The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 26, 1916, Image 7

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Compounded of vegetable
drugs la a perfectly appointed
laboratory by skilled chemists,
after the prescription of a suc
cessful physician of wide ex
perience, and approved by tho
experience of tens of thous
ands in the last . forty-five
Parana's Success
rests strictly on its merit as a
truly scientific treatment for
all diseases of catarrhal symp
toms. It has come to be the
recognized standby of the
American home because it has
deserved to be, and it stands
today as firm as the eternal
hills in the confidence of an
enormous number.
What Helped Then May Help You
Get our free booklet, "Health
and How to Have It," of your drug
gist, or write direct to ua.
JhPeruha Company
Columbus, Okie
Tho Eggs-Act Truth.
New Boarder The dealers say that
the high cost of eggs is caused by
their scarcity.
Old Boarder Huh I Tho scarcity of
eggs In this Joint is caused by their
high price.
When your back aches, and your blad
der and kidneys seem to be disordered, re
member it is needless to suffer go to your
nearest drug store and set a bottle of Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root. It is a physician's
prescription for diseases of the kidneys
aad bladder.
It has stood the test of years end has
a reputation for quickly and effectively
giving results in thousands of cases.
This prescription was used by Dr. Kil
mer in his private practice and was so
very effective that it has been placed on
sale everywhere. Get a bottle, 60o and
fl.OO, at your nearest druggist.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.,for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Adv.
Added a Cipher.
"Why did you ndd to that story I
told you about my war bride profits?"
"I added nothing."
"That's Just it. I told you I cleared
$500 and you made it $5,000."
To set the sonnlne, call for t nU nan-o LA-XATTVH
UllOMO QUINLNU. Look for signature ol H. W.
GUOVH. Uares a Cola In One Car. tie.
No Good to Him.
Tommy (to bareheaded German)
Want to surrender, do yer? You ain't
no good ter me like that I You 'op
back and bring your 'clmet wlv yer.
Vm going 'omo on leave next week.
London Opinion.
Itching Scalp and Falling Hair With
Cutlcura. Trial Free.
On retiring touch spots of dandruff
and itching with Cutlcura Ointment
Next morning shampoo with Cutlcura
Soap and hot water. A clean, healthy
scalp means good hair and freedom, In
most cases, from dandruff, Itching,
burning, crustlngs and scalings.
Freo sample each by mail with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Hla Choice.
"Old man, you are too close in money
matters. Your friends are beginning to
classify you as a tightwad."
"What docs it matter? I'd rather
bo classified as n tightwad than as a
good thing."
uvtttt rrtr-' sm. r
1 It !(! lliou W bd vM I Frited-''! taH Ufls' ' Tf t .
For SI years, has been the quickest,
safest, and best remedy for coughs,
colds, bronchitis and sore throat. It
acts like magic soothing and healing
the lungs, the very first organs to get
out of order when one catches cold,
and 7fic sizes at all DrusrcUts and
Dealers. Keep a bottle always handy'
Also Scrap Rubber, Metals, Etc.
Write for prices
Nebraska Iron & Metal Co,
Inuton.n.U llookAffAe. LUffh
eit relaieneei. ileil result.
If Ton bay bn threatened or bare OAJ-LSTONHS,
NIHOKST10N.UAH or pains In tbe riibtCDCC
sidt5 tor TaluaD e Book of Information r n C t
U , BoSiii utrt. a. miubom at. ctuaoo
Animal Labor Still Holds Hinh
Place on Average Farm.
Useful and Satisfactory Piece of Ma
chlnery, but Must Be Consld
ercd Only as Addition to
General Equipment.
Thnt the trnctor litis not supplanted
tho horse in furnishing farm power is
shown by answers to n questionnaire
mailed to COO Knnsus tractor users
by Dr. C. W. McCampbell, associate
professor of animal husbandry In the
Kansas State Agricultural college.
"Experience of trnctor users Is a
more reliable index to the usefulness
of tho tractor than theoretical deduc
tions," said Doctor McCampbell. "From
the data collected it was found that
each of these tractor users was plow
ing annually nn averago of i17 acres,
and yet ho had been able to eliminate
only .842-3 of one horse for each 100
acres plowed. Ho had found "use for
Good for Average Farm.
his trnctor only 30.0 days per year. It
was, found that 05 per cent of purchas
ers of tractors had got them for the
Bole purpose of plowing wheat ground.
Additional Farm Equipment.
"From the experiences of these men
It would seem that the tractor is a use
ful nnd satisfactory piece of farm ma
chinery, but that it must be considered
ns additional farm equipment. The
justification for the use of the tractor
lies in the fact that it may under fn
vorabie conditions do a special line of
work, rather than In the claim, refuted
by experience, thnt the trnctor is n
satisfactory substitute for horse power.
"Tho fact that these tractor users
nre maintaining but eight hend of cat
tle for each 100 acres plowed lndl
cates that they are In tho main grain
farmers. If' the extensive grain farmer'
is able to eliminate but two-thirds of
a horse for each 100 acres plowed, tho
Intensive farmer with his diversified
farm will not bo nble to eliminate
auy horse power by purchasing a true
Provides Large Amount of Nutriment
for Every Kind of Live Stock
and Feeds Soil.
Hero is why an aero of alfalfa Is
valuable in Minnesota:
It costs nbout $12 to cultivate it.
At least 00 per cent of the fertilizer
vnluo is returned to the soil when the
crop Is fed.
A yield of three tons will return
$41.30 If fed to pigs as pasture when
the pigs sell for 1 cents a pound.
A similar yield If fed to steers nt
G cents a pounds will bring $-12.00.
Tho samo yield fed to cows giving
210 pounds of butterfat at 30 cents
a pound will bring $44.00.
Farm feeds should bo judged by the
total nutriments produced nn acre,
bearing in mind the cost of produc
tion. Alfalfa provides n large amount
of nutriment for every kind of stock.
Besides this, it provides nutriment for
tho soil, hence increasing lnnd value,
Don't let the machinery cry for oil.
Sheep will surely pay you t vou
bundle theiu right.
Now Is the time to select from the
flock the birds you will uso for breed
ing next spring.
If onions nro frozen for storage, they
should bo kept frozen till time to use
them In the spring.
Neatness In all departments of farm
work ought to be tho farmer's motto
nnd especially In tho dairy.
Put some snnd over the boxes or
bins In which root crops are, stored.' It
will prevent their drying "lit.
There nre Ave million more horses
nnd mules in tho United States today
than there were ten years ago.
Very good celery may bo raised in a
dry year by mulching the plants. This
saves the moJaturo and keeps tho soli
Oil is cheaper than repairs and rifw
tools, and when properly used will re
duce the friction nnd Increase tho life
of the farm machine.
Squash should be stored In n dry
place on shelves ono layer deep. They
will stand considerable heat but very
llttlo cold and moisture.
It Should Be Cut as Soon as Possible,
to Save Plant Food Silage Should
Be Covered.
If the standing corn In the field is
frosted It should be cut ns quickly ob
possible, or It will causo a great loss
of plant food.
An expert says: "The effect of n
hard or black frost in freezing the
cells of the corn fodder, causes the
breaking of the Individual cells and
the evaporation. of sup that should be
left In the stalks and leaves. Tho
leaves turn white and become so
irlttlc that in handllug most of the
leaves and a portion of tho stalk will
be lost. Tho corn on the car will be-
como soft and will only bo fit for feed
lug to hogs nnd cnttlo ns It will no
keep any length of time."
An uuthorlty says : "If frosted com
is to be put into the silo, it should be
cut as quickly as possible and, It
rather dry, well watered as it Is put
In the silo. Tho silage should be well
packed, to exclude tho air. After tho
silage is all In, let it settle for a few
days, then bow oats quite thick ovev
tho silage. The oats will germinate
in a few days and make sufficient
growth to protect tho sllngc. The oats
make a better cover than earth or
boards and can be easily removed
when the slluge Is to be used."
Ears Should Be Left on Stalks Until
Fully Ripened Free Circulation
of Air Is Essential.
To successfully cure popcorn so It
will pop enrly In the winter, tho enrs
should be left on the stalks until the
grains are fully ripened, nnd then
pulled off, husk and nil. This may be
laid on a floor, or placed in sacks
which are more or less open for the
passage of air, and hupg up in a dry
room which is well ventilated and free
from rats and mice.
If the husks nre removed when the
corn Is pulled from the stalk, it dries
out too rapidly, and the kernels will
not pop ns freely as they will If dried
more slowly.
Popcorn con be too dry at time ol
popping. Corn nfter once cured, does
best if kept where the air is only mod
erately dry. Corn kept behind a stove
will not pop as freely as corn kept In
n room whero there is a ltttlo damp
ness part of the time.
Edges Are So Turned Up That Fallei
Stalks Ride Over the Edges
and Are Not Injured.
This hoc Is designed partlcularlj
for weeding, onions, but can, of course,
be used for weeding of nny klnu'. Ont
advantage mentioned Is thnt the edge
Weeding Hoe.
nre turned up so thnt fallen stalki
ride over the edges and arc not cut
Tho angle of the hoe Is adjusted bj
means of the set screw. Wlsconsiu
Animals Will Not'Stand Dampness and
Thorough Wetting Will Cause
Diminution of Profits.
Avoid hnvlng the sheep caught It
an early but cold fall rain. Sheer
will stand nny amount of dry cold.
but they will not stand dampness. A
thorough wetting will cause the flock
to snufllo all winter, with a conse
quent diminution of profits. A fleece
holds so much water and takes sc
Jong to dry, that the amount of heat
lost by tho animal during tho process
of drying will seriously nffect its
It seems strange, too, but sheep are
sensitive to drafts. They will thrive
In intensely cold wenther, with but a
rudo shelter. But if inclosed in a pen
or stable through which tho wind is
able to seep, harm Is sure to follow.
To Ijccp tho flock In the very best of
condition they should have a supply
of roots. Clover 6r alfalfa hay fed
with some gruin nnd turnips or man
gels will bring them through the winter
in n thrifty and profitable condition.
Visit Ewe Flock Frequently During
Lambing Season Salt and Water
Essential for Ewes.
During tho lambing season tho ewo
flock should bo visited enrly in tho
morning, the last thing nt night, and
onco during the night. This insures
a minimum lamb loss.
Somo sheepmen feed tho iambs lit
tle! or no grain until they are weaned,
but they uro kept on good pastures
with their dams. If tho pastures are
good tho ewes are not fed any grain.
Until tho pastures have a good start
the owes are fed n ration of oats and
corn sllngo along With alfalfa, clover,
or prairie hay. Tho lambs as well as
the owes should havo plenty of fresh
water to drink, and liuve access to salt.
Operation of Caponlzlng Does Not Re
quire Much Skill Retain Sweet
ness and Juiciness.
No one Is better sltuuted to raise
capons than the farmer. On the uvor
ngo farm the additional work required
to raise from 100 to 200 capons would
not be noticed.
Tlicro are ninny stories told nbout
the size to which capons grow, whllo
the truth is that tho ordinary capon
will grow to but ono or two pounds
more than tho ordinary uucnponlzcd
cockerel would In tho samo time, nnd
to secure this additional weight extrn
feeding is necessary.
In preparation for cnpon-ralslng, it
Is wlso to hatch about twlco tho, num
ber of chickens ns capons desired, for
fully half are likely to bo pullets.
Tho operation of caponlzlng does
not require much skill, although tho
beginner will probably kill two or
thrco at tho start, which will not bo
lost, for they bleed to death In nboul
Tools Used In Caponlzlng.
the samo tlmo as If their throats had
been cut, nnd nre exactly as good for
tablo purposes as if bled In tho latter
A set of tools for caponlzlng costs
$1.50 to $2, and with each set ure sent
directions that nnyono can follow.
After tho caponlzlng tho cockerels
oecomo docilo nnd quiet; they lose
ambition and their combs ccaso to
grow. In fact, they shrivel, and when
fed they cat their fill and sit quietly
around until feeding tlmo again.
Capons always retain that sweet
ness and juiciness of flesh that nro
characteristic of tho spring chicken
the reason they bring such a high
They are fed much as other fowls
would be, only eating more. About nil
they cat goes to tho formation of Juicy,
palatable flesh.
A few years ago capons commanded
hardly any nttentlon in tho West, and
do not yet bring tho prices they do in
tho eastern cities.
By tho last of March good capons
sell rcndlly in Chicago at 17 cents per
pound, as against 12 cents for dressed
As the avcrngo Plymouth Rock ca
pon will weigh seven or eight pounds,
It will bo seen that tho' capon sells for
from 40 to 50 cents more than the
chicken of tho same age, and the dif
ference in the cost of raising is insig
Sell Everything That Is Not First
Class, Keeping All High Pro
ducers for Breeding.
Two factors nro working to reduce
tho stock of poultry on hand. Ono la
the high price of poultry, both Hvo
nnd dressed, which obtains at present,
nnd t.ho other Is the high price of
feeds. Tho latter condition will likely
continue throughout tho year. From
reports received, wo And that In many
places farmers aro selling practically
their entire stock because of these two
conditions. Under ordinary circum
stances, wo believe this to be n mis
take and that it will be well for our
readers to retain their usual amount
of laying and breeding stock.
In nil probability, eggs will continue
to bring good prices nnd, even though
grain Is high, the price of eggs will
probably parallel it. Those who sell
off nnd depend upon buying their
eggs or breeding stock lu tho spring
In order to replenish their flocks will
run tho chnnco of being disappointed.
Our advice is, don't sell too closely.
However, the standing advice nlwnys
in order, is: Sell everything that is
not first-class stock. Pennsylvania
Fowls Do Much Better on Variety of
Feeds and Larger Percentage
Is Digested.
FowIb do much better on a mixed
ration, and although thin mixed ration
may contain tho samo nutritive ratio,
nevertheless tho results obtulned aro
They seem to relish their meals
moro when a variety of grains is fed,
and a larger percentage of tho whole
ration Is digested.
6pray. Interior of Building With 8omca
Good Disinfectant Bear in
Mind the Old Saying.
Before tho pullets aro put In tho
laying pens the house should bo given
n thorough cleaning. Spray tho In
terior of the hoimo with disinfectant,
Bear In mind the old saying, "An
ounce of prevention Is worth a pound
of cure,"
Highest Premiums Awarded at
Many Exhibitions.
Tho Fnll fair season is past and a
retrospect of them shows that Western j
Canada is stronger than ever In the
mnttnr nf nxhlhlts. nnd linn Ink-en ninrn
than her usual sharo of tho prize
money. From Western Canada to
Texas Is n long look, from Alberta,
Saskatchewan and Manitoba to tho
southwestern corner of Texas is sev
eral days' Journey, but tho enterprising
farmers from this now country to tho
northwest wero wldo nwnko to tho'
possibilities, that waited them nt tho
International Dry Farming Congress (
hold nt ISl Paso, Texas, n fow weeks
ago, to bring to tho nttentlon of those
In thnt far-off corner what tho land oi
Western Canada could do In tho pro
duction of grains nnd roots from its
soil. And what did theso farmers dot
Tho first thing was to carry off tho
first prlzo and sweepstakes for wheat
Thnt was a foregono conclusion, for it
hits nowbecomo nn established fact thnt
nowhere clso in tho world la tlicro
grown wheat of tho high character nnd
market vnluo of Western Canadian
wheat. Tho samo may bo snld of oats,
of barloy and of ryo. But when it enmo
to notlco that Western Canada took
first prlzo for alfalfa, it was then that
moro special nttentlon was given to
tho products from Western Canada. It
showed that In that country there lies
tho opportunity for supplementing the
wonderful native grasses, so full of nu
trition thnt with tho tamed varieties,
among them being alfalfa, tho cattlo
with no other food wero fattened and
fitted for tho shambles. Western Can
ada's worth was proved as probnbly
tho greatest mixed farming portion of
tho continent. When tho steers from
tho Western Canadian prairies rcnclj
tho Chicago stockyards they bring
tho top prico and outweigh thoso from
other places where grass fattening is,
tho process. But It was not only In
grains that Western Canada carried
off tho highest honors at tho El Paso
exhibition. Potatoes, pnrsnlpB, beets,
carrots nnd rutabagas also took tho
highest honors. In root production
tliis country la becoming favorably
Tho question often arises ns to mar
kets. There Is always tho highest
prico nwalting tho producer, nnd as
soon ns tho Hudson Bay Hallway, now
nbout completed, renches tho Boy,
thero will bo nn additional outlet for
tho product of- tho farm. Tho Pacific
coast route, via the Panama canal, will
glvo another outlet of which full ad
vantage may bo token. With virgin land
selling at from $15 to $20 per ncre, and
improved forms nt rcasonnblo prices
and on ensy terms, there is to bettor
opportunity for tho man with limited
moans and n dcslro to secure a homo
at tho least cost in a country whero
ho can soon becomo wealthy, ns thou
sands of others have done, than in
Western Cnnnda. To tho man with less
means nnd wllb is prepared to accept
a farm of 100 acres free, tho Domln
Ion Government offers him his cholco
in districts that havo land of tho high
est type, but nt present being from ten
to twenty miles from a railway.
Tho Peaco River Country, now being
opened for settlement nnd readied by
railway affords excellent opportunity
to tho homesteader. To sccuro Infor
mation ns to Western Canadian lands
wrlto tho Canadian Government agent,
whoso namo appears elsewhere In this
paper. Advertisement
Japan has enacted social insurance
for Its industrial yvorkers.
lifter, flnntontfl 15FluidDrachn
k t nrninr.-.t PER CENT.
II 1JnathcStofli6DgEllj
-""-"'II saw i
neither Opldm,Morpwncn
Mineral. NOT JUAnoy y
ri W
a f,Mnfni npmedy for
nrf Vovcrlshncss ana
rcsulUnfj thercfrorojnjafancy.
Copy of Wrapper.
As Winter approaches It
is advisable to help Nature
maintain the highest DOS
j j c t itt,
SlDlC Standard Ol IieaiLII
Stomach Bitters
When a safe tonic, appetizer
and stomach remedy is needed
The Similarity.
"Constant complaint about bad cclc
trie servlco is like a popular drink."
"IIow so?"
"It's a current whine."
This Is n serious matter with house
keepers ns food prices are constantly
going up. To overcomo this, cut out
tho high priced meat dishes and servo
your family moro Skinner's Macaroni
nnd Spaghetti, tho cheapest, most de
licious and most nutritious of nil foods.
Wrlto tho Skinner Mfg. Co., Omaha,
Ncbr., for beautiful cook book, telling
how to prcpnro it in a hundred different
ways. It's freo to ovcry woman. AdY.
Glad Tidings. ,
"Mine. Zlrn, tho fortune teller, must
havo had somo good nows for you."
"Correct," answered tho man who 1b-
sucd from tho mystic portals with a
broad smllo on his face. "I own thla
shebang, nnd business is so gopd she
has leased It from mo for another ttlx
months, rent paid in advance."
sudden colds. '
Take - A
The old family remedy-In tablet
form safe, sum, cany to take. No
onlatcs no itnnlcasant after effects.
Cures colds In. 2-1 hours-Grip in 3
clays. Money back It It falls. Get
rnuino ix) x wuu itcu a op ana
Hill's picture on it 23 cento.
At Any Drug Store
Get Rid o Rats
before they start to build their homes
in your crops. It costs you about 82.09
yearly to feed one rat.
kills them for less than 1 cent per rat
Ko mixing. Nomnsiln. Always readr to nie. I' ef
fect! r ImrmlMt to ttunicatla animals; UUAnANTliD
to kill llata ana Mlco, We retuna monoj tor any
goods ratumod ai
'imr aeaicr
or IUd-of
lints. It faa
g can't supply
lroet, chief
till name.
BainpiePrleeSI Itox 10o 1 Dor.Uoion,81.10
8 Soz. Uozett 88.00. 1'ropMd til orsr U. B,
12-14 Steuben St, Brooklyn, N. Y.
W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 52-1016.
For Infanta and Children
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
AT d