rt! ,rr: n i I m v!t;''A:-".-lV;l,i'Sl:;j;,;'VM 21 Hi as A very active season of selling has natur ally left stocks of winter goods in a depleted condition. Odd lots, remnants and broken siz es in various lines of goods must be disposed of now. That is the purpose of this January Clearance Sale, which includes practically ev ery seasonable line of mechandise in this store. BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8 A. M. Saturday, Dec 30th. Sin Beyliig l ILK jjj l.SHIIC' j -7Ajy?s.i aSrrjS' . .1 u C l,iy &i53 W e nave gone inru a numuct w f 1 L f,AAn oh a t from which we have been able to vprv nfrml bargains. These will be on sale for the Opening Day Only. This sale is largely made up of incomplete lines. However in staple lines you willjbe able to pick up many extra values which early buy ing on our part makes now possible to give you. At almost every turn you will see oppor tunities for economizing and get merchandise stocks Df f jne3t quality to meet this winter's re select quirements. Sale lasts for only a short time, So Come Every Day Ready-to-Wear It Is certainly to your advan tage to buy another winter dress when you cun jet such bargains us described, below Fine Dresses made from Silk and Velvet Combination, oth ers from high grade sorges, beautifully trimmed with em broidered designs in wool.. $14.95 and $17.95 Hieh Grado Sorgo Dresses, new est styles French serge, pleat ed skirts, embroidered trim !i Mings, beautifully -1 rt Ik - 'Uiiorcu ......... Stylish Sorjio Dresses, latest models, all of tho best colors are to be found In this lot, al so a 'full lino of sizes; theso garments are mado by the same factories that PQ QFj make our best dressestPJiUu Silk Poplin, also Sorgo Dress es in popular styles, nicely made In this season's j7 A t Btyles pl iHu Sorco and Ponlin Dresses, a large variety to M QC chooso from $05 & $4iJU A V.V. V .$12.45 Tho low prices on our Coats make It most profitable to buy i -a J now. in 010 tiie price reuueuons that wo are giving on tho bal ance of this season's stock. Lot ILadies' Cloth Coats. some of this years styles,' also some carried over from last year, all $7.50 $8.00 quality Lot 2 Ladles' Cloth Coats in plain and fancy mixtures that have sold up to $12, your choice , Lot 3S-Flner Cloth Coats, all havd boon priced at $15, now Lot 4 and 5 includes all of our finer Cloth Coats in Velour, Bolivia Cloths, etc., wiorth from $18 to $25 i there are somo beautiful coats (MQ flC in this lot at $ lUiJd Fur Fabric Coats in Plushes and Velours, have all been put in four different lots at $1.96 $15.05 $17.05 COQ n Children Coats, only a few1 ' loft, but good ones at flV $8.05 and $4.95 toats in ires that .$7.95 iats, all $9.95 .$4.95 Cane Granulated Sugar 13 pounds for Only $1.00 worth to a customer. Swift's Naptha Soap 7 bars for . $1.08 ...25c Log Cabin Maple Syrup half gallon can' . . , Colored Beans : 3 pounds for Pearl Hominy 5 pounds for "Kb ' Men's Apron Overall, full size.s good weight 65c 25c 25c 98c To Our Customers Tho market situation-on all kinds of of mer chandise this yeiir prevented our giving our usual discount sale. As 'we could not buy most of the ar ticles for what you Mould pay us for them and would not bo able tp get anything like prompt ship ments of what we could buy. We are offering you a hotter discount on tho imrt of the stock nut iJ this salo and we wish to say to you that any price that looks rather high to you now 011 anything in dry goods lines will look cheap at the beginning of tho next fall and winter season, as all raw mater ials going into those lines are higher than they have been since tho civil war. Mens and Boys' Furnishings Thoroughly good winter un der wear in small lots will be closed out at great reductions. Boys' Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers; these' are Wright's goods, a very high grade gar ment, warm and heavy Qj, Men's Cotton Union Suits, a good weight garment, well made and at the price is ) a snap Udb Men's Wool Shirt and Drawers, odd lots and broken sizes, but we may have your size, 70 choice I3u Men's Wool Shirts and Drawers just a few garments of a kind but high grade ggg Men's Union Suits, a few small sizes in this lot but M extra values at . . . I Men's Duofold Union Suits; these are a high grade gar ment priced usually at $3.00 to $3.50, priced to M QQ close the lot . : $ I iuU One lot Men's Wool Sweaters, well made from good yarns, regular values QO QO $3.50 and $4 $i00 There is many a good bar gain hero for men who appre ciate the combination of high quality and genuine economy. Men's Heavy Socks, knit irom heavy warm, woolen yarns, just right for rough 1Q wear , I3t Men's Hieh Grade Flannel Shirts, made of a fine heavy flannel, well finished with pockets with flaps, colors grey, olive and navy Men's Dress Shirts; we have placed all of our $1.00 dress shirts on sale at JuC Menls Dress Shirts, all of the fine quality that sell at $1.25 and $1.50, your choice 0K of our stock at JwU Boys' Flannel Shirts made of light weight grey cloth 7q Boys' Blouses made of good weight flannel in navy 7fSp and grey ..( IUU Boys' Pajamas made from good outing flannel in neat striped FURS Our stock of. tlopondablo Vura offers several splendid bargains In muffH, scarfs, and sets of tho latest design. Black Opossum Sot, good sized pilow muff, medium Gq no sized animal collar . ,J)UiUU Muskrat Set, round muff, fancy scarf; this set is in natural color and is a vory Qfi pretty novolty . . . I'tioU Wild Cat Set, medium sized pil low muff, capo qjil AQ collar PI Ii4u ' Jap Mink Set fandy round muff, Capo Chin Chin gf J Black Goat Set, largo pillow muff, largo collar n r J AbMwvl SHOE Ury wds I iNKE tH bargains patterns, sizes G to 12 7rt I GROCERIES $4.98 , Coney, jx, Lynx Marmot, Jap Mink, (JJQO AQ $2.18, 98.08 up to . .ipJiliH0 Separate Muffs in Lion, Coney, -Wolf, Hudson Seal, Fox, Lynx Now Is tho time to save from ffir. 01) in S K IIII m Hint limv ruir. 31 Axminster Rugs, medium qual- 3 ity, two or three dif-fljl Q QQ leront miterus uxia w iuiuu . Rf nmlnvfl Avininsffir "Rues Ft e n.n i.nuf rrri in L... $22.48 3 9x12 extra ,$24.48 15-, .V--T1- 1 . Wilton Velvet Rufa 9x12, vc I S' beautiful flno if gs, priced C I no moro tlw tho regul one of tho best known brands Axminster Rugs quality, beautiful patterns Volvet Ruks. seairess 9x12, irood wearhiK. sometimes sold " " X . M MA for Wiltons T'lfl flU rcry at Snp moro thnK tho regular nrlco of chcayf f 33 KVi riitTH j t""" ,w The hulk f January Clearance Sale bargains are to lie found lirtho Dry Goods department including many odd lots, roma'nts, soiled goods left as a result of tho brisk holi day business. Tho quality of theso Hues has not been im paired by lingering on the shelves.. Hut to clear stocks we have made price reductions in many instances most start ling. Fancy Silks; we have placod all of our newest 35 inch fancy silks in tho regular $2 quality, consisting of Taffeta and Satin Finished stripes and plaids M Aft tho season's latest patterns, In ono lot at . . . I itu Fancy Silks in plaid and striped Taffetas, 2G and 35 Inch these wore extra good values at . .1.50, but M 10 are priced for this salo at P 1 1 i Plain and fancy Silks, 2G inch widths, good weight. There is quite a variety of colors lite this lot at 7(jj Woolen Dress Goods, 36 Inch width; you will find many good patterns In this lot suitable for either A) children's dresses or adults, per yard "r" Wool Batistes, 3G inches wide, all wool, one of tho Kflp most staple cloths in our stock, per yard uJU Higher grado Wool Dross Goods will bo made up Into lots at 79c 98c $1.19 Cotton Fleeced Goods, suitable for Dresses or 01 Kimonos 02b Porcalosyaruwde, good quality 12jC Bleached Shootings. This, is un item you should not miss. 9-4 wide 29c 10-4 wide 33c Dress Ginghams, wo will offer what stock we have of 1 fl-, 12yac quality at ...i...lUb 15c quality at "2c Diamond C Soap 8 bars for Quaker Corn Flakes. 4 boxes for-: Rex Lye droit's shoes aro out on tables and bins, low priced for;3 cans fr quick clearance. If your size is in tho lot, you will be sure of picking up ono of the best bargains tills season. This is another department abounding in splendid bnrgnins. All broken lines of men's, women's and cliil Children's Gun Metal button Shoes, made on good lasts, sizes $y to 11 Sizes llio to 2 ...$1.49 J1.68 Children's High Cut Boots, mostly in kid stock, Q1 AQ. Sizes, 8y2 to 11 , ip IU Sizes liy2 to 2 $198 $1.79 $2.98 $1.98 3.00 and $1.98 Ladies' Fancy Boots; We have grouped all our latest stylo fancy boots selling up to $7.50 a pair in one tfjj QO lot, your choice for J)tiUU Boys' Vlci Kid Shoes, just a few sizes In this lot, CI IP , 1 to 5 at I iHO Men's Shoes, gun metal calf stock, English lasts, (jJQ QO rubber heels, strictly up to date t)&i3Q Men's Work Shoes, made from Milwaukee manure proof stock, extra well made, only a few pairs in PO QO this lot ;......r 4illJ Growing Girls' Shoes made in lace from good plump kid, sizes 2V to 5 Growing Girls' Shoes made from fine gun metal stock, Neolln soles, latest styles Ladles Shoes Made from heavy kid stock, a good shoe for rougher wear Ladies' Shoes, small sizes, narrow lasts regular $3.00 and $4.00 shoes, a bargain if you can wear them Our guarantee of satisfaction stands back of all tho merchandise- on salo. Wilcox Department Store We liaven't begun to list all the bar gains in this'ad. which go on sale. Baked Beans v No. 2 cans ........ Llbby's Sauer Kraut large cans Standard Tomatoes 21" pound cans Pink Salmon . . . 2 cans for , . A . Alaska Red Salmon 2 cans for , Oatmeal 5 ponds for .25c 25c I 25c I 10c I .1Bcl ..11c I Apricots per can Peaches Per can Spaghetti, Van Camp's 2 lb cans, 2 for 23G 35 c gfj .25c 3 15c I 15g Ull BP Children's Dresses i .lust as you will need an extra dress or two you are offered these savings. Child's Dress, size 4 to 14, made from black and white checks, also dark cotton plaids nn in a variety of colors . .uJC Child's Dresses, made from Danish Cloth, also neat dark plaids in catchy ..(M 70 styles, G to 14 4) hi II Child's dress made from combi nation of serge and tf1 CIO plaids, G to 14 $ 1 1 JO Child's Dress, made from fine serges, also high grade plaids in sizes G to 14 Child's Dress made' Vrom silk Poplin, colors Copenhagen or rose, a nice dressy CO IO dress, size G to 14 . . , .vpJiHO m IS wmm 7x