The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 28, 1916, Image 3

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He used a pebble
In his day, to tteep
his mouth moist
WE use
a ,- a i inin
WRIGLEY'S gives us a
wholesome, antiseptic,
ref resiling confection to
take the place of the cave
man's pebble.
We help teeth, breath, appetite,
digestion and deliciously soothe
mouth and throat with this
welcome sweetmeat.
TJio Wrigley Spearmen want to send you
their Book of Gum-ptlon. Send a postal
for It today. Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co.,
1327 Kcsncr Building, Chicago.
The Flavor Lasts !
Correspondent in City Visited by Zep
pelins Simply Stayed In Bed
and Touched Wood.
I was billeted at tho time of the first
Zeppelin raid In a little, smelly houso
of -three floors and six apartments.
Tho hoaso was packed with tho orig
inal tenants, Jew and Greek, together
with such lodgers as myself. In our
fiat of four rooms and a kitchen were
tho landlord and his lady, four sous
and two daughters. The sons slept
on tho sitting-room floor, and If you
canio homo In the dark you were like
ly to tread ou them. Two French ofQ
cors shared the best bedrooms, while
I slept alone , in tho second best.
"Bang-bang-bang" went the bombs from
the Zeppolln ; tho French officers cried
"En bas I" and tho boys banged at my
door yelling "Erabrosl" which Is
Greek for "Forwards I" As It didn't
seem to matter much where ono went,
tho whole thing, falling dugouts, be
ing purely a question of luck, I stayed
In bed and touched wood. The crashes
of-tho big bombs wcro terrifying. Tho
house shook with each explosion; but
us all things good or bad must como
to an end, so too, after a while, ended
this business. A wonderful orange
colored blazo lit up tho world outside,
and so Z got out of bed and watched
It, deciding at last to dress and seo
thUigs at closo quarters. Albert Kin
ross, In the Atlantic.
Youth tho Loser.
J. F. Morgan, the famous financier,
was talking at a dinner In New York
about a yoang banker who had failed.
"It was his youth that made him
fall," bo sold. "Youth Is always falling
falling In business, falling In love.
"Itemy do Gburmont tells us truly
that In tho game of life youth has all
tho trumps all of them but plays
recklessly, and invariably loses."
Nlnety-thre.0 per cent of the floor
of tho ocean is devoid of vegetation.
Habit of Procrastination Has Never
Yet Failed to Bring Train of
Evils In Its Wake.
"Sometime" is a useful word that is
often overworked, remarks tho Mil
waukee Journal. Ono says, "Sometime
I will do it," but tho time never comes.
Sometime is no time when a kind deed
Is to be done. Sometlmo is no time
when a definite task is to bo done.
A thing put off beyond Its rightful
tlmo encroaches on time allotted by
right to other duties. Ono may think
ho is gaining time by postponing tho
duty of tho hour. In fact, ho Is wast
ing time. "Tomorrow" and ever "to
morrow" has been tho ruin of many.
Do now tho tiling that should be done
now. Ilavo you had a quarrel, and are
you ready for reconciliation? Do not
postpono it. Tho other person may got
hardened In his views and becomo un
willing to be reconciled. Ho may dio
and leavo to you a lasting regret that
you had not mado friends. Would, you
help someono? Do not wait till help
is past being help. Put off till "to
morrow" mending tho fence, and your
neighbor's cattlo will havo found tho
weak place and mado havoc with your
grain. Put off paying your insurance,
and perhaps u fire will destroy all
you havo. Debts do not grow less by
postponing payment. "Do it now" 1b a
good watchword. Say tho kind word,
do tho kind deed, perform the duty of
tho hour.
v The aPrtlal Teacher.
"Havo you got a nice teacher?"
asked Uncle Ed.
"No," said Belle. "Sho ain't nice."
"Why, Belle I" said her mother, "I'm
ashamed of you; your teacher is nice."
"Sho's mean t' mo," declared Bella
running her words together. "Sho let
George Brown dust her desk and 'twas
my turn."
Tho Chinese government is about to
open its first aviation school.
The Flavor Lasts
In the making of Grape-Nuts there is added to the
sweet, rich nutriment of whole wheat, the rare flavor
of malted barley, a combination creating a most un
usually delicious taste. The palate never tires of it.
People everywhere have found that
is the most nutritious and delicious cereal food known.
Every table should have its daily ration of Grape-Nuts.
"There's a Reason"
Don't flatter yourself that friendship
authorizes you to say disagreeable
things to your Intimates. Tho nearer
you como Into relation with a person,
tho tnoro necessary do tact and cour
tesy become.
Except in cases of necessity, which
ore rare, leavo your friend to learn
unpleasant things from his enemies;
they are ready enough to tell them.
For those who cannot enjoy pastry
mnko the pumpkin pie without n crust,
that Is use tho usual pro
portions of rich milk,
pumpkin, eggs, sugar and
seasonings and fill cus
tard cups with tho mix
ture, putting a small frill
of pastry around tho
edge of the cup; bako
as usual and servo sprin
kled with grated cheese.
For tho fill tho following
may be used: One cup
ful of well Cooked and sifted pump
kin, two cupfuls of milk, two-thirds of
a cupful of brown sugar, two beaten
oggs, a teaspoonful of ginger, a half
tcaspoonful of cinnamon, a half tea
spoonful of salt and n few drops of
lemon extract.
Apple Cups. Scoop out medium
sized apples, leaving a good coverlug
at the blossom end. Cook In a sirup
made with equal parts of sugar and wa
ter until they may be pierced,1 but not
in danger of breaking. Itemovo to
the serving dish and fill tho centers
with chopped raisins, dates and ilgs.
Pour a Httlo of tho sirup over them
and garnish with whipped cream.
Servo with applo leaves for a garnish
to each plate.
Cranberry Pie. Chop one cupful
each of cranberries nnd raisins with
half n cupful eoch of nuts and figs.
Add ono cupful of sugar, ono table
spoonful of flour, one-fourth of a tca
spoonful of salt, and a fourth of a cup
ful of water. Fill tho crust, sprinkle
with nuts and cover with tho top crust
or lattice strips.
Fruit Rolls. Make a rich pie crust
and cut It in squures, as many as there
aro to serve. On ench squuro heap n
tablespoonful or two of chopped ap
ple with a few raisins, and a little
splce, pinch tho corners together to.
prevent tne ingredients from falling
out. Place In n deep baking pan nnd
add a cupful of boiling water, a cupful
of brown sugar nnd two tablespoon
fills of butter. 'Bake ono hour in a
moderate oven. The Bauce, if enough,
Is served with the pudding.
Pineapple, Salad. Placo a sllco of
plneapplo on a leaf of lottuco or on
a nest of water cress. On it arrange
alternato sections of orango and
grapefruit. Between each piece place
an eighth of a section of rlpo ollvo.
In tho center of tho pineapple placo
a small ball of cream choeso which
has been seasoned and moistened with
mayonnaise. Sprlnklo with paprika
and pour over a Fronch dressing. Tho
lulco of tho pineapple may bo used
is a substltuto for somo of the vinegar.
Borne have much and somo havo more,
'Some are rich and somo aro poor,
Somo havo little, some have less;
Bomo have not a cent to bless
Their empty pockets, yet possess
True riches In true happiness.
John Oxenham.
When cooking small cukes of sau
sages, place a large oyster In each;
tho oyster will add to tho
sausage nnd tho flavor of
tho sausage will season
the oyster. Fry tho suu
sago as usual.
Popcorn Margarltes.
Make a sirup by using
ono cupful of sugar, one
tablespoonful of vinegar
and cook until it threads; pour It
over the whites of two beaten eggs.
Beat until thick, then stir In three cup
fuls of freshly popped corn. Spread
wafers thickly with, tho mixture nnd
hake until brown In tho oven.
Rich Little Tea Cakes. Cream
three-quarters of u cupful of butter,
add ono cupful of granulated sugar
nnd tho grated rind of "a lemon. Then
add five well-beaten eggs, alternately
with two cupfuls of flour, mixed and
sifted with a tcaspoonful of baking
powder nnd n quarter of a tcuspoonful
of salt. Beat well nnd nfter tho
flour is all In add a tcaspoonful of va
nilla. Turn Into smnll patty tins well
greased with washed butter. Bnkc 15
minutes In a moderate oven.
Shaker Cookies. Cream ono cupful
of shortening nnd ono cupful of sugar,
add two well-beaten eggs, bent well;
add seven-eights of a cup of milk nnd
two cupfuls of flour, and salt as need-
: cd. If tho shortening Is butter, a little
. Is all that Is necessnry. Add thrco-
' fourths of n tcaspoonful of soda dls-
I solved in a little water, ono cupful of
I raisins and two cupfuls of rolled oats
i which havo been browned In tho oven.
or nt least thoroughly heated. Drop
by spoonfuls on a buttered sheet.
Theso cookies hnvo a rich nutty flavor
owing to tho browned oatmeal. Oat
meal cookies are not usually bilked
long enough to sufficiently cook tho
oatmeal. This method overcomes that
Creamed Celery and Almonds.
Oook two cupfuls of celery, cut In Inch
pieces, In boiling, stilted water un
til tender. Drain anil add two cup
fuls of crenm sauce, using a half cup
ful of the liquor In which tho celery
was cooked, nnd crenm. When tho
sauco Is cooked stir In a half cupful
of blanched, chopped almonds; season
well and serve.
This is tho season when tho goosu
and turkey are abroad in tho land, and
with ordinary enro In
preparing nnd In cook
ing theso birds, It 1 3
hard to spoil them. Tho
problem of tho left
overs Is a large ono In
small families, especial
ly when serving a good
sized turkey.
Curried Turkey. Cut tho remains
of cooked turkey Into ncntly-trlmmod
shreds, freo from bone. To a pound
nnd n half of tho meat, melt two tn
blespoonfuls. of butter In a saucepan ;
ndd n tablespoonful of chopped onion
nnd cook until a golden brown. Add
ono tublespoouful of curry powder,
threo teaspoonfuls of flour, ono
chopped apple, ono teaspoonful of
chopped coconut and salt to taste;
mix well nnd moisten with n cupful
of stock, stir until boiling hot. Put
tho lid ou tho pan and simmer for ten
minutes. Then add tho turkey meat,
one-half cupful of milk; simmer 10
minutes nnd add Just beforo serving,
ono tcaspoonful of lemonjulce. Servo
with boiled rice.
Turkey Cutlets With Sauce. Chop
the breast of a cooked turkey.. Put
two slices of bread In a basin, cover
with milk, nnd let It soak for 20 min
utes, then'draln dry. Put tho chopped
turkey Into the basin, add four tnblo
spoonfuls of chopped, cooked hnui, tho
bread, salt, pepper and paprika to
taste, nnd mix well together. Dlvld'o
tho mixture Into equal parts; mold
them in the shapo of cutlets on a
floured board, brush them with beat
en egg nnd toss In smoklng-hot fat.
Drain them on white paper and ar
rnngo in a hot dish, garnish, with
pnrslcy and serve with llungarlan
sauco. For the sauco: Fry ono
chopped onion In two tnblespoonfuls
of butter until brown ; ndd a half-cupful
of grnpejutco nnd rcduco to hnlf
tho quantity, then stir in n teaspoon
ful of pnprlkn nnd two cupfuls of
white sauce; simmer for ID minutes;
add n hnlf-cupful of crenm, salt nnd
pepper to taste and add bit by bit, two
tablcspoonfuls of butter.
Carrots cooked nnd mnshed and
used -as ono docs pumpkin or squash
In plo will bo most appetizing.
A great man or woman is ho or sho
who works cheerfully and merrily,
rccts cheerfully and merrily and does
not slumber In tho touts of "tho good
old times."
When tho heavy menl Is served at
noon tho supper Is usually a slight
ono nnd yet ono feels tho
need of somo hot dish,
not too complicated to
prepnre. Tho following
dish will bo found most
Rice With Tomato and
Cheese. Pick over and
wash half u cupful of
rice. Placo with tlirco
cupfuls of water boiling
hot nnd cook five min
utes. Add a cupful of tomato puree,
one-half teaspoonful of salt, ono ten
spoonful each of chopped onion and
green pepper, cooked until soft In two
tablcspoonfuls of butter. Cook all to
gether In a double boiler without stir
ring until tho rlco is soft, then ndd
hnlf a cupful of grated cheese. Stir
with a fork and servo as soon as tho
checso Is melted.
Stuffed Apples. Add a bny leaf,
ono tcaspoonful of minced onion, n
half tcaspoonful of salt and a Httlo
cnyenno pepper to two and n half
cupfuls of stock; simmer for 20 min
utes mid strain. Coro nnd pare, ten
tart apples. Place In tho bottom of
an agate pan ; pour tho strained stock
over them nnd simmer until they are
soft but not broken; cnrefully rcmovo
them from tho stock and set asldo to
cool. Blanch two cupfuls of chest
nut meats, slice, cover with tho stock ;
ndd four teaspoonfuls of currant Jelly
and simmer until tender. If tho meats
aro too moist, drain. Fill tho center
of tho apples with tho chestnut mix
turo and servo with roast pork.
Steamed Date Pudding. Cream halt
a cupful of butter, dd ono cupful of
molasses, ono cuptul of milk, ono
pound of stoned and chopped dates,
mixed with two cupfuls of stulo bread
crumbs, ono tcaspoonful of soda, a
half teaspoonful each of clove, salt,
cinnamon and nutmeg, mixed and sift
ed with ono cupful of entlro wheat
flour. Turn Into It buttered mold and
steam thrco hours. Servo with creamy
Creamy Sauce.. To tho beaten
whites of two eggs ndd ono cupful of
powdered sugar gradually and ono
cupful of whipped cream. Add a ten
spoonful of vinegar and half a tea
spoonful of vanilla, Use as soon as
When you feel yourself taking cold,
Peruna Tablets are likely to cnccK
and overcome- the attack.
When your appetite Is fitful, your food
doM not taita mod. reruns Tablets will Invlsorate
and regulate, Whf are wk niter Itlnest, Peruna Tablets are
nntMt for thir healthful Tnnli- PAW. Whn catarrh rllitrrll vou.
Peruna Tablets will litln your evstom to rid Itself of this disease
ManallnTahleta m n rtr-lluTilfitl IathMv fitrnna rathnrtlra wmVmi. nnd are followed bv
reaction. Xfftnalln ( mIM nrtnit ti HuVr tn nftr,n anti-will rw fnnntt A nafft at
they are pleasant, By their use ns directed, the habit of constipation Is usually overcome,
tor children and Invalids the treatment la cafe and sat 1st aetory. Any drug store caa supply
ueiaooxioaay. THE PERUNA COMPANY Columbus, Ohio
"the 8hob that holdo its shape"
$3.00 $3.50 94.00 $4.50 & $5.00 aXSVSSIm
Save Money by Wearing W. X. Douglas
flhoes. ForsnlobyovorOOOO shoo dealers.
The Best Known Shoes In the World.
W. L. Douglas name and the retail price Is stamped on tho bot
torn of all shoes at the factory. The va'ue is guaranteed and
the wearer protected against high prices for inferior shoes. The
retail prices axe the same everywhere. They cost no morn fa San
Francisco than they do in New York. They ore always worth the
price paid for them. f
nphe quality of W. L. Douglas product 1 guaranteed by more
than 40 years experience in making fine slues. The smart
styles are the leaders in the Fashion Centres of America.
They are made in a well-equipped factory at Brockion, Mats-
by the nigtiest paid, skulled shoemakers, under the direction and
supervision or experienced men. all working with an honest
determination to make the best (hoes foe die price that money
can cuy.
AsIc your shoe dealer for W, t Douglas shoes. If lie can
not supply yon -with the kind you wruit. take no other
mnko, Write for Interesting booklet explaining hour to
Set shoes ot the highest standard of quality for tho prloe,
y return mall, postage fro.
LOOK FOR W. L. Doughs
same nnd the retail price
stamped oa the bottom.
lllraaaaH svssnnras wjf
Boys' Shoes
BMtln Ids World
$3.00 $2.50 & $2.00
A A OTiuvu ' - - '
W 1- Irigl. Htioo Co., nmoktotij Muss
No Bungalow for Him.
Retiring from active business nfter
years of shoving schooners ovor tho
bar, tho wealthy Mr. Biers considered
houso plans.
"Ilcro," suld tho architect, "Is u
handsomo bungalow that would bo judt
tho thing for you."
"Nothing by that namo, If you
please," said Mr. Btcrs. Newark
Just as Good.
A small boy was leading an unusual
ly fine-looking dog, when n sportlly
dressed mnn stopped to admlro it,
"Has that dog of yours got a pedi
gree ?" ho asked.
"I don't know," replied tho boy, "but
ho's got over a bushel of bones burled
In our bnck yard."
Quite Wet.
"That was a lino dry parado yester
day, wasn't it?"
"Well, not when it finished."
Kidney Disorder
(BY SR. V. M. riEROB.)
The most slmplo methods aro usu
ally tho most cffcctlvo ones when
treating any disorder of tho human
system. Tho mcro drinking n cup
of hot water each morning, plenty
of puro water all day, and a Httlo
Anurlc beforo every meal has been
found tbo most cffcctlvo means of
overcoming kldnoy trouble Death,
would occur If tho kidneys did not
work day and night in separating
poisons and uric acid from tho blood.
Tho danger signals aro backacho,
depressions, pains, heaviness, drowsi
ness, irritability, headaches, chilli
ness, rheumatic twinges, swollen
joints or gout.
Slnco it is such a slmplo matter to
step into your fdvorlto drug storo and
obtain Anurlc, unyono who earnestly
desires to regain health and now llfo
will wasto no tlmo in beginning this
Avocn, Iown. "I wish to tell that I
suffered from backacho and kidney
trouble for years. I henrd of Doctor
Plerco's Anurlc Tablets and I tried
them. They cured my backacho; thoy
do all that is required of them. I
hopo pcoplo that aro troubled with
backacho will glvo them a good trial.
I am suro thoy will not foil to benefit."
Dr. Pierce's reputation is back of
this new medicine nnd you know that
his Pleasant Pellets for tho liver nnd
his Favorite Prescription for tho ills
of women havo had a splendid reputa
tion for tho past CO years.
Send Dr. V. M. Plerco, Buffalo, N. Y.,
10 cents for trial package tnblots.---Ady.
"Have you given up dancing?"
"Yes. High cost of leather. Can't
afford to wear my shoes out."
Hub tho wlndowpnnes well with
old newspapers it will let in the sunshine.
In Style.
"Was her dlnnor formal?"
"Formal? Why, oven tho snlads
weren't half dressed."
For renovating a lawn at any sea
son a now sod roller has spikes that
punch holes In tho soil.
Doctor Says Nuxated Iron Will
Increase Strength of Delicate
People 200 in Ten Days
In Many Instances Persona Have
Suffered Untold Agony for Years
Doctoring for Nervous Weak
ness, Stomach, Liver or Kid.
ney Disease or Some Other
Ailment When Their Real
Trouble Was Lack of
Iron in the Blood
How to Tell.
NEW YORK, N. Y. In a recent dls
courso Dr. E. Snucr, Specialist, of this
city Bald: If you wcro to mako an ac
tual blood test on all pcoplo who aro
III you would probably bo greatly as
tonished nt tho exceedingly largo num
ber who lack Iron and who aro 111 for
no other reason than tho lack of iron,
Tho moment iron Is supplied all their
multltudo of dangerous symptoms dls
appear. Without Iron tho blood at onco
loses tho power to chango food into liv
ing tlssuo and thercforo nothing you
eat docs you any good; you don't get
the strength out of It. Your food
merely passes through your system
llko corn through a mill with tho
rollers so wldo apart that tho mill can't
grind. As a result of tills continuous
blood and norvo starvation, pcoplo be
como generally weakened, nervous nnd
all- run down and frequently develop
all sorts of conditions. Ono Is too
thin; another is burdened with un
healthy fat; Bomo aro so weak thoy
can hardly walk; somo think thoy havo
dyspepsia, kldnoy or liver troublo;
somo can't sleep at night, others aro
sleepy and tired all day; somo fussy
and irrltablo; somo skinny and blood
less, but all lack physical power and
endurance. In such cases, it is worso
than foolishness to tnko stimulating
medicines or narcotic drugs, which only
whip up your fagging vital powers for
tho moment, maybo at tho oxpenso of
your llfo later on. No matter what
anyone tells you, if you aro not strong
and well you owo it to yourself to
mnko tho following test: Seo how long
you can work or how far you can walk
without becoming tired. Next take
two flvo-grain tablets of ordinary nux
ated iron threo times por day after
meals for two weeks, Then test your
strength again and seo for yourself
how much you havo gained. I have
seen dozens of norvous, run-down pco
plo who wcro ailing all the tlmo double.
and oven triple their strength and en
durance and entirely got rid of their
symptoms of dyspepsia, liver and other
troubles in from ton to fourteen days'
tlmo Blmply by taking iron in the
proper form, and this, after thoy bad
in sonio casos been doctoring for
months without obtaining any benefit
You can talk as you pleaso about all
tho wonders wrought by now remedies,
but when you como down to hard facts
thoro b nothing llko good old iron to
put color In your cheeks nnd good
sound, healthy flesh on your bones. It
is also a great nervo and stomach
Btrcngthcncr and tho best blood builder
in tho world. Tho only troublo was
that tho old forms of inorganic iron
llko tincture of iron, Iron acetate, etc.,
often ruined people's teeth, upsot their
stomachs and wero not assimilated and
for theso reasons they frequently did
moro harm than good. But with tho
discovery of tho nowcr forms of or
ganic iron all this has been overcome
Nuxated Iron, for example, Is pleasant
to tnko, docs not injuro tho teeth and
is almost immediately beneficial.
NOTE The manufacturers of Nuxated
Iron havo such unbounded oondjenco In
Its potoncy that thoy authorize the an
nouncement that they will forfeit 1 100.00
to any Charitable Institution If thoy can
not take any man or woman under sixty
who lacks Iron and Increase their strength
200 por cent or ovor In four weeks time,
provided they have no serious organto
trouble. Also they will refund your
money In any case tn whlcjt Nuxated Iron
does not at least double your strength In
ton days' time. It is dispensed by most
druggists. If your druggist or general
storo ,1s without a supply, ask them to
get It for you. Adv.