The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 05, 1916, Image 1

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he llorth
No. 93
V. .11'
Texas Evangelist Begins Services
Ilov. Earp, of Toxas, who comos horo
to liold revival services at (the Bap
tist church, opened his campaign Sun
day with thrco addresses, and very
favorably Impressed his large audi
ences. Rev. Earp Is a very forceful
speakor, void of sensationalism, and
so plainly presents his pleas for bet
ter living as to deeply Impress his
ftearors. In stature he Is big, his
prosehao la commanding, his voice
strong and well rounded, and his com
mand of language excellent, and all
those tond to center the Interest of his
hearors and make moro fruitful f his
Rov. Earp will speak each, evening,
and probably at sonie special ser
vices, until December 20th when he
will return to Texas to spend Christ
mas with his family. Early In tho
new year he will return to Nebraska
to hold sorvlces at sevoral points.
Tho Zotta Zettn club will bo the Mr. and Mrs. Harrjson loft last ov
guostB of Mrs. A. M. Seibert tomorrow ' onlng for Julcsburg to nttond the wed
ding of a friend.
' City fUmucil XTita.
On account of the Nevlllo reception
tonight which Is the regular meeting
dato of the city council that body met
last evening and transacted Its busi
ness, which was largely of a routine
nature. Claims on file wore approv
ed and warrants ordered drawn for
their payment, and streot paving con
ditions were considered and plans dis
cussed for .assisting Contractor Stack
to got his brick "out of hock." The
chief of- police was instructed to give
tho guide posts in the center of the
streets throe coats of white paint, thus
improving their appearance and mak
ing them more noticeable to auto driv
Tho Indian Card Club will bo ontor
talned by Mrs. Field tomorrow nfter
i noon.
The Entro Nous ulub will bo enter
tained tomorrow afternoon by Mrs.
H. S. Johnson.
The Eldoen club twill meet Wednes
day afternoon with. Mrs. Goorge
Schaffor, 602 east Fourth streot.
Mrs. Julius Plzor very pleasantly
ontertatned tho mcmbors of tho Alpha-Mu-Slgma
society at bar homo last
Mrs. E. M. Johnston will entortaln
tho Elite club and 'their husbands at
a card party Wednesday ovenlng, De
cember 13th.
Tho Catholic Girls' Club will be en-
Mrs. Charles rovillo roturned last
vonlng from. Omaha whoro she visit
ed hor daughter last woek.
Mrs. Charlos Weir nnd daughter Eliz
abeth rotiurned Sunday evonlng from
a visit with Mr. Wolr in Grand Island.
Charlos Martini, Jr., returned Sun
day evening from Omaha where ho
took treatment for1 an. Injured knee.
Mr. ' and Mrs. Charles Boyorle, of
Kansas City, who visited Mr. and Mrs
C. M. Nowton last weok, have returned
Rov. L. E. Lewis, of Sidney returned
homo last evonlng after visiting last
weok with his daughter, Mrs. B.'A.
Georgo Yeoman returned last ovon-
Hnptist jrn's' Banquet.
Tho men's brotherhood of the Bap
tist churcrf'and ,a, few .invited guests
tertalnod bji Miss Hazel Young nt ( lug from Sioux City and Omaha whoro
the homo of her slstor, Mrs. Carl Si- he Itransac'tod buslnossv the latter part
mon, tomorrow evening. ! of last week.
Mrs. William Owens entertained tho 1 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Miller and
Elite card club Wednesday afternoon, j Mrs. Marlon Miller -and Miss Altha
Prizes were awarded to Mosdamcs H. IVJlllor, of Horshoy, spent Sunday with
P. Hcnckle, Joseph Jessup nnd-Ella Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Slzomoro,
TT....11 I
"UAUU I Mrsv Gr,cen, of Pittsburg, Pa., who
Tho members of tho K. K. Klub held ha3 been the guest of her daughter!
a pleasant banquet in their club rooms Mrs. M. M. Redcnbaugh for sbvera'l,
Thanksgiving ovenlng. Tho monu was ! weeks, returned last evening from a
nicely prepared and served nnd tho brief visit In Denver.
tables "prettily decorated. Red carria
tlons were presented to each guest.
At the meeting of the Travel and
Study Club hold at the home' of Mrs.
Bare last evening Miss Florence Stamp
read a magazine article. Mips Sylvia"
Remember, wo sell coal
County -Attorney Glbbs left yesterday
for Hayes Center, whero he will ap
pear as attorney In a damago case
arising from tho Burlington wreck
Watts, gave a paper on "Confucius," , gcV(jnU months agQ( h,s cent belng
anu oy r.equcsi jure, ueo. u. uem gave ralnMvn of onft nf. tho mon ,dllG(i
enjoyed a anquet In the basement of a. report, tho recent state conven-. DuT,ng h,a ausjonce Attornoy Keofo will
tho church lest evening complimentary
to Evangelist Earp who Is conducting
sorvlces at that cliurch., Plates were
laid for about fifty and the four-course
tlon of federated clubs
prosecute state cases in the district
Contract for Depot Let. i
Omaha Daners state that the con-1 At a meeting of tho Spanish War;
dinner served by the ladies was all "tract for tho construction of the now') Veterans hold at the home of, A. W.
-- J ... u - " 4 UMd .WA VUU VMUV UWWVSd J - Iillb IIU" I . -
that could bo dehred., . AttocUveJw officers worfr
painted menu cards were used. Rev.) has been let to the Stewart Construe- Velectod: Commander, A. W. Brown.;
Earp spoko for about fifteen minutos'tlon Co. on a bid of $100,000. This Is ' senior vice commander, O. E. Qar
on the servfeo man owes his creator j exclusive of tho foundation, which will rison; Junior v.led commander, A. E.
and tho advantage of Christianity in bo constructed by tho company. j Bell; offlcor of tho day, C. W. Likes;
tho performance of our every day ti10 Stewart Construction Co. Is tho officer of the guard, Julius Hoga;
iwork. It was a plain talk delivered , contracting firm that built it he new , trustee, Tim O Keofo.
in a direct manner and impressed his
.Case Goeg to the Jury Today.
Tho socond case of She state against
Jim Ersklne and Myrtle McClellan,
charged with keeping and offering for
sale intoxicating liquors was called in
tho district court yesterday. Some
time was consumed In securing a Jury,
Attorney Basklns, attorney for the de
fendants exercising his right of per--emptbry
challenges. The evidence in
jthe case was concluded last evonlng,
the arguments are being made this
forenoon and tho case will go to the
;Jury probably beforo noon.
Cnrpentcra Will Organize.
Journeymen carpenters of tho city
will meet at the K. P. hall this even
ing at 7:30 for the purpose of organize
irig a 'carpenter's union. General Or
ganizer Mlchles wM "be present and
address tho meeting, explaining the
benoflts to be derived from organiza
tion 'and tho method of perfecting a
local union. All who aro eligible are
urged to attend.
Dean Bowker and Georgo Frater
spent last evening in Kearney.
round house.
The contract for the Grand Island
depot was awarded to a St. Louis con
tractor for about the same amount.
t ::o::
Free Matinee Today.
At Tho Crys;tal. See "Death Valley
Dodge" films. x
Beet Prices Advance. ,
Tho contracts to bo Issued ' to tho
beet growers of Lincoln county for
1917 by Itho Grand Island factory twill
read six dollars per ton. This is tho
highest price ever paid in this district.
If there has been money made at
growing thorn at $5.00 per ton, later nt
$5.50, then tho $G.OO per ton price
means more "velvejti" for the grower.
Fivo Salesladies, apply at once at
Terms Easy.
The terms on the tracts of land In
thouffalo Bill Sub-dlvlslon, Scout's
Rest Sub-dlvlslon and lots are so easy
that anyone cap buy. One-tenth down
and balanco In small monthly pay
ments with only G inltorest on tho
i deferred payments.
Service! Strength!
Safety and Strength are the prime factors which
have built up the First National Bank. Service is a
part of our everyday business, in which we especially
pride ourselves, and which, we believe, if our growth
may be taken to mean anything, is appreciated.
These are the three elements which should enter
into consideration in the selection of a place to do
. YOUR banking, You will find all three here.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Paul Fear, eleven years void, whoso
homo was southwest of Sutherland,
tiled Saturday nlgh't at a local hospital.
He was brought here Saturday for the
purposo of having an operation per
formed for peritonitis but died before
such could take place. Tho remains
wore taken to Sutherland yestorday
by his mother and stepfather, who
had brought him here.
Make this a Jewolry Christmas, wo
have a very select lino of Diamonds
and at prices that yoni can afford to
pay. ' ,
CLINTON, Jeweler and 0pt:cl2n.
If moro North Platto ladles would
do their Chrlstnma shopping in tho
forenoon or tho early part of tho af
ternoon hotter service would bo given
them, and it wpuld bo a great accom
modation to the merchants. If all tho
shoppers select tho hours of three to
fivo thirty to mako their purchases
thoy overtax the clerical forces and
subject themselves to delays that are
provoking yet for which thoy are responsible.
Trade at Tho Star Clothing House
and get that $1G0 Harmonola. A key
with every $1.00 dash purchase.
Christmas will bo a happy ono at
tho Alex Fonwick homo for a family
re-unlon will bo held with tho fivo
daughters present. Mrs. R. B. West ar
rived tho later part of last week from
Basin, Wyo., Mrs. Eustls Gantt of
Missoula and Mrs. Ethol -Forrell will
arrivo this weok, Mrs. W. J. Osgood
will come later and Mrs. H. S. Ridg
loy of XJhcyenne, will arrive a day or
two boioro Christmas. Mr. Fenwick
says that a year, ago ho Issued tho
edict for all to bo present this Christ
mas and llko dutiful daughters thoy
will obey.
Tho people who saw and enjoyed
so much tho two' features that have
been shown nt the Keith tho past two
Wednesday nights will bo interested
oji know that "Rosemary will be
showii tomorrow night and It w'lth tho
other two formed a trio that tho Motro
people considered good enough that
thoy challenged all other companies
to put up three pictures that would
compare in , quality with these threo.
Margoierlto Snow and William Clifford
take tho leading roles in "Rosemary."
You will want to bqo it at tho Keith
Wednesday night.
i q ii i
Sonio great Imrgnlnq In city rosl.
deuces, choice vacant lots, farms and
farm lands.
Mrs. John Bakor left last ovenlng
for Omaha to spontl sovorol days.
Mrs. Jamos Morrow will leave short
ly for Pennsylvania to visit with rela
tives for a fortnight.
Mrs. Margaret Post, who has boon
111 for Bovoral weeks loft Friday morn
ing for Cnspor, Wyo., to spend several
weeks .with her daughtor.
Mrs. Charlos Weir and daughter Eliz
abeth went to Grand Island Saturday
altcrnoon to visit Mr. Wolr who was
recontjy transferred thero. 4
Soft Water Shampoo and Eloctric
Masago. Coatos Beauty Parlors. Phono
Red G55. 93-tf
Miss Ella Fleishman, of tho Omaha
Bee staff, loft Friday ovenlng after
visiting hor brathor Harry Fleishman
and family last woek.
Mrs. Lona Salisbury and grand
daughter roturned Sunday eVenlng
from Paxton whoro they spent Thanks
giving with relatives.
Sovoral magazines will raiso in prlco
;after January 1st 1 can give you good
Soffors now on 2 year orders or club
bing rates. Phono your Christmas or
ders ns soon ns possible. Mrs. M. V,
tttnimii noii ioj on.1?
Mr. and Mrs. Durham and Fred
kVlIC IIUJ f Kk ill 111 II V4Jf UtlD llUll,) O 1IU
fcjnno hero to visit Mrs. JWC. Askwlg
forming nor Illness, returned homo
"Friday. Thoy mado tho trip In an
John Barrymoro, fllmdom's fun mak.
or, will bo aeon nt the Keith tonight in
a hilarious comedy of thrilling adven
ture and humoroUB romance, "Nearly
oi King." In this Paramount feature
ho Is assisted by Kalthorlne Harris.
It is expected that congress at its
present session will approprlalto il,-
170,000 Jor tho completion of proposed
extensions to tho Pathfinder Irrigation
project. Whether tins moans more or
rw8 water for conoumorB Int his sec
tion, 'of the state remains !to bo soon,
Tho two children of Mr. and Mrs.
John Miller, who wreo granted a di
vorce last week, wore sent to tho state
Children's Homo in , Omnha Saturday
by Judge Grimes who decided that thoy
should not bo left in tho custody of tho
mother, Goldlo Miller. Tho chlldron
aro a boy five years old and a girl
threo, and thoy were brought back
from Wyoming whore thoy hnd boon
taken by their grandmothor, Mrs.
As a. Kentucky preacher who Iobos
even his mother's lovo when he re
fuses to tako part In a feud, Wm. S.
Hart has an entiroly now sort of rolo
for him in Ills latest Trlanglo play
"Tho Apostlo of Vengcanco,, which
will bo shown nit tho Keith Thursday
night. With this featuro will bo shown
tho two part comedy "Tho Mystery of
tho Leaping Fish," with Douglas Fair
banks and Bosslo Lovo. Don't pass
this program up and then toll us later
that wo failed to notify you Ithat Thurs
day would bo a good night t tho Keith.
Fivo Salesladies, apply at onco ni
: :o: :
Tho lifo of this institution comos
through tlio successful use of tho truo
and tried Homeopathic remedy; noth
ing healing more quickly, moro easily,
moro permanently,
Horo is a hospital that Is making It
self known by good results In Major
and Minor Surgery, nnd which is tho
Homo of Orlllclal Surgory with nc
complishmonts that no other system
can daro challonge in tho treatment of
acute and chronic .d seasos.
1003 WchI 1th St. North Platte, Neb.
John S. Twlnoin, M. I).
Gift Things
Our stock is replete with gift things
for Christmas, things for man, matron and
maid, and the children too. If one gift
is bothering you especially, and the person
-han "Everything", let us suggest some
unique thing that he or she has not.
Every sort of thing at every kind of
price but always the best thing at the best
The ' Jeweler and Optician.
Reynold Hnhsen spent Thanksgiv
ing with his brother In Sidney.
Earl Hamilton went to Omaha last
evening to transact business.
Lois Hart, of Paxton, is vlslYlng
with her grandmother, Mrs. Lena Sal
Alborit- LcDioyt, of Paxton, cnCno
down last evening-to visit his brothor
W. H. LoDloyt and family.
Mrs. Mary Bakor returned Saturday
evening from Council Bluffs whoro sbo
spont a weok with her daughter.
A manrlago Uconso wns granted yos-
torday afternoon to Miss Jean War
den, of Cozad, and Logan Marcott, of
Frank ThonipBonUof Bingham, loft
this morning for Sidney to visit rela
tives, after spondlng a week with his
cousin,' W. A. Kolso.
Miss Pauline Mayo, a reader of Lin
coln', will glvo a Polly Anna entertain
ment at tho high school auditorium
Saturday ovenlng undor tho auspices
of tho high school cudcts.
Tho high cost of living overshadow
ed all other Issuos in tho first day'fl
proceedings of congress yestorday.
Eleven bills and resolutions Book
ing to check tho soaring prices of
food by shopping shipments to Eu
rope reducing parcel post rates on
food stuffs or controlling cold stor-
ago wore Introduced In tho house.
Auction nf School Laud.
Notlco Is horoby glvon that on tho
29th day of Decembor, 191C, at one
o'clock p. m. at tho offlco of tho county
treasurer of Lincoln county, tho Com
misslonor of Public Lands nnd Build
ings on his authorized representative
' will offer for Icaso at public auction
all educational lands within snld conn
' ty upon which forfeiture of contruct
has been declared as follows:
Ett 30-11-27, Willard Nichols.
EV6 10,-12-28, Peter Burke.
NE'i $EVi, S SEVi 30-15-28, Ja
rob Balled
E&, NV NWVi 30-12-29, Barker
Lot 1 8-14-33, John W. Baughman.
Lots 2 to 5, SEV4 SWV4, SEV4 8-14
33, John Coker.
N NVj Lots 2, 3, i, 14-14-34, Frank
Dated Decembor 4, 1916.
Commissioner of Public Lnnde and
Mlas Ailcen Gantt spent yesterday
In Brady visiting schools.
Miss Artlo Lloyd has accepted 4
position in tho O'Connor store.
Mrs. P. A'.' Norton loft Sunday morn
ing' for Omaha to visit relatives for a
weok' or longer. ' ' ''
. it "-.
Miss Margaret Waugh lias accepted a
position in Itho Wilcox department
ForRont Room with prlvato family
closo In, board if proforrcd. Call Red
Mrs. Charles Roynolds twill return to
Mnxwoll tomorrow afor visiting at tho
Novlllo homo for a week.
Miss Doris Clark, of Paplllon, is ox
pocted hero this wook to bo tho guest
of Miss Hlldegarde Clinton for a week
or longor.
All members of tho G. I. A. to tho
B. of L. E. aro requested to moot In
tho K, P. hall Friday, Dec. 8th, for an
olectlon of offlcors. Socretary.
Muko this a Jowelry Christmas, our
B'tock Is very comploto and wo arq
laying. away Christmas gifts every day.
CLINTON, Jowdlcr and Optician,
Mr. and Mrs. Doorlng, of Grand
Island, will leavo tills wttok for home
nftor visiting their daughtor Mrs.
Thomas Groen for sovoral days.
:o: :
City property for fnniiH nnd farm
lauds. What liavo you?
wmnezuati -twwwuaB
fe-l 155 bEggggk .M
FnO r d sedan
The nicest,)mppicst and most pleasant car in cardom for
the family, and' not too expensive for business if you value
your health atlhs time of the year. We must have your
order in advance as1 the demand has become very great in
all cities for this beatuiful car.
Price is I&45.00 F. O. B. Detroit,
Call or phone 34 for all particulars. Ford Touring, 8360,
Ford Runabout $345, Ford Coupelet $505, F. O. B. Detroit.
Corner Fourth and Dewey. North Platte, Neb.