The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 29, 1916, Image 5

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    1 '' - '
This Firm wishes you all 365 Days f Best Health,
Happiness and Prosperity. And I wishing
Gbod Luck, we want to thank lou all for the
Liberal Patronage you havo jjiveri Is. In closing
tins year's merchandising we hal enjoyed the
Biggest Business in our History. We consider
. our Patrons confidence our; gre'ak t and chiefest
assett, avn9it'stbn; these lines'a'nd ith these Prin
ciples us'the Pmmdation to Build a. l)usiness and
Grow. " '
Hearty and Best Wishes.
Miss Ida btUnstoin Will ontortnln
the Indian Cttru tinib tomorrow attar-noon.
Porry Sltton visited horo yortlny
whllo enroute from Omaha. torben-
Mr. and Mrs. L. Johnston entor- , .,..
talned a number of young peoplo very! , Mra. E. N. MoNamnr, of 1'axton, wiw
enjoyably Wodnwiday Veiling. Mimic! town yoatortUy visiting frlomtenm!
ami conversation made u'p an on joy-1 nonplng.
i ablo ovenlng. Arthur Toolo, of Konrnoy, spent the
A mimlinp nt lnrail vnnnir lnrllnq '.r.Ill TOW part Of tlHS A'Bftk With hie
lentortaln Vhelr ontlomon frionda at a J brother L. W. Toole.
MISS Sarah Koltf will mx In a
foxy.dayjS-.fqr.Oakatoosa, Io., to uttond
colloip. ,
Cliarlos AValtors has returned from
Omaha wharo ho aponte sovoral day
on buslnoes.
For Snlo Throo lota on west 5th
streets for $450.00. First lota In Cody
addition. Inqulro of Will Hawloy. 95-tf
Leap Year party at the Maeonlo hnll to
morrow ovanlng. Dancing will bo thoUt big mohoy saving price's ntVrlifi
principal feature of tho ovenlng.
At a irocent meeting of tho Mothers
otub felie following - otflcors wero iti
olcotetl; President. Mts. George rinn;
Bocrotnry, Mrs W. J. Stuart; flower
chairman, Mrs. Albert Muldoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Vrod Spurrier enter
tained a. numbor of trlends Wednosday
.evening nt a farowell party for Mr.
and Mrs. Harloy Honham. Tho evening
waa siient In games and Boclal conver
sation. Tho Zeta Zeta club woro entcrtnlnod
nt a birthday party "Wednesday after
noon by Madam OB Clydo Cook and J,
, - 'Graduate Dentist
OiHce'over the McDonald
7 State Bank.
For Sale Two Duroc Jersoy Boars.
Earl' Souser, of Clarks, Nebr., iwllll
arrive "here tomorow to visit his par
'onta. Mrs." LoUfs LlDBhltz and children.
who have been visiting in Omaha, will
return home Sunday. j
Elmer Sellor who Ins been visit
ing his mother in Carjjoll, la., is ex
pected to troturn Sunday.
Georgo Frater left tho first of this
week for tho western part of this
etato to spend several days.
John Lincoln will return tomorrow
lo.'the Kearney Nonnahafter spending
Christinas week with his parents.
Goorgo and Itilmer Thompson, of
Chappell, who spent this week with
tho homo folks, have returned home.
All Uig wlntor goods are being sold
Lost Cameo Pin. Ploaao leave at
Rexall Drug Storo,
Mrs. Edwin Barraclough has re
turned from a brief visit in Cheyenne.
Hondquartors for Window glass.
Misses Maiud and Vera Warrington
havo returned from a. visit) with rel
atives In Cozad.
Miss Lola Walters left Tuesday af
ternoon for Horshoy to visit Mls's Al
alia filler for a week.
R. L. Douglas-lefit Wednesday even
ing far Oklahoma to spend a week or
longer on business.
Mls Hazel Nichols, formerly of this
city, Is oxpected here from Grand Isl
and to visit for three weeks.
Mr. and. Mrs. Clarence Thornburg,
of Guernsey, were tho guests of tho
Thornburg family hero last week.
Gar)ry J. Hotollng returned to Lin
coln Wednesday after visiting for a
week with H. E. Wells and family.
Miss Mary Ellas, who spent two
weeks with her parents, returned to
tho Grand Island business college this
For Farm Loans see or wrlto Gene
Crook, room 3, Waltematb building,
North Platto. 41tf
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Simon and child
ren have roturned from Hastings
( where they visited Mrs. Simon's par-
Lctidor Murcantllo Company.
Supt. Bronhy, of tha Nebraska di
vision, spent yesterday At this lormlnal
looKing auoriunion raciuc uusiness
, uiiironco .'Jim who rocently ro
turned fromLliiDolu, has accopted a
position in tho 'Union Pacific Bhopg,
Edwttrd Stoffrlggon of tho Clinton
store who has been spending tho past
wcok in Hluo Hill with tho homo folks,
will return tomorrow evening.
Miss Murgnrot McGlnloy, who visit-
ed Mr. and MrB. S. R. Carnoy last
w-eok whllo enroute from Lincoln to
E. lnmaii at tho homo of tno former. I Keystone, loft a few days ago,
Tho afternoon was sponj. in kenslngtonl Floyd Richeson has resigned his po-
anu social conversation nnu.acn guogw anion as Union Pacific passenger
presenis.u uioir nostess wim. a nnonr brnkoman and accepted ono as sales
handkerchiefs. j . man In tho Derryborry & Forboa storo,
Tho mombors or tho Lonesome-; Mrs. Loafio Dlmmlck, saloslndy at
hurst club cntortalnod thlr ladles at .tlio Hub store, nxnects to loavo short-
asocial danco and banquet Wednesday hv fter January first for California
ovenmg. Tiie tianco waa neia at mo to spend several Avcoks with relatives,
A.fn udmIp boll nntl nHnnd ru r twfltiiV.
fr,,,, Tim nrnTrnmo rnr! MUlegO Billiard returned to LlllCOlll
unlquo and each contained a vorso!? fow .lay.8 ng0 to complcto his work
of poetry and a comic name for each
danco. Tim fcl'nmp orchestra furnished
program of popular music which
was enjoyed rrom tno "welcome
Waltz" to tho "Hungry Walk." At mid
night tho banquet was held nt tho
Gem iwihore an excellent menu was
Tho members of tho Mothers' club
and a number of guests woro entor-;
talned at a ChrbJ.mns party Wednes
day afternoon nt tho homo of Mrs. J.
K. Ottonsteln nvlio was assisted by
Mesdnmea J. W. Payne, Fred Perritt,
and W. J. Stuart. Tho rooms woro dec
orated with holiday suggestions and
each guest received a Christmas gift.
On a ipreli.lly decorated table a three
course dinner was served and later
Soft Water Shampoo and Electric
Masagc. Coa'tes Beauty Parlors. Phono .
.,-jneu odd. oo Rebhausen has returned from
AnKii's McLane returned Wednesday Columbus where ho spent the early
from Lexington wliore no speni uie pari oi mis wuuu wnu ui,jiiuhiu auu
KTeal'.er naTt of this week with tho oiier rolatlvos.
Mrs. Agnes Boyei4, io wont to
Omaha recently, is 111 at 'a hospital
Httlo farm a inackaKo conl.nining two
homo folkd.
'' Lost Betwen North Platte and Doo-
In that ci!:y where sho had an opora
ladi&s' dresses. Return to this office ition performed.
lIr.' and Mrs. Brooks Meadows have
as their guest the formoils sister,
xfinhni Miia nrp. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Meadows or umana, wno came
' Clydo McMichael,, Mr. and Mrs. Ray a fow days ago.
nf nfione 782F022. Reward. 100-2
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mc
Smith and Stacy McMIchael, an ot
Don't take a chance of losing money
by shipping Furs and Hides; wo buy
for highest cash price.
Sovoral local young 'people who con
versed :v.Uth Harry "K. Thaw of Pltts
- hnrp ph.. on his visit hero two years
v ago were remembered at Christmas
Vlme with appropriate card3.
:V Mr. "and Mrs. Bert Barber and baby,
' nf Lewellen. who have, ben visiting
ttfe-THrEG and Barber families for ten
days1 past will leave (tomorrow even
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Plelstlcker are
aniiovlnK a Visit from tho lattel
brother Frank Farroll, of Fonda, la.
who arrived a fow days ago.
Harrv Boylo has returned from
Kearney where, he lUiU been visiting
relatives. Mm. Boyle and uaugiytor
will remain there a wceK. longer.
Miss Artie Duckworth and Will(am
F. Sonnerman. living near town, were
granted a marrlago license by Judge
French the early part or i.nis weeK.
Cvrll Donecan. of tho state unlver
sitv who snent last week In Omaha
on special iwbrk, arrived hero Tuos
day for a visit with ills parents.
.ii ht rrt MNlf.nv T T TTnlll.i
: .A i c, n',i .T,i?n' Mr. and Mrs. John Wells and daugh
.' "Tn tr Ooldie. of LexlnKton. who
'-'tnr Omaha to attend the annual ban-! spent tho past week with
t f tim ntatrt bar association which Mrs. Harry
will iiuiu ma v)T....ta
Wolls havo
Mr. and
lu ngricUlturo and in tho enrly spring
expects to locate on a farm in Missouri
Edgar Wcndt, of Decatur, 111., who
lind been employed in installing tho
fixtures in tHio now Poulos Bros. Oasis
for Borao time, returned homo yester-
day morning.
Rev. Kavanaugh, of Gothenburg, ar
rived horo last ovenlng and assisted in
tho solemn high mass nt tho funeral
services of the lato Frank J. Doran
this morning.
Mrs. Harry Lnntz and daughter
Hazel, of Sterling, formerly of this
city, camo a few days ago to visit
tho former's sister Mrs. Glon Forgu
son and other relatives for a weok.
Just day beforo Christmas The Loa-
in tho afternoon tho ladles partook ier Mercantile Co. received a lot of
of frozen dainties. Assisting in serving 40 Children's Coats that Hhould have
wero Misses Ilildegardo Clinton and arrived tho last week in Novembor.
Ida and Louise Ottenstoln. Carnations, This entire lot wil h othorB aro being
and rosea woro used in nbundnnco rv,a now at onc-thlrd off. many sizes
and tho place cards wero hand pnlnted 1 3 ypars to '17 years. This Is a good
bonnet babies. Tho ladles celebrated chance to fit out tho girls.
the twelfth anniversary or -tiieir or
ganlzatlon. Out of town guests wer6
Mesdamon KU
Hayes of Omnh
Allison Wilcox of Bignell
Truly Forbes ontortalned a number
adwlna Schaiz and Joseph of hcr younB rrlonU9 yesterday after
c2SftttDJnvS"Sd oa at a birthday party in honbr of
1 were ontortalned with many games
Uoysi. Bring In youir Erector Modols
for U10 contest. Wnlch otfi wtndow" for
prlzon. 0. M. Nowton.v 100-2
Rov. T. D. SulUvan, or Elm Greek,
cntjio a tew days ago to visit fRov.
P. F. MoDuld for sovoral daj'B.
Peter Loth who submitted to an
operation at a local hospital WodnoB
morning for nppondloltls, la getting
nlong Wcoly.
For 11 few davs 'liCL'lnnlnir Dec. ilOth. 11,1(1 enjoyed a nic0 lunch. The host
f. nVV. J!..i'b Tccclved a pn ty collection of
dcnnrlincntH at Blocks and tho Wilcox,
licpnrlnicnt storo at tno very iomcm Tjr. Brock, Dentist, over stono irug
prices ever known in North Pintle. Store.
UliliA uiiiiXAnr.K. T ,,. -,n,lt(?f.t for a nnmo for tho
; T balcony room of tho Poulos Bros.
Announcement. 1 m,iut,i inc mi. Afro 1. t..
The Music shop will be located at Wnlkor wa3 nWnr,icd first prize, Mrs.
410 Dewey street, Keith Uieatre ihock M M Rcdonbaugh Becond and Mrs.
about January, 10th with a flnBiine of, B Ar Garlischo iMnh Tlue names
Pianos also xno urunswicK rimuu- sui,mif.ted iwer "The Mezzanine,"
graph and Pntho Records, niso a mi ..I(llcr.fl Inn anii Blde-a-Wee." Tho
line of the Century 10c music and room wtn ,)e known i,y ti,0 formw
other popular music. nnmo.
Wo expect to supply tno wnni3 01
tho music loving peoplo at prices that Farm and Ilanch loans at lowest
nn as low as I he lowest, terms to rates and best terms. Money on linnd
i home.
When Christmas
Is A!! Pleasure
A smhll nnioiiiit saved and banked
every week between now and next
Chrlstuins will provide a fund so that
you can enjoy tho happy pleasure of
giving without being cramped for
Christmas 3Ionoy.
Start now so tho things which make
life easier may be yours ne,t year.
Christmas wh csras 1 Interest
with us!
Platte Valley State Bank
North Platte, Nebraska.
suit tho nurchasor.
You are especially invited tp call
and hear tho Brunswick Phonograph
fthlch plays all makes of disc records
with tho sweotost and most wonder
ful tone.
North Platto, Nebr.
m; Everything Musical.
Expert Piano Tuning.
. : :o: :
Wfvnl riiotlvnii at Omaha from Wash
ington announces that one of thotwolvo
federal farm loan banks will bo
located In that city. It Is probable
that a largo number of Nebraska farm
ors will take advantago of these fed
oral loans; in fact a local agent said
yesterday tlmt among his possible
clients wore a number who are de
laying making a loan until they see
how the federal act worlis out.
Josenh Gosnoll was arrested Wed
nesday for shooting John M. Andor
son In tho Icks as a result of a
quart el. Tho men live near this city
and engaged In a heated discussion a
few days ago which resulted in Anuer
son being shot. Gosnoll plead not
cullty and tho trial 'as set for
January 9th.
A Modern Plrato will bo tho title
of -the chapter of Gloria's Romance
at the Keith tonight. 1
to close loans promptly.
A shoe salesman In this town re
ceived somewlliat of a Jolt yesterday.
A pretty young glrl ontered tho storo,
bad her silk stockinged root mens-
vred and when asked what sort of a
shoe she wanted snld: "Oh, none: I
jLt wunted to know" ,vhat size u
needed 'so I could order them from
Stars & Roebuck." Tho clerk didn't
tiay. n, word, but we can Imagine what
he thought.
Admirers of Low Fields will bo
pleased to learn that ho will appear
In "The Man who Stood Still" ut tho
Crystal Saturday night. Ho takoa tho
pai; or a simple hearted old German,
tho ownor of a small Jowolry storo
who Is satisfied to plod along' nnd ac
cumulate moro friends than dollars.
Dorlu Kenvon takes the part of his
Call 125 for taxi day or night.
Also five ar seven passenger car for
funoral service.
Chandler & Elcar Agcy,
Cornor 8th and Locuat Sta
3 TPSi t X
m mm ij CI
Si 1
mvm mwwm & mm m$ u.
ASSETS $840,000.00
To Prospective Building & Loan Borrowers;
Non-resident Building & Loan Companies are adver
tising the fact that they have reduced the monthly payments
of borrowers to S1J 0 per month on each $100.00 borrowed,
making the monthly payment the same as the Mutual Build
ing & Loan Association of North Platte. They fail to state
that of the $1.10 paid to the nonresident company, there is
only thirty-five cents credited as a principal payment, the
balance seventy-five cents being taken for interest. Of the
$1.10 monthly payment to this association on each $100.00
borrowed sixty cents is for interest and fifty cents is credited
as a principal payment.
This difference in the amount credited the borrower
will result in the borrower in the non-resident company be
ing compelled to pay not less than $25.00 more on each
$100.00 borrowed in order to discharge the debt than they
would if they were doing the business with this Association.
Mutual Building & Loan Association
Any Amount-
for next Christmas
You take your choice of the sixteen Plans
when you join the Christmas Thrift Club.
The deposits are surprisingly easy. The
total is larger than seems possible with such
an easy program.
This is the Complete Savings Club Service.
Save Any Amount for Any Purpose.
McDonald State Bank.
An Emergency Load of Lumber
consists of nn assortment of these items, which
may be needed at anytime for repairs or patching
-several bunches of shingles and lath, a few
scantlings a Btipply of planks, some sheeting, sid
ing, battens, etc., etc.,
Such an aEEOrtmtnt ctmcs in mighty handy
some Units, after a heavy wind storm, or when n
roof spring a leak and should be found in every
well regulated home.
Coates Lumber & Coal Co.
North Platte, Nebr.
Do not try to Mop Baby from crying, but If too prolonged Ho
him faco down until ho stops. Hatho and feed regularly. Do
not allow to grow pug nose. Massago gently tho sides of tho nose
Mothers, this is Baby's Drug Store
3 ' ci i
"IT' cannot judge drugs,
in fact, neither can you.
Depend upon us. Every
thing here for "IT" from
soap to food of absolute
purity. Introduce us to
"IT," we like the little
ones just as much as you
Stone's Drug Sior
We ore agents for
Rubber Goods.
e 1
JI living nurclmsed the stock of merchandise nt 713 North
Locust street, wo Intend to continue tho business nt (lie
. same place and would like to meet all the old customers
mid many new ones. "Wo will well strictly for cash mid
L'lve our patrons tli hoiiollt of a ash business IVo havo
somo IJarfralns in LADIES' AND MISSUS' COATS which
we Intend to close out In the next 80 days regardless of cost.
Yours for Itusincss,