The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 29, 1916, Image 8

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    Serai-Weekly Tribune
I HA L. 1U11E, Editor nnd I'ubllsher.
One Year by Slnll in Adrnnce....$L2(
One tfcar bj Carrier in Ailrntico..$IO
Entered at North Plutt4 Nebraska,
Postofllce usi 'Second Class Matter.. I
FRIDAY, DEOHJIUMl 31), 1910.
.George Hnnlon wlio hnd boon om-
pigyou wnn aimon ujos. tor sov
fat montha resigned Tuosday cvehlnK.
rwiu uraiKio. or. uuuuron. lanuoriy
QXlIils city, is expected hero the latter
pnTt-Of tills wolc to vistf. relatives for
n wook. , , ."
MiBu Harriot Dixon returned .' tqj
her school in pniali?LWcdno.4daynNnt.o .Josoa one of Its most, highly
after visiting with hrJiniwiits for a
""""" . V c-
Mr. and Mrs. Fred WcBand, of
Onialin, who vjaltcdtho S.tamp, Weln
gend and Wg;At,fmIU(m,rioft Tuesday
evening.. ' ' fJ
Mlati "Mildred" Pizor of Grand Island,
is oxpoated horo UilB weak to visit her
eoualu Miss Maynio Plzer for a wk
or, loiigor. ,
Mrs. Louis Itrtoll raturmwl to Rnlsto'n"
Teudny afternoon aftor visiting her
pnjrenta Mr. and Mrs, Victor Von Gootz
for two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Hei'mtui Snhloutor who
ihae1 neon visiting in Grand Island
for ten days, will return homo tomor
row ovoning.
Mrs. Groen, of Grand Island, who
HiitMt several mouths with her ion
Thomas Green and. family, left Wed
nesday morning.
Mr. and Mtfj. Orval Hodges; rloturnod
home Wednesday and haw rontod
apartmonjw in the now Drodbeck build
ing dn Woat 6th utroot.
Mrs, Thomas Green and dnughtor
Cathprlno loft Wodnosday evening for
Grand Island "whafo th(ty will visit the
Dft Morrill, Dentist
Mrs. Edwlnn, Bolmtz nnd Eileen Koll-
hor of Omaha came th6 first of this
week from Omaha ami will Visit Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Schatz until Monday.
All the Women's tailored suits as
wqU flu all Uio coats are being sold
now at January Sale price. Como now
and get best selection at the Loader
Mercantile ntoro .
W. A. Baldwin of Omaha, returned
homo Tuesday evening utter visiting
with Mr.1 and Mrs. John Bratt. Mrs.
Baldwin and children will remain
hctro a wook or longer.
Mrs. Sarah Dowd and daughtora
Priscolla and Cathorlno, fonnor resi
dents horo, came from Poets, Colo., tho
latter -part of last' week to visit at, tho
homo of Mrs. Frank Doran.
J If. Vincoll, of thp Buchanaiv &
Hatteh'oUirnnch bovou hillou Boiithwesit
of towm inoporta tliu loss of sovon
head, of cattlo which Is thought woro
poisoned from eating corn stalks.
Dr. Prank Baldwin returned to South
Omaha Tuesday afternoon after spend
ing uevernl days with his 'parents. Mrs
Baldwin will remain horo fr a few
uaya longor with her paronto Mr. and
Mrs. P. J. Dlonor.
Bay 13. Robinson and Pearl B.
Paisley, of Lowollon, wore granted a
marringo llcoimo by County Judge
French and woro married Wednesday
evening by Itov. Robert White at tho
Pwabytorlnn manse.
For quick uciloH nnd sa'isfnctosy
salo list your land with Tiioclscko. 11
Mutirico Fowler, of Orand Island, !
in town Mils week inlying horses suit
ablo for Engllnh war purposes. Eng
land recently placed a big ordor with
Grand Island parties, and Mr. Powlor
ia buying to help All this ordor.
William S. Hart will bo eou nt
tho Keith thoatro Monday nlglU in tho
Trlonglo story, "Tito Captive God" a
play wholly unlike anything ho has aU
tempted for IU10 Hcroon. Ho is sup
ported by Enid Markoy nnd Dorothy
Dalton. Fiy Tlnchor will ajipear In
tho comedy. "Uodolla'a Bluff."
t - it.- tV
For Automobile
Starting Batteries
Now ia the time to let the
I )nctor that's tin give your-bat-terv
the "once over."
Wliuthcr or not yen lwve lwcn uiing
your car tltU pal winter, ytur lwitttry
uudoiibicdly need attention. ,
Drive nround lo our jfixlbc" Scrviq
Station nnd wo wilt inspect your bat Urv
r.ircfuUy. W " rhanps for tbl
that's easy to earcfor,
"JEXiOc" service Is prompliunU re
liable. Take auvautagc 01 our
inspection offer.
i r
Wc are "JtXIDC" Uistrjmuom 111 in
territory. Uememhrr that the ' IfcXtOC'
3 tho oriRinal "Unit-wal" lHttcryr-th
AnnrtiHimlv tioworful biiltcry and thu one
Frank J. Doran dll very middoulyi
.Tuesday morning 'at his homo on wsW
i uui.sircoi. jir. uoran nau ooon -m
ins usuHr noaim nuupinis anu nau
spent hearly part of tho morning in
removfng tfiq snow .frm ;hls nia
and vlsitlnjt with - several .twighborfc
and frfoVOftj' who pasaod by. He had
ronverstfil" wlJJt Aohn Dick who resides
near him ami told him that tho rocentl
QUrlBtmnH was the man, pleasant h
nan Bpent since a boy
upon entciing the house ho snoko
BjyicrruJiy 10 nm ranniy ami tjio roin-
hvos wno were njs guesis anu pro-
pOMd taking if .walk with hit; nenluhv
alter thoy had paj'.nken of luucir.
While fongagod Hn this conjrsatlri
no Ku
armi i
m -ABrtf jmiytrouai.Anu
.hW djSd ihtaanlly of btftirt ttxtiu
' IttVUio loatli of Dpi an. M
i0aetd ploncvf citizens; a man who
tlufing .hjs fldrtyiour yba-(a resldenco
maa uticiexia m an wim.wiiom. no
ttssOc-lttiwd AridJt1'.Av)iosef UiWxpoet,'U
domltfo bxirigs sorrow, to the heart j
df fcvtjryncfiualritanco. 116 was loyal
to Lis church, 1Us work' and his. ti'ldn.ds
and w.ryono of tho mot' diligent
workors for tho Crntornal ' orders '.0
wheJh ho belonged and woro- it not
tor the rosdUs obtained, fom would
know of the good doeds bo W con-
Trtnntly performing. Ho hld soveral of
W(m In "St Patrick's Council Knight'
of Cbnimbus and ai).or Joining the
fourihtiogreo was 'r-oloted several
tlmoH to BUtjip officM.
He lived "a ysful nnd happy life,
was a honie-Iovlng man and.vpry de
voted to his wife iind dBugh'tet who
havo tho doefpost synfpitliy of many
triond in tholr boroavomdnt.
Fmnk J. Doran was 1)oiti in Hollnn
dale, Wis., IXecomber 8th, 1802, and r
sided thoro on n farm until 1382, when
ho came to this city to accept em
ployment wijth tho Union Pacific as
riwmnn and In 1887 ho was promoted
to enulneor. On November 21st, 1888,
he 'ulas married to Miss Ella Trlhy, of
Grotna nnd to this union woro born
threo daughters,' Isnbello, Marie and
Margaret. Other surviving rolativcs
nro brothors Josoph, Edwanl and
William Dorun. all of Hollondnlo,
Wis., sisters Mm. Mary A. Donuth,
of Hollnndule, Mrs. Rose Dowd of Pon
der, Nebr., anu Mrs. Sarah Dowd of
Peots. Colo. lie was a mombor of
th Knights of Columbus fourth de
gree and hold (tho position of district
deputy. He also belonged to tho A, 0.
LU. W. and Urothorhood of Locomotivo
Tho funeral services woro hel(j this
morning at S;, Patrick's church whero
many frlonda gtillhorcd to pay their
last respects. Solemn high mass was
read and an lmprosslvo sormon de
livered by Rov. McDald. Tho floral
tributes worn beautiful. Actlvo pall
bearers woro P A. Norton, Charles
Raskins, Victor VonGootz, Conrad
Walker, W. J. fyuidgraf and P. H
Mlloa of Sidney. Honorary paR bear
ers wero Geo. A. Austin, Ralph Cham-
borluln, Thomas Joffers, Carl Simon,
W. S. Dolson and Judgo Cochran, stato
uoputy ror tho Knights of Columbus
All tho Men's and" Doys' Ovorcoats
arc being sold so you can save from
20 to CO per cent off, or two coats for
tho pri"o of one. Tho Loader Mer-
cnntllo Co. oiforB tho biggest bar-
sa;nh in Honest Well Mado Clothing.
I C has. Thornburg. of Provo
I tu'.i, enmo a fow days uko to .visit his
family nn(j was tho guostt of honor at
a family dlnnor at tho homo or his
daughter Mrs. P. H. Lonorgan Christ
mas day. This was th0 llrat family
reunion in sovontcon yoars.
h. j. nrexpx & CO.
Hefti jftstate and IiiHBranco
Come and see us for town lots in
aiimrent partii of the city. Good In
vestments on easy terms. Houses for
iiu aud rent. We havo also good bar
gains In farms and ranohoo.
Oor HYont and Dwpv St.n.. aDstairs
Cow Brand Flour Leads
in lino baking qualities, in bone
and sinew-mnking cfieclivencss.
It has nil tho nutritious properties
contained in the choicest wheat
with all tho useless particles loft
out. In addition it lends all
others in tho palatable properties
of its products. Try a sack of
Cow Brand flour with your next
grocory order. Don't be put olT
with any other brand either.
Every Sack Guaranteed.
Lierk-Sandall Co.
Makes a Spoclalty of Farm Sales. Pure
iurou uivo Stock aud Uoal Esiato
and died hufirfv thoifr'pyoSolifri'-
! Hurt tousitf Vly'iiTidH
jAuriun ucasonauio.
Ui-to-iato Auctioneer. '
Phono Maxwell Stnte Hank
at My Expense for Dates.
ni'ti' in k
II! 1
Ijtiro is a new wai' sart-
L-4 MB.,?
inio couniry. ' o.ju,
. n it w 1 mi 'j mi
;$oa& ofxmiVottritr3r'
your&olfi' f. . .
. Xhe nscd'of'ftreaterS-ecdn-
'if 1
'fy ,hiny. and tlirift
to till thinking
l y ' join toany
a-areas wito nave
i with ah acicdunt ' in tW 'f :t
r JWitfi- our
jftial&frthitf war
warn wo
Ml. PUKOON DI12S t'lt05I
Or. H. Purdoii who for several
months had bqon id oca tod' at Brady,
whero hiv took up I.he practice of Dr.
Fetter when the latter removed to
North Platte, died at Lextngton Sun
day from an overdose of morphine. Dr.
Purdon had gone to Loxlngton to spend
Christmas with I1I3 wlfo, Who was liv
ing there pending th securing n house
In Brady by tho Doctor. Th( report
Is that tho Doctor took ton grains pt
mrphno, which is forty times tho regit
lar uoso. It is not Known whothor the
doso mUs .taken by accident or with
suicidal Intent, but Iharo Is a sus
picion that ho purposely took tho
poison to end life.
Tho uoso was taken during tho af
ternoon while at his wife's apartments
over a restaurant. His wlfo called for
a physician but nothing could bo done
to savo his Inc.
nnnrirn Rplillii nnnni Mm firni nf tiHn
week In Grand Island w'ltli frlendd.
, . - c , 1
MIbs May- Wilson, or Paxton, Is
' . . 1
cpondlng this week with her parents, i
HT T 1 . I . 11 !!.! '
iUlH UUl-Bgil 18 HpUUUMlH 11113
... ...111. 1. il.. tu tr t.l... lf.1.
YVjeOU Willi rUIULlVCS IH opilUlUlUg. INUU. .
Raymond Tlgho spon'h the fore part
of this weok with frionds In Choycnno.
J. J. Gottmau has been confined to
bla homo for several days past by
Dr. Harold A. Fonnor spent Uho first
of this week In Gothonburg with
Mr. and Mra. Thomas Axtell, of ilalg
camo down a fow days ago to visit lo
cal frionds.
Miss Rita Boutwell is snondlnc tho
holiday vacation mtith relatives in To-
poka, Kan.
Hirioy Schiltz has rctulrned .from
Cozad whoro ho vlBltcd frionds for
sovoral days.
John Kennedy has returned "from
Omaha whore ho visited his family for
sovoral days.
Honry Hnlllgan, of Bnilo, came-down
Tuesday afternoon to visit his unclo J.
T TT-111 1 . . T
nuuiKun unu lamuy.
EdWnrd Tool, who spent several
months In Knnsns, .roturnod homo tho
foro part of this week.
Miss Ethel McWlltlams loft tho first
of this wook for tho eastern part of
this stato (to visit frionds.
William Hnlloran. of Pnxtnn. rum in
down a fow days ago to spend tho
holidays with local frionds.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Wnltomath re
turned Tuesday ftrom Blair where they
spont Christmas witli relatives.
Miss Nelllo Sell, of Cozad. for
merly of this city who visited ,horo
last week has returned homo.
Gcnoral Manager and Mrs. William
Joffoto, of Omaha, spont Christmas in
town with Mr. and Mrs. Alboilb Schatz.
Tho young peoplo aro aklng nd-
vantago ot tho cold weather and form
dully skating parties on tho rlvefrs.
Tho ico is Bald to bo unusually good
for skating.
Money In Eggs.
Eggs aro not bankable but tho? mon
oy from tholr salo Is. This monoy Is
yours for tho effort. How do you
trent Uio hen that lays tho Qoldon
Eggs? B. A. Thomas' Poultry Remedy
will keep tho poultry in good condi
tion aim InarouBo tho ylold In eggs.
Wo gunrantoo this and refund your
money if not satlsllod. Sold by Dorry
bcrry & Forbes. d31,
Satisfaction Ouarantccd
Address Route 3, North Platto, Nob,
Phono No. 702F011
ni UU It I-' It It Y & FORHES.'fiiof.i Embalntrt
iiiicrinkiTo huA KHHAral Olrectem
n piiouh z:u
Mlirhi PSiirn- Black 688
1 ;-
is apparent (
viin mu nmi- . snv-!
aid vbu can
against thfe
tor you .;
Anothor pioneer citizen of Lincoln
comity and a veteran ot the civil war
has gono to his rownrd after a long
lite of honost endeavor and conscient
ious living The last i.aps for veteran
L S. Mecomber woro sounded Sunday
and tho funeral hold Wednesday. A
brief service was held at tho home
north- of the river at 10:30, fuller
sorvlces wore hold at tho Presbyter
ian church at 11:30, conducted by Rev.
Cram, and ucordlng io the wish of the
deceased, tho remains 'ro taken to
Ft. McPherson National Cemoteiry and
laid along side his soldier comrades
and beneath the stars and stripes ho
fought to preserve;
It was after but a short and pain
loss Illness that this old soldier passed
away. His last words- woro those of
cheer, in which he expressed his
readiness to meet that great change he
know was near, and requested that
"Nearer My God to Thee," and "When
tho Roll is called up Yonder1' bo
suntr nt his funeral. Ho met the reap
or grim with tho oamo- horolc spirit
. 1 . . .... 1. .. .1 r.. .1 .1.-. n0
Willi, uu uuu luwu mo mill ui uuuuia
,i Qi.,,i , nni,i mi.
ho smllel n3 hiB fect touched tho
ntn I vri f Mint MKrwd t iinlrnntim ltf tw
waiwo ui mac feiwi. uiuuiuvu inui
Imitnlwl ii.tilnl, 1 Inn 4 1 n. t It 11 It ATVl
uujruuu wuiwi iiua mu uuuu hxjlxiv.
Ho was a kind and indulgent father,
a. good neighbor, a patriotic citizen,
a man highly respected by all who
know him.
L. S. Mecomber was born at Can'ion,
Mass., November 5, 1842, At tho ago
or eighteen no onusteu m tno Twen
ty-nlnth Volunteor Infantry when
President Lincoln mado hla first, call
for troops After one year of service ho
was honorably discharged on account
of sickness, but on recovery re-enlur
cd and remained in tho sorvico of his
country, until honorably discharged
at tho closo of tho war.
August 8th, 18G8, ho was united In
marriage' to Abble C. Hommlngway, of
Camdcjn, Mo. To lihls union nine chll
dren wero born, all savo ono, a daugh
tor who died in infancy, wero present
at his bedsldo during his last Illness
Somo tlmo after marriago Mr. and
MrB. Macombor moved to Iowa, whoro
a homestead wnB taken. There they re
malned until 1874 whon thoy moved
to Sidney whero Mr. Macomber ontcrcd
tho employ of tho Union Pacific. In
187C thoy camo to North Platte, Mr
Mcombor retaining employment with
thp company and this sorvico ho con
tinued untu iyy.
Boroft aro tho wife, the daughter
Mrs. Geo. A Patterson and sons Chns,
George, Davo, Chester, Henry, Frank
and Loronzo, all of whom, except
Chostor, live north of tho itivor.
:o?: i
A slnglo man on a farm. Steady job
for good man. Address with refer
once and wnitcs wanted. Box 318
North Platto.
Mary Johnson's famous story of tho
early days of Virginia, "To Havo and
to Hold" will bo tho aittractlQn at tho
Kolth on Saturday nftornoon and even
lng with tho beautiful Lanky star,
Mao Murray In tho principal feminine
role supported by Wallaco Hold, In an
all star cast. This etorV is too woll
known to noed any Introduction Ito our
A young son of Joseph Weir, of
Storllng, Col., and a nephow of Chns
Wolr of this city, died yesterday from
injuries rccolved from flying pieces of
an oxplodlng kitchen rango. Tho boy
had taken milk to a neighbor early in
tho morning and was otnndlng by
tho rnngo, In which a flro had boon
started wlulo tha connecting pipes
woro frozon. Two inmates of the
houso woro nloo severely Injured.
AU tho clorks aro as busy as thoy
can bo nt Tho Lend or Morcantil
store and nil lutnds aro working hard
Invoicing tho stock and as soon as
finished ivljl prepare tho o:oro for a
big January Clearanco which will
start on Saturday, January 12th,
Watch and wait for our lator an
nounccments. Its euro to be tho big
gost Saving Event ot tho soasou.
Tho members of tho K. K. club and
a number of young ladles cnloyod
a bob-sled party last ovonlng. Aftor
plcosarj! rldo ot several miles lunch
1 . "
r ,
7 WsTl. i'
r 1 11 1 1 1 1 ti 1 1 1 it f i 1
Asm ! H . 12
was eervcu at tno uom.
One Hall
li BloSKNorth 61
'Phone 58 '
. a. iiiuqni iiioiuutiunior tne
scientific treatment of LdicSt.
; surgical and confinement lsw.'-
yompisreiy equipped P"tiyH.
;'aiid dioBnystic;laborstMie.l,'.
S- Staff: , '
Geo. B. Dent, M. D.' Vlecilnt V,
j. us ncuueiu, m. y.,, j. 0. aimini m.Ui.
Miss M.
J. L. Mtc
of Lexington, K cb..Wir, make your
nolle Aucllon Sales. vo t'xtrn charge
for trnsportntlpn. lo(eicnccs, Oic
mnners nnd stocKmcnm l)avsrtnaiiJ
adjoining counties, foEnvho'm I sure
conducted miction sulci lor ihc pastl
jenrs. Charges rcikonnblc. ForA
unto unios, j)itone or wire,
1 1. . r
J. 1. JllTClIEW),
LcxinslofL Nebraska,
or nmko dnio nt this officer
' Founded 18S0.
It's thu, household word In vdstern
Nebraska. It's Old Line, the bek.n;on
oy can ouy. it s what you newrior
savings bank and Insurance tint in
sures. They all buy it.
For further information
Phone, call or address
E. SEBASTIAN, State Agent
Tho Old Lino Man
Quality In Cigars has has been our
aim since we began making cigars in
North Platto over 'thirty years ago.
We put quality in tho first cigars we
made, and that same quality Is in the
cigars we make today. Schmalzriod's
Cigars havo stood tho test of those
mcjo than thirty years. What greater
ovidonco of quality could you desire?
If you havo not been Btnoklng Sshmalz
dlcd's cigars, try them thoy aro cer
tain to plcaso.
Hospital Phone Black 633.
House Phono Black 633.
Graduate Veterinarian
Eight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St.
one-half block southwest of the
Court Housb.
Office 333 Res Black 542
6 Reynold Building
Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
7 p. ru. to 8 p. in.
Bought and highest murket
Residence Red 636 Offlee 459
Notice to Creditors.
Bstato No. 144G of Claus Grmonau,
deceasod, in tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nelirnska,
Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss. Creditors
of said estato will take notico that the
tlmo HmltPil for nresontatlon and flllni?
of claims against said Estato Is Julyi
26. 1917.nnd for Battlement ot said Be. ceasod and for tho appointment of U.
tato is Docombor.21, 1917; that I wl U.t ,..,... . "
sit at tho county court room in said! ato " Executr of Baid
county on January 26, 1917, at 9,
o'clock a. m., and on July 26, 1917. at
0 o'clock a. m, to rccolvo, examine,
llar, allow, or adjust all Claims and
objections duly filed.
d26J23 County Judge.
J. B. BEDflELD. -
Successor toretfiffi.' .
Drs. 4Rednold & Itcdfleia
OfUse Phone C42 Res. Phone 17R
Office phone 241. Ro9,pbdnQ.2l7
L. C. DROSTjji
Osloopalhlc RhyslcloQ.
North Platte, - - Nebrtufkn.
McDonald Bnnk Iiuifding.
Oflico Pliono 70 'Res,- .Red CI7 ,
1)11. LATIIAN.
Sulphb Vnpor
Belton BUlldlgj
.10IIN S. 8LMMSjfl. Tj
Li Physician and Surgeon
vini. ti t . iimirtitin. Nornnn n innr. i
Phdne, Ofllce, 83: .Residence'8Uf.. v
? ' Practlco Limited to
"sir- r
Surffery nnd linuluin TJiornpy
7.28 City National Bank BulldJng. 1 vS
Gertrude Mhwn
Teacher of Piano
102 South Locust - ...PJionQ Blfe
Florence 4
Teacher or Piano
801 west Fifth St.
Phono Blk. 524
I have pleased others, I enn ploaso you.
Col. F. J. DIXON,
Special Attention to
Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics.
Nurso'Bnoiwn Memorial Horipltal.
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given lo Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Buildinc and Loan Buildinc
Office 130
i Residence 115
Highest Prices Paid for Hides
SCRAP IRON $5.50 per ton.
BONES, DRY, $12 per ton.
Big Prices for all kinds of
t Eectrlcal Supplies
Wiring Storage Batteries
Morsch Bldg
Phono 175.
Sheriffs Sale,
By virtuo of an ordor of Bale issued
from the District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decrco of
foreclosure rendered in said Court
wherein Florence M. Horshey is plain
tiff and Oliver A. Ridenour et al aro
dofendants, and to mo directed, I will
on tho 29th day of December, 1916, at
2 o'clock p in., at tho east frpnt door
of tho Court Houso in North Platte,
Llncol n County, Nob., 1916, soil at
Public Auction to tho highest bidder
for cash, to satisfy said decree, inter
est and. costs, tho following described
property, to-wit:
South Half (Shis) of Section Ten (10)
and tho North Half (N&) of Section
Fifteen (15), Township Eleven (11),
North ot Rango Thlrty-Throo (33),
Lincoln County, Neb.
Dated North Platto, Nob., Nov. 27.
n28d2D Sherlrt.
Notico of Petition.
Estnjto No. 1452 of Mary J. Applegato,
deceased. In tho County Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska. ...
Tho Stato ot Nebraska, To all per
sona interested in said Estato take
notico that a petition has been filed
for tho probato of tho Inst will and
testament of Mary J. Applegato. do
wmcu uaa occn set ror hearing
horoln on January 12, 1917, at 9 o'clock
a. m
Dated Dee. 13, 1916.
dl9-J9 GEO. E. FRENCH,
County Judge.