The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 28, 1916, Image 4

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Uiristmas A
Qlvc the Bort of present that mikos tlio Joy of Christmas last for
With tho gifts on the tree, hang a KHYPTOK Christmas Gift
Tr'D"V13rTVYI'Jr KHYPTOK (pronounced Crlp-tock)
W T. A J fcC Glasses havo tho appearance of flln
A. GLASSES JLa. glo vision glasses. Thero is no 111
THC OHIY INVISIBLE DIFOCAl looking lino or seam across them as
there Is across old-stylo bifocals. Yet KHYPTOKS have two separate
vision neor, and far.
KHYPTOKS nd tho need of two pairs of glasses, and can ho
worn all tho tlmo for all requirements of near and far vision.
Our KHYPTOK Christmas CertlfliCfJ.o Plan ,makes It cosy to
glvo a gift that is worth while. Como In and let us glvo you particu
lars. CLINTON, Registered Optometrist.
Graduate Dentist
Ofilcofover th McDonald
State Bunk.
Harry Murrln nnd son Lawronco
ppont tho weok end in Omaha and Lin
coln. Halph Coates left Friday for Lin
coln to spend tho weok end with
Ray Smith will leavo tomorrow for
Grand .Island to Visit friends for sev
eral days.'
Dr. Morrill, Dentist
Mrs. Ernest Owlngs has gone to
flnltinnhnri fo visit hir nnrpnta for
stivoral days. I
Snpt, Wilson Tout went to Sidney)
Saturday morning to attend a teach-'
era' convention. I
Attorney James Kcefe left Friday,
for the eastern part of this state to
spend several days.
.Mrs. Mose McFarland and daughter
Mabel spent tho week e,nd In ' towns
on the branch road.
Miss Alico Hurbut, of Gothenburg,
who visited last -week with Mr. and
Mrs. J, V Homlgh, has returned homo.
U Mrs. Elmer Coates Is vlsltllng in
Goring with her daughter and will re
turn homo tho latter part of this weok.
' Mrs. John Connott nnd daughter
Mrs. Edith Qually wonk to Horshoy
Saturday morning to visit relatives for
sovoral days,
If you nro still to buy your Fall
TSult you can save half of tho nrlco bv
'uylng it at BLOCK'S Halt Prico Suit
Mr. and Mrs, John Jonos wont to
Lincoln tho latter part of last weok
So visit the lattor'B alstor and attond
Rio foot ball game.
S'Tako yoir auto tiro repair work to
o Nobrofllta Tiro Repair Co., I. L.
Bailor, manager, C07 Locust stroot.
Mlsn Julia Ilayos, dt Chicago, twho
kas been upending Hovornl wooks with
fcer aunt Mrs. James Hart, will to
tum homo next wcolc.
Miss Hazel Smith returned Sunday
from a visit with Miss Sybil Qantt at
C. P. Carson Is expected hero this
week to spend Thanksgiving with his
son Perry Carson and family.
Miss EsbIo Wessburg and mother,
who wcro visiting in Omaha last weok,
roturned homo Saturday ovening.
Mr. and -Mrs. Sam Donehower, of
Peoria, 111., aro expected hero next
week to visit the former's parents.
Take a kindly Interest In the other
fellow nnd you multiply yonr own
Woodhnrsl's Insurance Agency.
Mrs. Georgo Adams, of Cheyenne,
who visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Adams this week, will leavo
For Trado or Sale Town property
for automobile Phono Illk. G48 or
writo Walter Cox, North Platte. 84-8
Attorney and Mrs. Byron Oberst are
enjoying a visit from the latter's moth
or, who came hero tho latter part of
last week.
Only SO Suite left; you ha1 better
get yours now, as they are going pret
ty fast wjille they are offered at Half
Mrs. Gus Chamberlain and son Val
damar of Donver, aro expected -hero
tomorrow ovening to visit her father
P. H. Sullivan and family.
Headquarters for Window glass.
Mrjf. Carl Bonner left Friday even
lng for Boulder, Col., to visit relatives
for several wcqks. Cnrouto sho will
spend a few days In Choyonno.
Tho' Catholic ladlos society will
hold a social at tho home of Airs. J.
K. Ottenstcln Thursday afternoon,
Doc. 7th. A fifteen cent lunch will bo
served. ,
Dr. Brock, Dontlat, over Stono Drug
Joo Knadjl and family leavo today
for Mason City, Nab., near which
town ho recently ipurchasod a farm
of 120 acres. For soven or olght years
Mr. Knadjl resided In Myrtlo precinct.
For quick action and snMsfnctosy
salo list your land with Thoelrckc. tf
Mr. nnd Mrs. Edgar Donehower, of
Columbus, Ohio, will arrive horo tho
latter inrt or this week to attend tho
ilftleth wedding anniversary of tho
former's parents.
Camp Llano Grande, Nov. 20.
Editor Tribune:
The members of Company E, 5th Ne
b.aska Infantry, ns a body, desiro to
thank tho voters and citizens. of Lin
coln oounty for tholr liberal support Of
Captain Halllgan ior county attorney.
Wo predict that ho will sorvo tho
pcoplo of Lincoln county as faithful
ly as ho hus served his country nnd
his flag.
If true, ns tho World-Herald corres-
pondonh Btatod that "his mothor con
ducted his campaign while he wns on
tho Moxicnn bordor and won," sho hng
Just cniiBo to feel proud of hor success
as a campaigner.
Wo know Cam. P. R. Halllgan to be
trustworthy and loyal and above all n
gentleman at all times.
Signed: Co. E, 5th Nebraska Ihfant-
ry In n body.
: :o: :
If you were taken out of a foundling
homo by a man of culturo and through
his untiring devotion and personal ef-
rorts, wcro uovoiopeu into a nigiuy ed
ucated, charming society belle, and If,
when you had attained this enviable
position, you were forced to choose be
tween this man to whom you o tried
ovcrythlng In tho world except Hfo It
self nnd a dashing young army officer,
which would you choose? That is tho
dilemma which Marguerite faces as
Peggy in tho Famous Players Film
Company's adaptation of Madelelno
Lucotto Ryley s celebrated theatrical
success, "Mice and Men," which Is tho
Paramount feature at the Keith to
-: :o: :
Finds for Defendant.
The Jury in the damago case of
Carlo Gerlo against Ralph G arm an.
brought In a verdict exonerating the
defendant from tho payment of tho
amount sued for or any part thereof.
Gerlo claimed $4,600 for injuries re
ceived when on July 5. 1013 ho was
knocked down "by an auto driven by
uarman. tho latter at tho time offered
to pay Gorlo 4510 amount of his doctor
bill but this Gorle declined to accept.
Tho ovldonco showed that Gannan was
not drlvlnc recklessly nor fnnt n. tho
tlmo, and that tho street was partly!
biocKcu uy a snow tent.
Good Tilings for Soldier Boys.
Tho North Platto boys in camp at'
Llano Grande, Texas, havo- tho as
surance of a Thanksgiving feast of
homo cooking which will bo topped off
witn conrecuons and cigars. Last
Thursday relatives and friends of tho
soldier boys forwarded to them sev
eral boxes of eatables Intended for
tholr Thanksgiving dinner and through
tho efforts of the Spanish War-Veterans
an additional box of cigars and
confections woro sent. These evi
dences of gdod wishes and remem
brance will no doubt bo greatly ap
preciated by the boys on the border.
Isenhnrt lias Accident.
In a letter to Tho. Tribune JLem B.
iBonhart, of Tellurido, Col., formerly
of this city, says:. "All well .with us
excepting myself. I took a fallon an
Icy sidewalk November 7th and. have
been laid up since with a "sprained
shoulder. Wo are very much pleased
to know that Keith Novillo has been
elected gdVcrnor, also to 'know-that
.Nebraska has entered tho dry column.
Tho price of metals has made times
lively In the mountains again and lots
of work for the miners. I am still with
the Liberty Bell Qold Mlno Co."
In tho prosenqc of a largo number
of friends Miss Kathleen A. Flynn nnd
Thomas Hnggerty woro married with
nuptial mass at St. Patrick's church
thlB morning. Tho ccromony was per
formed by Rev. P. FMcDald. Promptly
nt olgnt o'clock tho wedding march
was played by Miss Gertrudo Robhau
sen and tho bridal party took their
places at tho altar. The brldo woro
a beautiful gown of whlto silk cropo
and crope de chlno with tirlmmlngs of
shadow lace and white satin nnd car
rlod a largo hoquot of white orysan
themums. Sho also woro a large pic
ture hat of sllvor lace. Miss Irono
O'Donncll, of Cheyenne, formorly of
this city, was maid of honor. Her
gown was a protty combination ot pink
chiffon and mescaline. Sho held an
arm hoquot of pink chrysanthemums
and woro a gold lace hat Tho best
man iwas Patrick Haggerty of Denver,
a brother of tho groom and Joseph
Senate acted as usher.
After tho ceremony and congratu
lations a wedding breakfast was ser
ved to twontjvfour rolatlves at the
Flynn rosldenco on cast Tenth Btreet
Where many beautiful wedding gifts
wore displayed and where Mr. and
Mrs. HaggoKy will bo at homo to
their friends.
Tho brldo was born In this city,
educated in and graduated from the
city schools and has since held posi
tions in local business houses. She was
formorly an efficient employee of this
office and for three years past was as
sociated with tho grocery department
of tho Tramp department store. She
Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James
Flynn, now of Melroso, and has a
largo circle of friends with whom
sho Is popular. For soveral years she
has held an office In the Catholic
Girls' club and been one of its most
faithful members.
Tho groom came to this city- from
Denver, three years ago to accept a
position in tho Union Pacific round
house. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
lOwen Haggerty of Denver. During
his resldenco horo he has made a
friend of all with whom, ho camo
in contact. Congratulations aro ex
tended from this office.
Mrs. Luko Connoally, of Wallace,
spont :Jio week ond with friends In
town. '
Judge Grimes spent Saturday after
noon in Lexington hearing a case In
Mr. and Mrs. -P. J. Norton and daugh
ter spent the woek end In Omaha visit
ing relatlvos.
Mr. and Mrs. Whaling- of Brokon
Bow, who visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Mnston for a woek, left by auto yes
torday. ,
Perry SItton, of Omaha, visited In
to) a li Saturday while enrouto to Og
den. t
Miss Ida Otenstein left last evening
for Blair to attend tho Ware-Walte-math
Joo PIzor returned Sunday' ovening
from Lincoln wlioro ho attended tho
foot ball game.
Miss Goldlo Well's, of Lexington, iwlio
had been visiting her brother Harry
Wolls and family, leffl Saturday afternoon.
Encampmcnt Elects Officers.
Colfax Encampment No. 23 I. O. O.
F. held Its annual election ofrofflcors
Friday evening nnd tho following were
(Sleeted: Chief Patriarch, F. C. Peter
son; Senior Warden, J. H. McKale;
High Priest, H. J. Dlener; Scribe, J.
Guy Swope: Treasurer, E. S. Davis:
Junior Warden, Win Slmants; Pa-
tnacn H. Fleishman received tho royal
purple degree. Refreshments were
served after the business meeting.
: :o: :
Don't profess Christianity, but prnc
tlcc It. WoodhurHttB Insurance Agency.
For Sale
Puro Red Duroc Jersey Hogs, Male
and FSihalo, all eligible to registry.
Inquire of or address Blankenburg
Bros. North Platte, Nebf. 1305 North
Loclisut street, Phone Red 851. 90-4
"Governor Selects First Annolntcc.
Governor-elect KeUh .'Noville spont
i no weoic enu in Lincoln ana visucu
soveral stato departments. While
thoro ho announced that Fish Com
missioner O'Brien would be retained in
that position. Mr. O'Brien has, appar
ently, made a vory efficient fish com
is in the Stato Guarantee
Funds protecting this Bank's
depositors. v ' V:
That should be fcood
enough for anybody-the men
behind tho McDonald State
iBank, should be good enough
They know y6ui needs
and will help you why riot
consult them and do busi
ness in a business-like way
by keeping a checking
account there
M? Donald State Bank
NokthPlattc, Nmr,
CJnrlow Visiting In Town.
Fred H. Gnrlow arrived frpmCody,
Wyo., Friday and will remain for a
week or ton days. For two years past
Mr, Garlow has boon managing Col
onol Cody's Interests In the Big Horn
country, which includes a string of
hotels on the roadway to tlvp national
park. Tourist travel tho past season
was vory heavy ond tho hotels did n
big business. Colonel Cody arrived in
Cody Inst week and will spond tho
greater part of the winter with Mrs.
Cody and tho Garlow family.
District Court (0 Take Rest.
Judge Grimes will adjourn district
court tomorrow evening in ordor, that
tho jurors, wltnessos nnd attornoyo
muy spend Thanksgiving at homo.
Monday morning court will reconvene
and the grind resumed. A recall of
tho docket was modo Friday and re
nsslgnmont of enso mado In order not
to conflict with tho nbsonco of At
torneys Halllgan, Bcolor nnd Hoaglund
who go to Washington for a week or
ten days.
Will Banquot 3Ir. and Mrs. Neville.
Palestino Commandory, Knights
Templar, and tholr ladles will give
a reception and banquet complimen
tary to Gov-elect Noville and Mrs
Novillo at tho Masonic temple on Fri
day ovening of next week. The at
tendants will bo limited to members
of the organization, of which Mr,
Novillo is one.
-: :o: :
Sonic Corn Notwithstanding.
Notwithstanding the' dry - summer
the 191G corn crop of Lincoln county
Is valued at 0110 and one-half million
dollars by tho stato board of agricul
ture. Lincoln county Is so big and the
corn acrcago was so large that It
didn't require a very heavy yield per
acre to produce 2,475,0G0 bushels.
- "O ;
Call 125 for taxi day or night.
Also flvo or sevon passenger car for
funeral service.
Chandler & El car Agemay,
Cornor 8th and Locust Sts.
lIT'ft 8 illlinr linn tiidt nun nn a niirmi
II o ft NIulUlAU InnltiulLub A DtltU
Some one, nlso wise lias 9aid,
"To protect your tools from dew and dust,
And the ravages of snow and rust"
Plenty of Shed Room On A Farm
Is pretty good ovidqtipe of economical and
successful management.'
Coates Lumber & Coal Co.
North Platte, Nebr.
Toy Transformers
The Wayne Toy Transformer will operate on your alternating
current lighting circuit any electrical toys suitable for alternating
current operation, such as railways aeroplanes, automobiles
motors, etc.
Seven different voltages aro obtainable by turning d simple
control switch, making possible the operation of Very small toys
or latgerones at several speeds.
Built by tho General Electric Company, the Wayne Trans
former is durable and simple to operate. It consumes little :
current and will last a lifetime. ,'
Attaches to Any Lighting Socket or Receptacle.
TmTvTiBLrm IkHiMj
J M M M jj
i--ffL Loofe' At HeiA
g'HI Pull n.itf" r m
mm rfi iiti t t iuuai
Red Crown gas puts extra
power in the drive wheels
takes you through the
deepest drifts.
Quick-starting in the coldest
weather. Always clean and
dependable wherever you buy
it. Look for the RedCrownslgn
on garages and supply stations.
Standard Oil Company
; : vfSSrAA ft urn
Do You Run
Down Stairs
to Answer
the Telephone?
An extension telephone
upstairs; or at the far
side of the house, may be
used to send calls as well
as to receive them.
Without-a bell
50 cents a month.
With extra bell
75 cents a month.