THE 8EMI.WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRA8KA. Skinners THE HIGHEST QUALITY MACARONI 36 fyeRtdpt BookFhe SKINNER MFG. CO.. OMAHA, U.SA XAXGICT HACM0K1 fAOOIIY 1H AMERICA. FFnDS HIS WEALTH ABURDEN Trouble With Man Who Has Acquired Riches 1 6 That He Doesn't Know How to Spend. The nuisance for tho mnn who nos acquired great financial resources usu ally Is thnt he doesn't know what ho wants. Possessing tho resources nnd fooling the moral necessity to havo re course to them, he looks nhout for something to want, nnd ho selects the most costly thing. The acquisition of this most costly Uilng always Involves, In practice, tho separation of tho rich man from so cleiy. Thus, he will ucqulro a largo estate, or several lnrgo estntes, nnd cut himself off from the world by gates, doors, miles of drive, lodge keepers, menials, and secretaries. Or he will acquire a 2,000-ton yacht and cross tho Atlantic privately, though less quickly, less comfortably, and even less pri vately than on a great liner. Or ho will keep a private orchestra, Instead ttt being seen at concerts. All of which, though magnificent, Is nuU-soclnl and silly, and Is secretly felt to be so by the rich man when ho happens to wnko up In the middle of the night and can't go to sleep again. Woman's Home Companion, Tho Onlnlne That Does Not Affect Tho Head nrcante of tu tonic aad lazaUro effect, JLaxaUra lirDnio Quinine can be taken by nn-ono wltkont caning nerronnnras er tinging In the head. is only one "Dromo Quinine." X. W. UBOVUtt signature U on eacn box. ate KEEN MEMORY FOR FACES Colpncl Roosevelt Remembered, After "Two Years, Man Whom He Had Only Met In a Crowd. Colonel Koosevelt has one of the most wonderful memories I ever heard of, particularly for fuces and names," said O. IS. Etnbreo of the Maine Farm ers Union. "I first met him some wlu;re about, 1000 at IUverhead, Long Island, when perhaps 3,000 persons wop introduced to him. '"About two years Inter I met him on the, street at Oytcr Bay. lie was In to shirtsleeves, swinging along to tho pofSlofllce, and being hailed by every ad who saw him, old and young I said; "Good morning, sir,' as we met. "&o paused, rather squinted at my faciS and slowly replied: 'Good morn ing. Yonr name is Emhrec, Is it not?' I admitted It, In astonishment at his memory, and asked. 'But where did you meet me?' and as quickly ns n flash came: 'Blverhead, wasn't It?' 'But you met 3,000 men that day.' 'O. Hint doesn't make any difference.' "Tho next meeting with tho colonel wa,s la 1012 at Nashua, N. I was passing around one car to take an other and stepped n little one side to: allow a man to pass. He casually located ut me and sang out with a stnllo: 'Hello, Long Island!' and was goflc. It Is wonderful to me that man's memory of nnmes and faces." Kenne hec' Journal. Pressing Question. We see that the slinky figure Is to be the style throughout the coming season, and wo suppose wo shall soon be face to face again with the prob lem of where a fashionable matron of about forty-two size puts herself when she. gets Into her now gown. Ohio State Journal. Shop Talk. "Kate Is a bundle of nerves." "I thought she looked dono up." Boston Evening Transcript. Childish Craving for something sweet finds pleasant realization in the pure, wholesome, wheat and barley food Grape-Nits No danger of upsetting the stomach and remember, Grape-Nuts is a true food, good for any meal or between meals, "There's a Reason" The KITC Wo oat td live, not llvo to eat. Any excess In eating or drinking, alike In a sourco of countless Ills. In all living, health Is ot primary consideration. SEASONABLE DISHES. Tho following are a fow. choice dishes which may be served when en tertaining friends: Jugged Rabbit. Gut the rabbits in s orvlng-slzed pieces, siiuto them lu a hot frying pan In a little butter or bacon fat, cooking a few slices at tho same time. Put tho rabbit Into a casserole with a smnll outon, nnd the juice of a lemon; add a cupful of stock, cover and set the dish In u pun of hot water In the oven and cook three hours and a half; servo with brown sauce, poured over all. Somerset Salad. Chill stewed prunes nnd remove tho stones. Fill tho cnvltles with peanuts. Arrange tho prunes In groups of threes In nests of hend lettuce, sprinkle with finely chopped peanuts find pour over It n chilled, highly-seasoned, French dress ing just ns it goes to the table. Sauted Lima Beans. Soak dried lima beans in cold water to cover un til soft, drain them and dry between soft cloth, nfter cooking In boiling wa ter until tender. Then cook in a hot frying pan with a little butter until well browned; sprinkle with chopped parsley nnd serve piping hot. West Chester Salad. Use one-half a grapefruit, one orange, one cupful of pineapple, one apple, ono cupful of white grapes nnd n half cupful of ten der celery. Cut all In uniform pieces, tho grapes la hnlf and remove the seeds. Make a French dressing of a fourth of a cupful of oil, tho juice of a lemon (not more than two table spoonfuls) ; one teaspoonful each of su gar and salt and n half teapoonfu! of pnprlkn. Add this to the fruits and let stand an hour to marinate. Drain and arrange on lettuce leaves with a half cupful of boiled or steamed rais ins nnd mayonnntse dressing. Moravian Sugar Bread. When mak ing bread take out a pleco, roll thin nnd lay In a pie tin. When risen make holes with the finger nnd fill with but ter and brown sugar, then dust cin namon over tho loaf and bake. Coffee-cake dough may be treated In this manner. Among all tlio baslo principles of economic life, none la moro vital than this that every ablo-bodtcd adult should have a Job: that ho should work at tho thing for which ho Is best suited and best fitted, and that lio should be paid the full valuo for whut ho pro duces. GOOD DISHES FOR DINNER. An nppetlzlng dish to mnko, from left-over roast of beef Is beef olives. Beef Olives. Cut thin slices of roast beef and put aside; chop the trim mings and bits too small to serve, season with poultry dressing and crumbs, allow one table spoonful of tho dressing for euch sllco of beef; spread the slices with the mixture, tlu up and put Into a suuecpun with a little fat to brown; when well browned add a little hot water and simmer until they nro thoroughly heated through. Season with salt and pepper, mnko a brown sauce and pour over tho rolls when ready to serve. Add very thinly sliced oranges to n clear tomato soup. Roast Squabs. Stuff the birds with the livers fried and chopped line, to which has been added two tablespoon fills of butter, one teaspoonful of chives, chopped fine; one-half n cup ful of bread crumbs, ono benten egg, salt, pepper, cayenne and n little nut meg. After stulllng tuck the necks of the birds under the wings, tie, rub with butter nnd", bnko twenty to thirty min utes. Servo on tonst moistened with the gravy from the pan. Clnrnlsh with watercress. Try this stufllng for your Christmas goose: Two cupfuls of hot mashed po tatoes, a half cupful of sliced walnut mcnts, one teuspoonful of grated onion, ono teaspoonful of salt, a half tea spoonful of pnprlkn, one tablcspoonful of butter, one teaspoonful of powdered sage, tho yolks of two eggs and four tnblespoonfuls of cream; blend well nnd stuff tho goose, not too full. Chocolate Soup (From the German). Heat gradually one quart of sweet milk; with a portion of It soften and stir smooth five tnblespoonfuls of' grated chocolate, let gradually come to a N boll and simmer eight minutes, sweetening to taste. Boat four eggs, add a little of the milk before It Is too hot, then add tho eggs, beating well. Let stand whore It will keep hot, add the Btlflly beaten whites of two eggs, sweetened with two table epoonfuls of sugar. Drop tho egg white by teaspoonfuls nnd cover with a close lid to cook tho whites. Serve cold. Chicken Livers With Rice. Cook a cupful of rlco In a kcttlo of snltcd wa ter until tender, then drain In n colan der and set In the oven with the door open, Sprinkle four to six chicken livers with flour, salt and pepper and saute In a little butter. Make a to mato sauce, cooking 10 minutes, a pint sal asal or can of tomato, one sliced onion, ono clave, two bny leaves, n sprig of punt ley, two stalks of celery or a saltspoon ful of celery seed, & blado of mace, tvo teaspoonfuls of sugar, nnd salt nnd pepper to taste. Put through a sieve and ndd n tablcspoonful each of butter and flour 1 rubbed together. Pour slowly Intp this tho hot strained tomato. Arrange tho hot livers In tho center of n platter, with the rlco as a border and tho sauco poured over tho livers. CHRISTMAS GIFTS AT HAND. Fow young people rcnllzo whnt a wealth of resources tho women who llvo In the couutry have for Christmas giving Those who llvo in the southern states with the wealth of b c n u 1 1 f u 1 mos3, kumqunts, limes, alligator pears and many of tho different fruits nnd vegetables that the Northerner seldom sees, nnd If seen cost such prlcos that ordlnnry purses cannot opon to them. For such n bnsket of strange foods with a note of Instruction as to what It contains and how It Is to bo. prepared, the re cipients would flunk them most gratefully. How many people In the North ever saw a chayoto or a dash ecn, yet theso nro quite ns common In tho South as cauliflower in the North. Those who nro sick of tho sight of fish, might delight an Inlnnd cousin with n basket of tho fish so highly prized becauso not near at hand Where wild game abounds and the laws do not prohibit sending It, such a gift Is a choice present. If you live near the woods where pine abounds with its beautiful conos, a gunny sack of them for your friend to use In his tireplnco for Christmas evo would surely be appreciated. A bunch ol herbs, or lavender for tho linen closet, n pillow of hops for the wakeful friend, a basket of popcorn balls oi a few vegetables, well washed nnd ar ranged In a basket, for the friend with a snfall family, this may bo so filled that It will be as attractlvo as a bas ket of flowers. If you over tried to buy a spruce tree In the city you may apprecluto whnt the gift of a small ono for her dinner table would meun to your city cousin. Five-cent bnskcts filled with ferns, alder berries and other bits of nature which delight the eye may bo given for u centerpiece for her living room table for your city friend, ltoso hips, pnrtrldge berries, wlntorgreen berries and others may bo strung to decorate the Christians tree. Do you have honey, or mnko maple sirup, canned fruit and Jellies, make fruit cakes, cookies or country doughnuts, be sure nny of theso will be hailed with Joy by tho friends In town. Jasamlno Is Bweot and has many loves, And tho broom's betrothed to the bee; But I will plight with the dainty rose. For fairest of all Is she. Hood. DISHES NOT EXPENSIVE. To the housewife who needs to use every enre in her expenditure, rice Is a food to which wo should turn. It Is still at a reason able prlco and tuny bo used two "or three times a week on our tables in the form of a vege table or dessert. Seasoned with but ter, pepper und salt It makes a very good substitute for potato. Simply boiled and snlted and vserved with cream and sugar It Is a very dainty breakfast food nnd tho numerous ways In which It mny serve as a dessert aro too many to name. If you have never tried a chocolate sauce with plain boiled rice, you have yet to enjoy n popular dish. Baked Pears. Wush and nrrango (ho pears In a deep baking dish with water, sugar, lemon Julco, and butter In the pan to use for basting. Bnsto them during the baking nnd cook long enough to give tho sauco n rich brown color and the pears will be especially delicious. Servo as a dessert or they may be served with tho roast if so desired. Coffee Ice Cream. Scald a pint nf milk with a half cupful of dry coffee, until well steeped. Strain Into three slightly benten eggs, ono cupful of sugar nnd a pinch of salt. Return to the fire und cook until the mixture coats tho spoon. Add a quart of cream and freeze. Servo wlflh mnruhmullow sauce. Mnrshmallow Sauce. In the upper part of a double boiler put u fourth of a pound of murshiuullowH. When melted, pour on a sirup muilo by boil ing ono cupful of sugur and a fourth of a cupful of wuter ten minutes. Add one-half a teaspoonful of vanilla nnd cool. Roast Beef Salad. Very ruro roast beef Is excellent for salad. Cut In very thin slices and marlnato In n. French dressing In which a finely chopped slice of onion has been added. Servo on a platter gnrnlshp.d with po tato salad, pickled beets and lettuce. BEES WINTER IN SN0W!SMALL FARMS F0R THE ElST Chaff House of Some Kind Is Strongly Recommended. Nothing Better In Line of Htvea When Used In Connection With, Sawdust Cushions Over the Top of tho Brood Chamber. (By P. O. HERMAN.) If the beekeeper tries to winter bees m tho summer Btnnds, In any form ot n hive or other thnn n chnff or double walled hive, It Is my opinion thnt he will loso moro In tho valuo of bees than the extra expense ho would bo ut lu making chnff hives of some kind. I think that somo sort of hlvo that could bo used for summer ndvantngo Bhould bo used. This thing of having outsldo winter cases to set over tho hives Is decidedly n disadvantage In many ways. When winter In over they cannot bo used about tho apiary during tho sum mer to nny ndvantngo whntovcr, but the beekeeper must have n houso or somo other plnco provided for them to keep them from tho weather, or they will be. warped and wenther-bcatcu had will last but a few years. Hence, the construction of a sum mer and winter chaff hlvo certainly overcomes many of theso objections. After years of experience with chaff hives used In connection with sawdust cushions over tho top of the brood chamber, I huvo becomo convinced thnt thero Is nothing better along tho lino of hives, for wintering bees on tho summer stands thnn this. Winter on Summer Stands. I, winter my bees on the summer stands with very Uttlo loss. They have plenty of good stores-plenty of young bees, nnd properly packed. I believe lu late brood rearing, so thut the hives will be full of young bees at tho beginning of the winter. At lenst this Is my plan, and my bees winter nicely. With too smnll nn entrance In u damp cllmntc, you will bo sure to havo moldy combs, nnd moro thnn tho proper Honey Bee. amount of dead bees. The trouble be- I comes aggravated In tho courso of the winter uy me ciogging or mo entrance with dead bees. During heavy Btorms In winter It fre quently happens thnt hives aro entire ly burled In snow. Whllo tho snow Is light and porous, nir penetrate It and reach tho entrances of tho hives, but should tho snow becomo crusty or Ice form at tho entrance tho bees would bo In danger of suffocation. It is well to havo all hives facing southward, so tho sua can shine on tho entrance of the hives and keep them frco from ice. After a heavy fall of snow wo nl ways sweep In front of tho hives, leav ing the snow banked around tho other threo sides, ad It will do no harm there, but will help keep off prevailing winds. SAVING BEST GARDEN SEEDS Select Strains of Grains and Vegeta bles Especially Adapted to Soil In Which Grown. Save some of the best garden seeds each year. There is no reason why each farm and garden should not havo select strains of grains and vegeta bles especially ndaptcd to the partial Jar soil In which they nro grown, says tho Farmer. Thero may bo something In changing seed occasionally, and wo should all be on tho lookout for the best of tho new things that urc coming Into notlco yeur by year, but we aro sure that It Is fully as important to bo on tho lookout for tho things that aro proving best adapted to each particu lar soli and location und saving tho seeds to continue tho strain. As a peoplo wo havo something to learn of the Europeans In this particular. Wo allow many things to go to waste that nro looked after and made to add to tho family store on other lands. CORN CRIBS OF STEEL WIRE Becoming Popular In Western States Because of Durability Much Cheaper Than Wood. Rats destroy much corn In bndly built cribs. Tho crib should bo set on stout posts capped with tin, with mov- ablo steps. A crib of this kind is rat and mouse-proof If tho proper caro Is exercised In removlug tho steps when not In use. Steel corn cribs nro coming Into use in the western corn states. Theso cribs nro mado of two-Inch mesh steel wire nnd aro durable, well ventilated, vermin and fireproof and- aro stronger and cheaper than wood. Tho who comes in rolls rec' to put up, A crib to hold GOO InishJi I n comer. lent size. Ranches of 600 Acres or More Not Desirable for Thickly Settled Statos of Union. Tho furm of GOO or moro acres de voted to one or two crops, mny bo best for the great grain-growing nnd grazing states of the West, but it Is not desirable in tho thickly settled communities of tho middle and east ern states. Tho tendency In somo of the states for tho corporation owner ship of fnrmhnnds to compete with Industrial progress In other lines of commercial activity Is back of this movement With tho advent of tho large farm worked by hired labor, the farm homo disappears, farm life, community In terest, churches, schools nnd rural ad vancement Is lost, says a writer In tho Baltimore American. Wo havo lu Its place a big system, which may bo profitable from a money point of View, but which will ultimately result In financial loss to the owners, nnd an Injury to tho best Interests of the com munity nnd state. This leads to un rest, and a divided community. The smnll farm with its quiet, comfort able home and' conveniently arranged buildings, cultivated by the owner nnd his family, makes a live, intelligent, thrifty community. When a man owns his home ho takes more interest In his stnto nnd nation and becomes a patriot In tho best sense of tho word. AVERAGE COST OF PLOWING Estimated that It Requires Approxl. mately Ten Horse-Power Hours to Turn Acre of Land. It has been estimated thnt it re quires approximately ten horse-powei hours to turn un aero of land. When tho team 'goes at a good speed one plow will turn about two acres In ten hours. This will requlro , that the horses travel 170 feet per minute and exert a continuous pull of 370 pound? or 187.0 pounds per horqe. Accorumg to statistics compiled uy the government horse lubor cost 12 cents per hour. At this rate ten hours work will cost $1.25, which may be said to bo tho average horse cost of plowing an acre. The cost of plowing an aero with u tractor depends upon many factors One must consider the slr.e of the tractor, fuel used, condition of the ground, etc One example is given of nn 8-10 tractor burning from 1C to 2C gallons of low grndo kerosene per day of ten hours, ono gallon of lubricating oil, at a cost of $1.05 for hour's work Two 14-tnch plows, traveling 20 miles a day, plowed CO ucreo nt a cost of ;10 cents on acre. SPRING FOR LUMBER WAGONS Mighty Uncomfortable to Ride for An) Distance Over Frozen Roads on Ordinary Seat Thoso of us who havo ridden mllcJ on lumber wagons over frozen rondi know tho valuo of n spring seat. Ilere Is ono that Is hung n little different Charles Frederick Blakcslee, un 1111 nolsan, recently being granted a patent on It. Thero aro springs at each side Spring Seat for Wagon. to fit over tho edge of the top box as in other spring scuts, but thcr aro cross-bars on top of theso springs Rocker arms uro hung beneath tlu seat, on tho cross-bars between thf springs. Depending hangers, rigid wltb tho seat, aro plvotnlly supported ul their lower ends of tho rocker nrms each of said rocker nrms being mount cd on tlio cross-bnrs to ono side of and against a hunger und aro disposed ul an nnglo to this hanger to permit the springs to flex ns well us allow the vertical movement of wmiectiiig cross bars. Farming Duslness. MONEY IN SELLING LOAFERS Keep Dally Record of Each Cow tc Find Profitable Animals Dif ference Soon 8een. Cows look nllko but their work at tho pall Is unlike. Keep a record by weight of tho dally yield of each cow and you will soon see tho difference, You will find, as every other dairy cow owner hus found, that nbout half your herd nro paying a profit, whllo tho other half aro lonfers. Thero Is moro money In selling the loafers us canners nt almost any old prlco, than In putting costly feed Into them with tho expectation of reaping n profit on their output. BEST RETURNS FROM GRAINS Eight Peeks of Wheat to Acre Will Most Likely Hit Pivotal Point Grading Counts. Sow eight pcckH of wheat to tht aero und you will most likely hit tho pivotal point In not returns, And that depends, too, on how you grudo and drill your seed. Hnuill grain eot'iig do-s tni m . .uve jet become an ..ui . .. I " ''71 il ' " i ' T" 11 f rrrt A RIGID - Adherence TO SIMPLE HEALTH RULES is really necessary in order to promote and maintain health Tho digestion must be kept normal, the liver active and the bowels regular When Help Is Hesded TRY HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters Wise Constable. Up tho street came tho flro engines, with many a clang and clatter. From another direction camo the flro escape. Soon tho Are hoso wero busy nnd the crowd swelled so quickly that the young reporter from the big Jnlly could get nowhero nenr the burning house. nut he was undlsmnycd. With much agility ho climbed a ItuMp post nnd surveyed tho scene. A mlanto Inter ho felt a tug nt his ankle, nnd, looking down, met the fierce glare of a special constable. "Now, then, down you come, young mnn I" "Oh, that's nit right I I'm n rcpoctor and I've got to do n description of the Orol" "Nonsense nonsonsol Dw yo como I Tou can rend all nbout the fir In tho papers tomorrow I" Lot well enough nlone unless you aro a physician. Titian, tho great artist, was painting pictures nt tho ago of ninety-nine. ' A Mother's Burden A mother who Buffers kidney trou ble, finds It hard to keen un her dnHr work. Lameness, backache, sharp pains when stooping ana" "blue", acr-' vous or dlsay spells, make hone life dreary. Active kidneys bring bacW vigor, health and a pleasure 1b fan lly duties. If the kidneys nro weak try a box of Doan's Kidney Fills. A Nebraska Cam lira. Dort Currier. Lincoln St., Task lngton. Neb., wi'ai "l aurrorou ror a lone timo from , pains through tho imtui or my dock. rho natn Inter- 'fered with my .work, especially 'when I was awee'j) Insr or dusting. My itiiinoya Doinorou mo. too. I ha headaches and diz zy npellfl. Dnan's Kldnoy Plim drove away all those ali ments and elnco then I haven't bean Ptcturt TWI a Story" bothoreu." Get Dau't at Any Store, BOo a Box DOAN'S "thM FOSTER, AULBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N.Y. MUST SELL- torel. one alls from town, 100 ctilUTMed. 8 tlmbrfr.M (iMVote, nlenly Irnlt, M.0W) fur eqnltr. ittO acres in. prorod, IK) eulUrated, balanee timber n4 iKuKara MUD per Mrs. U. Hnir, rkal.ii,', I...V.!' (.'. Wnttpn K. 0lBian, Patient Lawyer, WMhlnjrVoa D.O. AdTlee and books froa RateiTeaMBftUa.XIlabMtrefere&eM, UMtiertlcea, Nebraska Directory THEPAXTON HOTEL Omihs, Nebraska EUROPEAN PLAN Room a from 91.00 up single, 75 eenta up double. CAVE. PRICKS REASONABLE DBIOTilDEa CUBED in a few dayi ilUr I WISE without paia or a sar rlcal operation. Ho pay until cured. Write bit. VtUAr, SOB Ilea illdg OrcnhA, Xfnb. DEFIANCE STARCH is constantly growing in favor becauso it Does Not Stick to the Iron and it will not injure the finest fabric. For laundry purpose it has no equal 16 or. package 10c. H more starch for ume money. DEFIANCE STARCH CO., Omaha, Nebraska WANTED 1,000 CARLOADS SCRAP IRON Also Scrap Rubber, Metals, Etc. Write for prices Nebraska Iron & Metal Co. S THE KING COLE CO., 0MAQA ntH.0TlitRI.CaEHT.P8Ul.TnT WHOLESALE ONLY Bend Vbrtatmas ordon carlf to lnsura reoelrlog mppljr wben needed. U1J11 tor llvo poultry, mHsN COOK. IIOQK VKKEt llenUon Uui papor. ELECTRICAL JOBBERS nab Lights, Mnila Lamps, Electrical Sup pile, LlKbtlng Fixtures. Una LlghtlnK Buj piles, Vnouum cleaners, Electrkal washing Machine, Eloctrlo Irons. Bond for catalogue. BUROESS.CRANDEN CO. 1611 HewarJSU Omaha. Nat). W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 51-1918.