The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 15, 1916, Image 10

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A Host of Suggestions
for your guidance in making
Eleventh Hour Gift Selections
In our gift collections you can find the "Right Thing" for every member of
the family and for friends whom you desire to remember. Whether you wish gifts
of diamonds, solid gold jewelry, watches, clocks, china, table silver, silver novelties,
Cut glass or leather you will find here in every department a wealth of suggestions
to niect with every requirement and at a price to suit every purse.
'.The following suggestions arc intended for those whose time is limited:
Card Cases
Cigarette Gases ,
Shaving Brushes
Pocket Knives
Pocket Files
Dressing Cases
Manicure Sets
Fountain Pens
Ash Trays
Key Rings
Ink' Wells
Cigar Cutters
Match Cases
Shirt Cases
Toilet Sots
Collar Rags
Bar Pins
Rings f '
Veil Pins .
Hat Pins
Vanity Cases
Shoe Buckles
Bon-bon Boxes
Handy Pius
Mesh Bags .
Card Cases
Manicure Sets
Baby PinS
Comb and
Neck Chains
Napkin Rings
Teething Rings
Bib, Holders
Automobile Clocks
Smokers Sets
Enamel Watches
Nursery Pins
Jvory Toilet Articles
Tea Bells
Stamp Boxes
Shirt Waist Sets
Highball 'Sets
Nut Bowls
Sterling and Leather Photo Frames
1 Gravy Bowls
' Cold Meat Forks
Cocktail Sets
Thermos Bottles
'Sewing Sets
4,; Bread and Butter; plates
CLINTON, The Jeweler.
The Sign with the Big Ring.
A general meeting of tho depart
ments of he Twentieth Century club
was held Tuesday ovenlng at the home
of Mrs. J. S. DavlB.
Tlioso taking part In tho program
wore as follows: Head lug, Mrs. Frank
Buchanan; reading, Mrs. Wilson Tout;
Instrumental solos, Emma Boguo;
paper, Mrs. W. H. Blalock; vocal solos,
Mrs. J. S Davis. Tho club has agreed
to engage a community nurse to care
for the residents of this city who arc
in destitute circumstance and her
salary will bo paid with the proceeds
of the Hod Cross stamp salo which
is bolng conducted by tho ladles, who
have already sold one hundred dollars
worth. Arrangomont for tho Christ
mas treo program which will be hold
In tho court house yard wore complet
ed and although the tree will be Illum
inated on Sunday, Christmas Eve, the
program will not ho held until the fol
lowing evonlng.
One thousand packages of candy
havo been ordered and a Santa Claus
engaged. The musical numbers will be
In charge of Prof. E. A. Garllchs and
Miss Wright. Thirty Christmas bas
ckts will bo distributed on Saturday
morning Dec. 23d to the ncody families
and several of tho oldorly people of
the city will rocolvc special gifts.
Plans wor0 made for the district
convention which will be hold here be
ginning Apr.'l 1st.
Former Resident Passes Away
A telegram received Tuesday by E.
J. VanDorhoof, announced the death of
his father J. W. VanDorhoof at Coeur
d' Alone, Idaho. At tho tlmo of his
death, he with his wife who survlvos
him, . was making his home with his
daughter Mrs. Harry Pritchard. Tho
deceased resided In this city from
1902 to 1910, leaving tho latter year
for Giant's Pass, Ore., where he re
sided until the Prkchards moved to
Idaho. Mr, VanDerhoof was a veteran
of tho civil war and a Mason. He was
eighty years of age.
; to: :
Improved Stock Farm of 010 acres.
Frame dwelling barn, well ami wind
mill. Only $5.00 per acre. Easy terms.
: :o: :
Members of tho Yeoman to tho num
ber of nearly two hundred have form
ed a card league and will play pro
gressive five hundred. Each team will
be composed of eight members, and
the various teams will meet each other
In contests and a record kept of the
games won. At tho end of tho season
the winning team will bo .given a
prize. Members of tho league antici
pate much enjoyment.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McMullen havo
returned from Perry, la., where they
were called recently by the death of a
Mrs. Ada Lewis will entertain the
Club Nevlta at a Christmas party noxt
Wednesday afternoon.
Sacred Concert.
Tho combined Methodist and Proa
bytorlan choirs will glvo the following
program at the Proibytorlan church
Sunday evoning, Docomborl7th. A
cordial Invitation is extended to all.
Proludo Solected
"Behold I Bring .you Good Tidings'
"Silent Night! Holy Night!"
Mrs. Burko
"Tho Palms" Fnuro
Junior High School Boys Quarttto
"Once in Royal David's City" ..Steole
"Bothlohom's Plain"
Caryle Dorryberry and' choir
Solo Solected
Mrs. Osgood
"My Hobo Is Christ"
Miss McVey and Mr. Antonldes
"Tho Lord Is My Shepherd"
Dorothy Hlnman
Quatotto Selected
Goorgina McKay Ruth Loan
Mansel Overman, Jack Husband
"As Pnntoth tho Hart,"
Misses Betty and Dorothy Hlnman
"King Over Death and The Grave,"
Mr. Owens
"Tho Evening Star" Lachnor
Mrs. Burko, Miss -Erb, Miss Wright
"Bo Not Afraid," from "Elijah"....
::o: :
Victrolas ar0 becoming more popu
lar each year, and really no home is
complete without one, especially so it
tho mombors of the family aro .lovers
of music. Wo have Victrolas and
thoro are none quito so g00(i ranging
in prlco from $15.00 to $350.00.
Louis Assman, tho Omaha druggist
who was arrested this week as one of
tho bandits who held up and robbed
tho WInslow stato bank of $G,540, is
known among many local people, as
ho visited here frequently a fow years
ago as salesman for -the Mulford Man
ufacturing Co. of Omaha, and is a
nephew of Joseph Busch, who former
ly lived here.
Farm and Jtnnch loans at lowest
rates and best terms. Money on linnd
to close loans promptly.
Mrs. John Baker, who was visiting
In Omaha and Council Bluffs last week
has returned.
The Electric
Vacuum Cleaner
would make a useful
Xraas gift; order one
now at $19.SO. The
price will raise after
January 1st.
Phone Red 104,
With the High' Cost of
Christmas Gitts
. DR. 0. 11. CRESSLER,
Graduate Dealist
Oflko over tho McDonald
State Bunk.
W. II. McDonald will return today
from a brief visit in Omaha.
Clark Paulson loft Wodnosday oven
lng for Omaha to visit for a wouk.
Harloy Qatos wont to Omaha Wed
nesday night to remain for a fow days.
For Itont G room house at 320 So
Walnut. 800 T. M. Slmanta ut 303
So. Chostnut..
Mrs. A. M. Solbert returned Wodnos
day evening from Aurora and Grand
Island whore Bho YlBlted relatives.
Tho Rlncker Book & Drug Co. of-
lors for your glft-glvlng an oxcoptlon
aly lino lino of perfumes In Christmas
For Salo Cheap Good horse, buggy
and harness. W. C MoDertnott, phono
Black 850. 05-2
Mrs, Ix C. Nowton and children, of
Wollflcot, aro visiting hor mothor Mrs.
John Baker whllo unrouto homo from
Soft Water Shampoo and Electric
Masago. Coatoa Beauty Parlors. Phono
Rod C55, 93-tt
Col. W. F. Cody passed through
this inornlnK enrouto to Now York
whoro li0 goes to mako arrangotuonUi
for organizing tho show which ho will
put on (U10 road aoxt Benson.
A. L. Konold, gonoral chairman of
tho B. of L. E. left Wodnosday morn
ing for Choyenno aftor spending sev
eral days hero on bustnoss.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hayca and chil
dren, of Omaha, formor residents of
this city aro expected noxt weok
to spend tho holidays with Mr. and
Mrs, Qoorgo Austin.
For Salo Threo lots on west 5th
B'trcots for $450.00. First lota in Cody
addition, lnnulro of Will Hawloy. 05-tf
Frod Qarlow, who had boon trans
acting business In Omaha, spout Wod
nosday In town whllo' onrouto homo
to Cody, Wyo. Ho wont via Denvor
In ordor to moot Colonel Cody.
A nlno'und ono-half pound boy was
born Sunday morning to Mr.' and Mrs.
Arthur MNamurat of Oakland, Calif.
Mrs. MoNamara and th0 now son aro
roported to bo getting alpng nicely.
Tho girls' missionary society of tho
Christian churfch tworo entertained
Tuosday ovenlng at tho homo of Miss
Colosto Crawrord. Mrs. II. O. Knowles
who will soon loavo tho city, was tho
guost of honor.
For Ftrm Loans boo or write Geno
Crook, room 3, Waltomath- bulldlug,
North Platte. 41U
Miss A. Tracy, of Omaha, who ro
contly camo hero to uccopt a position
lu tho govornor-olect's office will
loavo after January 1st for Lincoln
to bo private stonogrnphor for Mr.
Merchants report Christmas trado
this weok aB vory satisfactory and by
tomorrow anticipato that It will b In
full swing. Noxt wook will, of courso
bo a busy one for nil stores that
handlo holiday goods.
Noxt Saturday, Dec. 10th, the Meth
odist ladies will hold their Christmas
bazaar at Dorryberry & Forbes store.
In tho morning tho food salo will
Include plo, cako, bread, Jollies, can
dy, etc. In tho afternoon a flno assort
ment of fancy articles will bo on
salo. Tho public Is Invited.
Ono nlco gift for tho boy or girl is
a nlco pair of ico skates. Wo handle
tho Spauldlng make, with tho now pat
ont clamp. They rango In "prlco from
$1.25 to $0.00.' Wo also carry a full lino
of Canadian hockoy sticks.
Tho losors of tho sorlcs of games
playod by tho Indian card club hold a
banquot and dancing party at tho Ho
tol McCabo Monday night. Thohusbands
and gentlcmon frlouds of tho mombors
were also guests. Covors woro laid for
fifty. Punch was sorved during tho
dancing. Miss Ruth Hoacock, of Om
aha, nnvH an out-of-town guost.
How to look your boat demonstrated
at tho Coatos Boauty Parlor.
At tho regular meeting of tho lo
cal Yooman Homestead Tuosday ovoiv
lng tho following officers woro elect
od: Foreman, Doan J. J. Bowkor;
Master of Ceremonies, E. II. Evans;
Correspondent, Leslie Basklns; Mas
tor of Accounts, Ray C. Langford;
Chaplain, Mrs. Daisy Martin. Tho Yeo-
men sorles of socials will start next
Tuosday ovenlng all mombors are re
quested to bo proaont.
Heal Estate and Insurance
Come and see ua for town lota la
mnercnt parts of the city. Good in
vestments on easy terms. Houses for
sale and rent We have also good bar
gains In farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dewey Sta. upstairs.
A Festival km held the- latter part
of last week by tft, schools of Lin
coln county of whtcjt there are one
hundred and fifty, Several districts
combined In lhfr program and ono
hundod and thirty entertainments were
given. Th parent ant friends of the I
pupils were fcswil Intftfitln pro
grams of rm4tnxfK riwrfc, spelling
bees and contort wr held at with I
mooting and tfc Mkoai work was on
In a recnt it ww fitatwl that
Georgo WiUon hn4 m atrreated on I
tho charge f fxrfttx 4mnk ami dlt-
ordorly, bssttlnsj hi vfifti h4 threat
ening to burn hi twxwe, r. Wilson
complains that this llnm was erron
eous; that he did nut uH hi wife.
nor threaten to hunt W hauun, hut
whllo undor the influence of liquor did
suggest to burn an auto whteh had
given him trouble. Whli it U true
Mr. Wilson was urraUJ, there was
no formal complaint tiled umintu him.
and it is only fair ti hliu Uxtt the cor-
loctlon is mude. ' (
Wo havo a Schiller Piano slightly
used nt a groat bargain.
The cose of John 1). Lincoln vs.
Charles J. Burke, Churlos J, MoNa
mara and tho Union Pacific company
which camo up in tho district court
this week wbb settled Tuosday after
noon in favor of tho plaintiff who ro
colvod ono hundred and soventy-flvo
dollars. In this caso tho plaintiff al
leged that' tho defendants whilo con
structing tho sower from tho North
rlvor to tho U, P. grounds allowed
water to run into Ills lako where ho
had planted a largo quantity of clover
and tho crop of seven acres was to
tally destroyed.
It Is more nccssury this year than over
before to remember that u gift should
he practical above all else.
Then, too. we should not spend more
thail wc can afford. Too often we al
low our enthuHlUNiu to overrule our
better judgment. In the mutter of buy
hit,'. Lot iih make this Christians u SANE
one and tho ilrst of tho Now Year will
find us all In a happier mood.
Platte Valley State Bank
North Platte, Nebraska.
Hello Boy's
If you are interested in
Call at C. M. Newton's Store.