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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1916)
THE SEMLWEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Enthusiasm for Furs. Furs have invaded every branch of woman's npparel as tho most desired of garnitures. There Is an Immense enthusiasm for thorn. They add a sumptuous toucli to coats aud suits nnd wraps of all kinds. In millinery (a border or collar of fur on n lace or flower-trimmed hat makes places for jits summery gaycties in tho depth of ;winter. Millinery designers delight in Itho touch of fur. Just about the best asset in' the winter's wardrobe is a fur set of some .sort a neckpiece, little or big, and a smart muff. They ure worn with coats and suits, 6ne-piece frocks; nnd evening wraps. Anything unusual or original in designing them, so long ns fit is graceful, adds much to their dis tinction. Tho woman who is clever iabout making tilings for herself at liomo can make small fancy neckpieces nnd pillow muffs of fur or of fur and n material combined. Concerning Skating Sets. The golden days of Indian summer might make us forget winter, or cease to believe in It, If It were not for forecasts in tho shop windows. They are full of fineries and furbelows for :Chrlstmns gifts, nnd furs nnd wraps that will warm thoso who wear them to the soul; or let us hope so. It Is to ho gathered from them that skating will bo winter's foremost pastime, for there are all sorts of skntlng outfits displayed. Thero nro costumes among them In which sports cloths reach tho apex ;of luxury nnd beauty, nnd thero nro ninny unpretentious but captivating .skating sets, sometimes of three pieces, and often of two. Tho three--pieco sets Include muffler, cape, and muff to match, and the two-pleco sets muffler aid capo or hat. They raako Ideal Christmas gifes. . Several of the new materials, as wool velours. Bolivia cloth, nnd tho lighter fur-fabrics arc perfectly adapt od to these sets. Eiderdown Is an ideal material for them, nnd tho sot shown In tho picture Is made of It. Hut any of the soft, woolly cloths might bo used for tho plain muffler rand to cover tho small hat shape, with . , The handsome set pictured Is mado of moleskin bordered with Hudson seal. Tho small cape, rather full, Is lengthened by two ruffles of moleskin, nnd has the effect of a triple cape, each, one of them bordered with the seal. There arc two similar ruffles at each side of the muff. Tho rullies are lined with mole-colored satin, nnd the very modish collar muffles up the neck in the approved stylo. All the soft, loosely woven cloths that are fashionable nro combined with fur bandings In smart sets. Vel vet, brocade, and rich ribbons play an Important role also in fashioning them. Neckpieces In combinations of fabrics and fur nro usually small, but muffs are lnrger than many all-fur muffs. Largo fur-covered buttons and hanging balls of fur arc among tho embellish ments thnt fashion approves. Occa sionally n bright-colored material Is veiled with a sedate color In chiffon and encircled with fur In unusual sets. about tho snmo good effect. Tho hat Is held on "By a bridle of eiderdown, nnd tho sportive-looking pompon Is made of yarn, which Is of nil things the best for decorating skating sets. Besides the sets made of fabrics thero are practical and hnndsomo ones of yarns. Angora Is tho coziest looking of these. White bordered with colored stripes nnd bright colors, trimmed with white, seem to mntch up best with a winter landscape; at any rate this is tho opinion of thoso who have designed skutlng togs. Hut more audacious color combinations may ex pect to meet with approval against n background of Ice and snow, and after all is said, there Is nothing better than vivid Scotch plnlds for winter sports. Beware the Trained Short Skirt. Thero Is ono Pnrlsjnn horror made only for American buyers, lit which uo vrnlo Parlslenno would bo seen nnd which I warn you to avoid tho short, full skirt with a long train attached to It. Every time I see women thus garbed I almost laugh right out; they look so funny. Lucllo In Ilurpefo Bazar. BEEF STEW WITH DUMPLINGS Either "Altch" or Shlnebone May Be Used Vegetables In Plenty Requisite for Success. Use an "nltch" bono for this and re servo pnrt for a ronst, ns tho whole bono would make stow enough for 15 people. However, shlnbono can bo used If you prefer. Take off enough of tho fat to brown tho meat nnd vegetables and lot It bo trying out while you nro preparing tho meat. If thore Is no fat use n lit tle pork fat or drippings. Cut your meat Into dlco about an Inch largo ench way, dredge them well with salt, pepper nnd flour nnd brown In hot fat. Put In your stewpnn. Cut two onions, ono small turnip' nnd linlf a carrot into dlco nnd brown; ndd to tho ment, cover with boiling water and cook until tho ment Is ten der. Romovo bono nnd skim off tho fnt; ndd six or eight smnll potatoes, which hnvo been pared and parboiled.' Add salt nnd pepper to taste. Cook until nearly done and then ndd dump lings. Dumplings. One pint of flour, one-, hnlf tonspoonful of salt, two teaspoon fills linking powder. Mix thoroughly. Add enough milk to mnko a soft dough. Shape and cook ten minutes In the soft dough. Add salt nnd bak ing powdor to tho flour, nnd sift nil so as to mix them thoroughly with enough milk to mnko a dough you can. handle; It will take about n cupful; they can be dropped from tho spoon or shaped a llttlo with tho hands. The stow should bo boiling rapidly when tho dumplings nro ndded, nnd continue to boll rapidly while they are In. Do not have so much water or broth In tho stew that tho dump lings cannot rest on tho ment or on tho potatoes. If they do not they will be heavy. And do not put In so mnny thnt they will crowd each other, for that makes them heavy also. JOHN BULL PLUM PUDDING Recipe That Has Been Popular In England for Many Generations Sauce to Accompany Dish. Ono pound each of suet, sugar, cur rants, raisins, sultana raisins (seeded), mixed cundled orange and lemon peel; one-half pound each of bread crumbs nnd flour, ono tenspoonful each of salt nnd mixed spices, eight eggs, n wine glassful of brandy. Chop tho suet finely nnd mix in tho following man-. ner: Put tho twlco-sifted flour In u largo bowl, add tho salt, spico and sugar, then the chopped raisins and currants nnd fruit peel, then the bread crumbs nnd the sultana raisins)1 which nro not chopped. Bents tho eggs to gether for ten minutes, then strain nnd ndd tho brandy to them nnd pour Into' tho bowl. Stir and bent well for 25 minutes. Put the pudding Into a well- buttered mold, which must bo tied up in n white napkin which has been thor oughly boiled Just before using, nnd floured over the top. Set the mold in n large kettle, cover with boiling wnter and boll for 13 hours. Pudding Sauce. Ono wine-glassful of brandy, two ounces of fresh butter, n cupful of powdered sugar. Set tho butter and sugar near tho stove, whero they will dissolve, udd the brandy nnd beat thoroughly with an egg-benter. Just before serving set In the top of a teakettle nnd serve boiling hot. Dove Chicken. As cooked by the West Indln Creoles, it is most delicious. Boll a large chicken in Just enough water to cover it. When tender remove from tho flro nnd ndd to tho chicken water, a'half can of tonintoes, somo minced parsley,1 two red pepper cones, two chopped onions, a little black pepper nnd enough salt to taste. Stew down to n rich gravy. Then make a stuffing of mashed Irish potatoes, moistened with this gravy, adding n teacupful of raisins; stuff tho chicken nnd brown In tho oven. When done, servo with what was left of tho tomato gravy. Lemon Pudding. Beat two egg yolks with two cup fuls of sugar. Dissolve four table spoonfuls of cornstarch In enough wa ter to dissolve It, stir into four coffeo cups of boiling water (not hot, but It must bo boiling), ndd Julco and grated rind of two lemons, then ndd the sugar and eggs. Bake in a buttered dish about twenty minutes, then cover with tho beaten whites nnd two tablespoon fuls of sugnr. Brown In tho oven nnd servo very cold. Pickled Eggs. Boll fresh eggs one-half hour, then put into cold wnter. In tho meantime hnvo beets boiled until tender, remove skins, cut In dlco form nnd covered with spiced vlnegnr. Shell the eggs nnd drop Into tho plcklo Jnrs. This Is an ornnmcntnl pickle and considered very good. v Corn Custard. Ono can corn, one pint milk, ono tablespoonful butter, ono tnblespoon ful sugnr, onc-hnlf tenspoonful salt, and two eggs. Mix corn, milk, snlt, butter and sugnr. Add beaten yolks, then whites, put In buttered dish nnd bnko In moderato oven until firm. When Pressing 811k. Always press silk under a piece of muslin to prevent tho silk from becom Ing hnrd and crnckly. tflrst dnmpen tho muslin, and uso n moderately hot Iron until tho muslin Is quite dry. Butter Substitute. A great saving mny bo effected by mixing equal quantities of good mar garine nnd fresh butter. Tho mixture tastes quite as well as fresh butter. UNITED w s " ' . ' -vs, W&tiM T,WroR.Y OOMINKT&D Kir'i'ifri'r by villa, oanpts TBRR.1TOR.V DOMINATED ZAPKTA and OtAJv. CONGRESSIONAL Senator Newlnnds sprang a surprise at tho opening session of tho Joint committee of congress appointed to consider conditions relating to Interstate and foreign commerce when ho declnrcd that tho wholo railroad wago question will bo Investigated by tho committee, ns well ns the advisability of government ownership in place of government control, tho rights of shippers nnd n number of other lines of Inquiry. Itopresontutlvo Adnmsou (scntcd at left) Is chairman of tho houso committee, whllo Senator Newlnnds (seated at the right) Is chairman of tho senate committee. Tho other members (standing, left to right) nro: Senator Cummins, Representatives Hamilton and Sims, Senators Underwood, Itoblnson nnd Braudegeo and Iteprescntatlvo Esch. NEW ROYAL FAMILY ChurlcH Francis Joseph, tho now emperor of Austria-Hungary, with tho Empress Zltn and their son ami duughter. Wounds Left Unbandaged. In the new ozouo treating of wounds banduges aro dispensed with, uud the loose layer of lint which forms tho only covering used Is removed fre quently for subjecting tho Injured flesh to a stream of oxidized oxygen. Tho painful removing nnd replacing of bandages Is mado unnecessary. Much suffering Is prevented In this way, and tho healing effects of tho ozone baths uro described us quite remarkable. Tho ozono is generated by menus of an electrical apparatus. HOW MEXICO IS TORN BY REVOLUTIONS Tho mnp shows In n general way ow tho various revolutionary forces ontrol vast areas of Mexico outside f the Oarrnnzn Influence. General AS COMMITTEE TAKES UP OF AUSTRIA-HUNGARY War as a Wonder-Worker. War Is u rare wonder-worker. Less than ten yours ago tho proposal to es tablish a municipal milk supply for London was supported only by tho more during progressive cundldutcs. All tho rest shrank from It in horror and all over the metropolis moderates denounced It us runk Socinllsm. Now with considerable additions It Is coolly and unanimously put forward by u commission on which all political parties uro represented and no ono sceina horrified, London Chronicle, Pershing's column still holds Its posi tions In northern Chihuahua, nnd Its general location, with Its headquar ters nt Colonlu Dublnn, Is shown by No. 1. No. 2 shows where Vllln bandits looted Mexican Central train nt. La gunn station nnd executed 20 Cnrrnnzni guards on October !1. They nro now lu control of u large part of Chihuahua. No. 8 shows whero Zapata follow ers aro reported to have massacred 10Q women, children nnd Cnrrnnzu soldierH In the stato of Morclos, south of Mex ico City. No. -1 shows whero Felix Diaz's forces captured the city of Tchuunte pec and have Invested Snltnn Crus! and Contzacoalcos, on tho Gulf of Mex ico side of tho Isthmus. LcgnllstaH also have captured Important towns in Chiapas and Oaxacn. Tho National Guard nnd regulars still nro maintaining the guard along tho border. CAPITAL P CAMPECHI RAIL WAGES WARDS OFF AIRPLANE BOMBS r J Here Is the latest wrinkle In nuviil construction, a bomb-proof shelter on lighting musts of tho U. S. S. Arizona. Tho steel awnings will protect tho men lu tho fighting top from bombs dropped from airplanes. MRS. VANDERBILT IN MARBLE; G. S. Pletro bus completed u niurblo bust of Mrs. Alfred Gwynno Vunder bllt, considered ono of tho most beau tiful women In America. Art critics pronounco tho bust us tho best mar, bio portrait work Pletro has dou J $ jj'