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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1916)
.Malie.Somebodys utinstmas A Lasting A for Give tho sort of present that mikes tho Joy of Christmas last years. WHh tho gifts on tho.trco, hang a KItYPTOK ChrlBtmaB Gift Certificate. Y2rT3"T"TprTV"YI"JP" KUVPTOIC (pronounced Crlp-tock) 14 . Jfc W Glasses huvo tho nppearnnco of sin JL. GLASSES M. glo .vision glasses, Thcro Is no 111 THE OHIV INVISIOLE BIFOCAL looking lino or sdam across them as thoro Is across old-stylo bifocals. Yet KKYPTOKS liavo two separate visions near, end far. KItYPTOKS end tho need of two pairs of glasses, and can bo worn all tho time for all requirements of near and far vision. Our KItYPTOK Christmas Certlftcrjio Plan quakes jit easy to glvo a gift that Is worth -while Como In and let us glvo you particu lars, CLINTON, Registered Optometrist. THE SIQN 1VITII THE BIG RING. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Jack Thornburg returned Wednesday evening from a short vUlt In Grand Island. W. T. Berry, of Grand Island, spent Wednesday hero on business for tho tfnlon Pacific. Tho Nyal drug Btoro has Installed a now steam table and In futuro will sorvo hot lunches. Diamonds ipurchasod nawi will provo a good Investment. DIXON, tho Jewel er. Mr. and Mrs. "William Ebright loft a fow days ago for Paxton to visit tholr daughter for a iweok. Mr. and Mrs. Hahn, of Lincoln, aro expected hero this -week to visit their daughter Mrs. David Day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott, Jr., camo up fromOmnha Wednesday ovonlng to visit With tho Elliott and G00200 fami lies. Tho Hteraturo department of tho Twontleth (Ccntlury) club will 'meet Tuesday aftornoon at tho homo of MrB. P. J. Harron. MIsb Isabollo Stafford, of the local teaching force, loft Wednesday evening for Paxton to visit tho homo folks un til Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tlgho loft "Wednesday for Lintaoln and. Omaha to vlBlt relatives and attond tho foot ball gamo at Lincoln. .Mrs. William IJaldock and Miss Dolly McMlchaol wont to Sidney Wednesday ovonlng to remain a wuok with tholr sister, Mrs. Charlos Mann, In tonight's foaturo nt tho Crystal "Mazing Lovo," Virginia Pearson has tho role of a much troubled woman who finds lovo only disillusion. Tho way tho boys' school suits havo been soiling ,tho lust week It la very evident, wo arc selling tho best school .suits for boys In tho city. With most of them wo glvo an extra imlr of pants free. Seo them horo nt Tho Loader Mercantile Co.'s store. 1010 AGMCUIriJKAli STATISTICS FOU LLNCOLX COUNTY Mr. and Mrs. Gus Anderson spent Thanksgiving with their daughter In Horshoy. Mr. and Mrs. Homor Mylander have gone to Paxton to spend tho week end with tho lattor's slater. Mrs. Earl Wilson and children arc spondlng this week with relatives and friends in Paxton. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Qulnn left Wednesday evening for tho eastern part of tho stato to visit relatives. Fix up your last season's Coat with Fur Trimming. Everything in tho Fur lino at Tho Leader Morcantllo Co.'s. Vlte Halllgan, of tho .stale university, Is among tho students who aro visit ing at tho parental homo this week. Mrs. J. W. Walters and children left Wednesday evening for Sutherland to visit tho homo folks for several days. Misses Grace and Forn Bretcrnlt?. departed Wednesday ovonlng for Lo- ronzo, Colo., to visit rolatlycs for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Deorlng, of Grand Is land, camo Wednesday ovonlng to visit tholr daughter Mrs. Thomas Green for a week. Jack Stack resigned his position nt tho. Ovorland garago this weok and will begin" work today as stownrd nt tho Elks' home. Mrs. ElmorMllls, of Nowood, Wyo., is expected ItoWtlio latter rmrt of this month to 'visit hor parents Mr. and Mrs, Anthony Jeffers. Mlsaos Hazel Smith and Luclllo Mc Fnrland returned Tuosday ovonlng from Lincoln where they visited four dayB with Miss Sybil Gantt, Mr. nnd Mrs. Josoph Weoks, of Grand Island, who havo boon visiting their sons Robert and Edwnrd WoekB for a wook, willl return, homo tomorrow ov onlng. , Mrs. Harry Dixon returned Wednes day morning from Omaha whoro sho was called sovoral -weoks ago by her daughter Harriot's illness. Tho lat ter Is much improved. A bulletin Issued by tho Nebraska State Board of Agriculture undor dato of Novambor 2Gth gives tho fol lowing agricultural statistics concern ing Lincoln county for the yoar 191G. Land 844,920 acroe In farms, of which 343,423 ncros aro cultivated, 024,049 nuroft uncultivated; 15,434 acroB under irrigation. Horses 18,505, vnluo $1,850,500; 1913 mules, value $200,8G5. Cattlo 5,180 milch cowj? valued at $370,800; other cattle 50.193 valued nt $2,007,720. ' Sheop 2,360 valued at . $1C,5C2; goat 127. Hogs 19,833, vnlus $39C,6G0. Boos 739 stands. Poultry 7,205. Dogs 1,351. Corn 128,243 acros; avorago yield 19.3 bushels por aero; 2,475,090 bush oTs valued at $1,485,054. Winter Wheat 39,508 acres; av orago yield 22.9; total bushels 904,733 valued at $1,0S5,G80. Spring -wheat 3,191 acres producing 15.2 bushels per acre, yielding total of 48,503, valued at $58,204. Oats 15,457 acres; average yield 32 bushels, total yield 494,624 bUBhels valued at $173,118, Rye 7,936 acres; averago yield 20.4, total yield 101,894 bUBhels, value $145,705. Barley 2.44G acres; average yield 24.2 total bushels -59,193, value $35,516. Spelts "2,486 acres, millet 2,740 acres, sorghum 5,029 acres. Alfalfa 17,07,6 acres, yield 3.6 tons per acre, total tons 56,351, value $394,457. Wild hay 92,455 acres, yield one ton por aero; total tons 92,455, valuo $554,730. Sugar beets 1,407 acres. Potatoes 1,420 acres, average yield 93,3 bushels, total 132,486, value $156,000. Automobiles on April 1st, 829. ::o:: A pllo driving outfit was placed Jn operation at tho slto of th6 now de- We Work For You Tho McDonald State Brink' will work for yon without nny waftes. Yes actual work keeping your ac counts clear, saving" your time and moitey too. Besides that you will find that our officers are those in whom yon can trust to &ivo you frank advice and counsel whenever you need it. A connection with this bank is worth while. McDonald State Bam MOttTH PLATTE. NR, EVENTS IN SOCIETY MrB. Charles Calhoun will ontertaln tho Jolly Young Matrons on Wednes day nftornoon, Doc Gth. KEARNEY PEOPLE WELCOME GOVERNOR-ELECT NEVILLE Kctlh Neville, govornor-elect of this stato and tho first western Nebraska A surprise party was given at the man so honored, was the guost at a homo of Mrs. Emll Kosbau by. a num-j banquet given nt tho Midway hotel on ber of hor lady friends In honor of hen Tuosday ovonlng and later briefly ad 27th birthday, Tho evening was trpont drossod a meeting hold at tho opera pot this weok and Is used in driving tho sheathing planks which iill pre vent tlio inflow of quicksand Into tho foundation trenches. Tho foreman In chargo stated that it will take all wlntor to make tho excavations, drive jho piles on which tho foundation walls will rest and comploto tho concrete work. This work will bo done by the Union Pacific company, but tho erec tlon of tho building mill bo let to a contractor. This contract has not 'AH yot been lot. 1 J Tho most wondorful values, and In tho best nnd latest of stylish Coats for Women, Misses and Children are nqw bolng offered by Tho Leader Mercan tile Co, Another now lot just In. Tho cntortalnmont and bazaar given at tho Nichols school houso last Fri day ovonlng was tho most successful over given. Tho building was taxed to its soating and standing capacity, tho program iwns excellent nnd tho Indies' aid society netted fifty dollars on tho sale of fancy work and eat nbles. Mao Marsh nnd Bobby Harron, who played In "Tho Birth of a Nation" will bo scon at tho Kolth Monday night In "Tho Wild Girl of tho Sierras" a -pic turo bo ontlroly different, so pic turosquo and pleasing in production that wo feel suro tlutf you will enjoy it. With this will bo shown tho com edy "Bubblos of Trouble." E. Krebs, of Omaha, iwas tho guest yesterday of Mr. and Mrs. Von Dollen Mr. and Mrs. Lorn Balloy were tho guests of rolatlvcs In Coznd yesterday, Miss Hills, who had been a guest at tho O. II. Thoolecko homo, went to Elm Crook yostordny. 1008 west Fourth street, Homeopatlc Hospital. Nolghbors and friends of Mrs. Axel Lundgren, -whoso husband and son wero killed In tho recent automobile accident at Sutherland, gathered in sufficient number last Saturday to husk and storo ovory aero of her corn. Mrs Lundgren feols vory grntoful to tho nolgbors for this act of kindness. It is said that tho Union Pacific Is considering tho construction of a new wottbound .tunnel through Shorman hill which -will permit it to groatly in croaso its train tonnngo ovor that por tion of tho road. Swedish Luthoran services at tho tdventlst church, corner of Tenth and Willow noxt Sundny. Sunday school at ton otelock, services at eleven, ALBIN OLSON, Pastor. It it keeps on getting much colder you will need moro Blankets nnd Com forts. You can host' bo supplied at Tho Loador Morcantllo Co.'s. Mrs, B B. Boatmnn loft Wednesday night for Peoria, Hi., Iwiioro sho will visit hor mother for a couplo of vooks. ' Take 11 kindly Interest In tho other ioiiow una you multiply your own happiness. Woodliursl's Insurnnco Agency, William Roddon returned "Wodnoa doy ovonlng from Graud Island whoro ho spoilt Bovoral days. Mastor John O'Kcofo has been very ill for a week past. in ploasant game. Sho received many nice presents and a dainty lunch wns served. Tho Royal Neighbor Social club met TUoaday at tho homo of Mrs. Ablo. Music and kenslngton worq features of tho afternoon. At the close of thei afternoon a two course luncheon was sorvod. Assisting tho hostess wore Moedamof) Donaldson, Johnson and Miss Julia Johnson. The gentlomen archers of tho Yeo- mon lodge entertained tho ladies at an oyster supper In tho Lloyd opera houso Tuesday ovonlng. Tho menu was pro pared and Borved by tho gentlemen and highly complimented by their guests. About sixty members wero presents Misses Mary Nelson, Virginia and Frances Neville entertained a number of their playmates at a birthday party Wednesday afternoon. Games were played and many pretty remembrances wero received. Three decorated birth dny cakes in pink and white were feat ures of the afternoon. M,embors of tho 500 club and several guests enjoyed tho hospitality of Mrs. Frank Hoxio and Mrs. H. S. White at tho home of the former Tuesday evening. Nine tables were in use and the evening was delightfully passed. Tho next meeting will bo December 12th nt the Seebercer homo with Mrs Seebergor and Mrs. W. J. Stuart as hostesses. Tho fiftieth anniversary of tho city was appropriately celebrated Monday evening at tho homo of Mrs. J. J. Halllgan by the Art and Music do partment of tho Twentieth Century club. Thoso taking part In the pro gram wore Misses Esther Hogsett and irancis nauigan wno renuered sev eral Instrumental solos, Paul Harring ton who sang four enjoyable songs, Mra. W. II. Cramer who gave a talk on "Folk Songs," Miss Florenco Mac Kay iwho read a paper on "The In fluence of Music in tho schools and its effects on tho dudHs." Remlnis censo of early days of North Platte wero given by Mrs. P. J. Oilman and Airs. n. a. wnue. Twenty-iour wero present. house. The latter was somewhat in the nature of an Informal reception of Mr. Neville and sovoral hundred responded to meet the North Platte man. Mr. Neville, while speaking briefly and touching upon but a fow of, tho more Important questions In relation to the office which he Is to 1111, made most pleasing impression upon his listeners. The latter felt that Mr. Ne ville was a young man with a sincerity of purpose, willing to learn and ready to adapt himsolf to jU3tlflableacondl- tlons that may arise. He- spoke with firmness Indicating that he has boon posting himself thoroughly on tho sit uation in Nebraska, tho wants of tho people and tho needs of the stato and that ho will endeavor to crry them out. Tho governor-clctet did not mince words when discussing the prohibition amendment, to which he referred, stat ing that ho would enforce tho law onco it was in effect. Those who heard Mr. Neville, and to appearances there wore LOCAL AND PEESONAL. Uames Elyiort ttanaqted business in Hershey tho first part of this weok, Tho K. K. Klub iwill hold a Christ mas ball on Monday evening, December 5th at tho Lloyd opera house. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rees, of Wal lace, aro visiting this week with the former's sister, Mrs. J. W. McGraw. Mrs. Walter Crawford, of Casper, Wyo., formerly Miss Pearl McVIcker of this city, is visiting in town this weok. ' Patrick Haggorty, of Denver, who camo to attend tho marriage of his brother this week, returned home this morning. v Messrs. Bliss, Porter, Briggs and wives, of Sutherland, formed an auto mobile party who visited hero tho past fow days. Mrs. Stanton, of Wallace, who had been taking treatment' at the City Hos pltal for some time, returned homo Wednesday morning. Misses Alta nd Llabortlno Soderman of Denver, formerly of this city, aro vlstlng tholr brother Ambrose Soder man while onrouto to Texas to visit rolatlvcs. There Is nothlnlg that you might want in tho glovo lino but what you can find and suited nt Tho Leader Morcantllo Co.'s. Chas. Boguo returned tho early part of tho weok from Kansas City, where ho went last weok to bo presont nt the hearing of tho Adamson olght-hoUr law In tho federal district court. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Flulshman on joyed a visit this wook from tho for mor's slstor Miss Ella Fleishman of Omaha, who Is club editor on tho Omaha Beo staff. This will bo a Jowolry Christmas bocauso pcoplo can afford tho purchnso of Jowolry this most proaporous sea son of our history. No gift bo appro prlato. Wo invito you to inspect our now lino of Christmas goods. DIXON, The Jeweler, Levi Edis, living two miles south of town, will bcII his porsonal prop orty next Tuesday and will movo t San Diego, Cal., nnd live on a farm which his father recently purchased 'I no inttor Is In much bettor physical condition slnco taking up a resldonce m soutnorn callfornln. tuna und Ranch loans nt lowest rates nnd host tonus. Money on hand to close loans promptly. 43tf BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. lira noaonuoiy lmpossioto to nn nounco all tho new things through tho columns of tho newspapers. You must visit tho Btoro ovory opportunity you have. Always -something now at Tho Loador Morcantllo Co. presont moro republicans than demo crats, aro unhostltatlngly expressing tholr confidenco In tho now man at tho holm of tho state. They feel that ho will endeavor to govern tho state as tho people mny wish and In a way benoficlal to their interests. The banquent given in honor of tho governor-elect at tho Midway hotel was a great success, ovor one lumdrod nttondinr. Tho Recory Chapter of St. Luko's served the banquet, tho ladles of tho church assisting. Invocation was pronounced by Afchdeacon G. G. Ware. No addresses wero made at tho banquet table. Kearney Hub. ::o:: For Snlc Pure Red Duroc Jersey Hogs, Male and Female, all eligible to registry. Inqulro of or address Blankenburg Bros. NorUi Platte, Nebr. 1305 North Loc!usut street, Phone Red 851. 90-4 : .0; ; Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hoxio went to Ogalalla yesterday morning. Robert Gantt wont to Lincoln Wed-, nesday evening to spend a week or longer. Miss Mac Wilson camo down from Paxton Wednesday evening to vlBit with the homo folks. Attorney James Keefe returned Wednesday evening from a business trip on tho branch road, C. M. Newton's 1917 BOOK-CLUB Membership 75 cents which entitles members to -exchange at 5 cents each. Books may be kept out 10 days. After 10 days one cent per day. Books not returned within 20 days will be considered sold. We have about one .thousand of the Popular copyright in our library which gives our members an opportunity tQ read books by the best authors for only Five cents each. Join the Book Club Now. C.m. NEWTON, 604: DEWEY ST. 1 Oats J A "V HAY Corn yEfjare pleased to announce that we are now ready to buyjyour HAY AND GRAIN Obtain ourFOuotations before you sell. The Harrington Merc. Co., 120 East Front,Street, North Plalte Neb. Barley Home Office and Warehouses, DENVER, COLO. Wheat 1 v.v -..n-v.vr IT'S A 'WISE HEAD THAT BUILDS A SHED" Some one, also wise has said, "To protect your tools from dew and dust, And the ravages of snow and rust" Plenty of Shed Room On A Farm Is pretty good evidence of economical and successful management. Coates Lumber & Coal Co. North Platte, Nebr.