SEMI-CKNTENNIAL OF SOUTH PLATTE TO HE CELEHH.VTED Pfhtf.o's semi-centennial was made an .The proposed celebration or North LOCAL AND PERSONAL aefeured fact Wednosday evonlng whon a dozon business men mot in the par lor of the McCabo hotel and orgnnizod a holding company which will llnance tho preliminary expenses of the cel ebration. ThlB hbldlng company is conipoied of thirty mombors and the officers nre J, B. McDonald president; Gcorgo Moonoy secretary and W. II. McDonald troasuror. To meet tho ox ponsoB to bo Incurred in tho immediate future, each member of the holding company subscribed twenty-llvo dol lars, Urns creating an initial fund of seven hundred and fifty dollars. The dato of tho celebration "will bo Juno 2Gth, 27th, 28th, 29th, and 30th. George Mooney, who is an cxpor ionced Jpromotor of colobratlons of various kinds and originates tho pro grams "and superintends carrying thorn ou,ti, was present at tho meeting Wed nesday ovenlng and made Bomo sug gestions ns to what should bo the features of tho North Platte celebration. These included a par ado of floats depicting tho condi tions of tho North Platte territory fif ty years ago and tho gradual (evolution to tho conditions as they exist today; a representation of our present Front street as it was in tho early Bovonties; there will bo ox-teams drawing tho immigrants wagons; permission will bo secured from the government to bring a hundred Indians from the Rosebud Agency and have them give war and other dances; cowboys and frontier sports will enor largely in the program of amusements; a sod house, in which will bo exhibited cur ios and relics of early days, will bo built; a big carnival company will bo engaged, freo actssocurod.and last but not least Buffalo Bill, who will have his own show" next season, will make his ttinlary bo as to be here for two days, and will personally be respon sible for a number of special features. Not only will the event mark the fiftieth anniversary of North Platte, but it will bo a "home coming" week, a, time when former North .Platte peoplo now scattered from Maine to California will bo urged to come back to the "old town" for a visit, and hundreds of them are certain to come. And among theso will be a number of men iwho in early days were cow boys and they will assist in Iputting on some of the stunts in which they engaged thirty or forty years ago. .This celebration will be tho biggest tljing North Platte has ever attempted, and to make it a real success it needs tlio hearty support of every man in town. Each will bo called upon to as sist, and it is confidently expected that he will respond enthusiastically. Tho progress of tho preliminary work will bo noted in these columns from week to week. Remember the date tho last week nf .TlltlA ::ot: Cliarlos Walters has beon transact ing business in Omaha this woek. A big Hno of Silk Pottlcoats. E. T, TRAMP & SONS. W. T. Barry, of Grand Island, Is horo this week on Union Pacific mut ters. J. A. Kunklo hnB rpturnod from Om aha where he purchased a numbor of cattle. Dan Ragan, of Sterling, with local friends this week and transacting businoss in town. O. 'II. Thoolecko expects to leave tomorow evening for Chicago to spend soveral days on businoss. Tho quarantine for scarlet fever was lifted Wednooday from the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Allendor. Mrs. V. Orval Hodges loft yester day morning for Lincoln to spend n couple of weeks with relatives. Leslie and Robert Dick, of Haley, Ore., formerly of this city ar0 visiting wl,th their mother Mrs. Nellie Dick. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hnggerty will leave nox,t week for Denver to visit thj former's parents for a week or longer. 0. H. Thoelecko reports tho sale of tho northeast quarter section of 24-12 30. to Vigo Vandorkalk, of Fullerton and all of section 26-1C-28 to Saml Blagdon, of Ncmeha county. Now is tho time 'to buy a Piano for Christmas; only two more weeks. Wo will make it easy for you to buy a piano if you will come and sco us. WALKER MUSIC COMPANY. Mrs. Eva Baldwin, formerly of this city, who has been matron of tho 0. E. S. orphanage at Fremont, passed west last evening enrouto to Los Angeles, whero she was called by tho illness of her sister, who has been taking treat ment in thai city. j.t f This entire store sparkles with Christmas radiance - a gift choosing center ?or everybody. Como join I the happy throng of early gift seekers. You'll discover a multitude of things "just a trifle different," just ! I enough different to be unur.ual, distinctive and likable some costly-some expensive all delightfully givablo FOR "HIM" VVB SUGGEST; 53 pip par SWEATERS. What is more comfortable than a nico warm Sweater. Bradley's arc the best. Many nice ones at $2, $4, $5. $7, $8 up to $12. JEWELRY. Cuff Buttons, Scarf Pins, Collar Buttons, Tie Holders, etc. , The stock of'thesc goods . is complete, from cheap roll plate to solid gold ! NECK TIES. In all of the newfpatternsof silks, something to suit every $ taste, botlin'patterns stylcs'ajid price. 25c, 60c and $1.00 GLOVES. Nice warm ones, made of soft tanned leather, lined with both fancy and plain materials, some lined with iur, either lor dress wear or driving the auto. Priced at $1, $1.25, $2 and up to $5 HOSIERY. Either cottony woolen or silk. Some nicely boxed. 25c to 50c per pair. it it j.t j.t V it it i.t i.t H if it it J.t :.t i.t if it ! s i.t it it It $ j.t j.t a 8 No Finer Gift for "Her than a Set of Furs Francis Flynn, of this city, who has been in tho employ of tho Allis-Chal-mors Co. at Milwaukee, will leave January 15th for Cuba in tho inter ests of tho Luce Sugar Cane Harvester Co., of New York, with which company he, has accepted a position as erector . and demonstrator. It Is probable that tho .duties of tho position will take him to Hawaii, Java, tho Philippines and Australia ill the course of tho next two years. Every lady appreciates furs, why not buy your mother, wife or Bister a set, or a separato scarf or muff, and if you do buy be sure to go to BLOCK'S where all furs are being sold at discount of twenty per cent. For Sale on account of leaving city it Equity in new 5 rooln bungalow, all modern except heat, full basement. Would take small car preferably Ford for part payment. W. C. McDermott, Phono Black 850. 95-2 George Lander, colored, was arrest ed and fined thirteen dollars and fifty cents Wednesday. Ho was discovered taking large haras from the ice boxes back .of, the Union cafe. Lander1 had been employed in spreading tho tar on tho paving but has been out of work for a couple of weeks Douglas Fairbanks thought thero was, nothing to live for whon tho girl he wanted to marry became engaged to another man. So ho hired a pro fesslonal assassin to end it all In 'Flirting with Fato" at the Keith Mon day night. But when the girl changed her mind Fairbanks dared not go near enough to tho assassin to tell him of his desire for life. 10 and 15 cents'. Sowor Lateral Assessments for con struction of Lateral S, Blocks 33 to 44 inclusive $31.50 per lot, and Later al G2, South Park Addition, S31.G5 per lot, have been made and the same may now bo paid at my office. F. h. MOONEY, City Treasurer. North Platte members of Company it W it V r ' H W,- i't , it J.t it Jap Mink Set, new Chincbin collar, barrel - shaped muff tf J A A very stylish, per set, Jt)uUU Fisber Dyed Coney Set, neat scarf fastens by buttoning through. Muff new shape, fancy ruf- 4 A A A fled ends. Price - $14)11 Separte Muff, blended Muskrat, one of the good wear- JQ QQ v 1 Silver Opossum Muff, a beautjful shade of grey, nicely lined, just the thing for a young 4 5 If A lady. Price JlO.DU Separate Muffs in Coney, Marmot, -Wolf, Mink- Fox, Lynx, Hudson Seal, Skunk, ' ets., at $5,$M1M15J?$40 CAPS. Latest styles of warm cloth caps suitable for young men 8 or old 50c. 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. 8 it it Come be Happy, Care Free and Gay with the Kiddies j;t 8 TOYS FOR GIRLS It's as cood as a tonic to Watch the delinhtcd vounestera in our toy department and hear the ohs! and ahs! that new t discoveries bring forth. If you wish to learn the children's jj wisncs, Dring tnem witn you and wotcn their untrammctcd it choice, in the midst ol this interesting display, "banta Claus" 8 is sure to get some very good suggestions to aid when filling Q inu,.ruiius siuuKings. k TOYS FOR BOYS Mechanical Trains run on round track $1, $1.75, $2, $2.50. Erector and StrucktironScts 50c, $1.00 to $5.00. Friction Toys, Engines, Street Cars, Autos, etc. 50c to Horns and Drums all nicely finished in bright colors. 5c to $1.25. Dressed Dolls a large var- it iety to select from '25c to $5. : . Doll Buggies Steel and Reed t ipriccs $1, $3, $4.50, $5. Games and Toy Books of all g kinds 5c, 10c, 25c, upto $1. $ Toy Dishes, both tin and porcelain sets 10c to $2.50 it it it j.t it j.t j.t jt j.t j.t j.t it it ' .....ww..Aw1m.....0.....M?..,.W WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE it it if it it 1:1 j.t j.t j Itccentlon for Bride. Mrs. William Waltema.Ui, a Novom- E stationed on the Mexican border will ber bride, was tho guest of honor at enjoy a certain degree, at least, or two of tho most interesting and enjoy- Chrismas more enjoyable, can leave able social ovents of this week. They of the boys are preparing Christmas wore held at the home of Mrs. Henry boxes for them and these will bo ship- Waltomath. Eighty ladies wore ontor ped next Tuesday. Those who desire talned on Wednesday from one o'clock to remember tho boys and make their to threo and. from four o'clock until Chrismas morb enjoyable, can leave six at luncheons served on prettily their gifts at) Huffman's storb no.t dcorated tables. Bed and whlto flowers lntnr than next T.ueRilnv. nml Mmv will ivi In nbundanco in tho ro be included In tho box which will be ception and dining rooms sent from there. A SENSIBLE GIFT Give your friends and relatives a sensible ift of value. Come to the McDonald State Bank and deposit one dollar or more in a sav ings account. Put the Pass Book in a Christmas Envelope and you have an attractive if t that is of lasting value and which shows you are a thoughtful person. If you cannot call then send your check and instruction by letter. Mrs. Waltemath was aBSitited In en tertaining by her daughters Misses Helen and Alma Waltmath and Mrs. Fred Waltemath. During .the recoptlon which proceeded tho luncheon a num bor of musical selections were rendor- od. Alice Seamon, Ida and Louise Ottenstoln assisted in serving and Mc3dames Soeborgcr, Hcaloy and Clabaugh were in tho receiving lino. Out or town Kustaworo Misses uuth Heacock of FallfcW, Emily Portor- flold of Charles Town, W. Vn., and MJss Julia Hayes of Chicago. A simi lar function was held yesterday aftor- noon at which Mosdames Hoxio, Halll gan and Rinckor assisted in receiving. . .. Uort Rathburn of Wyoming who spont Bovoral weeks with IiIb sister Mrs. F. J. Wurtole, left Wednesday ev. enlng. Ladles, think of buying a wool sorgo or silk cropedross formerly sold at $10, $12, and $1G, for $4.98. This is only on of the many bargains offered at Ulock's Year End Sale. -Mr. and Mrs. II. O. Knowlcs leavo early next week for Bethany, which wil bo thoir future, home. Mr. Know lea will return horo for ono or two mora eorviccs, and ihon go to Alliance to begin evangelistic work. Mr, and Mrs. George Yeoman leavo today for Omaha, whero they will visit foi a short time beforo making Hold rcgo their homo. Mr. Yeoman has tak on a road position wWh tho Diamond Slmmonds Co. of St. Louis and has been aBslgnod territory that causes his removal from North Platte. Court Cnlendnr. Judgo Grimos announces tho follow ing tonus of court for tho soveral counties In his district for 1917: Kimball county February 2Gth and Septombor 17th. ' . " Choycnno county March 12fh and October 1st. Deuol county March 2Gth and Octo ber 15th. Kolth county April 2d and Octoiior 22d. Logan county April ICth and Sep tember 10th. McPhorson county April 30th. Arthtir county May 7,th. Lincoln county Adjourned term February Cth, May 14th and December 3d. Dawson county Adjourned term For Rent Christian parsonage, flvo rooms and basement, modorn except heat. Inqulro of F. R. Elliott. During tho Year End Salo Children's Dresses will bo sold nt a discount of twenty per cont at BLOCK'S, - A social danco will bo held at tho Lloyd opera houso on Monday evonlng, Doc. 2Gth by tho members of tho K. K. club. Clau'do Wolngand and son Toddy left last ovenlng for Rossvillo, 111., to spend a week with tho former's mother. Special prices on nil Sut'i and Coats. If you aro neoding olthor it will pay you to Investigate our prlcos. For quality, stylo and prlco our gar-, monts cannot bo surpassed. E. T. TRAMP'& SONS. January8th, Juno 4th and November :o: : Buffalo rcat. Placo your1 ordor at onco for buffalo moat 'direct from Pawnoo Bill's ranch at Pawnee, Okl. Tho supply is limited. MARTI'S MEAT MARKET. ::o:: Swedish Lutheran services next Sun day at 11 a. m. in tho Advontist church, Fourth ward. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Gibson art cardB nnd letters, nlso Christmas seals an assortment that Is certain to pleaso you. A grout vari ety of designs in a great range of prices. RINCKER BOOK & DRUG CO. "Tho Spider and tho Fly" will bo tho Fox production shown at tho Crystal tonights in this photoplay Robort Man toll and Genevlovo Hamper arid cast for tho leading roles. 10 and 15 cents Now It is as an Indian maid who loves a whlto man, and loves In vain, that Mary Plckford wins tho hearts of her spectators. This unique characteriza tion by tho idolized star of tho screen fn "Little Pal" is showing at tho Keith Saturday afternoon and evonlng. In tho rolo of tho Indian girl who renoun cos happiness, opportunity nnd oven safoty for tho man sho loves, Mary Plckford is suporb. 10 and 15 cents ft? $ Elecjric Vac lake Her Christmas A Happy One. This Cleaner has a re volving brush, the same as your carpet sweeper, in' addition to a strong suction. The brush beats -the carpet and helps to loosen tho dirt and also combs out the threads. s IT IS A WINNER. North Platte Light 8c Power Company.