The Guilty Man laf Alfalfa Queen Butter By M. QUAD fopyrlght, 1M6, bjr the MeCloro N'wpaper Syndiciitt. It is always Iresh and swppt and made in a clean 5s JAB a ihange liver nMmm it MM Is Being Wrought in Our Store fey the Arrival of Xmas Stock. THE LATEST IN JE1VEMIY AWAITS YOU K01V AT OUJt STOJIK -.INI) "W'E KNOW THAT i'OU WILL FIND JUST WHAT YOU WISH EOIt ALL MUMHEIIS OF YOUIt FAMILY AND YOUIt FRIENDS. SOMETHING NEW IN LAVALIEHS AND WHIST WATCHES. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF RINGS SET WITH A CAmEO, RURIES, DIAMONDS OR ANY STONE OF YOUR CHOICE. THE SEED PEARLS WITH DIAMOND CENTERS ARE ESPE CIALLY ATTRACTIVE IN THE LAVALIERS, ALSO THE CAMEOS. DIAMOND EAR SCREWS ARE VERY POPULAR THIS YEAR AND WE CAN SUPPLY THESE IN A LARGE VARIETY OF SIZES AND MOUNTINGS. W iP 101 MS jllf Do Shopping Early. Only 14 Shopping Days Left S?4 Em mmsl Jeweler HARRY DIXON Optometrist DR. 0. Jf. ORESSLER, l- ' Graduate Dentist O'fllcu over the McDonnltl . Stato Hank. CITJT AND COUNTY NEWS. '-A;' Mrs. W, H. Owono was talcon to tho City Ilospjtat this weok for (treat ments; '?' vfi-" Mrsi' jflj A, Surbor has returned from Goring whoro bIio visited rola UVoa.forA wodlc' Tho jury In tho district court was discharged Wodnosdny afternoon un til Monday, Dec, 11th. SMrs.-Charloa. Porklna a!id daughter jmvu'-iurui nuu - irom a V1UK Willi friends itjDonver. Hondquartora for Window Blass. ST(NB DRUG STORE. Idritco Ogler. who has boon 111 fofiepftjrtii months, fa ublo to alt up for a few" lioura each day. Four humltod nnd fifty now theatro chairs drj being placed in tho nudl torjiunloC'itho Junior high achool. Tho lndloa of tho Christian church will hold, u turkey Buppownnd bazaar ot tho Mauonlo hall Friday, Doc. 15th. Charles Hosts, of Omaha, formorly of this city, camo tho first of this wook to rnnsaot business and vlsll friends, J Fo quick nctlon and Bntlsfnttosy sallist your laud with Tlioclncku. If rMts&HMrilo Stack . wlU loavo next weok for Hastings and Lincoln to visit Tolatlvos and frlondB for n week or longer. Dr. V. Lucas Is expected to return to day from PaliBado whoro ho spent tho throo wooks with relatives. Mrs. Goorgo Austin returned Wed nesday evening from Omaha whoro eho visited hor daughter for two weoks. Mr,, nnd Mrs. Goorgo Yeoman who havo rosldod horo for two years will lcavo shortly for St. Joo whoro tho former has accoptod a position Mrs. Carl-B.pnuor, who has boon vis iting relative In Grcoloyi Colo., for sovornl w,cols, Is expected to return next weok. J. V. Cochran who has boon employ ed In tha Western Union office for sovoral wooks was transferred to Sld noy Wednesday. Miss Emily Pottorflold, of Charles Town, Woot Vo,, who Is visiting tho Novlllo family was takou vory 111 tho first of this weok. A. B. Main and Miss OUlo Mao Pcaao of Gothenburg, wore granted a mar- rlago llconso by County Judge French Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Sohollold and Mr. and Mrs. Ruscell Sohollold, of Wallaco, Bpont tho first part of this wcok visiting local friends, Tho Artificial Ico Company, Incor porated Wednomlay with Messrs. Will llawloy, Theodore Lowo and Goorgo Whlto of Suthorlnnd as stockholdors. Tho Epworth longuo will hold Its social and buslnoss mooting nt tho homo or Mrs. E. O. Cool, 421 Wost 11th street thlB ovonlng. An olcctlon of offlcors will bo held. Mrs. LouIb Potorson loft yoaterday morning for Hossvlllo 111., to visit hor mother on hor ninetieth birthday. Uo foro rotumlng sho will visit Tolatlvo In Omaha and Kansas City for two wooks. Mrs. F. C. Hoxlo returned Wcdnos day evening from Ogalalla. Mr. and Mrs. William Calupka, of Lincoln, came a few days ago to visit tho latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Murphy for a iweelc Dr. Morrill, Dentist. "Tho Battlo of Hearts" a Fox pro ductloii with William Farnum will bo tho' attraction n'o tho Crystal tonight. This b a fishing village story that Is pleaalng and exciting. Tho case of tho stato of Nebraska vs. Fred Bremer on tho chargo of oxceedlng tho speod limit In running his automobllo was triad In the dls trlct court Wednesday and the .Jury aftor being out ono fliour brought In a vordlc't of not guilty. All The Difference In The World nlint kind of flour you use. You can't nmko good bread, enko or imntry with Inferior flour. With COW lUtASI) flour It Is nlmoHt Iniposslblo to mnko poor. Even nn Inexperienced baker gets HplpndM roaults with COW 1IHANI) flour. If raises splendid, ly, bakes easily and tnstos do. llclous. Order u sack today for n trial. LIERK-SANDALL CO. Mrs. Harry Johnson will hako pakos Boston brown broad , Boston baked beans, 5o order. For Thursday dollV' ory order beans and bread on Tues day. For Saturday lYal Ivory ordor Thursday. Phon0 Black 354. 93-3 A Washington dispatch in yester day's sapors stated that J. J. Halllgan W. V. Hoagland and J. G. Boolor, of this city, woro among the guests .at a dinner given by Congressman Kin- kald. r Men's Suits aro bolng sold at spe clal prices such as aro novOr mado nt this Boason of. tho year, night now you can save throo to seven dollars on any &ult you buy at Tho Loador Mer cantile Company's store. Dodges tind Hups keep tho goara In them oven In tho worst of our sand hills. Ask any ownor. J. V. ROMIGII, Doalor. It Is understood that Win Ed la has traded 320 acres south of tho rlvor for land in California, and the now ownor will bo horo Biiortly to mako ar rangemonts to put up Uio Ico on tho lako, tho lator being Included In tho trndo. Tho caso of Rico against Rotulne, which lnvolvecd a noto of ono hun dred and eighty dollars, camo up. In tho district court Tuesday afternoon. Judgment was roudored in favor of tho dofondant who ngrood to pay five dollars, which caused tha costs to be paid by Rico. You can jeduco tho cost of living by substituting Buttermilk for Bwoet milk. You can not uso buttermilk foY yoUr icoffoo or urcakraBti food, but you can uso It for broad and cako maklng, and It la a hoalthful'bovoru'KO. Wo havo good clean buttermilk churn ed dally, at 15 cents por gallon. Bring your pall or Jug. North Platto Cream ery, first door north tit postofflco, I was not a tramp, but I had to be come the next thing to one In a sense. With my linvlng been ill una out of work for months, with my bofn? penni less nnd seedy nnd discouraged, with my asking for a meal hero and a bed thoro ns I tramped tho highways be tween London nnd Liverpool, no one could bo blamed for sizing mo up ns a "professional" ami treutlng mo accord ingly. Ono night, In tho county of War wick, I came upon n fanner who had neither wlfo nor children, but was Bring alone on his small holding. Ills rnmo was Holbornc, nnd, though gruff nt tlrst, ho flnnlly gave mo a hearty supper and tho prlvllcgo of passing the night In his bam. When supper was finished and he had heard my Btory. ho offered mo a pipe, and wo sat at his door and smoked nnd chat ted for an hour. It was agreed that I should turn to next morning and work with him in his Holds for half u month. While wo Were chatting, a neighboring farmer named Saunders camo up and halted for flvo minutes, nnd two others passed on tho highway nnd saluted Ilolbomo with a good evening. It was 10 o'clock beforo I went to tho barn, and, being tired and sleepy, I wns soon in dreamland. How long I had nlept when I was awakened by tho sound of voices In anger, I could not say, but I henrd what seemed to bo a quarrel be tween Holborne nnd another man. Tho votco of the other was high pitched and had a catch In it. It was not a stammer, but a sort of gasp, as if catching his breath. I wns not fully aroused, nor did tho quarrel continue long. It was sunrise next morning when I woko and turned out. The houso wns only about flvo rods nway, and aftor looking ubout to sco If Holborne were in sight I moved along to the house. His dead body wns on the grass before tho open door, ne lind boon struck on tho head with a club and killed by u slnglo blow. I wns upset by tho dis covery, as you mny believe. After touching his face and finding It cold 1 started off on tho run for tho nearest farmhouse, half a mile away. The farmer was milking, his cow, and his wife was preparing breakfast, but they returned with tno nt once, nnd other neighbors were called, and a boy was sent off to tho nearest police station. I told my story to tho people, and o,U believed mo. as why should they not when Saunders was among them? And yet when tho police enme their very first move was to arrest mo as the murderer. A trnmp had passed lhe night In tho barn. Of course ho tnimp had murdered tho farmer. If you ngrco that tho police were asses you will agree tbat tho others woro fools. No sooner was I charged with tho murder than all turned ngalnst me. Saunders suddenly re membered thnt our conversation was heated as ho camo up. Tho two who passed by thought they hoard mo uso threatening language. A farmer whom I had not seen nt nil the evening be fore clnlmed to havo como near enough to tho house to havo beard mo ask Uolborno for tho loan of 2. I was an gered, but not frightened. I nsked tho police to investigate my bed on tho straw, and they found it still warm. I asked them to look through tho house, and they found nothing disturbed. I asked them to noto that the body was cold, nnd tho doctor who was sum moned snld that life had been extinct for seven or eight hour. 1 was examined by n mngtstrate, who said I would no doubt get my Just deserts, and tho pollco mado no move whatever to find another party. Even tho Jailer and tho turnkeys chuckled over tho hanging thnt must result. I told of having heard tho quarrel, but they said I Hod. I told of tho arrangements mado to go to work for Ilolbomo In tho morning, but they smiled In derision. I was almost ready for tho assizes and the hanging when n iierson, whoso identity I do not know to this day and who must havo been moved by a spirit of fairness, sont mo a lawyer and gavo tho lawyer money to work with. Presto change! Why, n bom fool could havo picked up tho threads of the enso and cleared me. Within six hours after 1 had told tho lawyer of tho quarrel and tho man with tho catch In his voice they had tho murderer spotted, nis namo was Jamison, nnd tho quarrel was over tho leaso of tho farm, and tho club with which ho had dollvered tho blow, having lost his temper, but not meaning to kill, wns found In his houso. More than thnt, ho broko down nnd mado a full confession, nnd when tho assizes camo on ho stopd lu tho dock In my place. Nevertheless, In Betting mo nt liberty tho Judgo did it grudgingly and with n warning that my crimes must sooner or later And mo out, and I was scarcely clear of tho courtroom whon tho humiliated and chagrined pollco overhauled mo nnd said: "It Is Just posslblo that you did not commit this crime, but only becauso somebody clso got ahead of you. Wo know you hud planned to do It and aro a dangerous man to bo roamlug about, nnd If you aro not outside tho county iy Bimuown you suaii no run in ou suspicion 1" Jamison wns hanged for tho killing. nud a. long confession was loft In writ ing over his own hand, but thoro wero Bcorcs of pcoplo who still bcllevel that "tno tramp had something to do in iionie way with that murder. Creamery. - If for any reason your grocer does not"supply you with Alialfa'Quecn Butter, call at the Creamery or phone 62 and we will see that you get what want. Watch for' coupons in every carton, they are valuable. We have only a limited number of premiums so begin saving couponsat once. .i '.'.nt .. in nn: natte uearaerv. First Door'North of Post Office. I 1 -Tr.l BUY SCAREFUL BUY A HOME. Again our merchants have gathered products from East, West, North nnd South for your satisfaction at tho Christmas Buying Season. No llttlo time, thought and energy has been expended by them In order that your selection may bo from stocks unequaled In this community. Money spent with them Is money Invested in Home Improvements. 3Ion ey sent away is money invested in im provements for other towns. Let's make "BUY AT H03IK" our 1910 shopping slogan. Santa Clnus Banks Hero. c Platte Valley State Bank North Platte, Nebraska. -4 RAILROAD NOTES U. P. Special Agent R. L. North returned Tuesday from tho western part of this stato where he transacted business for two weoko. A. L. Knold, of Laramlo, chairman of tho B. of L. E. protective board. spent Wednesday in town whilo en route to Omaha (to attend a confer ence between tho brotherhoods and the Union Pacific officials. A special train carrying .'to Detroit tho western agonts of the Willys-Over land Automobile Co. passed through Monday night. Tho special wn3 a coun terpart of trains No. 1 and 2, with the exception that It carried more equip ment. It carried 220 passengers all au tomobllo men. Sam Toucey, lately appointed su perintendent of tho Wyoming division, has been mado general manager of the St, Joe & Grand Island road. Ho Is succeeded on tho Wyoming division by H. S. Boll, late superintendent of ter minals at Ogdon. Toucey is not yjt thirty years of age. Ho was formorly private secretary to Presldont Mdh lor. Chairman Bogue, of tho B. of R. T. protectlvo board wont to Omaha yos torday to attend, a conference of the chairmen of the four railway brother hoods with the gonoral manager of tho Union Pacific. Conditions on tho Union Pacific havo been somewhat awry during tho rush of traffic for sovoral months past, and those grie vances will bo discussed with General Managor Joffers. Tho now lot of Womon's and Child Ton's Coats that Just arrived this morning aro placed on sale at Janu ary salo prices, so why wait Buy now nnd got tho best and most choice selections. Drop Into Tho Leador Morcantllo Co'a storo and select your suit or coat and savo big money. During tho past week considerable work has boon performed on tho Pace track at tho fair grounds. Tho em bankment at the turn6 havo been mado higher, hlghxapots lovoled, and soft places surfaced with hcavlor soli. With I somo additional work In tho spring tho track will bo in fine shape. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Simon and child ren will leave shortly for Hastings to visit rolatlves. Rev. Arthur of Grand Island, visited this week with Dean Bowkor and left Wednesday evening ' Miss Mary-Carroll, of Wlsner, who visited with ,Mr. apd Mrs. Joseph Miy phy for two weeks, has gone homo. Georgo Prosper resumed his duties as cleric of the district court Wednes day after an illness of sovoral days. Miss Iva Mills, who recently camo horo from Cloveland, O., to visit tho W. A. Hayes . family, has accepted a position In tho O'Connor store. Frank Keonan and Enid Markey will bo at tho Keith Monday night In the 5 part feature "Tho Phantom"- and Hank Mann In tho 2 part comedy, "Hearts and Sparks." For Farm Loans see or write Gene Crook, room 3, Waltemath building, North Platte. 4itf : :o: Killing Thorn Off LIko Flics. A Copenhagen research society is reported In a Berlin dispatch as esti mating tho total losses of tho entente powers In killed, wounded and miss ing during tho-war at 15,100,000 jnen. of which, tho Russians lost 8,500,000 men, tho French 3,700,000, tho British 1,2000,000 and tho Italians 800,000, tho smallor nntlonB making up the remainder. FOR YOUIt AUTO SERVICE Call 125 for taxi day or night. Also flvo or seven passenger car for funoral service. MOGBNSEN-LOUDBN AUTO CO. Chandler & El car Ageacy, Cornor 8th and Locnst Sta. The Penn Mutual Life of Philadelphia Has paid for .more than $100,000,000, new busi ness this year. J. H. Hegarty, Agent. McCabe Bldg. North Platte-