Iti n disdainful smile. Sho replied with out seeking to conceal hor scorn : "If you're afraid they'll take tho butto, you might got away by bolting down tho coulee. Wo'll do what wo can to draw their fire." "You will?" ho said. "Thank you for your suggestion. I bcliovo I'll follow It. Kindly stop aside." Sho stood motionless, her eyes gilt terlug with cold contempt of his cow ardice. Unchecked by tho look, ho leaned forward in tho saddle. Tho maro leaped awny llko startled deer. Onco clear of tho gulloy sho swerved sharply nnd raced nwny down tho cou lee. Tho flight was so unexpected, so daring nnd so swift that tho fugltlvo hud boon borno n good fifty yards down nlong tho foot of tho near slopo beforo tho Indians opened lire on him. Tho girl had crept forwnrd nnd crouched In tho cntrunco ot tho gullcy to peer after him. "Tho cowardl" sho cried. "Tho cow- urd I I hope thoy got him 1" But beforo ono of tho ninny bullets ponl.l flml tho Iwinlncr. reeiullnir murk, maro nud rider shot out of sight behind n clump ot willows. At onco tho firing " - " censed. Tho blond young man under tho bush glanced around nt tho girl und called Jccringly: "I say, Mario, how's that for n bobtail visit? Toojc him for a gentleman." "nentlomnn? That's tho word." sho mocked. "Conduct bocomfng un officer and gentleman." "Officer?" ho repeated. "You don't mean to say " "Yes," sho asserted. "He's nn army officer. I could see It sticking out all over him." The man stared at her In blank nmazomcnt, but suddenly bethought himself to roll over and send a bullet pinging up the coulee. Tho girl continued to peer down tho' river bottom. After several moments maro and rider dashed Into vlow, rac ing directly across tho coulee. Though tho Indians at onco opened fire, tho marc had skimmed over tho lovel and up Into a gulley In the far bank beforo they could got tho range. Hopeful that one or moro of the enemy might cxposo themselves during tho excitement, tho young man behind "Tho Coward, the Cowardl I Hope They Get Hlm.'J tho bush hnd not looked around. As tho firing ceased, ho called scofllngly "How about tho strategic retreat? Does General Fablus make his getaway with' out casualties?" "Lo bon DIou bo praised 1 Ho has escaped," tho girl mocked In turn. "Wo aro saved. In a week or ten days he will return to tho rescue with threo troops of cavalry." "If those sneaking coyotes havo sent a delegation around to climb tho butto from tho upside, we'll get ours beforo Chnrllo can como back with tho po Ucc " erunibled tho young man (tVnfl Oil. tnl1lfni.tf uttii- Yes. Our military expert saw that nt once, Ho said tills position would becomo untenable." "So he ran, leaving a woman in the lurch tho skunk I" "Well, ho has gone. You'd better bo thinking how to get us out of tho holo you'vo got us into," suggested tho slrL "All I did wns to knock up the dust In front of thera. Tho way they camo back nt mo proves they really wero scheming to get us." "Much you know about It," scoffed tho girl. "Just becnuso somo of tho trlbo aro feeling ugly is no sign that " "How about tho murder of Nogen?" "Well, how? You and Charlio boUi say there was only tho ono buck who did tho shooting. No; If this bunch had been planning to get us, they'd llftV b?cn out of Blght under edS of tho bunk or over on tho butto when wo first camo nlong." "Hnvo It your own way only toss mo n bottlo of beer, that's a good girl I'm dry ns a fish." Itccklcssly he sat up nnd looked nt her, his small mouth curving in a smllo under tho neat mustache A bullet whizzed closo over his head. Tho girl did not wait for him to reach her. Satisfied as to his safety, sho went up the gulloy to tho buckbonrd and drew n canteen from tho box under tho sent. Her father glanced down and saw what sho was doing. His fnco wns powdered with dust. Ho spat nnd beckoned to her, "Good I Bring it up. Bullet hit tho edgo of tho bnnk." Tho girl climbed nimbly up tho gul ley Bldo with tho canteen. Her father spat again, took a doep drink, and said "Better git tho ponies round behind tho buckboard. Unless Charlio gits back soon, wo may huvo to leave tho oro and mako a break for tho agency." "All right, Pore," cheerfully respond cd tho girl. "Thcro haven't any of them been hit so far, I guess. They may bo willing to lot us off with n big scare." "I'll glvo them a scaro and something moro when tho pollco come," declared tho youug man, who had taken a now position in tho opening of tho gullcy. "No. vou won't" remonstrated tho girl as sho started down to him with tho canteen. '(When old Tl-owa-konzn sent in word that ho'd call it quits over tho shootlncr of Noircn's killer, ho meant I ' . it But this tlmo you flrcd tho first' shot, und if you kill ono of them, it will ! mean a blood feud, if not nn uprising." Tho young man snapped his fingers. "I don't glvo thnt much for tho wholo pack of coyotes!" "Don't forget tho mlue, Mr. Vnn," protested the older man. "Yes, nnd how nhout mo?" asked the girl us sho held out the canteen. "That settled it," he replied. "To please you, I'll what do you say? 111 call It quits." Winking a gush of water out over tho spout, ho lifted tho canteen In gallant salute and carried it to his Hps. "Better hurry with them ponies, Ma rie," called her father. She did not wait for tho canteen, but walked swiftly up tho gulley to tho restlvo ponies. As sho led tho two saddle horses around to tho rear of the buckboard, the young man called up to her: "Shorten my stirrups. That pinto is the best runner in tho bunch." "Can you mnko it bareback?" sho asked. "Ho can hold on to tho harness," said her father. "Tlo the tugs so they won't drng." "Yes, I guess I can hold on. I'll try the calico marc." "Any sign on tho butto?" she in quired, her supplo gloved Angers deftly freeing tho harnessed ponies from the buckbonrd. "Nothing yet," nnswercd tho young man. "I'm expecting n uuiiet soon." "Tills nln't no Joke, Mr. Van," com plained the other man. Ho glowered at tho butto. Suddenly his trained eyes caught sight of an object moving up tho steep slopo of n crag. He clapped his rlflo to his shoulder, sighted It, paused and lowered tho weapon, with un astonished oath. "Pero I" cried the girl. "What is it?" "Walt I" he replied. "If It Is by Gar, If It Is I Git ready, Mr. Van. Only don't shoot unless they rush us." The report of a rlflo came down from tho butto crest. Tho young mnn low ered his rifle and peered over tho edge of tho gulley. At tho snmo moment whirl of yelling horsemen swept down tho couleo bnnk opposite tho butte, nnd went flying away up the val loy in a wild race for tho nearest grove of cottonwoods. From the butto several shots cracked In rapid succession. The fugitive In dians yelled nt their ponies in a frenzy qf urgency, nnd dug their heels into tho flanks of tho straining beasts nt every jump. Tho rifleman on the butto was firing towards them, not towards tho party in the gulley. "Hold on, Marie I" said her father, jumping down tho bank to her. "We'll hitch up again, and cross over to meet him." "Who?" asked tho girl. She had been too Intent on her task to see what was happening. "Tho man who ran away." ho an swered. "Tho joke's on you Mr. Van." "How?" Her father grinned as he bent to re- fasten a tug. "You took him for a quit ter. Ho had tho nerve to run their flro ng"ln and you thought ho was heading back for tho railroad." Tho girl flushed. "He's not tho man on tho butte?" "Yep. Jumped tho whole bunch, first Bhot. Wo better hustle. It'll look good for us to cross over to meet him." "Marie says he's an army officer," added tho young man. "It will bo ns well to get tho oro off tho reservation. There's no telling what ho has como for." CHAPTER II. The Acting Anent Within a few minutes the party had nenrcd tho ton of tho ridge. The thoroughbred mare came trotting up from the hollow on tho other side. At sight of them her rider brought her to a stnnd. The older man spurred his pony up tho round of tho summit "By Gar, that wasn't no bad play you made, partner," he called. "Taking tho butte gnvo you tho drop on 'cm." Tho man whoso strategy had routed tho Indians did not reply. Tho girl looked up at him with confident ex pectancy In her sparkling eyes. Ho did not move. Tho expression of his harsh features was severe, but there wus a flush under tho tropical tan on his checks. Sho hesitated, her rich color deepen ing. Then her plquo gnvo wuy to n moro generous Impulse. She drew tho gauntlet glovo from her right hand Under his cold gazo hor eyes again hardened with offended pride, nnd ngnln they softened nnd glowed with frank approbation. "Can you forglvo mo?" sho asked. Ho bowed formally. "If you think thcro Is unythlng to bo forgiven." "You know thci 8. I wish to npolo glze." Sho stood up In tho buckboard nnd held out her hand to him. It wns very whlto and shapely. Ho bowed over It with gravo courtesy, as ho took it in i 11,3 nervous clasp. ! ou nnvo no need to apologize, , M,ss uuponi aiano uuponi, , 11T If . , 1 . wimiuycr, imss uupowr went on- shouU1 uavo explained my Intentions." "Why didn't you mako for tho butte first thing, Instead of crossing tho cou lco?" broke In tho blond young man, "I did not wish to shoot until I un derstood tho causo of the trouble. There was also tho chuueo that they would ceaso tiring when I rodo townrds them." "Thut wus nervy of you," remarked the girl's father "that and making tho second run when they'd como so nenr'gltting you the first time." "You aro Jacques Dupont, the Indlnn trader?" "That's me only they mako it Jako' tills sldo of Ottnwn. Mario guessed you're nn nrmy offlcer.'r Captain Floyd Hardy, United States cavalry," stated tho newcomer as ho raised his glasses. Tho blond young man strulghtencd out of his Insolently careless pose, nnd spoko In the tone of n gentleman: "Pleased to meet you, Captain Hardy. You were in command of the Philip pine constabulary force that sup pressed the recent insurrection In tho Sulu lslnnds. You received favorable mention from congress. I am Reginald Vnndervyn of the Vnndervyns of Stat en Island. Senator Clemmcr is my uncle." The captain responded to tho intro duction with a curt bow. "Seo anything of the p'lcece, Cap?" asked Dupont "Yes. They should be here in a few minutes." "I seo them," said the girl. "They're coming down the slope tills sldo of tho Sioux Creek divide." "They're slow," growled Vnndervyn. "I'll ride back and head them 'cross country. They hnvo good horses. They Shall run out every buck In tho bunch." He spun his pony nbout to sprint down the road into the coulee. Hardy uttered a stern order: "Haiti" Angered nt the commnnd and still more nt the Impulse that compelled him to obey it, Vnndervyn twisted about In his saddle to face the officer with a challenging stare. "Keep that talk for your inferiors," ho said. "I nm nctlng ngent of this reservation. What I say goes. I'll havo thoso bucks trailed till every one of them Is in the guardhouse or feeding tho crows, "You nro mistaken, Mr. Vnndervyn," replied Hardy, nnd he drew nn offlclnl envelope from nn Inside pocket. "You nro only the chief clerk on this reser- vntion. I hnvo been detailed to servo ns acting ngent" "You?" cried Vnndervyn. "Why, It wns all fixed for me to be .appointed ngent My uncle wired me that my name would go through for the promo tion without a hitch. So you pulled the wires to cut mo out?" "I pulled no wires, Mr. Vnndervyn," Hardy coldly met the accusntlon. "On my return from tho Islands, last month, asked for n detail to active service in tho open, preferably hero In the northwest, on account of my health." "Do you mean to say you did not ask for this place In particular?" "No. The detail . was given me. be cnuso of the killing of tho into ngent nnd tho reported restlessness of tho tribe." "You'll find these ugly bucks differ ent from Moros." "Perhaps," said Hardy. Ho looked at the two big, lumpy sacks that were lashed on tho buckboard. "You had started for tho railroad?" "Pere and Mr. Van wished to ship out tho ore," explained tho girl "Oro?" Inquired Hardy. "Well, yes, it's d sort of ore," ad mitted Dupont. "You sec, mo nnd- Til mnko it clear to Captain Hnrdy in two words, Jake," broke in Van dervyn. Ho looked nt the new ngent with n frank, direct gnze. "You see, captain, some of the Indians hnve been getting ore, back .In tho mountains. Jnko trades them goods for it The barter has been u good thing for them, nnd so far, I believe, Jnko has lost nothing." Dupont nnrrowed his shrewd gray eyes ns if culculntlng. "Well, no, that's no He, Cnp. Take it In the long run, I nln't lost nothing. It might figure out , I've broke even or mebbo somo better." Vnndervyn winked nt Hardy. "When nn Indian trader admits he muy hnvo done some better than to havo come out oven, we cun guess what thati means." "Norn d'un chlen I" grumbled Dupont. "Ain't tho risk to count?" "It hag been nn unnecessary risk for you to keep your daughter on tho res ervation after tho killing of Mr. No gen," reproved Hnrdy. "I presume sho Is now going nwny, not to return until tho trouble has pussed." "You nro quite mistaken, Cuptnln nnrdy," said tho girl. "I am going for the drlvo nnd to send off a mall order. We can rely on tho police. Anyway, none of tho trlbo would hurt me." Dupont scratched hip head and mut tered : "Well, mebbo so. You can't nl ways tell what they'll do." "Why, Pore," exclaimed Marie, "you know thcro's not tho slightest danger to me." "Well', mebbo not to you," ho nc oulcsccd. "Yet it will be advisable for you to remain away until I hnvo the situation well In hand," said Hardy. The girl's eyes flashed, at the Blight suggestion of dlctntlon. "I'll do as I please, thank you," sho rejoined. "In tins Instance you may," ugreed i Ilnrdy, "slnco your father admits that you aro in no danger. Otherwise would order you to remain away." "You'd daro to orde?" "Certainly. You should know tho scope of the agent's authority. It in cludes tho right to order off the reser vation nnyono not a member of tho tribe." Tho girl smiled mockingly. "You for get I told you I nm a qunrterbreed." "Mnrlol" remonstrated Vandervyn. "Mind your own business 1" sho flashed hack at him. "I am not nshnmcd that Tm a member of tho tribe, and I don't caro how soon ho knows It, even if ho 13 an officer of your little American army." Sho turned upon Hardy, flushed, de fiant, hnughty. "My mother was tho granddaughter of Sitting Bull. What havo you to say to that, Mr. West Pointer?" "Nothing, Miss Dupont, unless" ho paused, smiled and continued "unless It is to remark that I nm glad tho po lice arc so near." Tho girl's eyes flashed with anger. With a swift movement she bent over nnd snutched her driving-whip from its socket on tho dashboard nnd stood poised, the whip upraised to strike. Dupont's heavy jowl dropped. Van dervyn swung his rifle around, his large blue eyes glinting with eagerness. JETUrdy faced tho girl with no chango in his Bmlle. Had his steady gazo wavered for lin Instant, she would havo slashed hiitf ncross the face. "You you I" sho whispered. "Twit me with the treacherous killing of my great-grandfather, would you?" Treacherous? How Is that?" ho naked. "He wns murdered by tho police I" sho cried. "You know It." "I beg your pardon," he replied. "I had not tho slightest idea of alluding to what to you must bo n painful oc currence. But slnco you hnvo referred to it, I wish to say that you aro misin formed. Sitting Bull wns shot whllo resisting nrrcst The pollco were act ing under orders. The man who shot the chief hd first been shot by ono of tho chief's niijjv" Tho scarleKhat flamed in tho girl's cheeks decpcBad to crimson. Her gazo wavered. Iffltcad of striking Hardy, the whip lashed down across the backs of tho team. Tho young broncos plunged and Jumped forwnrd; they whirled the buckboard down the slopo away from tho river. Tho girl's companions Jerked their ponies nbout to gallop after her. Hardy spoke to them In peremptory com mand: "Waltl Dupont, I" shall ask you to Drmg my naggago irom tho rail road. Here come tho police. I shall detail four of their number to go with you ns escort" "Wo don't need no escort," said Du pont "Do wo, Mr. Vnn?" "They will go In plnco of Mr. Van dervyn," explained Hardy. "I must usk him to accompany mo to tho agency." The young man looked the now agent up nnd down with nn insolent smllo on his handsome, boyish face. "What if I do not choose to go back?" "It would put mo to tho necessity of finding n new ' chief clerk," countered Hnrdy. The other evidently hnd expected an arbitrary order. Ho bit his lip. It was Hardy Uttered a Stern Order: "Haiti" plain thnt ho was puzzled over tho adroitly worded reply. Was It a threat, or merely a statement duo to misap prehension? "If you wish to resign," added tho captain, "may I request you to tele graph for your successor to bo Imme diately appointed nnd ordered here?" "I'd resign quick enough if I could," said Vandervyn. "You're tho last man I'd let order mo around If I could help it." Hardy turned to the stolid-faced trader. "Please remember my baggage. You had better rldo on after your daugh ter. Tho escort will soon follow." In tho next Installment Cap tain Hardy discovers conditions vhlch lead him to believe there is a conspiracy on foot. Can you gueoo the nature of It? (TO BE CONTINUED.)