The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 01, 1916, Image 8

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    Serai-Weekly Tribune
IIIA L. BARE, Editor nnd Tublliher.
One Year by Mall In Advance.... $1.2
Otic Year by Carrier In Advance. .$JJ0
Entered at North Platte. Nebraska,
Poatofllco na Second Class Matter.
Kill DAY, DECEMBER lf, 1010.
OF farming 'diplemknts
A recent dispatch from Lodgo Polo
"A coal famine has existed lioro for
como time and no attention hag boon
paid to the tlcnmnd of tlio peoplo, al
though many wro almost freozlng
from the sovoro Inclemency of tho
wonthor The local doalorg had no coal
and could not procure any from tho
railroad company Promise after
promlso had boon made but no deliv
eries woro forthcoming On Saturdny
ovonlng ncoal train stopped here. Four
farmers, Henry Kurth, Theo'doro Pot
tor, Ray Johnson and Wood Robinson,
climbed on one of tho cars and began
throwing off coal with the avowed
purpose of weighing It nt one of the
ilealors and offering tho ngont of tho
Union Pacific tho pay.
In tho cabooso iwas Special Agent
Ralph L. North, of North Platte. Ho
jumped out and began shooting nnd
struck ono of tho farmors ovor tho
head with n six shootor. A mob of 200
citizens gathered and chased North to
tho depot, whorb he sought sholtor.
Tho agent barred tho doors of tho
station, wired to tho sheriff andntop
pod outdoors and urged upon tho peo
plo to dlsporao North went to Sid-,
noy and filed a ' complaint against
Kurth, Potter, Johnson and Robinson
and at tho examination in Sldnoy tho
mon pleaded guilty and Judgo Cham
bers fined thorn $1 and costs, tho min
imum punlshmont.
AduniNon Law lit Flnnl Court
Tho caso of tho Missouri, Oklahoma
& Gulf railroad, selected 'to tost the
constitutionality of tho Adamson law,
was placed Tuesday on tho United
States supreme court docket, tho last
stop In perfection by tho government
of. Its appeal from Federal Judgo
Hook's doclslon holding tho law un
constitutional, Tho Dopartmont of
Justlco advised tho court dork's of
flco that next Monday a motion would
be prosonted to sot a data for oarly
UnlooB tho supremo court gives tho
Aunmson act caso procctionco ovor
many others already assigned for
hearing beginning Mondny, It Is con
uldorcd doubtful whether It could bo
renchod 'much beforo tho middlo of
Docombor, oven should tho court ngroo
to advance tho hearings.
Capital (letting Too Largo
Detroit. AttornoyB for John F.
Dodgo and Horaco B, Dodgo, inuklng
final arguments In tho Injunction suit
brought against Honry Ford, prostdont
of tho Ford Motor company, alleged
that tho Ford company's capitalization
Is much greater, than tho maximum
allowed toy Michigan laws. It was ar
gued 'that although tho company's nr
tides of Incorporation show a capital
Izntton of $2,000,000, tho assets of the
concorn uro now 'worth 1400,000,000
It was assorted that Mr. Ford's plan for
increasing tho output of his plants
might conflict with atato laws, ono of
which provides that no concern can
Incorporate for moro than $25,000,000
in Michigan.
Garden county has boon granted
comploto jurisdiction over a much die
puted strip of territory throe by twon
ty-four miles, which has also boon
claimed by Arthur county. Tho lattor
county was organized In 1913, and at
onco claim was laid to tho land In ques
tlon. Possession for n poriod of ton
years or moro la rocognlzed by tho
court as being proof of ownorshlp. Tho
caso wus settled In tho stuto supremo
court. Aa a result of the dual claims
of ownorshlp, tho people residing In
tho threo by twenty-four strip hnv
boon somewhat puzzlod as to which
trounty was benefitted by tho paymont
of their taxes.
Miss Emma Durklund departed Titos
day for Nmv York, from which place
Bho wil sail on Docombor 2 for her
homo in Bwodon. Hor 'brother, Gun,
who had intended to accompany hor on
(ha trip Id obliged to remain horo for
a longer poriod of time. An error In
dates' of his citizenship papers leaves
It possible for tho Swedish govornmont
to roaulro his sorvicos in tholr urmy
should ho return at this time, so his
visit homo 1 postponed lndtnnltoly.
Sutherland Froo Lanco.
Tho door hunlttng soason In tho
Adlrondacks closed -with five funerals
of hunters mistaken for deor by limit
ors. Tho sporting kill was bolow tho
record. '
"Slngjo tax propositions oncountar
cd "Watorlooa In California .and Ore
gon. In both BUtfl tho rotors reject
ed tlio proposition by ovorwtiolmlng
Chicago Farmers face a heavy In
croaso In .'tho prico of farm Im
plements, threshers and tractors, of
fectlvo tho first of tho year. This be
came practically cortnln as a result
of 'the annual mooting of the manu
facturers of farm mnchlnory.
The system or long torm payments
will prtobably be dono awny with, It
wus learned, and what amounts to
cash prices 90 por cont down, will
be demanded. Dig ctop prices nnd the
now rural credit system mako It pos
sible for tho farmor to comply with
those change), delegates said. They
cited Increased cost of materials as tho
reason for the proposed ndvance.
Tlio delegates went Into socrot
session. It was loarnod that most of the
delegates agreed advanced cost cf ma
terials made higher price for farm
machinery necessary,
Delegates denied a formal agree
ment was mado or would bo made to
Inonenso prices, saying attorneys for
tho companies had warned them that
tlilo would violate the Shorman anti
trust law.
Washington Railroads will nood
$1,2130,000,000 additional capital an
nually for tho next ten or twelvo years
to iucrenno their facllitiae to handle
tho country's growing commerce, Al
fred I'. Thorn, counsol for tho rail
way executives' advisory committee,
told tho congressional railroad Inves-
San Francisco. Regular Honolulu-
Japan commorclol sorvlco was Inaug
urated last week by tho Marconi wlro
lcss 4 Tolograph Company, with mos-
sngos sent by Presldont Wilson and
othor promlneiv men from Dollnas
Rldgo, noar horo, via Honolulu, to tho
emperor of Jnpan and other dlgnatar-
los in that country.
The president's message to tho mi
kado follows:
"Tho government and tho pcoplq of
tho United Stntos of AmeTlcn send
greetings to your Imperial majesty and
to tho peoplo of Japan nnd rojolco In
this triumph of sclonco which enables
the voLco of America from tho Far
West to cross tho silent spaces of the
world and spotik to Jnpan In tho Far
East, hailing the advont of a now day.
May I his wonderful event confirm tho
unbroken friendship of our two nations
and glvo assurance of pence."
titrating committee. About $250,000,000
a year additional will be required, he! Kidney Pills to North Platto kidney
Residents of North Platfc Cannot
Doubt What 11ns Ileen Twice Proved
In gratitude for relief from aches
and pains of bad backs from distress
ing kidney Ills thousands have pub
licly recommended Doan's Kidney
Pills. Residents of North Platte, who
so testified years ago, now say the re
sults were permanont. This testimony
doubly proves tho worth of Doan's
Uorlln. According to Alio official
municipal Insurance bureaus, the num-
bor of women now employed Industri
ally has advanced to 47,5 por cont of
all workors, as ugalntt. 20.G per, cont
a littlo ovor thirty years ago. It rose
from 24.5 poricont, In 1913, an avorngo
year, to 3G.3, in 1914 J to 42.2, in 1916,
ami to 47.&. in iuio.
Wherns tho number of women now
at work almost exactly equals tho
numuor or mon, In somo Industries fo
male holp far outwoighs numerically
ninlo holp. TIiIb is especially tho case
in tno toxtilo and tho paper Industries,
though tho excess of womon omnlovod
seem m no mannor to havo lessoned
tno numuor or women who nro now
onormg tholr sorvlccs.
Where IT. P. Cur Are.
Only 2d por cont of the 22.315 box
cars owned by tho Union Pacific niw
on their homo lino, according to a
special report tnnuo at tho Omaha
Headquarters at tho request of tho
Nebraska railway commission, In tho
commission's probe n'to tho car
shortage situation In Nebraska on that
Tho Union Pacific reports that r.
C52 cntb nro on Its own lines, out of
tlio 10,091 cars 72 ner cont n uro
on an linos. Tho tabulation hIiowh
that about 0,200 cars of Its cars are
Boottored ovor eastern roads. Tho com
pany gots 45 conts a day from tho
roans tor tlio use of thoso enrs.
. iu, ;
Record Farm Prices.
Two land deals in which the hlch-
ost cash prico ovor paid for land In
tho north part of Platto county wero
ciosoa rocontiy. uno was an olghty-
ucro iaum near uroston owned by
wane rrutu, wn licit was purchased by
oiuh uertscn, uto prico paid bo
lug $200 an aoro. Tho othor was tho
150 acres on tho north sldo of tho
roan or tho Park Plnco farm owned
uy ur. congdon. This n oca luBt ad
Joins Humphroy and wuh bought by
mmo rruiii ior ?zi por acre.
Tho outcomo of tho ludlclnl lnnutrlns
Into tho AvhoreaboutB of tho fortuno of
Edward wi Morrison. Chicago's mil
llonless millionaire, confirms early sits
picions, Morrison was trlmmod of JS.
000,000 and Is considered a bankrunt
All kinds of poople of tho crooked
world worked on tho sonlloploneor and
iinooKotl off chunks. Tho blggost Job
or an was put up uy bis alleged attor
noy nnd reputed, guardian. James R
Ward, who Boquostorod $2,000,000
worth or Morrlson'H real estato. Tho
fedorul court has Us hook on Wnrd
and Is reaching for. othor crooks with
tho object of making thont disgorge.
Walter Fredorick Jordan of Hart
Ington, Nob., is an oxaihplo of tho
low cost of living. Ho Joined Uncle
barn's navy front tho Omaha rocrult
ing station and assertB ho has gained
twonty-oJgiijt poumln in ono month
and a half. Tho navy allowanco for
seamen Is approximately 12 conts por
All hands of tho California section
of tho Standard Oil company have
been given an eight-hour work day
Lust yenr this company tickled stock
holdora with a 50 por cont dividend
Now tho workors got theirs.
Tho deportation of thousands of Bel
glun mala cltlzons to Germany to be
absorbed by tha Gorman population 1
ono of thu most drafclio features of :'te
fato that ha3 bofallou this unhappy
Thlrty-Blx states will bo required to
adopt a prohibition amendment to tho
federal constitution but this Is not
as formidable an undertaking as many
think. Tho states already dry will af
ford a tremondous lovorago.
Tho English government is planning
tho control of food supplies and tho
regulation of prlcos. If tho plan is
adopted it will bo Interesting Ho watch
Us operations.
Choor up I Wo are promised tha,t
eggs will cost Bovonty-flvo conts a
dozen for Thanksgiving. But who cares
for eggs, anyway,?
said, to, refund maturing Indebtedness.
To attract Investors, Mr, Thorn sug
gested that Mie federal regulation
should roplnco the prosent system of
authority dlvldod bctweon the .states
and tho central govornmont. He cited
examples of Injustice and hampering
of railroad financing caused by state
control of issues by Interstate rnU
roads. Unerring to tho need of additional
rallrottd facilities Mr. Thorn said:
"It has beon found that tho wealth
of tho country lias been increasing
at the rnto of 8 or 9 per cent a year
and the samo ratio of incroase has
hold good as to the demand for trans
portation. As tho forces which have
affected the growth and development
of tho past apparently still continue
In full oporatlon and may bo expected
to contlnuo for tho next ton or fifteen
years, at least the investment In rall
road facilities to moot tho largo re
quirements of the futuro must conse
quently grow at a corresponding rate
of Incroase." The owtlmato of $1,250,
000,0000 for additional transportation
facilities includes nothing for exten
sions into now torrltory, ho added.
"Where is this monoy or any sum
approximating It to como from?"
asked Mr. Thorn. "This problem. Is
ono of vital Interest to tho public be
cause on it? successful solution de
pends tho commercial facllitloa of the
country. Would it do to confront tho
Investor when asking for this great
investment with a situation where the
rovonuos of tho railroads are not sub
Joci to tho control ot the Investors,
1tut are fixed and limited not only by
governmental authority, but tby many
unco-ordlnate state authorities In no
way rosponslblo to each othor and
whoro the railroads cannot control and
tho government cannot and docs not
limit tho expense account."
: :o: :
Warning on the Coal Fnmiiio
Lincoln, NOb. A coal famine
throughout vho middlo west may be ex
perienced In tho noar futuro, as tho re
sult ot thoinllure of Uto railroad com
panies to provide onough cars for Uto
handling of grain and other freight.
Tho car shortage has beon back ot the
grain movomont to utch an extent that
many cars whlcn , unouiu nave ucen
loaded wl;h coal for slilpment from the
mines aro still uelng used for grain
traffic nndi other freight.
A warning as to What may bo cx-
nectod como3 from W. L. Barnes, su
perintendent of transportation for tho
Btirlincton railroad, through u. u.
Powell, rate expert for tho Nebraska
railway commission, who has Just re
turned from an eastci'n trip. Mr.
Barnes urg03 everybody to lay in coal
at enpo, so as to guard against .being
caught shorthanded 'wihen winter sets
In. Jlo says the railroads w(ll hot, bo
able to move coal fast enough to; sup
ply tno neeuB oi mo country.
: : o : :
Uryitn to Talk Moral Issues
Now York. Wllllnm Jennings' Dry
an has given up attempting to-solve
economic problems and hereafter will
dovoto himself to moral issues, lie de
clared horo In an address beforo the
Rotary club,
Tho tariff, ho Bald, was uiscusscu
100 yoars before ho took It up "with
all tho zeal of a young man" ana
Probably would be dlBcussed for an
othor 100 vonrs. but as to tho .moral
quostlon, When that Is "settlea it
stays settled and so I expect quicker
and moro satisfactory results rrom
my efforts.
. to '
Saloon 3Icn for Enforcement:.
A well known Hastings saloon pro
orlctor Is a liberal contrlbuton to tho
dry federation's thousand dollar fund
for strict law enforcement wnon tno
prohibitory law becomos effective.
Othotl Balooa men who aro already
planning for futuro business In other
vocations have announced tltemsoives
favorable to strtct law enforcement
and that thoy will aid tho proposed
vigilance committee or ono hunurott
business and professional mon.
Hans Johnson, 814 Walnut street,
North Platto, says: "For a number of
years I was troubled by kidney com
plaint, off nnd on, duo to heavy work.
I have used Doan's Kidney Pills, pro
cured from tlio Roxall Drug Store, and
hnvo always found tlfom a splendid
kidney medicine. A short uso is all
that is nccessnry to rid mo of back
ache and lameness and chor ail
ments that go with kidney trouble."
The nbovo stntomont was given Aug
ust 2, 1910 and on Juno 3, 191G, Mr.
Johnson said: "I havo had no kldnoy
trouble for somo time and give Doan's
Kidney Pills credit for having rid me
of It. I am recommending them as
highly as ever."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't sim
ply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kldnoy Pills -the same that Mr.
Johnson has twlco publicly recom
mended. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Props.,
Buffalo. N. Y.
I hnic pleased others, I can please you.
J. L. Mitchell
oi j.extngton, .ci)., win mime your
Public Auction Sales. No extra charge
for trasportntfon. References, the
farmers and stockmen In Dawson nnd
adjoining counties, for whom I have
conducted auction stiles for tho tmst
12 years. Clmnrcs reasonable. For
Kale dates, phone or write,
Lexington, Nebraska,
or make ditto nt this office,
Special Attention to
Surgery, Gynecology nnd Obstetrics.
Nurse Bnown Memorial Hospital.
Fonndcd 1880.
It's the household word In Western
Nobraska. It's Old Line, the best mon
ey can buy. It's what you need, for a
savings bank and Insurance that In
sures. Thoy all buy it
"Tliero is ft Reason"
For further Information
Phone, call or address
E. SEBASTIAN, State Agent,
Tho Old Lino Man
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office : Building and Loan Building
ph I Office 130 ,
Phone" Residence fl5
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
' L. C. DROST,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
For tho Treatment of
Phono 110. John S. Twlncnt. M. D.
Wo will give tnvny absolutely free
n now range to tho one ' who mos
nearly guesses tho number of beans
In tho Jar. It costs you nothing to
mako a guess. We aro milking the
nbovo offer to Introduce our full line
of House Furnishings.
Hospital Phone Black 633.
Houbo Phone Black 633.
Graduuto VetorlnurJun
Eight yearB u Government Veterlnar
Ian. Hospital 218- south Locust St,
one-halt block southwest of the
Court Housb.
Physician and Surgeon
Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor.
Phone, OIUcc, 83; Residence 38.
$ $ $ $
Chadron's New rostofflco Building.
Postmaster Browstor has rocolvcd
tho plans for the now federal build
ing nt Chadtion. They call for one
ot tho llnost buildings of Us kind In
western Nebraska. Tho appropriation
mndo by congross was ?110,000. The
plans aro for throo Btories and a oaso
mcnt of prossed brick.
U. V. Brldgo Open Soon.
Omaha, Nob., Nov. 20. Work on the
Union Pacific's now bridge ovor -tho
rlvor horo has progresso so rapidly
that It Is assorted that not later than
Decombor 15 tho tracks front tho old
brldgo will bo cut ovor, aftor which tho
spans of tho now brldgo will bo used
Real Estate and Insurance
Come and seo ua tor town lots in
different parts ot the city. Good In
vestments on easy terms. Houses for
sale and rent We have also good bar
gains In farms and ranches.
Cor Front nnd Dewev Bts.. upstair
The Penn Mutual Life
of Philadelphia
Has paid for more than
$100,000,000, new busi
ness this year.
J. H. Hegarty, Agent.
McCabe BIdg. North Platte
Ecctrlcal Supplies
Wiring Storage Batteries
worscu uiag
Phone 176.
8 $ $ $
Hides 17c lb.
IRON $6.00
Sags 1c Ik m
Bones, Dry, $12
Big Prices for all kinds m
"' F0RS
Corner Front and Locust
..Genera! Hospital..
One Halt Block North ol Postoflice.
Phone 53
A modern Institution for tha
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J. B. Redfield, M. D.' J. S. Simms, M.D
Miss M. Sienan, SupL
Gertrude Rebhausen,
Teacher of Piano
102 South Locust Phone Black 342
Florence MacKay
Teacher of Piano
804 west Fifth St.
Phone Blk. 524
Practice Limited to
Surpfory nnd llndium Therapy
72S City National Dank Hulldlug.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Successor to
Drs. Rodfleld & Redfield
Office Phone 642 Res. Phone 676
Makes a Specialty of Farm Sales, Puro
Bred Llvo Stock and Real Estate.
Toms Reasonable.
E . L . JONES,
TJp-to-l)nto Auctioneer.
Phono Maxwell Stato Bank
at My ExponBo for Dates.
Sheriffs Sale,
Offico 333 Res Black 542
6 Reynold Building
Offico 4iour3 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
7 p. m. to 8 p. m.
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residence Red 63G Ofileo 459
Nothing "Would FIcaso Husband
or Father More Than a Box
of Our Cigars.
By vlrtuo of an ordor ot salo issued
from tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nobraska, upon a decreo ot
foreclosure rendored in Bald Court
wherein Florence M. Horshey Is plain
tiff and Oliver A. Rldonour ot al aro
dofondants, and to mo dlrocted, I will
on tho 23th day of Docombor, 191G, at
2 o'clock p. nt at tho east front door
ot tho Court Houso In North Platto,
Ltncol n County, Nob., 1916, sell at
Public Auction to tho highest bidder
for cash, to satisfy said decreo, inter
est andticosts, tho following descrlbod
property, to-wlt:
South Half (SV&) of Section Ton (10)
and tho North Half (N) ot Section
Fifteen (15), Township Eleven (11),
North ot Rango Thlrty-Thrco (33),
Lincoln County, Nob.
Dated North Platto, Nob., Nov. 27,
n28d29 Sheriff.
PIcaso him bccauBo thoy aro good
Cigars made from good tobacco
mado well by hand made fresh.
Ask tlio men who have been smoklnrr
our cigars for 25 years u to their
We carry a fall lino of smokers'
Licenced Embnlmcrs
Undertakers und Funeral Directors
Day Phone 234.
Night Phone Black 588.
Notice to Creditors
Estato No. 1438, of Bertha Hocauel.
deceased, In tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nobraska.
The State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said estate will take notice that the
tlmo limited for presentation nnd fllr
ing of claims agalnct said estate is
June 8, 1917, and for settlement of said
estato Is Octobor 7, 1917; that I will
sit at tho county court room in said
county on Docemebr 8, 191G. at 9
o'clock a. m. and on June 8, 1917, at 9
o'clock a. m., to receive, examine, hear,
allow, or aujust all claims and objec
tions duly filed.
ndl - County Judge.
Notlco to Creditors.
Estato of George W. Hannah, de
ceased in tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, ss: Credi
tors of said estate will take notice
that tho tlmo limited for presentation
and filing of claims against said
estato is June 1, 1917, and for settle
ment or said Estato is October 30.
1917; that I will sit at the county court
room in said county, on Dec. 1st, 1916,
at 9 o'clock a. m. and on June 1st,
1917, at 9 o'clock a. m to receive, ex
amine, hear, allow, or adjust all
claims and objections duly filed.
County Judge.
Edgar Jtahnston will take notlco
that on tho 6th day of November, 1916,
i . H. sumvan, a justlco of tho peace
of North Platte Precinct No. 1, Lin
coln county, Nobraska, issued an order
ot attachment for- the sum of 513.35 In
an action pending boforo him, wherein
Mrs. Nollio Potter Is plaintiff and Ed
gar Johnston defendant; that property
consisting or money In the sum of
$10.55 in the hands of tho Union Pa
cific railroad company, a corporation,
has boon attached under said order.
bam cause was continued to the
9th day of December. 1916. at ten
o'clock a. m-
Dated Nov. Nov. 18th, 1916.
Notlco of Petition.
Es'tato No. 1446 of Claus Gruenau.
In tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska To all per
sons Interested In said Estate tako
notlco that a petition has boon filed
for tho Iprobato of an Instrument, pur
porting to bo the foreign will of Claus
Gruenau and the appointment oJ
LoulBa Grenau, as Administratrix,
with Will annexed In said Estate,
which has been set fon hearing herein
on December 15, 1916, at 9 o'clock a.
Dated Nov. 17, 1916.
n21-dl2 County Judge.
Notice, Decree of Heirship
Estato of Sophia Moyers, deceased.
In tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
Tho heirs, creditors and all porsons
interested Irt said Estate, will take
notice that on the 11th day of Novem
ber, 1916, Jack Palmer, claiming title
by niesno convoyanco from Sophia
Moyors, decedent) filed his petition
heroin, alloglng that tho said Sophia
Moyers died intestate on or about
Feby. 21, 1883, a resldont of tho city
of Washington, D. C. and that at tho
tlmo of her death sho was tho owner
of, or had an Estato 'of inheritance
in fee slmplo title in and to Lots 7
and. 8, Block 64 city or North Platto
In said Lincoln county Nebraska,, and
that no application has beon made In
tho said state for tho apolntment of an
administrator. That sho loft surviving
hdr Minnlo Oborst, over tho ngo of 21,
residing at North Platte, Nebr., a
daughter, Mary Reagon.ovor tho ago
of 21, residing at Washington, D. C, a
daughter, Fred Moyers, over tho age
of 21, residing at Washington, D. C, a
son, Sophia Federhoff, ovor tho age of
21, residing at North Platto, Nobr,, a
dalughter. ,
That all Uto debts of said decedent
havo been paid, and praying that reg
ular administration bo waived and a
doareo o onlored barring creditors
and fixing tho date of hor death and
tho degree ot kinship of her holra and
tho irlght of descent to said real estate.
Said petition will bo heard Decem
ber 15, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m. at the
offico of the county Judgo in said
county. GEO. E. FRENCH,
n21-dl2 County Judge.