The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 08, 1916, Image 1

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    una m
No. 94
Thousands of North Platt0 people
and hundredths from the county pre
cincts and adjoining counties at
tested their appreciation of Governor
elect Novllle by attending and taking
part In (ho reception tendorod him
Tuesday evening. It was ono of the
largest outpouring of (people that
North Platto has ever seen; In fact
novor in the lilstory of the town had
such a sea of faces been witnessed as
assembled to gain admittance to tho
Lloyd or)era house following the par
ade, and only a fraction of the as
semblage couldd edge themselves In
to that building.
The reception opened with a parade
in which tho municipal band, tho S.
W. V. drum corps, the high school
cadets, the Spanish "War Veterans, sev
eral hundred) school chlldron, men
and autos participated, and from a re
viewing stand on Dewey streot tho
Govornor-olect and his party viewed
tho passing column.
Tho streets were aglow1 with bon
fires, and rod-lights, cannons were
fired and Iiomnn candles sent their
fiery balls skyward.
At tho conclusion of tho parade
an Informal reception was held atiluuu -tho
Lloyd. As the people entered th0;It,n& 11,3 htor Mrs. J. J.-Gettman
hall they wore directed to tho roceiv-1 for two weeks.
lng line In which were iGoV-EIetet 1 Tho Itowona Circle will meet Tuea
Neviilo and Mrs. Neville, Mr. and Mrs. 'day, December lUth, with Mrs. W. J.
C. M. Reynolds, Dean and Mrs. Bowker, Tiley. All Yeoman ladies are asked
Judge and Mrs. Grimes, Dr. and Mrs. I to come and bring a friend.
Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Geo N. Gibb3, Rov.
Fr. McDaid, Frank L. Mooney audi
Ray C. Langford. Tho crowd was over
and during this time selections were
and during this tlmo solctions wero
rendered by Stamp's orchestra, and
a male auartctto, composed of Clinton,
Harrington, Munger and Dirge. The
state farm male quartette also render
ed a selection during tho evening.
Dean J. J. Bowker 'presided as chair
man and introduced, in turn Messrs.
Gibbs, Bare, Grimes, Gillian of Lex
ington and Mcintosh of Sidney, each
making three or five minute talks ex-prsoslr.g-'fiu.Wgratlfication
of the people
of western Nebraska In having a west
ern man for a covernor. concnatulat-1
lng Mr. Neville upon his election and,after January lst- 1 can &lvo yu Bl1
predicting for him a successful admin-1 offerB now on 2 year onlers or club'
tmtinn f f offntra Tho vrnnr. i bine rates. Phono your Christmas or-
leet was Introduced amid prolonged ';
i i..i,i .i., m.J
people of his home town and westorn
Nebraska for the generous support,
given him in the primary, at the elec-
flnn. nnd fnr Mi rpnnntlnn nf Min
evening. During the program Mrs. W.J
J. Tiley gave a reading, and Miss
Ailcen Gantt in behalf of the ladies i
of western Nebraska presented Mrs,
"Neville with an arm boquet of Ameri
can Beauty Roses.
Following tho program dancing was
Indulged in until after ope o'clock.
During tho evening punch was served
hy a bevy of high school girls, and
that it was appreciated Is attested
by tho fact that 140 gallons wero con
sumed. The hall presented a beautiful ap
pearance, tho decorations used at tho
Yeoman's dance remaining intact.
Tho reception as a'wholo was very
successful, and tho Yeoman lodge,
through which It had .its Inception,
and others who assisted, are entitled
to credit for the nicety with which it
was carried out.
Martha Olivor was given a vordlct
of $10,000 in the district court at Kear
ney yesterday as damages for injuries
received when tho au'.o in which sho
was Tiding was struck by a train at
Mrs. Glen Ferguson entertained the
Et-A-Vlrp club Wednesday afternoon
at a kcnslngton. A Christmas itroo
party will bo hold at tho homo of Mrs.
John Voselpka on December 20th.
Mrs. Anna Church is assisting in
'tho public library this week during
tho absenco of MLs Loretta Murphy.
Leo Simon and Joo Knapp'left tho
first of tho week for Wallace to spend
several days on business.
Join the
The Pledge "I Will
Mrs. It. L. MeKcalf, of Paxton, ooiho
came yesterday morning to spond sev
eral days with local friends.
Mrs. Hoyt Haft came dontn from
Paxton yesterday morning to visit her
niothor Mrs. Lena Salisbury.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Brien loft yos
torday afternoon for Omaha to visit
rolatlves for a weak or longer.
Hoy Cochran returned last night
from Bridgeport, whero ho attended
tho state Irrigation convention.
Mrs. Prank llonhoka has returned !
hpme after spending two weeks visit
ing friends and relatlvos in Wallace.
Julius Pizer loft the first of this
ivok for Hastings and Grand Island
to visit irolntlves and transact business.
Miss Catherine Fostor, of Omaha,)
formerly of this city, Is critically ill
with, peritonitis at a hospital in thnt
Mro. Emily Richardson, of Cozad,
who has been visiting Mrs. Frod Dun
can for a wook, will return home to
morrow. Jacob Amen, of Hastings, loft Sat-
J . e T" ..I
When you want the latest shade,
color or quality In Dross Goods or
matorial for a Waist or Skirt or Dress
you will find It at Tho Leader Mer
cantile Company's store.
R. L. Harris, district commercial
inanagor of the Nebraska 'telephone
company, spent the first of this week
hero and left Tuesday evening for
Grand Island.
Mrs. Felix Simon and children for
merly of this city, who have resided
at Hastings for several years, are
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Simon
while enroute to Scotts Bluff to locato.
Soveral magazines will raise in price
,lo,rs as, 800,1 as 'Psslble. Mrs
Mitchell. Red 104.
M. V.
Tho Leader Mercantile Co's store Is
certainly Christmas headquarters. If
you donlti know; what to get or buy
1rnn Into Tho T.odilnr Mirr.n.nMln Cn'a
store. You will sure see something
that you will buy,
Joseph Steelier, tho world's cham
plon wrestler, was married Wednesday
morning at the Fontcnelle hotel in
Omaha to Miss Frances Ehlors, of
Scrlbner, Nebraska. They will re
side in Omaha after a honeymoon trip
to New York.
Russell Glnsglow who has 'been em
ployed at the Rebhauscn barber shop
for fiom0 time left Teusday evening
for Ord whero ho was married tho
following day tq -Miss Luella Tumor.
They are expected here this evening to
make their home,
Mrs. J. A. Foster, formerly of Mils
city, who has resided in Omaha for
several months past, camo Tuesday to
visit her daughter and other relatives.
Mrs. Ralph Ford and baby will leave
Sunday morning for Austin, Texas, to
visit relatives for several months.
Tho now assortment of women's and
misses' Dresses that arrived this
morning Is certainly good. Everybody
who has looked them over has bought
ono or two, When In town and In
tho store se3tion of North Platto drop
into Th0 Leader Mercantllo Co's store.
In tho enso of Thomaa Carr against
tho city, in which he asked $3,000 dam
ages for a fractured leg sustained by
a fall on a slippery sidewalk, Judge
Grimes Instructed tho Jury Ho bring in
a verdict for tho defendant. Tho Judge
hold that the city could not bo held ro
sponsible for an accident resulting
from natural causes,
odern Health
keep my mind and body clean
keep my body strong with good, plain food, fresh air and outdoor
exercise. . .
let air and sunlight come freely into the house where 1 live and the
building in which I work.
buy some RED CROSS CHRISTMAS SEALS to help prevent and cure
Will you not join in this pledge?"
ThU ! the plea from thouaands of boy and cult who have joined the Modem Health Cmtade,
Chas. P. Uom and C. C. Qinoux. rep
resenting tho colonization department
of tho Union Pacific, wore in town
Wodnosday for the purpose of offer
ing their aid In tho movement to se
cure a beet sugar factory for Lincoln
county. These gontleiuon met with
tho directors of .ho Chamber of Com
merce in the evening and nsaurod
the attendants that there would bo no
difficulty In securing a factory If a
sufficient acreage of beets can be oon-
traotoil. Thltt linlni rnn If la nn If-n
th0 noonlo nf Knrtii Pinitn. urahv.
Sutherland, Maxwell and Brady to Join
In concortod action "and socure prom
ises from farmors thnt they will grow
a yoarly nvoragd of not less than
8,500 acros, which is the minimum os-
s- ag '
of Commerce is concerned, It will at
once interest Itself in tho matter and
will invite tho co-operation of tho bus
iness mon of the valloy towns In th
county. '
The requlrod acreage nood not nec
essarily be all secured In Lincoln
county, as factories do not object to
paying frolght on a cortnln percentage
of the beets shipped within a radius of
fifty miles of the factory.
It seems to us that tho proper thing
to do is to invito farmors and business
men In tho a odd on betwoon tho 'oast
and wost linos of Mie county to at
tend a meeting in this city and discuss
tho factory proposition. It is only by
concortod action that tho required
acreage can bo secured.
As to the possible sito of a fad.'ory,
that Is an after consideration, and'one
that will bo dotermlnod by tho builders.
Tho factory Is needed by the county,
not by some particular town or lo
cality. Good Interest at Revival
Tho evangelistic services at tho Bap
tist church havo boon continuing with
good interest during Uhe week. Evan
gelist Earp's themo last night was
"Aji' Internatipnal Prayer Meeting."
During tho course of tho sermon he
gave expression to hl3 opinion on some
of tho' popular modern amusements in
cluding tho danco.
During the week ono young woman
at Itho North Side Sunday school ac
cepted Christ as her savior and last
night another was received into tho
fellowship of tho church. ,
Al services today will be In the
church. This afternoon, old people's
service, to which all people ar In
vlted. Themo, "Tho Christian's Inher
itance." Tonight a'D 7:30 "How to Seo
Saturday night at 7:30, a special In
vitatlon is extended to Masons and tho
Eastern Star chapter. Subject "Tho
Consecration of Queen Esthor."
Sunday 11 a. m, "How to Cd and
Havo Evory thing Yqu Need." 7:30
"Chickens Wll Come Homo to Roost."
Evening services next week Mon
day "The Wrong Way and the Right
Way to Confess Sin;" Tuesday-r-"Ro
generation and tho Now Birth;" Wed
nesday "Refugees False and True;"
Thursday 'Preparedness."
Tho eight months old twin daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Saggerson
died at four1 o'clock this morning aftser
a short Illness. Funeral arrangements
havo not been completed.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rlcheson havo
returned from their wedding trip in
Colorado cities.
Tho lifo of this institution comes
through the successful use of tho true
and tried Homeopathic remedy; noth
lng healing moro quickly, moro easily
moro permanently.
Horo is a hospital that Is making It
solf known by good results in Major
and Minor Surgory, and which is tho
Homo of Orlflclal Surgory with ac
complishmcnts that no other system
can dnro challenge in the treatment of
acuto and chronic diseases.
100S West 1th St. North Platte, Nob,
John S. Tivlnem, M. 1)
Save for n licllnlto Purpose.
You will nooil money for Christmas,
horo is an easy way to get it, a sure
way to havo it.
Join our Christmas olub which Is
now opqn. ,
For Class 2, pay . 2 conts tho first
woolc,, 4 cents tho socond wook, G conts
tho third woek, and so on. and wo wlll;nlke l,lt Burlington extension, from
pay you at 'Ihq end of fifty weeks
"Or in Class 5, pay E cents tho first
woek, 10 conts the socond weok, 15
cants tho third weok, and so on, and
wq will pay you nt the ond of fifty
weoks $83.75. j
You tuny revorso the order of pay
ments if you wish, to do so.
For Instance, in Clngs 2, going up,
tho payments s(art with 2 conts and
ond with ?1.00. If you dosiro to do
so, you may start with $1.00 tho ilrst
woek and pay 2 conts loss ovory weok
until the last week's pnymeut will bo
2 cent. You may do tho samo In
Class r.
Or yoin can Join Class 50 nnd pay 50o
onch woek straight through, oij yoif
can Join Class 100 mid pay $1.00 oach
weok straight thromrh.
Payments must be made evory wook
or mav h nin.ih in A.ivm,
Can you think ot n easier way to
provide money for Christmas presents?
loin vmirsnlf Pnt nvnrv on In vhnr
fnmilv tn Inln. Sim- in vmir
frlonds and got thorn to Join', ovoi'y-
bodv is welcome to loin. You. can 1oln
Call and let us toll you about our
IMlkU. . I
Mako your Christmas 'a merry ono.
North Platte, Nobraska.
: :o: :
A. Letter From Cnptnln Hiillltrnn.
.Llano Grande. Tex., Dec. 2nd, 191C.
Dear Mr. Bare: -I certainly want to
tiiank you nnd all my frlonds for tho
support given me in tho last election,
know I am a littlo late in wrjtlng
but we roturned only a fow dnys ago
from a maneuver that has kept us
pretty busy over since election. It
was only tho help of you people that
pulled .mo through and' I stirb nppre-
ciato it. I am suroly gotting anxious
to get back home. I expect to return
beforo tho first of tho yenr. Tho only
tiling that will keep mo ia acfual sor-
vlco, that is if wo get Into Mexico be
foro that time; othorwlso tho Nobras
ka boys will all soon bo back.
Tho company aro all lino and sur-
ived tho maneuvors in groat shape.
They aro all very grateful for tho box
of good things send from North Platto.
You seo wo had Just roturned from tho I
maneuvers tho day boforo Thanks
giving. For nearly two weeks wo had
been living on corned beof and bacon.
Besides that tho two days before
Thanksgiveing we had marchod thirty-
six miles, so that wo wero all In good
condition :to onjoy good eats.
Tho men aro all anxious to get homo
If thoy nro to seo no sorvice, other
wise thoy are porfectly willing to
stay. Thoy either want to go ono way
or tho other.
Thanking you again for your ef
forts in my behalf and hoping to bo
among you all soon, I am,
Very truly yours,
A Blnglo man on afarm. Steady
Job for good man. Address with refer
ence and wages wanted, Box 318
North Platte.
Harry Shilling and Stanley Adams
wero injured about tho face and nock
Tuosday evening by an explosion
which occurred whllo thoy nvoro pre
paring to firo a cannon for the govor
nor-olect. Tho boys had concoaled a
quantity of powder in a drain pipe,
somo of which dropped on tho ground
near 'tho pipe oponlng. A lighted match
thrown in that vicinity ignited tho
loose powder and tho fire extended
Into tho pipo which was broken into
small plocos by tho explosion. Tho
boys woro takon to a physician's office
whoro tholr injuries woro given at
tention. ,
Lost, Packago containing two dress
es, ono a bluo sorgo and tho other a
gingham; somowhoro between Nesblt
nnd North Platte. FIndor 'please writo
Airs. W. Z. Wood, Koarnoy, Nob.,
Ilorte C. 94-1
Miss Ituth Heacock, of Palls City,
who has been tho guest of Mr. and Mrs,
Ei-1 Hamilton, will visit Mr. and) Mm.
N. B. Buckley for a wook boforo to-
:turnlng home.
Deal Estate and InsHrance
Cnmo and boo us for town lota In
different parts of the city. Good In-
ventrionts on easy terms. Houses for
sale and rent. We have also good bar-
ralDH In farms and ranches.
Cor Front and Dewey Sta.. upstairs.
' Tho Kearney Hub of laM evonlng
contained the following nrt!61o:
It has boon about throe yoara since
the press of Nebraska drove tho ilrst
Kenrnoy to Bridgeport and thou tho
coast. From tlmo to time Wio whlspor
of "Dnnie Rumor" hns sot tho presses
to going and columns of "extension
work" given tho readers of tho stnto.
Tho Hub played its part and what's
moro is about to embark on another
lap in tho hopo for extension of tho
road, but this tlmo--no opinions nro to
bo oitored Horo nro the facta, you bo
tho Judge.
On tho Burlington siding In Konrnoy
thoro is shunted n string of spoclnl
cars, ongino, slooper, dining car and
oxtrns. Tho train' is inhabited by sur
veyors, employes of tho Burlington.
Tho crow, consisting of nbou't a dozen
men, has been gradually working its
way horo from Newark, making sur-
voys nlong tho lino. They havo boon
horo abou't threo days. Tho mombors
nro BPWnx llko whon ,1,0,r ornin(1 ,B
questioned. Thoy aro doing one of two
th,"BS- Preparing fr oxtonston of tho
rond or n,nk,nS now survey for nx
l"nU0Il purposes. UaVO yOUr c iOlCO
,vu I"" w u 1,10 'r lUOUglU,
iir a i. i-ii x t i
Whon It comos to Shoos The Loader
Mercantile Co. fits tho wholo family
tho wlfo, tho husband, tho girl and
Min hnv.
f r Gift
The nicest, snappiest and most pleasant car in cardom for
the family, and not too expensive for business if you value
your health at this time of the year. We must have your
order in advance as the demand has become very great in
all cities for this beautiful car.
Price is $648.00 F. O. B. Detroit.
Call or phone 34 for all particulurs. Ford Touring, $360,
Ford Runabout $345, Ford Coupelet $505, F. 0. B. Detroit.
Corner Fourth and Dewey. North Platte, Neb.
'local and personal.
Mrs. Ray Langford has gono to Com
ing, Iowa, to visit relatives for a week
or longor.
Mrs. B. A. Parkor has returned, to
Rawlins 'aftor nn extended vJsjk yith
hor parents in this city. ?
Tho losers in a uorles of card games
played by tho Indian card ..olub will
entertain tho winners nt '.tho Ubtol
McCabo Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gottman aro en
Joying n visit from tho latter'fM sis
tors, Mrs. Browning of Tacoma,
Wash., and Miss, Margaret Amen, of'
Miss Ollto Penso nnd Andrew- Main,
of Gothonhurg, wero married Wednes
day afternoon nt tho LoMar rooming
houso. Rov. Hull officiated In tlo
presence of a numbor of rolatlves.
Will dollvor Egglno Monday rind
Tuesday. Parties who have ordorod
ploaso bo ready Uo accept same aa wo
havo al nrgo torrltory to coven
W. J. HoldorosB wont to Paxton this
morning whoro ho has boon employed
(or Bomo tlftio on tho now electric
light plant, Flttoon houses nro yet to
bo wired boforo his work thoro will b0
completed. -
Weather forecast for North ' Platto
and vicinity: Fair tonight nud Satur
day with rising temperature; Sunday
fair. Highest tompornturo yesterday
28, a year ago 57; lowest last night 10,
a year ago 22.
Our- stock is replete with gift things
for Christmas, things for man, matron and
maid, and the children, too; If one . gift
. -
i bothering you especially, and the person. .
has "Everything", let us suggest some
unique thing that he or she has not.
Every sort of thing at every kind of
price but always the best thing at the best
price. it , .
The Jeweler and Optician.
,4. .
j !