The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 02, 1917, Image 1

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1 C5
No. 101
m mm tm
The now Lincoln County Agricultur
al Association, composed of sixty or
nioro men who subscribed fifty dollars
each, has rccolved lUi certificate ot in
corporation from the secretary of
etato, and will be formally organized
at a meeting of the stockholders to
bo hold At the farmer's exchange
rooms noxt Saturday afternoon at 2:30.
Among the business to be transacted
will bo tho election of a board of fif
teen directors who in turn will oloct
the officers of the association and
make preliminary arrnngomonts for
tho 1917 fair. At this meeting tho
need of more buildings will also bo
considered, and probably tontative
arrangoments made for ' their con
struction. ::o::
Paper Situation Acute.
For tho first time In the history of
the Omaha dally 'papors, no editions
wer0 Issued yestorday. The reason as
signed 'was the high cost of paper,
tho publishers availing thomsolves ot
tho holiday opportunity to save tho pa?lyay evening from eastern points whore
por bill for one day. Tho paper situ
ation is growing more acute each dv.
The actual cost of 'producing Tl
Tribune is greater than the sTib"scrip
tion price. For that reason tho pub
lisher must insist that subscriptions
be paid promptly.
You will find if you attend tho
Great January Clearance Sale (which
you must) nt The Leader Mercantile
Co.'s store, that It is not only odds and
ends as mbst stores holding sales of
fer, but pribes cut and reduced on
most every item in the hbuse. Full
bolts of goods, full boxes of merchan
dise, and all unbroken packages, the
ready to wear for women, misses and
childron and evorything 'Jjso in all
departments. i
The ice harvest at the Union Pacific
- 1 A I 1. - 1 J
t I
for several days
"hundred men are employd by Al Tift,
who has the icontrnct for cutting and
loading on cars, - The greater num-jand
ber of the men employed on tho work
were shipped In from Omaha.
rv v After several weeks delay tho win-
r - , ... t i
j glass ior me new jliuck ltiuiuuik
arrived the latter part of last week and
is now being placed. The building will
be ready for occupancy by Derryborry
& Forbes and the Davis Auto Co. in
about 'ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cover and baby
returned' a few days ago .from Nampa,
Idaho, where they spent several weeks
with relatives!
. Mrs. Hillard Ridgely, of Cheyenne,
-ho visited hor parents Mr. and Mrs
Alex Fenwick last, week, has returned
Mrs. 'Callender has accepted, a posi
tion as , saleslady at Tho Leader and
began work this morning.
Helen Stuart, of Lexington, arrived
hsrc last evening to- spend a jiveok
with tho Tighe and Stack families.
Carl Simon left lost evening for
Hastings to visit relatives , for a few
days. .
::o:: .
Money to loan on real estate. Money
. always on hniid, no dclny If clear title.
Can loan out of our building and loan
association return monthly, winio ns
rent, or long time straight lonn. Come
ami tell us which yon want.
Why do your cows give less milk in
winter than thoy do In summer? Just
-because naturo does not supply them
with crasBes and green food. But wo
have come- to tho assistance of Damo
Nature vith B. A. Thomasi Stock
Remedy which contains tho vory in
gredients that the green feed supplies
in season, only, of course, in a more
highly 'concentrated form. Wo guar
antee that this remedy will make your
cows glvo moro milk, and bettor milk,
with tho same feed. Sold by Derry
borry & Forbes. J31
: :o: :
She Didn't Undorstand.
"Galahad" ho began.
"Cut it out," Interposed tho young
lady. "It's bad form to talk about a
girl you hnd." Louisville -Courier-Journal,
What is experience? A poor llttlo
hut constructed from tho ruins of the
palace of gold and marble ca'Ied our
He Might Be Offended.
"See that dog, Kuthl? It 1ms taken
the "first prlzo nt ten showo und Is
valued at 1,000 marks."
"I wonder if I daro offer him a bit
.... ... . M 1 . . -
of sausage r i' liegenoo uiaciic.. ,
Miss Buotoll is assisting on a special
case of nursing in tha City Hospital.
Ralph Aldon loft Saturday morning
for Kimball to spend sovcral days with
F. C. Hoxlo roturned to Ogalalla yos
terday morning nftor visiting tho homo
folks bore.
Tho Altruist biblo class ot tho Moth
odist church, will moot Thursday af
ternoon, January 4th with Mrs. San
ford Hartman. 310 west Sixth street.
Miss Ethel Donognn and brothor,
Joseph Donogan, Jr., wont to Horshoy
yesterday to attondt Now Years din
ner at tho homo of Mr and Mrs. Frod
' Lot December 24th, on street be
tween tho Davis Garuge nnd tho Cath
olic church, a now fur lined glove.
Finder return to this office and re
ceive roward.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stoffriggen,
who twaro married in Donvor the lnttor
part of last week, returned homo Sun-
they visited for several days.
J. G, Woodman, president of tho stale
Irrigation association, has appointed J.
J. llalligan of this city a member of
tho executive committee and J. G.
Beeler a member of the loglslativo
committee. ,
Foe Sale A used Dodge touring car
in fine condition. Cheap, call at
Miss Elaino Dundy entertained a
number of young people very pleas
antly at her homo on New Years evo
at a "watch party." Various games
wero played and the new year wel
comed. T. B. Hutchinson, who has made
North Platto his headquarters for sev
eral months, has gone to Lincoln
I where ho expects to receive a clerk'
t ,n,SII1P Huring uio season oi uie legie
i 1 1 . i 1 1 . i i
lature. - -Weather
forecast for North Platte
vicinity: Fair tonight and Wed-
nesday; not much change In tempera-
ture. Highest temperature yesterday
42, a year ago 2D; lowest last night 13,
a year ago 8.
Tho county offices, tho U. P. shops
and practically all the business houses
observed yestorday as a holiday. The
general delivery at the postofflco was
open for two hours, and the city car-
! ricrs mad0 one delivery,
At tho close of business December
30th, 191G, there was no Indebtedness
against tho North Platte Lumber Com
BLANCHE B. FIELD, President.
L. B. DICK. Setc'y and Trcas.
R. O. Smith, local salesman for the
hardware department of Paxton and
Gallager Co., of Omaha, was married
Wednesday December 27th to Miss
Custer a trained nurse of Sioux -City,
and visited fripnds here tho latch part
of last week.
Tho World-Herald announced tho
latter part of last week tho marriage
license of Miss Faye E. Bock of Coun
ell Bluffs and Ben F. Comstock, of
Logan, la. Miss Bock formerly lived
hero and has frequently visited at the
Day home,
A flro originated at the Regan
homo in tho 500 block on west Second
street Sunday afternoon at three
o'clock. Tho timely arrival of tho fire
department prevented a total loss.
Tho damages amounted to about two
hundred dollars.
Fanni0 Ward will be tho attraction
at tho Keith tonight in a thrilling pro
duction "For tho Defense." Tho story
is an engrossing one, and is a llttlo
French girl, who in a strange land, bo-
comes tho central figUro In a tragedy
in which tho one man who has be
friended hor, Is accused of murdor.
Miss Ward will bo romombered from
hor work In "Tennosseo's Pardnor."
Illlliard Tournament Ends.
Tho billiard tournament at tho Mooso
lodge terminated Sunday ovonlng after
twonty-nlno games- had Jjoen played.
Tho team captained by L. C. Dean de
feated tho Harry Recso team by fifty-
one points. Tho total scores wero:
Dean team 1,207 billiards, Recso team
1,21G. The losors will pay for tho sup
per which will bo served noxt Sunday
::o:: '
E. j. DrENEK & CO.
Heal Estate and Insurance
Come and see us for town lots In
different parts of the city. Good In
vestments on ibt ttrms. Housea for
sale and rent. Wa have also good bar
gains In farmland rauchee.
Cor. Front anil Dewey Sts apstclrs.
Sovcnty-flvo Elks assembled nt tholr
home Sunday night a fow minutos be-1
foro twelve, and with songs and toasts i
wolcomed tho dawn of tho now year. 1
H was thn occasion of tho nnnunl fitac '
banquet, and thanks to Dr. Wurtolo, J
nay cantlin, P. J. Barron and othors !
who constituted tho conimtttoo it was ;
"somo "party." Tho nine oure menu
was aorved by Cuteror llupfor and
from Blue Points on the sholl down to
tho cigars, each course was nlcoly
prepared and well sorved. The tables
woro decorated with cut flowers and
at each plato was n. tin horn for use In
speeding tho old and welcoming tho
tl tW Vrttt V Ad tlm ltft nntiofnttu tnin
CUtVllAI UlUJ Ul U lltlliinUCU Willi lUUUl i j .t it 4 a t a 1
. . ' mt A , ing the holiday vacation nt home, will
paper hats There wore no toasts, and m Q mlvorMly today,
at the conclusion of tho dinnor vaude-,
villo stunts were "put on by n team who JUb Mary Wtnslow, of Ovorton, has
emtio from Omaha for that purpose, j hoen tho guast of hor undo Georgo
These men were very clever, and thy Whwlow and family for sovoral days,
evoked much laughter. Stunts by Jo- Henry llnlllgan, of Brulo, loft Sun
cal members completed tlfo sot, pro-' day morning nftor spending sovoral
gram, aftor which individuals In ono
way and nnothor assisted in ontortain-!
ing. Singing was one of the features
throughout tho evoning, tho Stamp or
chostra accompanying tho popular
songs. This orchestra was at its host
and the music rendered from midnight
until five In tho morning was vory
much appreciated.
Man Found In Car Dies.
Saturday afternoon a German about
forty years of age was found In a re
frigerator car in th west yards by
omployes of the P. F. E. who wore
working on tho car. Ho was In an un
conscious condition and died tho fol
lowing day at tho Pulver -hospital
m her0 he was taken by the U. P. com
pany physician. A number of ad
dresses were found In his clothing,
but do not tell of any relationship. As
far as could bo learned his name was
Simon Zilka. Undertaker Malonoy has
notified several nconle whose names i
were found In the pockets of his coat
and tho bodv will l.n held i.nH! timv
are heard from
It Is thought that the
man entered tho car at Cheyenne.
Former Pastor Tendered Position.
Rev. Geo. P. Williams, a former pns-
tor of tho Presbyterian chunch of this i
city, who went from he-o to Columbus,
and Is now located at Shelton, has.
boon tendered a position by tho anti-
saloon league of Texas as superintend-
ent of tho Houston district. The sal-
ary attached to tho position is $1,800
p"er year. Whether Mr. Williams has
accepted tho offor wo have not learn
ed. Ho ought to bo acceptable to tho
Texans, as ho Is an uncompromising
democrat, a forcible speaker, and a
most companionable man.
? ; o ' .
Steam heated newly decorated store
biillrilmr. TtMisnnlii,.
it- " iw ajjib
party. Three room niodern flat, close
In. Ilonses and nlco unfurnished
rooms, Htorapo room and safo deposit
boxes by
i : to: : .
His Honor Vindicated.
In a Williamsburg, North Carolina,
Justice court a prisoner was charged
with tho larceny of a bottle or beer
from a bar room. Ho objected to be
ing tried before tho justice, and asked
that his case bo heard by somo other
Justice of tho peaco. Tho court de
manded his grounds of objection, to
which tho prisoner replied that ho did
not propose to bo tried for stealing
beer from tho bar rooms boforo a
magistrate who was In tho habit of
dead-boating for drinks around tho
bar rooms of that township. To this
tho court, with great dignity and am
phash?, replied: "You accuso ma of
doing that? Then you aro a liar,
and I fine you flvo dollars for con
tempt of court."
Warned of His Danger.
A farmor engaged Pat 0 mow a
small field of hay, and on giving him
a now scytho told him it was such a
good ono that ho need only put tho
point, of it in the hay and it would
cut by Itself. Pat sot off to hia work
and about midday, when tho farmor
came to seo how Pat was getting- on,
ho found him Bitting in a cornor of
tho flold with ono end of tho scytho
In tho hay. This bo enraged tho farm
er that ho went for Pat, who, on Boo
ing him, Immediately shouted: "Keep
back, keep back; Yo don't know tho
minute sho's going to start"
The Longest Day.
' Tho longest day as distinguished
from tho polar day is In midsummer at
07 degrees of latitude. Tbero, tho day
becomes, when tho sun reaches Its
oxtremn point (northerly in the north
ern hemisphero and southerly In tho
oouthorn hemisphere), 21 hours, and
the period of darkness is only nominal.
Tho Savings Department of tho First
Vntlnnnl llnnk iinnno Iniliiv. Tfatir l'nr
Qmt !d fln gavlngB
Tho Savings Department of tho First
National Dank opons today. Four Por
Cent paid on saving.
Erector Contest nt Newton's closes
Saturday. January lCUi. Models must
oln on or before Friday.
Frank Hart, of Alllnnco, formerly of
this city, is spondlng this weok with
rolativos horomnd at Marwell.
Mrs. John Burko, of Maxwell, who
was vialting with- Mrs. Louisa Burko
for svearul days, loft hint evening.
days with his unolo J. J. Hnlligun nnd
T0,, T- al.
Bros., roturned last ovonlng from a
visit with
friends in Columbus and
Mrs. Gantt, of Los Angelos, who
spout two weeks with hor parents Mr.
and Mrs. Alox Fonwlck, left Sunday
i Tho 500 club will meet with Mrs.
', H. M. Grimes Thursday ovonlng as
t sWtod by Mrs. F, W. Rlncker and Mrs.
II. 0. Brock.
t Tho Episcopal guild Is making ar-
' rangoments for a home-talent enter
tainment which will bo produced tho
' latter part of this month.
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. J. Stunrt returned
to their home In Lincoln last evoning
after spending a week visiting at tho
home of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duke.
Mr3 V,B Christcnsen and son Ray-
niond, who spont tho pant week in St.
Paul, Nebraska, with tho .former's par
ents, returned homo last evening.
Mrs. John Mcrlman. of Evanstou, a
former resldont hero will lcavo this
week, after spending several weeks
with her mother, Mrs. Johanna Mc
Flro Christmas ovo destroyed the
barn on tho Honry Moyor plnlco two
miles south of Wallaco, eight head of
' horses perishing. A. A. Holub was tho
tenant on tho place.
For Salo or Rent Irrigated farm
close in. Address 1203 N. Locust, City,
or phono Black 4C0. , 101
The Club Novita will not hold Its
regular mooting this week but will
hold its annual business mooting Wed
nesday of noxt week nt the homo of
Mrs. Charles Llorlc.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bowon havo pur
chased tho A. C. Hamilton property pn
west Sixth street and will move there
after Fobruary first. Mr. Hamilton hns
been transferred to Ogden nnd will
move his family there.
On tho last day of tho year Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Knox entertained twenty
guests at dinnor in favor of Mr. and
Mrs. Hnrloy Bonham, Who left last
evening for tholr now homo In Potter,
Miss Rcglna Frazior left last even
ing for Cozad to visit friends for
Tho New Year's Ball hold Friday
ov.enlng by the Yeoman drill team at
tho Lloyd opara houso was a success
ful and onjoynblo cvont. Tho atton
danco was largo and tho gallory was
filled with spectators. Stamp's or
chestra furnished tho music nnd dan
olng continued until ono o'clock a. m
During the rush Inventorying tho
stock at Tho Loader Moreantllo Co.,
and the nowspapers on account of hol
iday weok, It's boon absolutoly im
possible to got tho papers to got out
for ub a Big January Salo Announce
ment, but nevertheless tho salo starts
Wednesday morning, January 3d. Tho
doors will open at 10 a. m. This sale
you will find the salo of all salos. Sur
prises and Big Monoy Saving in ovory
department of tho big double storo.
Tho life of this Institution comes
through the successful uso of tho truo
and tried Homeopathic remedy; noth
ing healing more quickly, moro easily,
mo'o permanently.
Horo is n hospital that Is making it
self known by good results In Mujor
and Minor Surgery, nnd which is the
Homo of Orlflclal Surgery wnn ac
comnllshmontB that no othor system
can daro challengo in tho treatment of
acute and chronic diseases.
100S West 4tk St North l'lattc. Neb,
Johm S. Twluoin, M. D.
If you woro to, mnko a guess, what
would you sy tho Btamp sales at tho
North Platto postoftico amounted to
laat your? Fow would guess as high
ns $84,000, and yat tho snlos of stamps
during 191C woro a llttlo abovo that
sum. Comnnred with lulG tho sales
show an lncroaso of ovor $G,000, the j
ocolnts for last vonr from thl 0oiimiul0 worK hoavy for mm and no
boing $18.000an Incruaso thoroforc 1
ot thirty-throw and ono-thlrd por cont.
This lncroaso can bo tnkon as ovl-
donco of business expansion in North
Platto, for tho moro builnoaa wo do,
tho moro stamps wo buy, nnd it also
Indicates that our population is in
creasing. ::u::
Loo Erb. of GotltOnbufg. well known
among tho local young folks, was horo
yostorday whllo onroute to Julosburg.
Dr. Morrill, Dontist
Miss Gladys Bird, who spent tho hol
idays with Uio homo folks, loft last ov
onlng for Chicago to roeumo her stud
ies of kindergnrten work. '
Charles Martini, Sr., and children
loft yestorday morning for Horshoy to
attend a family rouuion at tho homo
of his daughter Mrs. Fred Rasmus
son. For Salo Used Ford touring car,
runloss than 1000 miles, bettor than
a now one. Priced to soil.
Fred Hanlon, night watchman nt tho
Locust street crossing lias been off
duty for a week past with an attack of
pneumonia. His duties aro boing per
formed by Davfd Slicedy.
Judgo and Mrs. H. M. Grimes have
boon enjoying a visit from tho lnt
ter's undo W F. Evans, who cnm0 horo
from Bedford, Iowa, tho latter, part of
last week and who loaves today.
Dr. T. J. Korr and Dr. N. McCabo
spent yesterday in Horshoy attending
Dr. Saddler who is recovering from
Injuries received In an nutomobllo ac
cident Inst week.
A KitorJcoutyTroiible
r,vA; it: v.
Starting &IiJMixig Batteary Service
cTih TpvN'T Put UP with u,,y 1Itt,e "Devil of
iff) Q J) Doubt' in your atnrtlnft battery -you don't
" navo to.
An "JEXl&C" Battery Is "tho giant that llvc3
In a box." It will mnko a reality of that rclinhlo
servlcu about which you'vo dreamed., It will ftlvo
you maximum power and will exert that power
on instant demand. It la easy to caro for enBy
to repair.
Let us demonstrate Just how you can make
your starting battery "doubt proof."
Wo oiler freo Inspection of all batteries.
Our Business Success
you think of
And it is Therefore Up to Us ,
to sell you butter that
ate. And last but
will suit your taste
be only too glad to recommend it to your
friends. TO BUTTER SATISFY YOU is our
best advertisement.
North Platte Creamery.
, First Door North ol Pest Office.
A tologranl rdcolvcd Saturday by
Dean J. J. Bowkor from Bishop Beech
or announced his appointment as arch
deacon of this missionary district
which comprloos nearly two-tlilrds of
tho stato. Owing to this largo 'terri
tory and tho constant expansion of
lho c"rch work, Dlshop Boecher found
a8kctl lho nfelo"ry board for an ap
proprlntion to meet tho salary and ox-
ponsos of an archdoacon. The request
was grnntfd and Dean Bowkor select
ed. As a dean of tho district Rev.
Bowker for n year or so past baa spont
nearly hair of his time in traveling
ovor tho district on church work. Un
der his now appointment ho will do
voto all his tlnio to this iclnss ot work
and thoroforo will resign In tho near
futuro as rector of Uio local parish.
Whothor North Platto will contlnuo to
b0 Archdoacon Bowker'a lieadqunrtora
has not nt tills time boon dofinitoly sot
tied, but a removal to Grnnd Island la
ut least possible.
Fourth Regiment Arrives
Tlic; Fourth Nobraska regiment, af
tor an nbsonco of llvo months and Uiroo
wcoks, arrived at Ft. Crook Sunday
whero tho men will bo quartered until
niustorcd out
Tho mon aro a unit in-declaring that
It was tho Inactivity that nindo life
wonrisomo on tho border. Ono" re
marked: "Wo woro doing absolutoly
nothing and wo 'couldn't understand
why they didn't sond v homo long
ago. Wo hcoid so many falso rumors
about going homo, that wo could hard
ly bolievo our ears when tho order did
como. Now I hopo wo can get home.
I nm looking for a Job mysolf."
Tho Luthernn girls' club wil bo en
tertained at tho home ot Helen and
Ellznbetli Brodbock Thursday ovonlng.
Mrs.' Mary Pattco, of Wolllngton,
KnnsaB, arrived horo a few days ago
to spend a month with hor parents.
Mrs. Pattoo was formorly Miss Mary
Hanlon, of this city.
Depends upon Owhat
will satify your pal
not least, butter that
so well that you wil!