j: it J.t ii i a 1 5 5:1 it J V It ' : : it ft Here's a gift from all of the family Lo dad or big brother, an overcoat frdm this store's splendid stock of the latest styles, fabrics arid patterns. Look over these values. Adlers' Famous Overcoat $13.00 to $30.00 WOMEN who are confronted with man's gift problem should read every item in this opening announcement. It is the solution of the problem presented in concrete form. Practical gifts for men and boys crowd every corner of the store. Stocks are now complete, ' and the store service is at its best. Every possible assistance can now be accorded your wants. The earlier you shdp, the better satisfied you'll be with your selection. Choosing at liesure adds pleasure to gift giving. Shop now, and shop early in the day. ! ... t Give son a Suit , of Good Clothes. Make his Christmas partially practical with a 4 gift that has plenty of good style and months of ser- 'vice ahead. Adlers Collegian Suits 18.00 to $30.00 A man can always use a few more shirts. A selection from our stocks will surely please him, so distinctive are the patterns, Values couldn't he better. Manhattans Wilson Bros. $1.75 to $5.00 $1.00 ,to $6.00 A Raincoat is a gift which can be worn the year round. Father would appreciate receiv ing one of thesq durable, waterproof protections. - Cravenettes Rubberized Coats $12.50 to $25.00 $5.00 to $12 50 Can't tell us he wouldn't smile a broad, pleasing smile when he releases a bath robe from its wrapping Christmas morning. Here are any number of new and pleasing patterns in firm quality goods, splendidly finished, LtH and Lounging $S.00 to $10.00 If he likes to lounge around after a 'day of keen business, nothing would be; nicer in which to relax than a house coat. Better see spine of our of- erings for the holidays. $5.00 to $6.50 Other suggestions for "his" Christmas arer Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, Fur and Cloth Caps, Hosiery, Night Robes, Pajamas and Collars all shown here in o broad range of pleasing values. . Well dressed men have well dressed hands. Thisstore carries the right quality gloves for particular gifts to particular people. Silk and Fur Lined Dress Gloves $1.50 to $5.00 Automobile Gloves $2.00 to $6.00 Sweaters Another sure-to-please gift is a good, warm wooiy Sweater, either a rope . stitch or Shaker khtt weave from this store. Tis a dandy gift zo father from mother. . JERSEYS AND ALL WOOL SWEATERS HEN'S BOYS' $3.50 to $8.50 $1.50 to $5.00 Neckwear Lots of good looking Neckwear here. AH new patterns in the richest of Silks. Many beautiful colors and color com binations. LEMAR PATENT SLIDE NECKWEAR 50c to $1.00 All gift articles bought here are subject to ex change or money cheerfully refund ed after Christ- Harcourt Clotli Co Upon request, gifts chosen now can be held for Christmas deliv ery. Gift , boxes free with all purchases. . f it tl. it il i.t it t.t i.t it it h J.t J.t it h it J.t ? it h it k it it f it H it it il :.t it u it it in Wit it it it n ' i.t it i.i t . it it i.t it it in it K i.t i.t il t.t il it n it it iti i it it h ith iVii it; ;.t i.t i.t it h it ; it r it n a it ?? i.t i.t i.t it i-it ihi it h it h it i.t li n ; H h , it i n I; it ft i.t H it i it i J.t I: i it tt it it ill it it it i t it j t it J 1 1 J it It it i J.t W it It Jm it h it t i t it it l fa it ii it it II i it it I t it i t it it it it it H it il it ft it it it i t it in 'MHMW W WW WW WW W v llMWMHt?MKMHHttHWHoKitfWWWWuWWt7W