The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 08, 1916, Image 10

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    Serai-Weekly Tribune
UM lu HAKE, IMIlor and i'ublltber.
One Year by JJhII In Ailrnwce.
One Ifcnrb Currier In AJmico..iJ0
wuwni , ... o 111 1 nim mm mf 0 I
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska,
Postofflce an Second Clans Matter.
PII)AV,,1)RC'K3IHIH 8, 19JC.
Keith Neville flptit yesterday In
Bridgeport on ItUBlncfMi.
J. II. XalmaMan loft yetrdy morn
Ins for lirule on bunlncm;'
For 'Hale lady's blcyclo In good
rondltlon. Phono Ihuik'ritJ8.
Will nrotornllJ!. of SIdnoy, vlsltod
friends In town tlio oarly 'part of ho
MIhh Kdnu Laughltn, of Sutherland,
ranie Ttiogdny to visit local frlond$
for a wook.
Mm. IBltnsr Coatee has returned
from an oxtandod Visit with hor dnugh
tor in Oaring.
County Jtidgo Fronoh loft yoatorday
aftornoon for Omaha to tfpond a fow
days on business.
Mrs. Will ffhnanta, who lias hcon 111
with pneumonia for tdn days, Is report
ed to ho Improving,
All tlio Mon'H and Uoy' Ovorcoatu
aro holriK Bold lit a big discount at The
Loadar Mercantile Co atoro.
Mm, H, L. Motcnlf, of l'nxton, canic
down yoatorday morning to visit hor
moMier Mrs. F, C. IIoxlo,
"A MIdniKht Hlot" will ho Hlie title
of the chnptor of tho film novel "Glo
ria's ttomsnce" at the Keith tonight.
Mm. C, 0. Hupfor fotnrncd tho early
part of tho woolc from Atchlnson, Kan.,
whoro sho vlnltod hor son CharloB.
MrH, Sfg Molton and son Don Molton
of Wallace, spent the groator part of
thla wcok visiting town friend's
E. Wills, of tho Woodward Co. who
froqiiontly vlaltB horo loft today for
Excelsior Springs to upond throo or
four wooko.
healo 'Mrpto and Earl Hamilton
returned yesterday mornlrig from Om
aha whoro thoy transacted htifilno3H
tilts week. ,
Mrs, Earl Luthor and baby, of'lCour.
ney, who wore visiting hor motlur
Mrs. Edward Dorcoy, returned homo
yoHterduy aftornoon.
Manager VanDollan, of tho local
tolephono company loft Tuesday ovon
lug for Grand Island and other poluts
In eastern Nebraska on business.
Amos Rons was 'grouted ft dlvorco
from Horn Itoss Wodnosday la tho dls
trlct court for extreme cruelty. Thoy
woro married In TIngloy, Iu., In March
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Grimes and chll
tlren, of Amhurot, who visited Mrs.
Grimes' brothor J. A. Uodgors and
family this weok vsturnod homo yestor-
dny nftajoon,
Nolllo liunaa v,-as granted a divorce
from Earl Inman In tho district court
yesterday morning. Tho dofendant
Is serving a sentence nt tho present
time In tho ntuto ponltoutlnry.
Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Donohowor, of
Columbus, and Mr and Mrs. Sam
Donohowor of Peoria, who woro visit
ing (hojro. lo'ft yesterday morning for
HUtnoriaiut to Visit tho Tollefsen
fumlly,.,, .
"Ho foil In Love With Ills Wife"
may Sound llko a tjueor tltlb for a
photoplay hut If you llko a story well
acted, well staged and wfch a popu
lar cast, bo nt tho Kolth Saturday af
tornoon or evening and boo Uila pie
turn -Florence Rockwell, Forest
Stanley and Pago Potora take tho lead-
lug parts.
Tho peoplo of North platio and sur
rounding territory aro very fast find
Ing out that North Piatt to one of ike
best trading points in Nebraska. JuaJ
yesterday The Leader Mercantile Co.
sold ft llg bills of goods to people Hv-
at PaxtOH. Juleteurg and Sttey.
Svral uiwmum1 Rwia caulks or
tiered, for u la tke pra4 Ti5s4av
evening fUtKi ta rack, tore ta ttae.
This wi a k tUfrappotiUwfst to
Cade MU Tlmr as4 Cwuiii Bill
t-3adj;ri. mm! aHe to Ue kM who
had expected to bare mla4 of tku
lo 8heot
The ladies of he Methodist church
will bold their aaaaal m! of faacy
work, aprons, home cooked food. Jl
lies, candles, vie. on Saturday. Doc.
ICUi. at Derryborry & Fortws store.
1kkI alo commencing at 10 a. m. and
lho snlo of fancy articles at 2 p. m
Tlo public Is Invitod.
A. Cfbtrly, tlio fonuor North Side
larbir. now ft resident of ScotU llluff,
l vfprtl HOTeral ilays iu town Uila wx.
jfo snyn vrhat Nortlt Platto neeils to
V Wta) ft roal good towa Is a hwt sugar
Ailctory Scotts Ultf owes IU won
To Mr. asd Mrs. CNto. C. Donafiower,
Of thU cfty, haa given tht prlrl-
! and pleasHre of celebrating their
nftlath wedding antilvertwry. This
erent which coma to comparatiYely
few, occurred Tuatfday. and there
were 'prevent with ttiem tholr two
daughters and two sons, tholr grand
children and several other relative,
aN mtrroundlng a table )adenel with
the good things that rofreeh the Inner
man and cheera the soul.
During tho day many friends called
to oxprese congratulations anu ost
xlahea, many floral tributes were
presented and coograUIatory letters
and tetegrAms received from friends
In diatant as well aui near-by atates.
Mr. and Mm. Donehower were mar
ried In Heading, Pa., Jlocotnbor 5th,
1880, and tholr fifty yoars of married
life hav been as nearly full of sun
shine as this oarth offers. To thorn all
clouds had a silver lining; the blttar
of life only tended to make sweeter
the swoot; a dovoted couple to whom
tho forenoon of life was full of hope
and oxpootatlon, the noon tlmo a par
tial realization, tlio aftornoon the full
harroat of a good and well spon- ac
tlvo llf, and now in tho eventide
thoy uro tho same sweethearts as of
Mr. and Mm. Donohowor came to
North I'lnlto from Hannibal, Mo In
1888, and for fifteen yoars Mr. Dono
howor iwas a faithful employe of the
Union Pacific. For a numbor of yonrs
past ho has lived a retired life. Thoy
aro and nlwwys havo boon among
North Platte's most refvpocted citizens,
and nil ncnualntancos unit con
gratulations on having lived to col
Obrato tholr goldon wedding annl-vosary.
Public Library Notes.
Tho pupils of tho Jefferson school
visited tho library Thursday so as to
become familiar '.vlth tho books and
how to uso tho library.
"Fish" Ithlnohart. A series of ad-
venturoo from which fishmongers are
"Homanco of o,r Christmas Card"
Wlggln. Full of tho warmth of an
old fashioned Christmas.
"Proof of tho Pudding'' Nicholson.
Characters extraordinarily human ,and
situations interesting,
"Undor tho Country Sky" Rich
mond. An absorbing novel of a rc-U
American homo.
When a Man's a Man" Harold
Poll Wright. A truly westorn story.
"Instoad of (tho Thorn" Buriiimm.
Abounds In pleasuro and Inspiration
for tho reader.
"Bird Houso Man" Eaton, A Story
full of birds, lloweru and Now ling
land folks.
No matlior what your lot may be,
there Is a porlod In your llfo when you
exporlonco tho fooling of a wild bird
In a glided cage. Then there la an
other glided cago and It's dollars to,
doughnuts that you nover heard about
It or tit least that you novor gavo It
much thought, and fchat Is "Tho
Glided Cago" visualized In tho ploturo
at tho Crystal Saturday night. Seo
this story and you will agreo that It
Ib a beautiful play ono that you will
want tho whole family tto bo enter
tained by. Our ndvlco Is as Jorry
used to say "Tako 'em."
. ::o::i
Diirbln Appointed Secrolnry.
At a meeting of tho directors of tho
Chamber of Commorco Wednesday
oventug County Treasurer Albort Dur
bln. who retires from offlco the first
week In January was appointed secre
tary to servo until May 1st. Mr. Dur-
bln Is ono of North I'latto'a llvo wires,
and aa secretary will prove a mighty
good man. As booh as ho leaves the
county troasuror's offlco ho will pro
ceed to "got busy" with matters per
mining to the commercial activities of
tho city and county.
Knights wm'ilnnunot Tonight.
Members of Palesttno Commandory,
Knights Tomplar, and tholr ladlos will
koM a banquet tonight nt which Mr,
sajl Mrs. Neville will be honor guests,
P. K. BUard will preside as toast-
master, and those who will respond 1o
toasts will be S. II. Donohower. of
Peort. 1M.. Albert Muldoon, "Dr. Red
hM. Saml. Gooseo and tho govornor-
eteet. Thee toasts will follow a five
course dinner. Stamp's orchestra will
rsadsr selections during the evening.
Truton Armies Tat Buchartvst.
Baharcet. capital of Roumanla. was
(Mptured Wednesday by tho Teuton
armies. Tills completes tho couqunt
of the southern section of tho Rtvi-
tuanlan Kingdom, embracing a tor I
lory of 50.000 square miles. Along with
Bucharest, the- Important railway
Juuctlon of Ploeohtl was taken.
i ::o::
Sunday schools at 10 a. ui.
touns peopios soatetles at 6:30 p.
ImK MAE"--- - 1
I Daintiness, so natural with most women, will be keenly appreciated in the gift you choose
I for her. If Christmas shopping for the ladies is for you a difficult task, let our courteous, 1
j efficient salespeople aid you as you choose from a multitude of things all delightfully femi-
nine, tokens expressive of your though tfulness and well-wishing.
g The Christmas rush is starling, avoid disappointment by joining the early buyers.
p Here Are a Few of the "Thousand and One Things" AH delightfully 0
Fine Georgette Crepe Waiats made:
up in very handsome designs,,
aomo witli deep capo collars heav
ily embroidered in beautiful pat
terns; othera with just a rich plain
"binding for ornamentation; colors
White, Maize, Mint or Flesh,
prices $.00, $7.00, $7.0. .
Combination Blovisos made of Geor
gette Crepe and Fancy Plaid Taf
'fotas, one of the very'new things,
priced at $7.50.. '' , "
No wardrobe is complete today without several cl
pairs of fancy hoSe.. We a're showing many,Ei J&1
beautiful patterns in fancy striped or em- , i ;ni; 4 ,,7, Io Z,, , l;
broidered Silk Hose in all the fashionable! LiP,?1 SSl,fL iU 1?,!?
shades as well aa )laln colors in both thread
and glove silk, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 a pair.
Make an ideal present. Fancy warp printed Taf
feta Petticoats, made full, nicely trimmed,
Protecto lining in back, $5.00.
Good quality plain taffeta Petticoats, Prctecto
lining In back, olastid waist bands, colors and
black, $3.50. .
Morning worahtp at 11 o'clock.
Robert Whit will speak on "The Hell
Of tho Modern Scientist"
KvNilnc -worship at 7:30. Music by
rful prosporlty to tlio auaar factory mo orcnwsira. u, a. vnun wui apeax
. ... Inn " KVntir'd "
i . V
Early Selection of
' io Suggested
t This is an unusual sea
son for Gloves. It is
difficult to procure ship-
, mcnts. Our stock is in
. good shape at present.
The thoughtful ones
will realize the advan
tage of early selection.
Washable Cape Gloves,
nicely erab r o i d e r e d
backs in contrasting
colors, $1.75.
Meyers' Velvet Finish
Mocha Gloves, silk
lined, colors- grey,
brown or black, $2.00.
Fownes' Kid Gloves.,
made in either colors or
black $1.50, $2.00 and
er Coat; Bradley's are tho best;
all colors and kinds, from the close if
fine stitch. to the heavy Jumbo; ft
prices $2.50 to $12.00. i!
Skating Sets, cap and scarf, knit g
from good grade of braided yarns, if
Sl.UU, $l.t0, $2.50.
uuii;i iiauu inigs, in uu uie new j,:
shapes, beautiful linings, a largo $
assortment at olio to $7.00.
Mesh Bags in popular shapes, $1.00
to $0.50
Jewelry of good quality, consisting
of Bracelets, Chains, Lavalliers, S
Lockets, Crosses, Pins, Rings, etc. if
Raincoats of dependable quality, it
These make a useful present, a U
largo line to select from at $:j.00 to U
Umbrellas are always an acceptable 8
gift; our stock is very complete in
this line, from $1.00 to $0.00
Purs, the royal gift
This store is
known as headquarters in North it
Platte for dependable furs and our
oiuuiv ib more compioto than usual. U
Nice sets from $5.00 to $50.00.
Separate Muffs from $5.00 to $10.00.
HtbL H. S. Whlto will onirtoln
tho mumhors ot tho Alpha-Ju-Slgitia
socloty Monday ovonlng, Doc llthv
Th nntlinllo. lntlllis' socl&tv hold a
very successful social at tho homoof
Mrs. J. K. Ottonstoln -yostoruay aftor
Mrs. Harny E. Johnston entertained
tho Entro Nous club Wednesday aftor
noon. Progressive card games were
Mrs. C. R. Morey will entertain six-
toon ladles at a cord party this aftor
noon and an equal number on Monday
Mrs. William Waltcmath will bo the
guost of honor at a series of after
noon parties to bo glvon by Mesdamoa
Honry and Fred Waltcmath next 'Week.
The domestic science department of
Htm Twentieth Century club will meet
Monday afternoon with Mrs. J. II.
Hegatty. A Christinas program will
ho rendered.
Mrs. Charlos Calhoun was hostoss
to tho Jolly Young Matrons' club yoa
torday. The Kuoats spent a pleasant
aftornoon In social conversation tu;l
Kensington work.
J. K. Sebastian was tondered a sur
prise party Tuesday evening on the
occasion of hln birth anniversary.
The eTenlng was pleasantly spont in
social conversation.
Tho Zetta Zetta club were pleasant
ly cntortalnod Wednesday afternoon
by Mrs. A. M. Solbert. Tho nfternodn
was epent In kenslngton work and
social convorsatlon.
The regular meeting of the Twen
tieth Century club will be held at
tho homo of Mrs. J. S. Davis, Tuesday
evening. The program will be In charge
of tho domestic sclenee department.
All members are asked to be present.
Mrs. Q. T. Field and Mrs. Keith
Novlllo entertained the Indian card
club Wednesday afternoon. First priie
was awarded to Mrs. Earl Hamilton
nd second honors were given MIh
Emily Porterflold.
Harriet Fleishman jmtortalned a
number of her youns friends at a
birthday party Wednesday afternoon.
Games were played and a nice lunch
served. Many prcUy gifts were pre
sented to the young hostess.
Members ot the J. F. F club were
ttve quests of Mrs. I. E. Stebblns Tues
day afternoon. Card games were play
ed and prlzos were awarded to Mrs.
A. W. Shilling aud Mrs. II. P. Ilencklc.
Guest prizes v;ero won by Mesdamcs
Theodoro Lowe and C. E. Miller. Tho
club will meet In two weeks with Mrs.
Glen Mann.
Tho D. O. T. dancing club wn3 or
ganized at tho offlco rooms of Attor
ney Byron Oberst the first of this
weok. Officers wero elected as follows:
President J. C. Hollman, vice-president
Harry Lawson, secretary and
treasurer Dr. Fonner. A series of
dancing parties will be hold during
tho wintor.
Miss Hazel Young entertained tho
members of the Catholic Girls' club at
the homo ot her slstor Mra Carl
Simon Wednesday ovonlng. In the pro
gressive card games prizes were won
by Miss Ethol Donegan and Mrs. Perry
Carson. Assisting in entertaining were
Mlse Florence Stack, Mesdames James
Hart, J. J. Horrlgan, Omar Huff.
Guosts of the club were Mrs. Herman
Schlcutcr, Mrs. Byron Oborst, Misses
Boylo and Trncy.
"Fours" for service. Ever hear of
anything but a fou r cylinder truck,
tractor or a successful racing car.
Moro cylinders mean more complica
tion and trouble, and less efficiency
and economy. Four cyliqdor cars ex
clusively. J. V. ItOMIGH, Dealor and
Distributor for Hup, Dodge and Chev
rolet. :to::
31 r. J. C. Christie Injured.
Mrs. J. C. Christie, of Edgar, wifo
of a former pastor of the Presbytorlan
church, of this city, was seriously
injured Sunday aftornoon while re
turning to Edgar from Nolson. where
she had gone to attend a funeral. The
driver of the auto In which she was"
riding went over a culvert a little too
fast and Mrs. Christie was thrown up
ward, her head striking the top of
tho oar, breaking the scalp and in
juring the spine or base of the brain
in suoh a manner as to cause paraly
sis from tho hips down. At last ac
counts it was not definitely known
whether the paralysis would prove
only temporary or lasting.
You mothers who have clothes to
boy for your boys going to school,
should not go to youH accustomed
placo but drop into The Leader Mer
cantile Go's store asd get a suit for
the boy and save one to three dollars.
It'a worth your while.
Mrs. John Ell nnd children returned
last evening from Goring.
Mrs. J. H. iicgarty iwas appointed
this weok to act as local representa
tive of tho state tubercular hoard.
Tho society Sven will meet at tho
homo of Anna and Emma Andorson,
114 E. Eleventh street, Thursday ar
ternoon, Dec. 14th.
Those Women'B Quilted Vests aro
certainly somo vest Being sold now
at $1.25 and $1.45. In plain iwhito or
black. Ask to bo shown them when
In Tlie Leader Mercantile Co's store.
Following a reported statement by
Presldont Wilson that ho was opposed
to nn embargo on wheat, an advance
ot six or eight cents a bushel was
made Wednesday.
Tho Presbytorlan Indies served an
excollnnt suppor In tho basomont of
tho church last ovonlng, and notwith
standing tho stormy weathor wore
liberally patronized.
Tho freight claim of th0 Union Pa
cific was adjusted Tuesday afternoon,
tho cars of brick hold by tho com
pany wero roleased, and bricklaying
Tcsumod. Sovoral cars of brick aro yot
needed to complcto tho work, but thoy
aro expected to arrive today.
Found A lady's fur collarotdo and
two scarfs. Inquire at this offlco.
A hay dealor and shlppor says about
ono-fourth of tho Lincoln county crop
has been bijled and shipped. Prcsont
prices aro around nlno dollars on
track. Tho futuro condition of the
weather will havo somo bearing" on
tho prices, but It Is nd; probablo that
thoy win rule Ionvor.
DO the things you know
you ought to do and YOU
KNOW you will be the
EACH and every time you
receive a payment of money,
place a portion of it in your
Savings Account in the
McDonald State State.
HAVING will only come
from DOING.
Start with a small amount
and keep it up.
M? Donald State Bank W