THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. WILSON Hi PRESS PRESIDENT RESUMES WEEKLY CONFERENCES WITH THE CORRESPONDENTS. (THUS GIVE OUT HIS VIEWS jChlef Executive Is Careful to Avoid the Possibility of Being Misquoted Big Stories Sometimes Come From These Talks. By GEORGE CLINTON. Washington. President Wilson has resumed Ills once-n-week conferences pith the nowspaper men. Every Mon day 45 or CO Washington correspond ents nsscmblo nt the Whlto llouse to talk things over with the president and to publish some of the things that ho bays, provided he will let them. It wns a good while ago that Mr. Wll pon called off the meetings with the newspaper men promising to resume them when it was possible so to do. fTho reason for the stopping of the In terchanges between the president and ,tho nows gatherers wns that Mr. Wll Bon felt he could not discuss foreign affairs, and as they were uppermost In the people's minds the conversation naturally would drift to them and It would be difficult to uvold reference thereto. It Is entirely probable now that the newspaper men will nvold asking any (questions nbout foreign affairs which nro. In their nature tdo delicate for the president to answer. Other subjects, however, will bo discussed thoroughly and even If the president does not wish his views on certain matters to be given out, his words will bo n guide to the newspaper men nnd will prevent them from making possible errors of judgment when writing on the sup posed attitude of the administration toward this question qr thnt Careful About Being Quoted. When the president Is willing that his views on certain subjects shall be fcmt on the wires at once he so signi fies, but ho frequently says lie prefers It shall bo said that the president views a ccrtnin mutter In a certain light, rather than to put his words in quota tion marks. Occasionally, however, Mr. Wilson agrees to be quoted nnd then it is al most his Invariable custom to ask the stenographer who Is always nt his elbow to take down what he has to say, to make manifold copies of It on the typewriter and to submit a copy to him for approval. In this way lie avoids possible misquotation, although it can be said that rarely has the pres ident of the United States had occa sion to say thnt any of the correspond ents have misconstrued his words or mistaken his mcaninc. Sometimes n big story comes out of these newspaper conferences. About three and a half years ago the presi dent In the middle of one of the tnlks with the newspaper men said : "There Is an Insidious lobby working In this city." It Is proper to quote what he said because ho allowed himself to be quoted nt the time. Instantly newspnper men said almost In chorus, "There is a big story In this, Mr. President, if you will allow us to quoto you." He called In a stenog rapher and made the statement con cerning lobbying methods In congress, a statement which resulted in the great lobby investigation in which the doings' o some men were shown up in rather an unpleasant light These talks with the president are Interesting affairs. The round office room of Mr. Wilson when the talks are on looks like the setting of an old fashioned spelling bee. The corre spondents, shoulder to shoulder, are lined In a semicircle about the presi dent, who stnnds in what would bo the center of the clrclo If It were com plete, and answers questions or parries them as ho sees fit. More than occa sionally he puts the question himself. National Press Club Flourishes. President ' Wilson, cnbinet olllcers nnd prominent men from all parts of the world will address the National Press club of this city before the win ter has wnned. This nntlonnl organi sation of newspaper men, it Is a pleas ure to chronicle, is in a nourishing condition. Once In a whllo a man likes to talk shop, nnd if those who have to listen may be believed, the onco In a whllo comes often. Tho Press club of tills town Is Just what its nnmo signifies, a national organization. Years ago there was a press club in Washington which went tho way of death before It had attained many years of age and, it may bo said with out acrimony, beforo It could attain tho age of entire, discretion. It was Buccecded after a lapse of considerable time by tho present National Press club, which hns been a success slnco Us inception. When it Is said that tho Washington organization is a nntlonnl press club, tho proof can be adduced by a glanco at tho list of active members and at Shot o tho papers they represent It Is almost unnecessary to say that most of the Washington correspondents loino from the towns in which aro lo cated tho papers which they repre sent. In other words, here In Wash ington arc gathered newspaper men who linvo dono reportorinl work in most of tho big cities and In mnny of tho smaller towns of tho United States. i, Looking at tho list of active mem bers nnd tho papers represented, wo pump within tho space of a line or two from Greensboro, N. C, to Seattle, Wash., nnd from Birmingham, Ala., to Minneapolis, Minn. Tho towns which lie In between also, of course, are represented. Is Host of Prominent Men. The Nntlonnl Press club In Its rooms nt tho top of the Itlggs building, nets as host every year to many of tho most prominent men of tho world. Its rooms hnvo echoed the voices of roy alty and semlroynlty, of democracy In Its broad sense, of science, or travel, of exploration, of Invention, of dl-. plomncy, of politics and of Journalism. There are four classes of member ship in tho Nntlonnl Press club, nettve, nori-nctlve, assoclato and non-resident Tho non-resident list comprises tho nnmcs of 385 nowspnppr men or tho United States. Tho Nntlonnl Press club Is their headquarters when they come- to this city. They hnvo every privilege cf active membership whllo staying hero, nnd perhaps it may be said that they get a companionship which personally and professionally is plensurablo and mayhap, In its way, profitable. Tho rooms of the Pres3 club Include tho great general room, with ono of tho most beautiful open fireplaces to bo found In nil the country. Thero is a commodious library with plenty of books. The restaurant is n model. There are n billiard and pool room, n card room, a wilting room nnd n good sized olllce for tho ncccssnry clerical force. Foreign Diplomats Work Hard. Olllclals of the American department of stato may think In these duys of war that they aro the hardest-worked men In Washington but If they do so think they aro thinking bcsldo tho mark. There nro certain foreigners in tills town who know llttto sleep in these dnys when their countries aro at wnr with one another. The diplomatic list Issued by tho de partment of stnto gives tho foreign nmbnssadors and ministers In Wash ington in tho order of their rnuk of service. Ono of tho foreigners tho other day picking up the list, spoko ol it ns n "labor list." lie was telling the truth In largo part. As for himself, ho has not seen a day's vacation In two years and a half and his working condition is that or seven or eight ol his colleagues and of all the members of their stafTs. First In order, as ho Is in length oi service In America, is J. J. Jusserand, tho nmbnssador of Franco to the United Stntcs. Slnco August 1, 1014, Mr. Jusserand has been absent from Washington only on two or three" oc casions nnd these were occasions which cnlled him forth to labor in oth er cities just as he has been laboring In Washington. He hns been In Amer ica for nlmost fourteen years as the ambassador of his country, He, un questionably, Is tho best-known diplo mat personally now In America. From the pen of Mr. Jusserand have come many books. lie has made a special study of the relations of France to the United States in nil periods since this country beenme a country. Next In rank to Mr. Jusserand is Count J. II. von Bernstorff, the am bassador from Germany. The count hns been n representntlve of his coun try in tho United Stntes for eight years. The newspapers from time to time have given full accounts of the activities of tho German ambassador. Enough has been written nbout htm to show that his laboring hours are long. It is possible that he has had more perplexing and delicnto duties to perform In the last two years and n half thnn hnvo fallen to tho lot ol nny other foreign ambassador. The nmbnssador of Ilussln to the United States Is George Bnkhmcteff, mnstor of tho Imperial court of Russia It is perhnps worthy of note that each of tho ambassndors thus far named has an American woman for his wife. Presumably it is right to call Madarao Jusserand an American woman, al though she was born In Pnrls, her fa ther and mother both being Americans. Ambassador Bakhmcteff has Just completed tho fifth year of his serv ice in Washington. Ltko the first two ambassadors named ho at present has a hard-working time of It A frierui of his snld the other day that figura tively speaking thero were as many trenches to bo dun in Washington ns on nny front in Europe. Spring Rice, Busy, Too. Next In order of rank Is Sir Cecil Arthur Spring Rice, who has been In this country for n littlo more thnn three yeurs, a period of time which, of course, includes tho coritlnuunce of tho present war in Europe. The duties of Sir Cecil have been as onerous as thoso of his collenguo ambnssadors. pLIke them he tnkes n6 vacation nnd nlmost constnntly Is nt his post In tho big embassy which belongs to tho British government nnd which Is situ nted on Connecticut nvenuc. Sir Cecil, previous to his appoint ment as ambassador, had served In n Junior diplomatic capacity In Wash ington. From here he went to Persia and then was changed to Washington. The Italian arabnssndor, Count V. Mnchohl dl Cellerc, camo to Washing ton after tho outbrcnk of tho war In Europe, but beforo his own country hnd entered Into it Ho shares tho burdens of work of tho other foreign ers hero present Today thero 1b no nmbnssador from Austria-Hungary in tho Uqlted Stntes, tho hard wqrk fall ing upon tho counselor, Baron Erich Zwledlnek. A now ambassador has Just como from Japan, Mr. Aimaro Snto. Ho speaks English fluently. Within n night or two he mado an nddress at a dinner given by a famous club in' Washington In which ho showed that his wit Is equal to that of any nmbns sador, occidental or oriental, who over saw servlco In this city, CONDENSED NEWS OF INTEREST TO ALL. UATE3 FOR COMING EVENTS. January 1 to C State Poultry Show nt Kearney. Jan. 10-11 Odd Follows' District Con ventlon at Alliance. January 1C-20 Stato Improved Llvo Stock association mooting at Lin coln. Jan. 15 to 20 Organized Agrlculturo Annual Meeting at Lincoln. January 1G Nebraska Association of Fair Managers' Mooting nt Lincoln. January 1G-17-18 Annual convention of Nebraska Voluntcor Firemen nt Auburn. January 1G-19 Winter Apple, Flornl and Potato Show at Lincoln. Jan. 19 Northeast Nebraska Editorial Meeting at Norfolk. Feb. 7-8-9 Nebraska Retail Lumber Donlora Association Convention at Omaha. February 1C Stato Volleyball Con test at York. North Platto Is laying plans for a Beml-contennlal celebration to bo hold Juno 2G to 30, thnt promises to outdo anything In tho lino of munici pal celebrations ovor hold In western Nebraska. No program rfs yet has been outlined other than to llvo ovor again tho days of fifty yoara ago, when tho west was "wild and wooly." Three hundrod and fifty thousand bushels of grain, mostly wheat and corn, woro lost in a flro which de stroyed Elovator B of tho Nyo-Schneider-Fowler company at Fre mont Tho loss was cstlmntcd at $500,000, practically covered by In surance. Eight banks of Harlan county have por capita bank doposlts of $172.19, according to an ofllclal statement Issued recently. Tho total bank de posits Is $1,721,954.19. Every bank In tho county ha3 ovor $100,000 and all but two havo over $200,000 on deposit Milk stations, whero milk will bo sold as drinks and tables with read ing matter furnished, to tako tho placo of tho saloons after May 1, woro suggested at a meeting of tho Omaha Epworth League union. Tho BnrnBton Mutual Tclephono company had an unusually prosper ous year, according to tho report of tho socretary-treasuror, just issued. Tho company, hns installed n now switch board nnd other improvements at tho plant during tho year. Tho Fourteenth district bar assocla. tion, comprising nino counties in southwest Nebraska, went on record favoring tho calling of a constitu tional converMon during tho annual meeting at Cambridge. Christmas boxes weighing 283 pounds were sent to members of Com pany G Nebraska National Guards on tho Mexican border by tho people of Hastings. Delicacies of all kinds wero included in tho shipment Lloutenant Governor-elect Edgar Howard was tendered a complimen tary banquet by men of Columbus '.ast Monday. A number of guests from outside tho city woro In attend ance. Mr. and Mrs. B. Pont of Shubert recently celebrated tholr golden wed ding anniversary. Tho aged couplo havo lived in the town nearly fifty years. Three' dozen fancy chickens were sent to tho Nntlonnl Poultry show at Chicago from tho 1733 Poultry Ranch near Kearney. This ranch has fowls that, aro valued at $250 each. Firo of an unknown origin destroy. cd tho big flouring mill at Dodge, with a loss estimated at $13,000. The mill was insured for $10,000 nnd will probably bo rebuilt. Superior Is to havo a now hotel which will cost In tho neighborhood of $50,000. After nearly forty-six years of con tinuous servlco with tho Burlington railroad and after rising from tho position of chalrrfian with a survey ing party, out near Kearney, to that of chief engineer, Thomas E. Calvert died of heart failure at his homo in Lincoln. Tho Grand Island Horse nnd Mulo company closed a now contract with tho British government for nn inde finite number of horses. It Is expect ed that between 10,000 nnd 15,000 horses will bo delivered under this contract Citizens of Greater Omaha nre planning to make tho city still great cr by annexing two more suburbs, Florence and Benson. A bill to per mit the merger will bo presented to tho stato legislature tho coming ses slon. Frank Howard, of Pawnoo City, purchased clghty-flvo head of horses In Beatrice. Ho said that tho horses wore purchased for uso in England, Franco and Italy, and that thoy will bo shipped to Europo as soon as pos sible. Tho American Beet Sugnr company employes at Grand Island will re celvo at tho close of tho campaign, which will last 100 days, a bonus of 40c a day or $40, officials of tho firm announced, Ashland voted bonds to the sum of $G0,000 for tho purposo o eroctlng a new high school building. It will occupy tho slto of tho present struc ture, which was erected fifty years ago and hns boen condemned. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Young, of Brock, rocontly celebrated tholr sixty-first wedding anniversary, Bishop Tlhon of Lincoln doltvorod tho sermon at tho installation ot Archbishop' Harty as bishop of tho dloceso ot Omaha, which took placo In St. Cecelia's cathedral, Omaha, last Thursday. Most Rev. James Koano, archbishop of Dubuquo, In.; Rt Itov. J. J. Hennessey of Wichita, Kan.; Bishops Cunningham of Con cordia, Kan.; Burko of St. Joseph, Mo.; Duffy of Kcnrnoy, Neb.; Mc Govorn of Cheyenne, Wyo.; Mul doon of Rockford, III.; Dowllng of Dos Moines, In.; ono hundred and twenty-flvo prlosts, nnd 2,000 persons attended tho coromony. Archbishop Ilnrty Is a man who was beloved nnd hold In tho hlghost affection and es teem by tho peoplo of Manila, Phil lpplno Islands, whero ho wns arch bishop for twclvo years. Tho MId-Wost Oil company ot Cas per, Wyo., Is making rapid strides with its drilling operations near Chndron. It Is estimated that tho 1,000-foot mark has bocti' passed. Vari ous oil companies from different pnrts of tho United Stntcs aro mak ing every offort to obtain control of tho unleased land In this district Goologlsts who havo Investigated this Hold claim that if oil Is found it will bo ono of tho lnrgcst fields In tho United States. Tlireo hundred and fifty ahoop feeders of tho North Platto Valloy and representatives of tho stock, ynrdB and commission men ot Omaha, Chi cago, St. Louis, Kansas City and St Joseph and officials of tho Burlington nnd Union Pacific railroad attonded tho annual lamb feeders' dinner nt Mitchell. Lambs to tho numbor of 340,000 aro being fed in tho North Platto Valley this year and groat in torcst.was shown at tho gathering. E. P. Haynos and "Dazzy' Vanco of Hastings claim to bo tho champion rabbit hunters of Adams county, Ono day last week thoy went hunting and returned Mn four hours with ninety two rabbits. Thcso animals aro re ported to bo tho most numerous in tho history of tho county and hun dreds nro boing marketed in Una tings, which is said to bo responsible for tho Blight lowering of meat prices. Six thousand eight hundred dollars was tho prlco paid for tho Wahoo Mills at an auction sala last woelc Tho mills woro built ton years ago nt a cost of $25,000. Tho owner of tho plant suspended business In July, 1915, nnd slnco that time thoy havo stood idle. Tho Farmors Co-Opora-tlvo company of Wnlioo aro tho now owners and expect to put tho mills In operation in tho near future Paronts-tenchers associations have been orgnnized in each of tho schools of Norfolk. Tho object is for greater co-operation among tho moth ors nnd teachers In training tho chil dren. Thoy plan to havo the teach ers glvo tho parents advlco and tho parents to glvo tho tonchers advice and so make tho school life and homo llfo of tho pupils closely related. Kearney Comerclnl has BOt asldo a fund of $500 for tho purposo' of carrying on tho freight rnto fight which tho city Is making and moro will bo avnllablo if needed. Export Powell has been engaged and tho citizens and business men aro deter mined that Kearnoy must havo equalized rate3 -competitive with other cities of ltko slzo. Dr. G. J. Collins of West Point was elected president of. tho NobrnBka Veterinarians' association at its an nual meeting at Lincoln. Tho by-laws of tho association will bo chnnged so that in tho future tho meeting of tho association will como tho week aftor tho national meeting, Instcnd of at tho same time, as now. Hogs reached $10.15 on tho South Omaha market a few days ago, which Is tho highest prlco over paid for hogs In December there. Young men of Elk City, DouglnB county, nro soliciting funds for tho purposo or establishing a community center meeting placo. Nobraska farmers have planted In creased acrcago In winter wheat this year to tho amount of 8 por cent ovor 1915, according to a summary Issued by tho U. S. department of agricul ture. Tho report shows 40,090,000 acres in tito United Stntes seeded in winter wheat, tho greatost ever plant ed In tho history of tho nation. Tho Stato Dairymen's association will hold tho most Important mooting of their history in tho now dairy build ing on tho stnto university fflrm, Lincoln, on January 17, 18 and 19, 1917. Tho Brick feed and boarding barn at Holdzego was completely destroyed by flro, burning fifteen horses, flvo horse-drawn hearses, twenty tons of hay, about thirty carriages, hnrness and all grain, causing a total loss ot $25,000. It is understood that tho property was Insured. . Frank Fowler or tho Nye-Schnolder-Fowler Elovntor company nnnounced that tho big elovntor destroyed by flro nt Fremont recently will bo re placed in tho spring by a hugo now modern steel structure. James Brcnnan, residing near O'Neill, killed a rabbit recently that had a pair of horns fully two inches long. Thoy protrude Just insido of tho ears, rescmblo bono, and aro Jagged, but curved similar to cattle hornB. Mr. Brennan caught tho freak In a trap Intended for barn rata. Tho Omaha school board faces a deficit or $234,373 at tho closo of tho year, according to a report ot tho financial secretary. Itov. S. J. Megaw of Fairbury has taken up tho work as pastor of the Presbyterian church at Fullerton, MIT HALF MILLION DECEMBER RETURNS SWELL TREASURY'S GENERAL FUND PROBLEM OF EMPLOYMENT Items of General Interest Gatnered From Reliable Sources Around the Stato House. Western Newspnper Union Nows Servloe. Unoxpoctedly largo remittances from county troasurora, which havo been coming in to Stato Treasurer Hall slnco Docombor 1, aro again building up tho stnto goneral fund nnd olhor funds at a rapid rate. Tho monoy hns literally boon pouring In, indicating that tho peoplo of NobraB ka havo plonty ot money to pay tholr taxos and nro doing bo-earlier than usual. Tho total nniount received by tho stnto treasuroj- from slxty-Jlvo coun ty treasurers so far hoard from in December Is $449,300, ot which $243,- 006 1b for tho genoral fund. Ab tho general fund contained $247,000 on Novombor 30, and nB not to oxcood $100,000 has boon paid out ot it this month, tho balanco on hand in that fund is now about $390,000. This will bo doploted to Bomo ox tent by tho first ot tho year, as tho quarterly payroll of stato olllcers will havo to bo met, bcsldos other un usual oxponses. It is probnblo, how evor, that Treasuror Hall will got through and start the now year with at least $300,000 to go on In tho gon oral fund. State Englneor to Be Reappointed Stnto Eqglnoor George E. Johnson will bo ronppolntod for two years, inlder tho Incoming Btnto administra tion and Roy L. Cochran, ot North Plntto, will bo his deputy. All throo mombors ot tho now stnto board of Irrigation Governor-elect Novlllo, At torney Goneral Reed nnd Land Com missioner Shumway hayo Indicated that they aro agreed to mako thoso appointments. Tho stato irrigation association, which hold Its annual convention nt Bridgeport last weok, passed resolu tions asking too reappointment ot Stato Englnocr Johnson and also re questing that Cochran be mado his doputy. Govornor-oleot Neville and Land Commlslonor-oloct Shumway, who woro prosont, stated that thoy would bo guided bj tho recommenda tions and Mr. Novlllo said ho also had tho promlso of Attornoy Genoral Rood to abldo by them. Problem of Employment Tho problem of employment for many members of tho Nobraska na tional guard, who will bo lioro boforo long, nccordlng to nuthcntlc roports here, will bo a keen one. Goneral Hall has endeavored to start its so lution by enllBtlng tho aid of tho la bor commission in finding placos for a portlpn of tho mon. It Is said that many will stop Into places which thoy loft nearly six months ngo to respond to their country's call. But that number is small compared to tho number of men enlisted from this Btnto, and It will bo up' to most of them to find work aftor thoy arrive home. Will Reorganize Department Announcement regarding tho com position of his ofllco forco was mado by Stato Suporlntondontolect W. H. Clemmons of Fremont, during a short visit in Lincoln last week, Mr. Clom moiiB stated that Miss Cora A. Thompson of Bridgeport, superintend ent of schools for Morrill county, Is to bo ono of his assistants. Ho hns tondorod her a placo and sho has ac cepted. Tho suporlntendent-oloct also told that ho plans to organize tho department of odticntlon on a somo what dlfforont basis than heretoforo. At tho samo tlmo, ho Bald thnt somo of tho people now employed In tho ofllco will ho rotalnod. Thin will In clude most of those filling clerical and Btonographlcal positions. Nobraska legislators get $600 for tholr sosslon's work. That Is their pay, no matter whother thoy . stay at Lincoln Blxty days or a hundred nnd sixty or oven if thoy havo to sandwich a special session In dur ing tholr tenure of olllce, Agitating New State House It begins to look as though somo doclslvo action will bo taken by tho Incoming legislature with roforonco to a new stato capltol building. Thoro aro a few who would "patch up" tho old stato house and run along a tow years. Then there aro many moro who believe that tho great dovolop mont of tho state and its rapidly growing Interests demand Immediate relief in tho construction ot a mod ern, commodious and sanitary cap ltol building, capablo of accommodat ing a great commonwealth. Acting upon the recommondntlon of Land Commissioner Boclnnann; who rocontly vlowed sovoral trots of stato school land In Morrill, Banner and Cedar counties, tho board of ed ucational lands and funds has voted to ralso tho valuations materially over tho appraisomonts mndo by county boards. Tho incronso amounts to $9,796 on all thces lands, aggro gating about two sections. Tho valu ations so fixod aro tho prlcos at which tho lands will bo sold by tho stato to thoso having contracts for thorn. OFFERS A SUGGESTION Superintendent Thomas Is Strong for Consolidation. Thero aro SG7 school districts In tho stnto with a census of ono to twolvo children ot school ago; fif teen ot them with ono child each, twenty-two with two, twonty-scven with throe, forty-tlvo with four, six ty with flvo nnd tho balanco with bo twocn bIx and twolvo children of school ago. This, according to an educational survoy, by Stato Superintendent Thomas, shows that consolidation is to bo desired, for oporatlon of schools with a small numbor not nearly no producttvo as larger schools. Tho btnto ofllcor continues by showing that of 6,571 schools operat ed in tho stnto during tho past school yoar thoro woro 3,390 operated with from ono to twolvo pupils each. Thirty schools had but ono pupil each. Ono hundred and ono schoola had two pupils each, whllo 151 schools had only thrco pupils oach. A total .of 220 sohoolB had but four pu pils oach nnd 299 schools had flvo pupils each. Of six-pupil schools thoro woro 319 and of sovcn-plipll BChools 3G3. The balanco of tho schools up to 3,390 had botwocn sov on nnd twelvo pupils each. Plan to Cure Defects A meeting of tho joint commlttco of tho legislature and stato bar asso ciation was hold at tho loglRlattvo xeforonco bureau rooms last weok. Thero woro present: J. J. Thomas, Soward; Bayard H. Palno, Grand Is land; John Mattes, Nebraska City; C. E. Sandal!, York; J. N. Norton, Polk; J. P. Palmer, Omaha; J. H. Brandy, A. E. Sheldon nnd C. E. Soronson, Lincoln. Tho plaiiB for socurlng Improve mont in legislative methods woro dis cussed and nn agrcemont roachod for n roport which will' bo submitted to tho stato bar association on Decem ber 29, and tho stato legislature when it convonos. Tho points cov ered Includo appointment of a com mltteo of throo from tho sonnto and throo from tho houso to bo called a rovlalon commlttco to work in con nection with tho legislative rcforonco bureau In roviBlng bills boforo tholr introduction in either houso nnd tho purposo of socurlng tho correction of obvious orrors in form. This ro vlslon will bo advisory only and tho member, ,who desires to lntroduco a bill may disregard it if ho chooses. Discusses State's Oil Prospects Whether thoro Is oil and gas down near Tablo Rock, or whothor thoro is not, is discussod In an artlclo Just written by G. E. Condra, direc tor ot tho Nebraska conservation and toll survoy. Aftor Bhowlng that a great antlcllno exists in Nebraska similar to tho ono in Kansas whero oil and gas havo boen found in im monso quantities and this Nobraska nnticllno Is really an extension of tho Kansas formation, Doctor Condra in a recent nowspaper story, tolls of a trip ho, in connection With C. J. Hurst, nn oil oporntor, mado through southern Nebraska and down into Kansas, whoro ho proved to tho satisfaction ot Mr. Hurst that tho geological formation of tho two states Is similar in this respect Deplores Educational Situation Nebraska's fortune is to havo somo excellent teachers in tho normal schools. But Nebraska's misfortune is to lose them too often to states which pay moro monoy so states tho nor mal board roport given at a rocont mooting of that body. In addition to making this interesting observa tion tho board says that it will nood moro 'monoy for tho futuro than it has during tho past year. Tho stato lovy need not bo ohangod, howovor, tho board says, but may romaln at flvo-olghths of a mill. Tho incroaso In valuation will tako caro of tho greater sums needed for this work. Dr. G. E. Condra, dlroctor of tho stato conservation and soil survoy, has gono to Washington, where ho will chock up tho soil survoy work dono in co-operation with tho United States bureau ot soils. Tho survoy ot flvo Nebraska counties has boen com pleted this year. Ho will also ho la conferonco with federal roads depart ment and with tho national commit too on topographic mapping, ot which ho Is a member. Commission Needs More Money It tho railway commission wants to serve tho peoplo to tho utmost It will havo to havo moro monoy, Tho $93, 000 which it has had for tho past bi ennial porlod will havo to bo In. creased by at loast $9,000 and tha commission could uso $20,000 moro If tho legislature would voto It. That la tho statement which Retiring Com missioner Henry T. Clarko makes to Governor Morohead as tho latter in fulfilling his dutlos as budget ofllcor, casts about to mako tho oxpenso list for tho coming blonnlal period. Will Prosecute Raffle Cases Slnco Attornoy Genoral Rood an nounced that raffling automobiles to stlmulato trado constitutes a viola tion of tho stato law, numerous calls havo como in to him from out in tho state aBklng "If ho meant it," and "If iuch and such a proposition" would como under that head. To practically all of which ho has re sponded that ho meant Just what ho said ana. that prosecutions' would fol low fractures of tho law..