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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1916)
THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. IHE OFFICIAL COUNT rLL C0UNTIE8 IN STATE SEND IN COMPLETE RETURNS. POOL IS HIGH IN IN STATE Total Vote Cast, 302,685, Is Greatest In History 0 Nebraska; May Mean Additional Congressman. Sdcrotary of Stato Pqol proved to be tho best voto gottor on the demo cratic stato ticket, according to tho eompleto official returns now com pleted and tabulated in tho ofllco of tho stato superintendent of all of the nlnoty-throo counties In the state. According to theso returns every thing went democratic, tho legislature being so strongly of a democratic turn of mind that tho responsibility for legislation will bo solely with that party this winter. Following is the official vote: Wilson 1G8.S27 Hughes 117,771 Wilson's majority , 41,771 Noville for governor rocolved the second highest total at the election. The poll shows: Noviilo 143,461 Sutton 130,810 Neville's majority 6,651 Hitchcock ran third, the vote on United States senator boing: Hitchcock 143,082 Kennedy 131,359 Hitchcock's majority ft 11,723 The vote received by Prcsidont Wil son is 20,000 largor than was ovor cast for any presidential candidate in tho history of tho stato. Itoosevelt, when ho carried it by 87,000 In 1901, received but 138,558 votes. Mr. Wit son received In 1916 nearly 50,000 more votes than ho djd In 1912, whilo tho voto for IIughoB was 10,000 less thnn wore cast for Taft and Roose- volt combined four years ago. Tho official voto of tho state com pleto shows that the silent votor plied up a majority of 41,050 for President Wilson in Nobraskn, yet thero woro mon of apparently good Judgmont who boforo tho election thought Hughes might carry tho state. Food Commissioner C. E. Harmaa's nmondment was defeated by a major ity of 14,778. Tho voto for this nmondmont was 91,216 and tho voto against 105,993. That Nobraska will got at least one moro congressman In tho 1920 reap portionment, based on tho census of ithat year, was indicated by tho vote, tho largest cast in tho stato. Tho to tal voto, 302,085, 43,000 greater than In 1912, on tho usual ratio of flvo to ono indicates a total population of moro than 1,500,000. This would en- tltlo Nebraska to seven congressmen. Tho voto cast on tho prohibition amendment was much loss than that registered for tho five candidates for president, Tills accounts for tho fact that tho majority given tho amend ment was much loss than tho major ity given Wilson. Tho majority for tho amendment was 29,412. Abstract of Vote Cast at Election, Nov 7, J 9 16 I'JtltaiDUNT. u. s. nuNATon. COUNTIES. Arthur Adnmn Anttlopt .... Hmir Ulalns Doon Hex IJutU . Soyd rorni . .... Buffalo Hurt JJutUr Cum ......... onr Cljfiet , Cturry 8htynn .... lay Colfax , ...... Oumlnc ...... uiur ....... akoU aw -, won ...... ul ........ Ixon ode ...... ougUa ...... undr mimora . ... Franklin ..... Prontiar . .... rurnaa ai G&rdan Oarflald Goapar Grant Greater ...... Ull tamtlton .... torlan , Iltchcock ... Holt Hooker ...... Howard ...... Jaffarton .... Johnaofk Kaarnoy Kalth Kara Paha ... Kimball Knox Lanciater . . . Llnooln ...... lQBan ....... Loup Waaioon UoPheraon Marriott Morrill franca Namaha NuckolU Otoa avro ............. arklna ............. iialpa aroa ......... . .... lntta 'oik rua willow niohardaon nock Ballna .............. Sarpy ............... Baundara ........... BcottabluK Ranard Sheridan Rharman ............ Moux ............... Stanton ?nayar ............ . homaa ............. Tburaton ........... Valley Wanhlnrton . Wayna ........... ........... Wabater . Whaalar ... Tork Totala i.sog 3.00 3tl 483 J. 505 1.0 to 1,141 1.G4I (.501 3,1(2 1,700 S.V77 8,734 1,030 1,18( 3,977 3.713 1,187 (,35( 1,334 l.l I.78 111 3,110 i.eoo 43.934 1,048 3, 0 l,(l 3.0U 3,003 7,396 1,011 3(1 1.144 433 2.0(1 8,649 3,484 3.341 ill 1.344 4,113 330 3,831 4.0(3 8.(41 2,3(3 1.089 I4( 718 4,1(0 17.843 4.008 82 473 1.031 348 2,713 1,828 2,377 3,3(9 3.403 4.7(9 2 038 803' 3,031 2,4.10 4.(18 3,(48 3,(41 8,074 947 4.41 3,439 (.370 3,080 3.(73 1.989 3,133 1,139 1,773 2,890 493 1.2(4 2.409 3,138 2,404 2.193 (34 4,637 O 3 aovnrtN'on. P 2ti 2 85t 8I 2.0 2: l.41 2.77 ?.08 J.78 l.l;o "(1 2,1?? 31 91 S.'SI 7ot 1.071 193 31I Sfi ulll till 1.1(0 1.728' .49 23 86 60 J0I 1.0(0 1,3(4 l.09 tjii .! 1.1 .91 J3( 4tl 2.3m TO Ill 'ill 'ft! 1.2 m 1.8JB l.7( 2,1(0 1.3(3 . J 1.786 '01 1.8(11 l.67 1.493 2.678 67( 1.6701 1.3(8 1.748 1.V0O 1.107 018 dl( 1,693 273 1,138 1,330 1,280 1,073 1.603 108 2,033 1.101 79 120 1,119 603 6891 431 1,(90 ces 1,909 1,106 1.631 263 961 (06 1,314 1,626 1.378 1.473 784 (34 1.130 1(1 (91 (.173 28,318 1,458 2,674 2,483 M6( 190 331 1,437 107 1,101 1.613 1,076 746 344 1(( 144 1,(33 6. IK 1,183 114 121 1,(91 70 (93 311 739 1,148 1,119 2.111 931 186 6 1,227 2.487 869 481 1.SI1 2,273 1.119 3,116 1.(33 4U4 791 (67 (71 1,677 94 (32 (17 1.3(4 998 (11 166 1.417 238 2,667 1.381 166 246 2.008 914 863 901 2,877 1.42S 2,332 3,696 1,716 861 1,734 (34 1.976 1,618 1,434 3,608 1.031 1,083 1,(89 340 1,360 2,644 14,798 870 1,911 1,34( 1.138 1.(07 2,386 893 426 (17 2411 1.2(9 2,483 1,(10 1.267 313 733 2.213 213 1,696 1.(41 1,117 1.398 (44 401 338 2.339 (.093 2,1921 283 219 2,363 184 1,349 818 1.161 1.651 1,713 2.34 1.171 397 1.424 1.010 3,413 1,600 1.413 2,860 "! 2,846 1,380 2.871 1,6(7 1,717 1.189 1.208 III 1,881 261 1,286! 1,381 1.868 1,008 1,4(9 nn A306 143 2.041 1,496 143 184 1,226 8(1 809 628 2,216 1.808 1.120 1,'Jll 1,717 369 1.091 663 1,737 897 1,661 2 047 612 761 1,444 181 1.208 2,446 14,408 J47 1,691 1,0(1 734 1.1(3 1.383 306 302 434 167 837 2,6(8 1,444 (34 219 425 1,661 109 698 1,(13 1,373 7(0 389 316 223 1.91U 7,043 1.309 171 1(4 2,428 104 1,171 470 930 1.433 1,411 1.121 1,221 210 (71 1.228 1.811 1,0(0 2.019 1.J09 1,(67 706 84 780 1.772 717 840 1,297 1,201 1,191 1(1 Mil 9 98 32 17 13 36 28 47 42 134 23 36 138 31 40 124 227 (0 14 2( 180 1,791 li 67 41 33 34 67 SO 43 16 31 (6 26 77 6 177 14 48 44 n 63 314 213 36 86 47 16 49 67 1 46 70 (3 33 41 71 16 41 46 144 1(9 74 18 41 I 2 63 44 1 1 37 1. 14 18 (4 21 23 66 38 24 24 it ( ,i ( 17 40 4 26 67 209 17 14 11 27 2( 76 16 11 16 60 10 26 9 10 27 14 17 12 14 14 23 221 43 39 49 IS 18 36 27i 39 38 33 14 28 60 24 70 ( 13 18 II 7 13 16 14 2( 41 (1 242 2.461 1,619 103 211 1,669 791 (30 730 2,166 1,298 2.136 2,337 1.967 427 1.631 841 1.772; 1,670 1,814 2.(29 1.001 898 1,661 283 1,377 2.698 21,878 428 1.778 1.366 917 1,193 3,483 600 330 688 216 1.170 2.441 1.677 1,084 302 (06 2.078 184 1.607 1,683 1,180 1,101 497 334 270 2.248 6,799 1,741 232 169 2,369 139 l.N. 749 194 1.696 1,641 2.3(91 1,079 314 971 1.179 2,686 1,294 1,199 2,606 382 2,661 1,326 2,303 1.240 1.936 978 1.0(6 010 916 1,704 204 1.J17 1,088 1,811 1,109 1,244 228 1,373 14 t.S7 1,866! 172 203 1,644 666 841 6S4 2,460 1,660 1,243 3,211 1,618 468 1.247 644 1,130 986 1.149 2.812 628 919 1.710 229 1.280 2.368 17,661 481 1,687 1,066 919 1,414 2,269 371 246 436 186 688 2.400 1.871 1,036 394 641 1,888 141 890 1.924 1,287 1,031 413 381 .117 1,171 9,043 1,749 207 191 2,337 139 1 319 697 1.118 1,498 1,690 1.1(6 1,363 11a 1,403 1,010 1,661 1.114 1.113 2,2281 486 1,818 911 2.339 t 1.41 l.CIE, 711 821 411 641 1,806 11 863 1.133 1,266 1,137 1,366 211 2,110 18 127 63 20 11 68 32 48 44 162 26 47J 111 "7 64 134 40 IS 42 71 241 16 31 62 It 29 186 1,747 41 10 it 49 62 69 36 74 21 11 61 114 44 (2 41 30 71 7 (i 161 1 46 41 44 31 14 836 221 26 36 41 16 81 81 13 44 73 61 34 .7 11 4( 44 141 Si 31 43 (3 171 30 87 (3 31 19 (4 22 II (( 76 11 63 (0 68 H 9 7 11 61 43! 21 21 104 26 34i 77 33 28 60 67 61 i 171 16 16 44 30 45 109 118 22 41 44 42 73 136 23 20 26 3 23 70 (3 60 3 18 60 10 46 101 10 42 20 10 37 63 238 73 14 9 49 17 67 63 30 42 67 77 41 IS 67 31 48 72 47 Pi 51 n 2(6 2,(44 1,3(7 126 209 1,666 777; (03 696 2,601 1,166 2.202 2,328 1,(49 424 1,607 812 1,715 1.62! 1.774 2.817 9711 824 1.703 230 1,163! 2.(44 22.134 412 1.719' 1,806 901 1,234 3.318 636 336 613 133 1.204 2.(17 1,547 1,041 316 696 1,913 197 1.5771 1.736 1,223 1,141 667 311 287 2.246 7,076 2.170 260 177 2,156 144 1,214 VI 890 1.1(9 1,638 3,430 1,103 321 943 1,168 2.731 1,376 1.179 2,419 314 2,6(0 1.321 2,444 1.193 1,973' 961 1,036 6(5 0(7 1.771 307 1,101 1,109 1.667 1,061 1,133 313 148 2,304 3,031 176 233 1.737 731 882 731 2,565 1,838, i.3z: 2.390 1,(94 615 1,361 (02 2,0(1 toi 1,139 3.177 (70 1.001 1.790 241 1,3(0 2,448 17,7(4 619 1.714 1.141 99( 1,111 3.441 3(8 402 (43 188 717 2.410 1.761 1.092 281 661 1,848 til 1.1(9' 1.301. 1.042 401 401 311 1,981 8,167 1.484 201 222 2,439 160 1.110 677 1.237 1,449 1.(36 3,137 1.373 290 1,475 1,116 1,611 1,40 1.164 2,361 624 1.6JI 938 2,299 1,498 1.741 817 110 487 683 1.(99 304 (10 1.161 1,378 1,192 1,439 133 1,349 17 86 21 17 1 43 33 65 36 136 27 44 97 33 41 134 43 63 46 71 209 21 61 57 11 33 180 1,649 66 33 21 61 40 109 16 68 18 6 46 128 33 8 41 22 79 4 60 186 16 37 39 46 16 61 214 190 21 33 44 II 31 67 21 40 67 (7 24 40 (8 21 29 42 136 63 41 31 31 34 170, 1 71 88 33 14 71 17 17 80 cc 3 61 34 24 21 (4 21 41 66 76 6 (2 47 48 20 29 111 El 44 66 13 71 88 1(6 23 a 43 63 101 20 14 27 6 23 88 47 64 12 l 11 M 8 28 14 n 73 377 61 6 10 49 13 16 40 31 68 41 (9 31 V; 36 43 61 S2 41 19 44 20 (9 i? 40 II 81 46 11 21 19 10 49 1393,08611140,8741117,133111(8,3271117,77117,14112,96211 1I3,081131.3((7,436.4,421143,461139,(10(,(1( 4,218 f STATE OFFICES. IJ15UTKNANT OOVKUNOIt. Xdsar Howard, detn, ,143,0(1 K. P, Bou.iway, rep...... 114,708 JR. K. Drumbauoli, aoc, 1,917 Ciiarlfl B. Bmlth, pro 7.683 SKCKKTAUY OV BTAT11 a W. Pool, dm ....1 60,061 Addlaon Walt, rap 120.780 Jd, M. Hefner, aoo...., 0,016 Albert Lamm, pro..... , 6,126 AUIHTOU. W. H. (Smith, dam 1(2.735 Qtk W. Uarah, rap ,...'.,,,.123,164 t. J, Ilaldwln, aoo... , 10,931 John S. Roberta, tiro 7,161 TltKASUKKlt. Oeoraa X. Hall, dam 147,1(2 W. ft. Rarnolda. rep 121.136 W. B. Walla, aoc , 9,399 Charlea Etoll, pro 6,018 BUPKHINTICNDBNT. "W. It. Clemmona. dem,,.. .134,706 A. O. Thomaa. rep 133.404 Mary It. Astall, eoo. ...... .1 ....... . 10,637 V. Bucena Knox, pro I, IK AI'l'UltNUY I1E.NKHAI.. Willie E. Head, dem. ............. Sober! W. Dovoe, rep.... eorte J. Wrlclit, pro LAND roSlMlSSlONlCIt. Q, I Bhumway, dew............. Fred Ileokmann, rep ; , . J Tea u, unaae, aoo . O, Jrnklna, pro rlLWAY lU.MMlSSlO.Nrkll. Wlleon, dem 143,393 Harry T. Clarke, rep 130,(17 Qeorse J, lllaaell, tiro 6,111 DMVICIlSil-l' IIKOKNTS. P. U Hall, dem 146,610 II. p. Landla, dem 131.101 Oeorre Seymour, rap ,..,119,4(7 Samuel U, naasett. rep 114, IK Henry J. Aborly, aoo 9.34T KlUfha J. Taylor, eoe..... 9,13. U O. Qllbert, pro 7,46k Annette 'Neablt, pro 7.00C cmki' jutrncic Andrew Morrluey 110,350 Jaoob Fawcett .. 115.656 AHSOCIATK JVST1CKS. A. J. Cornlili , 121,034 3, R. Dean 112,161 tt. U. Bedcwtck 112.769 J. IJ. llarnja .,,,....109.723 t llln-e , 100,1,01 J. O, Martin.. , 106,144 ,.146,3(1 ..121,331 . . (.106 . .131.167 ..137.881 .. 10,061 e,ij r CONGRESS. County. Caia , . . , , , , . , Johnson Lancoator ........... Nimahii Otoa l'awnea Itlcliardaon ......... nnsT iiifiTiiiOT. liaRulra. Iteavla. D.) (It.) 2,365 1,306 971 1.4(1 8,9(4 9,181 1,371 1,633 3,188 2,193 997 1,498 1.078. 2,760 Abel. (a 126 17 308 41 .9 29 63 691 Totala 16.894 21,021 County. Loback Uakar Torter , (D.) (It.) (H.) Douflaa 22 7C0 16.419 2,781 farpy 1,360 toi 38 Wuahlnuton 1,607 1,251 (6 Total) County . Antelope ,, Boone ., ., Hurt ..... Ct dlT , . , . . Colfax .... Cumlne; ... Dakota. ... yUcn ,. .. Dodge , . . Kit,! ..... Maulaon Mfrrick ... Nance . , , , l'lerca .... 1'latt Btanton ... Thuraton , Wayna . . . 16,617 17.671 THIRD DIbTlllCT. 2.912 Gtephena Warner Woodccok ID.) (R.l 1.790 1,678 1,190 1,260 11,394 1,(40 1.611 1,911 1.6CC 1,60 1,311 1,4(2 (31 (51 1,216 1,110 1.(13 2.2(2 2.273 3,040 2,226 2,367 1,3(9 1,206 1.104 964 1.131 1,148 27,171 1.192 928 146 1,218 (99 1.011 1,198 Totala County , 31,056 26,611 l OUllTU DlbTlUCT, Blark Sloan tlutler ., lllmore Ja lumiuoii .ieffaraon l'ullt . , , Hallne . Haundcra Hewnrd Thayer xonc D.) 1.740 1.303 2,661 1,(39 1,611 1,318 1,(10 2.176 1,467 1,371 1,(06 (R.1 1,049 Totals lt.78t .14.014 (8.1 131 742 Ittner 196 (10 VIKTJI DISTIllC'V .luH.n. n... berger (R) Barton . Shallen- Bar- County. bercer (D) ton (R) Adame 1,676 1,996 Ohai SCI 313 piny. 1,883 1,706 gU'Kly,, 626 415 granklln 1,37s 1,873 frontier i,tci til Pum 1,541 1,281 a,0Pr 648 410 'Ml 2,317 2,839 IjMlMl 1,326 797 J'n" -, 336 284 Hitchcock 6(6 601 J5"y ....... 1.191 (62 Nuclcolla 1,717 1,191 J'yrktna 344 167 Red Willow 1,171 1,008 Webater 1,490 1,186 Totala .... , zz.sig 11 SIXTH lUSTRier, mott County. Arthur ill Banner ........ 64 lllnln. nt Box Butt 6(0 Boyd ((6 Brown 614 Buffalo 2.C71 Cherry 918 Cheyanna ..... 1(1 Cuater 2,2(3 Dawea (IV Dawaon ....... 1,110 Deuel 191 Garden 343 Garfield 313 Grant 140 Greeley 1,017 Holt 1,601 Hooker ........ 119 12111. ott (8) ICS 17 77 44 18 43 43 14 ll 33 16 36 (4 41 (0 130 (4 18,191 1.CI2 uowara ,, Keith Key Paha Kimball Uncoln ....... Ixifan Loup Mnl'h.reon .... Morrill Rock Bcottabluft .... Uhertdan ...... Sherman Rloux Thomaa Valley Wheeler , 1.414 314 111 110 1.315 1(2 143 17 604 3(6 (44 610 ((0 4(6 117 1,(16 111 Totala 12,317 Kin. Can- Bt.b- kald rleht bine 272U W. r! 254 II 2 210 11 1 lit 39 24 1,081 4( 4 191 41 4 2. (69 161 16 1.186 119 10 761 41 13 1,121 141 49 1,1(7 42 ( 2,0(9 72 121 311 31 661 33 4 618 63 4 381 17 1 884 13 ( 2.334 67 11 101 4 3 1.501 71 11 601 44 1 417 47 3 418 11 ( 3. C41 311 (1 311 36 1 263 21 21! II 1 179 41 67 63 3 1.749 164 14 l.ill (6 7 III II 7 ill It ( 197 II 3 1,111 70 7 111 41 1 31.111 1,171 4?4 "Te H Not Oath." "Tell It not In Oath" moans "Don't tot your enemies hoar It." Oath was famous as tho blrthplaco of tho giant OolIaUi. Tho quotatlou Is from tho Becond Book of Samuol, first chapter, twentieth verso: "Toll It not In (lath, publish It not In tho atrcots of Asko. Ion, lea tho dnughtora of tho Philis tines rejoice, lest tho diiuehtora or tho unclrcumclscd triumph." Most Precious Thing. Sweet la tho destiny of "nil trades, whothor of tho browa or of tho mind. God never allowed any man to do nothing. How miserable Is tho condi tion of thoso mon which spehd the tlmo as If It wero ijlvon thorn, and not lent; as If hours woro wasto cron turcfl and such as should never bo ac counted for; as If God would tnko this for a good bill of reckoning,- nifllip Hall. Tho Clover Woman, When you fool Konulnoly 1U utcaso with a clover woman, It la rjcnerally becausu hor colvornosa Is artificial. Somo women, however, aro oven clev erer than this, for thoy can conceal tholr artificiality so well thqt you ac tually laiifih with thorn over Eomeono olso who Is just as artificial as they are. Retribution lo Sure. Thoso folks who Ilka to gossip are suro also to bo mndo tho subject of gossip. When a follow lies about oth ers ho is suro to havo tho truth told about himself. CONDENSED NEWS OF INTEREST TO ALL. DATE3 FOR COMING EVENTS. Dec 4 to 9 Annual Poultry and Pet LIvo Stock Show at Beatrice Dec. C-7-8 Htato Irrigation associa tion annual convention at Bridge port Dec. 12 to 14. Stato Convention of County Commissioners and Clerks at Alliance. Dec. 12-14 Nebraska Farmers Con gress at Omaha. Decombor 20-21 -Natlonnl Farmers' Equity Convention at Omaha. January 1 to C State Poultry Show at Kearriey. January 15-20 Stato Improved Live Stock association meeting at Lin coln. January 1C-17-18 Annual convention of Nebraska Volunteer Firemen at Auburn. January 10-19 Winter Apple, Floral and Potato Show at Lincoln. Dec. 19-20-21, State Veterinarians' as soclatlon meeting at Lincoln. Calmer B. Yost, nresldent of tho Nobraska Telephone company, has announced that his company will con struct a now building for its head quartors In Omaha, tho structure to bo at least fifteen stories high and to cost about $500,000. Work on tho now building will be started early next spring. Voters of Polk county decided the question of moving tho county scat from Osceola to .Stromsburg at n special election a few days aso. The proposition of removal was defeated by 700 votes, thus Osceola will retain tho county scat and tho now court houso to bo built soon will adorn tho present site. Omaha's new free dental dispensary for children is to bo opened January 1. The purposo is to give free dental treatment to children in need of it and not able to gain It through tho ordinary channels. Eighty-six dentists are co-operating In establishing the dispensary. It has become known in Aurora that superintendent A. E. Fisher, who lias been connected with tho local schools for about ten years, will re sign at tho end of tho 'present school year to take the active management of tho now Farmer's Stato bank nt Bayard. A campaign has Just been started for tho purposo of raising a fund of $250,000 for the erection of buildings for Brownell, hall the Episcopal school for girls at Omaha. William E. Brannon, of Lincoln was found dead beneath an overturn ed automobile on tho ' road between Mlnden and Kearney. How the acci dent occurred Is unknown. 1 Tho flnanco committee of tho A. O. U. W. lodgo of Nebraska has called a special meeting of tho order for Omaha, January 3 and 4, to readjust rates. Iteprescntatlves of the Women's club, Commercial club, board of chari ties, teachers and board of education of Chndron aro behind a movement to form n parent teachers' association. , C. C. Quigglo, of Lincoln, was elect ed president of tho Nebraska Manu facturers' association, at its two days' convention at Omaha. Lincoln was chosen as the next meeting place. Arlington has recently organized a troop of boy scouts. Tho boys nro to havo a scout cabin In the, woods on Hllcrest farm, south'" of tho city. From ono hundred acres of land, .owned by John Jurgensmeir in Ne maha county, four thousand bushels of corn wero husked this season. Tho business mon of Boomer havo signed up for tho first Chautauqua to i do iieiu moro next summer. Tho town of Randolph now has a twenty-four hour electric light service. I Delegates attending tho Nebraska Farmers' Congress nt Omaha, Dec. 12 'to 14, will have an opportunity to Ivlow all kinds of agricultural machin- ,ory, as tho Mid-West Implement Deal 'ere' association will hold Its mectine at tho samo tlmo in tho Nebraska me tropolis. Tho show will bo hold in Omaha's auditorium and will bo open to all farmers. Tho cornerstone for tho now Al llanco federal building was laid a few dayH ago. When complotod this building will houso tho postofllco and .land office, and will cost $75,000. ( Every drug Btoro keepor In tho city of Bontrico hns received orders from Mayor Saunders to ceaso soiling In- I )4 nvlnn ( 1lfi,ix.o r a..1l,t, , 1 . . . solves to arrest and prosecution. Nobraska, on November 7. cast by ,fa tho largest voto over cast In tho state. Tho total vote was 302.GSG nearly .10,000 votes largor than tho highest previous total. Tho Hastings Country club has clos ed a deal for an additional fifty acres of land for golf links and plans aro under way for a now club houso to cost $10,000, It cost tho county of CasB $4,000 to hold tho primary and general olec tlons. Baaed on tho number of yot era In Uio county It cost each man l for casting his voto at tho two oloc tlona. A movement Is on foot at Fremont to provldo tho town with a now audi torlum. Tho Ad club is bohlnd tho movement and expect to boost it to successful Isbuo. Messrs Hart and Meuun aro con. ducting a six weeks' revival service at Fairnury. unusually large crowds aro attending tno meetings. Tho Nebraska Press association, al an adjourned meeting at Lincoln las' Saturday, adopted a resolution to ro vise the constitution of tho associa tion to Include provision for a pair: secrotary. Tho new oljlcor's dutlei will bo to keep in touch with all mom ber papers of the organization and tc encourage operation of country shopi on a pay basis. Tho dues of actlv members was Increased, the amount to bo set by tho exocutlvo board, which will be from C to $10. Tho Nebraska Grain and Llvu Stock association went on record as opposed to an embargo on grain at Us annual convention In Omaha and ito elded to usk Nebraska congressmen to lend their support to defeat such a bill. The association invited all co operative and stnto organizations to join .tho body and reatllrmed. Its de termination to fight any increase in freight rates In this stato until tho roads proved It was necessary. Oma ha was chosen as tho next meeting place. In securing data from tho south western portion of Nebraska, the Bur lington land department has been ap prised that In tho counties of Chaso, Dundy, Frontier, Red Willow and Lin coln, tho forty-five banks of tho towns havo deposits aggregating $7,20C,233, most of which is owned by tho far mers. Theso soven counties in No braska, less than twenty-two yeays ago, woro so poverty stricken that stato aid was asked and secured by the settlors. Tho Fremont First Congregational church hoard of directors has placed an order for a moving picture ma chine to bo used In connection with tho services and church work. In mak ing the announcement to tho congre gation, tho pastor, Rev. W. H. Buss, who wrote the prize Nebraska poem, stntod that moving picture machines are coming into general uso in tho Bchools and ho saw no reason why thoy should not be useful In church work. According to tho election returns Platte county has now a population of 23,070. At tho general election thcra wero 4,614 votes cost in this county. This multiplied by tho usual number gives theso population figures. The Increase as shown by tho olectlon returns will not affect any of tho salaries of county officers. This would requiro a population of 25,000. Moro people own their homes in Omaha than In any other city In tho United States, its size, according to tho figures compiled by tho Omaha Water board. Theso figures show that fifty six homes out of every 100 are owned by tho people who occupy them. J. W. Jackmon of Ejllver Creek, who bet on Hughes for president, paid his debt when he completed his 103-mllo jaunt afoot from his home to tho Omaha postofllco. Jackman bet on Hughes with "Bill" (W. C.) Gray, Sti ver Creek postmaster. H. B. Rist of Richardson county has been appointed to succeed O. H. Llebors to the position of agricultural agent of Gage county. Mr. Llobors resigned the position to take up a sit uation as agriculturist with tho Bur lington road. A movement is on foot at Hastings for tho establishment of a public mar ket In the city where producers and consumers may deal direct. It Is thought the plan will help solve the high cost of living. A committco of business men from Wymoro conferred with General Man ager Holdrego at Omaha rolativo to tho construction of a now depot at that place. Tho committee asked tho company to erect a $70,000 structure. A public skating pond is being mado out of tho tennis courts at tho city park at Falls City. They aro all ready to bo flooded as soon as tho weather is cold enough to freeze. There will bo no admission charge. Beatrlco coal dealors havo raised tho price of coal from $1 to $1.50 per ton on all grades of domestic coal. For the second tlmo within a month a stono hns been hurled from tho slto of tho old court houso at Fremont, where tho foundation Is being torn up by moans of dynamlto explosions, in to tho plato glass window of Georgo Campen's building half a block away. Six big balloons aro being manu factured by tho federal government for uso at the aero training school to bo established at Fort Omaha, Nebraska Stato Veterinarians' asso ciation will hold its annual conven tion in Lincoln on December 19, 20 and 21. Another new hotel Is to bo added to tho long string of now ones in Omaha. This ono Is to bo built nt the corner of Harney and Sixteenth, tho old Schlltz location and will bo ten stories high. A public farm salo in Nemaha county was a record breaker In southeastern Nebraska for prices. Suckling mules sold for $113, and cows for from $105 to $116. Walnuts aro not wasted In Rich ardson county. A merchant of Solm offers $8 a load for unhulled walnuts, and GO cents a bushel for hulled. By an ordor Issued by tho Dodge county board of supervisors, salaries of county officials wero boosted from 10 to 50 per cent. By using the total voto cast at Uio last olectlon and a multiplo of flvo tho population is esti mated to bo 28,000, which entitles tho officers to an Increase. Tho treasu rer's salary is increased from $2,000 to $3,000. Othor ofllcera are given al most as largo Increases. Directors of tho Gago County Far mers' institute have decided to hold tho annual Institute In Beatrice on Tebruary 7 and 8, 1917. "EATNOEGGS"ISGRY CHICAGOANS ASKED TO BOYCOTT MARKET UNTIL JANUARY 21 OFFICIALS RAID WAREHOUSES One Deale rSald to Be Holding 6,000,. 000 Dozen In Cold Storage; Must Market Them In January. Chicago, III. An official call upon, the people of Chicago to boycott the egg market was issued by Dr. John Dill Robertson, tho health commis sioner. Ho declared eggs are being held la cold storage while the sick and desti tute need and cannot get thorn, andl ho asked everybody to stop buying eggs until Jnnunry 21. War against tho high cost of living became militant hero when ralda wero made by tho city health depart-, ment against threo of tho largest cold1 storage warehouses in tho city. Tho raids wero based on a city ordinance long Ignored, which places a restric tion on the time foods may be kept; In cold storago and wore due partly,' it was said, to James Wetz, a wholc-i aler, so-called, "tgg king," who is said to bo holding 72,000,000 eggs. "I've got them. What are you go ing to do about it?" was the answer) Wetz gave to investigators who sought to discover what quantity otj foodstuffswns In storarge In tho pres ent tlmo of high prices. Tho ordlnanco prohibits tho storago of eggs for more than ten months.. Examination showed that many mil lions, Including many stored by Wotz, wero put away in March and April. "We will bo obliged to throw theso on tho market by January 21," saldJ Dr. John D. Robertson, health com missioner, "and my ndvlco to the poo plo is to atop using eggs until ho be gins to market them. I will see that they are not held in cold storago a, minute longer than ten months, and! that when they go on tho market thoy ore lit for consumption." Women of tho Political Equality loaguo adopted a resolution declaring that "eggs at 50c a dozen arc pro hibitive," and agreeing to buy nono at that price. Tho high price of eggs is the result of general prosperity which has In duced extraordinary consumption to gether with a shortage of production, according to a statement by tho Chi cago Butter and Egg board, which an nounced that It would welcome any Investigation Into its manner of ai riving at prices. Egg Boycott in New York. New York. A call for on organized movement .on the part of the consum ing public to refrain from buylngr eggs and thus bring about a reduction of tho price by decreasing tho de mand, was Issued by Commissioner Joseph Hartigin of tho bureau ot weights and 'measures. Ho said ex perts insist that 35 cents a dozen Is a normal price just now for eggs that went into cold storage last spring at 20 to 22 cents a dozen. Boston Meat for Allies. Boston, Mass. P. H. Mullanoey, deputy health commissioner, who has been conducting an Investigation into tho food supply in local cold storago plants, reported to Mayor Curley that on November 23 there were 1O.63O.G60 pounds of meat In storage, not one pound of which was Intended for homo consumption. Virtually tho entlro amount had been contracted for by tho entente allies. Robbers Steal $40,000. Chattanooga, Tenn. Forty thousand nlno hundred dollars' was estimated, to have been stolen from a Southern Express company transfer wagon In tho Western & Atlantic railroad yards hero by two men who hold up tho lone driver, Fred Cornellsdn, who said the bandits forced him to unlock a box containing approximately $100,000 In currency. The robbery took place in tho heart of the business district less than a block from Uio local ex press office. Nebraska Troops On Patrol Duty. Brownsville, Texas. Tho Third bat talion of tho Fourth Nebraska Infan try under Major R. G. Douglas, has boon ordered to patrol duty on tho Rio Grande. Tho battalion will be on duty tlioro for about two weeks and will relieve a battalion of tho Third Indiana reglmont, which Ins been or dered to its homo station. Russia Buys Locomotives. Philadelphia, Pa. Representatives of the Russian government luve sign ed a contract with the Baldwin Loco motive works for forty locomotives to cost approximately $1,250,000. Wilson Prefero to Stay on Ground, Washington, D. C President Wil son watched his confidential stenogra pher, Churles L. Swera, circle over the Whlto house the other day in an airplane which bucked a high wind. The president smiled and shook his lutid. lie had declined to fly. Coal Shortage; No Car Service Natchez, Miss. Scarcity of coal la responsible for tho shutting down ono uay last week of street car service hero, according to officials ot the lo cal power company.