The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 28, 1916, Image 5

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In tho foot ball garuo at Lincoln
Saturday tho North Platto high School
was dctoated by tho Lincoln high
school by a score of forty to fourteon.
The North Platte mm went Into tho
gamo with a vim and at tho ond of
tho first half tho Bcoro stood four
teen to thirteen In favor of North
Platto. Thoil tho Lincoln linva nlmwn.t
hotr teeth and tho North Platto boys
apparently lost their ginger, for In
uio seconu nan Lincoln run up a score
Of tWOnty-BGVOri whtln Nnrrh Plnftn
failed to score. The North Platto stars
m uio gamo, as icported by tho Lin
coln Journal i3ro Bakor, Ellas and
Tho North Plattto toam Is light In
weight compared with Lincoln, nnd
this contributed to their defeat. Lin
coln has In Its team, howover, one
particular Btar player, largely through
whoso efforts tho gamo was won.
Tlie Bird has Flown.
Contractor Stack's bird of 111 omen
It Is believed has now vanished, hav
ing glvon Its last squawk Friday. The
durn blrd, however, was euro a dandy
nnd Its last performance was when
itho flues In the concroto mixer sprung
a leak and an attempt was made
to bring Lloyd Powers tractor across
tho Hver In order to furnish steam.
Tho. tractor stuck ,ln tho sand from
whlc3v .it jwas not rescued until yester
days morning. However, Contractor
Stackwetfared Mio Cy Itusscll tractor.
Sunday and tliorby was enabled to fur
nish steam for tho mlxor yesterday
and thus complete tho concrete work.
Tho bottom of ono of the asphalt
kettles, which also burned out Friday,
has been, repaired and now miltlh two
brick setters and a full crew of brick
totters Mr. Stack expects to fully
complete tho work by the end of next
week unless wo have three or four
feet of snow. .
Moso Can Now Smile.
Mose McFarland and Walter Hoag
land are not the only owners of canine
"death angels," altho they may lay
claim to thatt distinction. There are
some other dogs belonging to "well
known citizens who may not be ablo
to clean up seventy or eighty rabbits
in ono night but they can make short
work of the occupants of tho poultry
yard, Yesterday morning three dogs
succeeded in killing thirty chickens
belonging to Mrs. J.H. Fonda In rec
ord time and the canines evidently en
Joyed the spOrt more than will their
owners" when they pay for the thirty
dead' chickens 'Which they have signi
fied their intention of doing. Mose of
course don't like to hear of any one
having had luck, but ho will bo ex
cused If he smiles when ho learns
this chicken story.
Successful Uuy.nt-IIomo Campaign.
A Holdrege special to the Bee says:
Six thousand people were in town
Saturday afternoon when the Holdrege
Ad club closed Its month's "Buy In
Holdrege" campaign The cash pur
chases during the month totaled a
little over $125,000. Many largo groc
cery orders wore sold, hard-ware for
houses to be put up In tho spring,
furnaces, farm implements.' Ghristmas
goods seemto be about as popular
as any line of merchandise.
: :o: :
Found Dead in Car.
A stranger about forty-five years
of age was found dead In a car of
coal Saturday morning hy three of the
employes of tho Ice houses,. He was
taken to tho Howe & Maloney under
taking rooms hut there was nothing
about his clothing by which he could
be Identified. A ten cent piece was
found in one pocket, Funeral arrange
ments have not been made.
Wanted Girl "for" general house
work. Best wages paid. Mrs. John
Bratt 412 west Fourth. Phone 57.
Mrs. John Vosolpka left Saturday
morning for Chappoll to visit friends.
Mrs. Owon O'Neill .returned Satur
day morning from a visit, of two weoks
In Greon River.
l m. v. cou anu son ion tno iattor
part of last week for Lincoln to Bpond
i i
a week or longor.
George Adams returned to Julosburg
Sunday ovenlnc nftnr vinitlnir his nnr.
ems lor sevorai uayB.
Oh how dry I inn, let It bo Jfcbrns-
Ka's sinto song, noodhursrs Insur
mice Agency.
Ted Boguo will spond Thanksgiv
ing with his parents and arrlvo horc
from Lincoln tomorrow
Mrs. Joseph Weeks, of Grand Island,
camo up Sunday evening to spond a
iow uays wmi ner sons.
Miss Elenora McCarthy, of Ogalalln,
visited tho latter part of last week with
Mr. ana Mrs. Jacob Bcal.
ueorgo uont is suffering with a
broken collar hono which ho sustained
in a foot ball gamo Saturday.
I'ranK werrou or ogaiaila camo
down Sunday to visit. with his mother
Mrs. Rcglna Herrod for a,few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis left Sat
urday afternbon for Omalia and other
points to visit for a week or longor.
When you select your Suit here, Jusi
deduct half the price from tho original
price and tho suit Is yours. BLOCK'S.
Mrs. C. P. Chrlstensen nnd baby left
Saturday afternoon for tho eastern
part of the stato to visit relatives and
James Flynn came down from Lo'w-
cllen last evening to attend tho mar
riage of his daughter tomorrow
New and second hand auto casings
and tubes for sale. Nebraska Tire Re
pair Co., I. L. Bailor, Mgr. 88-4
S. L. Huffman, charged with giving
liquor to Willie Fagg, a minor, of
Brady, was acquitted In tho district
court Friday,
Mrs. Charles "Yost, who was called
to Green River -last week? by tho ill
ness of her sister, returned homo Sat
urday afternoon.
Everything now -In Jewelry) - silver
ware and novelties. Will appreciate it
share of your patronage.
C. M. AUSTIN, Jeweler,
Corner Front nnd Dewey.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sheedy, of Pine
Bluffs, who had been visiting the form
er's father and sisters for a week,
loft Sunday evening.
Miss Helen Hoxio, of this city, has
been visiting in Honolulu for a couple
of weeks past and may decide (p spend
the winter on that Island.
Hygienic Franco American Toilet
Articles for sale at Coates' Beauty
Parlors. 90-2
Lost, on road between Baker School
house and North Platto. Saturday, a
black suit case. Findor return to this
office and receive $5.00 reward.
Just received another big shipment
of now Coats, In plushes and velours,
styles dlfferont than shown before
and nt lowest prices. BLOCK'S.
When you need flour think of us, wo
sell Bluo Diamond flour at about
wholesale prices and guarantee It ab
solutely. '
For Sale Cheap Twonty or thirty
whisky barrels. C. T. Whelan. 90-2
Eva Walto was granted a divorce
from Purl Walte in tho district court
Friday afternoon for extremo cruolty.
They were married In Hastings Decom
bro 21st, 1914.
Leypoldt & Penningi
Hay, Grain, Seeds, Fiour aed Feed
Stuffs, Hard and Soft Coal
We have spent a great deal of money in building a plant
that is up-to-date in every respect and we arc in a position
to give you bERVIGE AS GOOD AS THE BEST as well as
pay you all that conservative buying wll permit. We are
always on the job and are here to stay, therefore cannot
make any promises which we cannot stand by.
When you want to sell, give us a chance. When you
are in the market for Flour. Feed or Coal, call on us and we
will do our best to please you. We sell our guaranteed
Blue Diamond Flour for a -little less than others for the
same grade.
Phone 99 Leypoldt & Pennington.
Office, Elevator and Warehouses, Front St. and Silber Ave.
C. M. Newton's 1917
Membership 75 cents which entitles members to ex
change at S cents each. Books may be kept out 10 days.
After 10 days one cent per day. Books not returned
within 20 days will, be considered sold.
We have about one thousand of the Popular copyright
in our library which gives our members an opportunity to
read books by the best authors for only Five cents each.
Join the Book Club Now.
i.f l jt
Tk fiber
On Your Foot Troubles
Let the Foot Expert at this Store Tell lou How
to Obtain Instant Relief and Permanent Comfort
He has had years of experience in treating foot ailments, using the
celebrated Dr. Wm. M. Soholl's successful methods, and has had
many remarkable results. He will be here to give his
free to all
We urge every person within reach of this store, who has foot
trouble of any nature whatever, to see this expert and learn -how
to obtain relief and comfort. It costs you nothing for his services.
You will not be under obligation to buy anything.
Have you callouses, corns, bunions, sore, tired, aching feet, hot,
tender, perspiring feet, pains in the heels, ankles and limbs, any
foot troubles at all? If you have, you should not fail to avail
yourself of this opportunity to learn how to overcome your foot
ailments and have perfect comfort. '
D. & F. Shoe Store
MJsa Irma Huffman who Is now
touring Oklahoma and Texas, In con
nection with tho Mutual Lyceum
Bureau of Chicago, has lately Been
something of border life at Llano
Grando -where the &:lh Nebraska Inf.
Is camped and all of tho North Platto
boys are stationed. Sho rodo on a train
that has been held up sevorai times.
U. S, soldiers woro In every coach to
protect tho American traveler.
On Uio road to Mission, Texas, sho
was shown 1UI10 field where ono year
ago fourteon Mexicans and eight U. S.
soldlerworo killed In a battle. At
Eagle Pass, on Monday, tho 20th the
citizens were expecting troublo at any
time from Mexican towns just across
tho Tlvor.
At three of 'ilieir "stops" a majority
of their audiences, wero soldier boys.1
Tho scenery nt most points (was grand,
and tho ollmato one continued summer
season, no cold weather being ex
perienced as yet. At Mountain Grove
they went bathing In Silver Lake.'
Snakes and tarantulas aro tlalked of
and seen ovory dny.
Irma says the soldier boys aro all
anxious to go home, but want to go
Into Mexico first. They all sent re
gards and expressed tho kindest of
feeling for North Platto and Its people.
r: :o: :
Two or three additional stenogra
phers aro noeded In Uio office of Gov
ernor elect Novlllo to answer the con
gratulatory letters received and tho
many letters received from applicants
for appointment to state positions. It
Is really surprising the number of'
men who ar6 "office hungry" and who
deslro positions that pay very modest
Tho entire paving forco was cen
tered -on tho concrete mixer yesterday
and tho concrete work was com
pleted' north of tho track. This
concludes that part of tho work and
Contractor Stack can smllo and bo
happy. Tho work of sotting tho brick
and running the asphalt can bo done
in almost any kind of weather.
MIsb Ellso Turloy, of Sutherland.
leturnod "homo tho latter part of last
wcck alter visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Lem Bailey.
Attorney W. T. Wilcox wont to
Julesburg on business yesterday morning.
Mrs. Will Dasklns will entertain tho
Elite club tomorrow afternoon.
Miss Agnes Hnnlon will cntortaln
tho Eldeen club Wednesday afternoon,
December Gtli.
Mrs. I, E. Stobblns will" entertain
tho J. P. P. club Tuesday afternoon,
December Gth.
Mrs. Georgo Vosolpka will cntqrtaln
the members of tho M. M. M. club to
morrow afternoon.
' Kir. and Mrs. Georgo Donehower will
celobrnto .their fiftieth wedding anni
versary Deccmbor 5th.
Tho members of tho Saturday nftor
noon bridge club woro tho guests of
Mrs. O. M. Reynolds at Maxwell Satur
day afternoon. The ladles went down
In autos and liad a pleasant trip and a
dollghtful afticrnoon.
Tho ladles of tho Twentieth Century
Woman's Club aro planning on a groat
big Community Christmas treo again
this year and feel sure that all In tho
city will wish to assist in some way.
Any ono 'wishing to mako a donation
to 'tiho candy fund, please eo that
tho amount largo or small, It will all
bo appreciated, reaches Mrs. J. J. Hnl
lagan by Dec. 1st or as soon after as
posslblo that sho may know what to
plan on. Mrs. E. A. Garlichs will bo
In chargo of tho music and Mrs. Dla-
lock Is on tho nrrangement committee
- so s
The Penn Mutual Life
of Philadelphia
Has. paid - for more than
$100,000,000, new busi
ness this year.
J. H. Hegarty, Agent.
McCabo BIdg. North Platte.
Mrs. John II. Day visited hefr dauglr
tor hi Kearney Sunday.
II. G. Knowles and family will lcavo
Sunday for Bethany, Nebr., whCro they
will mako their homo In tho future
Miss Sybil Gantt, who is nttondlhg
tho stato unlvdrslty. will como homo to
morrow evening to spend tho week ond.
All Suits aro going at Half Prlco at
Tho Prosbytorian aid society will
moot in tho church basement Friday
Tho Prosbytorian ladles twill hold
tholr annual fair and suppor in tho
church basement Doc. 7th.
Hello Boy's
If you are interested in
Call at C. ML Newton's Store.
Supt, Brophy, of tho Union Pacific,
transacted business hero yesterday.
T, G. Moore, of Ogdon, who recontly
camo hero has accepted a position as
locomotive fireman.
Omar Huff, of tho Western Union
office, has been off duty for sevorai
days past on account of illness.
Engineer J. I, Smith has boon off
duty for sovernl weoks on account of
several carbuncles on tho back of his
neck, which aro very painful.
Trainmaster Weir, mihoso headquar
ters aro at Grand Island, is In town to
day transacting business and visiting
his family, Ho says Grand Island is a
good town, but has "nothing on1
North Platto.
Engineer Mlko Hayos returned Sat
urday from Omaha where ho went to
consult Dr. Jonas, who prescribed a
troatmont that will probably-curo him
of minor bladdor and appendix trouble.
"Lovoly Mary." In which Mary Miles
Mintcr comes to tho aid of a young man
wrongfully accused of crime, will bo
tho foatUTo attraction at tho Crystal
tonight. In a now and novel mnnner
she, as tho lasti female descendant of
a Southern family, defeats tho dls
honost land spooulator. It Is a story
or n gin who makes mnny sacrifices
for those nho lovos. Also Mr. and Mrs,
Sidney Drow In tho comody, " A
Symphony In Coal."
f " jg 'Start tlhf
smokeless oil heater
the Perfection Heater Wl I
Mmffiim heat you need for a week, iff
Sold everywhere by reli- M I ,
Standard Oil Company