The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 01, 1916, Image 1

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No. 92
Tlio first annual Thanksgiving ball
of the Yeoman drill team was given at
the Lloyd opera houso last evening
and woo a success In every particular.
Preceding the opening waltz a very
onjoynblo concert waB glvon by tho
Stamp orchestra which furnished tho
music for the evening and occupied
n decorated platform In a corner of
Tho decorations, -which wore very
olaborate and transformed the hall
Mrs. John Quymnn and children are
voting relatives In Paxton this week.
John Burgner, of Ravenna, fonnorly
of this city, visited In town this iweok.
James Flynn, Jr., loft Wednesday ov
onlng for Lincoln to attend tho foot
ball game.
Mr. and Mrs. John Koontz went to
Wallace Wednesday to spend Thanks
giving with friends.
Mr! and Mrs. H. I. Block and son and
Julius Gornoll spent Thanksgiving with
Into a nlace of hwintv. worn rioHlcnnd
and arranged under tho skillful dlrec-lMr- flnd Mrs' E- N- MNamnr In Pax-
tlon of Mrs. W. J.Tlley and sho Is to be
complimented upon the effect produc
ed. Tho walls iwero draped with
bunting In tho national colors and tho
American shield arranged at Intorvals.
In each window was hung a largo flagi
and about two hundred yards of white
bunting with silver bangles was ar
tistically used In covering tho rail
ing of tho balcony whore whlto fes
tooning and' the emblems of the order
were also conspicuous. A large sign
with inolcomo In silver letters hung
from tho center of tho celling ncrooB
the hall and the letters B. A. Y. and
'tho lodge number 3030 In large rod
design were, clustered around an im
menso emblem on each side of the
stage. Beautiful scroll work In white
festooning, sliver stars and red flow
ers formed an outline for tho stage in
the center of whichwas a pedestal on
which stood tho goddess of liberty
gowned in sheer white and silver tin
sel, holding nloft a red torch,
wearing a sliver crown and flag drap
ery. A view of the ocean formed the
background. Potted plants and felrns
were used extensively and formed a
railing for the stairs leading to the
Tho gallery was crowded with
spectators and tho floor with
dancers, the majority of- whom
remained for the closing number. Tho
lights wore covered with red bunting
casting a soft glQw' oyec the- decora
- tlens-nnd tha dancdYs."' r' j '
Tho bolMvras ono of the. most enjoy
able over hold'iin Urn' city aridat tho
request of many, the decorations with
a few changes will be! used for tho re
ception to Governor-elect Neville Tues
day evening.
JO l
YOItK Y 12 TO 0 SCOltK
j ' Miss Virginia Dullard is assisting in
A record breaking crowd saw North fhe Dixon jowolry store.
Plntto defeat York yesterday In tho F w 1Mnck0P transacted buiinoM
oost piayod and most oxcittng game MQ Keygtone Wednesday.
ot iooi v nan on mo local nam mis
year. It was only by putting forth the
best efforts that tha local team se
cured Its two touch downs, and with
the ball frequently In tho danger zono
It wns by herculean 'work that the vis
itors -wore kept from scoring on sovor
al occasions. North Platto used, tho
For Rent Small apartment,'" fur
nishod. Call nt 10S weat Second.
The Nevlta club was entertained
Wednesday afternoon at a Thanksgiv
ing partjj at the home of Mrs. Fred
Mr. and Mrs. Manning, ot Brldge
pprt, camo down Wednosday evening
to attend tho Rlcheson-Bonhnm wed
Mrs. Lena Salisbury and grand-
daughtor Ida Mao Salisbury- went to-
Paxton yesterday morning to visit rel
atives. Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
Miss Myrtle Beeler, a student at the
state university, arrived homo yostor
day to spend tho week-end with her
Cyril Cool Was among those who
iron I to Lincoln Wednosday evening to
attend the Lincoln-Notre. Dame foot
ball game.
Miss Mae Echelbcry returned Wed
nesday ovening from an extended vis
it In Spokane, Wash., and other west
ern points.
It's a good time to buy Underwear.
Everything in underwear is' being sold
at last season's prices at Tho Loader
Morcantilo Co.'s.
Jarvo Wright is off duty as Unlo.n
Pacific brakeman on account of a
sprained ankle which ho sustained
Wednesday ovening.
r Christian Science service Sunday 11
a. hi,, subject of lesson sermon "God
tho Only Cause and Creator." Building
and Loan Building, room 25. . - "
Mrs. .Howard!:. Graham of Council
Bluffs, visited her sister Mrs. Earl
Stamp this week while enroute to
Choycnno to visit Mr. Graham, who Is
employed there.
John Den came down from Sidney
Wednesday afternoon to eat turkey
with his family.
Mrs. George Voselpka entertained
tho members of the M. M. M. club
forward pass to good advnntngo, and j Thanksgiving,
their gains were largely duo to theso
pays. York essayed the sume play. a
numbor of times, but failed with one
exception. Norris made the first touch
down In tho ilrat hnlf through forward
passes and lino plunges, nud In tho
first period of tho second half Jonos
scored through an end tun, dragging a
man iwlth him as he crossed tho line.
In both Instancos the goal kick went
The York coach pronounced tho lo
cal aggregation to bo tho strongest his
team had gone up against this sen
son. Ho witnessed tlto North Platto
Ltncoln game, and snld that had North
Platto played as strong the second half
as they did thb first, victory would
havo been theirs.
The high school students celebrated'
tho victory with a bonfire and parad
ing tho streets, firing guns and a can
non. l!.nthU3lasm was rampant tor,
nuout two Hours.
F. 11. Williams wont to Gbthenurg
Wqdcnsdny afternoon to spond tho
wsok end.
' Miss Naomi Moycr went to Gothen
burg Wednesday attornoon to spend!
rrcsbytcrlnn Fair mid Supper
Tho Presbyterian ladles will hold
tholr annual, fair, and supper in the
tlftfrcb basement Thursday, December.
7th. A thirty-live cent super will be
served, comenclng at 6:30. Tho menu
will be: Roast pork and 'brown gravy,
mashed potatoes, baked beano, cab
bage salad, , pickled" beets, white and
brown bread, plum pudding and coffee.
Duncan. Appropriate games wero, WcdneS(lay afternoon. iri the progres-
played and an enjoyable program ren
dejed. Decorations and favors were
in keeping with the season? Guests
of tho club wore Mrs. Emily Richard
son, of Cozad and Mrs. Fred Louden.
Tho Alpha Mu Sigma society spent
a pleasant afternoon with Mrs. H. M.
Grimes Monday. They will bo the
guests of Mrs. Julius Pizer Monday af
ternoon, December 4th.
A big lot of Women's, Misses and
Children's Wool Knit Skating Sets,
Scarf and Cap, 9Bc, $1.25, $1.45, $1.65
and upwards. We also havo them sep
arate so you can buy cap or scarf, at
The Leader Mercantile Co.
slvo card games first prize was, award
ed to Mrs. Jesse Edwards.
Shop early In tho morning and avoid
the afternoon rushes. Don't ' forget
when In The Leader Mercantile Co.'s
store to look at the New Silk and Flan
nel Kimonos, and -the elegant line of
both robes for men, women and chil
Tho brick setters will coraploto their
work south of tho track today and tho
asphalt work will be finished tomor
row. This leaves a llttlei less than
three blocks north of 'the track, and
with fair weather that will be com
pleted before tho end of next week.
W jr 111 LI 1 1 3
(XI o
unacr xne.
NEBiusKAsb Goverment Bonds
While government bonds pay but 2
per cent u Cortlficnlo of Deposit such
as this bunk Issues will pay u deposi
tor 1 per cent Interest.
Certlillcales on this strong old bunk
tiro just as safe as government bonds
and jmy twice as much.
It Is Just as readily convertible Into
cash, It Is negotiable, best of collateral
on it loan and exceptionally profitable
for a short time Investment.
Platte Valley State Bank
North Platte, Nebraska.
The Rowonn Circle will meet with
Mrs. W. J. Tiley Doeonibor 13th lnitoad
of Docombor 5th.
John Hahler, of Sidney, spont tho
! bast three days with Mr. uud Mrs.
Julius HnhleK
'Hor Fighting Spirit" 12th chnptor
of tho film novel Gloria's Romance
tit tho Keith tonight
George Proseor clork ot tho district
court was off duty this wook on no
count of illness.
. Mrs. Andy McGoyern returned to
Brady last ovening after visiting hor
father Fred Marti.
Goorgo . Wllklns, ' of Gothonburg,
spent Thanksgiving bore with his cou
sin Perry Carson and family.
. Mrs. Charlos Perkins nud daughtor
loft yestdrday afternoon for Donvor
Mini, Margiij-ot Wnro of Dlalr, and
William VinwWX-lnlr WnMnnmHt. nf tlilu
city," ware married nt the country homo! lltwn
Of tho brido's pit rents, Mr. nud Mrs.
Jftinos Wnro, near Dlalr, at high noon
last Tuesday. As tho rays of tho mid
day un peeped through the bay win
dow In tho llbrnry, Rev. Ft. O'Drlscoll
ontored, flllowed by tho futuro bride
and groom. At the conclusion of tho
wedding march, and tho contracting
partial had taken tholr positions
amongst tho overflowing rosee, chrys
unthomumH nnd ferns, titers camo forth
the strains of DoKovon's "O Promlso
Mo," feollngly rendered by Mrs. C. D.
After tho ooromony n dollghtful
four-courso luncheon rows sorvod at
which congratulations wor.o extended
and telogrnms from vnrlous frlonds
throughout the country wore rend.
Tho brido's gown wns a beautiful
Platto, having spont sovornl years of
her girlhood at tho Pawned ranch cast
Of lawn, nnd has nlso visited horo
many times. Sho is as accomplished
us sho Is popular hero nnd whorovtir
Tho $room Is a North Platto
boy who in well and favorably known.
nad is secrotary ot tho tocontly organ.
il Wnltetuath Lumber & Coal
: :o:
Sunday school 10 a. m.
Morning worship 11 a. In., B. A.
Cram will speak. The subject "Tho
Prodigal World.
Young people's societies at 0:30.
Evening worship 7:30. Speclnl mu
sic by orchestra. Robert White 'Will
speak on "Some Life Lesson from Foot
Can a stepmother ruin a happy
homo? Now that you have seen pic
tured on the screen all tho devastation
that a mother-in-law can do, como and
seo what a nagging' stepmother can
do. In "Tho Revolt" Frances Nolson
and Arthur Ashloy arc the happy cou
ple. How tho Jjlrlfs reputation is
nearly wrecked and later saved by a
friend forms the basis of a strong and
stirring society drama, not of tho usual
triangle variety, but ono that i differ
ent from every angle. This produc
tion will be shown at the Crystal Sat
urday evening with tho best music
Nawi Is tho timo to select your Xmas
gifts. Our store is resplendent with
now and artitstic goods. You may
mako your selection now and wo will
lay It aside to bo delivered Christmas.
DIXON, Tho Jowoler.
A very enjoyable dinner was given at
the bungalow last evening to fourteen
gontlemcn friends and thelr ladies
with Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Kerr as chap-
orones. Six excellent courses wore
served and the various favors presont
od wero appropriate for Thanksgiving,
Tho center piece was a carved pump-
Kin iruit oasKct surrounded by ears
of corn and miniature -turkeys. Fol
lowing the dinnor a program of
amusements twas givoif by tho bunga
low boys and tho guests.
For Sale A bunch of shoats; must
go at once. Phono Black 143.
A box supper and entertalnmont was
held at tho Sturgos school Wednosday
evening and attended by a number of
local people, Miss Elaino Bundy, who
teaches there prepared a very enjoy
able program for the patrons. A num
ber of tableaux wore given during the
J. L. Roddy was thrown from a smnll
cart In which ho iwas riding Tuesday
morning nnd was badly bruised about
tho faco and shoulders. Tho horao
became frightened at tho intersection
light at Sixth and Locust streets and
broko tho shaft of the vohlclo causing
It to overturn.
Anyone having decorations for tho
municipal Christmas
John O'NoIl, of Gotlicnburg, spont
Thanksgiving horo with friends and
attended tho foot ball game.
, Tho flxturos for tho bowling alloy
In .he Goqzoo block arrived yostorday
after being on tho road for thirty days.
,' Mr, and Mrs. Mlko MeFadden and
children, of Paxton, who vltlted this
week with Mr. and Mrs. John Horrod,
returned homo last eveulng.
Seo our now bracelet- watches and
platinum diamond lavalllcrs. DIXON,
The Jeweler.
-,iE. Borrcll of Omaha, icamo this wook
to accept: a position In tho wntch re
pair department of the Dixon store.
Mrs. norroll will nrrlvo In a few days.
Tho Travel and Study club will moot
Monday ovonlng with Mrs. Ira L. Bare.
John Shields, of Maxwell, was among
tho out of town people who spont
Thanksgiving here.
Four workmen arrived from Kansas
City Hho early part of tho (week and
aro engaged In making and placing
tho ceiling and wall decorations in
the, First National Bank.
"Life Lessons from Foot Hull,"
I'resbylerlun church Sunday evening.
Hall funs Invited.
Tho Sioux Lookout Chapter of the
D. A. R. wlll meet at tho homo of Mrs.
Keith Nevlllo this ovonlng. Tho roll
call will be answored with a patriotic
wish for the wife of tho governor-olect,
Will Wilcox, a former railroad callor
at this tormlnal, but ot late employed
as a harbor at Oshkosh, was married
at tho latter placo Monday. Ho and
his bride aro visiting In town today
and they may decide to locate bore.
Nurso Brown Homeopathic
Why? People know tho effect of
the remedies to cure.
wisteria pan volvet, with laco and fur
trimmings. N
Tho guosts wero limited to rolativos
and Intlmnto frlonds of tho family,
and Included Mr, nnd Mrs. Honry Wnl
tomnth, daughters Almannd'llelon nnd
son Harry anQ Miss Ida Ottcnstoln of
thlii city.
After an oxtondod trip to Chicago
nnd other oastorn cltlo3 Mr. and Mrs.
Wnltemath will return to North Plntto
to make their homo.
Tho bride is woll known In North
Sale Under Chattel Mortgage.
Notico Is hereby given that by vir
tuo of a chattel mortgage, dated on tlto
20th day of September, 1910, nnd duly
filed in the office of tho County Clerk
of Lincoln County, Nebraska, on tho
23d day of September, 191G, and cxe
cuted by P. H. Lonorgan and Lucy Lon
organ, husband and wlfo, to Julius
Hahler, to securo tho payment of the
sum of S957.50 with Interest at 8 per
cent per annum from dato thereof, and
upon which there Is now due tho sum
of $973.45, default having been made in
tho paymont of said sum, and no suit
or other proceedings at law having
been instituted to recover said dobt or
any part thereof, thoreforo I will soli
uio proporty uiorem ucscrioeu, viz
two symplox moving plcturo machines
with stands and equipments complotc
nil olectric wiring, wiros, lights, bulbs
and sockets, togethor with all chando
llors, and olectric supplies and fix
:uros, all chairs, stoves, piano and all
musical Instruments, pictures, paint
ings nnd tholr frames, all Btago cum
mins, stago flxturos nnd appliances
fi'l olectric fans, nil opora clialrs, bolng
248 opera and 100 folding slat chuirs
a. id all otlior personal proporty and
l xturos owned toy us or either of us
and now used in and about tho Pat
T-eatro in running and operating tho
b&mo, situate and bolng In tho two
- rv tirtnlf linllilliif nn Int 14. nf flm
r . ' " J "' - " '-n BWV - I -
tree . can leave L' thoran Subdivision of Lota 7 and
them nt tho homo of Mrs. J. J. Halllgan
or with Miss Kramph at tho First Na
tional bank.
Advont Snndny Episcopal Church
Colebratlon of tho holy communion
at 8 o'clock. Sunday school 9:45.
Morning prayer and sermon 11 o'clock.
Vespor aorvlcc 4:30.
In Block 115 ot tho original town of
North Platto, Lincoln County, Nobras
ka at public auction at tho front door
of tho said described promises, known
as tho ''Pat Theatro" In tho city of
North Platte, Nebraska, on tho 23d
day of Doceinbor, 1910, at 2 o'clock in
tho afternoon (central timo) of said
Evangelist Uns Arrived.
Rov. W. R. Earp. tho Texas ovongol
1st nrlved last night at midnight. Rev.
Earp ii something ovbr bIx foot tall
and boliovoe In gottlng Into tho gamo
with ovory vinch of him, and beginning
at once. Ho speaks at tho North SIdo
Sundny school tonight, nt 815 North
Locust Rov. Wm Robblns, of Hoi
brook, will lend tho song service Ev
erybody Is Invited..
Rov. Earp will speak at tho Baptist
church Sunday morning and evening
and all through tho icomlng wook.
ltrotltorhnod llmtquot
Tho Brotherhood ot tho Baptist
churoh has arranged n banquet for tho
nion of tho church and their friends In
honor of Rov. W. R. Earp, tho Texas
ovangollst, on Monday, December 5th,
at 7 o'olock. A committee of ladles, ot
which Mrs. Frod Loudon Is chairman,
will servo tho bunquot.
:ro; :
A safo Investment A flno diamond
will Increase In value and always bo n
Joy to Its possossor. .DIXON , Tho
A tone exquisitely pure,
perfect, rounded and
crystal-clear makes the
Columbia Grafonola
"The One Incomparable Musical Instrument"
And it is tone that has given Columbia
Grafonolas the place they hold. It is their tone
unmatchable in its natural purity and absolute
fidelity that justifies their description as un
paralleled instruments of ir.usic.
Ve are prepared to demonstrate this $100
instrument, play any record you may select, here
or at your home. Convenient terms of payment
may be arranged.
Columbia Grafonolas, $15 to $350
DIXON, The Jeweler.
lff g-r i It TiTCffiiiriPy yjj &&vm
, The nicest, snappiest and most pleasant car in cardom for
the family, and not too expensive for husiness if you value
your health at this time of the year. We must have your
order in advance as the demand has hecome very great in
all cities for this heautiful car.
Price is $645.00 F. O. B. Detroit.
Call or phone 34 for all particulurs. Ford Touring, $360,
Ford Runahout $345, Ford Coupelet $505, F. O. B. Detroit.
Corner Fourth and Dewey. North Platte, Neb.