The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 01, 1916, Image 5

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    Leypoldt & Pennington,
Hay, Grain, Seeds, Flour and Feed
Stuffs, Hard and Soft Coal.
We have spent a great deal of money in building a plant
that is up-to-date in every respect and we are in a position
to giye you bERVIGE AS GOOD AS THE BEST as well as
pay you all that conservative buying will permit. We are
always on the job and arc here to stay, therefore cannot
make any promises which we cannot stand by.
When you want to sell, give us a chance. When you
are in the market for Flour. Feed or Coal, call on us and wc
will do our best to please you. We sell our guaranteed
Blue Diamond Flour for a little less than others for the
, same grade.
Phone 99 Leypoldt & Pennington.
Office, Elevator and Warehouses, Front St. and Silber Ave.
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
State Bunk.
Miss Marie Stack visited Mrs. Chas.
Roynolds at Maxwell Tuesday.
Arthur Toole of Kcarney visited his
sister Mrs. Harry Boyle this week.
M. E. Scott and son have returned
from a visit in Omaha and Lincoln.
J. B. Hutchinson left Tuesday for
Kearney to spend a couple of days.
Mr. and Mrs. John Frederic! left a
few days ago for Boulder to. spend a
- Vfiruftt "iriirlif lmvo boons" ntul
i- ...! tn.. ...111. Tl'.11.....4., I
ill't UIMV illlU iUSUl3 tlUUUHULai3
Insurance Agency.
Cyril Cool will leave today for eastern-
points to remain for a couple of
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis havo re
turned from a brief visit In Grand
Ray Smith will return Monday from
a short visit in Grand Island with
James Boyle who had been visiting
in ;Oraaha for several days has return
ed home.
Ward Cheney and mother, of Minne
apolis, Kans.,nrrived Monday Ho visit
Mrs. J. C. Askwig.
Miss Ruey Shaner left Wednesday
for Maxwell to spend Thanksgiving
with her parents.
A. B. Huntington is, acting as bailiff
at the district court during the Illness
of William Engle.
New and second hand auto casings
and tubes for sale. Nebraska Tire Re
pair Co., I. L. Bailor, Mgr. 88-1
Mrs. Wilson Tout nnd children went
to Kearney Tuesday afternoon to visit
friends for several days.
Miss Ida Ottensteln has returned
from Blair where sho attended the
Ware-Waltemath wedding.
Mrs. Wood White left Wednesday
afternoon for Grand Island to spend
Thanksgiving with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Thompson
left Tuesday afternoon for Big Springs
to visit frionds for several days.
Mllledge Bullard who Is n student
at the state university came home visit his parents.
Mrs. Emily Richardson, of Cozad,
enrao Tuesday evening to visit with
Mrs. Fred Duncan for several days.
For Rent Five room modern houso
614 Lincoln Ave., corner of Sixth St.
Inquire of J. H. Fonda. N80tf
Ray C. Langford and son Russell
witnessed tho Ncbraska-Notro Dame
foot ball game at Lincoln yesterday.
Mrs. J. E. Sebastian and children
went to Chappell Tuesday evening to
spend tho remainder of this week.
Miss Ada Toole loft Wednesday ev
ening for Kearney to spond the
Thanksgiving holiday with the homo
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turpio and
baby went to Golden Tuesday morn
ing to visit relatives for a week or
John Lincoln who is attending tho
Kearney Normal came homo Wednes
day evening to visit his parents until
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Mitchell will
leave tho latter part of this month
for Omaha to spend three weeks with
Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stone Drug
Mrs. Charles, Hupfer left Tuesday
afternoon for -Atchlnson, Kans., to
visit her son who is attending Mid
land college.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Gustloff, of Excel
sior Springs, who were guests of the
Flynn family left Tuesday evening for
western points.
Mr. and Mrs, H. Winters, of Key
stone, who came to attend tho Flynn
Haggorty wedding this week left yes
terday morning,
Miss Mildred Fitzpatrick, vwho Is
taking a nursing course In St Cath
erine's (hospital In Omaha, is very ill
with pneumonia.
For quick action and sntlsfactosy
snlo list your land with Tlioelscke. tf
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Elliott of Lincoln,
came up Tuesday evening to visit for
a week with the former's parents Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Elliott.
Miss June Burgner left Tuesday
evening for tho western part of this
state to Aislt friends and spend a few
days with her sister in Sidney.
Don't profess Christianity, but prnc
tlco It. Woodhurst's Insurance. Agency.
Rev. S. F. Carroll, of Wisner, for
merly pastor of St Patrick's church
came Tuesday evening to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Jos. L. Murphy and other friends
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beyorle, of
Kansas, City, who conduct an "Uncle
Tomis Cabin" Co., visited with the for
riler's sister Mrs. C. M. Newton this
Take your auto tiro repair work to
tho Nebraska Tire Repair Co., I. u
Bailor, manager, G07 Locust street.
Miss Emmy Burkland wJio had been
visiting relatives in Sutherland, for a
week loft Tuesday afternoon for her
former homo in Sweden to remain in
Miss Irene O Donnell, who came
down from Cheyenne the first of this
week to attend the Flynn-Haggerty
wedding and to visit friends, loft
Tuesday evening.
Thn markets are full of worthless
materials. This store positively and
absolutely refuses to sell them. Wo
consider our natrons' confidence our
gieatest and chief asset It's on theBe
Hnos Hint. Thn I.nader Mercantile Com
pany Is building business that Is sure
to grow.
m t
Following tho conviction of Jim
Ersklne and Myrtle McClollnn on the
charge of selling a quart of whiskey
to John Little, County Attornoy Gibbs
filed a complaint against Jossie Park
hurst Wodnoftday charging her with
porjury. Tho latter was a witness In
the case, and in the complaint filed
against her It is charged that she tosti-
flcil that neither Ersklne nor tho Mc
Clollan woman sold Llttlo tho whis
key, but that It was sold to hint by n
man who occupied one of tho rooms nt
Madison rooming houso; that the man
camo out of his room, handed Llttlo a
quart bottle of .hlskey; that Little
placed the bottlo In his overcoat poc
ket and without a word passing be
tween the two, Little handed the
sl rangor two dollars. Tho stranger
then roturned to his room.
In tho trial or the caso Llttlo testi
fied that he went to tho rooming house,
engaged a room and asked Ersklno it
ho know where, ho, Little, could got
somo whiskey. Ersklno replied that ho
thought ho did, and went out. In about
five minutes tho McClellan woman re
turned with a quart bottlo, for which
ho paid her two dollars. Ho placed
tho bottlo In lifts overcoat pbckefc,
whereupon tho McClellan woman sug
gested that ho get smaller bottles In
ordor no more easily conceal it. Llttlo
went down on tho street and secured
smaller bottles as suggested.
Tills wide discrepancy in tho testi
mony of tho two witnesses convinced
County Attornoy Glbbs that ono or
the other had committed ncrlury
with strong evidence that Josslo Park
hurust was the guilty one. Tho filing
or the complaint followed.
Iltchcsoii-Ilonhnni Weddlmr.
A pretty homo wedding took place
Thanksgiving ovenlng nt tho homo of
Clio brlUo 'when Miss Alta Bonhnm
was married to Mr. Floyd Rlcheson, H.
G. Knowles officiating. Tho wedding
march was played by Miss Myrtlo
Shane of Sutherland and the ceremony
was performed in the presence of a
largo number of guests shortly after
eight o'clock.
Tho bride woro a dainty gown of
pale blue crepo do chine and whlto
lnco and carried a largo boquot of
white flowers. Miss Margaret Mettin
was tho bridesmaid and woro a nrcttv
gdfaji of pink crepo and held pink
carnations. The matron of honor Mrs.
Harley Bonham woro cream colored
messalino wttUi trimmings of shadow
lace and carried pink and white carna
tions. Messrs. Burma and Harley Bon
ham attended tho groom. After the
congratulations a wedding supper was
served and Mr. and Mrs. Rlcheson left
on tho midnight train for Denver to
spond their honeymoon.
These young people were tho recip
ients of many beautiful and useful
gifts. Cut llowers wero used In decor
ating the living rooms and the tables.
Mr3. Rlcheson was formerly a resi
dent a2 Sutherland nnd camo hero a
few years ago to make her home. Sho
is a sweet dlsposltloncd young lady
anu enjoys the friendship of many.
For a year past sho had been employ
ed as bookkeeper In tho Duko paper
store. , -
The groom Is an enterprising young
man (who holdi a clerkship In tho
Tramp grocery for several years and
recently accepted a position ag brake
man on tho Union Pacific. He has
"many friends who aro extending their
best wishes.
: :o: :
Howard Is Acquitted.
Ross Howard, charged with stealing
?145 from tho pocket of Georgo Kane
last April, was acquitted In tho district
court Monday, tho jury bringing in a
verdict of not guilty. Knno charged
that ho and Howard had visited sev
eral saloons during tho day, and upon
leaving the last ono he discovered
that his pocketbook and money had
vanlsheil, and at once suspected
Howard of taking it. Knno further
claimed that .Howard had paid an ac
count at a local store with a bill that
aos folded Just as ho always folded
ins currency.
: :o: :
Public Sale.
7 Lovl W. Edls will offer for sale at
tho Win. Edls farm, two miles south
of 'iown on Tuesday, December 5th,
t.wenty-seven head of cattlo, consisting
or sixteen head of spring calves and
eleven coming two year old steers and
heifers, thirteen head of horses and
colts, farm machinery and a Ford
automobile. Tho usual terni3 will bo
given. Sale to begin at 10 a. m. with
Tree lunch at noon.
: :o: :
Cupid Gets Busy.
The following marriage licenses
were issued Wednesday for Thanks
giving weddings:
Bort Phelps and Edith May Calhoun
Dot u or North Platto.
Frank Bellamy, of Lexington, and
I'.tnnio Uarflold of North Platto.
Eborly S. Thomas and Sarah Jane
Whittaker, both of North Platte.
Jnmos Ersklno and Myrtlo McClel
lan oharged with tho illegal mile of
liquor wore found guilty In tho district
court Wednesday ovenlng after tho
Jurors had boon, out for nearly olgh
teon hours. It is undorstood two of
the Jurors on tho first ballot wero for
acquittal and thoy hung on with somo
wht of a bull-dog tenacity to their
view of the coio; thou ono changed
his vote and shortly thoreftftor tho
othor voted for guilty aa charged.
Tho testimony of John Llttlo, to
whom the liquor waa sold, was
straightforward and there was llttlo,
If any doubt, as to tho truthfulness of
his story, which was to tho effect thnt
ho had asked Erskfno If ho could got
him somo whiskey, that Ersklne said
that he could, that five minutes later
Myrtlo McClellan brought him n quart
bottio for which ho paid hor two dol
lars. Sentence has not been pronounced.
Service! Strength!
Safety and Strength arc the prime factors which
have built up the First National Bank. Service is a
part of our everyday business, in which we especially
pride ourselves, and which, we believe, if our growth
may be taken to mean anything, is appreciated.
These are the three elements which should enter
into consideration in the selection of a place to' do
YOUR banking. You will find all three here.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Mrs. Chnrlcs Sweden loft Inst oven
lng for Holdrege to bo tho guest of
rolutlevs for ten days.
Headquarters for Window glass.
Homer Hnndley, of Poole, Nobr., for
merly of this city, visited at tho Tark
lngton homo this week, j
Mrs. Wm. Halst returned to Choy
onno Wednesday morning aftor visiting
with Mrs. A. J. Salisbury,
Miss Ruth Carroll, who rccontly ro
turned from Cambridgo has accopted
a position at tho Owl Cafe.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
Misses Mario and Isabello Dnrnn
left Wednesday evening for Gretna to
visit relatives until Sunday.
Mrs. Frank Flint nnd children left
Wednesday morning for Ravenna to
visit relatives for ton days.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. Brown, of Wy-
raoro, camo Wednesday to visit with
Mr. and Mrs. John Rnschke.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howor. of
Sidney aro belngentortalncd this woek
by Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Morrlss.
Mrs. Georgo Monks and babv left
Wednesday afternoon for Davonport,
Nebr., to visit relatives for a week.
Miss Francis Arrowsmlth. of Ocal-
alla, arrived horo Wednesday evening
to visit hor grandparents Mr. nnd Mrs.
N. P, dough,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Bort Barber and daiiEh-
tor, of Lowollen camo Wednesday
morning to visit with the homo folks
ror several days.
Mrs. Guy Coates camo up from
Maxwell Wednesday morning to visit
at the Elmer Coates homo whllo en-
route to Sutherland.
Miss Mary Lacy, of tho Hub milli
nery department, was called to Omaha
Wedensday ovonlng by tho serious 111-
nesB of her mother.
Oh how dry I nm. let It bo Nebrns.
kn's Stat song. WoodhurStfs insur
ance Agency.
Miss Griggs, traveling chief opera
tor of tho Nebraska Telephone Co., Is
spending a wdek here Inspecting con
ditions at tho local office.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Patterson nnd
daughter Miss Edith loft Wednesday
afternoon for Omaha to visit Miss
Ruth Patterson for tho wcok end.
District court adjourned Wednesday
until next Monday m order to give tho
Jury, witnesses, lawyors and othors an
opportunity to spend Thanksgiving at
Alden Wllbor Soderstrom tho son of
Mr. and Mrs. Bort Soderstrom who
was born tho first of this week died
Tuesday evening. Tho funeral was hold
Wednesday afternoon
Don't tako a chance of losing monoy
by shipping Furs and Hides; we buy
for highest cash price.
81tf ECHELBERY, GOO Locust
A good wiuch is an absoluto neces
sity for tho regulation of your affairs,
Wo aro showing many dependablo
watches at most reasonable prices.
Harry Dixon, Jeweler and Optometrist
The North Platte lodgo of Odd Fol
lows are planning a big district meet
lug to bo held about tho middle of
January. It Is probable that a couple
of hundred visiting Odd Follows will
There Is not an express train that
coine3 to North Platte, Nebraska, but
what has big loads of Women's Coats
Suits, Skirts, Millinery, Men's and
Boys' Clothing or something ready to
wear for Tho Loader Moncuntllo CO.
Tho look of mfSchlof dint lies in tho
oyoa of Anna Hold is the personlfica
tlon of tho plcturo Madamo La Pros
ldent which will bo shown at tho
Keith Saturday night The domestic
tangle that happens to an unsuspect
ing white haired Judgo affords this tal
Yesterday again wo received nnother
lot of manufacturers' samples of Wom
en's Suits (new onos) ; but they wore
put right In with our nresont stock
and go out at tho one-hnlf and one-' , T
third off price. It's only hero at Tho Qmdy Btar th0 Chn"C to pr
lieaucr Mercantile Co.'s store that you
will find Women's New Style and Into
Raymond F. Fuller, aged t-wenty-six,
son of Mr. and Mrs. John E,
Fuller, former residents of North
Platte, died at Pasedcna, Cal.,, No
vember 24th aftor an JllnosB of more
than a year. Ho Is survived by his
widow and one young son, in addition
to his parents and soveral brothers
and sisters. Tho deceased had been in
tho omploy of tho Homo Telephone
Co., was n momber of tho Masonic
lodgo and the funeral was undor the
direction of that order. Tho father,
J. E. Fuller, was for a niimbor of
yoar nn omployo of tho Lock Hvory
bam In this city.
For Farm Loans see or write Gone
Crook, room 3, Walteniath building,
N'orth Platte. 41tf
Tho program at tho Elks' momorial
sorvlco next Sunday aftornoon 'will
includo selections by Stamp's or
chstra, solos by Mrs. W. II. Cramer
and Paul Harrington, a selection by
tho Elks' quartette a short add
by Ira L, Baro, and tho customary
ruuauBuc service ay wo lodgo.
voko a riot of laughter. Starting to
gut rovenge on tho Judge, In wounded
prldo,.Anna Held Is herself entangled
In tho meshes of tho handsome Minis
ter of Justice nnd Is fairly captured.
Georgo LeDIoyt has tho distinction
of shooting the first; caglo in this vi
cinity for somo time past. Tho bird
which moasuros seven feet throo In
ches from tip to tip was seen perched
on a fonco near Mr"; LoDIoyt's farm at
Blrdwood anil Mr. LoDloyt who was
driving a quarter of a mile away de
cided to secure It. Aftor tho Aral shot
-ho eagle attempted to fiy and did
not fall until tho fourth shot had
struck him. Mr. LeDIoyt Is vory proud
of 111 b prey nnd has sent It to an
eastern taxidermist to bo mounted.
Tho woight was ostlmuted n twolvo
Call 125 for taxi day or night.
Also flvo or sovon passenger car for
funoral oorvice.
Chandler & Elcar Afjeucy,
Corner 8th and Loouut Sta.
Do not try to stop Baby from crying, but If too prolonged lio
him fact down until ho stops. Bathe and fend regularly. Ho
not allow to grow pug noso, Mawrngo gently the sides of tho noso
Mothers, this is Baby's Drug Store
"IT' cannot judge drugs,
in fact, neither can you.
Depend upon us. Every
thing hero for "IT" from
soap to food of absolute
purity. Introduce us to
"IT," we like the little
ones just as much as you
Stone's Drug Store
Wo aro agents for "Wearovor"
Rubber Goods. S
Hello Boy's
If you are interested in N
Call at C. M. Newton's Store.
Mutual Building & Loan Ass'n.
ASSETS $840,000.00
To Prospective Building & Loan Borrowers;
Non-resident Building & Loan Companies arc adver
tising the fact that they havo reduced the monthly payments
of borrowers to $1.10 per month on each $100.00 borrowed,
making the monthly payment the same as the Mutual Build
ing & Loan Association of North Platte. They fail to state
that of the $1.10 paid to the non-resident company, there is
only thirty-five cents credited as a principal payment, the
balance seventy-five cents being taken for interest. Of the
$1.10 monthly payment to this association on each $100.00
borrowed sixty cents is for interest and fifty cents is credited
as a principal payment.
This difference in the amount credited the borrower
will result in the borrower in the non-resident company be
ing compelled to pay not less than $25.00 more on each
$100.00 borrowed in order to discharge the debt than they
would if they were doing tho business with this Association.
Mutual Building & Loan Association
Toy TransformerspgKf
Tho Wayne Toy Transformer will operate on your alternating
current lighting circuit nay electrical toys suitable for alternating
current operation, suah as railways, aeroplanes, automobiles,
motors, etc.
Seven different voltages arc obtainable by turning a Dimple
control switch, making possiblo the operation of very small toys
or largefoncTat several speeds.
i Built by the General Electric Company, the Wayno Trans
former is durable and simple to operate. It consumes little
current and will last u lifetime.
Attaches to Any Lighting Sachet or Receptacle.
300 i a 7Frnrr wivw wnp I 300
Whori you nra In Omaha coma whero all Stockmen stop. You will &lwayi find your
friend and aaiualtiUiticennt tlio
was 0
Omahn' new absolutely fire proof hotcil. Wo wolcwiw tho Stockmen. Wo'll make
you comfor taLlu and our ratci aro taost rmeonobUi In tlwj hr, lUomg wltli prlvato toilet
11.00 Good car service to the Stock Turds nnd IWols, Ikive vmir ammnnAon Arm
telephone for room reservation. PKSID A. CASTLK, Prop.